Too Hot to Handle: Germany (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Troublesome Threesome

The thing is, I don't want to hurt you,
so I sometimes try to resolve things
within myself first, to clear my head.
You can't resolve things by yourself
when they also affect others.
I have a whole lot of empathy.
I'm sensitive myself.
But there are some boundaries where I say,
I need to think of myself too.
I'm sorry, really.
That's all I can tell you.
I have to be honest,
it's too late for me now.
I mean, this thing with us,
I'd consider it over now.
I feel betrayed,
played like a chess piece
that just got moved around
just how he wanted.
I am confused.
Everything was fine
until Sophie came here.
To me, Sophie just represents
ultimate seduction, okay?
You just aren't capable really
of being open and honest with me.
For me, that's the foundation,
the be-all and end-all.
And there is no other way than to end it.
I am really sorry.
It's a real shame to just give up on this.
But I can understand her viewpoint
and I just have to accept it.
What a shame.
It seemed like Anna and Fabio
had such a rosy future ahead of them.
And now? The end.
Separate beds.
Good night and sweet dreams.
Inasmuch as that's possible tonight.
I've never been this tired here.
My night was different
than all the others before.
I feel like I have to process this first.
The night was good, even if
we did not sleep next to each other.
Of course, because that way
newly single Fabio
could focus on long-time single Sophie.
Hey, whatever happened
to the good old friend zone?
I did friend zone him, or we both
ended up friend zoning each other,
but cuddling with friends
is still pretty nice.
You just sleep better
as a pair than by yourself.
Tell that to Fabio in his lonely bed.
Good morning.
-Morning, Lana.
-Good morning.
We're entering the next stage
of development in my retreat.
So let me ask you, looking back,
what have you learned so far?
We love our yoni.
I learned that it's nice
and great to open up emotionally,
but that it's also okay
to draw boundaries.
Because I also have to protect myself
in a way,
and that's totally okay.
Aww, did you hear that, Lana?
Anna is making progress
thanks to your workshops.
I really got to know myself super well
and I'm just a different person.
I've learned not to run away whenever
a difficult situation presents itself
that my head wants to protect me from,
but instead to just face the situation
and see to it
that you can get through it together.
That's better than sex, isn't it?
I learned to also think with my head
and with my heart a little,
not just with my dick.
I learned that I can also grow by myself,
that I definitely have a lot of strength
within me
and you don't necessarily always need
a partner for that.
We have learned a lot indeed.
I'm proud of us.
While you were asleep,
I recalculated the data
regarding your behavior thus far.
She's working around the clock.
-That night owl.
Some people have made progress
and others have not.
What does that mean?
Work with that information.
I'll leave you now to yourselves with it.
Cool, right? It's a new suspense app.
I still remember in the very beginning,
us girls sitting over there
and gossiping about who we were into.
I think it's crazy that the two of us
knew so strongly and right away…
-Our gut feeling.
-Our gut feeling told us that…
-Our yoni instinct.
-Yeah, our yoni instinct.
Oh, my God. My poor yoni.
Yeah, mine is tense too.
-Hey, Onyi.
Oli and I haven't really clarified
what's going on between us yet.
Of all the boys here,
I'm most interested in him.
That's why I badly want to have a talk
with him.
-Oh, the ground is hot.
-The ground is hot, right?
Yes, the ground is hot. What else?
Small talk about stock prices?
-A little to cool off?
-A little.
-Oh yeah.
-Nice, right?
I find it a little difficult
to get through to Oliver.
We're making a small bit of progress,
but it's very slow going.
Yeah. The couples, huh?
But sometimes when you look over,
you do get a bit jealous.
When you see how sweet they are
with each other
and how they flirt and cuddle
and all that, right?
You can just tell with them,
there's this fire.
Yeah, Oli, how do they manage that?
And you don't?
Yeah, I would go on the offensive
a little more,
but there hasn't been a lady yet
where there was a real spark.
Not even the lady who shared your bed?
Oh, I see.
I've never slept with a woman
for three days without anything happening.
I just really like you as a person,
I appreciate you as a person so much.
But for me,
there isn't anything more than that.
Yeah. No, I noticed that myself,
that you were closed off
and somehow you weren't quite proactive.
Careful, a bug.
-It's sitting on you.
It flew off already.
You didn't taste so yummy after all.
Charming… not!
Despite that, I am still glad
that I had this experience with Oliver,
because I learned
that you should listen to your heart
and only act on it if there is a spark.
So we can cross off Onyi and Oli.
For them, it is already game over.
And the rest?
Akka and Sophie started out strong
and then went on a steep decline.
Everything's possible here.
Stella and Tobi worked hard to get
the first green light in the retreat,
despite some challenges.
Props to them!
Emely and Kevin are making more progress,
but just can't keep their hands
off each other!
Which has been expensive.
And Anna and Fabio?
I don't want to talk about it.
It is still far too painful.
The only thing more painful
is looking at the prize money.
My, oh my.
My analysis shows that not all the guests
are engaging with my retreat.
So I'm asking them to the palapa.
I don't like that tone of voice
with Lana at all.
Something's up.
I hope nobody here broke the rules.
-Hi, Lana.
Oh, Lana, what are you up to now?
Since our last meeting,
I have intensified my observation.
Oh, no.
In particular, I have analyzed the moments
when you felt like nobody was watching.
That was illuminating.
Lana visions.
Anyone got anything to say?
Oliver, have you maybe done
something yourself?
The pressure is mounting, but no.
Here is the result of my analysis.
-Now I'm curious.
-So am I.
Some guests have opened up
to others emotionally.
Furthermore, some participants
have used their time here
to become at peace with themselves.
That is very pleasing.
Be that as it may…
Here it comes.
-She did not just say that.
-"Be that as it may".
-Precursor to something bad again.
-That means something unpleasant.
The highest priority is
for all the participants
in my retreat program
to fully open up emotionally.
-Unfortunately, my data show…
One guest isn't making progress.
And that has consequences.
Oh, shit.
What does that mean, Lana?
That one of you
has to leave my retreat immediately.
-You can't be serious.
Holy shit.
It could be anyone.
This participant had the chance to grow,
but has ultimately decided
against making further progress.
The people who could leave
the retreat are:
And me.
I hope that my name doesn't come up there.
I definitely feel like
she could be talking about me.
I'm scared.
The participant
who'll be leaving my retreat is…
I am so lost for words right now.
I just never would have expected that.
I didn't think I would be this sad.
I am sorry for everything I have done.
I regret that I wasn't honest
with Anna right away,
and that she suffered because of me.
Fabio, in the beginning
you did try to build
a deeper relationship with Anna.
Unfortunately, you gave up too quickly.
You showed great deficiency
in being able to open up emotionally.
And that had negative ramifications.
For Anna too.
All these feelings inside,
that's not really my thing.
He doesn't want to open up.
-Not honestly open up.
I don't know if I will really be able
to manage to change in here.
I definitely want to be able to shed
this superficiality,
that I can just go through that process.
Fabio, it is time
for you to leave my retreat.
The reasons Lana gave,
I can totally confirm those.
To all remaining participants,
use your time well
to push further in your inner development.
If I could do something differently,
I would talk to her openly
and honestly from the start
and wouldn't try to fight
those battles within myself
while hurting others by doing so.
The thing with Fabio
is just that he wasn't honest.
Lana also saw that,
and some of you saw that too.
Look, I also felt some uncertainty
because of Sophie,
but for me, it became clear pretty quickly
I didn't want something with Sophie
because I just wanted to focus on Stella.
And I think,
he went back and forth too much.
At first, it was okay again,
then again, he hit a phase like this
and I think that's what was so tough.
Everyone knew the situation with Anna
wasn't all that straightforward.
Yeah, that's it.
Doesn't matter now.
I definitely feel very sorry for Anna
because she's taking this very badly.
It's plain to see that you were hurt
for the last couple of days
by this whole situation.
And the fact of the matter is,
what he did wasn't okay.
Yeah, because I would also tell him
I could offer him so much
in terms of openness and honesty,
but the rest was something
he had to sort out himself.
There were moments where I thought
I couldn't get through to him,
and that sucks.
You just deserve so much more.
You deserve someone who will do anything
for you to be happy, you know?
I'll always be there for Anna.
I truly love her more than anything.
I think you are definitely better off
this way.
I'm concentrating on the moment
and that this way
I'll slowly start to feel better again.
We're all making each other yawn.
The shock is just the most intense thing
that's still lingering,
along with missing him,
and everything just reminds me of him.
I'll have to figure out
how to move forward.
What's going on
with you two lovebirds again?
-Best friends.
Akka and Sophie, dude!
I swear, I need to get sponsored
by some headache meds with these two.
As friends, you have the opportunity
to get to know each other much better.
Well, we're cuddling
because that's what we did before too.
Oh, I see.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Good morning, Lana.
My software includes functions
that are supposed to have
a positive effect on the mood of people.
-Here we go.
I David Hassle-hope that a lot around here
will change Pamela Ander-soon.
Funny pun mode completed.
Now preparing a pool party for you.
What's up!
I'm so up for this party!
This will definitely be
a wet and merry delight.
Let's hope that Lana is waterproof.
Look here, madam has come prepared.
-Guys, I am so excited for this party!
-Me too.
Just a day party, a pool party.
-I love those. The vibes.
-Pool party, yeah.
My head is definitely clearer now
than I imagined it would be.
I certainly haven't forgotten about Fabio,
but more and more I see now
that some things in our relationship
weren't exactly very healthy.
What are you thinking, for example,
if there were new people coming?
Would you even be interested?
Or are you like,
you have to take care of yourself for now.
Well, I think I am interested in principle
and open to it,
but while taking it slowly.
And I'd be honest about the fact
that I just went through something.
And Sophie and Akka?
I saw that you two were cuddling.
Guys, I don't understand it myself.
I hate him during the day and…
-You love him in the evening.
-"I hate him, really".
No, he really
is completely different at night.
I can't deal with that loud, like…
Always this aggressive demeanor,
I can't deal with that.
The thing between Akka and me
isn't really friends with benefits.
It's more of a love-hate relationship.
I'm quite confused myself.
-To an awesome party!
That's a party to my liking.
Everyone half naked, everyone wet,
everyone horny.
Getting wet is inevitable with this party,
but I don't struggle with that either way.
Oh! That's how you party.
With me and Stella, we're a hair's breadth
away from mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
I'd throw that little cone into the pool
without a second thought,
but she was wearing a lifesaver,
so she'll probably survive.
Uh-oh. Lana, what are you up to?
Here come some more party guards.
Cunning little Lana.
Oh, my God, guys!
-What's happening?
-What do you see?
Oh, my gosh!
New snacks!
We're hungry!
-Hey, Lana.
-Hi, Lana.
Hey, Lana.
My readings show
you're doing well as lifeguards.
And that's despite heavy waves.
-We've all had our first aid training.
-Of course.
Your beach watcher spotted
that I have invited
three new guests to my retreat.
-All right!
But be careful.
Oh, Lana.
I think Lana
is stirring up something again.
To welcome the new guests,
I'll be sending two of you on a date.
Oh, wow.
Lana, you really have a talent
for ruining parties.
The first new guest is called Samira.
-Sami, watch out.
She'll go on a date with…
My boyfriend.
-That was so obvious.
-Of course, so obvious.
Man, me going on a date now?
Under the current circumstances… tricky.
I think it's stupid.
It's all right.
I'll just look at it as a test.
If anything happens, well,
I'll have my answer.
Have fun.
Let out the tiger.
Let him go, my darling.
If you don't mention
that you're with somebody in here,
then you won't be with somebody
in here anymore.
New arrival number two is…
Marco Polo.
Marco will go on a date with…
I have a bad feeling.
-Yes, of course.
-That was so obvious.
Why are you doing this to me?
Yeah. Great.
Tobi is crazy tense.
-Tobi is very tense.
He's about to freak out.
That just really hits my two weak points,
trust and jealousy.
-Go wild!
-Have fun, little angel!
"Have fun, little angel"?
I mean, she can still have fun.
Poor Tobi.
Samira and Marco are in my retreat
to cause a bit of a stir
and to put your existing relationships
to the test.
My third guest is called Paddy.
It is not clear from my data analysis
who he will connect with.
Here, Lana! Please think of me.
Okay, Lana,
a date to offer some distraction
would really do me some good.
Anna, Laura, Onyi, Sophie and Emely,
you're about to meet Paddy
and his lifeguarding skills.
Finally, some newbies. Thank you, Lana!
And don't forget to stay dry.
We are doing our best.
By the way,
my new guests are already aware
that they're on Too Hot to Handle.
I knew it.
Lana, may I introduce to you,
the Cristiano Ronaldo
of Too Hot to Handle.
Everything has to be perfect for me.
If my hair isn't perfectly on point,
I'm not leaving the house.
When I keep eye contact with women,
they start to believe in love
at first sight.
With women, I am like a lion.
I set my sight, hunt,
and then it's time to nibble.
What a breathtaking woman.
-You're Marco?
-How are you?
-I'm Marco, and you are?
-Nice to meet you.
Let's sit down.
-You look good.
-Thank you. You too.
Hot body.
And those eyes.
What's the situation like in the villa?
We are six girls and four boys.
So, we have a surplus of girls.
-You're spoilt for choice.
-Okay. If you say so.
And we're all extremely hot.
Okay. Yeah.
Lana is watching us all the time.
But that's not so bad, right?
-It's all good.
-How do you feel about it?
Let's just say I didn't come here
to follow rules, right?
I feel pretty laid-back about it.
-You're a little rule breaker?
-You could say that, yeah.
What does your type of man look like?
-Well, your eyes are really beautiful.
I love when a guy has eyes
that catch your attention.
Other than that, tall.
-How tall are you?
-I'm 1,85 meters.
Lana, this really is the ultimate test.
How do you seduce a woman
when you meet someone?
How do I seduce a woman?
First I maintain eye contact.
And when eye contact has been established,
then I think you already notice
a certain attraction,
if one has the desire
to get to know the other.
And then I go over to her
and give her a compliment or two,
get a little closer to her,
and, yeah,
then whatever is going to happen, happens.
In the best case,
nothing should happen here!
Works pretty well, I'd say.
I don't think it will be easy
to resist him,
but I'll do my best.
Hey! Hands off!
-Well, I think you're…
-No one will know.
No one will know? Lana sees everything!
Yeah, maybe her battery is dead.
Shit! That strategy did not pan out.
Well, right from the start there has been
someone with whom I got along very well.
We also share a bed right now.
Let me put it like this,
I think I will have more to offer you
once we get to know each other better.
-But just wait and see.
Sure, Stella doesn't make it easy for me.
And there are other women
in the villa too.
But once I have set my sight on my target,
I don't give up that easily.
I don't really like the fact
that Lana's sending in new guys.
Yeah, but it was sure to happen,
but you're a fly guy, don't worry.
Yeah, no.
I'm less worried about myself here.
I'm more worried about Tobi and Stella,
because Stella is the one who…
Yeah, that will be interesting.
I think this is now going to be a test
for the both of us
where we'll have to make sure
that we overcome our fears,
or overcome our attitudes
we had before this.
I just don't know if anything happened,
and if something did happen, then…
What would it mean to you
if something happened?
Well, then it'd be over for me.
Clear message, Tobi!
I'm going in to break every rule there is.
I won't have an air freshener
tell me what to do.
My greatest weapon is my breasts.
I'm just straight-up beautiful, right?
Everything that has happened so far
was only foreplay,
because I am the happy ending.
I'm looking forward to the date.
Meeting a new person.
Beautiful woman.
His body looks really…
Really fine.
-Let me scoot over a bit closer to you.
-Yeah, sure thing.
-You are so handsome.
-Thank you.
That helped me settle my nerves
a bit just now.
I can only return that compliment.
I feel her making eye contact. Dangerous.
Man, you have such beautiful eyes.
They are so green.
They just look like little emeralds
when you look into them.
Although, fuck, are emeralds even green?
Somebody is interested in your jewels.
I'd just like to kiss him
because he looks so good.
What's your plan here?
-I have…
-You already know where we are.
Yes, I'll be collecting
so many rule violations.
Did they break your heart
telling you what show this is?
No, but why not?
Hey, we are in Mexico, in paradise.
Why shouldn't we?
You are here to have fun, aren't you?
Someone's on the offensive.
She totally is in for an attack.
Well, I'm into more dominant guys.
And I'm into…
lots of experimenting.
-You mean sex toys and stuff?
-Yeah, for sure.
-Yes, definitely.
And into threesomes.
-Why not?
-Okay. Oh, shit.
-Well, yeah.
Yeah, I was also very open,
but I already met someone here.
And yeah, there are no relationships
here yet or anything.
-So, it's all still chill for everyone.
But I am not really in the mood anymore
to make much of a move
with any other person.
The old Kevin
would have taken the opportunity
and would have gone on the offensive.
And the new Kevin
is holding up a stop sign.
I am really close with her.
So, you wouldn't kiss me, for example?
-In this situation now, I wouldn't, no.
But you are a beautiful woman
and you have beautiful lips.
But right now, I have to take it easy,
because I don't want to hurt her either.
So, the first time I was ever rejected,
was today, with Kevin.
And yeah, it's really shitty,
because that has never happened
to me before.
I think you're missing out.
I hope you will change your mind.
I would definitely like
to get to know you.
Yeah, it's a real temptation.
But my thoughts are with Emely.
Kevin has passed Lana's test,
but will Samira give up that easily?
-He looks even better from up close.
-He doesn't look half bad, yeah.
Yeah. The boys better watch out.
Girls, I've come to rescue you.
I am Paddy,
and I am an explosive mix of a hot body,
charm and confidence.
My fantastic qualities
are definitely my muscles,
my eyes, my smile.
Everything, really.
I am the best,
because women lick their lips sore for me.
Speed dating?
I would say, that's exactly my thing.
Oh, my God, he looks so good.
Okay, girls,
who wants to go down there first?
-Hey, mama.
I volunteer.
Oh, yes. Very cute.
What's your type?
I'm definitely into brunettes.
Nice curves.
That's my type. And yours?
Right in front of me.
I think he's going to be dangerous.
-I hear a slight accent. Where is it from?
-From Argentina.
Okay, Lana. Look away for a bit.
This could become something.
What were your intentions going into this?
With the intention of living
sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll.
Love it.
But I really came here with the intention
of having a little more fun for myself.
So, it follows that I'd obviously try
and maybe find the right partner for that.
Huh? So you're into Laura or not?
All right. Next.
He definitely looks very cute.
He's here to find someone
who's up for breaking the rules.
He said he likes curves and brunettes.
Really beautiful legs, beautiful body.
Do you plan on following Lana's rules?
Tricky. I think we will argue a bit.
-We don't have much money left.
Yeah, I already got that,
but there's some newbies here now,
so I think maybe it should be possible
to broaden one's horizons,
if I may call it that.
The new guy gets a grace period, right?
Puppy license?
-We still have a bit of leeway, right?
What's your type?
When the woman is the sporty type.
Like, when she likes to take care
of her appearance.
And knows her own worth.
-What's your type?
Well, for me,
it's more about someone's presence.
And what kind of presence do I have?
I'm not sure yet.
I'm looking at Paddy,
but for some reason I think about Akka.
What are you doing in my head?
-All good? Hi!
Speed dating with Paddy?
That's going to be very hot.
You have a very beautiful smile.
-I noticed straight away.
Oh, you have such cute freckles!
Thank you. You also have some, right?
Yeah, very cool.
I have to say in all honesty, Onyi,
judging the body, appearance… nice.
-What city are you from?
-From Hamburg.
-Me too.
-You too? Okay, wow. That's crazy.
-Yeah, cool.
What a coincidence
that Paddy is also from Hamburg.
Bonus point.
-What does that say?
-It has my name on it, Onyi.
-Nice necklace. I like it.
-I got it from my mom.
-That's cute.
-I got that one from my mom too.
-How cute! Oh, my gosh.
I think I was able to enchant Paddy
a little with my glances.
We had very intense eye contact.
-He's from Hamburg, guys!
-No way! You know him?
Do you know him?
No, I don't know him,
but he's totally my type.
He's totally my type.
Onyi and Paddy. Maybe a dream team?
Wow. Great presence.
Definitely also has a nice body.
Yeah, what's your type?
What did you plan to go for,
what do you like?
I'd have to say
I am definitely a huge fan of blondes.
Ah. Okay.
And brunettes.
And sporty girls. With curves.
I have lots of blonde hair,
that's for sure.
I think things between Anna and me,
that could become interesting.
I'm a very nature-loving person.
I usually don't wear any makeup.
That's what I actually prefer, but…
Very good.
You look beautiful.
So make-up isn't really necessary.
-You have really beautiful eyes. Honestly.
Thank you. You too.
I really like brown eyes.
-You do?
I'd maybe like to get to know Paddy
a little bit more beforehand.
And then maybe he could sleep in my bed.
It's empty anyway.
I think we'll have a great time
with each other.
-That's my gut feeling.
But for now, I think there are
a couple more ladies that I have to meet.
But thus far, I think there definitely is…
-Something there for you?
Yeah, I think so, too.
Let's see how it goes.
Okay, the biggest fact drop is,
he told me he's totally into blondes.
Oh, Paddy. Quite the player.
Tells every girl
exactly what she wants to hear.
What's up?
-All good?
-Yeah. And you?
-Me, too. Thanks.
What have I missed?
-Here during this time?
I broke the world record, worldwide.
For petting, for example.
Okay. But no sex yet?
-Okay. Would sex be…
-I'm a virgin.
-You're a virgin?
Just kidding.
Ha, ha. Good one.
Yeah, very funny.
So, now that you've met everyone.
Who among the girls is your favorite?
I think I'm going to keep my options open.
Yeah? Okay. And what's your type?
I'm definitely into sporty women.
I'm also a huge fan of women
being a little more profound.
Okay, Lana. Cut.
We can stop this right here.
You'd rather give me Kev back.
Okay, five completely different women.
But I have to say, as of right now,
Anna is my clear number one.
"As of right now"?
Someone doesn't want to commit himself?
So, Patrick is really hot.
I am so taken with him.
So far, he has been
the most interesting man in this group.
-Visually, he's definitely very nice.
I get the feeling that Onyi
will be very serious competition,
because they are both from Hamburg,
so I don't know.
He did already mess up a little
by saying he's into brunettes
and curves one time,
the next time blondes
and then sporty types.
-Okay, make up your mind.
It was not just brunette,
but brunette and curvy.
-That is so…
-Yeah, with me, he said sporty.
-But we are all sporty anyways.
-Yeah, right.
Paddy really is a total player.
I'm also so curious to see
what Marco looks like.
-And Samira, Emely.
Well, I'm hoping I'll be sleeping
next to Kev.
Yeah, definitely. What else.
In any case,
I still have a free spot available.
The sleeping arrangements,
those will definitely be
very exciting tonight.
Paddy. Nice to meet you.
I'm looking forward to this retreat.
I think we're going to have
an amazing time together.
I'm excited to see
what'll happen going forward.
Do you guys have any questions for me?
What do you want here?
No, I mean it in a totally nice way.
Like, what are you looking for.
"Hey, what do you want here?"
-"Why are you even here?"
I think first and foremost
I am here to have some fun, of course.
But I'm also not against the idea
of finding closer connections.
So, I'll let things happen.
Paddy is totally my type.
He has a really cute smile.
I will definitely go on the offensive
with Paddy.
And for Paddy, I would even use my joker.
For you, what does a woman need to offer?
A very good presence,
and sporty, of course.
Good. Looking around among this group,
do you think
there'd be someone here for you?
First and foremost, as a group,
we're looking to make sure
that the rules aren't broken.
Of course.
Because we've already suffered
quite a bit. Putting that out there.
And we are now at a point
where every cent just hurts.
Sure, I totally get that,
but you have to understand me too.
Paddy is cheeky,
and he'd better take it down a notch.
-How are you, Anna?
-You're in a good mood?
-This will be cool.
I am hot.
I think we are all constantly hot.
And it's so weird that you can't
help yourself out, you know what I mean.
Maybe the rules only apply
after a short adjustment period?
Samira and Kevin. Look closely, Emely.
Anything going on?
-Hi, Kevin.
-Oh, how beautiful.
-Hey, girl.
I'm Samira and I'm a dancer.
Straight away, Emely gave me this look,
like, "That's my guy".
Kevin, please come defuse Emely.
Kevin, please!
Whoa. Uh-oh. I'm scared!
I have to talk to him first.
Hello, stranger.
-Pillow protection.
-What's up?
-All good with me. How are you?
I need to keep the distance
until you tell me how your date was.
Were you worried?
Well, I wasn't scared.
Like, my gut feeling
was really good all day.
But I still didn't like it.
I was just like, "Why is this happening?
Why did he have to go on a date now?"
I just missed you the entire time.
So how was it?
She's nice.
We were talking.
And then she became more forward.
That I was totally her type and stuff.
She would have kissed me for sure.
That's what she said.
-That she wants to kiss you?
-Oh, really?
Samira, whatever your name is.
And did you flirt back?
I made clear
that nothing is going to happen,
because I want to see
what's developing between us.
I trust Kevin,
but I don't know about Samira.
Samira has great charisma, she's pretty.
Her eyes, they shine like crazy.
Let's see if there's this fire or not.
Two of the three newbies
came in as real sex-bombs.
Now I'm curious to see
how Tobi reacts to Marco.
Seeing Marco and Stella
together like that,
that does really hurt me, it's hard.
If Kevin had been
as happy as Stella… Whoa!
So how did your date go?
I thought it went pretty well.
-What does that mean?
Do you know
that she's part of a couple here?
She mentioned it in passing, yeah.
-What does that mean to you?
We'll see, right?
We will.
-Is she in there too?
You can't tell anyone, okay?
Really getting to know each other
on the first night.
We can only pray
that Tobi doesn't walk in now.
That would be too crazy.
Be quiet back there.
You didn't see anything.
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