Trickster (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

I've had it with this place.
I shouldn't have stayed
over last night.
My foster units are talking
about getting rid of me.
Come to vancouver
with me,
We can leave right now.
If you're too chicken shit
just say so!
You're an asshole.
They're not our enemies.
They need trickster blood
To take them back to
wherever they came from.
Wade doesn't want to die.
Dad, you-you don't have
to do this, please!
You killed me.
To save you.
This is sarah,
Leave a message
after the beep.
Hey, uh, call me back.
It's me, dummy.
You got me.
You didn't go?
Guess not.
I haven't seen you
the past few days.
Impromptu road trip
with my mom.
Where to?
To whitehorse.
Does this have to
do with your dad?
What do you think our place
woulda looked like in vancouver?
Why are you being so weird?
You sure you
don't gotta go?
I don't wanna stop again.
I'll call you back if I can.
You got any smokes?
You asked me that
like 100 kilometres ago.
Sorry, sour puss.
You hungry or what?
Why would I be hungry?
We ate yesterday.
You know, running
isn't a plan.
Running is the only
way I can keep you safe
Until I figure out
what to do with wade.
Don't I get a say
in any of this?
I think we
should split up.
No, we stick together.
Wade's a goddamn shape shifter,
he could be anybody.
Yeah but wade
wants me dead,
And if you get
in his way he's-
You just let me
worry about me.
I need a damn drink.
How come you
never told me
That grandma went to
residential school?
Why would I?
It's just tragedy
and heartbreak.
Because it's the truth.
Yeah but it's also the past.
Yeah, sure it is.
I got my own shit
to deal with.
I know.
And I will.
I mean it, jelly bean.
Once we're done with
this wade shit,
I'm gonna get my
act together.
You'll see.
Sometimes I feel like I went
to residential school too.
That's the fucking truth.
Ah, could we get a
order of large fries
And two vanilla milkshakes?
You know, I'm full.
Me too.
I'm trying to buy
us some time.
You ever dine and dash?
So we're gonna be on the
run from the cops too?
We're low on cash.
You got a better idea?
You act like you're
gonna go out for a smoke,
Bring the truck around,
And I'll give it a minute,
And then I'll go out
and I'll meet you,
And then we'll
be home free.
Yeah, except
there is no home.
Just stick to the plan,
now scoot!
Oh shit.
Oh shit.
Come on, shit, come on.
Shit, shit.
Come on!
What the hell are
you doing here?
Saving jared from wade.
Wade was here?
Why are you with her?
You didn't tell
him anything?
I'm a little busy
trying to keep him alive.
Tell me what?
The truth.
The truth is you've
been following us.
Haven't you?
You took off, maggie.
You left us no choice.
Good thing we
were here, hey?
You've been using
jared as bait.
Almost worked.
We're done here.
You can't watch
jared forever.
The hell I can't.
Come on, maggie,
just hear them out.
Are you going to
pay your bill?
Who's got money?
First you tried to
use jared as bait,
And now you
wanna force him
Into a life and death
confrontation with wade?
Your new friends
here are assholes.
We can make it safe for
jared to carry out his task.
Task, he's not roasting
marshmallows here.
We get wade,
Restrain him,
And then jared kills him.
And how do you restrain a
500-year-old shape shifter?
Wow him with your
new makeover?
You don't have a choice.
Jared doesn't
have a choice.
You guys don't give
a shit about jared.
He was just your
ticket home.
It's also about
restoring balance.
This is your grandson that
you wanna put in harm's way.
So you're just gonna keep
running and hope for the best?
I sure as hell
Won't let you put jared
in the same room as wade.
So you're in agreement?
That only I can end this.
Only you.
Well then I'll do it!
I'll kill my father.
And then you go like this.
And you wrap it
really tight.
Here, hold them tight by the
stem and then we start-
Twirling it around.
Twirling it around
really tight.
Do we really need these?
Ceremony honours
your sacrifice.
It's the way it's
always been done.
Yeah, well, just because
it's always been that way
Doesn't mean it has
to stay that way.
You have purpose.
Right, to restore balance.
What does that even mean?
To live in harmony
with others,
The land,
If that's my purpose
then what's yours?
One in the same.
Tricksters enable us to cross
from our realm to yours.
Witches give us skins so
we can live among you.
And in return, we share
knowledge and wisdom
That helps maintain balance.
And wade messed all that up?
Wade didn't start the fire.
But he certainly
got caught up in it.
You coming around or I
gotta be worried about ya?
Jared needs your
support, maggie.
Ever occur to you that I
might need your support?
That's true.
But I'm here now.
Yeah but you're
on their side.
The only side is
us against wade.
You mean a
17-year-old boy
Against a 500-year-old
shape shifter?
I raised him too soft.
No, you raised him right.
Jared's a great kid.
He's smart, kind.
He's responsible.
Yeah, except he can't
hurt a damn fly.
Let's dine and dash.
We'll figure it
out on our own.
Just you and me,
like always.
No, I can't.
Yes you can.
Let's go.
Okay, then show me how
you're gonna kill wade.
As if.
Show me!
Come on!
I'm not fighting you.
You know why they
want you to do this?
Because they know that the only
way to survive in this world
Is to look out
for number one.
Now if you want to
fight your own battles,
Then show me you can!
I'm not doing this, mom!
You guys see this?
He's not ready!
Your plan is shit!
Hey, let her calm
down now, okay?
Come on.
You think I
don't know that?
You're like a
jackhammer in my head.
Shut up.
Let me think in
peace for once.
Yeah, jared can't do it.
I did, twice.
Bastard just
keeps coming back.
What's that mean?
Mom, where are you?
I'm coming!
What are you doing?
Where are you?
I'm over here,
where are you?
Hold your horses,
I'm coming.
Hi, mom.
Come on.
What if my mom's right?
What if I can't do this?
What choice do you have?
What? It's wade.
The nerve.
Should I answer?
It's up to you.
Hi son.
Don't call me that.
I can imagine the
pressure you're under.
How are you holding up?
What do you want?
I'm calling about
what you want.
Jelly bean?
Mom, are you okay?
Listen to me,
Do not do anything.
Where are you?
Jared, baby,
stay away.
There's no need for
your mom to get hurt,
Or for anyone else
to get involved.
Come home, son.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
You're staying here.
Wade wants you to go.
Well, isn't that
what we want too?
The big trickster face off?
Well, not until it's safe.
But my mom's not safe!
They're not gonna let
anything happen to her, jared.
Oh, you're coming with us.
'cause we don't cast spells.
This is bullshit.
So wade lures you there
While I just sit
here doing nothing.
That makes no sense.
Maybe he wants that.
You're staying here.
Watch him.
I'm not staying here, man.
You've been around
a while, right?
Truth me this,
What's the point
of living so long
If you don't have anyone
to share it with?
Are you trying to
sway my heart?
Honest question.
Remember when
we first met?
You going there?
If I knew you
were a witch,
I'd a kept my distance.
You woulda saved us both
a whole lotta heartache.
I wouldn't do this
if I didn't have to,
I like the kid.
You mean your son?
The point of living is not
to share it with others,
The point of living
is to survive,
That's it.
Get up.
Where're we going?
It's okay, don't worry,
he's cool.
Can I come in?
We need a place to stay.
This spell will keep
your daughter safe
And hold wade inside.
No way will he be
able to escape.
Once we have wade,
We'll bring jared back
To open the north door.
I don't know what to say.
Say what you hear.
No no no no no no no.
Wanna try?
Yeah, go for it.
This one you use
to move around,
This one's to look,
And that one is how
you get people.
Something's wrong.
I thought you
were long gone.
Yeah, me too.
What's up?
I came to say goodbye.
Child services.
They finally
caught up with me.
They called my
foster parents.
Let's go talk somewhere.
Where is he?
-Not here.
Wade's not here.
Where's jared?
You're quiet.
Foster care bullshit.
I hate not having
control of my own life.
Yeah, I get it.
Sorry, this place is a mess.
But, um, I'm glad
you came by.
I got some crazy
family shit going on.
You know and I don't
know what to do.
You knew it was
me all along.
Or stupid.
Where's jared?
I'm his mom,
where is he?
I know who you are.
Crashpad said that
he left with you.
I haven't seen jared,
not for a few days.
You don't have
to do this.
I don't wanna do this,
If that's what you mean.
But I have to.
If you were in my shoes
you'd do the same thing.
No I won't use my
trickster powers, okay?
I don't even know how to.
You will, in time.
Then you'll come after me.
You know, I'll stay
outta your way.
I'll move far away, please.
That sounds nice.
I mean that.
But even if I wanted
to live and let live,
I can't.
Oh my god.
Jared thinks he
left with you.
Thinks, I don't understand.
Oh no.
Where-where would
jared take wade?
You just said jared
thinks he's with me.
Oh wait, I'm asking
the wrong question.
Where would
jared take you?
What's wrong with you?
The stronger you
become the weaker I get.
But I'm not
doing anything!
It's not what you're doing,
It's who you are.
You can't escape
who you are, son.
Why didn't you just kill
me before we even met?
Before I got to know you?
I had to be sure
you were like me.
And now I know.
I think I know
what it's like.
To feel like your
life isn't your own.
I release you
from that burden.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
The north door is opening.
We're too far away!
I'm not like you.
Our people were killed.
Our land was taken,
Our practices outlawed.
They wanted to end us.
To keep our culture alive
I had to stay alive.
But here we are,
Father against son.
What if there's another way?
There is no other way.
- Can it!
Nice start.
Now finish the job.
No, we're family, mom!
No, you and me are family.
Wade is nothing!
No jared, we are family.
Do not trust him.
Only you can end this.
No, we'll find a way.
No mom, don't!
-Maggie please-
The world is hard.
You have to be harder.
That was a
warning signal
To say that danger was
around us, say, me.
And now, I may not see
the beavers for some time.
I think a piece
is missing.
Sure you don't
want any help?
Nah. I wanna, uh,
impress destiny.
You know, having kids,
It's like your life
isn't yours anymore
And then you realize,
Your life was just
missing a piece.
Second chances.
Everybody needs 'em.
Is that wade's bag?
Yeah, never came
back for it.
True to style,
I guess.
Oh shit, it's your mom.
Hey, listen,
You can stay as long as
you need, okay, son?
Thanks, dad.
Morning, sunshine.
School's been on my ass.
You plan on going back
or are you dropping out?
I'm taking this week off.
Call it a mental
health break.
Come home.
The pipeline has become
a very divisive issue-
What if I leave the
toilet seat up?
Or the milk carton open?
How do I know you're
not gonna kill me too?
What are you
going off about?
Breaking news, mom,
I'm a trickster.
I'm a witch,
Well maybe tricksters and
witches are arch enemies?
That's one of the many
questions I would've asked wade
Before you torched
him to death.
Wade's not dead.
He's contained.
Wait, what are you
doing with them?
You're gonna scatter
his ashes in the river.
It'll be years before that
bastard could regenerate.
No, you killed him,
you get rid of him.
It's also a peace
offering, idiot.
So that you can move on.
There's nothing I can do
that will change anything,
The shit is all messed up.
Scatter his ashes.
And get your ass home.
You know who else has
been riding my ass?
Sarah, you're not
returning her texts.
You know, I like her,
but she's trouble.
And what's that mean?
I'm making roast beef
for dinner tomorrow night.
Family dinner.
Grandma's gonna stay
with us for a while.
You're leaving?
Come with us.
There's more of us,
but in hiding.
We need you to
sew skins for us.
I-I can't.
My daughter,
we just barely-
Those voices you heard,
They were your people.
Your ancestors.
I hear them,
even now.
Come, there's so
much I can show you.
Come with us.
So does this mean you
got all wade's stuff now?
No, just the title.
You liked him,
didn't you?
Man, I don't even know what a
trickster's supposed to do.
Man, you'll figure it out.
What are you doing?
This is how you stop your
dad from regenerating.
You put him in all
the pepper shakers.
He'll end up in the
bellies all over town,
And then eventually
down the toilet
And then into the river.
What. The. Hell?
The hell, man, that's-
Yeah, you need to
scatter this like now.
Yeah, man, that's
probably a good idea.
Real quick though,
do it again.
What? No.
Real quick, come on, dude,
hurry up, I'll post it.
Cool trick, jared.
Mmm, what you got there?
Home cooking.
I missed you.
Anything I can do?
You can't stay
with me tonight.
What do-what do you mean?
You bail me outta jail
just to kick me to the curb?
Well my mom's
gonna move in.
I'll fix you a drink.
No, I'm good,
you get one.
Hey, uh, just in time.
You can teach me how
to make your gravy.
I'm richie.
I was just-just leaving.
Well at least you came
to say goodbye this time.
I don't wanna leave
you and jared.
Especially now.
I'm on a path.
I need to follow it,
See where it leads me.
So it's, uh,
it's not a choice,
It's a spiritual calling?
I don't know what to do.
No, bullshit.
You already made
up your mind.
So where's jared?
No, no, no!
You just want our blessing
so that you can feel good
About taking off again!
Goodbye, mom.
You have a path too, maggie.
I hope you find it.
Hello, my name is
randy and, uh,
I have an addiction to
alcohol and to cocaine.
Please, grab a seat.
It's been tough,
But I feel like
these meetings
Have really
been helping me
Get my life back on track,
so, thank you.
Thanks for that randy.
We'll get another
chance to cross home.
Trickster blood runs
thicker than water.
We can't trust jared.
So when the
next time comes
We force the boy to
kill the father,
Do whatever it takes.
And when that time comes,
We close the
north door forever.
Before this dying
world sickens ours.
We end the
trickster bloodline.
You're really leaving?
Not by choice.
Off to the next
foster home.
Well, to where?
The indian agents
won't tell me.
If they had their way it'd
be residential school.
How are you doing that?
I have no idea.
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