Trust Me (2009) s01e06 Episode Script

Promises, Promises

Three nights in a hotel just the
two of us. You excited? I'm excited.
You don't seem that excited. -You want
to check my pulse? -I don't need to.
I'm highly trained at reading
people. I'm in advertising.
So I've heard. -I just
thought you'd be more excited
about the prospect of a little
Romance. -You mean sex? -Basically.
- I'm excited. I'm just being cautious.
- You don't have to be cautious this time, okay?
So throw it to the wind,
Mrs. Mcguire. I am all yours.
I've heard that before.
"Just one more meeting,
then everything
goes back to normal."
But things happen, as they always
do, and next thing you know,
you're leaving your wife and kids stranded
in a condo in Florida with your parents,
- all because a nestle pitch got moved up.
- I thought we were gonna forget about that.
- And it was kraft.
- See? I forgot.
Yeah, well, you're also forgetting the
major difference between now and then.
Then, I was this big
shot, very much in demand,
and now I'm the dope who
lost their biggest account.
Can we enjoy this weekend? I'll
be out of the office at 3:00.
We'll check in. Please
say you're excited.
When I wake up in a hotel bed with
you and 700-thread-count sheets,
then I'll get excited.
I'm worn out. And I miss you.
And I really need this weekend.
So do I.
- Did I mention that we're
gonna have sex? - Mm-hmm.
Outrageous sex. Hotel sex.
Lights on and everything.
- Ready. - That's all you're bringing?
- That's all I need.
The color printer's broken. I'm
just gonna print it to another floor.
Not yet. I hate the
headline. It's so obvious.
Would you shut up? It's good.
Ugh! At least it looks good.
We have way too much work left
to waste time nitpicking copy.
- Oh?
- They need five billboards, plus print.
We got to stop doing this. We got
to stop waiting till the last minute.
That is the beauty of freelance
work, my friend. You wait and wait,
then a sudden rush of inspiration,
followed by a sudden rush of cash.
- What do you got in there?
- Ann Sather cinnamon rolls.
- But they're not for you. They're for my
new partner. - You got a new partner? - Yep.
- Did you know about this? - Yeah. She
was here the other day. - Where was I?
- Who is she?
- Relax. Julie Finn. She used to be at Mullen.
She did that Nike campaign
that won all the awards.
- Oh. That was, like, a decade ago. - Yeah. She
took some time off to have a couple of kids.
Whatever. But now she wants
back in the biz, and I got her.
You are very lucky you
get to sit next to her.
- You're gonna learn a lot.
- Is she hot?
- Tom, how's that Bertolli radio coming along?
- Uh, it's a little al dente.
Funny that doesn't look like Bertolli
radio. It looks like freelance work.
Guys, you're paid to work on our accounts,
not some outside gig you scored on your own.
- Like you've never done freelance.
- Yeah, not in front of my boss.
Boss, okay? I need those Bertolli spots by
3:00 at the latest so I can look them over
before I go. I'm leaving early today.
Sarah, maybe you can help the guys with that.
Ooh, I can't. Julie's starting today, and I
have to get her up to speed on dove. Sorry.
- For the next 8 hours?
- 7 1/2. Yeah.
- Of course. - Oh, hey, Mason. Morning.
This is Shannon. - Good morning.
- She's a masseuse. - Really? - Hey, you know
what I was thinking, Mason? The group
Tight. The group's too tight, you know?
This loss of arc mobile it's like a toxin.
It's infecting the entire workplace,
and thus infecting our bodies.
We need to get the bad energy
out, good energy in get back
- to my normal state.
- Procrastinating.
See, that right there,
that attitude it's toxic.
The group toxic.
We need an
- Breathe.
- antidote. Shannon is that antidote.
You know, or how about this?
Here'San antidote.
We get some work done for the
clients that we still have in
hopes that we
don't lose them, too.
Sorry to ruin your spa day, but
I need Bertolli radio by 3:00.
- I don't think Tom's gonna deliver.
- You know what I think the problem is?
I think it's
you. You're tense.
- You're tight. You're toxic. You're
getting up here next, pal. - Uh, no. No, no.
I hate massages.
They stress me out.
I just I never know whether to
leave my underwear on or take it off.
- Oh, well, you have to ask.
- You have to ask.
Yeah, that's gonna help. Starting a
conversation with a perfect stranger
by saying, "hey, should I get totally
naked?" not relaxing for me.
Fine. Suit yourself.
No massa-a-ge for you.
I'm not working on radio
today. Tom can take care of it,
and if he can't, you can just
push the client call till Monday.
No, I don't want this hanging
over my head this weekend.
- Erin and I booked a little, uh, getaway.
- Oh, really? Where you going?
- Chicago. - So you're staying.
- Yeah, but three nights at the Wersler.
Nice. Right. Weekend in the city.
A little "stay-cation", if you will.
Mm-hmm. You know what?
Maybe that's the antidote.
- Uh-huh. Can I come with?
- No. - Okay.
May I help you with your books?
Only if you let me wear your
varsity jacket to the big game.
- Julie! Hi! Welcome.
- Hey, I made it. - Look. I got these for you.
They're not warm anymore.
They've been here since 9:00.
Oh. You didn't tell me
everyone gets in at 9:00.
Oh, it's no big deal. Get here whenever
you want. I get here at 9:00. It's fine.
I'm sure the rolls
are still good, though.
Oh, they look great. I'll try one
later. I already ate on the train.
- I'd gladly pay you to
- Back off, you grub!
Go ahead. Try one. You're gonna
love them. They're so delicious.
- They're my favorite.
- Okay. Just take a little bite here.
- Mmm. Wow. Amazing.
- I knew that you would love them.
- Okay, let's dive in, shall we?
- Okay. - So, here's your office.
- I cleaned it up all nice and
tidy and clean and a flower. - Oh.
Uh, when you told me
I'd have a window office,
- I just pictured a room with walls and
You know, a window. - You will. You will.
I'm totally working on
that for you. -Okay, good,
'cause I just work better
when I have my own space.
You know what? My thoughts exactly.
Let's go work together in my office.
Look at this.
- Ohhhh!
- And release.
This is not the Bertolli radio
I asked for.
Yeah, I pulled it from a printer on 25.
I went down there to get some of our
Work. Look it's a creative brief
for the city of Chicago's olympic bid.
Where's the rest of it? -That's all I
found. -Wait. You got that on 25? -Yes.
Cochran's on 25. That means his
group's working on this already.
Well, we don't know
that. I don't know that?
Well, someone is. But I guess
we're too busy getting massages.
Oh, you want one? You seem
tense. -I am. But no, thank you.
Why are we not on this? -I don't know. -This
could be good. This could be the antidote.
This would be good
for the group Chicago 2016.
Let's go talk to Tony.
Uh, no, nope, nope.
Not so fast. I can't
go talk to Tony. No
he's still pissed at me for shooting the
arc mobile commercial behind his back.
Yeah, we did that together. So
he's probably pissed at both of us.
You're my partner. I need you for
backup. -Can't. I'm a loose cannon.
Which is what makes you
such a good salesman.
That's true. He's right. You're
right. And if I were in your
shoes, I would have convinced
me by now, but you didn't.
Okay. Heads Conner goes. Tails
Mason goes by himself. -That's cool.
I got it. No, that's not it. Did I throw a
quarter or a nickel? -Probably tails. -Yeah.
- Tony?
- Mason.
You know that Cochran's group is
working on something for the Olympics?
Tom found this creative brief
down there. Well, it's a cover
page, but, I mean, it sounds
like a pretty great assignment.
Oh, it is selling Chicago as
the host city to the Olympics.
Would have been great. -"Would have"?
-Yeah, well, Denise asked me if our group
might be interested
a couple of months ago,
but at the time, we were so swamped
with arc mobile, I declined.
We were so busy. So she
gave it to Cochran's group.
And mill's group
and Schraeder's group.
Okay. So, can we still get
in on this? -I don't know.
I haven't spoken to Denise. -Well,
could we I don't know call her?
That's a good idea.
Hey, Denise, uh, listen. I know
we just lost a $75 million account,
but could we spend our
valuable time trying to win
a prestige assignment
with no billings? Hmm?
Oh. Yeah. "Focus on the clients
we have." Okay. Thank you.
We are, Tony. But have you have you
looked out there lately? It's like a funeral.
I- I'm so sick of receiving
condolences on arc mobile.
We need this.
People think we're weak.
It's the perfect time to do
something aggressive, you know?
Really just shock the hell out of them.
All right. You want to stay pissed at me?
Stay pissed at me. At me. But the rest
of this group deserves a shot at this.
I'll call Denise. Unless, of course,
uh, you want to call her behind my back.
No? You sure? Then
maybe I will call Denise.
Check this out
"Romero Delgado, Italian chef, raving
about Bertolli oven bake meals."
"Why do they do this to me? "I want the
love. But now they love someone else.
"Why they no love me Bertolli?
"Why do this to me? "You no go out.
You stay at home. "Your
lasagna is too good.
"Why it no take five hours
like mine? "Why? Is too easy!
Is not fair. "Bertolli, they love
you, not me. This makes me sad.
Now I take a nap." "Bertolli oven
bake meals making chefs mad
And couples happy." Who's not tight?
Who's not toxic? Bertolli radio done.
Thank you, Shannon. What, mase? Come on.
You should be excited. This is good stuff.
I just convinced Tony to let us
in on the olympic presentation.
Yes! You should be
doubly excited, then.
The presentation is Monday morning.
-Monday oh, but you're on "stay-cation."
Not anymore.
Not anymore.
"Chicago my kind of town."
"The city of big shoulders."
We've heard all the cliches before.
I don't want to hear any of them
on this assignment, okay? Chicago
needs to convince the olympic committee
to make us the host city for 2016,
and we're gonna need everything
TV, print, outdoor,
Internet. -By when? -Monday.
Come on. It's not the first time we've
ever had to work a weekend. And it's
I mean, guys, this could be huge for us.
This is the Olympics. Gold or go home.
I think that this is a great
assignment, Mason. It's great, right?
Sarah Krajicek-hunter,
ladies and gentlemen.
Okay, we present to Tony
first thing Monday morning,
and then hopefully Denise, second
thing. -What's the brief? -"Chicago is"
Is what? -That's it.
Fill in the blank.
Okay, that's just laziness
on their part "Chicago is"
Chicago is cold, windy, in the middle
of the country, with a big lake!
Yeah, it's wide open. -You know, can
we bring some freelancers for this?
No freelancers. -No, Hector. -We
can't afford to spend agency money
on business we don't even have
yet, so it's just us, all right?
Well, fortunately,
we have a new addition.
Most of you have already met
my new partner, Julie Finn.
This is her very first day, and she'll
be helping us this weekend. -Welcome.
Good timing. Okay, let's look
at rough ideas tomorrow morning,
and then we'll decide
on a couple of directions.
I thought you said
that we didn't work off-hours.
My husband's out of town this weekend.
I don't have a nanny. -You're hilarious.
You know, the color printer's
broken on our floor, by the way.
Good thing, too, or we'd
never have known about this.
Now, let's give Tony lots of
things to choose from, okay?
I want a lot of ideas,
not just one. I w
What? What are you what are you
Stop doing that. What are what
What? -What is
that? -Mason.
Oh, God.
Hey, you. You're early. -Uh, no.
Actually, I'm 20 minutes late.
Yeah? -Is everything okay?
-Yeah. Yeah. I just, um -What?
Oh, God. Are you bailing on
tonight or the whole weekend?
Erin, I I can't believe
this. -I was gonna call.
When? The babysitter's paid for.
The hotel is locked.
- When were you gonna call?
- When I figured out a way to
tell you without upsetting you.
I'm sorry.
- I shouldn't be surprised.
- Now, look. Come on.
Do you think I would choose this?
A weekend with these dopes
- over over time with the woman I love?
- Isn't that exactly what has happened?
That's not fair. I need this
vacation, too. I really do.
- Well well, I can't
- Well, don't go home mad.
Oh, I'm not going home. I'm going
to the hotel for a fabulous weekend.
I wish you would join me. -What
can I do? I can't leave the group.
Why? Did you promise them
outrageous sex, too? -Okay.
You didn't call her? -I
spaced. I meant to call.
Mason. Okay, look, you need to go right now.
Go get her, go apologize. And you know what?
- Go on this weekend.
- I made Tony call Denise.
You know how it would look
if I left now? -Yeah
It would look like you're
a guy who loves his wife.
Come on.
We're fine here, okay?
We're all ready to come up with great
ideas, okay? So you can go have a wife.
You mean "a life." -No, I don't. No,
Erin will be fine. This is too important.
This is the win that could
turn this group around.
Yeah. You know what? -What? -I'm
gonna go. -You're gonna what are
What are you doing?
A beautiful woman is waiting all
alone in a luxury hotel suite,
probably wearing all her sexiest
lingerie. Somebody should go.
I can't go. You know that.
I need to stay here.
And be what? Be the boss,
staring over everyone's shoulder,
making everyone tight,
making everyone nervous,
while his marriage crumbles around him?
Or I could stay here and you could go.
You want me to put you in
charge? -What a great idea, Mason.
Why didn't I think of that?
It'll be fine.
It will. I'll be just like you.
I'll be me, standing in for you.
You don't think I can handle it? Mason,
it's two days. I can manage the group.
I just don't want to be that
asshole boss that comes in
at the last second and hates the work that
everybody spent the whole weekend creating.
Then don't hate the work. Be the kind
of boss you always wanted to be
The kind of boss that lets
his partner help him out.
Mason, look, everything and
everyone will be right here
waiting for you first thing
Monday morning, okay? Just let go.
Let go.
Let go.
I'm leaving my cell on
the whole time.
You get ideas, you call me
Let me know that I can relax,
all right? I'm
getting my coat.
- Yep. Conner, this is important.
- Then why are you leaving?
I'm kidding. Kidding.
Go get your coat.
Have a great weekend, okay?
I'll call you with updates.
Hi. Anything? -Well, I got
this nanny reco from a friend.
She's Ukrainian,
so not great English,
but my friend says Ukrainians
are really reliable, so
No, no, I meant ideas. Any
ideas? -Mink group, listen up.
Mason Mcguire has a family
commitment this weekend.
He has asked everyone to show their work
Tome, and I will keep him in the loop.
So, as acting creative director, my first
order of business is to tell you all
Go home. Go home.
Go relax, go hydrate.
We'll meet back here
tomorrow morning at 9:00.
We are not going
anywhere. -Okay.
Hey, Tony. What are
What are you doing on 22?
Oh, I'm going down. Well, I just
thought I'd ride the elevator with you.
- It's 4:00. You going somewhere?
- Uh, check checking in.
I got a hotel room. I thought I should stay
close to the office for the weekend, know?
Mm-hmm. You keep a bag in the office? -No.
Uh, e-Erin Erin dropped it by for me.
So, you got
any big weekend plans?
Sounds fun.
Look forward to seeing
your group's work on Monday.
Oh, yeah, yeah. We're gonna
have a lot of good stuff for you.
- We're, uh, already working on a few ideas.
- Let's hope Denise likes one of them.
So, do you want to try this new bistro
down on the south loop tonight or not?
It's got three stars. Oh.
Four dollar signs. Mason?
Mason! Hmm? You haven't heard a word
I've said. -Yeah, I did. -What did I say?
"Bistro." -You're thinking
about the Olympics, aren't you?
No, I'm not. -Let
me see the pad.
Hey, the Olympics are the furthest
thing from my mind. -Mm-hmm.
I just like drawing torches. Look,
I just I had a thought. I wanted
to get it down before I
forgot. And now it's there.
It's out of my head. -Honey, you
just you need to relax. -I am trying.
That's good, 'cause I booked us a
couples message later this afternoon.
A couples massage? -It'll be fun. -No,
it won't. That's even less relaxing
Getting a rubdown from another
woman with you lying 5 feet away?
And what if the
masseuse is a man?
I don't want some guy
touching you in front of me.
See? I'm already more stressed. -I
doubt it's the massage that's doing it.
Look, if you want to go into the
office for an hour fine. Go.
I am here. This weekend was
supposed to be about you and me,
and we already lost last night to
fighting. I'm sorry. So let's officially
Begin our weekend
Right now.
Who are we kidding? We both
know you won't stop freaking out
until you go down and see firsthand
that the group can survive without you.S
that is -At which point you'll probably
become depressed that you're not need.
Go. We can meet up
at the spa later.
Really? -Yeah. But after that, we'll come
back, and then we can christen the bed.
- You want to do a quickie?
- No. I can get that at home.
Whoo! God! Does that kid have a volume
knob? -Yeah! Maybe he's got a few ideas.
Oh, no, no. I'm so sorry. No, no,
no, no, no. I had to bring Ellison in.
It turns out the Ukrainian nanny
is 80 years old.
I just thought that the baby
was enough for her to deal with.
It's okay. He's
really adorable.
Um, guys, let's just try to
get some work done before
Conner gets here. -I am
working.This is part of my process.
What part of your process do you get off
your back and finish the freelance work?
- Okay, where is Conner?
- I'm calling him right now.
Okay, good, 'cause I have to leave
here at 2:00 on the dot. Okay. Thanks.
I found his phone, but no Conner.
-Don't tell me -he's not here. He's not.
He was supposed to be here
over an hour ago.
I don't believe we've met. -Okay,
say hello to Mr. Mcguire, Ellison.
He's usually very outgoing.
-All right! Oh! Whoa! Hey-ho!
All right,
everybody.Let's do this.
Let's get to what are you doing
here? -What aren't you doing here?
So, did you and Erin make up last night?
-It's already past 11:00. -Apparently not.
Where's my phone? -Where
have you been? -Mining. -What?
Yeah. Hit a patch of gold
last night, started mining it.
Practically have a whole campaign
done. Now I just need an art director
Not you to make it
happen. -What's the idea?
You can see it Monday morning
when it's finished.
Ha. You're funny. Let me see. -No. -Yes.
-N look, what are you doing here?
I said I would check in with you
when we are under way.
We are now officially under way, so go
away. We'll be fine. -I know. I just
I've been kicking around a
few ideas myself. I thought
maybe I'd, uh, pull a few
people to brainstorm, you know?
You know, if I didn't know
any better, I might think
that you didn't trust that I could
handle this. -I trust you. -Uh-huh.
And that's why you're here
in my office
instead of having outrageous
hotel sex with your wife.
They'll be fine, Mason.
They will not let you down.
I won't let them.
See you Monday.
He okay? -He's lying down.
He said his tummy hurts.
Okay, everybody, I'm gonna,
uh, get out of your hair,
let you work. -Lucky bastard. -You
heard the man. Let's go. Conference room.
We're working. Let's go.
Conference room. -Hey. Come here.
They've had a long morning, okay?
So listen to what they have to say.
You never know. You might find
some more gold. All right?
Right. Wish me luck. I'm
off to a couples massage.
Take your pants off.
-What? -You heard me.
Maybe next time, you don't turn
the office into "romper room."
Yeah. Okay. "Chicago is"
Ideas, ideas, ideas, ideas.
Make me laugh. Make me cry. Seduce me.
Surprise me. Hector, what do you got?
All right. Hey, no, don't edit yourself. Just
let it go. Let it flow. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 go!
Since it's 2016, we thought
we should get innovative.
No TV commercials. I mean, come on. No
one's gonna be watching TV in five years,
so the idea's all user-generated
Viral, peer-to-peer.
- That's it?
- That's it.
"Use the Internet." That doesn't
sound like much of an idea to me.
- More like an excuse to not do TV and radio.
- No, that's not you you slow down.
You're not getting it. The idea
is that Chicago is its people,
and they'll make their own videos
about what makes Chicago fun
You know, like the lake and,
uh, street fairs, blues, Wrigley.
Okay. I-I got it wrong.
Sorry. My bad.
So you're not proposing less work on our
part. You're proposing no work at all.
Guys, this is the Olympics,
all right? It is our job to make
Chicago look like the greatest
city on the planet, okay?
Letting a bunch of drunks
film themselves puking
behind dumpsters
at a street party or two
We didn't say -Not exactly
gonna get it done. Is it?
- Is it? Sarah? What do you got?
- First, I was thinking about
Oh. Sorry. We were thinking about
what it means to be an Olympian.
You know, excellence, respect for your fellow
competitors, the camaraderie of the games.
So, how do we capture the
core of the olympic athlete?
Olympic athlete love
it. What's the idea?
Okay, we open on what looks like
the marathon on Lake Shore drive
Pick it up. -And there's, like, running
People in shorts. -O- okay, but we
We soon discover it's hundreds of statues
of ancient Greek Olympians running.
We feel their 1,000 years
of athletic spirit
at each marble statue. -Cheesy.
A little cheesy. I don't know.
Not buying it. It's not you. It's
me. -How about focusing on food?
You know, like deep-dish
pizza, Polish hot dogs,
uh, Taylor street,
Greek town, China town
All the international flavors of the city.
With a hot dog -"2016" with a hot dog
That's awesome. You're also
aware that this is the actual
Olympics we're talking about
and not the eating Olympics?
How about number 3? -I can see where this
is headed. Look, you know what? It's hard.
How can we expect to do our best
work when we're being asked to produce
a whole bunch of full-fledged,
full-blown smart campaigns by, what
By Monday morning?
No, but one campaign
One full-blown smart campaign
We can do that. Mnh-mnh.
Mason was pretty clear yesterday
about how important it is
to have lots and lots
of options, Conner.
Oh, that's right he's
not here. And if he were here,
I'm sure he would recognize
the right way to go,
which is we combine the
achievements of Chicagoans
with the achievements
of Olympians.
Picture a Chicago landmark,
an olympic athlete.
The Olympian pole-vaults
over the sears tower.
Another Olympian high-jumps
over the "l" track.
Still another long-jumps
over the Chicago river.
I know. Fortunately for you,
I've actually done most of the TV.
I'm still gonna need posters.
Posters, posters, posters, posters.
-Mommy! -I'll I'll be right back. Okay.
Okay, well, let's see. I
guess that means Hector
You're with me, all right?
Uh, Spencer, Wingo
You guys do outdoor. Mark, Joe,
you guys handle direct mail.
Sarah, since you seem to be on your
own, well, you can do our radio spots.
Radio? Are you kidding
me? I'm not doing radio.
Way to be a team player,
Sarah. Yes radio.
Theater of the mind. Paint me a mental
picture. Tom, you love the Internet.
It's yours. Anyone needs
me, I'll be in the office.
Never thought I'd say this
But I wish Mason was here.
You just have to breathe, honey.
Breathe. -I know. -All set?
-Uh-huh. Do you have a preference
as to who we work on?
H- he's not touching either one of us.
-Oh, my husband will be better with you.
- I didn't realize you were naked.
- I didn't want to be.
I just pitched 10 web ideas. -What did
king Conner say? -He said they were good.
But they weren't as good as the
one he came up with in five seconds.
Then he told me
to work on his idea
while still coming up with
other ideas that can beat it.
So he wants you to do his idea
and then beat his idea?
Yeah. Except I probably won't come up
with anything better. He told me that, too.
Club lucky! Gee. I wonder
why they're calling.
You think they want their ads that were due
yesterday? I'm going for a walk! -Come on!
What's that? -Radio scripts. -They look
long. -You haven't even read them yet.
- I'll read them when you make them shorter.
- I am going to work on a separate idea.
All right. Fine. You know what,
Sarah? You can work on as
many ideas as you like. You're
not presenting them to Tony.
- You are not the boss of me. We have the same title.
- But I'm the one Mason left in charge.
Can you get the door?
Thank you.
Hector, I'm gonna need
your help. Julie had to go home.
I'm not even halfway done with
Conner's TV stuff. -Hector! -What?!
Is that a cell phone? -Sorry.
That sorry. That it's mine.
Could you just get it, please? It's
in in the pocket of the robe there.
Mason. You're
unbelievable. -I'm sorry.
What hello? -Mason?
-Hector, make it fast.
Okay, well, uh, Conner's
being kind of a dick.
He he only wants to
present his campaign on Monday,
so he's got the whole
group working on it,
and he, you know, gave Tom a
hard time about his web ideas,
so so Tom took a walk,
and he went down to 25, and
Hector, spit it out.
Cochran's group is
presenting a campaign that's
almost entirely about
Chicago architecture
Like Conner's. -What are
y what are you saying?
- That Cochran stole Conner's idea?
- No. No. No one stole anything.
They just have the same idea,
more or less, like the time
those two doctors
both discovered polio.
Well, okay, what did what
did Conner say when you told him?
Conner isn't exactly open to outside
input right now! -Mason, hang up.
I have well, get get get
Sarah to talk to him. She can handle it.
Conner won't speak to Sarah
because because Sarah had a new idea
that Conner didn't want to hear because
he thinks that everyone else's ideas suck!
Mason. -I have
What happened to Julie?
Her kid puked, and she went home.
Everybody's falling apart here, okay?
Conner's not listening to anyone. It
smells like ass. -Mason! -We need your help.
Do you realize that you have
so terrorized this group
that they would rather call me up in the
middle of a couples massage with my wife
than to knock on your door and
talk to you? -Couples massage?
- Did you take off your pants?
- Never mind that.
What the hell is going on here?
Who called you? Huh? Who called you?
Sarah? Hector? -It
doesn't matter who called.
What matters is that you're
supposed to be running this,
and you don't even know that Cochran's
group is pitching the same campaign as you!
What? Who told you
th what's their idea?
They're merging Chicago and
ancient Greek architecture
The Parthenon and Lasalle street,
an aqueduct over the Chicago river.
My idea isn't even
about architecture, okay?
My campaign is is about
achievement. And in execution,
it's gonna take a lot more than
photoshopping a stupid aqueduct.
Which, by the way, I might add,
not even Greek. It's Roman.
How could you possibly think that
pitching one campaign is a smart strategy?
Oh, here we go. Here we go again. The
Mason Mcguire school of advertising.
Lob up 100 spitballs,
hope one of them sticks.
These people, okay working on multiple
campaigns would've killed them, all right?
You saw them yesterday. -Oh, oh, oh!
Your way is so much easier on them?
No one wants to mine your gold
when you make them feel like
- they couldn't possibly come up with something
better. -Fine. Let's see if they could.
Hey! Hey! Does anyone have a better idea
than the one I presented? Anyone? Anyone?
Well, I bow to your solid
scientific analysis.
Can we go back to your office
and discuss this, please?
No. The only reason that
you're here is 'cause you can't
let go. You can't share the
glory. You're a control freak.
Admit it. -As soon as you admit that
you're behaving like a world-class asshole!
I am just trying to get ready
for a presentation Monday morning,
and you're getting in the way.
- Will you please just leave? -No. No, this
assignment is too important. I'm taking over.
Fine! You want to stage a coup?
Go right ahead. Be my guest.
It's not a coup if
you're already the boss!
Yes, we can hold your
seats. Oh, can I help you?
Hi. I'm Mcguire, party of two.
She may already be
Yes, right there. Here. Mm-hmm.
Yes. Okay. -Hey, beautiful girl.
I hope you ordered the most
expensive cheesecake on the menu.
I know this doesn't
look good. I'm sorry.
Right. The jacket I packed for
you would have looked better.
Yeah, I know I didn't
want to go back to the hotel,
'cause I didn't want to be late,
which I am.
I'm sorry, okay? But I'm, uh I'm
here now. -Are you here now, Mason?
I mean, I-I see you, but is your mind
somewhere else back at the office?
You swore
this was gonna be our weekend.
I wish you'd just picked one thing
Work or this supposed getaway.
Well, I hate to say this, Erin, but
if I routinely chose you over work,
there wouldn't be any
getaways. -There aren't any now.
Thank thank you. -I would
have enjoyed myself a lot more
this weekend if I'd known you
couldn't be here at all period.
Gone shopping, watched some TV shows
you hated anything. But instead
I mean, you just completely
misled me. -I did not
I know I'm on thin ice here, but
I did not mislead you. -Oh, yeah?
I spent
the entire weekend waiting
Wishing you would walk through
that hotel-room door just so
we could be together, because
That's what you promised.
You're always promising that you
can do everything, that you can be everything,
and you're such a good salesman that
I just I just keep falling for it.
I didn't mean for this to
happen. -Yeah, well, it did.
Hey, come on. Can't we just enjoy
the rest of our evening? Huh?
I'm gonna be honest
with you, Mason.
No. I can't enjoy the
rest of this evening.
See how easy that was? -Erin
Hey, ma.
Yeah, it's Sunday. I know.
That's why I'm calling.
"A city that succeeds "because it
has always supported and provided
for anyone who dared to push
farther, move faster, go higher."
Okay, uh "1973, the great Chicago
architecture firm Skidmore"
I talked to you last Sunday, ma.
"Constructed the world's tallest
building "in Chicago, the sears tower.
"Today it still stands as the
tallest building in north America."
Do you think people even
care about that, really? No.
How about "Chicago would be
honored "to provide a grand stage
"for the 2016 athletes who have
been chosen to do the same.
Between 1850 and 1900,
the br"
Morning. -Morning. Go
ahead. Got one in my office.
Hey, Mason, you got a second? -Is it
about our presentation? -No. -Then no.
Look, I'm starting to think that
Julie is not the best match for me.
Well, hey, at least
you gave it your best shot, huh?
You guys have been working
together for three days, and not
under the greatest circumstances.
Just give her a chance.
Okay, that's the problem. It hasn't been
three days. It's been like a day and a half.
And on top of that, she doesn't
want to work weekends. And she
even brought her
kid to work with her.
- What is it exactly you're looking for?
- Someone who can work late, work hard.
- Someone with the right priorities.
- You mean your priorities?
Look, I was really excited
to work with Julie at first,
but she is not performing
the way I thought she would.
She thought she could handle having
a career and a family, but she can't.
Whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. You you
can't punish the woman for having a family,
especially when this job can and will devour
your life without so much as a thank-you.
Okay. Can you help me? -No.
"Games belong in Chicago."
Good, Mason.
Powerful stuff. Powerful. Is that
yours? -Mine and Hector's. -Oh.
Uh, excuse me, Sarah.
Okay. Thank you.
"I am the spirit of Chicago." Yeah,
fantastic. Thanks. Great, Sarah.
Wow. Wow. You guys did some
nice work. Really great stuff.
And obviously a team effort, Mason.
God. It's great to have so many choices.
But I think the way to go
on this is with one idea.
And I think that idea is gonna be mine.
Um, I had some free time over the weekend,
jotting down a few ideas, and I
just can't shake it. -What's the idea?
Uh, the Chicago flag has four
stars each star commemorating
a special event in
the city's history.
I've been playing around
with a fifth star.
You know, I would love to
share all this with you, but I'm
sort of up against the clock
here. So, why don't I, um
I'm gonna go pitch this to Denise, and
I'm gonna tell you how it turns out. But
Thanks, guys.
- Hi. -Okay. This is really awkward for me.
- What is? -Just what I need to say to you.
Oh, there's no need to apologize
for the cinnamon rolls, okay?
It's water under the bridge.
I already apologized for the
cinnamon rolls. -Not really. -I did.
Look, you know I think
you're extremely talented,
and I was so looking forward
to working with you I was.
But it has kind of become
clear to me that you and I
Well, we have
different priorities.
- Really? You noticed that?
- Yeah, I did. I did. I just
I think that I deserve a
partner who's a little more
Committed than you,
so -Oh, my God.
Look, I know having kids
must be really, really hard,
but I do not want you to feel bad
about letting me down. -I don't. Okay.
I didn't let anyone down. You did.
You told me this was a flexible job,
that I wouldn't have to work weekends,
that I would have a window office.
Oh, come on. This is advertising.
There is no job like that. -Oh. Okay.
Um, well, then that makes what I'm
about to say really easy. Okay. I quit.
Wow.Oh, I feel
so much better.
That's just been weighing on
me all weekend. -I know. Me too.
See, I have never had to fire anybody.
-You didn't. -Yes, I did. Okay? -I quit.
Okay, so, uh I guess
let's just stay in touch.
Yeah, I'm probably not gonna
do that. -Okay. Me neither.
- It's pretty good.
- Thanks. So is yours.
Mm. He could have gone with the long
jump. -Yeah, I kept telling Hector that.
He was a hurdler in high school,
so -A fifth star. -Yeah.
- It's not bad. It's a little cerebral.
- Think Tony had that idea the whole time?
The man knows how to make a point.
-That, he does. -"Thank you, guys."
- "Great work."
- "Powerful stuff." "It was really powerful."
- You know, I had it right the first time.
- What could you possibly be talking about?
None of this would have happened if i'd gone
on the "stay-cation" with your wife.
What time is it?
It's almost 11:00.
Where you going? -I'm
not going. I'm "staying."
What are you doing here?
I was hoping to catch you
before you left.
How'd the pitch go? -I don't want
to talk about it. -That good, huh?
Well, I'm glad to see working all
weekend wasn't a waste of time.
What? -I'll be honest. I just ran here
from the office, so I'm a little sweaty.
I haven't slept all weekend. I have
a limited range of motion in my neck.
And we haven't had sex in a while.
So I'm a little out of practice.
But I am enthusiastic. And I promise
I'll do the best I can. -That's all I ask.
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