Toughest Forces on Earth (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Big Wave Battle

[electronic warble]
- [boat engine revving]
- [rhythmical music playing]
[electronic warble]
[electronic warble]
[tense music playing]
We gotta get everybody up on the boat,
then we can begin our assault.
[tense music continues]
We know there's pirates.
The purpose of this mission
is to get the hostages out and alive.
I got door.
Contact front.
- [opening theme playing]
- [blades whirring]
[Ryan] We are three former
special operation soldiers
on a mission
to go deep inside
the most elite and secretive
fighting forces in the world.
[Dean] I'm Dean Stott,
former SBS British special forces.
Times like this, you can hear
your heartbeat in your ears.
[Cameron] I'm Cameron Fath,
former United States Army Ranger.
- Not bad for a day's work.
- [gun cocks]
[Ryan] And that guy, at home in the swamp,
that's me, former Navy SEAL Ryan Bates.
I'm not gonna lie. I'm kind of a big deal.
And these are
the Toughest Forces on Earth.
- Good to go.
- [gunshot]
[blades whirring]
[electronic warble]
[electronic warble]
[ominous music playing]
[Ryan] We're in the Philippines, boys.
You know, this this is a country
full of islands and oceans and beaches.
We'll be working with
the Filipino Navy SEALs.
I did a 10-month deployment down here.
Like 15 years ago.
We did a lot of joint training with them.
It's pretty hardcore.
These guys are tough.
The Filipino Navy SEALs are
an elite fighting force
that are experts in sea, air, and land.
Their job is to fight
Islamic and Communist insurgents
that are based on remote islands
all through the country.
[tense music playing]
So, Ryan, what kind of training
can we expect to see from these guys?
A lot of operations in the water.
Boat training, swimming,
maybe ship boarding.
Hey, Cam. So what kind of experience
do you have here in, uh, maritime?
Honestly, man,
not a whole bunch in maritime.
Yeah, first time open water.
So, are you two frogmen excited to be back
in the, uh, SEAL environment or what?
Just basically plan
on being wet till we leave here.
- [Cameron] Okay.
- Either in the water or sweat.
[Ryan] Yeah. I think the real question is,
[splutters] "Is the Ranger gonna survive
in this environment?"
Hey, man, in the Ranger Creed, it says,
"arrive at the cutting edge of battle
by land, sea or air."
- I just stayed out of the water myself.
- Is that a shark?
- [Cameron] Where?
- [both laugh]
So, you ready
for your first beach landing?
- Yeah, buddy. Let's get it. I'm excited.
- [Dean chuckles]
- Bring it in, boys.
- [Cameron] Let's turn it in.
- One, two
- [men grunt]
[Ryan] It's not just the sea training
that will keep us wet.
Well, boys. We've arrived.
[Ryan] We've landed
in the middle of rainy season.
Welcome to the Philippines. [laughs]
[engine revving]
[electronic warble]
Welcome to the Philippine Navy SEALs.
My name is Gabriel.
So, what does it take
to be a Navy SEAL in the Philippines?
Uh, you need to have a tough body
and need to be in top physical condition
to pass all the qualifications.
Training takes about six months.
In the Philippines,
there's more than 7,000 islands,
and the insurgents use that
to their advantage
to hide out, plan, and conduct operations.
How do you manage
to look after such a large area?
We have 11 groups.
We place them strategically
around the Philippines.
So, where are we heading right now?
We're heading to our, uh, training ground,
and I want you to meet
our commander there.
- Okay.
- [Ryan] Okay.
[electronic warble]
[tense music playing]
[man] One, two, three, four.
I've done a deployment here
and worked with the SEALs.
Instead of large-scale forces
and weaponry,
they play the guerilla insurgents
at their own game,
using small, fast-moving teams
and minimal kit.
These guys live in the jungle.
They know how to read the land
the same way the insurgents do.
[calm music playing]
So, we just got to the barracks.
To be honest, it's a different vibe
than what I'm used to.
I mean, they have chickens
kind of running everywhere.
[chicken clucking]
But, uh, just looking at
how in shape these guys are,
I'm looking forward to spending
the next few days with these dudes.
Definitely cool with the culture here.
It's pretty awesome.
You really feel like
in with the jungle when you work out here.
So, I'm excited.
[rooster crowing]
Welcome. I'm Commander Enoch,
the, uh, commanding officer of SEAL group.
So, you are here to have
a training with Lieutenant Gabriel.
Before we proceed,
let me ask if you have training
relative to a maritime environment.
Yeah, I did, uh, 16 years.
I was in the Special Boat Service.
So, this is something
I'm very comfortable with.
Twelve years as a Navy SEAL.
I've deployed here before with you guys
in Jolo, Tawi-Tawi, and Basilan Island,
so I know what you guys are all about.
I was a US Army Ranger for four years.
So I kept to the skies, not to the water,
but I'm more than excited to learn
from you guys and get my feet wet here.
- Welcome, and let's get it on. [laughs]
- [Cameron] All right, let's get it on.
[clock ticking]
- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.
[man] Nice to meet you.
First impressions,
really impressed with their kit.
These boys are on top of all their admin.
You know, they're squared away.
What I like about these
communal accommodations
is that, you know,
you can mingle with the guys.
You can start building that comradery.
Keeps the morale high. Looking forward
to training with these guys.
[ticking stops]
[electronic warble]
First up, we have to prove
that we can deal with life in the ocean,
and for two former frogmen
like Dean and Ryan,
this should be easy.
But for me,
it's gonna be a new experience.
[tense music playing]
Today we are performing
some boat handling skills.
We use rubber boats
to insert and extract our SEAL teams.
[electronic warble]
[Ryan] Zodiac rubber boats are
a perfect tool for Navy SEALs.
Rolled up, they are small
and easily transported.
Once inflated,
they are tough and maneuverable,
ideal for stealth missions
on isolated beaches.
[Ryan] But these seas can be dangerous.
You have to train
to deal with any problems.
[tense music continues]
Whenever an accident happens,
the team is ready to recover the boat.
So, the three of you will join us,
and we will perform
a capsize and recovery.
- Cam, you ever flipped a boat before?
- Haven't flipped one of these.
Never had an accident,
so I never needed to.
[Ryan] You're light,
so you'll be one we fling on top.
Yeah. Whatever you need me to do,
I'm here for you.
- [Ryan laughs]
- You're in for a treat.
Let's get rocking.
- All right.
- Let's do it.
Three, two, one, up, up.
[Dean] This is crucial, really,
for all teams that everyone
understands that should the boat capsize,
we can right it up.
Because if you can't right up the boat,
that's, uh, mission failed.
I've had quite a bit of experience
in the boats, uh, same as Ryan,
but Cameron, um,
this is his first time, and, um
Yeah. I can tell he's a little bit nervous
because it's the quietest I've seen him.
My water experience is very minimal.
Truth be told, the water terrifies me.
They call it "the great equalizer."
When you get in the water,
it'll cut you down.
[tense music playing]
[Ryan] We're gonna be doing
capsize drills
- Okay, ready? Paddles back.
- [men] Paddles back.
which simulates
when you're going through the surf
and a wave hits your boat,
you'll flip, right?
So, in that kind of situation,
half the guys jump off,
while the other half flip it back over
and pull the other guys back in.
Doing ocean training,
flipping boats, it's tough.
It's called being a frogman.
[tense music intensifies]
- [Ryan] Jump down. Jump down.
- [Cameron] Okay, ready? Three, two, one.
Pass me the rope.
Well, when it flips,
you get a guy on top of the boat,
he'll grab the boat and flip it back over,
maybe two guys,
and you'll pull the guy inside the boat.
Watch out. Watch out.
- One, two, three.
- Three.
[Ryan] That guy inside the boat
pulls people in, then you're off.
[Cameron] Lean back.
Paddles. Row.
I think that went really well.
Not only is it an awesome bit of training,
and it's extremely useful,
but it's also a lot of fun
when you're with a good team
and everybody's in unison.
It really shows you how well-oiled
of a machine these guys are.
Row, row, row.
[Gabriel] They did great at their job.
They performed it very well
and executed it very good.
The three of them are working together,
and they fit perfectly into the team,
and I'm happy with it.
[Ryan] Okay. Good job, guys. Paddles up.
[all cheering]
[tense music playing]
[Ryan] Now that we've done the basics
and Cameron knows how to stay safe,
it's time to get serious.
We're gonna take the boat
300 meters out past the surf,
then bring us and the boat
safely on shore.
You know,
the SEALS here do a lot of water ops
because there's 7,000 islands
through this this country.
A lot of bad guys are on those islands.
So, they're constantly coming in
from the ocean, hitting the beach,
and possibly taking
the boat back out through the surf.
[Cameron] It's my first time
doing anything like this,
but I'm in pretty good hands
with the SEALs.
Plus I got Dean and Ryan
who've done this multiple times.
The goal here is to paddle
300 meters into the ocean.
But looking at those waves, I have no idea
how we're gonna get through that.
[Ryan] The surf is pretty gnarly today,
almost three meters.
Hopefully everything goes well,
but you never know.
It could get pretty dangerous,
pretty quick.
Best-case scenario,
all of our equipment works,
we get right out through the surf.
Cruise out, it's all sunny days.
Worst-case, Cameron falls overboard,
he drowns, I have to pull him
to the beach, resuscitate him,
and make sure
the little guy doesn't die. [chuckles]
[waves crashing]
[tense music playing]
[Cameron] With seas this rough,
we're combining manpower and engine power
to get us through this surf.
[boat engine revving]
[Ryan] Hey, can I get my foot in?
[tense music intensifies]
[Cameron] But before we can make it out,
a huge wave kills our engine.
- [Dean] Can you get back in?
- [Ryan] Stay in it, stay in the boat.
[Cameron] Only strength and teamwork now
can get us back on shore safely.
[men talking indistinctly]
[Dean] Just keep it straight.
Just keep it straight.
[Ryan talks indistinctly]
[Dean] Come on.
Keep it straight. Keep it straight, boys.
[triumphant music playing]
[Dean] Hey, Ryan, you gonna jump in
and swim again?
[men cheering]
The engine stopped right in a big set,
and it turned us sideways,
and then, once that big set hit us,
it flooded us.
And once you're flooded with that rib,
you can't do anything, man,
so you're just at the mercy of the sea.
I thought it was gonna fling me
all the way over.
So, me and Cam rolled out.
[Ryan, Dean laugh]
Honestly, it's good training.
Nobody got hurt.
- Yeah.
- Everybody worked as a team.
I think it went swimmingly.
- [Ryan laughing]
- Yeah, textbook.
[Cameron laughs]
[upbeat music playing]
[shoes clattering]
[Dean] This is where myself,
Cameron, and Ryan soaked our kit,
rinsed off the, uh,
salt water with fresh water.
Just leave it here to dry.
Anything that's been exposed
to, uh, salt water,
you need to get cleaned off
as soon as possible and dried out.
I'm just soggy,
so I'm trying to air out right now.
[man talks indistinctly]
These guys are awesome.
They have good brotherhood.
Very humble guys and work hard.
The water was super aggressive today.
It was super choppy.
As my first time, kind of,
in a maritime environment,
uh, I was a little hesitant
because the water is very intimidating.
But, you know,
the Filipinos set a great example,
uh, showing us just how well they train
and how tough these guys are.
- [turkey gobbling]
- [chicken clucking]
[rooster crowing]
[frog croaks]
I was drying my boots off from yesterday
and had a little visitor,
but thankfully it's a frog.
It's not a tarantula or a snake.
My arm, you can see,
like, this tendon's sticking out.
I pulled my bicep or have a slight tear.
But it is what it is. Just keep pushing.
[upbeat music playing]
How much action is there going on
in the Philippines right now?
Every day there's extremists
who want to enter the country,
and today they are gaining their strength.
It's hard to protect all your borders too
'cause of all the islands and everything.
- You can sneak in so easy, right?
- Yeah. It's a long coastline.
[Cameron] I mean,
comparing it to Western militaries
where we have to wait,
you know, for a conflict to happen,
you never really have
to wait for the war
- [Gabriel] No, they're coming.
- It's always something.
The the SEAL team is
always prepared for everything,
and it's the best way
to serve your country.
So with your students,
what are you looking for as instructors?
Yeah, the instructors
are looking for their mental stability
- and their eagerness to finish the course.
- [Dean] Yeah.
How strong your heart is to finish it.
There's one thing I've noticed training
with you guys, you're always smiling.
Whatever the weather,
whatever we're doing, you've got a smile.
- No matter how tired you are. Yeah.
- [Dean] Yeah.
[clock ticking]
[electronic warble]
- What's up?
- Welcome to the long range.
For the Navy SEALs,
fighting insurgents is a daily job.
- [gunshot]
- [metal clanking]
To stay combat ready,
their weapons training
doesn't only involve shooting the target
but to do so under combat conditions.
You need to run 200 meters
and fire on the target,
and after you hit,
you go to the next plate.
After you hit the last plate,
you go here,
and after that we know who wins.
- Right.
- [Cameron] Right.
You need to be able to fight anywhere,
in any condition.
So, regardless of how tired you are,
you're gonna need
to be able to control your shots
and put them where they're supposed to go.
So good thing I got my running boots on.
[tense music playing]
[Cameron] All right, thank you.
[Ryan] We got these M4 rifles.
I love the M4.
I've used it my whole life, trained on it.
They're light and accurate
up to about 600 yards.
It doesn't jam, and it's reliable.
A perfect tool to use
in stealth missions on isolated beaches.
Cam! Come on.
You're fast, homie.
- You're a little jackrabbit.
- [man] Come on!
- Go!
- [Ryan] Go, buddy.
Ten seconds.
Stress tests are hard because
it's about controlling your breathing.
Making sure that each shot counts as well.
- [gunshot]
- [metal clanking]
[Ryan] Hit.
It's very easy to run out there
and just fire away and not hit the target.
[tense music continues]
- [gunshot]
- [metal clanking]
- [Ryan] Hit!
- [Dean] Good job.
[water sloshing]
The time is 2 minutes and 16 milliseconds.
- [Ryan] Good job, Cam.
- [Cameron] All right.
- I'm gonna go sit down.
- [chuckles] All right.
[Ryan groans]
- Okay. Are you ready?
- Ready.
[man] Standby. Go!
[Dean] There he goes.
[Ryan] It's been a while
since I trained like this.
The bones are a little older.
I'll be a little slower,
so I better be accurate.
- [metal clanks]
- [Cameron] Nice. Good hit.
[Dean] Okay, keep going.
[water sloshing]
- [gunshot]
- [metal clanking]
This is the worst part,
is the run back here.
Let's go, Ryan!
- So your time is 2 minutes and 14
- [Ryan grunts]
- You beat me, Cam. Man, I'm tired.
- [Cameron] Good effort.
Yeah. Two minutes and fourteen,
not bad there.
- [Ryan] Not bad.
- Not bad for an old, broken SEAL.
[Ryan grunts] I'm tired.
[both laugh]
You're shooting and moving.
Your heart rate's up.
It's hard to be accurate.
They've set the bar. I just need
to try and match it or improve on it.
- All right. You got it, dude.
- [man] Standby.
[Ryan] Okay.
He's moving.
- Damn, he's running.
- Yeah, he wants it.
[upbeat music playing]
Dude, he looks like
he's running from the cops, man.
[Ryan laughs]
[Ryan] Dean is really taking
this one seriously.
He's been losing a lot lately.
So, since he's Tier One,
he really has to pick it up.
[Dean panting]
- Miss.
- [gunshot]
[metal clanking]
[Dean] Hit.
He's not gonna be able
to keep it up on the way back.
- If he does, that's impressive.
- [Ryan] Yeah.
- [gunshot]
- [metal clanking]
There you go, buddy. World record holder.
Come on. Thirty seconds, Dean.
Thirty seconds.
He's moving.
- [Cameron] Here you go.
- One minute 51 seconds.
[men cheering]
[Cameron] There you go.
[laughs] Told you. Nice, dude! Moving.
- Tell that to my heart.
- [Cameron laughs]
[breathing heavily]
- [Cameron] You okay?
- No.
[Cameron laughs]
Take a well-deserved breather, buddy.
You killed that.
[panting] It was a great exercise,
because when you're aiming at a target,
it's all about controlling your breathing.
You don't have that luxury
when you're running.
Your aperture's going up and down, and
so it's very easy to just fire them off.
You need to make sure
that every round counts.
A real eye-opener how long
we've been out of the game. [chuckles]
Do I miss it? No, I don't.
- [Ryan laughs]
- But it was, uh, it was good.
[men chanting]
One, two, three, four, five, six.
[man] One, two, three.
[rooster crowing]
[Dean] Before dinner,
we've got an extra task.
Today, I think Ryan is excused for this
because he has a bad hand.
- Are you hungry?
- [Dean] Always.
- Yeah, I could eat.
- Yeah.
[Gabriel] The instructors climb the rope
before they get their meals.
Gotta burn some cals to get some cals.
Time to earn it.
[Dean] Go on, buddy.
[Dean] Hey, well done, buddy.
[rooster crowing]
Okay, buddy. You're up.
He's jumping.
There you go, buddy.
There you go.
- Yeah.
- There it is.
- [Cameron laughs]
- [Gabriel] Yeah.
- I'm hungry.
- [Cameron chuckling] Yeah, right.
[Western music playing]
- [Cameron] That's it.
- [Ryan] Get in there and eat that.
Get in there.
[Cameron] So, what exactly is balut?
A balut is a premature duck.
It's cooked
while the duck is still being matured.
All right. Good to go, huh?
It's a delicacy in the Philippines.
[Cameron] Okay.
Don't bite it. All the way in.
Oh. You did the wrong thing by biting it.
Hear the crunching?
- [Cameron] Mmm!
- [men laugh]
[Ryan] Look, this is it. Look.
[men laughing]
[Cameron] Best thing I've ever tasted.
[Ryan laughing]
[tense music playing]
[rooster crowing]
- How are you feeling today?
- [Ryan] I feel very tactical and badass.
[Cameron, Ryan laugh]
Let's go.
[electronic warble]
[Gabriel] Good morning, guys.
For our training exercise,
we're performing some basic skills
we need in our operations.
Today's mission involves
coming in from the sea,
identifying, and taking out
an enemy insurgent camp.
Then we are tasked
with recovering a box of intelligence,
containing the identities
of government targets
that the enemy plans on attacking.
We position two rubber boats
about 500 meters from the shoreline.
Once we've got it up in the area,
the assaulting force will move forward
to assault the house.
Ryan will search for the box
we need to recover,
and Dean,
you will carry out the demolition.
Any questions?
Yeah. What's the, uh, sea state?
It will be rough, about three meter waves.
- Are you gonna be okay?
- I brought my water wings. I'm fine.
- There's a reason why we're going first.
- [Cameron, Ryan] Yeah.
Are we good?
- Okay.
- [Cameron] Let's hit the boats.
[tense music playing]
[Ryan] So, for the enemy not to hear us,
we keep the boats outside the surf.
Then we get in the water in pairs
and swim in in full kit.
Even though the guns
get submerged and wet, they still work.
[tense music intensifies]
The worst part is coming
across the beach here in the open.
We need to move fast,
get to cover as quick as possible.
That's the, uh, insertion complete.
We'll get ourselves off the beach,
which is the danger area,
and we'll wait for the rest to link up.
[Cameron] Swimming into battle
isn't something I've done before.
Can't say I love it.
But at the end of the day,
I'm learning a new skill,
and I'm starting to get used to
spending time in the big sea.
- [Ryan] How was the swim, dude?
- A little choppy out there. How was yours?
Nothing, dude. [chuckles]
[Cameron] Now we can start breaking down
our dive kits, putting them away,
just getting ready for the patrol.
[tense music playing]
[Dean] Because it's a training exercise,
we're using blank rounds today.
So, nothing comes out
of the weapon itself.
To simulate live firing,
we've got yellow blank firing attachments
attached to the end of our barrels.
These prevent gas escaping
from the weapon,
pushing it back down the barrel,
initiating the mechanism,
which then ejects the spent cartridges
and loads the new one from the magazine.
- [Gabriel] Ready to move?
- [Dean] Mm-hmm.
[Gabriel] On your move.
[Ryan] Before hitting this target,
we have to move through
about a half-mile of tall brush.
We have to be very careful because
ambushes could be setting up on us.
[Ryan] Moving through the jungle sucks.
This razor grass cuts up your hands.
It's not the funnest thing.
[Ryan] As point man,
my job is to find the best trail,
so the guys carrying more weight
behind me can move smoothly
and quietly through the bush.
I have Dean in the center,
looking at left and right flank.
And then I have Cameron in the back
running rear security,
covering our back 180.
[Dean] It's probably one
of the most dangerous points,
because you're actually exposed.
You don't wanna be hanging around.
You want to get across as quickly,
as tactically as possible,
causing minimum sound
and not bringing any attention to you.
[Cameron] Being the last man
in the formation's a big responsibility.
First and foremost,
you don't want anybody coming up
from behind you
and taking the platoon from the backside.
Second, I have good eyes on
the personnel in the unit.
So, in case anybody gets lost,
I'm gonna be the one to scoop them up.
[tense music playing]
[Ryan] All right. We made it through
the patrol, and we're all safe and sound.
Now, we're set up in the target.
Time to crush these guys.
It's the final approach.
We don't wanna be compromised now so
bit of heart beating.
The enemy compound right in front of us.
I am just perspiring
an immense amount right now.
It is extremely hot. Extremely. [chuckles]
[Cameron] We have surrounded
the enemy encampment,
and two SEAL snipers
have established a position
in order to kick-start our assault.
Once we begin our assault,
we're gonna move in, neutralize the enemy,
and seize any intel they may have.
[Gabriel on radio] Sniper 1, Gabriel.
We're in position.
[tense music intensifies]
You can fire the shot.
[tense music ends]
[Dean] Go!
Fath up!
- [tense music playing]
- [gunshots]
[water sloshing]
[tense music ends]
Now, we've eliminated all known threats.
We've established security.
We'll move in, get the intel,
blow this place up
and get the hell out of here.
- B-b-b-ingo.
- [Dean] Jackpot?
[Dean] We've gathered the intelligence,
we need to destroy this position
so it cannot be reused by the enemy.
What we're using today is Composition 4,
known as C-4.
It's a lightweight and flexible material
that will initiate and explode
even when wet.
The initiation can be timed
by using a safety fuse,
which burns at a preset speed.
So, I've set it off.
You can see how slow it's burning.
So, I've given ourselves enough time.
We can get off target
before it, uh, explodes.
[Gabriel] Pick up security.
[Ryan] Pick up security.
- [Cameron] Pick up security.
- [water sloshing]
[tense music intensifies]
[Dean] So, we put
a timed safety fuse on it,
normally we'd be away from here by now.
But because it's a training exercise,
we like to see our artwork.
- You boys ready?
- [Ryan] Yep.
[Cameron] Yep. Born ready.
[tense music ends]
[laughs] How long did you put
on that time fuse?
- [laughs]
- [Dean] Seven minutes.
- [Ryan] Are you sure?
- [Cameron] My watch says 7:30.
Boom, baby!
[Cameron laughs] Oh!
- [Dean] There you go, boys.
- [Cameron] There we go.
Man, I love the smell of C-4
in the morning.
[fire crackling]
[calm music playing]
[Gabriel] Congratulations, everyone.
Good job.
Thank you.
- I like that.
- All right.
[Gabriel] Dean did great,
as he primed the bomb,
and Ryan hit the jackpot.
Cameron supported the team very well
with his automatic weapon.
Good mix, huh?
- [Dean] Yeah.
- Good blend.
[whistle blows]
[Cameron] Let's play ball!
[rock music playing]
[Ryan] Our training is complete.
[Cameron] Easy bucket! Easy bucket!
[Ryan] Now it's time
for our final mission.
- Good job, Cam.
- [Cameron] Let's go.
There's been a lot
of new experiences during this training,
but I think this final mission
is definitely gonna put
all the training we've done to the test.
It's gonna be exciting.
- Dean's bodying, dude. [chuckles]
- [whistle blows]
[Dean] These guys,
their attitude is ten out of ten.
[Cameron] Oh!
[Dean] Whatever the situation,
whatever the circumstances they're under.
That's been very impressive for me.
Get him out of here.
And seeing it all come together,
culminated as a final exercise,
I'm looking forward to that.
[Ryan grunts]
[Ryan] I feel confident.
The team's badass, so we'll crush it.
- Yeah!
- [Cameron] Let's go! Good game.
[chuckling] Yeah.
- [tense music playing]
- [birds chirping]
- Sir.
- Hello, sir.
- Hello, sir.
- Yeah.
- How are you doing?
- Good.
Congratulations, gentlemen.
Training is over.
Before we proceed to the mission,
I'll give you your uniform.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you, sir.
In the Philippines, special forces
get to use the tiger stripe camouflage.
- [Dean] Am I now a Navy SEAL?
- [Enoch] Yeah.
[Ryan] It's gonna be an honor to wear it,
but we have to prove we deserve it.
Good luck with your, uh, final mission.
I believe you can do it.
- Hooyah!
- [all] Hooyah!
[electronic warble]
[Cameron] We're carrying out our
final mission within the Bay of Manila,
one of the world's busiest shipping hubs.
It's rife with piracy,
hijacking, and smuggling.
The profits of which all help fund
terrorist activities
within the Philippines.
- Morning.
- Morning, buddy.
[Ryan grunts]
The name of the operation
is "Operation Trident Spear."
According to an intel report,
the Majantih pirate group
hijacked the MB Amosup,
and they demanded a ransom.
Our mission is to rescue
the three hostages
and eliminate the members
of Majantih group.
[Cameron] This final mission is big.
We'll be splitting
into two assault groups,
also known as fire teams.
First fire team
will be point-manned by Ryan.
Dean is also on the first fire team.
Cameron will be on the second fire team.
The first fire team
will head to the bridge,
and the second fire team
will head to the engine room.
- Hooyah.
- [all] Hooyah!
[boat engine revving]
[tense music playing]
[Cameron] We've earned a little respect
over the past couple of days,
but in order to really bring it home,
we are going to have to crush it.
- [Ryan] Final mission, boys.
- [Cameron] Beautiful day to be a SEAL.
[Dean] That's why I joined the SBS,
to be by the sea on boats.
[boat engine slowing down]
[Ryan] As we approach from the rear,
the SEALs have a decoy boat up front
to distract the pirates on the bridge.
[tense music continues]
[Dean] We've approached from the stem,
which is the back of the vessel,
so as to limit the visibility
from the bridge.
We're using a flexible caving ladder
made of aluminum.
Each ladder is ten meters in length,
but depending on the height of the climb,
you can double or even triple these up.
Once we've established the hook-on,
the first climber has to come over,
and that's the most vulnerable part.
[Cameron] Right now it's game time.
All right,
Ryan's the first one on the boat.
He's locking it down now,
so the cable ladder
doesn't come off the side here.
Now we gotta get everybody on the boat,
then we can begin our assault.
[Ryan] Usually, you do this at night
to keep low vis.
Daytime's a little bit tougher,
but we're doing the best we can right now.
[tense music continues]
[Ryan] Now that we're all on board,
me and Dean have to head
straight to the bridge
where the pirates
are holding two hostages.
[Dean] There's three levels of stairs
that get us up to the bridge.
The hallways and decks on ships
are very narrow.
So, we don't have the fortune
of standing side-by-side.
So I consciously have my rifle
over the top of, uh, Ryan's shoulders,
giving him that cover that he needs.
Always mindful of the fact
that anyone can engage
through some of the portholes
along the way.
[tense music intensifies]
[Cameron] While Dean and Ryan
head for the bridge,
I'll be leading the second fire team
deep within the bowels of the ship.
We're making our way down
to the engine room,
where the third hostage is being held.
My team is moving down
in a tactical formation.
My job is to enter the engine room
and take out any threats
and rescue any hostages in that area.
[tense music continues]
[Dean] We know
that there's pirates up there,
so we want to take command
of that bridge and the vessel
as quickly as possible.
When you're doing hostage rescue,
you don't just go in there guns a-blazing.
The purpose of this mission
is to get the hostages out and alive.
[tense music intensifies]
[Cameron] We've made it
to the engine room.
Around this next corner
lies the hostage and the enemy.
Before we make our next move,
we're gonna use this flash bang grenade
to disorient the pirate.
[metal clanks]
[small explosion goes off]
- [Cameron] What's your name?
- [woman] My name is Eve.
[Cameron] Okay, we've got her.
All right, you're safe now, come with us.
All right. Take point.
[Ryan] Me and Dean are at the bridge
and about ready to assault it.
He's gonna go in
and clear the right corner,
and I'm gonna clear the left corner.
I got door.
- [Dean] Clear?
- [Ryan] Clear, all clear.
- [Dean] Clear.
- [man] Hostage secured!
So, we saved the hostages.
We're kind of a big deal.
Let's go.
Let's get the hostages out of here.
[triumphant music playing]
Fast. Move.
- [Ryan] Go, go, go!
- [Cameron] Move, move, move!
[Ryan] All aboard.
[boat engine revving]
[Ryan] That's it, boys.
- That's it!
- All right.
- You're now a Navy SEAL.
- I guess so, huh?
[triumphant music ends]
[Ryan] Well, guys, mission complete.
- [Dean] Yeah.
- All right.
- Definitely one for the books, huh?
- [Ryan, Dean] Yeah.
I mean, all the training we've done,
you know, the capsize drills
and then our final mission,
it's good training.
It's hard training.
And that definitely shows,
you know, how tough these guys are.
You know, I think the highlight for me
was their their attitude.
They're cool dudes, and they're laid back.
These boys have definitely shown us
that they are a force to be reckoned with.
[Ryan] You got your first frogman op
out of the way.
I don't know why you think
it's so special, man. I think it's cake.
- You'll get a tattoo?
- A little tadpole tattoo?
A little tadpole tattoo. I'm saving
space here on my chest. [laughs]
Let's raise a glass
to the SEALs and the Philippines.
[glasses clinking]
[Dean] Any idea where we're going next?
- [Ryan] I hope it's somewhere colder.
- [Cameron] Colder and less bugs.
[Ryan] I don't want to sweat anymore.
No more sweating.
[Dean] Careful what you wish for.
- [Ryan] Next time
- [electronic warble]
[man] Contact! Contact!
- [gunshot]
- [metal clanks]
[Ryan] U.S., one. Britain, zero.
[both laugh]
This is really tough work.
You're gonna be okay, buddy.
[tense music playing]
[tense music ends]
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