Twinkling Watermelon (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Se Gyeong Returns

[Production Sponsors: Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, & Korea Creative Content Agency]
[This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, agencies, incidents, organizations, and jobs have no connections to real life. Child actors were safely filmed with a guardian present.]
What's nanshinjeokja?
Nanshin means servants that disrupts the country.
Jeokja means someone who will point a knife at their parents.
[Episode 6]
That's what nanshinjeokja means.
Hi. I wonder if you know who I am.
I don't know if this letter will reach you,
but I'll try writing anyway.
Where should I begin?
There's no sound in the world I live in.
So if I close my eyes, the world disappears.
Instead, I only remember this very old memory vividly.
Someone's hands that called my name instead of their voice.
Cheong Ah.
I like you.
I love you.
I had a name then.
I could smile, too.
Cheong Ah. Cheong Ah.
[I like you, Mom]
[I love you, Mom]
Cheong Ah!
You're Cheong Ah.
I'm the resident teacher who will educate you starting today.
That damn evil lady.
A witch who came to ruin my life.
All I have left was anger then.
Because I lost the language to express myself and my feelings.
So embarrassing! I'm so embarrassed!
- Hey!
- Gosh, I'm sorry.
The day I first saw you, I was able to laugh my heart out.
The day I saw you for the second time,
I felt my heart beating for the first time.
I'm giving you this free of charge.
Thank you.
You got three vanillas, right?
Starting from the third time, I went to see you myself.
Really? You have a beautiful heart, too.
My heart is also
I'm sure you didn't notice.
Have a good day.
I also
am in a band!
Choi Se Kyeong.
Want to come to my band's concert later?
If I didn't lend Se Kyeong that T-shirt,
My school is having a festival in a month.
I'll prepare a performance just for you. Make sure to come.
would I be standing in front of you now?
I closed my eyes again.
Because I wanted the world to disappear.
you somehow always show up whenever I'm trapped somewhere.
I'm sorry I bit your hand.
I'm sorry I was mean to you.
Send me a SOS if you need help.
I'm out now, then.
[Light up your youthful passion!]
I didn't do that because I hated you.
To be honest
I wanted to say thank you.
I wanted to thank you for helping and discovering me.
That's why I went to see you.
I wanted to express how I feel somehow. But
Se Kyeong.
Hi. Long time no see, Yi Chan.
I think I'm too late this time, too.
Wait, Se Kyeong. Wait just a moment. Wait.
What's with you?
I don't know what you're asking because your question is too short.
You said you came back to die.
You said you're still deciding if you should die or not.
You told me not to tell anyone unless I want to die.
You disappeared after threatening me like that.
What's the reason you showed up here yourself?
Oh, my goodness.
The question was that long?
Of course. I'm not bad at understanding-
Stop changing the subject and answer.
It's because of you.
Why are you pretending you didn't hear me? You did.
Because of you, I said.
Hey. Hey!
Hold on.
Right. She can't hear me.
I didn't do it.
I, um
Hold on.
Because of me?
What do you mean?
It stopped raining.
Answer me. I asked you, what do you mean?
You scared me. Why are you yelling at me?
You told me I wasn't supposed to return.
I was curious what would happen if I didn't listen to you, so I came back. Happy?
Do you look down on Yi Chan that much?
You're not just jumping to conclusion. You're provoking me.
When did I say I look down on him?
You're saying you'd toy with his heart out of curiosity right now.
You said you wanted to die. But you want to have fun, too?
Am I not supposed to have fun?
- What?
- Or
are you telling me to decide quickly if I'll die or not?
- That's not what I'm saying-
- If not,
are you telling me to shut up and die quietly since I'll die anyway?
Don't worry.
I'll disappear for you when the time comes.
Are you really the Choi Se Kyeong I know?
Se Kyeong! Choi Se Kyeong!
I am Choi Se Kyeong according to him.
I'm sorry. I made you wait too long.
Not at all. I'm sorry I showed up without notice.
Yi Chan, can we talk for a second?
I-I'll tell Manager real quick and come back.
Aren't you leaving?
You won't be childish and butt in or anything, right?
I heard you left to study abroad. What brings you here
Do I
So this is what you looked like, Yi Chan.
You're way more handsome than I thought.
A-Are you here to mock me?
No way. The flight is too expensive for that.
I just had a bit of a situation.
What situation?
It seems like no one knows you're back.
Of course not. I came back yesterday.
So far, only you know that I'm back.
Are you back for good?
I don't know. I'm still deciding that.
Why did you come to see me then?
You left without saying a word before.
I wanted to apologize.
I feel guilty that I've been rude to you.
I'm sorry I looked down on you even though I didn't know much about you.
I apologize.
I'd like to learn about you from now on.
Of course, I'll take the bet seriously, too.
Seriously, why isn't he coming?
What did she say? Why did she come?
Why did she come to see you, anyway?
Have you
been in a relationship?
- A relationship?
- Yes.
of course
It's okay. I already got your answer.
Your eyes were shaking like crazy.
Poor bastard.
You're a fool who doesn't even know what love is.
You've never been in a relationship. How could you understand
the complex conversation I had with Se Kyeong.
- So she told me-
- Forget it.
I'm not curious at all.
Try saying another word.
Hey, boy. Ask me politely one more time.
I might give you the answer.
I know you're actually curious, okay? Come on.
I'm not interested.
I'm not interested at all.
Ha Yi Chan!
Se Kyeong was standing in front of me with her new haircut.
My heart started getting excited first.
I'm serious. I'm serious. I'm serious.
What else can I do? I had to fall in love again.
Hey, hey, hey. So, who does she look like again?
Lee Young Ae?
She used to. Now she looks like Ko So Young.
She used to seep in subtly like an electrolyte drink before.
But now she's like
a soda that shocks you from within.
What a crazy analogy. Seriously.
Come close.
How could I hold onto Se Kyeong more securely?
Hey, you already have her.
- Really?
- Listen carefully.
Women have veins in their hair.
Blood runs through it.
But she cut it short?
It means she cut off her veins.
She's crying bloody tears.
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
What do you mean, why? Because of you!
My gosh.
- Because of me?
- You said she showed up on her own.
- Yes.
- And she apologized for being rude.
She said she wants to get to know you
and she'll take the bet seriously, too. What does that all mean?
I don't know. What does it mean?
She realized how precious you are after leaving.
She regretted that she let go of you.
She cried bloody tears, regretting.
And she suddenly finds you handsome?
She was blinded by love. That's it.
- That's it.
- Game over.
What do I do, guys?
I can't handle my charm anymore, either.
Hey, hey, hey! Ha Yi Chan!
Ha Yi Chan!
He really came up with a line straight out of a trot song?
When she was like that?
Open it. He left this to you.
But that's how Ahjumma was.
Are they really the same person?
What was she thinking
I came to die.
To die.
To end everything.
Don't worry.
I'll disappear for you when the time comes.
She can't
actually be thinking of dying, right?
What are you doing here?
How did you know where I live?
I've been here with Yi Chan before.
Don't you remember?
Did you?
Yi Chan really is worse than dirt under your toenail.
Whatever. I asked you why you came here.
Forget it. I guess you won't die for a while.
Are you here because you were worried about me?
You're more angelic than I thought.
If you threaten people as a hobby, you'll grow up to be a scammer.
You have a lot of potential. So watch out from now on.
You seem to have a lot of potential, too.
Is that so?
Should I try using it more?
Don't show up in front of Yi Chan ever again.
This is my final warning.
[Baegwang High School]
Hey, where do you think you're going?
I'll borrow it for a second. I'm sorry!
Is he out of his mind? Hey, stop! That's my skateboard!
Move! Out of the way!
[Fake First Love Memory-Makers]
Welcome, Frontman.
We've been waiting for you.
Are you ready to enjoy our first practice together?
You're ready to burn the stage down, right?
Everybody, make some noise.
We are ready!
Come on, brothers.
You're out of your mind. You're late to our first practice?
Did you ride the skateboard here, by chance?
Be late again if you want to live without front teeth forever.
You could've gotten injured on this. You should've just been late.
I made it clear.
You can't be too careful if you want to stay as the frontman.
I made it clear that you should be careful this year.
Hey, could you come to an agreement if you want to freak out at me?
Come on, come on. There's no time to goof around.
I created a tracklist. Have a look.
There are four songs, including the encore songs.
We voted for these songs. No objections, right?
Okay. We have a tracklist, and our T-shirt is being designed, too.
Okay. Shall we start our first practice, then?
- Frontman.
- Why, Manager?
What are you doing? Aren't you going to practice?
Okay. We'll start our first practice as Fake First Love Memory-Makers.
One. Two. One. Two. Three. Four.
Who are you looking at, anyway? ♪
I'm standing in front of your eyes right now ♪
Don't make me wait too long ♪
Don't assume that I'd be smiling ♪
Eun Gyeol, sing together.
I don't expect a lot ♪
I just need the look of love ♪
I'm trying to express my feelings ♪
But your eyes are saying something else ♪
I thought we knew each other well ♪
That's why I thought it was love ♪
Please be somewhere not too far away ♪
You'll tell me someday ♪
That you love me ♪
Didn't we do pretty well today?
Yes. It wasn't too bad, considering it was our first ensemble.
We can practice the other songs to death before the festival.
But the final song is the issue.
What about the final song?
It's a difficult song to master quickly. I blame you-know-who.
Hey, if I grind my bones into it-
You'll go to the mausoleum, then.
It's risky. Way too risky.
- We should change it as soon as possible-
- No!
It's the song Se Kyeong chose herself.
We can never change it.
What an idiot. You don't even know she's trying to sabotage you.
What are you talking about?
Why do you think she chose that song?
Because she likes Kurt Cobain.
Because she wants to hear me sing it.
You've got to be kidding.
She chose a difficult song to screw you over.
Please give up.
If you can't, get humiliated on the stage.
Se Kyeong isn't like that, okay?
Hey, relax, relax, relax, relax.
I do admire your spirit.
Hey, you're the only one who doesn't know.
Everyone knows in the whole Mapo-gu's school district.
That's enough, okay?
The frontman doesn't want to change it.
He wants to try his best.
Just trust him and follow his lead, please!
Geez, okay, okay. We'll go for it even though we'll fail.
Is something going on over there?
Why are they so noisy?
Take your helmet off.
Who did you want to meet?
Take your helmet off.
Could it be? No way.
Take the helmet off.
Are you here to see someone?
No way. Not after I warned her like that.
It didn't work at all.
Yi Chan, hi.
S-Se Kyeong, what are you doing at this crummy place?
I went to the ice cream shop, but I heard you're doing band practice today.
So I came to cheer for you.
Can you guess what I brought?
Ta-da. How does a theme park sound?
Hey, you didn't have to do this.
I got your tickets, too. Want to go?
- Yes, yes, yes.
- Yes, yes.
I'm okay.
Yes. I didn't get yours because I knew.
Yes, you can go home. You look so tired today.
Fine. I'll leave.
Se Kyeong, I'm so good at riding Viking.
I can stand and roll forward, too.
Should I do a backflip, too?
- Wow, really?
- Do what?
I can lift the front wheel on the scooter.
- Lift what on the scooter?
- Want a ride? Let's go.
It's a new beginning, I breathe out ♪
A moment I've been waiting for ♪
Erase the times that have already passed ♪
Hey, I can't go because of you!
Move! Why are you blocking me?
Don't look back, you won't have any regrets ♪
No need to hesitate ♪
This chance won't come again ♪
Se Kyeong, are you back there?
My gosh! You scared me.
- Where are you going?
- Se Kyeong, help me.
- Hey.
- No, no, no.
Ha Yi Chan!
Calm down.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
So you can dream again, higher, higher, fly higher ♪
I hope this moment lasts forever ♪
The days that shone so bright ♪
All our full dreams (shining, shining) just like now ♪
Don't stop here like this, right now ♪
Run without looking back ♪
I'll take one.
Thank you. Bark, bark.
Hold on.
I want to be next to Yi Chan.
Come here, Se Kyeong.
I hope this moment lasts forever ♪
Follow me. Follow me.
Do you need anything else, Se Kyeong?
Do you have enough to drink? How about skewered chicken or buttered squid?
No, this is plenty. It's okay.
By the way, where did the napkin I put here go?
I think it got on here.
Napkin. I'll go get it right now. Just wait a second.
It'll take 13 seconds.
So cute. 13 seconds, okay?
13. 12. 11.
- Let go.
- Let go.
No, you let go.
Take it, then.
Oops, I'm so sorry.
Just wait 13 seconds. He'll be here soon.
It was definitely on purpose.
She had plenty of ketchup.
She didn't have to squeeze it so hard.
I should've known when she was giving up so easily.
Gosh, seriously.
What's with you?
I don't know what you're asking because your question is too short.
Wow, you learn so quickly.
Why are you so over-protective of Yi Chan?
You're so passionate about it, even though you're ruining a healthy friendship.
I'm trying to prevent an unhealthy romantic relationship.
I'm trying to guide him to the right path.
- What gives you the right?
- Me?
I'm Yi Chan's tutor.
It's my responsibility to send him to college.
I'm thinking of removing everything that disrupts his studies. That includes you.
People call you nosy sometimes, don't they?
They usually call me responsible.
Forget it. I'm leaving.
I know you faced struggles
and I understand you want to be unruly out of spite,
but stop toying with an innocent person.
I beg you.
Who told you that I toy with people?
I know you don't even like Yi Chan.
People change their minds all the time.
Just give up. You two aren't meant to be, anyway.
He belongs with someone else.
Who's that?
There's someone. You don't have to know.
I want Dad to become a lot happier than he is now.
Someone who cherishes and loves him more than anyone.
Even if I told you,
you won't believe me.
It's you, isn't it?
You like Yi Chan, don't you?
Huh? What are you talking about-
Come on. It's okay. I'm open-minded.
I have no prejudice against stuff like that.
You're open-minded about what-
Don't worry.
I won't tell anyone. Instead
we'll play it fair.
Hey. I said it's not like that. Hey!
- Wow, so that's what it was.
-It's not like that, okay?
- Okay.
- Se Kyeong.
Where were you?
I looked for you everywhere.
Se Kyeong!
Are you okay? Did you get hurt?
Gosh, seriously! Come on!
I want to talk to you for a second.
What's wrong with you, anyway?
You almost got injured.
You should've been more careful.
Are you my nanny? Are you Astroganger?
Do you get all energized when something happens to someone somewhere?
You have so much energy that you can't handle it?
Let's get going now. It's almost time for our tutoring.
I'm not going!
You should be helping me. Why do you have to sabotage me all the time?
- Can't you just do as I say?
- Do what?
Why I'm doing this.
Don't ask me why, and can't you just listen to me?
It's just for a year.
Not for the rest of your life, but just a year.
I'm asking you to be where I can see you just for a year. Can't you even do that?
No, guys.
So that's what was going on.
I had a feeling.
I didn't know it was like that.
Let's just respect their preference and pretend we didn't see what we saw.
Se Kyeong!
No, it's not like that.
It's okay. I didn't see anything.
It really isn't like that.
Hey, you. We'll finish this off later.
Se Kyeong. Se Kyeong.
It's getting late.
I want to take you home.
It's a short ride on the scooter.
I want to give you a ride, too,
but I promised someone a fair game. So I have no choice.
Okay. Page me as soon as you get home, then.
I gave you my number earlier, right?
Okay. I'll page you as soon as I get home.
I had so much fun, thanks to you.
See you next time. Bye.
Let's go.
Keep a 3-meter distance from me.
Wait for me.
It's not like that.
Yi Chan and I aren't like that.
I don't like Yi Chan. Well
Not that I hate him.
I do like him,
but it's not like what you think
How should I say this
Anyway, Yi Chan and I can never be in a relationship like that.
I see. That's how it is.
I know it looks strange.
But the reason I act strange
isn't because of Yi Chan.
What's the reason, then?
To be honest,
I have a secret I can't tell anyone about.
A secret? What secret?
I can't tell you that. Because I can't talk about it.
By chance, do you
Do you like me, by chance?
- What?
- It all makes sense.
You interfere, sabotage, and get aggressive whenever I'm with Yi Chan.
I'm sure it's out of jealousy.
But you're saying it's not Yi Chan.
That means you like me, then.
This is when you say, "Out of the frying pan into the fire," right?
Just be honest.
Is it me or Yi Chan?
D-Don't be mistaken and think everyone in the world likes you.
I'm not mistaken.
Everyone likes me.
I'm sorry, but you're not my type.
That punk. It's so fun to tease him.
Get it together.
Please, get it together.
You scared me!
I'm worried about Se Kyeong because she is alone.
G-Give me your pager.
I-I'm confiscating it until the tutoring ends.
My gosh.
There's Se Kyeong.
Se Kyeong.
Se Kyeong.
Is this your home phone number?
I'll save it in my heart.
No. I'm just happy you got home safely.
Hang up while I'm asking you nicely.
The tutoring session hasn't ended yet.
That noise just now?
It's nothing. A fly is buzzing around.
Fly? Give me.
- Give me!
- Se Kyeong.
I'll go kill that fly.
Se Kyeong, I killed it. Sorry for making you wait.
Even my dad never hit me. Come here!
Come here.
There are more bugs than I thought.
I'll kill it real quick
Don't call me a bug! Give it!
I killed it. I killed it.
You want to change the final song? What do you mean?
The final song is your mission song, too. Would that be okay?
Of course, it's okay.
Se Kyeong told me to change it.
Why all of a sudden?
To be honest, I asked her on the phone last night.
I asked her if she was really trying to sabotage me with that song.
I said that's what you guys think.
Change it, then.
You don't have to play American pop songs only because you're a band.
Korean pop might dominate the Billboard charts and enter the global market someday.
You should be leading trends, too.
Wow, she thinks big now that she's been to the US.
I'm on board. I'm definitely on board.
Me, too. That song would've been too hard for us anyway.
I'm on board, too, then.
I'm against it.
What are you all doing right now?
The festival is less than a month away.
I would've been against it even if we had plenty of time.
We're changing the song just because of what she said?
Why not? The one who's betting wants me to change it.
What if she changes her mind?
- We'll make changes based on her whims?
- Of course.
She gave up on her studies abroad and came back for me.
I'll do whatever she wants me to do.
I'll keep my promise to her with my life on the line.
Is your promise to me in the trash, then?
Gosh, you scared me.
What promise did I make to you?
I'll leave, then.
I can just do that.
Hey, hey, hey.
Wow, he's acting superior because he's a good guitarist.
If the word "petty" took on a human form, it'd look like him.
What are you doing? Go follow him.
Go to him right now.
Stop right there while I'm asking nicely.
Hey! Seriously
The mood got ruined because of you.
Everyone's happy about it. Why are you flipping out?
Is the band a joke to you?
Is it just for seducing a woman?
broke his parents' hearts because he wanted to join a band.
Dang it
We're just changing a song. Why bring up breaking parents' hearts?
You let her sweet talk you and fiddle around like a fiddle stick.
You don't even remember our promise, do you?
You don't care if other people get hurt except Choi Se Kyeong, right?
Whatever. Just tell me. Will you stay in the band or not?
Let's forget it.
I'm getting tired now, too.
I shouldn't care what happens to you.
Let's just forget it.
Don't do anything you'd regret.
I won't take you back if you leave like this.
That includes the band and the boarding house!
Hey! You're rejected everywhere!
Water and oil don't mix.
You scared me.
What a greasy bastard. He never even dated anyone.
He's going through late puberty now.
Why are you alone? Where's Ha Eun Gyeol?
Whatever. Let's just practice.
He'll come back once his juvenile angst goes away.
He must think that, but no way. I'll never go back.
[Used Instruments Store]
Young man.
You're the good son who wanted to buy your father a guitar, right?
I got a guitar that meets your requirements perfectly.
Have a look and take it if you like it.
I'll sell it to you for whatever price you want.
No, I don't need it anymore.
Well, then
He had a fight.
He had a fight with his father.
Thank you.
Get tasty food for yourself.
I'm sorry I left without a word, Grandma.
you know, Grandma
I just can't stand how immature Dad is.
I'm home.
Why are you alone? Where's your tutor?
That guy's not home yet?
Listen to yourself! How rude!
How dare you call your teacher "that guy"?
Is your teacher the dog next door?
You make me sad if you keep talking like that.
People might think I'm the servant of this house
and he's your grandson or something.
So I'm asking why you're coming home alone.
He went to school to see you earlier today. Didn't you see him?
I did see him at school, but
He went to Chuncheon. He had a business to attend to.
I can put these in the drawer, right?
Make it tidy. Don't make a mess.
Oh, right. Hey.
I found this while doing the laundry. Is this yours?
Someone dropped it.
You should give it back, then.
You shouldn't have let it touch soapy water.
It's fine. I can't even talk to her. It's a hassle.
He's too young to be so lazy.
I was thinking of roasting a chicken with ginseng.
Is he coming back tomorrow?
He's in the late stage of the Eight Grade Syndrome.
You took your bag, too?
Are you really angry?
Do as you'd like.
You're the one suffering for leaving home.
It's nice to have the room to myself.
You don't care if other people get hurt except Choi Se Kyeong, right?
How dare he act superior?
Just try coming back home.
So spacious.
Young man. Young man. Wake up.
Young man!
You can't sleep in front of a store like this.
Did you run away from home by chance?
Do I have to report you?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Did you figure out why you ended up here, sir?
I don't care why. Everything is such a mess.
Dad is smitten with his first love
and I have no idea where Mom is.
People have a funny idea about me, and I had a huge fight with Dad.
Nothing seems to be working out.
Aigoo, oh, no, that's too bad.
I don't care about the mission. I want to go home.
I miss my real dad, not the immature Ha Yi Chan.
I miss Mom
and Eun Ho, too.
So, please. Please. Please let me go home. Please?
I don't know what to say.
The portal for time travel won't open for a while.
When does it open, then?
- You'll find out in time-
-Will you really be like this?
You threw me back in the past without a plan.
Will you keep acting irresponsible like this?
If you go back now,
the year 2023 will be a lot different than when you left it.
Do you still want to go back?
are you talking about?
Gosh, I guess you didn't know.
Everything started changing the moment you arrived here.
Wait, excuse me.
[Chuncheon University of Education Journal / April 1995]
Yoon Dong Jin?
- It's you.
- No! It's true!
It's true. I'm Yoon Dong Jin.
I don't think so.
What would make you believe me?
The moment you played someone else's role,
history has already started changing little by little.
The fates of people you met probably changed as well.
You told me I wasn't supposed to return.
I was curious what would happen if I didn't listen to you, so I came back. Happy?
By chance
Dad's first love suddenly came back and
the relationship that should've ended reconnected.
Are those the variables that I caused?
I'm not sure. A variable creates another variable, too. Yes.
Stop pretending to be a shaman
and give me some kind of hint!
A way to fix this situation, a way to prevent dad's accident,
or a way to find Mom.
Give me something, please!
Huh? I already gave you all the hints, then.
What hints? What do you mean?
Give it a thought. We'll talk again later.
- Goodbye.
- Hold on. Hold on.
Hello? Hello? Gosh
He gave me all the hints, then?
Could it be this?
[Jinsung, April 29th, 1995]
Hold on.
April 29th is
Can I find some kind of a clue if I go there?
Since it's the first electric guitar released by Jinsung Instruments,
Father is very excited about it.
Since I came here as Chairman's proxy,
today's event has to be a success no matter what.
Everything is going as planned, right?
Well, there's a bit of a problem.
A problem?
The weather forecast says there will be torrential rain with thunderstorms in the afternoon.
We can have a press meeting and indoor event as planned
and put the outdoor event on hold for now.
What are you talking about?
We have to make a spectacle for the unveiling.
Don't you know people lose interest if you postpone?
It's true, but there's even a heavy rain warning-
I heard the contestants we invited are mostly in their 20s.
What's the point of being young?
It's okay to get rained on a bit.
Let's just go as planned, okay?
Hand out raincoats to the audience.
If there were any accidents, the Chairman would be-
Are you
ignoring what I said?
Don't you know who I am?
I'm the heir of this company.
My words are the Chairman's words.
Go ahead and follow through unless you want to get fired.
Mic check. One more time.
Mic check. One, two. One. One.
One, two. One, two.
That's so amazing.
If I win the audition,
I get their new guitar?
- Are you No. 10?
- Sorry?
No, this was-
The waiting room is this way. Follow me.
Why is she so mopey all the time? She's like scallion kimchi.
She almost caught pneumonia because she got rained on recently.
Yoon Sang Ah hates it. She said she was playing a victim.
Gosh, she's pulling all the stunts.
Gosh, they don't match.
Come on, they do match.
- You look pretty. Stop.
- It's okay.
Guys, there will be a special lecture on respecting lives instead of the final assembly today.
Head to the auditorium now.
Are you serious right now?
What auditorium? Shouldn't we go home?
Don't we have to tell her?
She can't hear even if we told her.
She has eyes. She'll see us go.
Let's go, let's go.
I'm sick.
[I like you]
You're lying.
You left me.
You left me behind.
- I keep
- Have you been well?
Oh, this is yours, right?
I'm sorry about last time.
[Yoon Cheong Ah]
You're supposed to like Yoon Cheong Ah, Dad.
Who's Yoon Cheong Ah?
What? Are you that Yoon Cheong Ah?
What? What's wrong with you?
Are you okay?
This is no good.
I'll give you a piggyback ride for a second.
[Audition to celebrate the release of Jinsung Pheonix Standard]
Yes, thank you, Contestant No. 9.
Now, the last but not least, Contestant No. 10.
We're finally welcoming the last contestant.
I think it'll start pouring soon.
It won't be too late to stop now.
This is supposed to be the last contestant.
Just continue.
Call the ambulance. Right now!
Excuse me. Excuse me, are you okay?
So funny.
[Out of order]
Please move. A patient coming through. Please move.
Please move. A patient coming through.
Excuse me, where's the ER?
What happened to her?
She lost consciousness. Hurry!
Come this way. What's her name?
Yoon Cheong Ah.
We could have been together ♪
Go all the way around a distance, at the end of this road ♪
I sing a love song ♪
These shining moments ♪
[We'd like to thank Park Ho San for the special appearance]
Our little dreams ♪
I'll protect you so you don't let go ♪
[Twinkling Watermelon]
We're friends from now on.
Yoon Cheong Ah.
He called my name.
By the way, where's your other half?
He ran away from home. He has nowhere to go.
Where's Eun Gyeol? Isn't he coming with you?
I don't know. Feel free to look for him if you want.
I'm looking for a person. Please take one.
Ha Eun Gyeol is the only main guitarist in our band.
I'll find him no matter what.
I'll find Ha Eun Gyeol and confirm myself.
Mom. Dad. I want to go home.
I'm doing very well. Don't ever contact me again.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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