Uncle Samsik (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

It's out of love and respect
that everybody calls me
Samsik, Brother Samsik, Uncle Samsik.
And I just love it.
Previously on Uncle Samsik
My nickname, I mean.
Once that's in place,
I'll be an official member
of the Cheongwoo Federation.
You understand
what that means, right?
So I'll be the one
reigning over the nobility.
Yes. We all will be eating pizza
like the Americans.
I'm sure that none of you
have heard of it.
Ah, it's extraordinary.
He is Manager Kim San
from the National Reconstruction Bureau.
Well, he studied economics in the US.
He was also an Albright Scholar, Sir.
Minister Choi.
The way forward for South Korea…
is laid out here.
You know Yoon Palbong
of the Dongdaemun gang?
I can give you his turf.
Yoon Palbong is sending
25 of his guys
to the Innovation Party event
so he can cause a scene
and ruin the speech.
Yoon Palbong is our prime target.
Better make damn sure
to break that bastard's legs.
I will have to teach him a proper lesson
at the Innovation Party speech later.
- Don't you worry about him.
- Kill…
Yoon Palbong, quickly.
During my time in America,
there was beauty and abundance
everywhere I'd look.
Meanwhile, my countrymen
were stripped bare and starving.
Do you know what pizza is?
You know
what pizza tastes like?
Have you really had it before?
Seohae Oil, Sail Developments
CEO Pak Doochill
I can tell just by looking into
someone's eyes,
whether they'll make it or not.
You, Manager Kim,
have potential to become president.
Well, at least Minister, for sure.
Yeah, maybe I'll call you Minister.
How long would it take to get it running?
I've got
a straight answer for you.
Stop seeing Choo Yeojin.
And if you're Choo Intae's son-in-law,
the dream will never be fulfilled.
The Reconstruction Bureau
is being shut down.
The National Reconstruction Project…
I'm not gonna give it up.
Is it true you left
the Ministry of Home Affairs?
Do you think there might be
a position for me in the Innovation Party?
I think The Innovation Party
isn't ready yet.
No matter how hard I try,
there's nothing that I can do.
Effort is meaningless in this world.
Why not flip it upside down?
I have this dream.
There's a version of South Korea
that I want to create.
Except that's not a real dream.
That's hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy dressed as a dream.
Then focus only on
what you want from now on!
I want to revive it!
I want the National Reconstruction Project
to go forward!
I'll break up with her.
In life,
when you gain something,
you're bound to lose something else.
I have a great plan for us.
The Cheongwoo Federation will
eventually control the entire country.
A great plan?
The establishment of a parliament.
And we buy off
the entire National Assembly.
Is there really a need
to kill Yoon Palbong right away?
You'll need him for the next election.
I don't need him.
Give it to Taemin.
I'm sure he's got
a grudge against Yoon Palbong.
Who does he want dead now?
If the job gets done
the right way,
then you'll head to Osaka.
I have evidence that
Kang Seongmin was an active member
of the Sineui Alliance.
Kang Seongmin has just put out
a hit on a certain Yoon Palbong.
Oh, I'm here
to save Yoon Palbong.
- Get out of my way, you dirtbag!
- Hey, wait! Ah, shit!
Oh, Haejun!
Kang Seongmin's father also died
in an explosive accident.
The Sineui Alliance
is known for using explosives.
The police report also states
that Yoon Palbong
was the first one to get shot.
It seems that Choo Intae
wasn't their initial target.
Uncle Samsik
Uncle Samsik
Oh, Minister. Hello.
What brings you here at this hour?
You know Cha Taemin
of the Sineui Alliance?
Did you introduce
Yoon Palbong to Kwangmin,
so he could join the Party?
And your tip-off
for the Kang Seongmin article?
What'd you do that for?
Oh, I'll take my coffee later.
- Yes, sir.
- Thanks.
Yoon Palbong, uh,
did a lot of Kang Seongmin's
dirty work for him, you understand?
Of course, I was involved in some of it.
Yoon Palbong has betrayed Kang Seongmin.
- One coffee, please.
- Yes, sir.
Betrayed him, how?
I can't go into those details
at the moment.
You said we had the same dream.
How can that be true
when you have so many secrets?
Well, it's just that
you're better off not knowing--
Mr. Choo Intae…
Did you order his assassination?
Again with that ridiculous imagination.
I broke up with Yeojin.
What exactly did you sacrifice?
You have quite the past, and you do
all these dangerous things in the shadows.
And you say we share a dream?
Did you see the article?
About An Yosub's son, An Minchul?
Yoon Palbong and I were the ones
who killed him.
3 years ago
If you need anything
for your districts,
feel free to direct
your requests to me.
I appreciate
the sentiment.
We're thankful
for all that you do.
Hello, Assemblyman Kang.
Ah, you're here.
You wanted to see me?
I saw the National Security Bureau
Something I heard intrigued me.
What was it?
Regarding Cha Taemin.
Didn't he work for you in the past?
Definitely not as laissez-faire
as they claim to be.
I noticed they only killed off
your political rivals.
Very clever thinking on your end.
Let me use those
Sineui guys when I need 'em too.
Sharing is caring, after all.
An Minchul found out about the Alliance.
It's time to end this.
We're heading for Osaka.
Uncle Samsik said he would
find jobs for us.
I can't do things like this.
Not anymore.
What's wrong?
I need you.
Cha Taemin disobeyed
Kang Seongmin's orders.
Assemblyman Kang.
On the way back here…
…this jerk confessed.
Can you catch Cha Taemin too?
Yeah, I'll find him.
I'll take all my guys with me.
Why don't you just let Taemin leave?
You know very well that this one
is the Sineui Alliance explosives expert.
We can make use of him.
Use his knowledge,
and we can take care of An Minchul.
All right.
Then would Mister Yoon here be able
to do a little more work for us?
Sure, why not? Of course.
What can I do for you in return?
I, uh…
You know those badges,
for the National Assembly?
It's always been my dream to wear one.
If you nominate me
for the Dongdaemun seat,
then I will…
I'll do anything.
There is someone I detest.
Kang Seongmin gave orders
to Palbong to bring Taemin back to him.
Think we'd let you live if you ran?
Tell Kang Seongmin
I won't be doing any more
of his dirty work.
Fucking traitors.
Did you think stowing away
like filthy rats
would stop me from catching you?
There is a way to get out alive.
It's simple.
Should we throw you
into the sea?
Or should we work together?
I… I'll do it.
I'll do it too.
I'll work with you.
Palbong was blinded by the idea
of wearing that golden badge
and got his hands dirty.
He caught Taemin mid-escape.
And also killed An Minchul.
Cha Taemin betrayed Kang Seongmin.
So Palbong and I ended up killing
Assemblyman An Minchul instead that day.
Palbong couldn't keep
his mouth shut about it
so we had no choice but to get rid of him.
Why did you introduce him
to the Innovation Party?
Because he was so obsessed
with getting a National Assembly badge,
I thought getting him
the Innovation Party's nomination
would shut him up.
What'd you release that article for?
To slowly bleed Kang Seongmin dry.
That man is not to be taken lightly.
We need to take away his power
little by little.
Yeah, in order to eliminate him later.
Where is Cha Taemin now?
In a secure hiding place.
Mister Cha Taemin?
Mister Cha Taemin?
Hey, there's a door here.
Don't move. Who are you?
Where is Cha Taemin?
I'm also here to look for Cha Taemin.
You're on Cha Taemin's side!
- That… that's not it.
- Where is Cha Taemin?
- Tell me now!
- No, don't!
Why did you bring these people?
I swear I didn't bring them here.
Then why did you come?
We didn't agree to meet today.
To let you know that it's dangerous,
that we had to move you somewhere else.
You weren't gonna let me go to Japan,
were you?
I don't know about that.
Is Uncle Samsik behind this?
No, he's not.
I thought you didn't know.
Uncle Samsik sent me to tell you
that it's dangerous here.
That we had to move you
somewhere safe.
But Uncle Samsik…
he abandoned me once before.
Sineui Alliance Charter
The Sineui Alliance Code of Conduct
Kang Seongmin
Who are you?
I, uh, I used to, uh, I used to work here.
What are you doing here?
Where's Taemin?
I was wondering the same thing.
- Hm.
- These items were found here.
There are also traces of bombs being made.
Ah, is that so?
Destroy all of it.
You didn't hear me?
Destroy all of it. Do it immediately.
Sir, take a look at this.
- Should we burn these too?
- Burn it.
The Sineui Alliance Code of Conduct
Kang Seongmin
Sineui Alliance Charter
Uncle Samsik.
Yes, it's me.
So. Has he been moved?
There was an incident.
- What?
It appears that Pak Jiwook
sent some of his men.
Three of them, and Taemin killed them all.
Huh? What? He…
He killed all three?
Yes, well,
it all happened so fast.
He's suspicious of you, Uncle Samsik.
He thinks you tried to kill him.
I happened to stumble upon
the Sineui Alliance Code of Conduct
with Kang Seongmin's signature on it.
But Pak Jiwook burned everything.
Kang Seongmin's signature?
That's definitive proof that
Kang Seongmin established
- the Sineui Alliance.
- Yes.
And he burned it?
I saw him burning it, yes.
I'm sorry.
Uh, all right.
Good work.
Pak Jiwook's put a tail on me.
Of the Liberal Party?
Yes, formerly a Japanese cop.
Of all the people he could have hired,
he picked this scrawny guy.
And it appears he sent people
after Cha Taemin.
Forget it, let's just go.
How is a Korean
so good at singing jazz?
Who knows?
Maybe one day,
we'll even beat you in baseball.
Ah, this guy.
Hey, uh, you know Choo Intae?
The guy who got shot.
I heard he's got a bit of a following.
Hey, don't worry about that.
Never gonna happen.
I know.
But still, we had riot control training.
At the American headquarters?
We even conducted evacuation drills
for the US embassy
and the government personnel.
Oh, shit.
But that's never gonna happen.
never say never.
Never say never.
Never say never.
Wish you a swift recovery, Mr. Choo
How many people turned up?
Around 200 people?
They keep coming.
Ilmo Hospital
My father has just…
He has passed away.
According to the wishes
of the party,
and for the future
of the Innovation Party…
Ladies and gentlemen!
This was not an accident!
We have to reveal the truth
about what happened!
Mister Choo Intae was
unquestionably assassinated!
Whoever did this must be revealed!
We deserve to know the reason
that this happened to him!
Let's go, everyone!
Let's all walk over to the alley
where Mister Choo was shot!
- Let's bring him back!
- Let's bring back Choo Intae!
Let's bring him back!
Follow me! Let's go!
I'll go to the hospital now.
All right.
Mister Oh.
Do what you can to… comfort Yeojin.
Democracy is officially dead!
- That's right!
- Justice for Choo Intae!
They were all terrified
of losing their power!
An investigation must be performed
for absolute certainty!
We must reveal the identities
of whoever is behind
Mister Choo Intae's death!
Choo Intae!
How many people have gathered?
Is the riot squad there?
Is that enough to regulate
a crowd that size?
Bring back Choo Intae!
Soojin, I'll be right back.
The current administration
must step down!
Bring back Choo Intae!
Bring back Choo Intae!
Bring back Choo Intae!
Everyone! The community's out there.
Let's join the march!
Let's go!
Come on, everyone! This way!
We must reveal the truth!
We will find the truth!
- Bring back Choo Intae!
- Prepare to fire!
Bring back Choo Intae!
Innovation is
the only way forward!
This protest must end now!
Disperse immediately!
- Step down! Step down!
- Bring back Choo Intae!
- If you do not disperse, we will shoot!
- Bring back Choo Intae!
- Disperse now!
- Bring back Choo Intae!
Bring back Choo Intae!
Bring back Choo Intae!
The current administration
must step down immediately!
Step down!
Choo Intae!
Ladies and gentlemen,
Mister Choo Intae's daughter
is now coming up to speak!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- We need to clear out!
- Why?
- We can't. No way!
- Why should we disperse?
What's this all about?
A demonstration like this…
isn't what he wanted.
This is not what my father fought for.
Nor what he believed in.
Violence and chaos
are not what he stood for.
My father stood for the opposite.
Prosperity for all.
and harmony.
Not for us to all die together.
And our party's future…
must be democratic…
and be peaceful,
as per my father's wishes.
All of us
have to clear out right now,
in accordance with his wishes.
We've got to ensure
no one else's blood is shed.
Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
- Choo Intae!
You see?
I told you that nothing would happen.
We don't know that yet.
Kang Seongmin will now try to pass
the Local Government Act
under everyone's noses.
And when he does, you have to make sure
your presence is known.
You mean go up against Kang Seongmin?
Just as I thought, you catch on quickly.
We need him to get it passed.
His reputation can't be changed
with the Liberals.
That's it, I have nothing else
to teach you now.
And I will get in his way
and be thought of
as a champion for democracy, right?
Let's have another drink.
Last night at 9:45 p.m.,
the Innovation Party's
presidential candidate,
Mister Choo Intae, passed away.
Mister Choo Intae had
a high approval rating
and a strong chance of becoming President
when he was attacked by an assailant.
The anarchist group,
the Sineui Alliance,
is rumored to have committed the crime.
Political commentators
are projecting that this incident
will have a negative effect on the chances
of President Rhee's reelection.
The approval rating for
the Democratic Party candidate
had already been skyrocketing.
The public is now keenly focused on
how this incident will affect
the results of the presidential election.
So, this here…
Yeah, it's the assemblymen
against the Local Government Act.
How many are there in total?
All things considered,
I think it'll be around twenty people.
And without their votes,
the parliamentary system
has no chance of being reformed?
I guess not.
So then what are we
supposed to do exactly
with this list of fools?
We can't just buy them all off.
There's around twenty assemblymen
opposing the Local Government Act.
A clear attack on me, isn't it?
Well, we haven't received
the campaign funding.
So is An Yosub trying
to bleed me dry then?
All right, sir.
Go and meet with Mister An Yosub,
and hurry.
Sail Bakery
Hey, got a lighter?
- Me?
- Yeah, kid, come on.
It's gotta be hard, following me around.
Why are you here every day?
- I get in trouble if I don't.
- Hand me the lighter.
I heard the police force fired you
for taking bribes.
Here. No one will find out.
Take it,
go buy yourself a bowl of gukbap.
You know, you don't have to be
Pak Jiwook's lackey, you idiot.
Do your best.
Excuse me?
- Me?
- This bread's for you.
He'll be heading out very soon
to meet Michael Jeong.
He says to report that.
Thank you very much.
How's Yeojin?
Have you called her?
Got a light?
Are you all right?
- You're here early.
- Can't you ever be on time?
Why are you always late? Huh?
The commander suddenly wanted
some things done.
- Like what?
- Personal things.
Taking care of his plants
and his ceramics.
This is what Academy grads
end up doing.
Fuck. This is why we need to
turn the world upside down.
Don't talk about it, make it happen.
Don't just talk about it.
Do something about it.
Yeah, then what?
Will you join me?
That depends on what you do.
Oh, I'll show you how I change the world.
That's how
you should handle it.
We have been receiving calls
from all over the place.
The way they're all crying out for money.
Yes, in a matter of moments,
Kang Seongmin will come in here
to beg and plead in remorse--
Why have the withdrawals stopped?
Don't you realize how it affects
my reputation?
Sir, please, the thing is,
it wasn't for a lack of trying…
I told him not to.
Because of that ridiculous article?
Was it truly ridiculous?
Would you please excuse us?
What are you doing?
I know that you are suspicious of me.
Yes, I was part of the Sineui Alliance.
I wrote the Sineui Alliance
Code of Conduct.
The Sineui Alliance was created by me.
I was young and foolish and committed
an unforgivable crime.
I apologize.
But, sir,
I didn't…
I was not involved in the death of your…
of Min… Assemblyman An Minchul.
Please believe me.
Minchul was someone I looked up to
like a brother.
Why would I kill someone like that?
Because you were after his position.
No, sir.
I saw the way you looked at Minchul.
You were envious.
Of course, I was envious.
It's true.
I envied him, and so…
I held him in great esteem.
Minchul's dream, I can…
I can make it happen.
I will.
Please? Just this once.
Give me one more chance, please.
You really
didn't kill my son?
Please, you need to believe me.
Then who killed my son, and why?
Why did they do it?
I'll find that out, I will.
I promise. And I'll tell you.
If the Federation casts me aside,
I have nowhere to go, sir, nowhere.
I'll call you Father.
I will!
You have my unwavering loyalty!
Please. Just this once, help me out!
Just this once. Save me, please.
I need you. Okay?
Choi Minkyu…
promised to give you control,
and to set you up as his successor.
Yes, sir.
Yes, but…
I have never thought about betraying
the Cheongwoo Federation, I promise.
And how will you prove that?
I'll do what's required of me.
- What's required?
- Yes, whatever it takes!
How about becoming Prime Minister?
Take control of the Liberal Party
and get 100 people together.
Sun Wooseok will bring about
50 from the Democratic Party.
The newly-appointed
and independents of the Assembly
the Cheongwoo Federation supports,
they make up another 20 to 30.
We create a new party
with those 170 seats,
plus you can become the Prime Minister.
How about it?
Can you gather 100 men?
Yes, I can do it.
I will make it happen.
No matter what. I will.
You are my son
in Minchul's place.
Thank you, sir.
I mean it. Thank you, sir.
He's probably grasping onto Yosub's hands
and sobbing right about now.
Completely unaware he's taken the bait.
I'm sure Kang Seongmin
would be grateful.
Yes, of course, he would.
He would've never imagined this role.
That kid has been in the palm of my hand
since the day I bottle-fed him.
Hey, why are there so many US soldiers?
US soldiers?
Something doesn't feel right here.
I heard it almost became
an all-out riot.
It would have,
if not for Choo Intae's daughter.
Hey. She was his fiancee.
Must've been heartbreaking for you.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hey, Harrison.
Did you hear?
It's a mess out there.
What's the matter?
Ah, the younger officers
issued a declaration.
About what?
See it for yourself.
"We condemn all factions, corruption,
and political activities
within the military."
"We will discipline
all military personnel
involved in fraudulent elections.
We will enforce punishments
on generals involved in corruption.
We demand new reform
within the military."
"We demand
better treatment of soldiers.
We are young officers who devoted
our youth to serving our country.
We young officers have endured
our impoverished realities
with pride as soldiers.
We demand the punishment
of the corrupt generals
who trample on our pride."
Have you seen this declaration?
I wrote it.
It seems most young officers
are in agreement with this declaration.
There's also new intelligence
from the US Army.
Uh, I will be sure to keep
the military under control.
The Assembly can be bought
but not the military.
The occupation taught us that.
What other intelligence was there?
The military looks set to
appoint a new First Operations Commander.
A new commander?
General Choi Hanrim is
highly regarded within the military.
He's also very close with
the US Army Commander.
Choi Hanrim?
Did you first meet
First Operations Commander Choi Hanrim
at the Albright farewell party?
Yes, I met him there.
Is that when you discussed
the coup d'état?
General Choi Hanrim was the soldier
that I had the utmost admiration for.
He helped me
when I needed it most.
General Choi Hanrim
First Operations Commander
He was just like a father to me.
Our dear Minister has so many
different father figures.
And so many he admires as well.
those fathers… are all dead now.
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