Tulsa King (2022) s01e06 Episode Script


Ever heard of Black Nick Adam?
- What is that, a band?
- Motorcycle gang.
They run the nitrous game out here.
They'll kill anyone
that gets in their way.
You know, it's funny,
I've actually met people
like that before.
It's all right.
Tina here?
You know, it looks bad.
You sneak into town,
- and I'm not aware.
- Come on!
- This is family.
- It's my brother.
My father was a brother to you, too.
Don't you fuckin' forget that.
Remember your first
and highest obligation.
Tina, is there any way
for us just to
- to move past this?
- You left us nothing.
Nico "The Package" Bugliosi
was the only one.
Let's just say I learned the hard way
- why he's called
- What, The Package?
Did you know?
Donde esta Pilot?
You're late.
You gonna get me another job
when they fire me?
Can I get an OJ and
a cheese Danish, please.
You think it's easy?
I can't just galivant
in and out as I please, you know?
All right, relax.
- What do you have for us?
- Well, this is interesting.
I sure hope so.
I told you about the nitrous, obviously.
Huge source of income.
Apparently my boys got into it
with some other crew.
Yeah, you told me this already.
Yes, but this Italian guy
from New York, he's
the real deal, apparently.
- What Italian guy?
- Hey, Roxy,
you're an informant for the ATF.
Nitrous isn't us. Tell us about guns.
Hold on a second.
What happened with this Italian guy?
Territorial shit.
They tried to muscle in,
Macadams fought back,
it got a little ugly.
- You got a name?
- The Italian? Yeah.
Pike, he's my old man,
did a little digging.
Name's Dwight something.
He's also shaking down some weed store.
Again, not our purview.
- Can we just focus on what we're trying
- Shit, wait.
This is the guy the FBI told us about.
The mob capo who just
got released from jail.
I don't know who the fuck
you're talking about.
They sent around notice.
It was a while back, but yeah,
Dwight Manafilotti or something.
Okay, sure, but what does that
have to do with us?
Who knows? Either way,
we should alert the FBI.
I'm sure they'd love to hear
what he's been up to.
Thank you.
Gonna hit the head. Be right back.
Okay, first of all, your
job is to get information
on Caolan Waltrip,
not bullshit Italians.
And I need you to cool
that situation down now.
- What do you mean?
- I mean talk to
your boyfriend, Carson Pike,
and get Waltrip to back the fuck off.
And get me some shit on him.
Finances, accounts, businesses
he's laundering money through.
- Something I can bring a prosecutor.
- How about I split some atoms
while I shit jelly beans for you too?
I do like jelly beans.
Just get it done.
You really should eat something.
- I'm not hungry.
- Yeah, well
vodka is more noticeable
than you think it is.
Totally out of control.
Completely off the fucking reservation.
I know he's your friend, Pop, but Jesus.
My friend? He's your godfather,
for fuck's sake.
He stood up for you at your christening.
In the club, though?
No warning, no nothing.
Five hours it took to clean up.
- Who knew about this?
- About what?
About whatever was going on
between Nico and the daughter.
You know, Dwight came to
visit me in the hospital.
He was very, very agitated.
All I know is Nico
used to go over there.
But that was years ago.
Pete, if I can interject,
if any of us had any inkling,
any idea, we would have
took Nico out ourselves.
The bigger question is,
what do we do with Dwight?
Enough already. Take him out.
Him and his fucking daughter.
What'd you say?
You all right?
His daughter?
His fucking daughter?
What did his daughter do? Huh?
Nico, that fucking cocksucker.
I'd have skinned him alive.
I hear you
But how much more disrespect
are we gonna take
- from this fucking Dwight?
- Dwight.
Dwight. Dwight. Dwight.
Worry about yourself.
If you were half the man he was,
this would have never happened.
Why do you make me
treat you like this? Huh?
What are you doing here? I
thought you went back to Tulsa.
I wanted to talk to you first.
Hey, excuse me.
Won't take long.
My God, is that blood on your hands?
Let me just say what I gotta say.
I don't think I want to hear it.
Let me talk.
He's gone.
Tell me you didn't do it.
Tell me that's not true.
It's true.
I was handling it in my own way.
And I handled it in mine.
Jesus Christ.
He's dead.
I've been around long enough to realize
there's a line you do not cross
and expect to come back from.
He crossed it. He scarred you for life.
And I took his life. And
you should have no guilt.
None. None.
Are you saying that you feel nothing
taking a life?
You know what I am.
And you know what
I would do if I found out.
This was justifiable vengeance.
Look at me.
I know I haven't acted like one
but I'm your father.
And I love you.
I don't know if you believe
that or not, but it's true.
Maybe you think I did this for
me because there's some code,
but no, it's so much deeper than that.
It's a bond between father
and daughter, and it's
It can't be explained, but
it's but it's in the blood.
I wasted my life.
I know that.
And every bad thing that happened to you
happened because I bought into this lie.
Don't you see that wherever you go
something bad happens?
You just destroyed my life.
What do you think
they're going to do to us?
- They'll come after me.
- How do you know that?
I know Pete.
I know how he thinks,
He's bad, but not in that way.
Tina, they'll come for me.
You'll be safe.
Tyson, where you been?
I've been calling.
Long story. Armand
relayed a message to me.
I'll take that.
- What happened here?
- Impound.
Got hauled off. Spent the night in jail.
They took my phone,
which is why I couldn't even
- get in contact with you.
- What did you get arrested for?
Working for you, apparently.
I'm gonna go see Donnie Shore.
You don't worry about it.
By the way, that phone
had all my contacts in it, man.
I'm talking all my contacts.
Not to mention some photos
of a very intimate nature,
- if you know what I'm
- You got a password on it.
Yeah, but they're good at hacking shit.
Hey, what the fuck is up
with your hand, man?
A dog bit me. Let's go see Bodhi.
You've reached Bodhi. Leave a message.
Where are you, in Tibet? Give me a call.
When you talked to the cops,
what did you say about me?
I didn't tell them shit.
- Is Bodhi in your contacts?
- Yeah, of course he is.
- Why?
- Why?
- Why?
- We talk. We say things.
Follow me.
Dwight Manfredi. This is the guy,
the mob capo who just got out of jail.
No, I remember his face.
I just don't know why we
need to involve the FBI.
I'm not involving them.
I'm just letting them know
what's going on.
- Professional courtesy.
- Hold on a second.
You really want them
to just blow into town
and take credit for
our whole investigation?
I mean, that's assuming they don't just
fuck up the whole thing first.
Since when did you become
so territorial?
FBI, Agent Ruiz speaking.
Oscar, Doug Hendricks with ATF.
Listen, I got something for you.
Easy, Rich.
Bring him in and bed him
when you're done, all right?
Can't believe you started smoking again.
You were doing so good.
You the Surgeon General now?
Your boy Dwight,
would he be interested in
sitting down with Waltrip
if I could arrange it?
Is this an olive branch?
Of sorts.
Shit like what happened that night
brings a lot of heat. Heat costs money.
Well, I'll relay it. After that,
it's out of my hands.
How'd you hook up with this guy anyway?
Just kind of bumped into
each other by accident.
All right. I'll keep you posted.
Is anyone there?
Who was that?
Nobody. Probably a salesperson.
Hey, how was New York?
Oh, fuck. Sorry.
You were there for
your brother's funeral.
It's okay. It's okay.
Let's just say New York's over for me.
Looking like a man who needs a drink.
How you doing, Babe?
I ain't sure how much more
of this bullshit I can stand.
- You and me both.
- Spoken to Bodhi?
No. You?
Yeah, some of our biker friends
snatched him up, rattled his cage a bit.
- He all right?
- Yeah. Besides needing
a new pair of underwear,
I think he'll be fine.
I tried calling him. Nothing.
The shop's closed. Everything.
Armand reached out to me, says
his biker guy wants to talk.
Can't hurt to be diplomatic, now can it?
We'll see.
Don't worry, baby,
everything'll be taken care of.
- Hello?
- Just was calling to check in.
Why? You said everything
was going to be okay.
Oh, it is. It is.
I didn't mean to upset you.
Someone called earlier and hung up.
I'm sure it's nothing.
Did they say anything?
Want me to send somebody over?
No, of course not. Emory's here.
I'm sure it's fine.
If it happens again, just let me know.
I will.
Thanks for checking in.
It's three o'clock
in the fucking morning.
I don't give a fuck what time it is.
Is there some stupid shit going on
that I should know about?
Look, I don't know what
you're talking about.
You want me to reach out to the big guy?
- I'm talking to you, Goodie.
- Okay,
but I don't know anything
about your daughter.
If that's what this is about.
Why would you bring her up?
'Cause I assumed
Look, Dwight, what do you need?
We go back a long way.
You can trust me. What can I do?
A lot of people are
going to get hurt, Goodie.
Yeah, I can hear that.
So, how do we cool this down?
Not on the phone.
Get on the next flight out here.
I gotta run it by the big guy,
and then I'm coming by train.
There's not enough value
to get me to fly.
Just get out here.
I gotta run to keep from hidin' ♪
I'm bound to keep on a-ridin' ♪
I got one more silver dollar ♪
I ain't gonna let 'em catch me, no ♪
I ain't gonna let 'em catch ♪
A midnight rider ♪
Very clandestine.
- Who's that?
- You know Tyson, my driver.
Dwight, what are you doing in Tulsa?
Seriously. I need to know.
- What? Why?
- Why?
Uh, first, somebody tries to kill you.
That was a misunderstanding.
Then the nitrous dealing,
and then you're shaking down
some fucking weed guy?
First of all, turn the attitude
down a notch, please.
Second, who told you that?
It doesn't matter. I know.
Well, if you know, then
what are you asking me for?
Because the FBI is all over this.
- What?
- There are wiretaps in New York.
You and a guy, Nico?
Something about your daughter.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Really?
Get your hands caught in a meat grinder?
Whatever you're doing, you gotta stop.
Waltrip, whatever's going on there,
I am asking you
to please back off. Okay?
- Relax.
- Relax?
You want me to
If the FBI keeps digging and finds out
about you and me, I am fucked.
I'm two years away from my full pension.
You didn't do anything wrong.
It's not illegal to have a social life.
A social life?
You know, it's generally
frowned upon for
a federal agent to consort
with a known felon.
I could get fired
for even talking to you.
How many times do I have
to tell you that?
Tell them we're in
a bowling league together.
You are a real asshole, you know that?
It's genetic.
Seriously. I'm thinking
about taking off anyway.
So your troubles could be over.
- What does that mean?
- Tulsa.
It's been a shit show
since I got off the boat.
Not just for me, but for everyone.
I'm gonna just pack it in
and go to Siberia. Move on.
Yeah. That'll solve everything.
Dwight, some people live under a cloud.
That's you and me, okay?
It's gonna follow you wherever you go.
My advice is find something
to give a shit about.
You want me to stay or go?
I'm taking this as a yes.
Someone's pounding on your door.
Someone's pounding on your door.
Laurence Daggerman?
Yes. But I have a feeling
you already know that.
I'm Agent Oscar Ruiz with the FBI.
I'd like to ask you a few questions
about a Dwight Manfredi.
Any Dwight Manfredi,
or did you have
a particular one in mind?
- Anything?
- Nothing here.
Except t-shirts and rolling paper.
Where the hell's all the weed?
Hey, boss. Found a safe in the back.
Now he wants to talk?
What was wrong with last week?
Before he beat my driver to death?
So what do we think?
I'm gonna go see Dwight,
I gotta book the Amtrak.
Well, can't hurt to sit down
and take a peek
at what he's got going on
out there while you're at it.
That's where I landed too.
What if it's a trap?
He's gonna kill a consigliere?
No, no. That's not gonna solve it.
I don't know, Pop.
He's nuts.
Book your ticket.
Let's hear what he has to say.
As long as he keeps sending
envelopes full of cash
I'm all ears.
Imagine with me, if you will,
a man spends years building a business
in his own community, his home.
Further imagine this man returns
home after a hard day's labor
to find a stranger
in his kitchen, an interloper.
And he is taking the food
from the very mouths
of the man's children.
Now, Mr. Manfredi, you tell me
what should be done
about this interloper?
First of all, I want to say
that was almost poetic.
So bravo. As for what should be done
That's complicated, pal.
Oh? How so?
Well, there's a few flaws
in your allegory.
You mentioned that your business started
in a man's community,
whatever the fuck that means.
But I detect, correct me if I'm wrong,
a slight lilt in your voice,
kind of like the Lucky Charms leprechaun
that tells me you're not
exactly a Native American.
This is not your home.
This definitely ain't my home.
And to quote Woody Guthrie,
who actually was from Oklahoma,
this land belongs to you and me.
If you, sir, had come
to me like a gentleman,
hat in hand, asked my permission,
offered me a taste
none of these unpleasantries
would have unfolded, now would they?
Now, don't get me wrong,
because I have no intention
to continue selling nitrous,
because I'm going
to explore other options.
But if I change my mind,
and I mean this with all due disrespect,
there's not a thing you
Or anybody
Is gonna do about it.
Sir, you're overplaying your hand.
When I play my hand,
you won't see it coming.
And next time we meet,
pick a place with
a fucking air conditioner.
That's your idea of
cooling things down, huh?
No one said I was a diplomat.
Here's to the girl with
the little red shoes.
She spends my money
and she drinks my booze.
She lost her cherry, but that's no sin
'cause she still got the box
that the fruit came in.
Dwight, what are we going to do
with this fucking Waltrip guy?
We can't go to war with these bikers.
There's too many of them. It's bad math.
So we got to rethink
this nitrous stream bullshit.
Check it out. I got it. I got it.
We'll do nitrous animal
balloons for the kids.
- Always thinking.
- I'm always clicking, you know me.
- Yeah, okay, pal.
- It's going.
Dwight. Dwight.
- Where you been?
- Oh, just hanging around,
seeing old friends,
tending to the garden
and getting interrogated
and raided by the fucking FBI.
- Seriously?
- Yeah, I'm fucking serious.
Oh, and by the way,
they cleaned out the safe.
Took all my cash as well as my product.
- What did I tell you?
- Too soon.
Mitch, you want to do the honors?
Not really. But I got this.
- What's happening?
- Easy, pard. The last thing
I wanna do is run my hands
over your lumpy body.
I gotta pat you down.
For starters, it would have
been really thoughtful
if you'd have wiped your hands first,
considering you just ate ribs.
Okay, that's not a wire.
He's clean. You owe me.
And second, are you
fucking kidding me, Dwight?
I don't know where you've been.
For all we know, you could have flipped.
Do people who flip
usually lead off with the fact
that they were interrogated
and raided by the Feds?
No, they don't, but
what did you tell them?
The truth.
That we're business partners.
- Business partners?
- Yeah.
Because we are.
That's it? That's all you said?
That and something to the effect
that they can fuck off
and leave me alone,
but essentially, yes.
Why'd you say that?
Honestly, I don't know why I didn't
call the FBI the day
you walked into my shop.
I probably should have, but I didn't.
Christmas came early.
Stay there.
You're welcome.
What's that?
Everything you thought you lost.
I got a feeling these
guys were gonna raid,
so we put it all on ice.
Hey. Don't you fucking kiss me.
- Do you mind if I join you for dinner?
- Please do.
I'm just a good old boy ♪
What's up, my man?
No forks?
- You can take that away.
- Not hungry?
Well, looks like my date stood me up.
Usually he comes clomping along here
around this time, and
Oh, you mean Pilot.
I'm sorry, he's being put down.
Put down? Why?
The fines. He keeps breaking out.
They've tried everything, apparently.
We haven't met. My name is Dwight.
- Spencer.
- Hey, Spencer.
Nice to meet you officially.
But I'm actually leaving.
- Today's my last day.
- Oh.
You have another job?
Not yet. Still looking.
You like horses?
I love horses. Why?
How you doing?
I'm looking to buy a horse.
It's a white That's him right there.
I'm sorry, signor.
Knocker's on his way.
That's the owner?
A knocker is a person that
gets rid of dead animals.
- Seriously?
- They shoot him, sir.
They make dog food, glue, leather.
He's a good horse. Stubborn, but good.
He keeps running away.
- How much is he giving you?
- The knocker?
We pay him, signor.
You pay him. Okay.
How about I give you $300 for the horse
- To take this animal?
- Yeah.
Well, that's plenty, sir. Thank you.
There's a guy named Armand.
He got a trailer.
Now, he's gonna come around
here, pick this horse up.
This girl Young lady, sorry.
- Spencer.
- Hi.
She's gonna make sure
everything goes smoothly
and hang out with the horse.
You got my number
if there's a problem, right?
- You got it.
- Okay.
Can I ask you, sir, a question?
Why this horse? He's old, he's stupid.
Not good for anything anymore.
He kept you on your toes.
- Yeah?
- Hey, it's me.
Listen, I have an idea.
- Okay.
- Help me take down Waltrip.
- Help how?
- We can set him up.
You tell him you want to buy some guns.
He's got an arsenal.
He'll be fucking gone.
Listen, I'd like to help you
out, but I can't do it.
I'm not a rat. I'm not
about to start now.
You do realize you could be
looking at another fucking 25?
- I can't.
- You can't or you won't?
- We done here?
- That's it?
You're seriously not
going to help me out?
I can't.
All right.
Well, good luck then.
Yeah, good luck to you, too.
Wait until they close.
Late, quiet. No one
will be on the street.
Any particular message?
Well, I usually find a few rounds from
a Remington twelve gauge to be as
definitive a statement as any.
What did I miss?
Where the fuck did you come from?
I clocked out early. We're slow today.
What happened with the grease ball?
He talked, I listened, and
now I'm going to interject.
He's mafia, though, New York.
Isn't that dangerous?
You know, you
might like to teach
your girl some manners.
What the fuck?
Mind your fucking business.
This is a working ranch, not daycare.
I don't board pets.
They were gonna make him
into glue, for Christ's sake.
Ah, you city boys.
You love the sausage,
hate seeing how it's made.
Those are just
the facts of life on a farm.
Everybody's gotta pull their weight.
- And when they don't
- Sausage.
Hey, nobody loves horses more
than I do. They're my life.
But there's an order
to things, how they work.
I'm running a business here.
Well, isn't the purpose of business
Are you ever even going
to ride the damn thing?
I don't know. I've never been
on a carousel, but,
give me a lesson or two
Now, by the way, that young
lady, her name is Spencer.
She's going to take care of the horse.
Brush it, feed it, change
its shoes, whatever.
I will give you one week
while you make proper arrangements.
And don't even think
of asking for an extension.
Manny! Put him over by the silo.
There's plenty of grass over there.
By the way, did you ever
find out who burned that car?
That's an ongoing investigation.
One week.
Thank you.
One week
Oh, that mean old fireman ♪
Good old engineer ♪
Mean old freight train ♪
Took my girl from here, I'm gonna ♪
Maybe it's time to renovate.
It's time to light a match.
You ever think about
taking on a partner?
Well, I'd consider it
if I ever met anybody
dumb enough to do it.
Dwight Manfredi. How you doing?
- You serious?
- Could be.
I ran a club in New York in the '80s.
What you need's some live music,
some dancers. Food's pretty good here.
You just need a little push.
Music wise, I do a
little playing myself.
Okay. You're the house band. No problem.
Anyway, think about it. No pressure.
Maybe a little bit.
I got a feeling about this.
I think we'd be good partners.
- Put it on the back burner.
- All right.
How you doing, buddy?
Gonna leave in the morning ♪
Baby on that streamline train ♪
Well, there's only one thing, Mama ♪
Keep your mind off this man ♪
I'll go park. I'll be up in a minute.
Went down to the station ♪
Acting like a child ♪
Had to call my baby ♪
Say what train do I ride? ♪
I'm gonna leave in the morning ♪
Baby on that streamline train, yeah ♪
- You okay?
- Uh-huh.
You got a gun, get it!
Don't move, Babe, stay!
He's done.
Well I thought it over.
You got yourself a partner.
Good to hear it.
He dropped me and the boys off,
- some guy attacked him.
- It could be a warning.
Is there something
you're not telling me?
So, what do you think of the veal?
I was in prison for a long, long time.
So everything tastes good to me.
There he is. The General.
- You got any intel?
- He gets his weed
from the Indians, some
cowboy runs the bar,
and the Black kid drives him around,
it's like the fuckin' Village People.
You killed Carson Pike?
I could arrest you right now.
He's not gonna be
controllable for much longer.
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