Undead Unluck (2023) s01e06 Episode Script


[Anno] Meeting Andy
and unexpectedly getting roped
into Union operations,
Fuko thinks twice about her own death.
After fending off two Union attackers,
Shen and Void,
Fuko meets Gena at Lake Baikal
where Gena's death
and intentions deeply move her.
Fuko then becomes a member
of the Roundtable that assaulted her.
This was partly done
to protect herself and Andy.
They encounter Union members
at the Roundtable room.
The unwavering words of their leader Juiz
makes Fuko realize just
how distant her desires
to change the organization actually are.
Andy, in seeking his own death,
takes action to grant
Fuko's wish and in order
to increase likability,
the key component for the unluck,
seeks the most difficult quest
to jump higher in the ranks,
dragging along Shen,
the man who called them into
the Roundtable.
What will happen?
This story has just begun.
Wow, Andy!
Where are we right now?
Nevada, U-S-of-A!
Thought about usin' the copter but hittin'
the road feels better, right?
[engine revving]
[QUEEN BEE's "01" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
[western music]
I know!
Let's head to Vegas
for a wild time instead.
Wha we can't do that!
We have to go to the place in the dossier!
It's a town called Lo Long
I, um I forgot.
Pretty sure I saw the name
at the end of this.
August 21st, in New York City,
confirmed case of rotting corpse
wandering streets.
Conducted memory wipe of witnesses
and nearby residents pertaining
to current phenomenon.
Identity was procured
from rotting corpse's belongings.
His name was James W. Smith
From the town of Longing. That was it.
Yep, it's a rural area in the west.
- [screams]
- They film a ton
of cowboy movies out there, you know!
What are you doing on the roof, Mr. Shen?
Mr. Andy actually went and left me behind!
- Can you believe it?
- [Andy groans]
[Shen] I've been secretly
out here the whole time!
I was so lonely!
But that's dangerous!
Hurry up and come inside with us!
Dear Fuko!
- [giggles]
- Huh?
Ah, A.C.
- [scoffs]
- [Fuko Izumo giggles nervously]
So, um, do you think that this dossier
is actually connected to Spoil?
Yes, I believe it is.
Do you know what the word "spoil" means
- in this context?
- Mm-mm.
[Shen] "Spoil" essentially
means to decay or rot away,
- in this case.
I don't know why it traveled
4,000 kilometers all
the way to New York, but
I'm sure they're in Longing.
And by they,
you mean the enemy
we're up against, right?
The UMA Spoil and their legion
of homemade zombies.
- Zombies? Legion? UMA Sponge?
- [Spongebob] Yeah!
Uh, it's Spoil, Fuko dear.
And it's our job to capture that thing?
Honestly, do we even stand a chance?
[speaking Chinese] Relax, don't worry.
Our investigators scoped out
the town ahead of time.
They gave me audio from when
they set up a barricade around
the town's perimeter. Wanna hear?
Did they make it back okay?
All in one piece?
[Shen] Mm
Wait, you mean they didn't come
- [beeps]
- [squeals]
[squad 1] [over radio]
We will now commence
the investigation within the town.
- Huh?
- [squad 2] [over radio] Look at that!
The place is crawlin' with zombies!
- This is terrible!
- [over radio] [zombies groaning]
[squad 3] [over radio]
Hey, something's there.
Is that
[squad 4] [over radio]
Hey, you! Your body, it's
[squad 3] What is this? My arm!
[squad 5] [over radio] Mine, too!
Kill it! It'll stop the spread!
- Kill it!
-[gun cocks]
- [zombies groaning loudly]
- [gasps]
[over radio] [blow lands]
[squad 5] Who the hell cares?
Open fire!
- [gunfire]
- [Fuko whimpering]
[squad 5] Aww, dammit!
[radio hissing]
Well, Mr. Andy, what do you think?
About what?
Seems you'll have a hard time.
That is, of course,
unless you decide to go all out.
[Andy scoffs]
Ain't no need.
[engine revving]
[Fuko gasps]
[Shen] Trouble sleeping?
Please, now, rest at ease.
Tomorrow Mr. Andy and I will get Spoil.
I want to help you.
Ah, for Miss Gena's sake.
Collecting points to help others
like her
[Fuko] That's not it.
The reward that Apocalypse mentioned
at the Roundtable,
do you remember what it was?
The location of Unrepair.
See, if we're able to clear this quest,
then we can meet this Unrepair person
and maybe we'll gain a clue.
One that'll be useful for Andy
to help him actually die.
Mr. Shen, why are you on this quest?
Ah, you were forced into it. I'm so sorry.
Well, that's just part of the reason.
But this appears to be quite
the difficult quest.
If he's pushed, he may reveal it.
Not the half-hearted version
of him we know.
Rather, we'll get to see Victhor:
God of Victory!
[Andy yawns]
All right, here.
That our place?
[Shen] That it is.
Beyond that barricade
is the town of Longing.
Let's be cautious.
- [gasps] Andy, what are you
- [Shen gasps]
Knock, knock.
[both gasping]
[zombies groaning]
What do you think you're doing, huh?
We were confining them!
- [Andy] Can they revert?
- What?
[Andy] Once they're like that,
can they turn back?
That'd be impossible.
Their bodies have already
been physically altered too much.
That's awful.
[Andy] I see. Well, then,
that means I don't gotta hold back!
- Wait!
- Okay!
- Buckle up, now!
- [Fuko] On it!
Keep your mouth shut or you'll
end up biting off your own tongue!
[Shen] What?
[zombies groaning]
[all shouting]
[Fuko gasps]
[Andy] Now, listen up!
You bunch of rotten meat bags!
I intend on killing the whole lot o' ya
and it ain't gonna be pretty!
But you know what?
I'll cut ya a break!
If any of ya still got half
a brain and know where the sack
of crap is that did this to your bodies,
you better duck now.
We gotta talk.
[Andy] Blood Ring!
Would'ja look at that!
- Your boyfriend's cool!
- [Fuko] He's not my boyfriend!
[Andy] Well, what do we got here?
It seems like there's one
who ain't totally spoiled yet.
[teacher zombie groaning]
Hey, we got one
that ain't spoiled just yet!
All we gotta do now
is follow this one's lead
and have her take us straight
to Spoil, right?
Great, I'll tag along!
- Hold it!
- [grunts]
Mr. Andy, spare a moment?
Earlier, didn't I mention to be cautious?
I can still move.
[Shen] Mr. Andy, do you have
any experience fighting UMAs?
Can't say I remember.
[Shen] UMAs are different
from us Negators.
They're the very rules themselves.
It's common for them
to suddenly ensnare people
without rhyme or reason.
S S Suddenly?
[Shen] Right.
I'm sure you already have
a hunch about my ability,
but mine will activate
when I look at my target
from a certain distance.
And our dear Fuko's activates
when she makes physical contact.
Knowing you, I bet you were planning
to figure out how things
work here mid-combat.
But that's a bad move
when up against a UMA.
It's ability has probably begun.
[gasps] Already?
[Shen] Most UMAs impose their rule
on anyone who steps within
their range, no exceptions.
You don't say?
Sorry, you two. My bad.
[Shen] He's always so quick to apologize.
Do you feel off or abnormal in any way?
[Andy] Not really.
[teacher zombie groaning]
Hey, you've got something
written on your stomach!
- Huh? Stomach?
- [Clothy screams]
Don't rip off the buttons like that!
- [screams]
- [Shen] Now she turns?
You're as good as dead now!
They've got you right where they want you!
[Andy] Hmm.
There's nothing on me.
How about you, Fuko?
Nope, I'm all clear, too!
It's just you, Mr. Andy.
You must have wandered into
its target area.
[shouts] What do we do?
We have to hurry up and
That makes sense.
I'll just wait until I spoil, then.
What? Are you sure?
- You realize you'll spoil?
- Yeah, that's right!
You might actually end up dead
and then you
- It's fine.
- [zombie teacher groaning]
If somethin' this small could take me out,
then you would have killed me
a long time ago.
[Fuko groans]
- [buzzing]
- [Andy] Now, let's see.
- [hissing]
- Hmm?
[zombie teacher groaning]
His hand is starting to spoil!
Oh, man. Must sting.
[zombie teacher groans]
- It changed back!
- [hisses]
[zombie teacher groans]
Aww, no good.
It healed just to rot all over again.
- [Andy grunts]
- [hissing]
A continuous effect.
Real pesky.
The moment someone sets foot in this town,
Spoil curses them.
And once they hit the curse's time limit,
they get zombified.
Even if we wanted to find Spoil,
the only lead we've got
is our communication-deficient
friend here.
- [groaning]
- [fly buzzing]
Ah, this quest is difficult.
Much too much for three people.
[zombie teacher groaning]
- What?
- Oh?
Oh, yeah?
That's it? That's your price?
Hey, looks like she knows where Spoil is.
- Huh?
- [gasps]
- [grunts]
- [groans]
Andy, what are you doing?
Right, sorry for the short notice,
but turns out me and this
nice lady are getting' hitched.
[zombie teacher groans]
Says it's always been her dream,
and after the ceremony she'll
tell us where Spoil is at.
Truth is I dunno if it's 'cause
I'm half spoiled myself
but I understand her Zombienese
- That cool? Do you mind?
- Huh?
'Cause I'll turn her down
if you consider it cheatin'.
Now, hold the phone!
She could be a spy, for all we know!
You're fine! Take her down the aisle!
Fuko, please! Don't encourage him!
- [footsteps leaving]
- [gasps]
[zombie teacher groaning]
Mr. Andy!
Well, then, better find you a dress.
[zombie teacher groans]
[Shen] Please, keep this
one thing in mind!
This quest is to capture the target,
- not neutralize them!
- [gasps]
[Shen] If you kill Spoil then we'll
end up failing the quest
And there won't be any do-overs!
- [gasps]
- Remember the Unrepair prize!
- You want that, right?
- Oh, crap, adults!
- [gasps]
- [Shen] Anyway,
once you learn Spoil's location,
be sure to contact us!
Hey, wait, please!
It's not safe here!
- [Andy whistling]
- [zombie teacher groaning]
Help me, Mui. Give me strength.
[Mui] Fight on, Master Shen!
[electric buzzing]
[boy breathing heavily]
[Fuko] Hold on! Don't worry!
I'm not a zombie!
A kid?
And he's not zombified.
But how?
[grunts] I need to hurry and save him!
Mr. Shen, deja vu!
Man, you two, make quite the pair.
You're like the same person
Acting reckless without care.
[giggles nervously]
[Shen] You shouldn't proceed
any farther, you know.
If this underground tunnel
is also within Spoil's range,
then that kid is already
All of us have been cursed!
Every single one!
[Shen] Their timers have more digits.
Why's that?
So who are you people, huh?
You workin' for that thing, then
Hold on! We're not here to hurt you!
- We're on your side!
- Liar!
[Ken] You're just here to
kill us because we're doomed
to become zombies!
You must be!
Why else would outsiders come
to a run-down town in the boonies?
The fact you haven't even moved
from that spot
is proof enough!
Standing back there where
the curse can't reach
[all gasping]
[Ken gasps]
[Shen exhales]
Good gracious.
- [buzzing]
- Ah, shoot.
[church bell ringing]
Nice! Hot damn!
Lookin' good!
The priest is supposed
to say something here, right?
You know, it's something like,
"And will you through sickness
and in health"
All that jazz.
But we both are spoiling away.
So who gives a crap, you know?
Th Thank you.
So long as I fit the bill,
I'll do this as much as you want.
Hey, you lugs, would it kill you
to show a little enthusiasm?
[all groaning]
[zombie teacher] Thank you.
That's enough.
This was my dream come true.
I wore a wedding dress.
So that's enough for me.
Now please go and save them.
It's up to you.
They are in misery, unable to die.
Kill them, please.
Put them to rest.
Let them die.
And then
That thing.
Kill that thing.
Well, my orders were to capture it,
but I can't refuse
my bride's request, can I?
[Andy] Repair Boost!
Crimson Cross!
Why won't you spoil?
I see, a Negator!
How dare a lowly Rule vessel oppose
the rules themselves?
[all groaning]
[Andy] You dummies!
[Spoil] Huh?
You actually protected me, huh?
Appreciate it.
Guess you all haven't spoiled
just yet, have ya?
[Spoil] Huh?
[Andy] Parts Bullet Hammer!
- [bell gongs]
- [groans]
Hear that, all you zombified
survivors out there?
This is the sad sack of crap
that spoiled your bodies,
and now I'm taking it on!
- [bell gongs]
- [groans]
If you've been aching to slug this chump,
follow the sound of the bell!
Better make it quick!
[all groaning]
[all roaring]
Yeah, now we've gotta bag this sucker!
[Kairi Yagi's "know me" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
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