Tooth Pari: When Love Bites (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

I want my revenge!
They killed a member
of my Cutmundus group.
My oldest and sweetest friend
has been murdered.
I told you that
I have nothing to do with them.
Before lying to me,
have a look at the lab report
of your miracle drug.
The report mentions
that there's blood mixed in this drug.
Blood, that has a cell structure
very different from human blood.
And the blood has
an impossibly low hemoglobin.
This kind of blood can be sourced
from only one species.
Madam Luna,
you must know how many people die
from Sickle Cell disease the world over.
AD, the social worker. Wow!
Are you making this drug
to save people's lives
or to fill up your Swiss account?
Oh my.
What is wrong if I earn a little money
after saving the lives of millions?
I'm not here to discuss
your right and wrong.
All I know is that whosoever killed Haru,
has converted a human, too.
I want to know whom this belongs to.
And whoever that is, should not survive!
The high tide of love
Will flood you both
Loosen your anchor
Hey, Rumi,
where were you last night?
Here only.
In my cell. Where else?
You weren't out playing games
with your dentist?
No, David,
I was right here.
Then who was playing around
with your dentist last night?
Forget everything
Hoist your sail
I went to deep-hyp him.
After all he is human.
He had seen and learnt
everything about us.
Then Meera told me that whatever
was on between the two of you was over.
For what period have you deep-hyp'ed him?
David, has he really forgotten me?
when a storm blows over,
some trees fall.
But those that survive the storm,
their roots
grow deeper.
Just like love.
Roy is a good guy.
You gave up on him
just because you had a rough night.
But, David, you deep-hyp'ed him.
I have done no such thing.
I was joking. Come on.
Our secret is safe with him.
But, David, there is no future.
You know what happened to Abdul Hakim.
Neither are you Abdul Hakim
nor the Rumi you were
before you came here.
You are a warrior.
You'd start a war for love.
Here you are Come have a seat.
Mr. Fake Headquarter Officer.
Let me now call a real cop
to do your fake encounter.
What is it?
Would you have helped
an officer from Lake Police Station
with a Shyampukur Police Station case?
You've read the report
and you know that the girl
who was burnt wasn't human
but some other species.
Haru's case can get us to that.
Mr. Chowdhury.
Please help me out, brother.
Can you see these red holes on the neck?
The killer went for the carotid artery
and kept attacking the artery line.
The artery got cut and the oxygen supply
to the brain stopped immediately.
Can these holes be made by teeth?
Like someone bit him?
When we bite, the pressure
from all the teeth is equal.
If this was done by teeth, they were done
by a pair of long and sharp canine teeth.
If we got hold of the head of that girl,
you would have seen them yourself.
Where is Ora?
What is it, sir?
You are useless. Where's Ora?
What is it, AD?
I want to speak only to Ora.
Don't follow me.
Not again, Ora. You are sleeping again!
There is a state
between being awake and asleep.
Pay heed to what's going on around you.
If you can't handle things,
I'll announce the elections
to find another leader for your clan!
Calm down, AD.
High blood pressure is not good for you.
After all, you are human.
You can't even become like us,
thanks to the oath
taken by your ancestors.
That doesn't mean you can catch anyone
and make them like you.
Where is it?
Look at this!
One of your members from Neeche
has gone Upar and killed a human.
And whomsoever this tooth belongs to,
has caught another person
and converted him to your species.
Now God only knows what all
that new convert is doing Upar!
He is not doing anything.
That new member is here with us.
It will hurt a lot, isn't it, Doctor?
Mrs. Gupta, nothing like that
Guptoo. Not Gupta.
Sorry. Guptoo.
Won't hurt at all
you will not feel a thing.
I've given you local anesthesia
and inhalation sedation.
That's it. It'll be effective soon.
Just a minute.
Actually, Doctor, I teach singing.
And every time I sing, it pains so much.
For example
That night, some more
More pain
This pain is temporary
Here today, gone tomorrow.
The real pain is here
Pain of the heart.
Of all the dentists in the world,
why did you have to come to me?
And when you saw
what a useless dentist I am
I passed out twice in front of you.
But, okay, fine
For some strange,
weird, dumb reason
you wanted only me to fix your tooth.
All right. But why involve my parents?
You tell me, why?
Why, Mrs. Guptoo?
She could just have said, "Doc Roy,
I can't act to be a loser's girlfriend."
I would get that.
But now who will tell my parents
that their lovely daughter-in-law
is not lovely from any angle.
Doc Roy!
I don't want to break up with you.
You didn't feel the need to ask me
before adding a new member?
I would have definitely asked you
if it was necessary.
This was sudden.
Sudden? You think I am stupid?
I had to fetch Shah Neeche
at the last moment.
It was for everyone's well-being
that he was brought down here.
You are taking decisions
beyond your powers.
You cannot decide by yourself
who will stay here and who won't.
How old are you?
Sixty or 70 years?
I've been here for more than 300 years.
I've been their leader for ages.
Had my ancestors not sold
those three villages to the British,
not just you, but the whole of Kolkata
would have been bowing to my feet.
It doesn't matter
if I'm 60 years old or 360 years old,
you will only do what I say!
Two nights!
That's all you have, to tell me
who amongst you is creating havoc Upar!
Here he is.
- This is Shah.
- Badshah.
Who is he?
Your Daddy!
Oh Daddy!
You met David last night?
that was David?
What did he say?
He was telling me stories
of your human period.
Of course.
Telling stories is his disease.
It's not as bad as the disease
of biting humans, right?
What? Did I say anything wrong?
It's hormonal. I told you that.
It's triggered by some kind of emotion.
Hate, anger, love.
It's my primal instinct.
Primal instinct! Like an animal?
Then you should be in a cage
rather than this dentist's clinic.
Or even better,
we all should be in a cage
so that you can roam freely
without any issue.
Doc, please.
I know what happened
in your human life was not good.
It was really bad.
Had I been in your place,
maybe I would have also hated humans,
but you go on a killing spree
because of some people, that's not right.
How is that fair?
When did I say I want to kill everybody?
My past still haunts me
and maybe, maybe your love can help.
I don't know, Rumi
I don't know.
It's worth a shot, Doc Roy.
Can you promise
that you will never ever bite anyone?
Thought as much.
I couldn't hear you.
I promise.
You do?
Then what about your primal instinct?
Let me show you.
See, this is what you do to me.
And now get used to me and them.
You finish the operation,
and I'll see you then.
Hey, Rumi! Come, I'll drop you home.
I'm good.
Hey, wait.
What are you doing here?
Have the two of you patched up?
Is there a problem if we have?
You said there were some issues, so
That was then, not anymore.
Look, Rumi, stay away from this person.
Let me decide from
whom I need to stay away from.
You don't understand.
The girls he's involved with
aren't humans.
He himself might be a hybrid
Sub-Inspector Kartik Pal,
this isn't your case. This is my life.
One minute.
And what about what happened
between us the other night?
What case was that?
That was nothing.
What do you mean?
Meaning I had a break up,
I was upset and we got drunk, that's it.
That's it?
We had sex, Rumi.
Did we?
Are you sure?
Because you weren't so sure that night.
today I'll tell you what
my friend Nikhil told me years ago.
"Look back at that night as a mistake."
And please move on.
Kartik, just a minute.
I hope you didn't mind me
calling you by your name.
Actually, I don't look at you
as a policeman,
but as Biren's son.
Almost like the son
I never had.
Are you here about Haru?
I saw the bite marks on the neck.
Kartik, you have seen everything.
Now make proper use of your uniform
and help me save this city.
Baba had made the same mistake.
Times have changed, Kartik.
Don't stay caged in the past.
There is a difference
between you and your father.
A few nights back,
a girl had visited your place.
Who was she?
A friend. Why?
Before his death, Haru was following
that same friend of yours.
He was following her and dentist Roy.
In fact, Haru's dead body was found
in the vicinity of that dentist's house.
There is nothing wrong
in sacrificing one member of a family
to save the entire family.
I don't know whom you are trying to save.
But I know that both of you
are fully aware of
everything that is going on here.
But, Ora
Whoever has done this,
I have to hand them over to AD.
You lied to us?
We are aware of everything.
Aware of what?
That I killed one of Sreela's murderers
and the other one is still alive?
You killed a Cutmundu?
That night that man was
with Luna Luka in Roy's chamber.
But, Rumi,
you can't go Upar and kill humans.
This irresponsible behavior
will cost you dearly.
AD knows about the murder.
Does Ora know the killer's name?
He only knows that we know.
And it's getting very difficult
for us, Rumi.
To protect me?
But I'm not done, Meera.
Until I kill Luna Luka
Luna Luka?
She isn't like the other Cutmundus.
- She'll strike like fire.
- Let her
I have no intention
of flowing away like water either.
Time has only made her more powerful.
What about our powers?
Are they of no use?
We haven't used these powers for ages.
The swords have become rusted.
And perhaps new members like you might not
even have any powers.
Get the lock fixed as well.
Doctor, he comes in the morning
and then late at night.
And he is back!
What conversation is going on
behind closed doors?
We were talking about the door only.
Since there's no lock,
just about anyone enters.
If you've again come here drunk
to scare me then
Will you call the police? Go on.
Doctor, what should I do?
First, stop calling him a doctor.
And go outside for now.
I have an appointment with your dentist.
She's fun.
So, Mr. Sparkling Teeth,
you have two options.
You go tell Rumi who you are
and about your ex-girlfriend
who got killed here,
and let her decide
whether she loves you or not.
Or I can arrest you.
Arrest? On what basis?
Well, your ex-girlfriend
attacked and converted a man.
Poor Badshah.
And you murdered the good old librarian.
Murder? Me?
Of course, you did!
Only a monster could have
killed Haru so brutally.
And I know only one monster in this town.
And that's you.
Hello, Mr. Dentist!
Do you hear me?
Or do we need to go to an ENT now?
No, I hear you.
And I can see the full picture as well.
I have my force waiting outside.
No, I'll tell everything to Rumi.
Good call.
She wasn't sure about you anyway.
And you know that?
She had come home for a drink.
Didn't she tell you?
We had a lot of drinks,
chatted a lot and had lots of sex.
Will you release your fangs now?
Bring them out.
You are lying.
Why don't you ask her yourself?
She loves you, so she won't lie to you.
What happened?
It's nothing.
The tea will taste bitter
if you lie to your wife
first thing in the morning.
I was thinking
who will handle all the
responsibilities after me?
Mithu? Who else?
She's being prepped, isn't it?
Just buying an MBA degree
doesn't prepare you for business.
On top of it, she is a girl.
Is our Mithu any lesser than a boy?
There are certain jobs which are
Very dangerous.
You know I'm seeing you after a century.
That's because your day
has started before noon today.
Did you meet my friend's son?
The dentist. The Roy family.
Oh, yeah! I did meet him.
I do not understand
what's the tearing need to get me married?
- Maa
- He wants a man in the house
who can handle his
dangerous work after he's gone.
Gone? Are you going somewhere?
Yes. You and I will pay a visit
to Daaton together.
We haven't met in ages.
And don't you wear short clothes
for the visit.
Sir, you wanted to see me?
Hey, Mister Kartik! Have a seat.
We can get a breathalyzer done
before we start talking.
So, what's happening to the cases in hand?
Sir, I had that Badshah case
and then the librarian Haru
Badshah! What happened to him now?
- He's gone missing.
- Missing?
- Since when?
- Since a few days.
Who's responsible for that?
Have you found out?
It's very complicated.
Really? Tell me about it.
I went to meet him at the hospital
a few days back.
He's very unwell.
How unwell?
He wasn't really human.
His eyes had turned red.
He had these fangs.
In fact, he attacked me.
He attacked you?
- Yes.
- Then?
Then another person a creature actually,
appeared out of a mist
and attacked Badshah.
Very nice!
Then what happened?
Then I passed out.
As in you woke up?
There's so much alcohol
running through your veins,
you're living inside your own
B-movie rather than in Kolkata.
But, sir, I saw it with my
I called you because I got a call
from the Kalyani Genome Lab.
I had supposedly asked
for a genome test for that case
which falls under
Shyampukur Police Station.
A little digging around by Kundu
and we found out
that it was you. You signed off as me.
They have come back, sir.
They who?
Your father's friends?
Yes, sir.
They have come back?
Yes, sir.
They have converted Badshah
and murdered Haru as well.
Kartik, I was wrong.
It's not alcohol,
it's madness running through your veins.
You shouldn't be at a police station,
you should be in a mad house.
You and your father, both of you.
Sub-Inspector Kartik Pal,
I suspend you with immediate effect!
- Sir, please listen to me
- Shut up!
Get out!
You promised me
you would never bite anyone
and then you killed an old man.
No, that's not quite true.
You're saying that
you didn't murder the librarian?
Of course, I murdered him with my teeth.
That's funny, no? "With my teeth."
Technically, one belongs to Sreela.
Rumi, I'm serious.
Doc Roy, there is a chronology issue.
See, I killed the man first
and then made the promise to you.
So technically, I am good.
Technically you're good?
He had murdered Sreela.
So take him to the police.
Get him arrested.
Arrest for what?
Killing a human being
who's officially dead since the 1960s?
By the way, who told you all this?
The guy you had drinks with,
chatted with, who you had sex with.
- Chronology issue?
- Exactly.
See, we had a fight the night before.
Wow! So, every time, we have a fight,
you'll hook up with someone else?
You were running away from me.
You called me a monster, remember that?
I really thought it was over.
I had only gone to his house
to get out information
about Sreela's murderers
but something else only came out
Technically, that wasn't sex either.
I don't understand your technicalities.
He He couldn't rise to the occasion.
You know what I'm saying?
Kartik Sub-Inspector couldn't
Yeah, he was just trying to rile you up.
But he really likes you, so
And I love you.
When will you notice that, Doc Roy?
If my fangs come out, don't get scared.
They will only see.
See what?
I was the one who asked Dadu
to call you all.
I wanted the Cutmundus
back in action again.
If I hadn't, maybe Dadu
would have been still alive today.
Everything that is
meant to happen, happens.
First, my parents passed away
and now Dadu.
My family.
Now Cutmundus is your home
and we all are your family.
Take the rage you feel inside,
wrap it up in patience,
and when the time is right,
gift it to the person
who killed your Dadu.
Grab your stuff and move into my place.
You'll stay with me from tonight.
Your training starts from tomorrow.
I will teach you everything
you need for your journey.
You can come closer. I won't bite you.
Yes, don't worry.
She feels nothing for you.
Neither love, nor rage nor passion.
So, you are safe.
If Ian Zachariah
can still get beautiful women
turned on, then that would be a problem.
Rumi, I'd surely like to die in your arms.
A Baghdadi Jew
gifted a beautiful death
by a young ravishing Kolkata Dracula.
You are so cool.
Had I met people like you before,
then perhaps I might have
still been a human.
You should have met me in my 20s.
They used to call me
"Brando of Beniapukur."
Ian, can you pose as my father
and meet Roy's parents?
When do I have to meet them?
What are you saying?
Last time when you met my father
at the clinic, you had only one son
who was in Australia.
Where did this daughter come from?
I'll change my get-up, and go.
I still have some of my makeup
from my theatre days.
This is our superstar?
- Yes, that's him.
- Really?
Yes. Those were the heady days
of English theatre in Calcutta,
back in the 1960s.
We were part of a theatre group
called The Amateurs.
This picture was taken
on the sets of "Death of a Salesman."
I have even seen that woman somewhere.
Luna Iyer playing Desdemona.
You've possibly seen her on television,
Luna Luka the Witch.
Or as she calls herself
"Wiccan teacher" or something!
What more do you know about her, Ian?
She never performed from the heart.
Luna joined the group because
she was in love
with that guy, Rama Reddiar.
They were crazily in love
and then Rama disappeared,
and soon thereafter,
Luna too left the group.
Would you have more photos
of Luna and Rama?
Here one can hardly make out
what he actually looked like.
If you want to play Othello,
you have to paint your face black.
I'll look in the attic
to see if there are more photos.
Thank you.
It's going to rain buckets tonight.
Waiting for your telephone call
What are you doing here? You'll get sick.
Today you must be so proud of me.
Ask me why?
- What is it?
- I got suspended.
- Why?
- Like father like son.
These then
Yes, I'll take it off.
I'll return everything and this also.
I want to thank you, Baba, thank you.
Thank you, Baba.
How beautifully you passed on
the loser genes to me!
It's just a matter of time before
I become completely crazy like you.
Become a madfucker!
Come, come
Come, come
Rumi, you are only mine!
- I love her, Baba!
- Rumi! Rumi! Rumi!
Rumi's teeth!
Rumi's teeth!
How did you know
I was at the Chinatown Party?
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