Totally Completely Fine (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Totally Completely Fine

I woke up bright and early
this mornin' ♪
♪My little girl
was not in sight ♪
I been lookin' everywhere
mornin', noon and daylight ♪
'Cause she's so fine ♪
She's so fine ♪
Well, she's so fine ♪
Oh, she's so fine
you know I wish she was mine ♪
And that's all! ♪

I get away every day ♪
My holiday
I’m gettin’ paid ♪
I live it up on the go
I’m gettin’ high ♪
I’m never low ♪
Kickin’ off
and I lose control ♪
I’m born to fly
I want it all ♪
Take off and I’m everywhere ♪♪
I’m in the air
I’ll meet you there ♪
I get away every day ♪
My holiday
I’m gettin’ paid ♪
I live it up on the go ♪
I’m gettin’ high
I’m never low ♪
Kickin’ off
and I lose control ♪
I’m born to fly
I want it all ♪
Take off
and I’m everywhere ♪
I’m in the air
I’ll meet you there ♪

Oh you’re back. Oh.
Do you want me
to shut this?
[sniffles, sobs]
Ale, I’m really--
I’m really sorry.
Do not apologise again. Mmm.
I’m proud of you
for taking this time
to work on yourself
But a rejection
is a rejection. Mm?
If I don’t process it now,
it will weigh me down.
A cement mixer
must keep churning no?
Or the stuff
at the bottom will harden
like a rock and get stuck.
Do you do things
like this often?
Of course.
Every day, my love.
Sometimes I will drop
a patient at the hospital
then, sit
and cry for 20 minutes.
I want to do that.

Oh, who’s your daddy? Yeah.
- Those are my sharecrows!
- [groans]
[Vivian] You just won’t
fucking listen to me.
You never fucking listen.

[phone ringing]
Hello! This is Amy.
- Leave a message.
- [beeps]
Hey, it’s me.
Um, you’re not here
which is really fucking weird.
Speaking of,
I had a really weird
conversation with Dane last night.
He sort of ripped into me.
Said I was a bad person.
That I used the accident
for being a dick.
But maybe I’m just
a dick regardless.
I don’t think I’m a dick.
I know I’m not a dick.
maybe I was a bit of a dick
to you last night.
Uh, I found your costume.
It’s really fucking great, Amy.
Goddess of the Underworld.
Ha. Really funny.
Um, I’ll meet you there
at 10:00.
- And I’ll--
- [beeps]
Okay. Guess we’re done.
I think they’re here.
- [Ale] This is them?
- [John] Mm-hm.
Grandad must’ve
Hi, mum and dad.
Sorry this is--
This is silly.
For starters it makes
absolutely no sense
that I’m talking to you here.
If spirits existed,
I think yours would’ve
hightailed out of here
quick smart and
gone to a winery or
Hawaii or somewhere.
But, I-- I never really visit
and I-- I think
it might be easier to, um
You see, this week I realised
that maybe I never really
grieved you?
I mean, I thought I did
but I think what just happened
is that I just rolled on,
because that’s what I do.
And when I think about it,
the last time I actually cried
was when you two were alive
and you took me to see
the Sisterhood of
the Traveling Pants and
those girls had to accept that
they were growing up
and a pair of jeans couldn’t
stop that from happening.
Anyway, none of that means
that I don’t miss you.
Because I do.
I really miss you.
Oh, um this is Alejandro.
Mr., Mrs. Cunningham.
I brought some flowers for you
and nice to meet you.
And I love your son so much.
Okay. [clears throat]
I am going to grieve you.
Now. [clears throat]
Nope. Hang on. [clears throat]
I’ve got this. I’ve got this.
[clears throat]
I know. Okay.
Hang on.
[clears throat, sighs deeply]
[breathing heavily]
My love.
Para, para, para.
Hey, hey stop it.
Stop it. Mm?
I think--
I think it’s not working.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- No?
No, it will. It will.
We-- We’ve still got, um
We’ve got 30 minutes.
We’ve got 30 minutes
before we have to go.
It’ll be fine.
I’ll get it, I’ll get it.
[clears throat]
Okay, listen.
Um, no, listen.
A cement mixer, mm.
That has been off
for a long time,
cannot just start churning again
like, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.
You must allow time
for it to soften.
But how does it soften?
How-- I mean
doesn’t it need sand
and, and, and water
or something?
What’s the real life equivalent?
And don’t old cement mixers
just get chucked out
because they can’t be restarted?
Yeah, but this is
just a metaphor.
Well what if I’m stuck
like this forever?
No. No.
You will grieve them.
Maybe not today
but you will do it.
And when it happens
you’re going to use
all the cement
and build a beautiful path
to a new life together.
I think we’re done
with that metaphor, Ale.
Thank you.
Go get in the car.

tortillas with the boxes.
- Got the
- Yeah. Oh.
Got it.
That means it's electric.
- [sighs]
- It’s electric.
You guys are catering?
Yes, lunch.
For the adults.
Well, don’t worry.
Keeping all superbongs
away from food prep.
[both chuckle]
Interesting costume.
- Thanks! It's, um
- Mm.
- Goddess of the Underworld.
- Right.
- And you two are?
- Oh.
Florence Nightingale
and Queen Victoria.
Inspiring women
in their own right,
but I’ve read
they were perhaps lovers?
- So, queer icons?
- [John] Yeah.
I love that.
[Ale chuckles]
- Shall we?
- Yes.
Right. You’re here early?
I thought they might need help.
Got them a present?
Course I did.
Did you?
- Oh.
- [Ale] Careful, John.
[knocks on door]
Happy birthday, guys!
Hey, Dot.
and let me guess
- Sia.
- Yeah.
- And Kimbra.
- [Laura] Yes.
Somebody That I Used
to Know years.
Turns out,
Florence Nightingale
and Queen Victoria
were getting it on.
Who knew?
- You’re in a good mood.
- [Vivian] No. Not really.
Same mood as always.
She brought them presents.
Oh, yeah! Sorry.
Didn’t have tape.
That’s for you. And for you.
- [Laura] You want to open it?
- What is it?
What do I get mummy?
- Oh, wow!
- [Laura] Oh a "bitch" dummy!
That’s probably
not for children
That’s so great.
That’s really funny.
- [Hendrix] Thanks, Viv.
- And empowering, right?
Now, what can I do to help?
- Ooh.
- All right girls, come on.
I know, I know but
a dad only gets about
eight of these things
before they want you
to hide in your basement
and leave a credit card.
Right! I think that
the June and Dot bunting
is our next priority.
- Ooh.
- Mm-hm.
I’m going to get started
on musical chairs.
Hey, Hendrix? One sec.
Do you think I’m a dick?
I mean at my core do you think
I’m sort of a bad person?
What? What?
N-- No. No.
Viv, I think you’re
an amazing person.
What’s up?
What do you mean?
Your top lip’s all sweaty.
That only happens when
you’re worried about something.
Uh, no, no.
I’m not worried.
No. I’m-- I’m--
I’m not worried at all.
Really? ‘Cause your eyes
are doing that darty thing
like when you’re on pingers?
- Are you on pingers?
- No, Viv. No.
It is my daughters'
birthday party
and there is a lot to get done
before the guests arrive.
- All right?
- Hendrix!
- One more thing.
- What?
You do know
Sia’s cancelled, right?
- John?
- Mm-hm.
She made an offensive film.
Shit! Okay. Um
I’m going to need you two on
lunch prep after that all right?

Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to June
and Dot’s birthday party!
[all cheering]
I am Kimbra. [chuckles]
And I am
I’m Cleopatra!
Okay. I won’t keep you
waiting any longer.
So in "herstorical" order
Don’t lose
your heads, everybody,
it’s Anne Boleyn!
[all cheering]
[Laura] Yay!
It looks like we’ve had
someone cut in line.
it’s Greta Thunberg
and, meow,
it’s a cat
on strike for climate!
[all cheering]
Yay! It's the birthday girls!
Do you think
it happens to everyone?
Have kids and become
obsessed with them
in this totally uninteresting
and demeaning way.
Yeah, can you concentrate, please?
We need some more
cactus ceviches stat.
- Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God what?
- Sweetheart. Which one?
- Dot.
Dot. Dot. Are you okay?
What are you doing
over here?
- Mum’s going away.
- [John] Oh my god.
You just knocked
some vocabulary into her.
Shut up.
What did you just say?
Mum’s going away to a hotel.
Vivian, you’re holding
onto her wrist.
Oh. Sorry.
What was that?
What the fuck was that?
Can you just keep it down?
You are so loud.
He says they don’t fuck,
now she’s going to live
in a hotel!?
I don’t think
it’s that bad.
What part?
We went golfing
the other day and, um
he intimated that
there were problems
and that he was
going to fix it.
Golf? You hate golf.
You said it was
for straight men
who want to experiment
with tweed.
Okay I-- I know
plenty of married couples
who go to a hotel for a rest.
Look at them.
They-- They seem
By "fine" you mean like
he’s on pingers,
then yeah sure. "Fine."
- We have to help them.
- No. No.
No. Absolutely not.
Why not?
I learnt my lesson
on that green.
What the hell
happened out there?
can you just stop being
so weird
and helpful today, please?
What do you mean?
This is just me.
- This is
- [groans]
just how I am.
He’s a grown ass adult, Vivian.
We just have to let him
sort this out himself.
Where’ve you been?
I tried calling you.
Don’t kill me.
I went to the beach house.
I know how much
you loved this thing.
So, can they fit us in?
Yep. 4:00 p.m.
We can get changed
in one of the spare rooms.
Um, was Vivian there?
She was actually.
She said congratulations.
Now back it up
back it up, back it up ♪
Turn around
now run to the front ♪
No Serena Williams,
no hovering.
That's cheating gameplay.
Hey! Hello!
Can I offer either
of you two a Beyonce?
- [John] Hm. What’s in it?
- Ah, lots of vodka.
A little bit of lemonade.
- Ooh.
- Nope.
That’s perfect.
[both chuckle lightly]
You’d think that little kids
would make less rubbish,
but it’s just like
it’s more rubbish
just in, um, in tiny pieces.
[both chuckle]
Ooh, yeah!
Everyone, spin around.
Come on, around you go.
Around you go.
How are you guys?
Good, thanks man.
How are you?
Yeah. No, I--
And don’t-- Don’t kill me.
I just
I wanted to check in.
Oh, yeah, no, we’re good.
Thanks. Dude.
Yeah. I, um,
I took your advice.
Spoke to her and, um
I suspected, she’s--
She’s feeling a bit tired,
you know.
A bit burnt out
by the girls, so
she’s going to-- She’s going to
stay at a hotel for the weekend
and-- And rest.
- Okay.
- Mm.
No, that’s--
That’s great, Hendrix.
I mean, it must be
hard though.
How long since you two
have slept apart?
Oh, don’t know. Uh
ten years or something?
something like that.
But, eh, I’m not worried,
you know.
Viv said earlier
that I look worried,
and I was like,
"Oh, do I look worried?"
- no, I’m not.
- Okay.
- Got ya. Out.
- [laughing]
My god.
You look beautiful.
There we go.
[rock music playing]
[music stops]
Okay, Cher.
That’s you done.
Chop chop! There’s no
"Everyone gets a medal here."
That’s not life.
Great costume by the way.
"Turn Back Time."
It’s bold.
[music resumes playing]
Hey, babe.
Beyonce? Lots of vodka.
- A little bit of lemonade.
- That’s exactly what I need.
Hey, you were, um,
you were a huge help today.
- That’s what I’m all about.
- [laughs]
Yeah. No totally.
[clears throat]
How are you?
Yeah, I’m fine.
Any plans for the weekend?
Uh, I don’t think so.
Dot said you might be
getting a hotel.
Having a bit of a break.
Listen, it’s none
of my business but
I think
that’s a great idea.
And 'cause I’m
a helpful person,
I’m so happy to babysit,
or if that sounds like
a fucking nightmare
- I could mow the lawn
or something.
- Yeah.
[music stops]
Okay, felt costume.
That’s you done.

God, I’m spent.
I don’t know
how you do it.
They’re always on,
aren’t they?
Sticking their fingers
in things
and when you try and tell them
to do something,
it’s like speaking French.
And you’ve got
two of them.
- Hey
- [sobs]
- Oh, God.
- Are you okay?
- Can you just keep going?
- Yeah.
Hey. Hey?
Hey, what is it?
- What the hell is it?
- I don’t know.
Laura, please don’t think
I’m judging you.
Look, everyone needs
a weekend away.
Let’s-- Let’s take this inside.
Come on.
- Oh, my--
- Come on, let’s go inside.
I think
you’re incredible.
- You are incredible.
- Yeah, you’re the--
You’re the most amazing mum.
Oh, I’m not though!
Am I? I mean
Like when is someone just--
just gonna say that?
I don’t like-- I can’t
I can’t hold them and
I don’t understand them and
And-- And I just--
I don’t-- I--
I don’t like it.
Okay. Okay. Hey.
Let’s go up
to our room, yeah?
You’re-- You’re just tired.
Oh my god, I’m not!
I am not, Hendrix!
I-- I wanted so badly
to be tired for you.
I-- I--
I love you, but
But this isn’t my life.
And I just-- I just--
I just know that and I'm--
I’m so sorry.
I need to leave you.
No, no!
Don’t you touch me.
It’s okay, Hendrix.
What’d you do?
- Hendrix.
- I didn’t do anything.
Oh, you must’ve
done something.
‘Cause we were fine this morning
and then you got in our head.
- Hey.
- [groans]
I’m so--
- [Hendrix groans]
- [Laura] I'm so sorry.
This is not a joke, Viv!
I know it’s not a joke.
You just do
what you want, don’t ya?
You don’t care about my life!
I was trying to.
I fucking promise you.
Okay, okay, okay.
Calm down.
- Calm down, Hendrix!
- [Hendrix laughing]
Oh what, what? You get
to bitch and moan about it
from dusk ‘til dawn.
As soon as I do it, oh, suddenly
no, that’s not allowed.
Look, I know, I know!
But I don’t think
it was her fault!
[Hendrix sobbing]
Are you joking?
Are you fuckin’ serious?
Of course it’s her fault!
It’s always her fuckin’ fault
because you ruin--
You ruin everything!
[audio distorting]
Everybody ready?
Happy ♪
- Just put it on the table.
- What happened?
Just put it on the table.
Oh, my God. The children!
How long
have they been dancing?
- I don’t know.
- Stop the music!
- Oh no! Oh, my God!
- [shrieks]
No, no, no,
get a hose, get a hose!
- [melancholic music]
- [people screaming]
[John, muffled]
No, no get a hose!

John. John,
we’ve got to get out.
- Where’s Vivian?
- Huh?
Where’s Vivian?
I don’t know,
Joan of Arc is on fire.
Come on.

It’s always your fault!
My Louie.
You are just a bad person.

- [police radio chatter]
- Viv!
Get back.
I didn’t do it.
I didn’t do it!
Okay, yeah.
That boy died here?
Jesus Christ, Viv.
Yeah, and I pushed
Amy away.
And I sort of fucked
my really nice virgin neighbour.
Then Hendrix
Why didn’t you tell me
any of this?
I see it sometimes,
what happened to them.
I see it a lot, actually.
I sort of make myself see it.
Why would you do that?
I’m so sorry, John.
I’m so sorry.
I know how you feel,
and I’ve been too afraid
to confront that.
But it’s my fault, okay?
I don’t remember how,
but I’ve always known like you.
I do not blame you, Viv.
Yes, you do.
You both do.
No, we fucking don’t.
Then why are you
so angry at me all the time?
Because you--
You just took all the air.
As soon as they died,
you did whatever you wanted
and you didn’t see me anymore.
No one saw me.
I didn’t even get
to come out properly.
- You came out.
- Yeah, but no one cared.
Isn’t that what
you fought for?
What am I, a war veteran?
I just had to grow up on my own.
But the-- the looser you got,
the tighter I had to be
and I’m so fucking angry
at you for that.
But I had no idea that
That you--
I’m so sorry.
- I’m so sorry.
- It’s not your fault.
It’s not yours either.
And even if it was,
I do not fucking care.
I just want you here.
Sorry, can you smell weed?

- [door opens]
- [Vivian] Hello?
‘Bout time.
You want some?
I’m guessing
you’re not interested.
Listen, I heard what happened
with little Louie.
I am sorry.
I thought
you might need this.
It was something
Walt liked to do.
[bird squawks]
Oh! [chuckles]
[bird chirps]
Ah, I’m sorry, will you
excuse us for a moment, um
- Beatrice.
- Beatrice. John. Hi.
Yeah, that makes sense.
I can’t leave you here
with this woman and her
- bird.
- [chirps]
Are you sure
Amy’s not coming back?
She won’t return
my calls.
Then can we find her?
I don’t know where she is.
She’s getting married
to a prick.
How do you know
she’s getting married,
and how do you know
he’s a prick?
Well now,
I was just sitting here
and waiting for you
when a human Ken doll
came knocking on the door.
Said he wanted Amy’s dress.
Talked about their special day.
Oh! No!
Do you know where they went?
Oh where pricks go
and get married, I suppose.
I’m going to need
more than that, Beatrice.
Um a
registry office?
Surry Hills.
Let’s go.
Yeah, okay.

Vivian, wait! Wait!
- Unlock the door!
- I’m trying!
- [car horn honks]
- [John] Oop.
Let’s go.
Just to clarify
We’re going to stop the wedding?
- Yeah.
- [gasps]
What was that?
It’s just
a little anxious thing.
But I’m down.
I’m totally down.
Come on.
Actually, just leave it,
leave it.
- No, you have to!
- It’s fine, it’s fine!
- Safety!
- It’s fine!
[romantic music playing]
We came straight from yoga!
So very happy, darling.
- You called them?
- [George] Of course I did.
Oh, and we found a priest,
Father Terry!
OMFG! Congratulations!
This is George.
Father, it’s so great
to meet you.
- Shall we? Let's go!
- Yes, let’s go.
[door opens]
- [Phil] Ah.
- [Father Terry]
All the way down.
[door closes]
Do you think we missed it?
How long do weddings
usually take?
Stop asking me questions!
There’s only so much
I can take on right now!

Okay, come on, come on.
- Sorry, sorry, excuse me.
- [alarm beeping]
Jesus. Okay, okay.
She was
a queer icon, so
Fucking dress!
Don’t know
how you do it.
[Father Terry]
[running footsteps]
[door creaking]
[Father Terry]
We have come together today
to witness the promises
in marriage
of Amy Matthews
and George Delitch.
What are you doing?
I don’t think
it’s the right time.
- [Father Terry]
This commitment
- There’s a proper time,
a section that people
wait for in the movies.
Oh yeah, by all means, let’s
wait for the proper section!
I’m sorry, it’s literally
just us and them.
I can hear everything
that they’re saying.
Vivian, what do you want?
Just here to support.
Right, well I’m not sure
Amy needs that
from you right now.
Actually, there is something.
It’ll only take a minute.
I don’t know where to start.
Who is that?
The angry young woman
from Amy’s share house,
wearing some kind of cape!
Probably with an apology.
A massive one.
Not just for the way
I treated you last night
but for every night
and every day since we met.
Because the truth is
I judged you.
I did think
you were far too much
just like that prick up there.
Can you just leave?
I hate your voice!
Stop talking!
[clears throat]
I was wrong, Amy.
You’re not too much.
You’re exactly
the right amount.
You’re the amount
we all should be
‘cause you live
and you love
like the world
hasn’t hurt you.
You’re brave and there’s
something wrong with all of us
for thinking that’s fucked up.
Sorry I said "fuck", Father.
Nice to see you again
by the way.
Hi, babe.
I’m less confident
on this next point.
I think that Brolga
might actually be
my grandad.
Today he showed me
what the rocks mean.
But of course,
you already knew that.
Of course you fucking knew.
That one just came
out in heat of the moment.
I’m done now.
I had an epiphany.
That maybe I need to start
living properly
for the first time in my life
and the only person
I can imagine
teaching me how to do that,
is you.
So please
pick me.
Because it turns out
I really, really,
really love you too.
Amy’s gay?
That explains the jumping.
She’s not gay.
I’m gay.
So am I, if we’re offering.
- Amy?
- Amy, this is ridiculous.
She is a mess.
Please stop.
I’m sorry.
Just checking.
All good.
- [clearing throat]
- [Father Terry] Let's get
on with it, shall we?
Are you okay, Viv?
For what it’s worth,
I thought you were pretty great.
I even cried,
because it’s apparently
something that I do now.
But I’ll go anyway.
You just say the word.
What the fuck?
Oh, hey.
Liked your speech.
Thought I sounded fucking great,
so I picked me.
Thought it was about time.
where are you going?
I don’t know.
I honestly haven’t thought
further than this point.
You could come back with me.
I could.
But it would have to be
on my terms.
Of course.
I have actual ones.
I get more furniture,
not just a bed.
And, and you will fix
my garden!
I think that’s fair.
And, well, you can sing me
to sleep from time to time.
I never asked you to sing--
[chuckles lightly]
Your zip was undone.
I know.
- Aw boop.
- Oh, fuck off.
Okay, I need help.
Thank you.
Here he is.
[John mumbles]
Sure you don’t want
to come with us?
No, I’ve got somewhere
I need to be.
See you later?
[door closes]
Did you feel like heaven? ♪
Did you ring like silver
in the wasted light? ♪
Still I'm trying to find ♪
Did you sing
through the battle call? ♪
Did you ring like ♪
Silver in the wasted light? ♪
Still I'm trying to find ♪
Saw it beneath your eyes ♪
It's funny that
I think of you right now ♪
Knowing all the years
that turned to clouds ♪
I'm still coming down ♪
And you know
it ain't that way ♪
Feeling all the things
I could not say ♪
I'm still coming down ♪
You're still coming 'round ♪
Yeah ♪

Did you feel like heaven? ♪
Did you ring like silver ♪
In my wasting light? ♪
Still, I'm trying to find ♪
Did you sing
through the battle call? ♪
Did you ring like silver ♪
In my wasting light? ♪
Daddy! Hug me, Daddy!
Yay! [giggles]
Saw it beneath your eyes ♪
It's funny that
I think of you right now ♪
Knowing all the years
that turned to clouds ♪
I'm still coming down ♪
And you know
it ain't that way ♪
Feeling all the things
I could not say ♪
I'm still coming down ♪
You're still coming 'round ♪
Yeah ♪
How do I redefine ♪
All my love for you? ♪
I guess I look to the sun ♪
With you ♪
Look to the sun with you ♪

So I just start talking?
Or I can.
Whatever you prefer.
I’ll-- I’ll go.
[pen clicks]
I hope you’ve got
a couple of pens over there.
Yeah ♪
How do I redefine ♪
All my love for you? ♪
I guess I look to the sun ♪
With you ♪
Look to the sun with you ♪
How do I realize ♪
All my love for you? ♪
I guess I look to the sun ♪
With you ♪
Look to the sun with you ♪
How do I redefine ♪
All my love for you? ♪
I guess I look to the sun ♪
With you ♪
Look to the sun with you ♪

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