Tribes of Europa (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Chapter 6

-Where is the boy with the Cube?
-I said a thousand times. He's in the car.
Don't lie, treasure hunter!
I'm not lying to you, man!
I swear!
He wanted to go to the car and wait there.
He didn't.
-He's nowhere!
-I don't know, okay?
-How do you explain it?
-I don't know!
I'll ask you one last time, understood?
If he isn't in the car,
then he must have run away.
But he'd never do that.
I think he did.
Because there's nobody in your crappy car.
And if that's the case…
no one needs you anymore.
Yes! I need him!
Nobody moves!
See, there he is. He didn't betray me.
Yes, I did.
And now I'll get you out of here.
Don't believe him! Shoot!
-Crazy thing!
-Let's go!
Oh, shit!
Hurry up!
The keys are in the car.
Shit! You just ran away with the Cube!
You've been lying to me.
Right from the start, damn it.
I wanted the best for us, and you…
Damn! It can't be true!
A little boy from the forest, innocent.
But no! Lying through his teeth!
You're a full-on liar and cheat!
How could I fall for it?
Get in, Private!
It really is true!
But it's over now, okay?
We'll go our separate ways now!
You go left, I go right.
Or the other way around.
It's a matter of principle.
Left or right. You here, me there.
-May I say something now?
Okay, yes.
Yes, I lied to you.
And I'm sorry!
But I promised the Atlantian
I'd take the Cube back to the Ark.
I have to do it.
Black December, the danger from the East…
And what?
And it's all I have now.
I have nothing else.
Nothing and no one.
That's not true.
You want to take the Cube to the Ark?
To the most dangerous place
on the entire continent?
Will you come?
First, check if it even works.
All right, let's go.
Your big day,
Kiano of the Origines.
Tonight, you will have a new name…
or none at all.
I'm sure you'll find
a suitable name for me, Lord Varvara.
It's not always been my name either.
You weren't born a Crow?
I waited six years for my Boj.
It was a freezing cold day in January.
Cold as death.
The Lubovnik I fought was two meters tall.
They called him "Bear."
He would have made a fine Bozie.
But you won.
After he rammed his dagger
into my abdomen,
he pushed me down
and tried to strangle me
with his massive hands.
I begged for mercy.
I grovelled and pleaded for my life.
He looked me in the eye for a long time…
and then he did it.
He let go of me.
He showed mercy. He let me live.
And you?
I grabbed the dagger on the ground
and cut his throat
from one ear to the other.
What Bear was showing, Kiano,
wasn't mercy.
It was weakness.
We Crows don't know weakness.
We kill what gets in our way.
That was the day I became Bozie Varvara.
Under my Lord at the time…
You have to be strong.
Compassion is weakness.
Empathy is your death.
Everyone who stands in your way?
I'm sorry, Liv.
Don't apologize
for following your principles.
I would've done the same.
I know.
Don't, please!
She killed half your tribe,
and you protect her?
I need her.
She's lost, but you're not.
Come with me.
Nothing will happen to you, I promise.
You killed him.
The Crows killed him.
An ambush at the border, like I predicted.
Historians will say that this
was how the Great War began.
The end of the reign of the Crows
and the beginning of the Crimson age.
Under my reign as Father.
Come with me to the capital.
We'll free all of your people.
Let me go, David.
I can't do that, Liv.
Shoot me, then.
Get out of here, Liv of the Origines.
This place will soon be full of Crows.
It's time.
I'll see you after the fight.
What was it?
Your name from before.
It's forbidden to say it.
I won't do it!
No way!
I will never do it. I would rather die.
You can't do that.
-You can't do that!
You can't do that!
You can't do that!
-You can't do that!
We have to fight.
-They can't do that.
-We have no choice.
Do it!
Kill me!
If you don't do it, we'll both die.
It is what it is.
I will not allow that.
Don't be stupid. Do it!
Get up!
Get up and fight!
Stop it!
Stop it!
This is insane!
Find your siblings, build something new.
All life
is one.
Dewiat betrayed you.
Be grateful!
I'd have fed other slaves
to the pigs for that.
Instead, I gave you the opportunity
to detach yourself from your past.
To let go of your weakness.
Did you really think you'd get that far
without burdening yourself with guilt?
Without learning what it means to hate?
Use the hatred.
It will save you.
It will be your motivation.
Let it sink deep into your heart…
devour you…
embrace you.
It will shield you from sadness.
It will make you strong.
Strong like a warrior.
A Crow.
My name was Sophia.
Lubovnik Kiano of the Origines,
who you once were…
you are now a Bozie
under me, your Lord.
Serving until death.
Your new name is now Tarok.
Hurry, it's about to die.
The Ark must be nearby!
Great, nothing here.
Please don't tell me
that thing's totally fucked.
And what now?
Is anybody out there?
Atlantians, are you here?
Maybe we should wait.
Great idea! Maybe they're taking a shit
and can't answer the door.
Why not check the stone
for the fifth time?
A golden city might suddenly appear.
You should get used to the idea
that what the Atlantian told you
was a load of garbage.
No, it wasn't, okay?
Let's just sell that thing as it is.
It can't have been for nothing.
My tribe, my family…
Hey, listen.
I'm sorry, okay?
But we can leave now or in a week.
Nothing is going to change here
except for the weather and my mood.
Let's go. I'm hungry.
You're hungry?
-I don't care if you're hungry.
Leave it, okay?
We tried.
Failing can be cool
with a house in the Northern Alliance.
Let's go. Come on.
Come on now!
No, don't do that!
No! Don't do it!
Don't do it!
No! Shit!
What the…
Are you ready?
Me neither.
Subtitle translation by Julia Göllnitz
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