Trese (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

[gentle music]
Hey, I wanna try it.
I was first. You get the other one.
I said I wanna try it.
- Give me.
- [both grunting]
- Mine.
- [thwacks]
- [thumps]
- [thuds]
- [snarls]
- [body thuds]
- [book thuds]
- [Basilio and Crispin grunting]
Hey, quit it.
I said quit it.
What did Papa say about
fooling around in the library?
Kuya started it.
[in Filipino]
You're crazy!
[in English]
It was his idea.
I don't care who started it.
As long as you both stop.
You can't tell us what to do.
Yeah, you ain't our boss.
As long as I have to babysit
the two of you, I might as well be.
[wind blows]
[quirky music]
[Anton] Basilio, Crispin!
I'd advise against you
hitting my daughter.
People forget she can hit back.
[dramatic music]
But as long as you're in this house,
you are part of this family.
And family protect each other.
[somber music]
[Anton] Alexandra.
They aren't family, Papa,
they're murderers.
They killed the sigbin
and almost killed you.
They are lost children
in need of guidance,
like how I've guided you.
But those brats don't listen.
They don't trust anyone.
Except you.
I'm not you, Papa.
[dramatic music]
[Anton] You don't have to be.
They don't trust you
because you don't trust yourself.
Soon, you'll have to forge
your own path, Alexandra.
It won't be easy,
but should you choose true,
they will follow.
Everyone will.
[dramatic music continues]
[theme music]
[Talagbusao] Alexandra Trese.
The path you've chosen has led you to me.
Datu Talagbusao.
The last we met,
I had your father on a spear.
Then I'm here to return the favor.
Such fight.
You and my children have grown
into the warriors I knew you to be.
No thanks to you, Dad.
You're too late. Talagbusao.
The battle is over.
This battle has been raging
for longer than you can imagine, Trese.
It will continue to rage
long after all of you are dead.
Not if we send you back
to whatever hell you came from.
- [gasps]
- [body slams]
[weapon swishes]
[cement rumbling]
[chains rattling]
[Talagbusao] You can't run away
from the inevitable.
Fighting a god wasn't part
of our arrangement.
Neither is the apocalypse.
So saddle up, Maliksi,
or both our worlds are gonna be destroyed.
This is why I hate family reunions.
Shouldn't let men do a woman's job.
Besides, we can't leave
you boys with all the fun.
- [weapons clanging]
- [wind blows]
You fools.
All willing to die for a cause
none of you understand.
I will bring this world to ruin,
as I have countless times before.
[electricity zapping]
The storm has finally come, Trese.
And you're on the wrong side of it.
Bagyon Lektro, you traitor,
you're being played a fool by Talagbusao.
The only fool here is you,
the murderer of my son.
Clinging to old, antiquated alliances.
Your son brought it on himself,
just like what you are doing now.
Lies. Lies that you and all
your precious allies will pay for.
The Tikbalang have fought alongside
the Treses for centuries.
We shall not abandon them now.
I, too, pledged allegiance
to the Treses once.
And how do they repay me?
They murdered my only son!
[electricity zapping]
[tense music]
- [blood splatters]
- [neighs]
[flesh pierces]
I've always wondered
what it was like to kill a god.
Then you will be disappointed.
- [flesh pierces]
- [groans]
[loud crash]
- [electricity zapping]
- [Hannah and Amie groan]
[Crispin] Hannah!
- [energy zapping]
- [shield swishes]
- [energy whooshes]
- [metal slices]
We're getting our asses kicked
and I don't even know
what the hell is going on.
This Datu Talagbusao
wants to bring about the end of the world.
The end of the world? Great.
- [slashes]
- How do we stop that?
With whatever we've got.
[shield swishes]
[pained groaning]
[ominous music]
- [hisses]
- [explosion]
[swishes, hums]
If this is all this world has to offer,
then it's only right
that I bring it to an end.
Starting with the humans.
- [grunts]
- [weapons whoosh]
Get down!
- [loud explosion]
- [groans]
[energy zaps]
We can't fight them both. Focus on Lektro.
- On it, bossing.
- [electricity zaps]
[weapon swishes]
- [whooshes]
- [grunts]
- [yells]
- [electricity zapping]
I'm up for round two.
[bow stretches]
- [hisses]
- [explosion]
- [arrow whooshes]
- [electricity rumbling]
- [screams]
- [loud bang]
Surrender, Talagbusao, you're on your own.
Don't you understand, Trese?
This is all preordained.
Like how you're standing
before me right now.
We're done listening to you.
Yeah. And don't think we're gonna
go easy because you're our dad.
We're more Mama's boys.
In that case, it's about time
you do as your father says.
- [zapping]
- [both groaning]
The bond of power is strong,
but the bond of blood is stronger.
[flesh squelching]
[dark energy hums]
[Alexandra groans]
What have you done to them?
I've simply returned my children
to their true nature.
The same children you swore to kill?
You still think this is about them,
the prisoners, the Mayor,
the General, Nuno?
They were all a means
to a much greater end.
An end I meticulously planned
long before you were born.
[wind howling]
[Talagbusao] Despite your father's
best efforts to stop me,
he did not stem humanity's lust for war.
Their worship of blood and violence
is what ultimately drew
my most loyal subjects
to summon me back into your world.
I allowed my children to be taken
under your family's care,
so they could be my eyes and ears.
Then I secretly whispered my biddings
throughout the corners
of the supernatural world
as I slowly built my army
in the shadows of your own city.
I hid myself in plain sight
and let my unwitting acolytes
leave bread crumbs in their wake.
Which ultimately led you here to me.
Now, it is time to fulfill your destiny,
to choose among the worthy
and pass judgment on this world.
This is the destiny
your father denied you.
"Destiny"? All you know is destruction.
Your father lied to you.
He lied to everyone.
[energy humming]
[Talagbusao] You are Alexandra Trese,
sixth child of the sixth child.
The one foretold to tip the balance
between the Underworld
and the world of men
to preside over one and destroy the other.
This is the prophecy
as told by your father,
but tainted instead
with lies and half-truths.
[birds chirping]
This prophecy has been
passed down through the ages
long before you were born.
But your father was the first
to seek to understand it.
His search led him to seven seers
who foresaw the coming
of the sixth child in this age.
One of the seers was a young babaylan
from Mount Makiling.
Your father studied
the babaylan's visions,
preparing for what they believed
to be the End Times.
The annihilation of both
the supernatural world
and the world of men.
- [eerie whispers]
- [groans]
[Talagbusao] For all
his scholarly posturing,
your father was blinded
by his own naive humanity.
His own sense of self-righteousness.
He thought he could stop
the march of fate,
even when he discovered
that the prophecy was much larger,
much grander than he ever imagined.
That is because the babaylan's visions
also spoke of a fifth child.
A fearsome warrior who would conquer
both worlds through death and fire
and lay them at the feet of the sixth.
Then, I will be summoned
to remake the world.
And after the sixth
pass judgment on all of creation,
I, Datu Talagbusao, the God of War,
harbinger of both
destruction and creation,
lord of annihilation and rebirth,
would remake the world anew,
just as I had countless cycles before.
This is how it has been.
This is how it shall always be.
But your self-righteous father
vowed to stop me
through whatever means necessary.
He realized that he could not do it alone.
So he formed the Council and united
the human and supernatural worlds
through his precious accords.
A fragile alliance
whose terms were dictated
by none other
than your sanctimonious father,
the self-appointed lakan.
He was reckless to think that his
tenuous accords would stop my arrival.
He lied to his allies and to himself
that he alone was the key
to putting an end to the prophecy.
He searched every corner of both worlds,
determined to find the prophesied twins.
He mistakenly believed
that by finding them,
he could stop the prophecy
from coming to fruition.
All the seers envisioned
the coming of these children.
[children laughing]
But no one knew
to whom they would be born.
Not until the babaylan herself,
your mother,
became pregnant with twins,
you and your sister.
A fifth and a sixth child.
The first destined to conquer.
The other to bring balance.
They were confirmed
by the seers and your mother
to be the same prophesied children
that your father vowed to stop.
His own flesh and blood.
That was when he took matters
into his own hands.
He burned every trace, every note
he had ever made of the fifth child,
believing that if he could rid
the prophecy of its conqueror,
he would stop the coming of the end times,
even if it meant
sacrificing his own daughter.
[ominous music]
[baby crying]
he killed your sister
and turned her into this.
No, my sister was stillborn.
[Talagbusao] Your sister was destined
to be the greatest warrior
this world has ever seen.
Preordained to deliver
both worlds for your judgment,
which is why your father
feared her the most.
But your sister's death was nothing
but a bold-faced lie he spun,
so he could shape you
into his own vision of the prophecy,
a lie he told to the Underworld as well.
So he could hide
your true identity from them.
[haunting music]
The Balete Tree.
No one on the Council knew that you
were the sixth child of the sixth child.
But when the truth was finally exposed,
those who opposed your father
confronted him on the day of your trials.
Your position as Lakan
has made you arrogant, Trese,
surrender the child and there
will be no need for bloodshed.
You're a fool to think
that I'd simply hand over my daughter.
As long as she lives, she dooms us all.
Should the prophecy come to pass
Then may we both
not live long enough to find out.
[dramatic music]
[Armanaz] What now?
Kill them all.
[approaching footsteps]
[Talagbusao] Your father
was foolish enough to think
that he could twist the prophecy
to his own will
and cost the lives of the very allies
he swore to protect.
His own lies
began the undoing of the accords.
The same lies that lured you
into the Balete Tree
because he did not trust you
were ready to face your own destiny.
Innocent blood was spilled
for your father's lies,
all because he was too scared
to admit what he truly was.
[grunts, yells]
[loud warbling]
[Talagbusao] Your father's weakness
was a death sentence
not only to your friends,
but to your family,
your sister, your mother.
His own hubris killed them all.
No! No! You're a liar.
Call me what you like,
but you cannot deny the truth.
I won't be manipulated by you.
[Talagbusao] Your father
is the manipulator.
He selfishly tried to control you
by raising you to believe
that you were born solely
to uphold his worthless accords.
So he robbed you of a choice, Alexandra.
He denied you the chance
to decide for yourself.
Instead, he chose for you and your sister
by controlling your fates,
all because he did not trust you enough
with your own destiny.
And what makes you think I'll trust you?
You think your role in the prophecy
makes you special.
You are not
the first sixth child to be born,
nor will you be the last.
And now, my time has come
to once again begin the cycle anew.
[thunder rumbles]
Come, Trese, embrace your fate.
[Talagbusao] Bring judgment to this world,
so that I may destroy it and recreate
a new, stronger one in its wake.
It is your destiny.
This isn't destiny. This is genocide.
Your destiny is to stand
above all in existence.
[Talagbusao] The Aswang,
the Tikbalang, your friends, your family,
the human and the supernatural world.
You must choose among them all
and anoint those worthy
to be reborn in the New World.
You know I speak the truth.
You can feel it in your blood.
You have no idea what I believe.
Your father's fairy tales,
do you truly think that he loved you,
that he simply was not
using you all this time?
[loud bang]
[Guerrero] Don't listen to him, Alexandra.
Your father may not have been perfect,
but he was a good man.
And whatever he did, I will bet my life
that he did it to protect this world.
To protect you.
- [flesh squelches]
- [pained groan]
Captain Guerrero!
Ah, humanity, ever so arrogant.
[Talagbusao] And yet still so fragile.
- [gunshots]
- [irked grunting]
[shells clanking]
- [choking]
- [bones crack]
[somber music]
[Alexandra] He didn't deserve this.
He was a good man.
Why do you still resist?
Your father robbed your sister
of a choice by taking her life.
And he robbed you of your freedom
by controlling yours.
You are mistaken if you believe
that I'd choose to serve you.
- [Talagbusao] Then I will decide for you.
- [flesh ripping]
Come and partake.
Embrace what you truly are.
What you've always known yourself to be.
Greater than man,
greater than your father.
[in Latin]
Sic itur ad astra.
[both] Sic itur ad astra.
[somber music]
[approaching footsteps]
[cloth rustles]
[in English]
It's time.
Papa, what if I'm not ready?
- What if I don't make it back?
- [Anton] You will.
Trust in yourself just as I trust in you.
- But should you ever lose your way
- [dagger clinks]
look to your family to lead you back.
[foreboding music]
[foreboding music continues]
[Crispin] We'll be right here
when you return, bossing.
[Anton] It's time to forge
your own path, Alexandra.
Trust in yourself.
That will guide you to what is right.
But should you lose your way,
your family will always
be there beside you.
[haunting music]
[vines rustling]
[suspenseful music]
[in Latin]
Sic itur ad astra.
[both] Sic itur ad astra.
[in English]
Are you ready to avenge your sister
and succeed where your father had failed?
Because I am not my sister
and I am not my father.
[tense music]
- But I am a Trese.
- [energy humming]
Any time, boys.
[both groaning]
How can this be?
The bond of blood might be strong,
but the bond of the family is stronger.
- [grumbles]
- [chain rattles]
[loud smash]
- [Alexandra] Hit him.
- [Crispin] Way ahead of you, bossing.
[Basilio] I hope
you've got a plan, bossing.
Keep him distracted and shoot around him.
Around him?
Remember that thing
that makes Crispin sick?
- I don't think
- Trust me.
Always have, bossing.
- [gunshots continue]
- [thumps]
[hard slam]
[tense music]
[Basilio] Oh, yeah!
[tense music]
My flesh bleeds.
But my spirit is undying.
[chain rattles]
You cannot kill me!
- [flesh rips]
- [groans]
I was never going to kill you.
- [slashes]
- [groans]
[chartreuse music]
Dragon's blood.
- [energy humming]
- [groans]
No! No!
Foolish girl!
I will not be imprisoned again!
It's done, Talagbusao.
Your schemes can't hurt anyone here.
Then you will be trapped here with me.
The prophecy cannot be stopped.
Destiny will come for you
and you will be forced to choose.
Then I choose this.
- [loud whoosh]
- [groaning]
All that death just hurts, Papa.
Of course, it should.
[Anton] It is always painful
when something is lost.
[somber music]
[Guerrero] You do what you can, Alexandra.
That's the job, isn't it?
Alexandra, please. Help me save this one.
You just reminded me
of your father for a moment.
Hey, I wanna try it.
I was first. You get the other one.
I said I wanna try it.
Give me.
I still don't trust them.
Those two were raised to believe
that violence and murder
are games to be played.
We can show them
there's a better way to live
by giving them
what they need most right now.
What's that?
[Anton] A real family.
Go, Team Trese.
Bring it in for Team Trese.
Team Trese, on three.
[Crispin] Lead the way, bossing.
[Anton] We'll be right there behind you.
[Miranda] When a soul gets lost,
we, babaylan, have the power to help.
Remember what your papa
and I always tell you.
You need to
You need to see beyond the outside.
All of us must see beyond
to live in balance.
I love you, my darling.
So very much.
[wind blows]
[dramatic music]
[Anton] She will always
be there beside you.
Your family will always be there
beside you.
[dramatic music continues]
[Alexandra] We're home, Alex.
Sometimes at night ♪
I toss and turn ♪
Did I make ♪
A mistake ♪
Regret fills me up inside ♪
I won’t waste ♪
The legacy you passed on to me ♪
Be careful ♪
What you promise ♪
I fear no one ♪
When I feel you next to me ♪
[machine creaking]
It's the barako
you've been drinking, buddy.
[in Filipino]
Fuck you.
[in English]
It came from here.
[eerie music]
- [wings flap]
- [man screams]
What the fuck?
[blood splatters]
[grim music]
- [body thuds]
- [terrified scream]
- [man screaming]
- [flesh ripping]
[blood splatters]
[grim music continues]
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