Undead Murder Farce (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

The Phantom Thief and the Detective

And we're here.
It's unlocked.
Oh! Th-They're all gone!
The nice towels are all gone
Well, I'll be damned. We've been robbed.
The lesson here is that
security is very import—
Speak normally!
Oh, I don't need any vinegar.
Just salt, if you please.
Ah! I could go for something to eat.
We have time before Lupin makes his move.
What would you like to do?
Well, we came all the way to London.
I'd love to see Madame Tussaud's wax museum.
I'll look into it.
Master, would you like some, too?
Hello, Watson.
Did I interrupt you?
No, I've already solved it.
By the way, don't you need to
figure out a plan for tonight?
He's the one coming to get the diamond.
And there's more security
than I thought there'd be.
I thought you were rather
skeptical about the security.
That was yesterday.
Today's another day.
Watson, I'm looking forward to this.
It feels like I'm about to have
an intense chess match
with France's very own Arsene Lupin.
Hello there, Mycroft.
I stopped by to pass something on
but who are you?
Have you forgotten your own brother's face?
You do look quite like him,
but you are not Sherlock.
Wh-Why would you say that?!
Your nails.
I saw Sherlock three days ago,
and his nails were trimmed.
I see. There's no one who
could verify that fact, though.
I believe I can.
It's a pleasure to meet
you, Sherlock Holmes.
I'm quite honored to meet you.
And you must be Arsene Lupin.
What in the world?
After coming all the way to London, do we
really have to go to some wax museum?
I'm told they have a special exhibit
called the "Chamber of Horrors."
It features gruesome simulacra of humanity.
But I hang out with one of those all the time
Er, I didn't say anything!
Oh, that's Baker Street right there.
Master, should we stop by Mister Holmes's place?
Are you being pouty, Master?
North-northwest, all clear!
The lace pattern is different!
Hello! Hello!
Talk about a bird-brained mix-up, huh?
I must say, you're a formidable opponent,
but the safe you're after is under heavy
guard in an underground vault.
So what are your odds
of victory, Mister Detective?
Exceedingly close to one hundred percent.
This is lovely.
Your country's government gave it to me.
Sherlock, what is the most
defining feature of a lock?
That is, what is its essential function?
To keep things shut away?
No, to be opened!
The lock
The detector locks on the Chamber of
Additional Crimes are just three keyholes.
The lock on that safe as well?
That was created with superhuman skill,
so it won't be easy.
But if a human like Fogg was
able to open it, so can I.
Well then, Mister Holmes and Doctor Watson
I will see you again tonight!
He's as flashy as the rumors say.
He reminds me of you
when you were younger.
Were you able to talk to Holmes?
We did better than talk. We even had tea.
It was a brilliant success.
I planted two important seeds.
What time is the train?
5:25 at Waterloo Station.
We still have some time.
Why don't we stop somewhere and—
Look out!
Were you hurt?
Excuse me! Have you seen
a bird cage around here?
A bird cage?
Have we?
Thank you for your time.
A moment, Miss.
What am I going to do?
If I'm not able to interview
Mister Holmes or Miss Rindo
Mister Shinuchi?!
What happened to your face?
Hello, Annie.
You're in London, are you?
By the way, have you seen my master?
The driver was concealing
the right side of his face.
He must be the Phantom.
The one they call the
Phantom of the Opera
Old theaters like that are frequently
haunted, aren't they?
They tell ghost stories about
The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, too.
I wonder why Lupin went
out of his way to see you.
The only thing that's certain
is that both Lupin and I are under a
rather troublesome curse of our own.
The curse of being a gentleman.
Gentlemen never lie about the
moves they're going to make.
Their pride absolutely will not allow it.
Oh, that poor chap.
Don't let your guard down, Sherlock.
I heard that Royce's agents are here.
I met them. They didn't seem very reliable,
but we share an interest
in protecting the diamond.
You're so clueless.
Their goal is the eradication of all monsters.
What do you mean?
It's said that the Penultimate Night
is the key to finding werewolves.
I'm quite certain the Royce agents will
not actually try to stop Lupin.
They'll corner Lupin after the crime,
incapacitate him, and steal the diamond.
And then they'll let Lupin take the fall.
But that's
Then I'll simply steal
the diamond back from them.
It won't be as easy as you make it sound.
They're powerful.
I have an ace up my sleeve.
You mean your baritsu, Sherlock?
But you're not a young man anymore.
So Lupin has the Phantom on his side,
and we can't trust the two Royce agents.
Doesn't this remind you of when we fought
Professor Moriarty eight years ago?
Do you think we can trust that
Japanese detective? The Cage User?
I'm not sure But they're also monsters.
The Royce agents may seek to
pick them off in the chaos.
Oh, but the woman is immortal, isn't she?
Curse that Tsugaru
What did we run over?!
Wh-What is that?
You're the severed head from yesterday.
What the heck are you doing here?
I could ask you the same question.
Weren't you arrested?
Say, you two. I'd be ever so
grateful if you'd carry me.
Hey Hey, wait a second.
Wait, wait!
Wait, wait, wait, wai—
Why do we have to find this bird cage?
Keep a keen eye out for it.
Could we go back to the
main road one more time?
Sure thing, Miss.
Go after that car!
It's empty.
Huh? I really don't want to write an
article saying that Miss Rindo died
because her assistant got
her mixed up with a parrot.
Again, Master won't die.
If we keep wandering,
she'll pop up somewhere—
Miss Shizuku!
Pardon me!
I'm borrowing this!
Welcome back, Master.
Took you long enough.
You'll be getting punished later.
Miss Rindo! I'm so glad you're okay!
Well, if isn't our feisty little reporter.
So you're in London as well.
Lady Aya!
Thank goodness you're safe!
I never should have left your side!
Please forgive me!
Shizuku, are those two?
Yes, they helped me in my search for you.
Oh, I haven't asked for your names
No, no. My name is not important.
Female, a bird cage,
and "Lady Aya"?
So you must the Cage User's entourage.
I must say, you are dressed quite peculiarly.
Mister Sherlock Holmes dresses
just that same way.
Shizuku, it appears that you were
riding with Mister Arsene Lupin.
I didn't think you'd be from
the Cage User coterie.
To meet another detective right after Holmes
What an interesting day.
I think you mean an awful day.
It's a pleasure to meet you, Aya Rindo.
Indeed, I am Arsene Lupin.
This is my subordinate, Erik.
Don't use my real name.
Oh, I apologize. This is the Phantom.
The pleasure is all mine.
By the way, are those two your assistants?
I'm her apprentice, and this
is her maid, Miss Shizuku.
And what's your name?
I am know as the terrifying
Oni Slayer, Tsugaru Shinuchi.
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
What exactly is an "Oni Slayer"?
It means that I'm
stronger than you, Lupin.
I'd prefer to conserve my energy
since I have to work tonight, but
I'll play with you a bit.
So what do Arsene Lupin and an accountant
counting up money at night have in common?
No idea?
They're both so darn noisy!
Here comes the real one!
Allow me to give you a warning.
Drop this case, Aya Rindo.
I lost.
I saw.
Now, let us return to the Fogg residence.
But Lupin just told you to drop the case.
We must prepare for the night's farce.
Goodness I didn't expect a body search.
Did you bring the extra ammo?
I brought around ten rounds.
Splendid. Let me borrow six rounds later.
My barrel will be empty in about three hours.
You're planning to use your gun?!
Mind if I pass through as well?
Those shoes are new but the
soles are already worn.
Does your job involve frequent walking?
I'm an inspector with the Paris City Police.
You must be Inspector Ganimard.
Do you mind if I find out for certain?
Excuse me.
It's a pleasure to meet you,
Inspector Ganimard.
It appears you're an expert on Lupin,
just as the rumors say.
I'm Inspector Ganimard with the Paris Police.
I've been waiting for you.
Has the Cage User's entourage not arrived yet?
They were just here.
They asked me to give this to you.
"We'll guard the above-ground areas
so that we won't be in your way.
Please take care of the basement."
What areas are they talking about?
They mentioned the top of the tower.
Very well. I'm sure they have
their own ways of doing things.
Let us confirm our positions.
There will be a total of 111 people
protecting this mansion,
but we should minimize those in
the Chamber of Additional Crimes
to prevent a disguised Lupin
from infiltrating our ranks.
Fatima and I will protect
the above-ground levels.
I can't bear to stay in this
dusty place a second longer.
Is that because it'll be easier
to surround Lupin up there,
after he's stolen the diamond?
Our job is to protect Mister Phileas
Fogg's assets. That is all.
Smoke that after our victory.
You'll enjoy it far more.
We'd better be able to win this time.
That means it'll be just the six of us here.
There are around three hours
until the time named in his letter.
Best to lock up as soon as possible.
Close the door.
Mister Fogg, the diamond?
I checked on it before all of you arrived.
Then let us pray that it is
still there three hours from now.
Now then, Master
The unworthy rakugo performer
Tsugaru Shinuchi
will observe this performance
of "The Pot Thief."
Hey! Did something jump in?!
Go after it! Track it down!
It went toward the main gates! Hurry!
They say someone infiltrated
from the north building.
And a guard's uniform has been stolen!
Still about fifty minutes until 11:00, though.
Hey, Holmes. Did you hear me?
What have you done?!
What's the meaning of this?!
There's no way to open the door now.
Which means we're stuck here!
Not forever, though.
They'll call a skilled locksmith
first thing in the morning.
But even if they do, it'll take
five or six hours to open.
We won't die after half a day without food.
What's important here is the fact that, now,
no one can enter this room
between 11:00 and 11:30 PM.
Lupin declared that he could open any lock.
But if there is no lock for him to manipulate,
then not even Lupin can make his way in.
That is brilliant.
This makes our defense complete.
Now, Lupin
What will you do next?
10:55 PM.
We need to be extremely cautious.
Mister Holmes, Mister Watson,
please keep your hands on the safe.
10:58 PM.
Nothing's happening.
What was that?!
They say the outer wall
below the tower was blown up!
He got us.
This is the water from the moat.
Liquid can get through the vent.
Even if water gets through, the safe is
But we won't be able to protect
the safe underwater.
How can this be?
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