Tower of God (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Position Selection

Bam, try imagining it.
All those heavy-looking boulders
are removed, and the sky opens up.
There's nothing blocking our way there.
Up there are twinkling, beautiful
The stars you want to see.
A truly beautiful,
real night
Rachel, don't go.
Bam was a very lonely boy.
When I told him I was climbing the tower,
he asked me not to go with
tears running down his face.
But I abandoned him.
I thought we'd never meet again.
Skip the introduction. Just tell
me what you want from me.
Don't tell Bam about me.
You want me to lie to him?
Tell him you're not Rachel?
Even though Bam wants to be with you?
We can't be together.
I don't get it.
Then why didn't you try to take
the crown during the crown game?
That's the problem.
If we're together, we'll become
each other's weakness. A burden.
Try to understand. It's what's
best for both of us.
You mean you, not both of you.
I-I'm not worried about the
black turtle or anything!
Get in here.
It won't listen to you?
No. Apparently it won't even speak to women.
I'm not sure what it means to
talk to a weapon, but fine.
I'll convince it to—
Why are you angry?
You said you'd speak to a man.
Only a handsome one.
That's rude!
You already have the Green April.
Is there some reason why you have
to collect these weapons?
Yes, but do you really think I'll tell you?
You're so self-indulgent,
it's almost refreshing.
Do you know who the owner of that sword is?
Not interested.
Yuri Jahad.
Of the Princesses of Jahad chosen
during the past 500 years,
she's the only genius Fisherman who was
granted one of the 13 Month Series.
If you forget your place and push
your luck, you'll wind up dead, impostor.
I warned you.
It's gone! The chocolate bar
that was here is gone!
I know all about self-indulgent women.
Chocolate, chocolate!
Someone ate my chocolate bar!
Sorry, Bam.
I don't want to let you near her.
Maybe I'll eat you instead.
Wake up already.
You're awake, Bam?
You've been asleep for five days.
And the next test started yesterday.
Khun, um
You must be worried that
you've been disqualified.
Huh? No, I—
Then relax.
You're lucky.
Position Selection
The fourth test will be conducted
after you are assigned positions.
Assigned positions?
The battles fought in the
tower are team battles.
Your position is the role
you take on during battles.
There are five basic positions.
Spear Bearer
Light Bearer
Wave Controller
The Fisherman.
They fight at close quarters
at the heart of the battle.
The Spear Bearer.
Spear Bearer
They control and kill their
enemies from a distance.
Spear Bearer
The Light Bearer.
Light Bearer
They illuminate the dark
tower with their Lighthouse,
as well as gather and distribute
information about the situation.
Light Bearer
The Scout.
They investigate their enemies'
movements on the front lines
and assist the Fisherman.
Wave Controller
Finally, the Wave Controller.
They are directors of the battle,
who provide support and control
in combat using Shinsu.
You will study the position
you are assigned.
Depending on your performance,
several of you may be chosen
to fulfill those positions.
Excuse me.
What is it, Khun?
What about the guys who are injured right now?
Are they disqualified?
They're responsible for their own injuries.
Then what about the black turtle?
By the way, Bam's position
is Wave Controller.
Since the arrival of the Wave Controller
instructor, Yuga, has been delayed,
their training will begin two days from now.
So your training starts tomorrow.
You're really lucky.
Y-Yeah. So, uh
You're wondering about the girl who helped you?
She's fine.
She wasn't seriously injured.
I'm glad.
But apparently she's not the girl you know.
I asked her about it, and she
said she has no idea who you are.
I guess you mistook her for someone else.
I mistook her
Don't worry about it.
If you keep climbing the tower,
you'll run into her eventually.
More importantly, here.
I bought this for you.
The clothes you were wearing
before got covered in blood.
Hey, where's mine?
The next time I'm at a pet shop,
I'll buy you a custom collar.
I'll bite you to pieces!
Bring it on, bigface!
Among my people, bigger heads
are more desirable!
At least tell me why.
Can I not be with you?
Michelle Light
Are you that desperate to see the stars?
I don't want what happened
to me to happen to him.
To achieve that end
I'll lie as many times as I need to.
Suppose she is the girl you're looking for.
It means she doesn't want to see you.
Not now.
If that's the case, isn't your
only option to get stronger
so she'll want to climb the tower with you?
He's right.
Get stronger, turtle.
Then fight me.
Train hard.
I will.
As its name suggests,
Shinsu is a mysterious substance
with the power to control all things,
like a god.
So in order to use more than
a fixed amount of Shinsu,
you must form a contract on each floor.
Lauroe, it seems you already formed
a contract while you were asleep.
The rest of you haven't formed contracts yet,
so please make your Pockets
visible and close your eyes.
Visible mode.
Now speak the command,
"Form contract with Administrator."
Form contract with Administrator.
You smell rather appealing, kid.
You want to form a contract with me?
Very well.
But remember this.
For you, this isn't a contract. It's a shackle.
Contract Formed
Forming the contract has exhausted
more of your stamina than expected.
You should rest and prepare for tomorrow.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry. It's my fault you injured your eye.
There's no need to apologize.
You were injured, too.
I look forward to training with
you starting tomorrow, Bam.
Oh, uh
Forgive me. I haven't introduced myself yet.
My name is Hoh.
This is my teammate, Lauroe.
You seem totally fine, even though
you just formed a contract.
I've been training a bit.
That's amazing.
Let me know if you need any help.
We should help each other.
I don't think I can beat them.
Help each other?
Is it so wrong to extend a
helping hand to the weak?
The weak, huh?
Class was boring.
By the way, where's Rak?
Apparently you could pass
the Spear Bearer test
by hitting a target that was really far away.
"I'm returning to the wild."
"Farewell, turtle."
And after saying that, he left.
He's really excited about all of this.
Of course he is. We're doing
this to climb the tower.
I need to train hard, too.
At least until I can talk to Rachel.
We have a request.
A request?
Chocolate Bar
One large special lunch, no meat.
Got it.
They're making us pay using
the points we've earned?
At least let me eat whatever I want.
I'll buy you lunch tomorrow.
You'd better keep your promise.
Lauroe, it only took a meal to bribe you?
Here's your special lunch.
You guys are so narrow-minded.
You should be more like Bam.
Shibisu, your stubble is prickly.
Is this seat free?
What's with these guys?
They're being really friendly for enemies.
O-Of course, uh
Endorsi. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you. Have a seat.
Scoot down and make some room, hag!
You lecherous creep. Gross.
Now, now.
Let's try to get along.
What were you discussing?
The Scout test is making friends.
Making friends?
Friend List
- Make 10 friends within one week.
Twenty-Fifth Bam
Pon Secal Lauroe
Serena Linen
Nine friends in one week?
Yeah. It's really hard.
Hold on. Where do you get
off asking us for a favor?
You're teammates with the person
who stole the Black March from Bam.
Khun, don't worry about that.
It's true that her actions
violated the warrior's code.
We dissolved our team and cut ties with Anaak.
Actually, she unilaterally cut ties with us.
So you want us to become friends
with someone who'd abandon a
former ally, Mr. Warrior's Code?
That's right, Ugly Earrings.
That's the last thing you
should be calling me.
Right, Bam?
Khun, calm down.
What kind of penance is letting
that thing dangle from your ear?
Hatz, stop!
Do you know how many people have
brushed us off because of you?!
You got a problem with my ears?
You should apologize by committing seppuku!
Let's take this outside.
We're never going to complete this assignment.
Let's be their friends, Khun.
I was really glad when you asked to
be my ally during the first test.
I didn't have anything before then.
Thanks, Bam and Earrings!
I'll kill you.
So that's why these two still hate
each other, even though they're friends.
They say the closer you are,
the more you fight.
Don't be dumb!
See? Totally in sync.
I know. Endorsi, will you
become their friend, too?
Well, I think I'd like getting
closer to this handsome one.
Mister Number One Handsome Heart is right here!
Sorry, but I can't.
My family is forbidden to love.
I'm just talking about friendship.
I don't believe men and
women can really be friends.
I see.
What are you doing over there?
You're fraternizing with this lot?
How the Princess of Jahad has fallen.
Princess of J-Jahad?!
So there are two princesses
in our testing area?
All people are controlled by rules.
You're chatty, aren't you?
Stare all you want. I'm not
returning the Black March.
It's not that. I'm the one
who accepted your bet.
I'll apologize to Yuri when I see her.
I'm not sure she'll forgive me, though.
Don't just stand there.
Why don't you have a seat?
Huh? Does that mean you two are Yuri's sisters?
We're not really her sisters.
The Princesses of Jahad are recruited
to represent capable tribes and families.
That's right.
We're sort of like brand-name shoes
put on display in Jahad's showcase.
I sort of get that, and I sort of don't.
They're a group of troublesome women.
It's aggravating, but that's
an apt description.
There's another troublesome
woman over there.
Today we'll be playing a game.
The rules are simple.
Please knock each other off until
there are only eight of you remaining.
You may only use the needles
that were distributed to you.
Your performance in the game
will be reflected in your grade.
Won't we die if we fall from here?
Is there some kind of safety system?
Yes, enough of one to prevent your death.
So we'll suffer non-fatal injuries.
You are responsible for your own injuries.
Let the game begin.
They're all scared.
Of course they are. We're pretty high up.
Maybe I'll knock a few randoms
off to score some points.
So annoying.
What's wrong with you?
Do you have a lizard brain, too?
Shut up, horned woman!
You're challenging a real Princess of Jahad
when you're not even wielding the Green April?
There's no such thing as
a real Princess of Jahad.
We're all impostors.
Next, let us examine the Regulars
being tested right now.
This is boring.
Is this a computer class for old people?
That guy
He passed. Not bad.
There's not much information
on that girl or Bam.
It's unnatural how little
information there is.
I did it.
Then how about her?
Anaak Jahad
I'll give you a handicap.
Don't run from me!
After becoming a Ranker, she was
selected to become a princess
and granted the Green April?
They're coming!
That's odd. I mean
She's in the middle of taking a test
in order to climb the tower right now.
But she's already dead.
I throw men away after toying with them.
I'm such a sinful woman.
You bitch! Stop messing around!
And now there are nine.
Are you going to keep running
until there are eight?
Come back when you have the Green April.
Right now, you're no match for—
She enhanced herself using Shinsu?
Looks like I am a match for you.
Next comes
What are you going to do if you scratch
this natural treasure of a face?
I knew it.
You're Anaak's orphan.
Since the moment I saw you
during the crown game,
there's something I've wanted to confirm.
It's the reason I abandoned the game.
I guess someone also convinced me to.
Why did she choose the path of misfortune,
my niece?
You lied to me!
You promised me a life of comfort!
Oh, my.
You found a pretty jewel.
My little princess
Mom was happy.
She married the cook who made the
best chicken pies in the world.
Her only regret was that the chef
famous for his chicken pies was killed
by her sisters, known as princesses.
There's only one reason I came to the tower.
To kill everyone named Jahad
and achieve my revenge.
You're first,
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