Turner & Hooch (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

The Fur-gitive

[Scott] Hooch, let's tell them
what happened last week.
It was 30 years ago.
I was riding around in a police car
with Scott and the first Hooch.
Thanks for helping us pack up his stuff,
He'd love that you're here.
No place I'd rather be.
Mr. Gillen,
our father was investigating you. Why?
Look. I don't know
what your dad was investigating,
but it was a lot bigger than me.
- We gotta find you a somebody, E.
- [Jessica] Mm-hmm.
Somebody like Scott.
Why would you think that?
I never said I liked Scott.
If you were interested,
I just happen to know
his big date fell through.
I wanted to apologize
for forgetting about dinner.
I was driving by your house, so
That's great. I wish I wasn't
in the middle of giving him a bath.
Do you need help with the bath?
[cell phone vibrates]
It looks fantastic. And you know it.
It's really It's beautiful shading.
- [Brooke] Thank you.
- [Scott] Anytime.
Thanks for coming down to Cypress Beach
to help with the GuacFest sign.
It was our dad's big thing.
We kind of go overboard.
- I mean, I can't miss Hooch as an avocado.
- [growls, yawns]
That's true.
Plus, I get to hear the embarrassing
stories from when you were a kid.
- Those were great. Thank you, Mom.
- [Brooke giggles]
I didn't tell her about the time
you almost ran over yourself
with the lawn mower.
[Laura chuckles]
- [Grady] Knock, knock.
- [Emily] This is gonna be good.
- Dropping off the little man.
- Mommy!
Hey, buddy.
Matthew has a surprise.
[whispering] Show 'em.
- [Laura] Wow.
- [Scott] Guacamolade?
It's for the Guacamole Fest
cooking contest.
I dedicate it to Grandpa.
Aw, thanks, bud.
- To Dad.
- To Dad.
Wait, drink it slowly. It's chunky.
- [gags]
- [whimpers]
I know moms are supposed to be supportive,
but that was disgusting.
You know what it was like?
It was like he strained guacamole
through an old gym sock,
threw the sock in a blender,
and we drank the sock.
I gotta say, Brooke's a lot less stuck-up
than I remember.
Although, are those really
her painting clothes? [chuckles]
[Scott] Come on. She looks amazing.
I'm glad you're here for this.
I don't know.
You know, I used to think
Dad's GuacFest thing was corny.
Now I just miss him.
- Hey.
- Hey.
[Grady] Where does Emily keep the bread?
I wanna get a good base
before I try the guacamolade.
- The bread'll help soak up the toxins.
- I'm not sure that's how that works.
- [sighs]
- Yeah, it does. [chuckles]
Oh. Hey, Laura. By the way,
those police files you asked for,
they're crazy popular.
Mayor Sutton came down to my office,
asked for the exact same ones.
He told me not to say anything
or I could lose my job.
So don't say anything.
Okay, that's weird.
Why is David reading Dad's files?
Should we be looking into David?
[chuckling] Looking into the guy who hid
our Easter eggs when we were kids?
He was Dad's best friend.
Scott, Dad was keeping this a secret.
Anybody could be involved.
Look, I love David too,
but if he's threatening Grady's job?
[Matthew] Uncle Scott!
Your girlfriend drank
the guacamolade too quickly.
She's puking in the mailbox.
- [groans, sighs]
- Wait, Scott. Meet me tomorrow night.
- Laura, I gotta go help Brooke.
- Promise me.
Yeah. Okay, fine. Yes, I promise.
[Matthew] She's throwing up a lot.
Thank you.
[Brooke gagging]
It's gross.
Thank you.
Hooch ate Grady's entire loaf of bread.
How is he still hungry?
Oh, Hooch is always hungry.
That's why he's built like a dinosaur.
[Brooke chuckles]
I'm so sorry about today
and you ruining your silk blouse.
No, it's okay.
I always wanted to "guac this way."
- Let me get you a water or something.
- Thanks.
So I guess your dad was, like,
Mr. Cypress Beach.
- Did you always wanna be a cop like him?
- Not exactly like him.
My dad was kind of a softy
as far as cops go.
Like, when I was 12,
he ticketed this guy for vagrancy
and then he let him stay
in our guest room for a week.
- Seriously? [chuckles]
- Oh, yeah.
You know, it's part of the reason
why I joined the Marshals,
'cause, like,
we chase the bad guys, you know?
It's far less complicated
and you don't end up with a drifter
named Safety Pin using your toothbrush.
Well, speaking of family,
my dad has this charity event
on Saturday at the club,
and it's your basic black-tie,
picture-with-an-astronaut type thing.
- I know. Super lame.
- Hmm.
But, um, any chance you'd, uh, be my date?
Sounds like a very low-pressure way
of meeting your parents.
You are funny.
They're gonna love you.
How are you at ballroom dancing?
I'm okay.
Yeah. Uh, wait. This isn't a test, right?
Your parents aren't gonna
hate me if I can't
Not at all.
Although, they went on for years
about this guy that I dated in college
who didn't know the difference
between a Viennese and American waltz.
- [chuckling] What?
- Yeah.
So basic. Loser.
- One, two, three.
- [talking on phone, faint]
One, two, three.
- One, two, three.
- [man on phone] And promenade. Yes.
- One, two, three.
- Is that a Is that a backstep? What
- Hold her hand lightly.
- These people look miserable.
- One, two, three. One, two, three.
- One, two, three. One, two, three.
- Oh, wonderful.
- [grunts]
- Steady!
- Ooh.
- Thank you.
- Easy.
- You okay?
- [Scott] Yeah.
I was just watching this YouTube tutorial
on how to ballroom dance.
Brooke invited me to this thing,
and I kinda told her I can waltz.
I'd like to waltz with you one day.
For sure.
[man on phone]
And one, two, three. One, two, three.
Feel the rhythm.
Might wanna nail down walking
before you start ballroom dancing.
So, you're doing this for Brooke?
She do any of the stuff you like to do?
Like, say, jogging?
Oh, Brooke hates jogging.
Something about a $200 blowout,
whatever that is.
But Erica jogs with you, doesn't she?
Yeah. Erica's great. She's a great friend.
- Conference room now. Emergency briefing.
- Great.
[Mendez] All right, everyone.
We've got an all-hands-on-deck
type situation here.
Sonoma County PD has requested our help.
They attempted to arrest William Jackson,
41, for assaulting his landlord.
Turns out he's former special forces.
Security cameras at Jackson's work
captured this video.
Way to stick the landing.
I'm pretty sure he's the bad guy.
Good landing's a good landing.
- [man 1] Ooh.
- [man 2] Ouch.
Trent Havelock's
deputy in charge on the manhunt.
Thanks, Chief.
Big Dog likes to hunt.
- Yeah, he does. Hunt, Big Dog.
- [howling]
He's calling himself Big Dog now?
Oh, he got vanity plates.
He's really trying to make it a thing.
Now, listen up. We don't know
what we're dealing with here, so we
Yeah, we do. The guy freaked out
'cause he didn't wanna pay rent.
The head case spent too much time in
the sandbox and can't hack it stateside.
- [chuckles]
- Huh.
You got something to say?
Yeah. Couple things.
First, you were in the National Guard
in New Jersey.
You don't get to say "sandbox"
unless you mean the Jersey Shore.
And second,
a lot of these guys suffer from PTSD.
What makes you the expert?
Just two tours in Afghanistan
while you were guarding saltwater taffy.
[all chuckle]
And you need to remember
who the DIC is on this, X.
Oh, I remember, T.
Enough. Both of you.
We're all on the same team.
Our fugitive was last spotted by a pack of
scouts near Muir Woods, in Marin County.
The redwoods are dense.
PD's asked us to cover down in this area,
north and west of these hills.
Now, let's bring Jackson in
before someone gets hurt.
- Mm-hmm.
- [Mendez] Dismissed.
Yo, are you sure that was a good idea,
getting into it with Trent?
You think he'll take it personal?
- [elevator bell dings]
- Probably.
[Brad chuckles] Good one, bro. Good one.
[Marcus] Good job, man.
You know, sometimes
you gotta take the wave,
even if you know you're probably gonna
eat the reef.
Well, yeah, but that's not
Like, isn't it better to take
a different wave,
so you don't smash into the reef?
Time to speak up is the time to speak up.
But you know
that's not an argument, right?
You literally just said
the same thing twice.
It doesn't make it true.
Maybe it does.
Maybe it does.
[elevator bell dings]
'Kay, today's assignments.
Jenna, Turner and the dog,
you're with me and the alpha team.
You're with the big boys now,
so don't screw it up.
you're gonna reinterview the scouts
that spotted Jackson.
Copy that.
The little kids, I mean.
I love kids.
Good. And after that you can stand post
at the roadblock at Blackfoot Trail.
- Better standing than sitting.
- The far one.
I was just gonna suggest that.
Okay, T-squad. Circle up.
Yo, this is what I was saying, bro.
You have more experience than any of us.
And what? He's got you interviewing
little kids and watching a roadblock.
I mean, what do you do now?
I work the case.
But it's a manhunt.
If you're not there, how
Don't have to be there to be there.
Actually, I'm pretty sure you do.
Can't catch the man
if you're not on the hunt.
You don't have to be there to be there.
Saying things twice.
Is this, like, an all-the-time thing now?
Hey. Let's mount up.
Should I get used
Okay. Thank you for that.
Gotta love a manhunt
through the woods, right?
Seriously. This is probably
the best assignment ever.
It's like we're in the movie The Fugitive.
- Right?
- Yeah.
[imitating Dr. Kimble]
"I didn't kill my wife."
[imitating Marshal Gerard]
"I don't care."
[both laugh]
Ah. You're right. You're right.
This is why I joined the Marshals.
Do feel kinda bad though.
What? About X?
Oh, I'm sure he's fine.
Okay. One at a time, friends.
One at a time.
- So the man you saw
- He was in a red car!
We saw a cabin
that looked like an old lady's face!
My parents sleep in separate rooms!
Okay, new plan.
Now, if you know something
about the fugitive that you wanna tell me,
raise your hand.
- Me! Me! Me! Me!
- Me! Me! Me! Me!
Now, if you're gonna say the car was red,
put your hand down.
Me. Me.
If you're gonna say the car was reddish,
kinda like a burnt orange,
put your hand down.
Okay, little man. What you gotta tell me?
I have to go to the bathroom.
Oops. Never mind.
Yeah, I've been there.
Okay. That concludes our interview.
Thanks, kids.
[pack leader] All right, guys. We got
some setting up to do, don't we? Careful.
[Trent on phone] This is the Big Dog.
I'm out saving the world. Leave a message.
Hey, Trent. No new info.
One kid peed himself.
[Trent on radio] Stay sharp.
Fugitive was seen around here.
Dealing with a wannabe Rambo.
Watch your six.
Copy that.
- [panting]
- [Scott] Quiet, Hooch.
He could be around here anywhere.
- Hooch?
- [barks]
Hooch? Where
[horn honks]
[Jenna] Trent, we need to stop
for a second. So sorry.
Hooch! Where are you going?
Hooch, we're supposed to be
watching our six.
This is definitely not a You're peeing?
You taking a little pee break?
Hey! Let's go, Turner!
The fugitive was spotted just up ahead.
Got it.
they're literally leaving us behind.
Come on.
- [barks]
- [grunts]
I'm coming, Big Dog.
[Trent] We're not gonna move it.
Those spikes that psycho put there
are stuck up in the engine block.
- Maybe if we all push from the side.
- [grunting]
Forget it. We tried that.
We tried everything.
This thing's not moving, okay?
We checked the other roads.
Three more booby traps.
There's no clear way in.
Jackson's a one-man army.
Oh, yeah?
Well, we're a lot-of-men army.
Listen. That psycho tried to kill us.
He's messing with the Big Dog.
He's going down!
It's getting late. Get in Turner's truck.
We're going back to base camp. Mount up!
[Brad] Come on, man.
[Scott] Everybody good?
It smells like a burrito in here.
Oh, yeah, there was a taco
wedged in the seats,
but Hooch took care of it.
He ate it.
I guess he was waiting for it to ripen.
[Jessica] Hello, this is Baxter.
Command center, this is Big Dog.
- Who?
- It's Trent. Baxter, It's Trent.
[Jessica] Right, new call sign.
Think this will stick
better than T-Man or Falcon,
or that time you saw Top Gun on TV
and wanted to be called Maverick?
Just put in a request for a high-wing
surveillance asset with thermal optics.
We need to catch this fugitive.
Bye. Big Dog out.
This is war now.
He declared war on us.
So we're also gonna declare war.
Double war.
About that. I still can't figure out why.
I mean, Jackson punched his landlord.
That's maybe six months in jail. You know?
Running, that adds five years.
And then fighting the cops,
that's ten to 15 easy.
- I mean, why would he risk
- He's a criminal.
Criminals do stupid things.
That's what makes them criminals.
- [growls]
- What the hell noise is that?
Uh, do me a favor. Call your buddy Xavier.
Let him know that our orders have changed.
[cell phone rings]
[Scott] Yo.
Trent called in a search plane.
He's suspending the search till morning.
How's the roadblock?
Quiet. Just putting together a list
of Jackson's known associates
and a basic psych profile.
Seriously? From the roadblock?
Like I said, work the case.
Slow going though.
Laptop ran out of juice. Had to improvise.
[Scott] Well, you might have
some more time to work.
- Trent wants you out there overnight.
- [Xavier] Copy that.
And tell him thanks.
Could use the overtime.
It's nice to get a chance to focus.
I'll let you know if I find anything.
How'd he take it?
Ah, he was just, you know
He's doing some research.
Research? He's in the middle of nowhere,
doing nothing.
Does he not get that?
You should stay away from that guy.
Something's not right with his brain.
One other thing.
You need to handle this dog sitch, 'kay?
We're jacking up the heat tomorrow.
I don't want that thing slowing us down.
Right. I'm on it.
[Hooch whines]
- Make more noise, amateur.
- [car door opens]
[car door closes]
Come here, bud.
- Geez. I didn't think you were gonna come.
- It was a long day. What are we doing?
It's a stakeout, okay?
We're waiting till Mayor Sutton leaves.
Do I get to ask
why we're waiting for the mayor to leave?
Because we're gonna sneak into his office,
look around for evidence.
Laura, that's insane.
What's insane?
All the words you just said.
They're insane.
David Sutton is secretly
looking into our dad.
He's our oldest family friend.
Can't we just talk to him?
Then he's gonna know Grady told us,
and Grady will get fired.
Don't you wanna know
why David's keeping secrets from us?
- [door opens]
- Oh, my
[Laura] Oh. Shh!
There he goes. Okay, let's go.
Laura! I am a deputy marshal.
I can't be part of an illegal search.
Not to mention, any of the evidence
you find will be inadmissible.
Okay, fine. I'll go in alone.
Good night, Deputy Marshal.
- Hooch.
- Laura.
Crazy sister.
Sucks. Terrible comeback.
Ah! Oh.
- Laura.
- Janis! Hi.
Didn't see you there.
How are the guac preparations
coming along?
Guactastic, thanks.
Will a certain four-time Guac Princess
be there?
Oh, you know it.
Getting my waving hand ready. [laughs]
So what brings you here?
I was, um, just hoping
to see Mayor Sutton. Is he in?
Sorry. He just left for the evening.
Oh, shoot. Um, he was supposed
to leave something for me.
I'm sure it's on his desk.
I could go grab it.
What is it, sweetie? I'll get it.
Oh! I don't wanna bother you. [chuckles]
No. I'll just It'll be two seconds.
Oh, normally I would let you,
but he has been really on me about that.
I think one of the interns
is stealing his Snickers.
So if you come back tomorrow,
then I'm sure he'll
[Scott] Laura. Time to go.
[laughing] Hi.
Oh, my gosh. He is adorable.
[Janis laughs]
- [mouthing words]
- [Janis] Hello.
- [mouthing words]
- [Janis] What kind of doggy is he?
He's a Dogue de Bordeaux.
Dogue de Bordeaux?
- Look at you.
- [mouths word]
- Fancy. Look at that face.
- Don't stop petting him.
- I could just eat him up.
- Me too. [chuckles]
[Janis] What's his name?
[Scott] It's Hooch, actually.
[Janis] Hooch? Hoochy.
I think you want a treat.
I wanna go get him a treat.
- He's diabetic. No No treats.
- Oh.
[Janis] No, no.
- [Scott] Janis, did you change your hair?
- [Janis] Yes! Thank you for noticing.
- You're glowing.
- Aw. [laughing]
[shutter clicks]
We can go for walkies. Yes, we can.
[Scott] You know what's crazy
about this breed,
is that they were originally bred
to guard vineyards in France.
- [Janis] No. Really?
- Yes. You seem like a wine gal.
I do not need that stuff after all.
Thank you so much, Janis.
- Bye! Thank you so much.
- Okay. Thank you, Janis. Ow!
[Scott] Okay. Bye-bye!
Bye, Hoochy!
[crickets chirping]
Laura. Laura!
Laura, what are you doing?
I am making progress.
He had notes on Dad's case.
- Aren't you curious?
- No! I will not look at that.
I will not be implicated.
Listen. I'm not curious.
I'm angry, okay? This is illegal.
Breaking the rules
because you need to know
if someone betrayed
someone you love is not illegal!
What? Are you making up laws now?
Scott, listen to me.
I want no part of this.
I have work tomorrow.
You know, real police work.
- Come on, Hooch, before we get indicted.
- But [sighs]
[gate closes]
- [groans]
- [Hooch snoring]
Hooch. Hooch. You gotta wake up, buddy.
We got a long day of tracking ahead,
- Head in the game.
- [groans]
[cell phone ringing]
- Hello.
- [Erica] Hey.
I just saw that you texted,
so I thought I'd call.
It's 4:30. You didn't have to.
- Oh, no problem. Yeah.
- [whines]
Angel had some bad dreams,
so we're just talking through
her feelings.
What's going on?
Okay. So, I'm part of this manhunt, right?
And it's for this former
special forces guy.
I was hoping that Hooch could track him,
but he just wants to play in the woods.
Was the wind at your backs?
Yeah. How'd you know that?
Special forces are trained
to stay downwind.
[Scott] Okay? What does that mean?
Is there, like, anything we can do?
There are actually two kinds of scent:
air and ground.
So even if your manhuntee
is staying out of the wind,
he won't be able to hide the scent
of something he's touched.
[groans] But ground scents are tough,
though. They take focus.
- Do you think Hooch has enough focus?
- [Hooch groaning]
[Erica] Yeah.
Uh, I think he definitely has potential.
Mm-hmm. Maybe.
Good luck.
[groaning continues]
Okay. The sun will be up soon.
Now, the Cessnas picked up
a heat signature
two klicks north of Whitestone Lake.
We'll search that on foot.
- Turner!
- I'm right here.
Oh, yeah. You fix the dog?
- Can that track his scent?
- Jackson's hiding downwind.
If there's a ground scent,
Hooch would definitely
Okay, nerd.com, enough.
- Next time just say, "My dog sucks."
- Copy that.
Listen up.
We need to get this bandit, all right?
Let's mount up.
Oh, X. I almost forgot.
You're not coming with us,
'cause you are gonna stay here and
[clicks tongue] guard the vehicles.
[Scott] But wouldn't he
be more useful with us?
What's he guarding the vehicles from?
Well, what happens if Jackson comes back
and sets more booby traps?
I mean, Xavier here is the expert
on combat vets.
Ain't that right?
I'm on it, Big Dog.
Yeah, you are.
Yeah. It's a rock, Hooch, just like
the thousand other ones you sniffed.
Again? How are you not empty?
[Trent] Turner,
Jackson's not gonna wait around
- 'cause your giant dog has a tiny bladder.
- [softly] It's a trip wire.
- Stop! There's a trip wire!
- Where?
[shouts, gasps]
Oh, Big Dog.
Oh, it's like that, Jackson?
It's like that?
[sighs] Thank you. When I was upside down,
a bug went in my mouth.
Hold up, Trent. We'll cut you down.
[scoffs] Bro, I'm CrossFit certified
Level 3, dude. Check the Insta.
I got this.
Trent, uh, is that poison oak?
[Scott] You probably shouldn't be
touching your face.
[cell phone ringing]
Scotty! What's going on?
Uh, we hit one of Jackson's booby traps.
Trent's, um
At least we know we're on the right track.
- [squawking]
- What's that?
Birds. I'm pretty close to their nest,
so they've been attacking. [chuckles]
[Scott] X, where are you?
[Xavier] I needed better data reception,
so I climbed a tree.
I got Jackson's DD 214 from the army.
I'm gonna call guys in his old unit.
Wait. You did all that while in a tree,
being attacked by birds?
[Xavier] I don't mind.
- [squawking continues]
- Nature restores.
I'll check in if I get solid intel.
- Turner!
- Yes. What? I'm right here.
Is my face red?
[Hooch barking]
Hooch. Hooch, what do you got, boy?
Gimme that. That's dirty.
[barking continues]
Trent. Trent.
I think maybe you should look at this.
What is it, Turner?
Hooch found this dog toy.
We're not far from
where that trip wire was.
And Hooch has been peeing everywhere,
I think Jackson might be traveling
with a dog.
- So what?
- Well
I mean, you've profiled him to be, like,
this lone, disconnected psychopath.
[sighs] So he's a disconnected psycho
with a dog. Same difference.
but couldn't this be an important detail?
Hey, tell you what.
If you wanna hang out around here
and play with dog toys, go for it.
I'm going after the fugitive.
- You shouldn't scratch, bro.
- Shut up, dude.
- Copy that.
- Okay?
Let's move out.
Well, this explains why Hooch
was jumping out of your car.
He smelled another dog.
Yeah, I just wish it was more of a clue.
Well, it's not not a clue.
It's a military-grade KONG. Extra tough.
Military dogs use them,
'cause they chew so hard and it's
really hard to replace toys in the field.
So, could a military dog be with him?
Sure. Yeah. They let army dogs retire
with their handlers now.
It's so much better for the dog
and the soldier
'cause they bond in combat.
Why would he risk going home
to get his dog
when he was on the run from the police?
- I would never leave Angel behind.
- [phone chimes]
Not even if I was being chased
by cops or dinosaurs or ghosts.
Uh, I wanna broach that. I
[softly] Oh, no.
[Erica] Is something wrong?
Sort of. I have this thing,
and I have to ballroom dance.
And I don't even know the difference
between the American waltz or Vietnamese.
[Erica chuckles]
I think you mean Viennese.
Oh, that's why my Google searches
only found a dance studio in Hanoi.
Yeah, the Viennese waltz
- is just a faster tempo.
- [snaps fingers]
- [Scott] Hmm.
- More change steps and turns.
Most people do the American waltz.
I could teach you
if that would be helpful.
Actually, a lot of the staff
are out doing field exercises now,
so there's there's even space.
Wait. You know how to waltz?
When Curtis was little, his favorite show
was Dancing With The Stars,
and our mom thought if he took lessons,
maybe it would help him
come out of his shell.
It did.
We even won some competitions.
Okay. So, dog whisperer, ballroom champ
What other secrets are you hiding?
Nothing. That's 100% of my secrets, Scott.
I tried to keep that one from you,
but you're a detective. [laughs]
So, dancing?
Dancing, Hooch? Dancing.
One, two, three. One, two, three.
Great. And now the arms.
Great. And then just like
Two, three.
- Oh!
- Geez! I'm so sorry.
In waltzing, is there a part
where it's kind of, like, interpretive?
Okay, now I'm gonna spin.
One, two, three. One, two.
Perfect. [laughs]
- You're ready for the next thing.
- Yeah. It's my turn to spin.
- So No. [laughs]
- Is that wrong?
- [Erica] You don't spin.
- [Scott] Doesn't seem fair.
- Okay, fine.
- Thank you.
Okay, good. Now turn around.
- Sorry.
- [barks]
[Erica] One, two, three. One, two
- Oh!
- Sorry. I did it again, right?
Okay, now you don't count. Spin.
All right. Oh!
- I'm sorry.
- [laughs] No, it's It's good.
[waltz playing on speakers]
I can't believe I'm doing this.
You're doing so great.
Are you ready to try the dip?
Yeah, I Maybe you should put on
one of those dog bite suits first.
Brooke's a fancy woman.
She's gonna expect a dip.
- [sighs]
- Go big or go home.
Okay. I'll go big. What do I do?
All right, let's start here.
She'll spin out.
Spin in.
Hold me tight.
Brooke. Hold Brooke tight.
Yep. So she knows you won't drop her,
and then look into her eyes
and then lower her.
[cell phone ringing]
- Do you need to get that or
- Yeah.
- You know what?
- What?
I think it might be faster
if I just kinda let you down.
- Oh, go down?
- Yeah. Yeah.
Okay. Yeah.
- There you go.
- Oh.
- You're on the ground now.
- Cool.
- We'll work on that part.
- Okay.
- It's my sister.
- Oh, cool.
- Sorry.
- Yeah. I gotta go work.
- Dog work. Dog's work's never done.
- [Scott] Okay. Okay.
- Yep.
- [Scott] I
I'll be
Hi. Hi.
[Laura] Hey, Scott. Sorry to bother you.
Are you in the middle of something?
Um [sighs]
I'm not sure.
I know you're really mad at me
about the whole David thing.
[Scott] The David thing?
I think you mean
the "breaking into an old friend's office
so you can spy on him" thing.
Listen to me. I was just talking to Mom,
just now, and get this.
You know how Mom and David
have dinner every Saturday night
at Crescent Burger?
Well, he just called and said that they
should have dinner at her place tomorrow
out of the blue.
Huh. That's weird.
Uh, ya think?
He's threatening my ex,
investigating Dad and now this?
We have to be at that dinner, Scott.
You know I'm right.
You may be somewhat right.
Great. I will take it. Thank you.
Mom. Do you think I could crash
your dinner with David tomorrow?
I haven't seen him in a while.
Yeah. I don't see why not.
I bet he'd love it.
Aw, great. Fun.
[dog whimpers]
[whispering] Two, three.
You're improving.
Very nice.
Erica taught me some stuff.
You know, turns out she's a great dancer.
Erica teaches dance too? Hmm.
What are you doing here?
Weren't you up in a tree all night?
When do you sleep?
When the job's done.
Whoa. You did all this research?
Well, any answers?
[Xavier] Nah, just questions.
You know,
Jackson did six combat deployments,
trained in survival and special tactics.
If he wanted those booby traps
to kill you, why aren't you dead?
Huh. That's a dark question.
Also, the landlord said the assault
happened over a refusal to pay rent.
I checked Jackson's financial records.
He paid every bill on time
going back to 2007.
We're missing something.
Well, one thing we're missing is this.
Found it freshly buried
near one of the booby traps.
- His dog is with him.
- Hmm.
- Dog?
- [Scott] Yeah.
Well, the landlord didn't mention a dog
in the report he filed to the police.
[Scott] Huh.
Sounds like we should talk
to that landlord.
Nice job, Turner.
I love watching a baby bird
stretch its wings.
All right. I-I'm not exactly a baby bird.
- You know, I've been working this case.
- No, no. I wasn't talking about you.
I saw a baby bird stretch its wings
in the tree last night.
It's a beautiful thing.
Come on. Let's go.
I don't know why we gotta
go over this again.
- I told everything to the cops already.
- It won't take long.
It's just one question actually.
Why didn't you mention
Jackson's dog to the police
when you reported him for assault?
I don't know. It didn't seem important.
It is.
Why don't you tell us what happened,
including the dog?
Also, making a false statement
to the US Marshals
can get you five years
in a federal prison.
Just, you know, FYI.
[Hooch growls]
Oh, yeah, yeah. I remember now.
Yeah, it wasn't the rent, uh.
The building changed to no pets allowed.
Dude wouldn't give up his dog.
I went to evict him,
and he just attacked me.
He just attacked you?
Well, yeah. Well, I might have, you know,
pushed his dog with my foot a little.
- [clears throat]
- [growls]
So, you kicked his dog, and he hit you?
Hey, hey. I'm the victim here.
Show us Jackson's apartment.
Yo. Yo, check this out.
Jackson's dog, Trooper, saved
his whole unit from a sniper in Iraq.
This cabin.
Does it look like
an old lady's face to you?
What? Are you good?
The scouts told me about this cabin
that looks like an old lady's face
nearby where the search started.
That's probably where he's going.
Which would mean that all the booby traps,
the whole chase was to drive us to the
other side of the woods away from there.
Well, it looks more and more like
Jackson was just a war hero
who wanted to be left alone with his dog.
[Hooch pants, growls]
Trent's taking this personally.
If he gets to Jackson before we do,
it could be really bad.
We better get there before he does.
But how? I mean, we gotta tell
Trent what happened.
- He's the deputy in charge.
- Yeah, no problem.
[line ringing]
[Trent on phone] This is the Big Dog.
I'm out saving the world.
- Leave a message.
- [beeps]
Hey, Trent. It's Xavier.
We know where Jackson is hiding.
Call me.
Trent never answers my calls.
Oh, he's very good.
[tires squealing]
It's about five miles up this road.
Let's get stoked.
[waltz playing on radio]
Uh, it's just, um, my dance thing's
coming up. I'm just practicing.
I like it.
I do push-ups to paso doble.
[music ends]
[Xavier] Okay. Stay quiet.
Head on a swivel.
I knew a lot of these special forces
guys in Iraq.
The good ones are unstoppable,
and I'm pretty sure
that Jackson is very, very good.
That's not encouraging.
Those kids were right.
Cabin looks like an old lady's face.
The windows are like the eyes,
and the door, a little, cute nose.
And the steps is her mouth.
Moss is like the eyebrows.
Yeah, I get it. But how d
Drop your weapon.
Get on the ground now.
I'm not gonna do that.
Just calm down.
We know what happened with your landlord.
We know about Trooper.
What do you know about Trooper?
We just want to talk.
What is there to talk about?
Someone evicts me and kicks my dog.
I'm just supposed to let it go?
I know it's hard, brother,
but you're making it worse.
It can't get any worse. Trooper's sick!
And I'm not gonna abandon him.
He saved my life. I owe him.
- I understand, but you g
- [engines revving]
You hear those cars?
That's Trent coming up the road.
Listen. You gotta come with us.
I'm not going anywhere,
and neither is my dog.
Leave us alone!
All right, boy. Inside.
[Trooper whines, barks]
Five more minutes,
we would have talked that guy down.
Come on, boy.
[police radio chatter]
Turner? X? What are you doing here?
You can't come at him like this.
It's not gonna end well.
Whose side are you on, Turner?
I say how this is gonna go.
Either he comes out and surrenders now,
or we kick the door down and drag him out.
He's in the middle
of a mental health crisis, Trent.
We need to talk to him.
The time for talking's over.
[Trent] Yep.
- Time to speak up is
- Is the time to speak up.
Trent! Don't do this. This is a mistake!
What do you think you're doing, Turner?
I'm arresting that psycho.
He's not a psycho. He's a human being,
and I'm gonna talk to him.
Hey, Stop! Stop right there!
Stand down! Turner!
- Hooch. Hooch, come here.
- [Jenna] Move, move!
Sergeant Jackson?
I'm unarmed. I'm unarmed. I'm approaching.
We're gonna talk man-to-man.
And dog-to-dog.
[Hooch whines]
What do you want?
Sergeant Jackson, I know you've
made sacrifices for our country,
and I'm not gonna insult you and pretend
that I know what you're going through.
But I know what it means to love a dog.
And there are people out there
that wanna come in here,
and they wanna take you out by force.
I wanna help. But I need you to help me.
I told you I'm not leaving.
Be ready.
We may have to save that idiot, Turner.
You don't get it.
If I go to jail, my dog's got no one.
If I go away,
they'll put him down the next day.
And I'm not gonna abandon my dog.
Not when he needs me the most.
But you can't take care of him out here.
And we both know that.
He's 12 years old,
and he needs medicine twice a day.
Who's gonna take care of a dog like that?
[Scott] Hey, Trooper.
I will.
I'll get him into
the Federal K-9 Training Facility.
They'll give Trooper the care he needs.
I promise you that.
Hostage rescue SWAT in place.
Come on, baby bird.
[Scott] We're coming out!
Stand down! It's okay!
[deputy] Hold your fire.
[Hooch, Trooper barking]
It's gonna be all right, man.
You did the right thing.
- [Trooper whines]
- [deputy] Suspect in custody.
[Scott] All right, buddy.
We're just gonna go in there,
heads held high, take our lumps, right?
Some people might think
we did the wrong thing,
but we're just not gonna listen.
Not that you shouldn't listen when people
think you did the wrong thing, right?
You should.
Especially when you chew legs
off chairs in the kitchen.
- That's different.
- [Jessica] Am I interrupting something?
Uh, no. I'm just preparing Hooch.
Chief wants to see us,
and I think we're gonna be
in a lot of trouble about what went down.
- Maybe. Maybe not.
- What do you mean?
Well, I don't wanna read
too much into this,
but I saw Trent
try and high-five the chief.
Chief just left him hanging.
- Really?
- Oh, yeah.
That's very interesting.
I heard something else interesting.
I heard you got some dance lessons
from Erica.
A little cha-cha-cha.
- Nope.
- Uh-huh.
I need details, Turner.
I would love to,
but I just have this meeting to go to.
- So I cannot give you the details.
- You Scott. Turner.
[Trent] These two broke protocol.
Agency policy states that as DIC,
I should have been informed the moment
they knew the fugitive's location.
Check your voice mail.
[cell phone beeping]
[woman] Hi. This is Maui Wowie spray tan
salon confirming your appointment.
That was a friend making a joke.
Hey, Trent. It's Xavier.
We know where Jackson's hiding. Call me.
Well, last I checked, it's agency policy
to communicate with your team.
Okay, so I missed a call.
But that doesn't change the fact
that Turner disobeyed a direct order
and went into the cabin.
- Enough. Turner saved a guy's life.
- And a dog's.
Okay, so that's it? He hijacks
my operation and just walks away?
No. Turner took over so he can handle
the after-action paperwork.
I'm good with that.
[Mendez] Oh, and another thing.
Xavier has 15 years with the Service.
How'd he end up on a roadblock duty
guarding cars?
Um. [clears throat]
Well, Chief, I'm glad you asked.
As DIC, I thought that would be
a good use of his skills.
[Mendez] Is that right?
Well, something just came in
that might be a good use of your skills.
There's a fugitive checkpoint
up in Humboldt County
that could use an extra body.
Sir. [sighs]
Bring a good raincoat.
- How's Trooper doing?
- So good.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I had one of the vets check him out,
and he is old, but I think I can help him.
And he's gonna help us train the puppies.
So, win-win.
- Ah, that's great.
- Yeah.
He's a good dog.
[chuckles] It's funny.
Um, when we met,
I didn't think you were even a dog person.
But wow.
You are such a dog person.
I don't know. I'm getting there.
Oh, shoot. I gotta go.
The event's tonight.
I gotta go home and dog-proof my place
for Hooch to be there alone.
Last time, I walked in on him wearing
my favorite turtleneck.
Leave him here.
- No.
- Yeah.
No. That's not
Come on. Look how happy they are.
I'll just watch him.
- Really?
- Go. Get outta here.
You're amazing. Thank you. That's awesome.
- Scott.
- Yep?
Don't dip too far.
- I won't.
- [Erica] Okay.
[door closes]
[crickets chirping]
So, Laura, it's a nice surprise,
you joining us for dinner.
Yes, well,
it's always great to see old friends,
and I know you've been busy
with things.
I think the Guacamole Festival
has everyone a little crazy.
The same weekend
as the Sausalito Salsa Fest.
- They're trying to steal our thunder.
- [laughs]
They pretend they're a quaint,
small town, but really, they're not.
It's kinda like
a wolf in sheep's clothing.
I guess.
Anyway, this GuacFest will not be
the same without your dad.
I miss him a lot.
I think we all do.
[waltz playing]
- Whoa.
- Yeah. The foundation really goes all out.
I mean, it's no Guacamole Fest.
[laughs] True.
Oh, hi!
Mom, Dad, this is Scott,
who I was telling you about,
from the Marshals.
Oh, good for you.
Rolling your sleeves up.
Making a difference, son.
Trying to, sir.
Just like our dear Brooke.
Although, I keep trying to get her to join
my firm and make some real money.
- [Brooke's mother] Behave, Martin.
- I'm joking. He knows I'm joking.
Oh. Shall we dance?
- Shall we?
- Yeah.
Emily, where did you put
Scott Sr.'s old things?
I thought I might look for some keepsakes.
That's so sweet. You're welcome to look
through the boxes in the basement.
Ah. Okay.
You are full of surprises.
[scoffs] A friend taught me.
[music ends]
[stairs creak]
Oh! [chuckles]
Hey there, Laura. I was just looking
for some old photos of your dad.
- Were you?
- [David] Yeah.
I was gonna use one
for the Memorial Cooking Award.
And you thought that that would be
in a box marked "Case Files"?
My eyes must be getting old.
I must have pulled the wrong box.
It's not the wrong box.
I know you've been following Dad's cases.
I saw the notes in your office.
You were snooping in my office?
You're one to talk.
What are you doing down here?
Your dad was always riled
about developers ruining the town.
Just before he passed, he called me,
wanted to meet.
About what?
He said it was something big.
I thought it was more of the same,
so I put it off.
He died before I had the chance
to talk with him.
I felt awful.
[sighs] You've been trying to figure out
what he was doing?
I should have told you guys,
but you know how your mother is.
- It would have broke her heart.
- This is crazy.
Scott and I have been trying to
investigate the same exact thing.
Course you have.
You're Scott Turner's kids.
So, what did you find?
That road where he had the heart attack
Your father was watching something.
Do you know what?
I wanted to crack his last case.
But it's been so long since I was a cop
and he was my partner.
It's okay, David.
We'll figure this out.
We'll figure this out together.
Ah, someone's been to cotillion.
Handsome looking pair out there.
So what style of waltz do you like, Scott?
Well, sir,
I like my waltzes like I like my cars.
American and smooth.
[both laugh]
Scott, come join me later.
We'll have a scotch and cigar
with Buzz Aldrin.
- Okay, you two. Stop monopolizing my date.
- [Brooke's mother] Hmm.
All right, sweetie. Come on.
- You did good.
- [chuckles]
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