TrollsTopia (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Girls' Night - Cloud Control

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
All by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun To share
this one with someone else ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice ♪
Stand up and sing along ♪
All different voices ♪
Everybody now! ♪
Our melodies ringing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger
With every Troll singing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪

[Rock music]
Ah! Yeah, yeah! ♪
Excellent form. I give that
stage dive two horns up!
Huh? Ugh.
- Come on. Not again.
- What?
CARD: You're invited
to girls' night! Yay!
Poppy's been inviting me
to this touchy-feely girls'
night thing for months.
But I already R.S.V.P.'d
with a formal "ugh."
- She's relentless!
- Huh?
CARDS: You're invited
to girls' night, yay!
You're invited to
girls' night, yay!
You're invited to girls' night!
[Val grunts]
- Learn how to take "ugh" for an answer.
- Come on, Val.
Just give me one girls' night
of super fun gal pal bonding.
Or I'll have no choice but to unleash
the full power of my hospitality.
- Uh!
- May love and friendship strengthen me!
Uh! Okay!
- Ha, ha! Sorry, what?
- One night, then all of this stops.
- Yay!
- Ugh!
I know exactly how this girls'
night's gonna go, Demo.
They'll braid hair,
glitter-paint nails,
and before you know it, we'll be
- talking about, ugh, our feelings.
- "Talk"?
"About feelings?"
Nay, milady!
For you are
the great Val Thundershock!
Yeah, I know, but
ever since I came to Trollstopia,
I feel like I'm losing my edge.
Somehow being here
always catches me off guard.
One minute, we'll be doing
something totally savage.
When out of nowhere
Hey, guys?
There's something
on my heart right now.
VAL: That's when I feel
my soft side awakening.
I start to change.
First the big, caring eyes.
Then, the warm smile.
[horror music]
And the arms held out to hug.
Ah! No, no!
It's taken all my strength
to stuff it back down.
But at girls' night,
if I let my guard down
for even a second,
I could end up saying something
really personal.
I don't know how to stop it, Demo.
But I gotta think of something.
Think? Huh? Wanna mosh it
- over in the thinking pit?
- Sure.
[Rock music]
[Both screaming]
[Indiscernible conversation]
Hey, gal pals!
These girls' night blowouts
are lookin' fabulous!
- Hey!
- Holly, typically we'd blow dry now,
but Funk research indicates we'll
get better results by using
- The cyclone dimension!
- Oh!
- Hey!
- Wow, Poppy, girls' night is off to a great start.
And I can't believe
you got Val to show up.
Now if we can just get her
to come inside.
Yeah, I've given her
five minutes to wallflower.
That's enough.
Uh, Val, why don't you come on
in and let your hair down?
You know,
so we can put it back up again.
With super cute ribbons.
Nope. I agreed to be here
for one night and I'm here.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm
just gonna scowl and bear it.
Come on, Val. Everyone
has fun at girls' night.
- Right, girls?
- Yeah.
Yeah, sugar.
Just let your guard down!
"Let my guard down?"
Ye! Yee-haw! ♪
Don't you wanna let your hair
down With your favorite girls ♪
Ain't nothin' like a night of
bonding Between you me her and her ♪
Take this put it on your wrist
As a symbol of our love ♪
Your turn for a makeover ♪
I'mma show you
How we do it up ♪
Girls, girls, girls ♪
It's a magical night ♪
We're feelin' a vibe ♪
We're comin' alive, yeah ♪
Girls, girls, girls ♪
Yeah we have all the fun ♪
It's nothin' but love ♪
Come kick it with
us, your girls! ♪
- We done here?
- Uh
Not yet.
Because the next thing
on our girls' night agenda is
[super hero music]
- Troll pranks!
- "Troll pranks"?
Let's rip the wrapping paper
off this village!
- Yay!
- So savage.
Wait for me!
[Everybody laughing]
Hey, you kids!
Oh, streamers!
Oh! Whipped cream!
Let's do this!
Candy, candy, candy! Yay!
- What a riot!
- Pranks for the win!
You see that last piñata
get smashed?
Well, girls! I'd say that
was a successful prank fest.
It sure has gotten us
to let our guard down.
Uh! "Let our guard down"?
What do you say
we gather 'round in a circle
and have some share time?
"Share time"?
- Signal!
- Uh! The signal.
- I
- I'm here!
[Demo panting]
This is unexpected.
You must have
some really convincing reason
that you need me to go somewhere
with you right this instant.
Yes. I do.
See, I, I
Uh, I broke my guitar pick.
- A guitar pick?
- Uh
Yeah! See, Hard Rock Trolls
get very attached to our picks.
And this one
[sad music]
Was like a best friend.
His name was Pick Jagger.
- Aw!
- Sorry, Demo, I'd love to console
you in your time of need,
but Poppy says I have to stay
here for girls' night.
So, I guess you'll just have
to go be sad alone.
Oh, no, Val,
this is more important.
I, I'll stop pestering you
about girls' night.
Go with Demo.
Oh, well, okay,
if you say so.
Unless, of course,
you guys both wanna stay?
- Oh! Really?
- Demo! No!
- I could be a part of girls' night?
- Of course.
Everyone's welcome at girls' night.
And you're going through a hard time.
Wouldn't it feel good to talk
about it with all of us?
- Mm-hm.
- Well, actually
I'm just so tired
of being strong all on my own.
[Demo crying]
This is actually
all just coming out.
- Come on, Val. Join us. Come on.
- Yeah! Get over here!
[Horror music]
May our hearts beat as one,
my sisters.
- Uh!
- Val? What's happening?
Excellent question, Poppy.
And I'm gonna respond in
excruciatingly personal detail.
- [Howling] No!
- Val!
- Are you okay?
- No! And it's your fault!
Huh? My fault?
What did I do?
You're trying to get me
to share things about myself,
but I don't want to share things
about myself.
I'm scared to share things
about myself.
- Oh.
- There's a reason I've got my whole vibe.
It makes me feel safe.
I don't want all my personal stuff
just out there for everyone to see.
Look, Val.
I'd love to say
you can do girls' night
and never risk sharing something
about yourself.
But when we all get together,
sharing just happens.
So if you don't wanna come,
I'll leave you alone about it.
[Sad music]
That said, we did have
a lot of fun tonight.
So, maybe the risk is worth it.
There. What do you think?
Oh! I think I have made a lot
of new friends here tonight.
Can I get a group hug, please?
B: Aw! Bring it in.
R: Added to the girls club.
Hey, Poppy. Where's Val?
Val's not coming back, you
guys. I think I really blew it.
Get in here.
[Everybody laughing]
Ew! Stop.
- Val!
- Okay, this is how it's gonna work.
I'm gonna share one thing about
myself. One! Got it?
- I really like flavor-berry lip gloss.
- Aw
Ah! All right, all right, all right.
Are we goin' pranking again or what?
[Everybody cheering]
Okay, you can wipe that smile
off your face, Pop-squeak.
From here on,
I'm here for rowdiness only.
And maybe a manicure later.
Yeah! Girls' night!
[Lullaby music]
- What? Who did that?
- It was me!
Cloud Guy!
What do you want?
It's our annoy-iversary, bud!
A day to honor me, harassing you.
And what better way to celebrate
than breakfast in bed?
[Cloud Guy laughing]
You serve breakfast in bed,
you don't make it in bed.
Meh! You say hash browns,
I say haysh-browns.
No one says "haysh-browns!"
Ah! What better way
to celebrate our special day
than a stroll down
Irritation Lane.
Look, that's where you gave me
your first eye roll.
And over there, you said
those three little words
- You are infuriating!
- Oh! You remember.
- Uh! Best annoy-iversary ever.
- "Annoy-iversary?"
What's that? Never mind,
it has "ersary" in it
I'm getting you a gift.
Ah! This is gonna be so fun!
Listen up,
you be-socked puff of vapor
and cheap gags,
I am not
- Hmm. Hold that rant.
- Uh?
[Mysterious music]
An ancient Pop Tribe disco ball!
So rare and preserved and
Oozing with charm!
Uh! Cloud Guy?
Not again.
- You two know each other?
- Unfortunately, yes.
I'm all too familiar
with this particular example
of Cloudicus-Irritatium.
Ha! I love it
when she classifies me.
Down low?
Oh! Note,
I must not engage the cloud.
He will simply pull his hand
away and say: "Too slow."
- Interesting theory.
- Uh!
But you're the type of Troll who
can't resist testing a hypothesis.
Can you?
- Hmm
- Laguna, don't.
- Do it!
- Uh
- No!
- Ah!
- Oh!
- Too slow.
I really gotta thank Poppy for
this whole Trollstopia thing.
Having all my favorite Trolls in one
place is gonna cut down on my commute.
Wait. All your favorite Trolls?
How many of us are there?
[Hammer knocks]
Hear ye, hear ye!
I call the first meeting
of the United Council
Against Cloud Guy to order.
All of us are victims
of his antics, yes?
That is accurate.
If we share what we know,
together we can beat Cloud Guy.
All right,
I guess I'll share, y'all.
I remember the first time
Cloud Guy drifted into town.
I was well on my way to winnin'
a record-breakin' fourth straight
Lonesome Flats Cutey pageant,
when he showed up.
- Ugh!
Let me tell you, my hair was
big, ya'll. But Cloud Guy's?
But I knew he had no true
passion for the pageant arts.
He only won that crown
to mess with me.
Ya'll! Now I'm all
worked up, ya'll!
Come on, someone's gotta know
something we can use against him.
Lownote, sure he didn't
get the best of you.
You're the coolest Troll alive!
You got that right, baby. Except
- when it comes to that cloud!
- Oh!
I'm sorry. I've suffered from
his aggravations too many times.
- Oh, hush now.
- Oh, there, there.
Ugh! This is futile. No one
can best that loathsome cloud.
No one!
Wait a second.
We're missing somebody.
Perhaps we should consult
the attendance sheet.
There's a Troll here from every
tribe, except the Hard Rock Trolls.
Cloud Guy?
Oh, yeah, he tried to play
his little games with me.
Down low?
Down low ♪
Not the icy glare! Ah!
You turned the tables on Cloud Guy?
Tell us how to do that.
It's better if I just show you.
[Demos chuckles]
Oh, man. Val is so hard core. I
can't wait until we find Cloud Guy.
Find me?
I'm right here.
Annoy-iversary group photo time!
[Everybody groaning]
And now some
with the lens cap off!
[Val laughing]
Uh! Val!
Cloud Guy. Cloud Guy.
Cloud Guy.
You and your jokes.
You ever hear the one
about the cloud
who wasted everyone's time
with irritating pranks?
- Huh?
- Oh! You'll love it.
See, there was
this really cool Rocker Troll,
let's call her me,
who wanted to get the upper hand on
this cloud to find his weaknesses.
So, she talked
to every single person he knew
- to dig up every single bit of dirt from his past.
- Ah!
Like how he got kicked out
of Cloud College.
I flunked basic precipitation.
- His failed high-end leggings boutique.
- Socks Fifth Avenue?
She even found out about how
he's always lived in the shadow
of his vastly more impressive
objectively handsome older brother,
- Cloud Man.
- Hey.
Ah! This isn't as fun
as it usually is.
- Ah!
- Oh!
- Oh, man. I rock so hard.
- We beat Cloud Guy!
[Everybody cheering]
[Party horn blows]
- Woo-hoo!
- Yay!
- Great!
- POPPY: Hey!
- Huh?
- What did you do to Cloud Guy?
Cloud Guy? What?
[Sad harmonica music]
I spent all day
looking for the perfect
annoy-iversary present
and this is how
I find Cloud Guy?
I'm sure he's fine.
Cloud Guy, what is all this?
Oh. Hey, guys.
Was I wallowing too loud?
Sorry, I'll give it a rest.
Are you living out here?
Oh, yeah. I just realized
Val was right about me.
I do waste everyone's time
with my annoying pranks.
So, I've decided
it's best to live out here,
in the wilderness, alone.
- Aw
- And, yeah, it gets a little cold
and a growl beast
ate my last pair of socks.
But I just fashioned these new
ones out of tree bark.
Okay. I think I'll go rest up a
bit before I try the second one.
But I just want you to know how sorry I
am for all the trouble I've caused you.
[Cloud Guy groaning]
[Cloud Guy yelling]
See? He is fine.
Guys, come on, back me up here.
Lownote Jones has to admit,
this is pretty sad stuff.
Maybe we went too far
getting Val involved.
Maybe we have to help him.
Help him? Are you out of your minds?
Guys, we finally beat him!
Yeah, but, ya'll.
No one deserves to live out here
all alone, ya'll.
- Holly, he ruined your pageant!
- True. But, honestly,
I was taking that pageant
too seriously, anyway.
Losing to Cloud Guy actually
- freed me up to try new things.
- Wow.
It sounds like, in his own way,
Cloud Guy actually helped you. Hmm?
Well, not me. All he's ever
done is push my buttons.
Push me right out
of my comfort zone,
which improved my friendships
and made me a better Troll.
[Sad music]
Okay, we gotta fix this.
Uh, Cloud Guy?
Look, we don't want you
to live alone out here.
'Cause even though you push our
buttons, you always end up helping us.
- In your own way.
- I do?
In your own way
You take a day ♪
Turn it upside down
But it turns out great ♪
You showin' us love ♪
The way you show love
And it's okay ♪
But now we got you feelin'
All the way low ♪
Like you don't have
Anywhere to go ♪
But we came out now ♪
To show you how
You make our day ♪
In your own way! ♪
You makin' us better ♪
There's no rainbows
with no rain ♪
In your own way! ♪
You show you love us ♪
Yeah, all of us every day ♪
In your own way ♪

You guys really mean all that?
- Yeah. We appreciate you.
- Mm-hm.
Wow, that means so much to me
'cause it's all I've been
waiting to hear, bagel shmear!
- Uh?
- Told you it'd work, Val.
You were working together
this whole time?
Just so we'd, so we'd
Tell me how much you appreciate
me in a very heartfelt way.
Preferably through song.
And, boy, did you sing, onion ring.
Ha! You were right.
They do look hilarious
when they're annoyed!
Oh, don't be glum, chums!
It's our annoy-iversary!
Annoy-iversary group photo time!
Lens cap was on.
Don't you wanna let your hair
down With your favorite girls ♪
Ain't nothin' like a night of
bonding Between you me her and her ♪
Take this put it on your wrist
As a symbol of our love ♪
Your turn for a makeover ♪
I'mma show you
How we do it up ♪
Girls, girls, girls ♪
It's a magical night ♪
We're feelin' a vibe ♪
We're comin' alive, yeah ♪
Girls, girls, girls ♪
Yeah, we have all the fun ♪
It's nothin' but love ♪
Come kick it with
us, your girls ♪
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