Ultraman (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

The Curse of Ultraman

It's supposed to be here.
Proceed in a three-man team.
What's this?
Looks like we're too late.
He was killed quite a while ago.
I guess our mark has already escaped.
There it is!
Think you can hit me?
-It's getting away. After it!
-Yes, sir!
Please! Don't hurt me!
Listen here! I am
Don't do it. Don't hurt me.
Don't kill me.
Secure the mark, please.
That thing is nothing more than a glutton
that swallows up underground resources.
It has killed seven people now.
That's plenty of reasons to eliminate it.
I believe it was you who said
you wanted to join us on this mission.
We captured it, right?
Isn't that enough?
I wasn't expecting much of you,
so I shouldn't feel let down,
but it was disappointing.
Don't get cocky
and think that people will always
look to you for help.
-I'm Ultraman!
-No, you're not!
You're not the only one
who can be Ultraman.
No! Don't!
Wait! Don't!
Mr. Endo, you were right.
I was just contacted
by a friend of mine at HQ.
When he checked out
the victims' IP addresses,
there's evidence that all of them left
malicious comments on Rena Sayama's blog.
Is that so?
Mr. Endo,
you're really on target with this case.
That's enough blabbering.
You know,
if all the victims wrote nasty comments,
-that means the culprit is a fan of Rena--
-Dumb ass!
Quit talking so loud.
Sorry. But this means you think
that alien from the other day
is the murderer, don't you?
So this means that alien
is a fan of Rena Sayama.
What? Wait, Mr. Endo!
-Are you sure you're okay?
I'm glad you're recovering quicker
than I expected.
Yes, I guess so.
I think this means
Bemular wasn't fighting seriously.
If Bemular wanted to,
he should be able to kill me
whenever he wants.
-You must be kidding.
-I don't know
why he didn't kill me,
or why he chose that time
to make contact with Shinjiro.
What do you mean?
I saw Moroboshi's report.
It made me think that it may have been
too soon for him.
He also saved a driver involved
in a highway accident
from the verge of death.
Just watch this video.
I see. Well then,
tell me about
the man who looks like Ultraman
who fought the alien.
He's become quite a hot topic lately.
That is Ultraman!
He doesn't just look like Ultraman.
He really is Ultraman.
-The next time
-I'm home.
there's something
that I just have to ask him.
I'm exhausted.
-I had a long day at work today.
You're home early today, Dad.
Why the heck did you appear
on this program?
Why? Well
"I'm Rena Sayama,
the Ultraman-loving pop idol!"
-That's why.
-What's wrong with you?
Look, I know
that you despise Ultraman, Dad.
I have a reason for doing this.
What? You do?
That's enough of this talk.
-Hey, wait.
-That reminds me.
I was followed by some weird guy today.
It really set off my manager.
I guess I've become a real pop idol now.
What kinda guy was it?
I couldn't see his face well.
He was wearing a hood
and seemed like he might pull something.
-A hood?
-It didn't bother me,
but the manager didn't like it.
Here we go.
Take that!
It didn't curve at all.
-One more time!
-Your turn, Shinjiro.
-Do it. Get him!
-Take that!
I'm doing pretty good. I think using
your middle finger is the key.
Are you sure?
Yes, you do it like this.
It doesn't work with
There's something strange
I've been doing things
just like I did before.
So why isn't it the same?
I guess this means you're finally giving
me some credit as your partner, Mr. Endo.
Give me a break. Let's go.
But, this is one of those
sting operations, right?
I hope we'll be fine, facing an alien.
If you're getting cold feet,
you can leave.
Hold on.
No, I'm not getting cold feet.
But why are you
so obsessed with this case?
Could it be you're
a Rena Sayama fan, Mr. Endo?
Don't be stupid!
How would you like if a disgusting alien
was following around your daughter?
You wouldn't think twice about doing this.
Well, that's true. I certainly
Your daughter?
I don't feel right about writing
mean things about such a cute girl.
Quit whining and keep writing.
You're the one mixing private matters
with work, so you do the writing
Well, I mean
That's all right.
I don't care if you think less of me.
It's just like you said.
I'm letting my private affairs
influence my work.
But actually,
we're not even assigned
to this case anyway.
As her father, I guess there's
nothing wrong with you doing this, right?
You're far too lenient.
You'll never make it far
in this line of work.
Moroboshi here.
Mister Moroboshi,
I've got him.
I know who made the request.
I'm home.
It seems that you're very troubled.
I just don't know
if it's really necessary
to kill those aliens.
I realize they're doing horrible,
unforgivable things
like killing people and stuff,
but do I have to be the one to kill them?
I mean
why doesn't someone
like Mr. Moroboshi do it?
-He's good at that--
The things that make Ultraman
so significant
are also what make his burden heavy.
the only thing that you want
is Ultraman's public image.
-How can you be so certain about that?
I was once Ultraman.
But, I mean, I'm saving people,
so what's wrong with enjoying it a little?
Why are
people criticizing me for it?
I admit, what you're saying
is just about right.
And this conversation
it's not a normal father-son talk either.
I also never imagined I would be
fighting aliens again after I turned 60.
To be honest,
I was reminded of my younger days
and became excited.
I realized something
when I confronted Bemular.
While I was fighting him
I realized that
I wanted nothing more than to protect you.
You know, Shinjiro
I never wanted
to make you take this path in life.
I wanted you to live a normal, happy life.
As your father,
that's what I wanted
from the bottom of my heart.
the curse I was afflicted with
wouldn't allow that.
The Ultraman blood
that flows through me
desperately wants you
to become Ultraman.
Ultraman is
a curse?
Do you really think doing this
will lure that alien?
If it doesn't work today,
then we'll wait again tomorrow.
You know,
isn't it dangerous for us
to be doing this alone?
I mean, this guy isn't human.
Quit getting so frightened.
He may be fast, but at his size,
we can handle him if we wrestle him down.
Are you serious about that?
After he was hit by that car,
he jumped right back up.
And the way he kills people
that must mean he has some kind of weapon
we can't even imagine.
Don't move!
Mr. Endo, this is a totally different guy.
It's not having any effect!
Are you guys cops?
As long as you're dead, it won't matter.
There's more of you?
What the heck is going on?
It looks as if the serial murderer
is none other than
an illegal immigrant alien hoodlum.
You scumbag human.
How dare you call me a hoodlum!
You're not a human.
What the heck are you?
My name is Dan Moroboshi.
I'm Ultraman.
What's the matter?
Even though you're an alien,
you haven't even scratched me.
Whatever! I'll tear you to shreds!
Full-power blast!
Holy shit! We're screwed, Mr. Endo!
Hey, pal.
Don't tell me
that was the best you've got, was it?
-Hey, you all right?
Just because
you attack defenseless humans,
do you think that makes you even
the slightest bit a criminal?
That's what makes you
nothing more than a hoodlum.
Please! Don't do it!
I'll tell you everything!
If you kill me, you'll never find out
about stuff only I know.
I know who asked you to do this.
If you think there's anything
we need to ask you,
then you're wrong.
Is that
Please! Don't kill me!
Mr. Moroboshi?
Mr. Moroboshi.
Remember what I said?
You're not the only one
who can be Ultraman.
Next, please.
-Thank you.
-I love your work.
-Keep it up.
-Thank you.
-See you again. Thank you.
-Next, please.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you.
Out of the way!
-What a creep!
-Are you all right?
-Hi, Rena!
-Please try
to be more polite to each other.
Are you all right?
-I've come to see you again.
-Thank you.
I could never
do that kind of thing.
That's the alien I ran into at that town!
What am I supposed to do?
I hope you two don't get too upset
with me for doing this.
Subtitle translation by Brian Athey
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