Two Worlds (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

I killed the boss. I don’t think I can run away now.
You act like you’ve already taken care of the one who killed big boss.
I can’t do it.
You disappoint me to the last minute.
Big slum gang is now yours, son.
What are you doing?
Whenever I have a bad dream, dad would do this to ease it away.
Thank you.
How could you kiss him like that, Kram?
You like Phupha.
You’re into Phupha!! Yeah..
Kram, breakfast is ready. Come eat now.
You go ahead. I have to run some errands.
What errands?
Meeting my mom. I’m going to mom’s house.
I’ll see you later.
Your food is always the best, mom.
Oh I meant auntie.
You can just call her mom if you keep making mistakes.
Can I do that, mom?
Suit yourself then.
Why isn’t Tai with you today?
He’s pretty busy these days.
I don’t want to bother him.
Then you should stop by more often. Mom can cook.
Just tell her what you’d like to eat.
Are you sure?
Sure! Why not? You can stay over if you want.
I know you want him to stay over, don’t you?
You can’t even stop smiling.
What do you say? Staying overnight?
Sure. I want to stay with you too.
Thanks so much for today.
No worries at all. Feel free to call whenever you need us.
We know exactly which side to pick.
Why pick side?
Well, now that you’re in charge.
I’m still the same person I used to ber.
Whatever you say. We should get going now. See you later.
See you soon.
And you?
I need to use the bathroom.
Thank you.
I’m gonna be at mom’s for a while, not to worry. Kram.
Tai, is everything ok?
Tai, is everything ok?
Is this making you stressed?
What have you done to him?
Not your business.
What’s up, Phupha?
Why did you ask me to come over?
I’ve got something to show you.
Are you going to…….
We’re extending a new clothing line.
So we want to pay you back.
You’ll be our very first customers to try on our clothes…for free!!
It’s alright.
Phupha wants to host a thank you party for everyone.
So he wants us to dress well.
Now that you guys are here.
Go on. Try one some clothes.
I want to see you dressed up.
If you’d excuse me for a bit.
How do I look? Not ok?
I think it really suits you. You look really good.
And we match.
Take a look!
This party is to thank everyone for having been such great help.
Free flow tonight. Cheers!!
Yeah !!
What’s wrong?
Drink too much?
Fuck off.
I don’t want to bother you…
but that’s my glass!!
I’ll grab some food over there.
What’s wrong now? Another heartbreak?
Not your fucking business.
Don’t tell me it’s your boss.
How did you find out?
Anyone could tell!!
The way you look at him.
It’s different from the way you look at everyone else.
I just realized that I like Kram.
Not a surprise. You’re glued to him.
Damn it!!
Kram should just end up with Phupha.
Phupha is engaged. Let me give you a piece of advice.
There’s only one way out.
What advice?
You just have to find someone new, So you can forget about the old one.
What the hell?
Would have been nice if it was that easy.
Still hungry?
I’ll be back. Excuse me.
What’s wrong?
Why are you out here by yourself?
You can talk to me if you want.
How did you guess?
I’d like to mind people’s business.
Then let me ask you something. This is about my friend.
What if I…. I meant my friend.
Fell for someone but he’s already in love with someone else.
What do you think my friend should do?
Is this what’s been bothering you?
Hmm. I’ve been thinking about it for a few day now.
Well, if it was me..Hmmm I think
I’d pick the first one.
Because people get distracted easily with new things.
It could be temporary.
You think about it.
I’m Buai.
I’m Prem.
Arr. Are we there yet?
And what the hell is wrong with you guys?
I’m B1.
And I’m B2.
Then I’m B3.
I think you’re drunk.
I said I’m not drunk.
You almost kicked that waiter’s butt. You should go to bed.
Make sure he’s ok.
Tai…hey…Are you sure you can get home?
If you’re not feeling ok, you can sleep at Jao’s.
I’m ok.
Hang on. Don’t go yet.
Let me drop you home.
Kram.. I have something to tell you.
You will have to take care of yourself from now on.
I’ll take care of Phupha myself.
Talk to aunty Liu if you need anything.
Why does it sound like you’re leaving me?
You’re the one leaving me.
It’s not what you think it is.
I think I’m alright now. I can go home by myself.
Good luck to you.
Tai, I’ve bought you some food. Wanna eat now?
Your place is a mess. I’ll help clean up.
Where’s the broom?
Is it in this room?
Leave that room alone.
But it’s such a big mess. Let me help you clean up the place.
Let me in….please?
I said leave that fucking room alone!!!
Sorry. You should go now.
You wanted to see me?
Take a seat.
I’m going to sort things out in Bangkok
for a few months.
It should be safer there than in Rattha.
I don’t think they’ll do anything while I’m gone.
Well, then…..have a safe trip.
Don’t you want to come too?
I’d feel safer with you around.
Would you like to come with me?
Tai. Are you there?
This is why he wouldn’t let me in here.
He still keeps these pictures.
Who painted them?
Kram…in this world….3 years ago.
So the Kram, in this world, used to date Tai?
And what happened 3 years ago?
Why do you want to know?
I’m also him. I have the right to know.
Oops..Ouch!! Watch out kiddo!
Did anyone hurt you?
Tell me so I can help you out.
Hey! Hey!!!
Thanks bro.
And that’s the first time they met in this world.
Kram. What’s wrong?
What’s wrong? You’re having a headache?
You shouldn’t be around here. It’s too dangerous.
Are you that afraid of me?
You’re Tai, son of Por.
I might be his son. But I’m not cruel like him. I’ve never killed anyone.
You don’t have to be afraid of me.
So…..what are you doing around here?
It’s a secret.
You watch yourself. You might not be so lucky next time.
You! It’s about to rain. Hey..hey.
What are you doing?
I saw you lying here so I just wanted to paint your portrait.
And it’s about to rain….so I just wanted to tell you.
This looks nice.
Are you an artist?
No. I just love to paint.
Sometimes I try to sell them at the market in town.
But I’m not really good at it, I guess.
Then I’d like to buy this one.
It’s just a sketch. Wasn’t planning to sell it
But I want it.
I can just give it to you…with only one condition.
What is it?
Would you be my friend?
I stay up here all by myself. There’s no one around.
I get lonely most of the time. Would you be my friend? Please?
Why are you laughing? What’s so funny?
Who would want to be your friend!
I’m leaving now if you’re not selling.
Why you herry?
Wait for me.
Thank you.
Let’s find a shed.
Wait up! Wait for me
Aren’t you gonna take off your clothes to dry? You could be sick.
I normally just do this.
You’ve got something on your face. But it’s gone now.
Thank you for saving me so many times.
I think we might have to stay here tonight.
I’m cold.
I’m cold.
I’m cold.
It’s so cold.
Oh. You’re up.
How did I get here?
Tai brought you here.
He carried you all the way down from the cave.
You can go home after you get some rest, I’ll have to see other patient now.
Thanks, doctor.
Wow. It’s beautiful.
What made you bring me here.
It’s my last day here.
You mean….
My work is done. I have to go back to Big Slum.
So you mean you’ll not be here anymore?
That means I won’t have any friends now.
I’ve told you I’m not your friend.
But I want to be more.
This smells so nice.
Though it was only so short.
But I’ve been very happy having you around.
I want to stay longer with you too.
Come with me.
I’ll ask for your parents’ permission.
If I said I love you
If destiny doesn’t part our ways
If you’re still here with me
I wonder if our hearts want the same thing
Wow! Your house is beautiful!!
We’ve just finished decorating it.
So much to play around with.
Oooh this seat is so soft.
And the view out there is so nice.
And this plant….
Like it?
Love it.
What are you making? Smells good.
Done just now.
Hungry yet?
I am. Let’s eat. Come..
Why are you lighting up?
These past few months…made me realize that you’re the one.
You’re the one that makes me want to live for as long as I can.
Kram…join me in an Ash Exchange ceremony.
No matter what happens,
I’ll be with you for the rest of my life.
I love you, Kram.
So they say happy times fly fast.
It might be too late before we know it
I missed the chance to tell you how much I love you
At least ask for a chance to say goodbye.
If I said I love you.
If destiny doesn’t part our ways
If you’re still here with me.
I wonder if our hearts want the same thing
I don’t want to be in a world without you
Only if I could turn back time. Only if I got to see you one more time
Don’t want to be in a dream that would never come true
Only if I could turn back time. Only if I got to see you one more time
Don’t want to be in a dream that would never come true
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