Triptych (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

The Experiment

The Supreme Being.
The name you assign the power
doesn't matter.
But why do so many poor,
unfortunate souls resist
against the idea of a creator
who's supposed to bring love to humanity?
Filled with rage,
these non-believers are cursed by the fury
of life's unanswered questions.
It churns within them
like a roaring hurricane.
Their doubts consume them.
Like a fire devouring
their minds and bodies.
They're soon driven to madness and lost.
And like Prometheus
if they try to steal fire from the Gods,
the consequences are torment eternal
with the pain of a thousand vultures
devouring their livers.
They took Rebecca and me
through some hidden corridors
in the basement of the building.
We delivered the babies
in a makeshift operating room.
The mother was
practically a child herself.
Although it was
a high-risk triplet delivery,
there was only one doctor in the room.
He was Rebecca's boss.
Doctor Sáenz.
After the births,
we were required to stay down
in that basement for several weeks.
We were instructed to administer care
to the mother and the babies
until everyone
was strong enough to travel.
To travel where?
I don't know.
We did as we were told
and knew not to ask questions.
Doctor Sáenz came and went
and never said one word.
Then one day,
I heard him speaking to our security guard
about Rebecca and me.
You'll take them to the Toluca airport
tomorrow morning at seven o'clock.
There will be a plane waiting for you
on the tarmac.
The pilot has already been instructed
to take the babies to their next location
where stage two
of the experiment will begin.
Yes, sir. What about the nurses?
You know what to do!
Plans for the nurses and the girls
remain unchanged.
That night,
we planned our escape.
Once I knew the guards
were sleeping soundly,
I snuck around
and somehow managed to find a phone.
I was able to reach my cousin,
a taxi driver,
who came right away.
Rebecca was trailing behind us.
She had the third baby in her arms.
Go! Go!
She didn't make it.
The guard caught her.
Go! Go, Raul, go!
We were in hiding for several months.
It was during that time
that I remembered Gonzalo and Dolores.
Your dear parents.
Paquita and I planned
to give both girls to them.
But at the last minute,
she decided to keep one.
Is, uh
Was she Francisca Sánchez?
Yes, but that wasn't her real name at all.
That was the name
on the fake birth certificates
I helped her get
for herself and the child.
You were given to Dolores.
You mentioned an experiment.
What kind of experiment was it?
I don't know.
But nothing good came out of it.
And Aleida?
How did she end up being adopted
by Federico Trujano?
Aleida was adopted
through an agency in New York.
In New York?
Yes, and Aleida had a copy
of her adoption certificate.
I saw it at Eugenio's.
Have you spoken to Eugenio?
Well, the guy kidnapped me.
I spent the night
at his place with Tamara.
I wouldn't say we talked a lot.
He said that he wants to help us
get more information about Aleida.
Do you trust him?
I don't, but Tamara says she does.
I see.
And what are her thoughts
about all of this?
doesn't take anything seriously.
She actually thinks we're clones.
And you think that's absurd?
Well, of course.
That only happens in the movies
and science fiction.
Well, science fiction,
impossible as it may seem,
is grounded in reality.
Some aspects of science are made public,
but that's just the tip of the iceberg.
There's actually an enormous amount
of research being done
in areas which are only visible
to bioethicists
who must debate the outcome
of this research on humanity.
Cloning, genetic engineering,
those are the fruits of experimenting
we once believed was unethical. Hmm.
Time and technology make things palatable.
If sheep and dogs are being cloned,
I'd speculate
that they're cloning humans too.
- What else did she tell you?
- Nothing.
Are you sure?
I told you, she didn't say anything.
I mean, all she did is cry
about how much she misses her daughter
and didn't get to say goodbye.
I didn't get to say goodbye to her.
I didn't see her body even.
Eugenio arranged for the cremation.
And your sister?
What about her?
Have you heard from her?
I thought that you
were gonna keep tabs on her.
Why don't you just ask
your motorcycle friend?
I do, and I miss them too.
And I love you.
It's all going to work out, love.
It'll be fine.
Sometimes adults disagree,
and so then we talk,
we find some kind of agreement.
But if there's one thing we both agree on,
it's how much we love you kids, Betito.
All right, son, I promise.
Yes, yeah, yeah, of course.
You bet, you bet. Now go to sleep.
How about I pick you up in the morning
and I take you to school?
What do you think?
Deal. Look after your brother
and your mom.
Love you, little man.
Where were you?
I was worried.
Can I have a hug?
Becca. Becca.
Becca. Becca!
It's okay.
What's wrong? Are you okay?
It's Humberto.
I want a drink.
I need one.
So there's a lot more to find out.
Like what?
Weren't you listening?
Aleida's adoption.
The fires, the weird dreams,
the coincidences.
No, wait, hang on. What coincidences?
All three of us lost a parent
within weeks of each other.
Isn't that weird?
How would you explain it? Hmm?
I think you should speak
to the doctor.
Gotta trust my gut.
I'm sure there was weird shit
going on down there. I can feel it.
- You're saying in the creepy basement
- Mm-hmm.
of a hospital in our city,
a bunch of mad scientists
were experimenting with human cloning?
Don't make fun of me.
Dr. Bátiz thinks it might be possible.
I'm guessing you think there may still be
some clues left down there
from those experiments 30 years ago?
There is only one way to find out.
And I'm not asking for permission.
All right, let's go look.
I'll come with you.
With or without your permission.
To the hospital?
Just give me a couple hours
to pick my kids up and get them to school.
Why don't you go to a meeting first,
and we'll meet up later?
She is responding to treatment.
Dr. Klein was questioning the decision
to keep her in an induced coma.
It's all right
to take extreme precautions.
But I'll visit her later,
and I'll talk to Klein when I'm there.
So sorry, I have to answer this.
Hope this is important.
That's where you've been hiding.
- Tamara.
- Hey.
- What's up?
- We have to see each other.
Look, Mom.
It's her.
Her name is Beatriz Fonseca.
Do you recognize her?
Sort of.
I'm not sure, but
Well, honestly, we met so many
social workers during those years, dear.
This could be any one of them.
Mom, try and think back. Concentrate.
It was so long ago.
We all looked a lot younger.
She looks familiar, I guess, yeah.
I'll show you another.
Well, here they are.
Are you ready?
Well, now
should we come in or keep standing here
looking at each other?
Um, Mom, this is, uh,
Tamara Sánchez.
My sister.
So nice to meet you, Tamara.
I'm Dolores.
Come here, give me a hug!
Please call me Lola.
- Lola.
- Please come in.
I'm Pilar Mancera, Trujano's widow.
- But I suspect you already know that.
- Hmm.
So you're the third sister?
Was this at school?
What year?
What are you thinking?
How could you bring her here?
What if she tells Eugenio?
Take it easy.
Becca, I'm starting to think
you can only function on two speeds. Huh?
On freak and super freak.
Where's the sugar?
Up there.
Look, dude.
The old bitch has no fucking clue
what's going on. Hmm?
But you should talk to her.
See if she's of any use to us.
And if not, fuck her.
Tamara, how come you're so cold?
Super freak.
I don't buy it.
Her spiritual transformation story
is absolute bullshit.
I wouldn't put it past Eugenio
to have orchestrated the damn thing.
What is he feeding her?
I don't know.
But she gave her life's work away
in the blink of an eye.
Not the girl we once knew.
Rogelio, you're much closer to them
than any of us.
Find out what this is all about.
Trust me, I'm on it.
I told you, I left everything on my desk.
The rest of it is up to you now.
Use your imagination.
I can't do everything for you.
My patient is waiting.
So then, did Tamara's mother
give birth to all three of you?
I guess now we know why you drink.
if Aleida was born in Mexico,
why was she adopted in the United States?
I don't know.
Bernardo took care of everything.
We were told she was the daughter
of a deceased Mexican migrant worker.
We didn't ask questions.
We were part
of a university study.
Supposedly, they were monitoring
hundreds of children.
That's why they came
and tested her every month.
Uh, Aleida
had monthly health tests done as well.
It was supposedly one of the conditions
of the adoption.
And Aleida dated a psychologist?
Yes, Germán.
How did you know?
this was Bernardo
and Federico's professor.
He was German, I think.
I'm not quite sure.
Federico kept himself in excellent shape.
That day,
he played golf with Bernardo.
And he just
had a massive heart attack. Poof!
By the time the ambulance arrived,
he was dead.
With Bernardo?
They were alone?
I think you should see this.
It's about some triplets
who were separated at birth
and reunited years later in the 1980s.
Thanks a lot, Mom.
Pilar, I'd like to have a good look
around the basement of the hospital.
Is there any way
you can help us gain access?
Darling, you're speaking
to the principal shareholder and president
of the Humanis Vita Foundation.
Keep smiling.
There's no need to say anything.
And for goodness’ sake,
stop scratching your head.
I'm sorry.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
This is our architect.
Aleida and I would like
to take him down to see
where we'll be storing
the foundation archives.
- Should I let Mr. Tamayo know you're here?
- No.
I will go to his office
as soon as we're done. Thank you.
Of course.
This is my pass, which will open all doors
as well as the elevator to leave.
I'll go on up so that Tamayo
doesn't get suspicious.
- Go on. Good luck.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
Where's this clandestine operating room?
Keep going.
To the end of the hall.
You feeling okay?
Are you sure Aleida was dead?
Becca, why are you asking now?
We've we've spoken about it.
Just answer me.
Are you sure Aleida was dead?
I think I've seen enough bodies
in my lifetime
to know when someone's dead.
Are you all right?
Shall we continue?
No, nothing, let's go.
Come on.
This is weird.
None of these documents are dated.
Bernardo Sáenz.
Alpha, Beta and Gamma?
That's what they called us?
These are DNA sequences.
How could this--
Becca, look.
Who's this?
Apparently, she's the original,
and Alpha, Beta, and Gamma
are photocopies.
I'm a little surprise you can make a joke
after what you've discovered.
I don't know what else to do
other than laugh.
My sisters and I are clones
of some Nazi chick.
Tamara will love it.
You don't want any wine?
- No.
- It's just wine.
No, no, thanks.
- Oh--
- Eugenio, sorry.
You know how my wife is.
When she gets an idea in her head,
no changing it.
Where have you been hiding my friend?
I have to see her.
I brought sushi. I hope you're hungry.
Oh, that's nice, Cynthia.
But I'm sorry,
she's not too social right now.
She's in bed with a migraine, I'm afraid.
I'll tell her you dropped by.
the old headache trick?
Stay with Queno,
I'm going to surprise my friend.
Look at this.
This is a
a picture I wanted you to take a look at.
According to Pilar,
this man was Bernardo Sáenz
and Federico's professor.
Apparently, he's German.
Do you recognize him?
I know who he is.
So you knew him?
Not personally, but
I do know his story.
He was Austrian, not German.
Marcus Herzog.
His case was very well known
because Israeli Secret Service
organized an extensive search
to find all the Nazi criminals
who'd settled in Latin America
after the war.
No, no, no, no,
this is just too much to take in.
You know, I do want this.
- Hi, sweetheart. Hey.
- Hi.
How are you?
Good, good, I'm good.
- God, I missed you so much.
- Yeah.
- So how are you doing?
- Fine.
- Great.
- Sushi sound good?
- Yeah.
- You'll come down?
- Yeah.
- Great.
Thank you.
See you soon.
Here's to having you back.
So, cheers. Cheers, cheers, cheers.
Mmm, so spill it.
Eugenio told me you were scouting
in Taipei for potential investors, right?
No, come on. Let's not talk business now.
Yes, not now, Rogelio.
- Let's celebrate then.
- Wait, we want to see all your pics!
- Of course!
- The photos?
Yes, surely you took a few, right?
Mmm. Millions.
But poor Eugenio has already seen them
many times. I can't make him look again.
- Aw!
- Please don't. I'll die.
Just one.
- Let it go.
- Aw.
- Cynthia.
- Yeah.
Oh, I wouldn't stay anywhere else.
They're great rooms, eh?
The Imperials
are very beautiful.
But you know what Tokyo is famous for?
The Shibuya district.
- She loves to shop.
- Oh my God.
The restaurants, the bars, the shops.
They're all to die for.
Generally incredible.
Aleida, did you make it
to Shibuya 109, the mall?
Did you find your way to Shibuya 109?
Aleida, are you with us?
Aleida, hello!
Are you okay, Aleida?
I don't know what's going on.
She hasn't had a drink in a month.
I know I've said it already.
Let me pass on the info
for the clinic Cynthia went to.
Rogelio, that's secret.
Sweetheart, I
Let's go. We're all tired.
Yeah, I think we'll leave it at that.
Good idea.
- Yeah.
- Of course.
Hey, where do you think
you assholes are going?
It's time for karaoke.
Aleida, we're all tired.
No, my love.
You know what?
You've had too much to drink, sweetheart.
Let's get you to bed, darling, okay?
- Aw, yeah.
- Come, come.
Let's go fuck.
Join us? Mmm.
Hey, I need you to listen to me.
- Hey, back off!
- Tamara.
- Tamara, this is serious!
- Let go, girl!
- Listen to me. You were right.
- What's wrong with you?
We were cloned
by some fucking Nazis.
That's enough! Let's go!
- Yeah
- Mmm.
- Yeah, you're okay.
- Come here.
- You are tipsy.
- Mm-mm.
Call me tomorrow, okay?
Mmm, don't go yet. I don't want you to go.
I love you.
I love you so much, dude! Don't leave.
Aw, I love you so, so much,
but we have to go now.
And you need to rest, hmm?
Cynthia, come.
What are you doing? What's wrong with you?
What are you doing?
We better go.
Take it easy.
- Bye, guys. Cynthia, we're leaving. Bye.
- I don't understand what's going on.
Yeah, see ya.
- I know it all.
I know about the experiment.
I know you killed my sister.
Beatriz Fonseca told me all of it.
Fucking Nazi son of a bitch.
You're a bastard.
Fuck! Fuck!
Becca. Becca.
Wake up.
You awake?
- What the fuck did you do last night?
- I don't know.
- You don't know?
- No.
Come on, stand up.
Let's go.
- See ya.
- Where were you?
- Huh?
- Where did you go?
I don't know. I can't remember.
- Hello, Sol.
- Morning.
Eugenio's not here?
Mr. Sáenz called earlier
to say he won't be coming in today.
Tell me, come on.
What was going through your mind
'cause I don't get it.
What the hell happened?
What did the doctor tell you
that made you drink like that?
I don't know.
I was all messed up, Humberto.
I showed her
what we found at the hospital.
And she gave me some wine to calm me down.
You drank wine?
You didn't tell her you're an alcoholic?
No, you didn't.
Climb in.
Beatriz, how are you?
Could you please
come to my house?
Well, I think so.
Uh, you'll have to give me your address.
I'll text it to you.
I think this is it.
Sixteen, yeah. Fourteen.
Beatriz! It's Becca!
Door's open.
No, Becca, wait.
Mission accomplished.
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