Trackers (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

-I work for you.
-Let's put a tail on her.
Ya gotta change your appearance.
Bright colors.
Quinn, do you have eyes
on her?
Fuck! We've lost the woman.
- He's awake.
- But his laptop is.
Come on.
-You did great.
-They were trying to kill us.
I'm exchanging the diamonds
for cash here tomorrow night.
A woman was just murdered.
Her name's Flea.
You were looking in
the wrong fucking direction.
Janina, you're suspended
from duty.
They're clean-shaven.
Quinn, you need to move.
They're heading out.
What do you mean?
Right now?
Right now! They're shaven!
- They're prepared!
They've purified themselves!
- Shit.
Let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's move!
- Clear!
- Clear!
All clear.
Should be just up ahead
on the left-hand side.
-I think we're a little under-dressed.
So, who's in charge now?
I'll bet it's your
best boy, Quinn, huh?
Here we go.
Hello. May I help
you with something?
What event is this?
This is a private event.
-Move your car now.
Thank you.
You recognize that driver?
Did you always
know I was PBI?
Milla, tell me something.
The night we met
how come you
were in that bar?
I spent the whole day
looking at your file
and then I saw you out
in the streets, and
I don't know.
It-it felt like
What are
we gonna do?
Well, whatever's happening
is happening today.
So, we're gonna retrieve the diamonds
and stop the exchange.
And the CIA.
Know where that's gonna happen?
You told them?
They got our backs.
Damn, you can still
sleep anywhere.
Apparently, it's when
I'm at my most pleasant.
-What'd you come up with?
Let's assume that
after they killed Flea
the motorcyclist was supposed
to deliver the diamonds
-to the Qatari consulate.
Now, you stopped
him from doing that,
but the exchange would
still have taken place.
We need to find out
who was at the consulate.
Think you can talk
to your driver friend?
Burger's no friend.
We haven't seen each other
since I left the unit.
Maybe it's time the
two of you caught up.
Right now, you and I both
know the only way to secure
the stadium is to
cancel the game.
Bruno, we can't afford
another humiliation like that.
With your help,
we can shut this down,
long before tonight's kickoff.
Intelligence suggests there
are just three bombers.
Three men.
You're the fuckin' CIA, Bruno.
You want Daoud
more than we do.
This is your way to him.
They should shut down
the docks as well.
You're assuming the weapon isn't
already on South African soil.
How come Allajna moved out
the night before the kickoff?
Excuse me.
Don't you people
have work to do?
Raj? Tell me.
Do you have any idea
where the Allajna went to?
-None so far.
-You're right.
Why did they leave
what they thought
was the safe house so far
in advance of the attack?
And just before we moved in.
-You really think we have a mole?
-Yeah, well,
if we do, it's not the CIA
they're talking to.
Look at this. This
This is from yesterday.
See those hand movements?
It's a prayer for the dead.
But Osman is still alive.
Maybe, but she has no
intention of seeing him again.
Okay, also look.
There's this.
I mean, it's small,
it's a-- it's a moment, but
See that?
You think she knows
the camera is there?
She's looking straight at us.
Okay, I'll get Jessica
to pull together
whatever we have on Teliha.
Everyone, listen up!
This evening's
match will go ahead.
Chief Burzynski has
kindly agreed to put
the CIA station's
resources at our disposal.
I trust you can handle this.
-Quinn, they knew we were coming.
Allajna. They knew we
were watching them,
they knew we were
gonna make a move.
Goodness, Raj, you sound
just like Janina.
Listen to me.
Our only job is to
get to the terrorists
before they get anywhere
near the stadium.
That is all we
gotta do, okay?
-We got a new car.
The phone you took
from the dockside diner.
-You still have it?
-Uh, um
Milla, we can't allow
ourselves to be tracked, okay?
Give it to me. Give it to me.
But what if we
get into trouble?
Standard procedure.
Gotta trust me on this.
I see you gave up
the gym subscription, eh?
I see you're still
on a hunger strike.
So, what do you want here?
You were driving
last night.
Some official function
of the Qatari consulate.
Were you there?
No, but you were.
I was driving David,
and right now,
-I miss my bed, and I'm tired.
-I get it, I get it.
I just wanted to know
who else was there.
I don't know. The usual.
Ministers, businessmen.
Mostly Arabs
and some few Japanese.
Did you see this guy?
Most of the time,
I was outside.
You know how it is.
Did you see
anything strange?
Fuck, uh, drivers
you didn't recognize?
It's important, John.
Don't you dare.
Don't you dare pull
the "for old times' sake"
bullshit with me.
Look, man,
-I-I don't need this. I really--
-Anything unusual?
Like I said, Lemmer,
the usual.
Good old boys from
the bad old days.
-That's it.
Dr. Henrik Mostert.
-Mostert was there?
-Is he sure?
-He's fucking sure.
Burger and I spent
weeks on duty at
the Truth and Reconciliation
watching that doos say
fuck all and get his amnesty.
If Burger says he was there,
he was there.
-He was on the radar last year?
-You know he was.
He's been teaching
at the university
for the past 15 years. More.
All sins forgiven.
I mean, he even
taught Nkosi's son.
Wonder if the students
know that their lecturer
used to weaponize cholera
for the Apartheid regime?
Although locating our man,
Suleiman Daoud,
is a primary objective
for this office,
right now, our focus
is on what we believe,
from the surveillance footage
and the evidence gathered
from the inside of the house,
to be a three-man team
targeting Cape Town Stadium.
Target A,
Abdullah Garba.
Target B,
Hassan Hamedi.
And target C,
Barkatullah Rayan.
Now, this team has prepared
themselves ritually.
So, we need to go into this
with the mind that
we are dealing
with a suicide team.
Now, the police have
established a perimeter
around the stadium,
and are providing aerial cover.
We will screen everyone.
I'm talking
from roadblocks,
to the station,
and again at
Cape Town Stadium gates,
we screen everyone.
Right, um, is there anything
you'd like to add, Bruno?
Only that our
support teams will be
relocating all
organizational staff here,
to the PBI offices.
Right. Thank you.
Alright, everybody.
Let's get to work.
Thank you.
What is this place?
Milla, do you know
how to use a gun?
I used to shoot targets
on my father's farm.
Very simple.
Up, safety on.
Down, safety off.
Release button for
the magazine. Empty.
Rack the slide.
Lean into it and
squeeze the trigger.
Single shot each time.
Milla, I'm hoping you
won't have to use this,
but we have to be prepared.
What about your team?
The team will be there,
but I need to know you're safe.
And afterwards?
What happens to us?
I'm gonna have to
leave the country.
What do you say
you come with me?
Milla, I want you
to come with me.
-Yeah. Okay.
There's something
I have to do first.
Mostert's boosting
his pension, selling
God knows what horror
for blood diamonds.
We'll pick him up.
We have to go
after Daoud first.
Whatever Mostert was
selling is in his hands.
Fucking one year on, and
we're still chasing this mess.
WMD's on the open market,
a major attack on the cards.
Yeah. It's exactly
the same as last year.
Excuse me. Sorry.
As you requested, sir.
Wait, shouldn't you be
heading to the stadium?
Gotta get this feed up first.
Anyway, that's
the updated file on Teliha.
Do you ever feel like
you're becoming invisible?
Excellent work. As always.
What now?
We wait.
Brother, please.
Take the girl upstairs.
It has been a long time.
It's good to be
back in the fight.
You never left it.
Teliha and her daughter
were seen on Almonda Street
20 minutes ago.
Guys, the satellite call
you asked us to trace?
Langley says it was made from a vessel
called the "Calgary Star."
They only found
that out now?
At least we could trace it.
It's a passenger liner:
Perth, Mumbai,
Cape Town, New York.
Docked here two days ago.
It's been here for two days?
You heard?
Jessica, please pull
the passengers and crew list
of the "Calgary Star."
Find someone,
anyone who has
a link to the cell.
On it.
I skimmed the research
on the wife. She's smart.
She's got a first class honors
in biological sciences,
PhD in London.
Did you pick up the date
she left London in 2008?
Do you think you
could convince Quinn
to pull a team to tail her?
Oh, come on. I doubt it.
I'm outta here.
You're in the hot seat.
Wait here.
Tomorrow at 10:00, yes.
I'll bring what I owe you,
plus interest.
You okay?
Let's go.
It's all there.
Passport, visa, and tickets.
Are you okay?
Was I not worthy
to join them?
You have a very important
role to play, Ibrahim.
We know the docks
are watched.
Without you,
we cannot do this.
You are more than worthy.
Shaheed saw that,
and so do I.
Will Ablah come over tonight?
Not tonight, my angel.
In this jihad,
we all have duties,
and some of us carry
the great burdens of support
for our mujahidin and mujahidat.
And in return for that sacrifice,
I believe we all will one day
share in the rewards
that await our martyrs.
You are not afraid?
No, I am not, brother.
I am certain.
It is time.
You had a call.
Some kid.
He said you must call
him back immediately.
There's no reply
from Quinn or David.
We have to let them know
that Mostert's involved
and the kind of
attack they're facing.
What, do you think
they'll even listen?
There's only one way
to find out. You drive.
I can see why they
chose this place.
Anything landing here is
pretty much invisible,
and you can spot anyone
approaching from the road
200 meters before they see you.
The problem
for them and us
is that there are
only two exits.
So, how do we get out?
I'm gonna be on
the breakwater.
From there, I can control
the whole area, land and sea.
You think they're
coming in by sea?
Well, my gut says that
whatever they're buying
is coming from there,
and the diamonds
are coming in from the city.
What if they already
made the exchange?
Or they're launching
the attack from here?
The message said,
"Exchange. Granger Bay."
This is where
it's happening.
And where will
I be in all of this?
You're gonna be right here.
Okay, now you wait for me to
open fire from the breakwater.
Then all you have to do
is let off a few bursts
low into the ground,
in the direction of
the gate. Alright?
They'll think they're surrounded.
you must follow me.
Docks are being watched.
It's not safe here.
Jess, slow down. Who is
Barend Strachan?
Okay. Okay, I've got it.
Tell Quinn to meet me at
the East Forecourt Service Gate.
Then get Raj to tell him.
-We're about 20thirty.
Maybe 30 minutes away.
What is it?
The exchange is taking
place at Granger Bay.
-You're sure?
-Jess got a tip off.
What time?
7:00 o'clock.
Start of the match.
That's good.
don't let your mind
play tricks on you.
Okay? You're gonna feel anxious.
You're gonna see
danger in every corner.
You're gonna think about
everything that could go wrong.
Just stick to the plan.
Alright, now,
no matter what happens,
don't do a thing until
you hear me fire.
If it all goes to shit, you leave
the gun, you walk away.
Lucas, stop.
There's no backup
coming, is there?
Milla, we don't have time.
I know you're not CIA.
A CIA agent doesn't buy guns
from a market stall.
There's still time to take
what we know to others.
Milla, I've spent
the last 15 years
in places of
unimaginable chaos.
I haven't survived by putting
my trust in anyone else.
But, I trust you.
And as soon as this is done,
it's just you and me, I promise.
They will kill you.
If I don't get those diamonds,
I'm a dead man anyway.
If you wanna go,
then go.
It won't change
how I feel about you.
I'm going nowhere.
Come on, Jess, pick up.
Can't wait.
We have to go now.
Where's Quinn?
-He's not coming.
We need Quinn to know.
We think Daoud
delivered the diamonds
to Henrik Mostert
at the Qatari consulate
last night.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. You--
You think Mostert's involved?
-The weapon's biological.
-Whatever it is,
it was made right here
in South Africa.
It's Teliha.
She, uh, she was--
is a doctor. Her research
is in biosciences.
Do you have evidence?
It was Jess. Jess, uh, she--
she found a connection
between her and Daoud,
back in their student days
when she was in London.
It's easy to make a connection
between her and Mostert.
We have to go.
Tell Quinn, once he's dealt
with whatever this is,
-to head to Granger Bay.
Got you.
Copy that. The security
has Target A in sight.
He's coming up stairwell C.
The weapon!
It might be biological!
Then send me all
units immediately!
Target B exiting
the stadium bus terminal.
I need you to divert.
Blue unit for 4 intercept.
Now! Go!
-Who are you?
-I'm not alone.
I didn't ask you that.
I asked you who you are.
We know everything.
About Nkunzi,
the plot,
plan to exchange
the diamonds here.
Do you think
we should call it off?
Mr. Becker needs
to start talking.
Move! Move!
Listen to me.
If you have backup,
they need to come save you now.
Tell me who you are and where
your backup is hiding,
and maybe I won't have to put
a bullet through your head.
He is in the underpass.
Blue unit, go!
Everybody move!
Out the way! Move!
Stop right there!
Show me your hands!
Show me your hands!
Your hands now!
Target B is in range.
They have a clear shot.
You! Put your hands up!
Both hands!
Show me your palm!
-I see wires.
-Take the shot.
Target B is down.
Blue unit, clear the area.
Wait for the bomb squad.
We might not need them.
Last chance.
My name is Lucas Becker
and I'm alone.
Raj, what the fuck
is going on?!
Quinn, Quinn, you need to listen to me.
Hey! It's a diversion.
They found another empty
rucksack at the waterfront.
-They've got us focused on the stadium,
and it's just all looking
in the wrong direction.
-Janina and Lemmer are downstairs-
Yeah. Janina
is with Lemmer,
and they told me to tell you
that whatever's going down
is actually going down
at Granger Bay.
They're not bringing
something into the country.
They're gonna use
the cruise ship
to take something
out of the country.
And I think it's biological
because, somehow,
Dr. Henrik Mostert's involved.
Easy, Mrs. Strachan.
Jess passed on the message
you gave your son.
The wife.
Osman's wife is in there.
The weapon's biological.
What do you mean?
The child's the weapon.
Teliha needs a carrier!
Let the boy go!
-Or what, huh?
-Put the gun down, let him go.
Want him?
Let the child go!
Mrs. Osman!
It's over. Put the child down.
She's my child!
Get away from me!
Put your child down.
It's Nazli, right?
Just put Nazli down,
drop the weapon, and step away.
Tell them to stay back!
This whole area
could be contaminated!
I am sorry to keep you waiting.
Uh, find a way of excusing me
from the meeting,
but just do be careful what
you say about me because
Keep your eye on Roberts.
Comrade Nina, how are you?
How's the child?
Virus didn't have time
to incubate. She's strong.
Glad to hear it.
I'm sorry I don't
have more time.
The press are waiting.
The estimate is two to 300,000.
In New York.
If the child had
managed to infect her fellow
passengers on the liner.
I see.
I'm sorry I don't
have more time.
We arrested Henrik Mostert
at 4:00 AM this morning.
For selling biological weapons
to a terrorist organization.
Your friend,
Dr. Henrik Mostert.
What did he offer you
to find him a buyer?
This is just
a bullshit fantasy.
You brokered the exchange
at the Qatari consulate.
That's why you were there.
And it was you who told
Allajna we were watching them.
You fucked me over the last
time you tried this a year ago.
I know Pelindaba was you, David.
It's been you
all along.
Fuck you.
Was it just for the money?
Uh thank you!
-Thank you!
-Sir, ma'am! Out the way!
Out the way! Ma'am, sir!
Please, get out the way!
Dr. David Masutha!
Dr. David Masutha,
you, sir, need to come
with us. Let's take him.
Out the way!
Everybody, step back!
Please, step back!
Ma'am, no questions!
Sir, I need you to back up!
Can you confirm the ID?
it's not her.
The body. It's not Flea.
She sent the cousin
in her place.
Have a good trip, ma'am.
What I love about the series
is the story lines
that are so different
all merging to one point.
The end of Trackers brings it
all together.
All of our main characters,
they are all involved.
We have this massive scene
with all the crowd going in
the stadium.
And, PBI agents looking for
the suspect.
And suddenly, the action happens
right next to the stadium.
And we're going to see that
in the background,
that-- that the big set up
of the stadium
and then be really close to
our characters
in the harbor area.
They will kill you.
If I don't get those diamonds
I'm a dead man anyway.
Whatever plans Lucas may have,
they have to involve
getting the money,
which Lucas lost
when he arrived in South Africa.
So they hatch a plan
and Milla comes along.
If you wanna go, then go.
It won't change how I feel
about you.
I'm going nowhere.
I think she goes with Lucas,
because she feels that
she's made the choice
to have his back
and he has her back,
and despite anything
she's gonna stick with that.
Very rapidly,
his plan goes south.
Within a matter of seconds,
he finds himself,
now disarmed, and being
dragged at gunpoint.
We're going to see
most of that sequence
from Milla's vantage point.
She's first sort of observing
from the sidelines
but as it unravels,
she has to take part.
I guess in his head,
he's thinking,
"Whenever you're ready Milla.
Anytime now,
just pull the trigger, now.
And-- And start shooting, now."
And, uh, she doesn't.
When she sees Lucas at gunpoint,
she freezes,
and even though she would like
to do something about it,
or shoot, she can't,
because she's completely frozen.
The exchange is taking place
at Granger Bay.
-You sure?
-Jess got a tip-off.
What's nice is when Janina
and Lemmer come together.
He's finally got somebody
to work with again.
Because he's basically been
a lone wolf
for this whole series.
They have the same goal.
And you have these two people
that are working towards
this point,
which brings us to the climax.
Janina gets kicked out by PBI,
but she doesn't give up,
she joins forces with Lemmer
and they find themselves
in the climax of the story.
Easy, Mr. Strachan.
When she sees Janina's there,
there's an immediate strength
that comes from inside,
knowing that
she's being backed up.
The child's the weapon.
Teliha needs a carrier.
It's all in the end,
when all of
these separate lines,
they come together.
As a director
you just try to serve the story
as best as you can.
We want to give information
to the audience,
but you know, keep them guessing
as well.
What is going to happen next
and how do
these characters interconnect
in the end?
Mrs. Osman!
It's over.
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