Troppo (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

I don't want to be waiting for you.
I don't want to be worried about you.
There's nothing left.
[Ted] Come on!
Help! Help!
Let's go.
It was Lauren's.
I saw her
running around town, living her life
like an ordinary person.
Pharrell isn't ordinary.
Let me out!
She never was.
[Roy] What the hell was
going on between you and Park?
Now, if you've got another explanation
We were fucking.
[Roy] They said
he was downloading files.
You know anything about that?
Nothing. What files?
[Ted] Another address,
another shed.
[Amanda] Same bike--
the one that chased us in the cane field.
Probably the same guy.
You know what I'm looking at?
A woman who paid a stack of cash
just after her husband was murdered
and just before someone
put my partner in the hospital.
[Brooke, laughing]
But, Lauren, you're so slow!
Of course. Come on, oi.
Did he say where, exactly?
Brooke, it's not in here.
[playful singsong]
Ah, you ruddy little legend!
[Brooke titters]
You go.
Aw. Gosh.
- You ready?
- Yep.
[both giggle]
Best night of our lives!
[both laughing]
Come on!
[audio slows, distorts]
[laughter continues]
[distant sirens wail]
Is it true?
When you're ready.
[soft sob]
[Dr. Val]
Take as much time as you need.
[door closes softly]
[opening theme song plays]
[soft groans]
[soft grunts]
[soft gasp]
You wanna wait inside,
where there's a proper chair, at least?
That doesn't look good.
Is this where I'm supposed to say, er
'You should see the other guy'?
[pained voice] Where you been?
We got work to do.
So, Sydney's off, then?
Erm you were right.
We got a murder case, right?
That's the priority.
So, we're not gonna talk about it?
I'm fine.
- Are you?
- [soft grunt]
Where are we on Park?
Yeah, we'll get to Park.
But first, we're gonna
deal with the dickhead
who rearranged your face.
Got a partial footprint.
The shoe's been messed with.
Part of the sole's been carved away.
I know who that is.
Me too.
It's that kid from the store.
Where'd you get this from?
I installed a camera
after my house got tagged.
Well, yeah, you coulda mentioned that.
'Kay, so what are you gonna do about it?
That's my shit
and I'll sort it.
Come on. Park.
Let's go.
Whaddya got?
All right, well, Yoon Sun paid
a stack of cash to motorbike guy.
Broad daylight,
at the front of the marina shed.
Looks like they went
camera shopping too.
Okay. Paid cash for what?
'Thanks, Amanda. Good job.
A real breakthrough.'
Final payment for
knocking off the husband?
Yeah, maybe.
Motorbike guy has a boat, too.
Real expensive one.
Did you get a name?
Are You Game.
Whatever's being delivered
in those boxes and kept in that shed,
it's being loaded onto that boat.
It's the only reason
you'd keep it at a marina.
One more thing.
Yoon Sun fired us.
What'd you do?
I asked her about the money,
and she wouldn't spill.
Where are you going?
Not exactly over-resourced, are you?
City stations get the big bucks.
Thanks for coming in. Please.
Do you have some news?
Yeah, we found some remains
in the river
that confirm Park's death
was suspicious.
Are you sure?
Yeah, we're sure.
Thank you for letting me know.
Where were you the night that,
er, that Park disappeared?
I was at home.
I I live alone, so
there's no one who can vouch for me.
Was he gonna leave his wife?
Did you ask him to?
It wasn't like that.
So, er
what was it like, then?
We worked long hours,
late nights together.
And sometimes those things
just they happen.
Did he ever describe his wife
as being jealous?
She wouldn't kill him.
So, you know her well?
No, but I
I can't imagine that.
What did they do to Jong Min?
They-- him, her-- I don't know.
Whoever did this.
It's a fatal blow
with a blunt instrument.
Why did you say "they"?
I don't know.
I don't I don't know.
Park was the public face
of Dellagua, wasn't he?
Someone had a beef
with the company, then, er
he'd be an obvious target.
I'm a public face of Dellagua too.
Have you received any threats?
Not yet.
[satisfying click]
[blade snips]
Ted's not here.
I know.
Ted's out of hospital,
in case you were worried.
I am worried.
The whole Sydney thing blew up.
What do you know about that?
I drove him home last night.
Doctors wouldn't sign him out
without a ride.
He said he had somewhere to be, but
he didn't go.
Yeah, something was important,
and then it wasn't.
Whatever it was, he's not okay.
- He talk to you?
- He doesn't talk.
Not to me. I mean,
he does, but not like that.
But I'm just gonna say it again, he's
he's not okay.
What, you see something?
He was seriously drunk last night.
Yeah, so? He's always drunk.
He went in the river.
Or maybe he just lost his footing
and fell in, or
it wasn't an accident.
By the time I realized
what was going on, he was already
swimming back to the shore,
and I
I just didn't want to
embarrass him.
Figured he wanted to be left on his own.
You didn't hear this from me.
[line rings]
[Ted's cell phone rings]
You want to answer that?
Could be important.
Where you been?
You wanted to know what was
in those boxes at the marina.
More boxes.
How'd you get past the cameras?
They weren't all in the shed.
They were on the boat.
Holy shit, what's in it?
You're the P.I.
You tell me.
[Ted grunts softly]
Er landscapers, eh?
Ain't a lot of money in lawn decorations.
Okay, well, your drug squad days
are about to come in handy.
What do you reckon?
Coke, heroin, pills?
Fifty bucks says it's
[pained voice]
Just open it.
Well, you wanna do the honours?
Well, fuck you.
Fine, I'll do it.
All right, here we go.
Oh, shit!
What is this?
You tell us.
I thought I made it clear I would
no longer be requiring your services.
It's a vessel. Contraband.
Had a live snake in it.
They were smuggling them
out of the country in your friend's boat.
Is that why you gave him the cash?
You financing this operation?
And you fired us 'cause we were
getting too close, right?
Another accusation.
Maybe your husband was involved.
Maybe it got him killed.
Or maybe he found out,
and he got bumped off
because he was too much of a risk?
That is absurd.
My husband was
a deeply honourable man.
And you
Yoon Sun
are you honourable?
I have made mistakes.
They have nothing to do with smuggling.
You paid us to find answers.
The only way you're gonna get 'em is if
you're willing to give up a few secrets.
Your privacy
or your husband.
What's it gonna be?
The cash was a buy-in to a card game.
Had that become a problem?
I don't lose.
It's not about money.
[soft chuckle]
It's not an addiction.
For me, it's
Bryce runs the game.
The amounts we play for are illegal.
So why were you arguing with him?
There was a lot of police attention
on me after
Bryce had already moved the venue once.
And what can you tell us about him?
He doesn't know how to read people.
He cannot think more than
two moves ahead.
But he always has money.
Must have been a serious pot
to lure you out to an old shed.
Okay, so Bryce writes down the address
on a slip of paper,
which you keep in a puzzle box
in the study.
So, maybe Jong Min followed you out,
saw something he shouldn't have,
something way more lucrative
than a card game,
something that made him a liability.
He could not have followed me.
I only ever played when he wasn't home.
Unless he found the address.
We did.
I heard you were back.
[soft chuckle]
Thank you. Hi.
[soft chuckles]
Thanks for this.
Today started a very long time ago.
They work you too hard.
That's the only way to make any money.
Work 40 million hours.
If you need some money,
I can give you something.
Er, no, no way.
Thank you, though, for the offer.
You know I mean this in the nicest
way possible, but
I'd hoped I'd never see you again.
Now that you you got out
and you just kept going.
If only it were that simple.
Lots of "if onlys."
You're too smart to be a shelf stacker.
No, I do stocktake as well.
Are you, erm
are you still
I mean, are you okay?
You mean am I still sober?
This last year's been pretty touch and go.
Have you seen her?
You know, maybe we should
pay her a visit.
[sharp breath]
Just confront her.
I mean, come on, Jo. I mean
how else do we get out of hell?
Anyway ugh I've been up since four.
Need to squeeze in a nap
before I hit the night shift.
You think about it, okay?
So, does that mean we're hired again?
I mean, she didn't say it,
but she didn't not say it.
Does it matter?
They should never have let you out.
I don't want to have to give you
if you keel over
in the middle of the street.
That makes two of us.
Let's, er let's call it a day, huh?
Are you gonna be okay?
I mean, I bought you some
frozen peas for the swelling.
Do you know how to apply them?
It can be complicated.
I think I'll manage.
All right.
You lied to me.
You made out like you didn't know
anything about any of it.
Or who Pharrell was.
Now I find out that you're with her?
So, what? You go report back
how fucked up we all still are?
She get a kick out of that, does she?
Do you?
Next time you see the person
who beat the shit out of you,
you tell 'em thanks for me.
I owe 'em a drink.
I'll pass that on.
[shards clatter]
[shards clattering]
If you're here to babysit,
you can turn around right now.
See? I got it all worked out.
Go home.
It's not always about you, Conkaffey.
This is from the boxes on the boat.
It's Lars' air courier company.
That's his dog.
Well, that makes sense.
They sail the boxes out
to some island with an airstrip,
put 'em on a plane.
Lars spent his entire life
building that company.
There is no way he knew about this.
That's one explanation.
Oh, what? You got another?
I think you need to consider
the possibility here
that your friend was the pilot.
That maybe all that extra fuel
he was buying
wasn't for extra flights,
it was for longer ones.
Like international.
Okay, so, if that is true,
then he didn't know what he was flying.
And then maybe he found out
and they killed him.
Or maybe he knew
exactly what was going on,
wanted a bigger cut.
Or maybe he wanted out.
Didn't go over so well.
That's bullshit.
You gotta take this to Damford.
A broken gnome and a scrap of cardboard?
Don't do anything stupid, all right?
Nice night for it.
I know you.
You're that slasher girl.
What you doing. You, er
out looking for your next victim?
I'm looking for you.
Permission to come aboard?
Hear you got a game going.
- Fuck, you must be raking it in!
- Er
I think maybe you've got me
confused with somebody else.
What's the buy-in?
It's more than that. Sorry, darling.
Don't be sorry, Bryce.
I'm not much of a poker player, but
I got other skills that might be
useful to you.
Not really lookin' to hire
anybody right now.
But, er, I'll keep your CV on file.
I know how to move things.
Prison taught me that.
Three other reasons.
One, I'm smart.
Two, people don't fuck with me.
And three, I'm bored out of my mind.
So, you give me something to raise
my fuckin' heartbeat, I'll get it done.
You're a gutsy little shit, aren't you?
Just because you've been to prison
does not mean that I trust you.
Two grand. You give me that much
worth of stuff to move,
and I'll show you what I can do.
I might have something.
This product
it's a bit unusual.
Special kind of client.
No locals.
It's not about repeat business.
I charge a premium.
Backpackers, that's where it's at.
They're here for a good time,
not a long time.
Keeps it nice and quiet.
What's that?
[soft chuckle]
This is a good time.
Come with instructions?
All it takes is a pinprick.
[clicks tongue]
Just enough to draw blood.
Then you add one drop of this. One.
And you're off.
If you move this
and you bring me the money
I'll give you your stake back and, er
maybe we'll, er
talk some more.
[indistinct television chatter]
[woman] is set to launch
a breakthrough technology
designed to safely harvest
valuable minerals
required in battery production
directly from the seafloor.
Years of testing
Oh, Jesus, you nearly
gave me a heart attack.
Sorry. You're working late.
Well, if we're both working late,
I'll make us some coffee.
Yeah, those hard drives,
are they Park's?
Yeah. They are.
And when were you gonna tell me
you had them?
I didn't think there was any point
until I'd been through them
to see whether there was anything
we needed to worry about.
Right, well, I'll tell you what's
worth worrying about--
the fact that when I asked you if he
was downloading any confidential files,
you denied any knowledge of it.
I didn't have them at that point.
Don't play semantics with me, Olivia.
You're smarter than that.
Show me.
Okay, what am I looking at?
Raw data. Masses of it.
It's all of our modelling.
It's why I'm in here.
It's too big for my laptop to handle.
Why would he download something like this?
I'm still trying to figure that out.
Did he ever raise any concerns with you?
No. Why?
Park came to see me a couple of months
ago and said there was a problem.
Well, if there is, er
it'll be in here. I'll find it.
It's just a matter of time.
Yeah, no.
No, I need you concentrating
on the launch.
We may need to delay
in order to figure this out.
No delays.
We've got the license,
we've got the investment.
If there's a problem and if we caused it,
we'll fix it down the line.
Any more of these stashed away?
I don't know.
Good answer.
It's the only one
I'd believe from you right now.
[wildlife chirping]
Fuck. Hey.
- Hey. You gotta go.
- [Jayjay groans]
It's late. Come on.
[Jayjay groans]
Thanks for letting me stay.
See ya. All good.
[cell phone rings]
[cell phone clatters]
How's Jayjay?
Have you been up all night?
There's just a lot going on
at the moment, that's all.
Don't change the subject, please.
Ah. Jay's okay.
No, he's not okay, love.
Some of the stuff he's done lately
Look, I am worried that
he's gonna do something stupid,
and you're gonna get caught up in it.
Well, I can look after myself.
Maybe the two of you shouldn't
see each other after school.
- No way.
- Georgie
He relies on me. His family life
is shit, and you know that.
- This is not negotiable, George.
- I'm not just going to abandon him
It's not negotiable, okay?
Well, just 'cause
you're having a shit time
doesn't mean you need
to take it out on me!
Don't speak to me like that.
And take that bloody necklace off,
will ya?
I don't care if it freaks you out.
I love it!
And I'm going to wear it!
[chair slides noisily]
[bedroom door slams]
- I want to talk to you.
- I'm busy, mate.
Look at me.
Look at my face.
You got something you want to say to me?
Like what?
How 'bout now?
That level of violence tells me somebody
did some horrible things to you.
Maybe they're still doin' 'em.
But you'd better get some help soon.
Because you are this close
to slipping over the edge.
And there ain't no comin' back, is there?
You gonna tell the cops?
You do that again,
I will take you down myself.
And I won't need a lead pipe to do it.
And the next time you got a problem
with somebody
you look 'em in the eye
and you tell 'em about it.
Here to take the, er,
dog bed off your hands.
This pup is trouble.
He tore a hole
in my brother's screen door,
trying to get at a bird.
That's what you get for trying
to adopt a working dog.
It's how they're built.
Er, the niece says thank you.
[door creaks]
[door closes]
[door creaks]
I been thinkin' about your buddy Lars.
You're right.
There's no reason to believe
he knew what was in those boxes.
He knew.
He always flew with Daisy.
That's why she was the logo.
But once a month, he'd leave her
with me for a few days.
I always thought it was because
he wanted me to have some company,
but it turns out it's not always about me.
He knew what he was flying for them,
and he knew it was live cargo,
and he knew that she would
sniff it out and go nuts.
And he couldn't leave her at home
because that would raise
too many questions with Ingrid,
so he dumped her with me.
It's not the guy I thought I knew.
I had a chat with Bryce
down at the marina last night.
You what?
Yeah, I thought if I asked nicely,
he would hand over some evidence.
Turns out he's dealing venom
to tourists.
As a party drug?
How are those ribs?
I'll live.
You wanna try that again,
mate, and maybe knock this time?
You got yourself a little clubhouse here.
You got yourself a warrant?
No, I don't need a warrant.
Not if I suspect someone's withholding
information that would help me do my job.
Information like that.
That's just a shopping list.
You having fun, you?
No, you really hit rock bottom,
and then you just
kept falling, didn't you?
I'm not going anywhere.
Neither is she.
Yeah, I can see that.
I'll leave you to it.
You get back to your shop.
That it?
[printer whirrs]
Another call out from the Dolan place.
You want to do the honours this time?
(low voice) I'm not gonna ask you
why you want those photos
or what you're going to do with them.
But you are lucky it's me who saw you.
You know, I was all right when she was
running around town looking for lost dogs.
I could pretend she wasn't here,
but now she's bloody everywhere.
Conkaffey's in the mix.
He's skilling her up.
He's teaching her shit.
They're digging in.
You need to leave it alone.
Go home. Take a day.
I'll cover you.
I'm fine, Carrie.
I don't think that you are.
[cell phone rings]
Please go home.
Carrie Hench.
[Ted panting]
Now what?
We're gonna need to get a statement
from you about your assault.
Don't worry about it.
You know that's not how this works.
You are a victim of a crime.
I've got forms to fill.
Yeah, now.
I'll meet you down there.
I'll give you a lift.
My car is right here.
We'll take mine.
[envelope rustles]
Open it.
[vocalist sings ballad on stereo]
Get out.
I know you think I'm some
halfwit country cop
spends his days
busting people for littering.
But that murder
what she did to that girl
that was uglier than anything
you've seen in your big city life.
This is a small town.
They were people we knew.
Everyone was affected.
They're still affected.
And now there's been another killing,
and you're poking your nose in it
like it's your fuckin' hobby
with the person who tore this town apart.
That shed belongs to Pharrell.
Take a look inside.
See what she keeps locked up in there.
[engine starts]
[knock on door]
So, what, you
investigate crimes now?
It's insulting.
Suppose they think you're
some sort of expert.
I don't know.
Found a legal way to hurt people.
I've thought about this so many times.
About what I'd say to you,
and how I'd
demand answers from you.
- What do you want to know?
- Nothing.
Now that I look at you
you can't help me.
'Cause the why doesn't really matter.
- It matters to me.
- No, I don't care what matters to you.
I don't know why I killed Lauren.
Don't say her name.
I didn't have a reason,
if that's what you want to know.
I wasn't on anything.
I just have this thing inside me,
and it got out
all this
the shaved head and the tattoos
and this vampire's den,
this is all bullshit.
You want everyone to think
you're some kind of monster.
You're not, Amanda.
You're a little girl.
You are a terrified child
scared of her own mind.
What is wrong with you?
I murdered your daughter.
You should be screaming at me,
not talking to me
- Yeah.
- like some fucking shrink!
The worst possible thing
that can happen to a person
happened to me, and you did that.
And I've got nothing left to fear.
But, see, I think you do.
I feel sorry for you.
[Ted grunting]
[heavy creak]
[heavy creak]
[soft grunt]
[metallic clatter]
[tattoo pen whirrs]
[soft gasping]
[primal screaming]
[distorted audio]
[Amanda panting]
[distorted audio continues]
[laboured breath]
You don't look so good.
- Have a seat.
- Don't fuckin' touch me.
[Amanda pants]
Here, have some have some
More, more.
All right.
Don't go anywhere.
Buy you a drink?
- [man] Yeah!
- [man 2] Cheers.
So, what's it like to, er
you know
kill someone?
- Want to hear that story?
- [man] Sure.
- Hell, yeah!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, might-- might need
another drink, then.
Bloody Mary, eh?
[boisterous chatter]
- Hell, yeah!
- Hell, yeah!
Out in the rainforest
there was this big ol' car.
It was half buried in the dirt,
rusted out,
rotting like a fucking corpse.
Oh, man, I always wanted
to kill someone in that car.
It didn't matter who.
Dreamt about it. I did.
And then, one night,
there was this party.
And there was this girl.
And that girl's name was Lauren.
And Lauren was beautiful.
And everyone fucking loved her.
Except for me.
What are you doing?
This is Maali.
Maali, these are my friends.
- Hey, Maali!
- What are you doing?
You should join us.
I'm telling them a story
you ain't never heard before.
Think you've had too much to drink.
- [Amanda laughs]
- Leave her alone, all right?
I'm in the middle of a story,
and these guys want to know how it ends.
Don't you?
Hey, I don't need you.
I don't need you. Go find
some other bitch to sniff around.
[raucous laughter]
Aha! Bye-bye!
- Bye, Maali!
- Bye!
[cell phone rings]
[Maali] Get your ass to the Shark Bar.
She's in trouble.
[line beeping]
[Amanda] pulled her into the car,
and I slammed the door shut.
And then it was just the two of us.
There's nowhere to run,
nowhere to hide.
[vocalist sings bluesy tune on stereo]
She cried out.
She begged me not to.
She cried out like a baby girl.
She cried until she could barely breathe,
till she had no voice left.
I had a knife hidden under the seat,
so I grabbed it.
I waited.
I waited till she was staring at me,
looking me straight in the eyes,
and then
It was so easy.
She was soft like butter.
There was blood red everywhere.
It was warm and sticky.
I stabbed her again and again and again.
She called out for help,
but it was never gonna come.
Let's get you out of here, huh?
Hands off, mate, she's with us.
Hey, back off, pal. Come on.
Fuck off! No touching, remember!
Hands off, mate!
Back off!
What the hell was that?
A little bedtime story.
- You're drunk.
- Fuckin' hot. Are you hot?
Come on, let me help you.
I don't need your help. I don't need you.
What are you doing here?
I seen the shed.
I seen that car.
Damford showed me.
You betrayed me with fucking Damford?
Hey, hey!
You asshole!
- Jesus!
- I fucking trusted you!
He's right, you're not okay.
The car
whatever the hell that was
back in the bar
Hey, you're not okay.
No shit I'm not okay.
I'm a murderer, Ted.
But you knew that from Day One,
so don't you act all fuckin'
holier-than-thou and shocked.
I never hid-- look at me--
I never hid anything from you!
You're the secret fuck-up!
You try and off yourself in the river?
You wanna talk about that?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Hey, fuck!
Why don't you try again,
except this time,
do it properly!
[primal roar]
[Amanda sobbing]
[wildlife chirping]
- [Maali] Amanda!
- [Ted] Amanda!
[pounding dance music playing]
Come on!
[partygoers laughing]
[closing theme music playing]
You tell Roy Gilpin I've got
a special croc picked out for him.
[Roy] You and Park
worked so closely together.
I don't believe he would have
destroyed that evidence.
It's hidden away somewhere,
yet to be found.
[tattoo pen whirrs]
Just another way to keep someone close.
[Bryce] I didn't realize
just how interested you were in venom.
- [Amanda] You think he killed Park?
- [Ted] Do you?
[end theme music playing]
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