Tunnel (2017) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Hey. Open the door.
Hey. Hey!
They must be out of their minds.
He was being chased for sure.
But who was he escaping from?
Did you get home safely yesterday, Sir?
You don't even know the route well.
What happened to the location tracing?
And the car that belongs to the other Park Wang Ho?
Pardon? The police are looking for it,
but no one has found it.
And for the phone tracing,
it's here, Sir.
Zoom in a bit.
You can't see well already?
Show it to me then.
The phone was turned off near
the Hwaho area.
Do you realize how large that area is?
Did you find anything else in the surveillance camera?
I already contacted the surveillance camera control center.
We'll be able to trace his movements.
Let's go there now quickly.
Are you really all right, by the way?
About your wife
I'll be better after I find him. Follow me.
You have to eat well.
Kim Sun Jae. Did you have breakfast?
Now, I know why you're so obsessed with catching culprits.
If you fail to catch a culprit, you know how miserable
the victim's family will become.
If you need my help with anything, let me know.
I asked if you had breakfast.
Do you think I hadn't?
- Jerk.
- What was that?
Why did he just reply?
Is it your turn to ignore me now?
You don't even know the way. Wait for me, Sir.
Yes, Professor.
The cause of death was suffocation.
Two years ago, the victim Yang Hyo Jin died of suffocation too.
He's a cunning man.
He likes to have control over the victims' lives.
Do you think it was done by the same person?
It's the same murder method.
The stockings, suffocation,
and a female in 20s.
He doesn't randomly pick his victim.
He would have chosen wisely and followed them closely.
Following them takes effort.
Lieutenant Kim.
As you've seen on the results, there aren't many clues on the body.
In cases like these, we need to look at what happened before, not after.
Find his identity.
Then we'll know where he's going.
You should quit the consulting job, Professor Shin.
I should have stopped you when you started visiting to crime scenes.
I think it's too dangerous.
I wouldn't have taken the job if I wanted a safe life.
That is why you should have refused it in the first place.
Look at your hand.
If you are hurt, say so.
It becomes a habit if you don't.
My lecture starts soon.
- What is that?
- What is that?
- What is that?
- What is that?
What are you doing? Take one each.
Take something you'd probably use to kill someone.
- What?
- Kill someone?
This is better for killing.
The sleeping pill is the only thing left.
So you wouldn't want to kill without causing pain?
I'm looking forward to the results.
Conduct a research on murders that have used the tools you chose,
and submit a report on why they chose such tools.
Let's begin the lecture.
Lieutenant Kim.
Can I talk to you for a moment?
Why did you want to talk to me?
You asked me what kind of person Professor Shin was.
As a psychologist, how would you describe Ms. Shin as a person?
What do you mean by that?
I heard that studying the minds of murderers
can gradually blur the distinction between good and evil.
- Back then, I was
- So you've changed your mind?
Then, I'll ask you this time. How would you
describe Professor Shin?
She doesn't know how to express her pain.
Then, you do realize that you shouldn't let her get hurt.
From now on,
don't make her visit the crime scenes.
She's a consultant, not the police.
Yes, of course. I'm sorry. It won't happen again.
Dean Hong,
may I ask you something?
How did her parents die?
I heard something about fire.
Unfortunately, the exact cause for the case
hasn't been identified.
She was 15 years old then.
When she returned home after school,
the house was already on fire.
The police thought that her mom, with her psychotherapy records,
had set the house on fire after fighting with her husband.
But they couldn't figure out the exact cause as there was no proof.
I once thought that the reason she studies female murderers
is probably because of her mother.
Of course, she never talks about it.
But why were there rumors that she was the culprit?
She was adopted
and a stranger.
She was adopted in England when she was young.
I need to know.
I want to stop chasing you
and start waiting for him at the corner.
Until he comes to me.
It's Jung Ho Young.
It has all the information
on his murders and some suspected murders.
I need to know him to catch him.
I need to ask you a favor.
This is no big deal. It's just like any other.
It is.
Is your hand all right?
Yes, as I have my left hand.
It sounds like you're not okay.
Take your handkerchief.
Next time.
- I'm Jeon Sung Shik.
- Hello.
- Thank you for your cooperation.
- It's nothing.
It was difficult to identify because of the fog.
But isn't it this car?
It is. Were there any cars following it?
It's here.
You were right, Sir. He was being chased.
It's too dark to figure out the plate number. Can't you check?
Not right now.
But I'll contact you once we trace the car and find the plate number.
Call me with this number.
All right.
Do you think he's alive? He should be alive.
He has to be alive.
But I can't seem to be able to find any evidence that
the Park Kwang Ho born in 1988 has been alive for the last 4 months.
His phone didn't turn back on after it was turned off in Hwaho.
There weren't any records of transactions or internet records.
Maybe he was in a car accident.
He could be at the hospital.
I did search the hospital patient records but couldn't find one.
Where is he then? It's driving me crazy.
We can't start openly searching him because of you.
For now, we can only check the surveillance camera recordings
and the phone usage to trace the day he went missing.
By the way, where did you get the speeding ticket?
You were quick to notice.
Where do you think? I got it from Soojeong Patrol Division.
Why did you go there?
What if you get caught?
I won't be caught.
What is that?
Go back, Kiddo.
- Don't come closer.
- Calm down.
Don't come closer. If you do, I'll kill myself.
Do you all see this? I didn't spend this money.
Why are you asking me to pay it back? I didn't even spend it.
Ma'am, please calm down.
- Please put it down.
- Put it down, please.
- Don't come close.
- Okay, we won't.
- Please put it down.
- I didn't buy those purses.
I never got any cash advances or took out a loan.
Why are you calling me delinquent?
- It's not me.
- What's she saying?
What's the matter with her? What happened?
- Well
- Don't come close. Don't.
Salute, Sir.
She's been causing a scene here because of her credit card debt.
- I'll kill myself.
- Gosh, that woman
Why? What is it?
She already came to our division multiple times
and filed a report about her credit card being stolen.
But all transactions on the card statement
- were made on her laptop.
- I said don't come near me.
She obviously spent it herself. I don't know what's wrong with her.
Did you see it? Did you see me using the credit card?
Gosh, we heard you. Please put it down, okay?
I know you don't believe me. You're going to say that I did it!
I didn't do it. I didn't use the card!
It's not me!
Yoon Yeong Joo.
Someone is using my identity!
- Don't come.
- Please stop.
Ms. Yoon Yeong Joo.
You're at a police station now.
You caused a ruckus with scissors at the card company's office
and got arrested red-handed.
You understand what it means, right?
I didn't use the credit card.
- I
- You're the one who caused a scene.
Everything has been caught on the surveillance camera.
You keep saying the same thing.
Are you saying your identity has been stolen?
I think it started that day.
I got a letter from a credit card company
that I don't have an account with.
It was a time
when many cases of identity theft were being reported,
so I didn't think much of it, assuming it's an advertisement.
What? This number is calling again.
Hello? Why do you keep calling me?
Overdue payments? I never even applied for that credit card.
You are Ms. Yoon Yeong Joo, right?
The total overdue amount is 7,850 dollars at the moment.
Hey, Yoon Yeong Joo.
Yoon Yeong Joo!
She looks different.
Hey, you have a proper job. Why aren't you paying me back?
They accused me of borrowing money from the massage parlor,
- But I've never seen them before.
- Who are you? Do you know me?
- Follow me.
- What
You witch
After that day,
they came to my work every single day and caused a ruckus.
Why aren't you paying me back?
- It drove me crazy.
- How dare you trick me!
So in the end,
I paid back the money I didn't even borrow.
Then the HR department notified me that I was put on leave.
They spun it as a break,
but I practically got fired overnight.
Hey, Yoon Yeong Joo! I know that you're inside. Open the door!
Which company are you from?
How much did I borrow? How much?
Doesn't Yoon Yeong Joo live here?
I'm Yoon Yeong Joo.
Aren't you the one who rang my doorbell yesterday?
Who are you and why are you doing this to me?
I'm Yeong Joo's
- She even got engaged with my name.
- What did you just say?
Do you want to know what's really scary?
She knows my address, my work, and my credit card number.
She even bought things online using my laptop,
but I don't know anything about her.
I can't even sue her because I don't know her name.
Her fiance. Where can we meet him?
There he goes again.
This is what Kiddo said.
"Detectives must keep going even if they get fooled."
Then go with him.
If what he's saying is true,
you're not his fiancee.
We'll be able to find out who she is when we meet him.
really believe me, right?
Here. It's his business card.
What is it, Chief?
You're in the same situation.
Will you be okay if you take on this case?
Why wouldn't I be?
I didn't steal this identity on purpose.
It's the same thing.
What are you talking about?
It's not like I'll commit a crime under this identity.
Identity theft is a crime in and of itself.
You little
Whose side are you on?
It'll actually help me track down this identity thief.
I'm just saying you should be careful.
No one is suspicious yet, right?
You be careful on your part.
You called me "Sir" in front of everyone earlier.
We should both be careful, Kwang Ho.
- You punk.
- What?
What's your problem now?
Chief, your shoulders are so tense.
Goodness, I should give you a massage.
Just make sure Sun Jae doesn't find out.
He never lets anything slide.
I heard you.
I should remind you here and there.
Why isn't Sun Jae here yet? We called him a long time ago.
I mean, how dare he keep you waiting?
What do you say? Shall I teach you a lesson?
- Don't.
- Why not?
You tussled with him because you didn't like him.
I got to know him a little, and I actually feel bad for him.
You should be nice to him too.
You're the Chief. Don't be so mean to your team members.
Gosh, my head hurts.
Hey, did you get to go home?
Don't cross the line.
You're still so rude.
At least you know.
I actually prefer him not answering me.
His answers irritate me even more.
Gosh, poor guy.
I should be patient because I know his story. I want to smack his head.
Mr. Cho Dong Ik?
His name isn't Cho Dong Ik.
Mr. Cho passed away last week.
He died? Cho Dong Ik died?
Mr. Cho passed away last week.
He died? Cho Dong Ik died?
Who are you?
I'm Lieutenant Kim Sun Jae from Hwayang Police Station.
What was the cause of death?
It was very sudden.
Sudden manhood death syndrome? It was something like that.
Hey, I'm getting a bad feeling.
His funeral is today.
The cremation has probably started by now.
Where is it being held?
Just a moment, please.
My gosh
Sorry to interrupt. We're from the police.
Do you know this woman?
No. I've never seen her before.
You said he was found dead at his place. Could you tell us more?
I got a call from him that night.
Hey, Dong Ik. Why are you calling at this hour?
Please come here as soon as possible.
Who is this?
I went to his place right away just in case, and
Dong Ik.
Dong Ik. Dong Ik!
Wake up, Dong Ik. What happened to you?
Open your eyes. Cho Dong Ik!
Please open your eyes! Dong Ik
The doctor said that he died from sudden manhood death syndrome.
He had no injuries.
Who was the woman that called you?
That's the thing. I thought she was his girlfriend.
I was grateful that she let me know because she must've been terrified,
but I couldn't contact her because her number wasn't even in his phone.
But no one has seen Dong Ik's girlfriend.
Everyone from his friends to co-workers.
Even I don't know her face.
We were going to meet because he wanted to introduce me,
but she rescheduled it saying that something urgent came up.
Her job, name, and age.
I don't know anything about her.
That is certainly strange.
I know, right?
But seeing that she called Dong Ik,
she does seem like his girlfriend.
Will you allow us to do an autopsy on Mr. Cho Dong Ik?
Pardon? Why would you do that?
Are you saying that he could've been murdered?
We'll only know after the autopsy.
If no one knows what Cho Dong Ik's girlfriend looks like,
we won't know if Yoon Yeong Joo is telling us the truth or not.
On top of that, the day Cho Dong Ik went to see Yoon Yeong Joo
is the day he died.
- No.
- Dong Ik.
Chief, we need to know where Yoon Yeong Joo was last Friday.
Cho Dong Ik died that day.
Kwang Ho and I will go straight to Cho Dong Ik's place.
Dong Ik
I wonder if the father and son are doing well.
What are you talking about?
There once was a man whose wife got murdered.
He came to the police station every day with his son in his arms.
He'd ask if we found a new suspect or if there was anything new.
It made me feel so small and pathetic.
I really wanted
to catch the culprit myself.
Did you lose him?
I thought this was your first time working in the homicide department.
You won't know even if I tell you.
Ms. Yoon Yeong Joo.
Where were you last Friday?
I always stayed home after I stopped working. Why?
Is there anyone who can confirm what you just said?
Why do you need a confirmation?
Tae Hee and Min Ha. Go to her house and check the surveillance camera.
- Yes, Sir.
- Yes, Sir.
It looks as if someone hurriedly cleaned this place up.
Let's find what that person was trying to hide.
You go there. I'll check this area.
There's nothing that belongs to a woman.
His laptop is gone too.
Why can't I find a photo album?
Who in the world keeps a photo album these days?
It's here.
But they're all photos of him alone.
There's no photo of him and his girlfriend.
She must've been careful.
She got rid of all the evidence.
But why would she do this?
Does she have a criminal record?
Maybe she has something to hide.
The person who took it must be here somewhere.
There you are.
Yes. My goodness.
My gosh, where did you get a hold of this photo, Kwang Ho?
You're crossing the line, Sung Shik.
Hey, Tae Hee. Did you check the surveillance camera?
Yes. Cho Dong Ik entered the apartment a little over 9pm.
But he came out just 10 minutes later.
What about Yoon Yeong Joo?
She went home on Thursday, the day before the incident.
Then she came out on Saturday morning.
Sir, don't forget about the exit at the back.
I know, you punk.
But there's one more exit at the back.
There's no camera there, so we can't check if she used that exit.
We'll check the black boxes of the vehicles tomorrow morning.
Why tomorrow morning? Check them now.
People will complain so much if we do it at this hour.
You better check the cameras tomorrow morning then.
Did you check her alibi?
When will the autopsy results come out?
Tomorrow afternoon. By the way, I found
a phone number which I think belongs to Cho Dong Ik's girlfriend.
But it's an illegal cell phone.
- An illegal cell phone?
- My goodness.
She used an illegal cell phone and left behind no evidence at all.
We also don't know her name.
Is she a ghost or what?
Let's check the list of ex-convicts who committed similar crimes.
Those who were accused of identity theft or fraud.
Okay. That's enough for today. Let's go home.
Let's go.
Did you get a call from the control center?
No, not yet.
What's taking them so long?
Sung Shik, I'll get off here.
- You want to get off here?
- Yes. Stop the car.
Did she not hear me, or is she ignoring me?
Well, I My goodness.
What's wrong with your hand? I knew it.
You got hurt at the rest area, didn't you?
How bad is it? Are you okay?
Did you go to the hospital?
Is it so hard to answer a question?
I'm asking because I'm sincerely worried.
My goodness. Look at you.
What will you do with that hand? Give me that.
Why is this so heavy?
The Jung Ho Young Case? Why do you have this?
I'm going to look into it.
I guess Sun Jae asked you to look into it.
It seems like you want me to look into something too.
What is it about?
You're really scary.
Well, the thing is, someone suddenly disappeared.
A man or a woman?
It's a man. He's a cop, and he suddenly went missing.
Then you should first look for physical evidence.
There are surveillance cameras everywhere.
I've already started looking.
But I want to know where he went, and why he suddenly went missing.
Then you need to give me more information.
I need his personal information like his name or age.
I need to know that person first in order to find out where he went.
What's his name?
Well, it's
Why is the house so empty though?
There's nothing here.
Do you even cook here?
Please leave.
I'm doing this because I'm sincerely worried about you.
I know. I know that you never asked me to worry about you.
Good night.
What's this?
Did you stay here all night?
What's this?
There's one more victim.
What? She died too?
I wanted to see if there were any other similar cases.
This person went through everything Yoon Yeong Joo did.
She became a credit delinquent,
and she got sued for fraud.
Loan sharks went to look for her at work.
And she even stopped going to work. Everything's the same.
It's highly possible that Yoon Yeong Joo's telling the truth.
It's been six months since she died.
Is the cause of death really suicide?
Yes, Professor.
I have the autopsy result.
Corporal Park. It's been a long time.
We only meet when there's a dead body.
Isn't it a good sign if we haven't seen each other for a while?
- I guess you're right.
- What's the cause of death?
I noticed the doctor concluded it as sudden manhood death syndrome.
I'm a doctor myself, but that means the cause of death is unknown.
"Unknown Cause" would be the right way to put it.
Zolpidem or nicotine was found in his blood.
- Nicotine?
- If less than 0.17mg per liter
is detected in the blood, it's fine.
If 3.7mg to 5.8mg is found,
it's fatal.
However, there has been a case of death from just 1.4mg.
From Cho Dong Ik's body, we detected 1.95mg.
As nicotine entered the body,
it caused problems to his breathing and heartbeat.
It eventually led to a heart attack.
I didn't see any cigarettes in Cho Dong Ik's home.
This was murder, wasn't it?
He didn't have any medical history to receive a Zolpidem prescription.
I'm sure whoever got the prescription for sleeping drugs
also injected the nicotine.
A death caused by nicotine poisoning and now another victim.
I thought it was a simple identity theft case. It's more complicated.
I searched black boxes in vehicles all morning for nothing.
I think my blood sugar's going down.
Then I guess Yoon Yeong Joo's out of the picture now.
We can't be sure yet.
Tae Hee and Min Ha.
Search her medical records for a sleeping pill prescription.
Also, check whether she purchased any nicotine.
That's right. Also, send
a forensics team to Cho Dong Ik's place right away.
- We'll get going.
- We'll get that done, Sir.
We'll go meet Ko A Ra's family.
No case can surprise me now.
In the past, you could find all out with just a few phone calls.
So much has changed in 30 years.
I'm sure an accomplice would feel the same as I do.
I can't seem to relax.
We do you keep on bringing up the past? It's not funny.
Didn't you see Sun Jae's face? You'll get caught at some point.
Gosh. You worry too much.
Sun Jae's opened up to me now. Didn't you see how he talks to me?
He's the type that finds the pattern of the same victim overnight.
I can't stand this anymore.
You need to get some training done.
- What training?
- Hey.
What's keeping you?
I'm coming.
You see? He talks to me now.
After all this time,
now you believe my daughter?
We've found reliable evidence.
There's been another victim.
That's enough.
You're daughter
was a beautiful young lady.
What happened?
- She took sleeping pills.
- Pardon?
By any chance,
was it Zolpidem?
I know where you're getting at,
but it wasn't that.
She said she was going to bed early. I believed her.
Later I found she had taken pills.
I realized the next morning
that it was the day she was supposed to get married.
When did strange things start to happen to your daughter?
It must have all started
last year on the day we met the groom's family.
You must be
so sad to see your precious daughter get married.
She's met such a wonderful man. I couldn't ask for more.
Go ahead and eat.
A Ra. What's the matter?
It's nothing.
- Is there something wrong, A Ra?
- No, Mom.
There must've been a misunderstanding, Mother.
Get your hands off of me.
If you've met my mother, I'm sure you got the message.
Honey. It's not me. I didn't borrow that money.
Gosh. You're really unbelievable.
Don't ever call me again.
Honey? Honey.
No one believed her.
I even doubted her at first.
We reported it to the police, but it was no use.
We assumed it was someone that knew her well,
so we began to search around among her acquaintances.
Around the time of the incident,
do you recall her meeting anyone new or going to new places?
She and I were both busy preparing for the wedding.
There was nothing that seemed out of the ordinary.
Do any of these two look familiar?
All of A Ra's friends were at the funeral.
I've never seen them.
I almost forgot.
At the funeral,
something strange happened.
There was a mourner that told me
A Ra was a regular at their massage parlor.
The mourner took a look at A Ra's portrait
and asked if the girl in the picture was really A Ra.
I asked her why she couldn't recognize a regular customer.
She turned pale and left in a hurry.
Who are you?
They accused me of borrowing money from the massage parlor,
but I've never seen them before.
Hey. The people that made visits to Yoon Yeong Joo
also accused her of borrowing money from a massage parlor.
I don't even want to talk about it.
I was really shocked.
Normally she makes reservations for her next visit when she comes,
but one day, she didn't show up, so I called her.
That's when I found out she died.
It seemed strange that a healthy person would die all of a sudden.
She was a regular customer so I thought I should go to the funeral,
but to my surprise,
I found out it wasn't the person I knew.
Then how did the person you knew look like?
How should I put it? She was pretty,
but she didn't particularly stand out.
Are you saying she was average looking?
That's right. She was average looking.
By any chance, do you know Yoon Yeong Joo?
Who's that?
Did the customer make all her payments in cash?
- Yes.
- Excuse me.
Just a moment, please.
The suspect wouldn't leave traces.
Where could we possibly find this woman?
Yoon Yeong Joo and Ko A Ra have never lost their wallets.
Neither have they ever lost their IDs or credit cards.
Then where could the suspect have met the victims?
We don't even have a name.
Weren't you listening?
They saw her face.
We're back.
What on earth is this?
Are there more victims?
There's Jeon Se Yeong, Choi Ji Hye
and Kim Na Rae.
The methods were slightly different,
but like Sun Jae said, they show the same pattern.
Goodness. I think you should add Yoon Yeong Joo on to the list.
We're from the Hwayang Police Station.
The medical and prescription records are clean.
Was she ever given a prescription for Zolpidem?
No. We've never prescribed Zolpidem to her.
There was a similar case last year relating nicotine.
I have the personal data of the people that made purchases,
but I didn't find Yoon Yeong Joo on that list.
Min Ha. Release Yoon Yeong Joo.
- Send the data to Professor Shin.
- Yes, Sir.
Now I know why people say that humans are the scariest.
All those girls are the victims of the same suspect.
This person is a complete psycho.
I've never been curious to find out what the suspect looks like.
I wonder what a person that steals other people's lives looks like.
There's a person that's actually seen that face.
Here she is.
The connection to Ko A Ra
and Yoon Yeong Joo was a massage parlor.
This lady saw the suspect's face.
Min Ha. Make a sketch of the montage.
Yes. I shouldn't let my talent go to waste, should I?
Please follow me.
Why is he drawing the montage?
You may not have noticed, but he has amazing eyes.
He can actually picture what he only hears.
That guy has good eyes and he has a sensitive nose.
You two make a perfect team.
We're nothing compared to you two.
You two maniacs are indeed the perfect team.
That's enough. Now
let's focus on finding the connections between the victims.
What do the other victims have to do with that massage parlor?
Let's start with finding the answer to that.
Move it.
She didn't have double eyelids.
Her hair was rather long.
Also, she had a high-bridged nose.
Have you ever lost your cell phone or wallet?
No, I never have.
Have you ever met any of these people?
Do any of them seem familiar?
I don't think so. I've never seen them before.
There's nothing out of the ordinary.
I was always at the library or school.
That's why I'm so frustrated.
I'm just as frustrated as you are.
This identity theft has been going on for months.
Sujeong Middle School.
There's no one.
- Hwayang Girls' High School.
- No one.
Hwawon University.
She graduated college in China, so it's not her.
Are you playing bingo or what? Be quiet already.
You guys look great together. Why don't you date each other?
Why can't we get a hold of anything?
Wake up.
Sun Jae.
Call Professor Shin.
Did you send her the files?
What's his problem?
Did I make a mistake?
The dean already scolded me once. I guess she'll soon scold me again.
- Pardon?
- It's nothing.
Where do women usually go?
Where do you think the culprit met the victims?
In Korea, women in their 20s and 30s spend money on cultural activities.
They go to movie theaters, plays, art exhibitions, book stores,
and cafes with their boyfriends.
It's highly possible that
the culprit saw the victims when they were with their boyfriends.
What does that mean?
Every single victim had a boyfriend when their identities got stolen,
and every single one of them ended up breaking up.
The victims didn't know the culprit,
but the culprit knew the victims.
The culprit will have first seen the victims at a restaurant or a cafe
where they were enjoying their dates with their boyfriends.
It was all probably when she broke up with her own boyfriend.
She probably also has money problems.
It seems like she started this because of jealousy.
Then we can narrow our search and check the restaurants
our victims visited when they were with someone.
It's highly possible that the culprit is in her 20s.
That's right.
Then where do you usually go?
You didn't hang up. I thought you would.
You're strange. You really are.
You like her, don't you?
Is eavesdropping your hobby?
You obviously like her.
You were strange ever since we visited the rest area.
You're wrong.
I'm not wrong.
Why do you have such poor taste in women?
My lovely Yeon Sook is the best
Yeon Sook
You heard me, right? Look for payments at restaurants and cafes.
A French cafe
Ko A Ra.
Yoon Yeong Joo.
We finally found it. Wonderland Restaurant.
Our Alice must be there.
Let's go.
Hey, Sun Jae.
It's the same place.
Excuse me.
Kim Mi Soo.
She looks perfectly normal.
People are so cunning.
I've never seen a person like her.
We couldn't find a single fingerprint at Cho Dong Ik's house.
You saw how she refused to tell us her name.
We barely got her to stamp her thumbprint.
I thought we had to issue a warrant.
She received Zolpidem prescription 15 days before Cho Dong Ik died.
She also bought two bottles of
99 percent pure nicotine.
Then isn't she the culprit?
That's right. She is.
But why did she do such a thing?
Is this me?
What a great drawing.
Can I have it?
You don't seem to understand the situation here.
Do you know these women? You should.
You ruined their lives.
I ruined their lives?
I don't know them.
Were they customers at the restaurant?
Look here.
Ko A Ra even committed suicide because of you.
I don't know who she is, but I'm sorry she had to die.
I really don't know her.
You know him, don't you? He said he'll come right away
when we told him that we arrested Yoon Yeong Joo.
You may have thought he died, but he's still alive.
He could be watching you from outside.
Did you just laugh?
You don't seem to believe me.
I just remembered something funny.
Do you not know about this either?
It's just a sleeping pill.
I got this prescribed because I have insomnia.
And I bought the nicotine
because I smoke an electronic cigarette.
She won't confess easily.
I just don't understand.
She's not an ex-convict. She's not a wanted criminal.
But why would she want to steal someone else's identity?
It's not like she needs to hide anything.
Then why?
What did Professor Shin say?
What was her opinion on this?
It seems like she started this because of jealousy.
She said it was because of jealousy.
What was she jealous of?
Every single victim broke up with her boyfriend after the incident.
She probably committed her first crime
right after she broke up with her boyfriend.
A lover. A boyfriend.
A break-up?
A break-up?
What brings you here?
Mi Soo?
I went out with her for about three years.
We were going to get married.
Then why did you break up with her?
It was because of money.
She spent more than 5,000 dollars a month.
Mi Soo's bank account was always empty. Zero.
Have you seen her recently?
I ran into her at a restaurant once.
I called her name.
What was it again? Right, she said she's Yoon Yeong Joo.
By any chance,
was she with a man?
Was it this guy?
Yes, it's him.
I get it.
It probably started from feeling jealous.
Your wedding got called off, but those women all looked so happy.
You kept getting calls about your credit card debt, but they were
buying themselves expensive meals. It must've infuriated you.
1, 2.
- Make sure my face looks small.
- You already have a small face.
Let me fix your bangs. Your bangs are
covering too much of your forehead.
You're so sweet.
That was cute.
No, don't do that.
One more. Can you make a "V" with your fingers?
- You look so pretty in this.
- Thanks.
- You should try this.
- The cake?
What's wrong with my life?
Don't try so hard. I understand everything.
What do you understand?
You couldn't have what you wanted.
That's why you ruined their lives.
They were happy while you were living in misery.
Why do you think I'm unhappy?
Don't talk like you know when you have no clue.
The only thing you could probably do
to become happy was owning those women's names.
However, you were living under a stolen name,
and Cho Dong Ik figured it out.
Who are you? Who on earth are you?
That's probably why you killed him.
He was in the way of your happiness.
Although it was happiness that you couldn't have to begin with.
Why can't I have it?
What do you even know?
You can't even take a photo of yourself.
Do you think that's really owning the life?
- What's our total?
- It's 210 dollars.
Let me pay today.
Really? Thanks.
Oh, what is this?
We're running a promotional event at the moment.
I want to participate.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
We hope to see you again.
Then you probably became gutsier over time.
You bought a credit card copy machine, borrowed money,
and made fake ID cards. When you felt that you've done everything,
you moved onto the next victim.
Did living under the identities you stole
make you happy?
realizing that the victims can no longer dine at the restaurant
must've made you happy.
"That woman's happiness has been destroyed too."
You finally realized it.
I know you've never seen this before. It's a smartphone.
- A smartphone.
- Yes.
You can call people and send text messages with this.
You can even use this to do internet searches.
Is the internet what Sun Jae
- Is that what he uses every day?
- Yes.
If there are things you want to know
or find, you can just look it up.
- Really?
- Yes.
Give it to me.
Gosh, this is so fascinating.
want to know how I can go back to the year 1986.
I don't know either.
It doesn't work.
That obviously won't work, Sir.
Why not? You said I can ask anything.
Gosh, I don't even know what to say.
Oh, then
give me Sun Jae's number.
What for?
Kim Sun Jae is an idiot, and Park Kwang Ho is a genius.
That must've really aggravated him.
Oh, he replied.
What is this?
Shut your mouth.
What does this mean?
Why are you laughing? What is this? It must be a swear word.
It is
- Hello?
- Is this Chief Jeon Sung Shik?
- I emailed you what you requested.
- Thank you.
What's wrong? What is it?
You drink Americano, right?
It's nice to see you.
I mean, the coffee.
Left hand.
Did Professor Shin say that she was going on vacation?
The license plate is visible.
I'll put in a request to look up the license number.
- Is this when it was last seen?
- Yes, Sir.
Where is this?
It's in front of Youngil Fishing Site.
Let's go.
This is where it was last seen.
Where did it disappear to?
Let's get going.
The culprit's identity you mentioned.
I'm working on figuring it out.
Are you?
By the way, you pulled someone who was hiding out of darkness.
Are you talking about Kim Mi Soo?
These days,
it's not easy to live without leaving any trace.
I'm still doing pretty well.
You are living an analog lifestyle, right?
Online shopping, mobile banking,
using a smartphone, and social media. It's all so complicated.
In that sense, Corporal Park gets along with me pretty well.
You mean Kwang Ho?
No, shall I say he's worse than me?
He doesn't even own a cell phone, not to mention a smartphone.
He got a cell phone.
Anyway, I thought it was odd.
People who have things to hide are usually like that.
You're scoffing again?
Do you even realize how many people's lives you've ruined?
It looks like someone else
needs to answer whether he's happy or not living under a name he stole.
Someone who's hiding something
and living as someone else.
I can recognize those people very well.
Stop speaking nonsense.
What's the matter?
said the same thing.
I should get going. Let's play another round next time.
All right.
Some people
hide in the light instead of darkness.
Can I help you?
Oh, I'm just wondering if Detective Park Kwang Ho is here.
- Park Kwang Ho?
- Yes.
Oh, are you the Dojin Taxi driver from that day?
Yes! That's right. That was me.
You remember me. It's nice to see you again.
You remember me even though you've only seen me once.
He called me all the time because he doesn't know his way around,
but I haven't heard from him at all lately.
He always goes on about what it was like 30 years ago
with that low voice of his.
If you happen to see Detective Park,
make sure to tell him that I'm going to sue him
for lying about getting me a job.
I will.
Like Kim Mi Soo, I haven't seen a picture of Park Kwang Ho.
Is it your turn to ignore me now?
Wait for me, Sir.
What on earth is this?
Chief. We found the vehicle on the wanted list.
The vehicle owner appears to be Corporal Park.
It was abandoned near the end of Route 45.
If this is really Park Kwang Ho,
who on earth is the Park Kwang Ho I know?
There are two things I'd like to know.
Who is this man and how did he die?
What do you mean you'll investigate this the right way?
He mentioned that he thinks he's gotten himself in big trouble.
If this guy is Park Kwang Ho, who's the Corporal Park that we knew?
Why would he have hidden his identity?
Why could he be hiding?
How did you know I live here?
Have you been following me?
There's not much I don't know except you.
He asked if I knew about a female that died in a tunnel 30 years ago.
Did you just say he mentioned a tunnel?
What's going on? Park Kwang Ho seemed to know about this case too.
Yeon Sook, how have you been?
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