Unicorn: Warriors Eternal (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

The Mystery of Secrets

My name is Melinda.
He says it's so powerful
that I shouldn't even use it.
Mommy needs
to take that from you.
It wasn't your fault.
Get out off my head!
Alright, alright,
move along.
Nothing to see here.
Hmm. No.
Yes, yes, yes, ye--
Careful, Careful!
Hey, oh!
Madam Mayor, M-M-Ma'am!
Certainly no need
to come all this way.
We've got everything
well under control.
Oh, you do, do you?
Heh! Get off.
The only thing you have
under control
is your complete
lack of it.
Now, who is responsible
for this?
Th--Th--That same
spiritualist gang, Ma'am.
Without question.
The ones that keep slipping
through your fingers?
Only a matter of time,
And what about
this monstrosity?
A-A whale!
The charlatans must've
dragged it onto the dock
using some sort
of steam contraption.
That theren't be no whale.
I seen some strange things
on the sea.
A talking fish.
I even seen me
a mermaid once.
But nothing like this,
a water demon.
And it weren't no spiritualists
that brought it up neither.
N-Now listen here --
You were saying?
'Twas a magical lady
with the head of a fox
and nine bushy tails.
She brung this up
from the depths!
With magic!
Then escaped to her lair
inside the old Cathedral.
A magic fox lady?!
And how do you know
where her lair is?
I followed her there.
You followed her?
It's way out on
the other side of town?
I've got strong legs!
Really, how much longer do
we have to listen this rubbish?
Inspector, gather your men and
arrest this fox lady at once.
Thank you, sir.
You've done a great service
to the city,
and the crown.
But, Ma'am.
I-I, uh,
the clean-up efforts.
I-I can't spare the men.
May we be of assistance?
Oh, where would we be
without our dearest Otto?
Is he here?
Alas, my benefactor
could not attend,
but does send his regards.
Ah, I see.
Still floating around the clouds
in his dirigible, right?
Well, we are thankful
for his help nonetheless.
I-I said
what I was supposed to.
Told 'em about a mermaid
I'd seen.
Believed every word, they did.
My precious treasure.
What was that about?
Did you know?
Know what?
About me and my mother.
Yeah, I know.
Uh, of course I know.
Um, you told me in the past,
Um, I just --
I can't recall exactly,
um, what it was right now.
Um, maybe just
refresh my memory?
Forget I said anything.
It's funny because Copernicus
got broke in the past.
And we're trying to fix him
right now.
But the fixin' takes place
in the future!
What if we go into the future,
see how to do it
and then tell ourselves now?
What if he doesn't
get fixed?
I think he does.
I think I should go to
the future and take a look.
Yeah, I'm gonna do that.
Oh, no.
Can he actually
go to the future?
I think he can.
The sea of time!
Not the future.
Show me how we fix Copernicus!
This isn't it.
she'll hear you coming.
Oooh, the magical fox lady's
going to hear me?!
Don't be daft!
Evening, Foxy!
Sorry about the doors.
Maybe you can fix them
with your fox lady magic!
Fox lady indeed.
You lot fanny about for the lady
while I enjoy my pie.
Just shout if you find her.
There she is!
It was a magical fox lady.
I've been betrayed!
Look out!
Are we getting any closer?
We're here.
I don't know
if this is going to work.
Copernicus is just like
their technology.
They should know how
to fix him.
State your business.
Uh, hello.
We need someone
to fix our robot.
We don't do that here.
Try the service department.
'Round the back.
Do you mind?
Well, actually --
Thank you.
Number 57?
Us! Here!
We need help
fixing our friend.
let's take a look here.
Yep, yep.
Yes, he is quite broken.
Do you think you'll be able
to fix him.
Yeah, I have no clue
how to fix this.
Ugh, come on.
This isn't it!
What is it with this place?
What do we do now?
It's hopeless.
I might have
Uh-uh --
that is, uh
I might know a way, umm,
to fiiiiixxx --
My benefactor is aware
of your current predicament
and would like
to offer his services.
Otto Industries?
At your service.
But at the factory,
they couldn't help us.
I assure you,
this person can.
Please, if you would be so kind
as to join me,
we can help fix your friend.
Oh, you never finished
what you were trying to say.
Uh, I, uh
It was nothing.
No, no, no!
No, no, no, no!
I give up.
Please, if only we can --
Melinda, I can help you.
Just tell me what's going on.
Help me?
on that ship
when you let the thing
drag me down below?
Ew, well,
that was different.
Maybe this time you can just
throw me out the window!
Allow me
to introduce you
to the father
of all invention,
the answer to
all that is unknown,
the greatest mind in the
known universe and beyond.
I give you
the genius of geniuses --
I do not know
if I can fix him.
Oh, and so modest.
But --
I am willing to try
if you trust me.
Why wouldn't we?
Be careful.
This isn't
an ordinary robot.
Yes, I see that.
I mean, he's been
part of us for years.
Yes, of course.
I will take great care.
He seems so familiar.
All of these parts --
it is like I created him,
but from something
I haven't invented yet.
I will let you know
when I have finished.
We're not leaving!
I did not think
you would.
I don't like this!
It's taking too long.
How do you know how long
it's supposed to take?
Well, I'm not just
going to sit here.
You can't just leave.
Please let me help you.
I don't want, or need,
your help!
I know you're hurting.
But you can't
run from this.
I didn't mean to see
what happened, but I did.
Your mother's death,
it wasn't your fault.
You were just a child.
It was something more
than you could control.
You didn't
do anything wrong.
You can't blame yourself.
what are you doing?
Will our guests
please report to the study.
I can't believe
you're back!
Forgive me.
I reassembled him,
but could not
get his power to spark.
He is manmade,
but what powers him is not.
this is the evil.
Twillion of the North,
fly straight and true.
Finally, an end to this evil
is up to you.
Part the clouds,
and harness the sun,
for if you triumph,
a new dawn will have begun!
It's over?
Is it really over?
Yes, we have succeeded.
The evil is destroyed
once more.
What do we do now?
I know.
I know! I know!
What do you know?
I know
your great big secret.
The one that you
don't want to tell us.
What secret?
How to fix Copernicus!
He's known how to do it
all this time.
Now, we're
goin' on a journey.
A great quest
to Edred's home,
and nothing will be the same
ever again.
What is it?
What will fix Copernicus?
The Blood to remake
will flow for all time.
The Blood to remake
will flow for all time.
The Blood to remake
will flow for all time.
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