Unlocked: A Jail Experiment (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

The Vote

[alarm trilling]
[dramatic music playing]
[inmates exclaiming]
[Ty] A fire, yo!
-[Cox] Oh my God.
-That's 'cause it's spilling out.
[inmates clamoring]
You got this fucking alarm going off
[imitating alarm]
'cause you're dealing with a bunch
of criminal kids with nothing to lose.
All they're doing in there is smoking.
It's dumb shit, dude.
[indistinct yelling]
Oh my God. I was so high
when the smoke alarm went off.
I'm thinking it's my room.
Oh man.
And I'm like [sighs] it's over with.
[alarm trills, stops]
[indistinct chatter]
[tense music playing]
-Huh? Yeah, now.
-5.0 on the floor?
[Madrigal] Everybody right here,
catch the wall!
When I see Madrigal came here,
I'm like, "Oh shit."
-[officer] Get down.
-[inmate laughing]
I came into the pod,
and I immediately searched it.
There was no fire or any danger.
I did smell smoke, but I couldn't identify
anything that was actually on fire,
so I searched the inmates
that were in that general area.
This shit fucked up!
The COs are catching on.
They're like, "Ah, these motherfuckers
think it's a game. I'mma get them."
[indistinct chatter]
[tense music playing]
[AJ] What up, Madrigal?
What you doing there?
I stepped back a lot,
and now look what happened.
Y'all ain't supposed to have those.
[AJ] Whatever.
[Willie] The deputy that was on duty
smelled things burning,
wicks burning,
and felt everything was out of control,
so they're going to shut this down.
[Madrigal] Y'all can't be doing this.
That was a bunch of wicks.
Apparently, they were smoking
coffee sticks and possibly tobacco.
You never know
what somebody may have out there.
I'll write my report.
Ultimately, it's up to the sheriff.
These motherfuckers are getting
this motherfucker locked down for sure.
It's over with.
[music fades]
[tense music playing]
[Higgins] So we're gonna put the program
on pause.
Send a team in to do a complete shakedown,
see what else is in there.
Because the most important thing
is the safety of the detainees.
Hopefully, that's all we have
is wicks in the unit.
So we're gonna go in, make sure
that we get things back in order.
[indistinct chatter]
[Freeman] Ready?
Everybody, outside the doors!
Out your doors! Let's go!
[indistinct yelling]
[officer] Stand beside your doors!
They came deep with gear.
They came with helmets on,
with guns in their hands.
[officer 2] Turn around, face the wall!
Put your hands on the wall!
Do not speak!
Normally, I'd hide the hooch in the shower
instead of in the room, but I had no time.
[officer 2] Hey, what are you doing, man?
These are clear, direct orders!
[officer 3] Hey, turn around, man.
Ain't nothing to look at.
[Mayham] They made us strip search
to get naked.
I'm covering my privates.
They like, "Move your hands."
[laughs] I'm like,
"So, you wanna see my dick?"
So you want me to show you my dick?
[officer 4] I gotta see everything.
Not trying to be weird.
Just do it.
I was like, "Okay."
I let that motherfucker Free Willy.
Look at it.
That's all my dick.
[officer 4] All right, good.
You don't have to be like that.
Then I turned around.
I said, "You wanna see my ass now?"
[officer 4] Go ahead and cough.
[Mayham] So I bent over. I coughed.
Like, goddamn.
Save your whites for later.
Put on your blues.
-The lower level been shook down?
-[officer 2] Yes. So we're going 1 to 16.
[Willie] They brought the team in.
Stripped us butt-naked
and went in our rooms,
and they shook us down
and took everything.
[dramatic music playing]
-So this pill came from 404.
-[officer 5] Yeah.
[indistinct chatter]
Miss Dennis found the hooch.
I definitely don't even think
people should make hooch
because Miss Dennis can smell that shit.
Miss Dennis, bloodhound nose.
She gone copping my hooch.
Jones' box
hooch is found there.
During the shakedown, they took my hooch.
[Freeman] And it's swelling too.
It's like
[Dennis] I can smell it!
[Freeman] It's been fermenting
for a while.
I am kind of mad about it.
It was my birthday hooch, you know?
Good lord.
[dramatic music continues]
They found the hooch, the pills.
Just, like, some contraband
that people made.
A lot of shit, crazy shit.
[music builds, fades]
[Ty] They're doing 23 and 1.
Right now?
I guess so.
After the shakedown, they closed the door
and I'm like, "23 and 1."
-"I know it's over with."
I'm sitting there mad as fuck,
like, aw, it's over.
It's fuckin' over.
[tense music playing]
[Mayham] I think it's over with.
We're on lockdown.
It's not It's not gonna work no more.
[Owens] Calm down!
Or what? I hate this shit, man!
Yes, it is, man! It's all that it is, man!
-Man, fuck that shit.
-[banging on door]
After you.
[Mayham] Bitch!
[Owens] I haven't been surprised
by any items I found.
I feel like that's a given.
And a lot of the guys
I'm sure had something.
I'm sure most of them
flushed half the drugs
or whatever they had down the toilet
so they don't get in trouble for anything.
[Freeman] With the findings
of what we found,
it's pretty much left up to the sheriff
at this point and the chief to collaborate
and see what they wanna do.
[banging on door]
[dramatic music builds, fades]
[ambient music playing]
[Hendricks] Sir, I wanted to bring you
up to speed on the, uh, shakedown.
Dennis, uh, went through
and identified some hooch.
You wanna explain, Lieutenant?
I think we need to hit 'em hard
with locking 'em down
and try to re-evaluate the whole situation
because we found a lot of pills,
wicks, hooch, things like that.
24-hour lockdown
will give them a strong reset.
Most definitely. Like,
"Hey, we need to get back on track."
"Do the things we were doing
when they first gave us this opportunity."
That's a good word. "Reset."
That is a good word.
So I'd like to go ahead
with your permission
and lock them down for at least a day.
I'm really disappointed in them right now.
You know, we had got to the halfway point.
You know, I really thought
that they were moving forward.
But if we find the drugs
and the hooch and the wick,
normally I would remove the individuals
who are not working to improve the unit,
but we're trying to do something new.
This project is different.
-Yeah. This delays some positive things.
-It does.
[Higgins] Um
What I'd like to do is go in,
talk to them,
and put them on 24-hour lockdown.
[Freeman] Yes, sir.
So I put them on the 24-hour lockdown
to really think about their future,
think about the program,
see if they know, if they'll identify
those in the unit
that are the ones causing the problems.
So after the reset, we'll hold a vote
and see if they can
get rid of the bad apples.
-Copy that.
-[Higgins] I'd like to do that today.
-[Higgins] Okay.
I don't expect
the individuals in this unit
to come forward and say
that so-and-so's creating problems.
They're not gonna do that.
So we're gonna do this vote
in an anonymous way
that they don't feel like
they are snitching
on someone in the unit.
[dramatic music playing]
[Eastside] Shit.
The sheriff walked in
and I see, in his face,
like, he's like like disappointed.
I'm like this, "Oh fuck. Here we go.
Somebody's about to tell on me."
Because I'm the one
who initiated the whole wick situation.
[Ty] I swear to God.
And I'm sitting here like,
"Oh yeah. It's over with. Game over."
[music fades]
[Higgins] Gentlemen.
know what a wick is?
[tense music playing]
-[inmate] Yes, sir.
-[inmate 2] Yes, sir.
Y'all got 'em in here.
Yeah, I know you do. You had 'em.
What's that? You put the fruit in a deal,
and you let it ferment? The hooch?
-Yeah. We got that too, right?
-[inmates] Yeah.
And both of those, we shouldn't.
-[Randy] Yes, sir.
What else we have?
Oh my gosh.
Some drugs in here. How about that?
I can end this today.
[tense music builds]
This is an experiment.
I don't have to do any of this.
You know that.
Yes, sir.
It's about accountability,
and you guys have failed.
So should I just end this today
and not worry about it?
[music fades]
Or do a reset?
-Reset! Reset.
Let's try a reset.
All right? So we're going to start over.
Which means we go back to your cells,
and we lock the doors
24 hours for a reset.
[dramatic sting]
See if we can do right.
I never thought
this was gonna last this long.
But I don't want
these doors to close at all.
We need these doors open.
Now, I want you to know
I checked the cameras,
and I'm paying attention to y'all.
I've been logging in and watching y'all.
And I've been impressed
with a lot of things that I've seen.
How y'all been working together,
cleaning up,
taking care of business.
And I appreciate that.
In comparison to the other units,
they're actually doing pretty good.
So I want to give them a second chance.
Put them on lockdown,
but we're gonna give them a second chance
to demonstrate
that they can make this work.
Everybody's gotta be on the same page.
And I wanna know
if everybody should be here.
Is there anybody here
that shouldn't be here?
That's not part of this community?
Because, see, when we move forward,
we gotta do this right.
I wanna know,
so after the reset, we'll have a vote.
And I want y'all to pick one person
you think is not part of the team,
part of the community.
We wasn't going to say nothing,
because, you know, we live by the code.
You don't say shit.
But I guess the youngsters like,
"Fuck it. I don't give a fuck."
That's how they feel.
That's it. Y'all go ahead
and get to your doors and lockdown
so we can go and get it started.
[slow jazzy music playing]
What I'm hoping will happen is that
they'll take the program seriously.
They'll recognize the benefits they have,
but also take on the responsibility
of their community.
But now I need to lock them down.
We have to stop the behavior,
let them know
this is not gonna be tolerated.
They just spoiled us.
Now we got all this freedom.
Now it's time to go behind doors,
we gonna be sick as hell.
Everybody, let's fucking go!
They're gonna lock us back down, then.
What the fuck? Go ahead.
Because I'm about tired of this shit, man.
I'm about fed up, man.
[Crooks] We done for. It's over.
They give us these privileges.
"You guys are doing good,"
but this is the thing. It's like a dog.
When you train a dog
and you give them treats for doing good,
and they keep doing good,
and then you're like, "No!"
You can't do that.
It won't know what to do now.
He's like, "What's going on?"
Now he's pissing all over everything
and humping people's legs.
Whatever, you know what I mean?
So you can't treat people like that.
Fuck this place!
Thank you.
[Eastside] They just fucked us good.
[Ty] That some straight bullshit, bro.
Well, no one's in charge.
What do you think gonna happen?
They ran wild,
and now it's time for me to stand back up.
We don't have no other choice.
I don't like them doors locked.
[slow-paced percussive music playing]
With a 24-hour lockdown reset starting
and the vote the following day,
the inmates have
enough time on their hands
to think about what changes to make
when the program restarts.
[producer] Do you think this could be
the end of the program, or?
I don't really know.
I really don't even give a fuck.
I don't wanna answer no more questions,
you feel?
Punish that one person, you know?
That's half the battle. Punish that one.
Don't hold everybody accountable.
That wasn't fair to me.
We gotta hold each other accountable now.
Let's try to vote each other out.
It's gonna cause a lot of conflict
'cause everybody's gonna be like,
"They said this" It's just gonna be
a lot of bullshit going on.
They're playing games with us.
They don't really realize
this shit affects motherfuckers' mind.
It fucks with their head, dawg.
[producer] Do you think it's fair
that the entire unit got locked down?
No. It should have been
whoever the fuck was doing shit.
[Eastside laughs]
[Ty] This guy right here
should have been locked the fuck down.
Everybody who wasn't doing shit
should've been out.
I feel kind of like I deserved it
because I'm the one who made the wicks,
and I got caught with the hooch,
know what I mean?
So it's like it's like, "Damn."
I'm glad we got a second chance.
I mean, that was pretty good.
[Eastside] The voted-off-the-island thing.
This ain't no damn fucking
-[Ty] Big Brother.
-Definitely not.
Definitely not Big Brother.
So if Eastside got voted out, I'd be hurt.
I'd be like, "Damn, that's my guy.
What the fuck? He gone."
It would be fucked up, but yeah.
[producer] Are you guys gonna do anything
differently when it comes back out?
Definitely not making hooch.
No more wicks, no more hooch.
They took my sock. I had a sock.
See, I made a bingo game.
They wanna lock everybody down.
It's not everybody that's doing this shit.
Extract the individuals
that were doing that,
and you wouldn't have problems here.
It would be harmony.
[Cox] See the paperclip
on the bottom of it?
It's easier to pop a light that way.
Didn't get my deuce.
They locked us down
for 24 hours behind doors. No shower.
No no no access to the people.
But they didn't find my deuce.
They didn't find my lighter.
[tense music playing]
They didn't find our accessories.
Inside the walls of Pulaski county!
[laughs evilly]
[tense music continues]
[music fades]
[crickets chirping]
[inmate vocalizing]
No phone.
No nothing,
just lock yourself in the closet.
[inmate vocalizing]
Yeah, my son's probably worried
about what's going on with Dad right now.
Why he hasn't called.
I don't want him to feel like
I don't wanna talk to him.
[peppy music playing]
-[Ty] Bitch! Chill!
-[Eastside] Good, 23 and 4!
[Ty] The fuck is wrong with you? Chill!
[Ty exclaims]
They're breaking my back,
these motherfuckers.
[producer] Got about 5 minutes.
Yeah. I need to take a shower.
I need to call my boy and shit,
but I'm probably gonna miss it.
I'mma get the phone,
but they gonna run to that phone.
They're gonna be there before me.
[tense percussive music playing]
[inmates banging on doors]
[Mayham] Ahh! Open the goddamn door now!
[banging on door]
We're sucking dick and dying!
Fuck. Is she opening our doors?
-[officer on radio] Floors 5 and 7.
-[system chimes]
[Wutzke] Open the door, bitch!
[system beeping]
-[system] Are you sure?
-[alarm sounding]
[doors buzz]
[tense music builds]
-Get out of my way! All right.
-Let me get
[Big Mel] I got you.
-[CJ] Hey. You hear what I said?
-It's dirty.
I'm finna call anybody.
Who got that shower after you? Skinny?
Who got that shower after you?
[inmate] Nobody.
[indistinct chatter]
I've been "reset." [chuckles]
So, I guess I guess I'm reset.
I guess I'm gonna
still do what I'm supposed to do.
That's about That's all I know. Be me.
Hey, what's up, son?
-[boy on phone] What's up?
-What's going on, man?
I tried to call you back yesterday, man,
but they locked us down for 24 hours.
I'm sorry I didn't call you back, man.
What you up to? What you doing?
[Tiny's son] Nothing.
Just watching, uh, videos in bed.
What kind of music videos you watching?
[son] Uh, Puffy, X, King Von.
King Von? For real? You like King Von?
[son] Yeah. What's wrong with King Von?
Ain't nothing wrong with it.
That's just some real gangsta music.
[son laughs]
[Tiny laughs]
-How the girls like?
-[son] Mm-hmm.
I don't know.
[Tiny chuckles]
Hell, man, I got my boy.
That makes me feel good.
That's what I got to live.
That's what keeps me ticking in here.
Talking to my family, you know?
My son, shit, you know what I'm saying?
I'll talk to my boy, man.
That's all I really give a damn about
is talking to a motherfucker.
Let that person know I'm all right
and checking on my family.
You know what I'm sayin'?
You know, if you decide to ever
If your uncle Lonnie
decides to ever come up here
or is scheduled to visit, you know
you're on my visitation list, don't you?
[son] Mm-hmm. Yeah.
So you haven't decided.
I told him that, um,
I got him on my visitation list,
in case he ever wanted
to come with his mother.
I got your mom on here too.
Fingers crossed.
I can't wait to get out, man.
I miss you, man.
[son] I miss you too.
[hip-hop music playing]
[Don Don] You good? You doing all right?
[AJ] Hell no, I'm not doing all right.
[narrator] Inmate AJ was feeling
particularly impacted by the lockdown.
After speaking to the medical team,
he is about to be moved
to solitary confinement.
[AJ] Uh, basically, I was talking
to the mental health lady.
She asked me if I was
having thoughts of hurting myself.
I told her, "Yeah," because, I mean, I am,
and she decided
to put me on suicide watch.
I thought she was just
gonna change my meds up.
So we're having
a little going-away dinner,
since I can't take
none of my food with me.
When I first got here,
they took me straight to the hole.
And they had me on suicide watch
for the first couple months
because I actually attempted suicide.
I was sitting in the cop car,
and there was this belt-buckle thing,
and I just started slamming my head on it
as hard as I could,
and I split my head open pretty bad.
I had to go to the hospital
and get stitches.
Honestly, I was really down.
I'm still down.
[Don Don] He's part of us as a unit,
but they ain't trying
to let him stay up in here after he
In the end,
he got people vouching for him.
He ain't finna do nothing to his self.
We ain't gonna let that happen.
As soon as he said,
"I'm trying to hurt myself,"
they take it serious here,
so they end up pulling him out the unit,
taking him to taking him to the hole.
I've been to the hole before too,
so that ain't for nobody.
Stay positive and maybe get in
some programs and shit like that.
I'm trying to help.
I'm not saying shit like that.
I'm saying it don't matter where you are.
He's a good guy. I just think
he's got some mental health issues.
He's emotionless,
you know what I'm saying?
I think he needs some people to be there
that he feels really care about him.
Because he might not ever get out
of prison again,
especially if he has no hope,
know what I'm saying?
And behind that door,
you ain't got no hope at all.
[deputy] Who's going on suicide watch?
-Come on, man. Come on.
-[AJ] You ain't gotta rush me. I'm going.
He's facing grown-people charges.
You know what I'm saying? Life sentence.
[deputy] All right,
let's go, let's go, let's go.
[narrator] AJ will be under observation
until medical deems
that he is no longer a risk to himself.
They called that white dude. He was quiet.
He don't really do shit. He don't do shit.
Damn, man.
[AJ] Hopefully, I'll be back.
Hold that shit down, AJ!
[Eastside] I don't know
if you know his story.
AJ's in here for murder.
You know what I mean?
[reporter 1] A shocking explosion
of violence inside a Sherwood hospital.
[reporter 2] One person is dead
after a gunman
opened fire at CHI St. Vincent North.
[reporter 3] Tragically, one person
visiting a patient lost their life.
Little Rock police detained
24-year-old Raymond Lovett.
Police say the victim
and suspect did know each other.
[Don Don] That man was 24 years old.
Yeah, he in here for the mistake he made.
But still,
they can't keep doing him like that.
That ain't gonna do nothing
but trigger something else.
So we all concerned.
[indistinct chatter]
[funky music playing]
[narrator] It's the first night
after the reset,
and Randy organizes a unit-wide meeting
to address the looming vote.
[Randy] Mel!
-[Big Mel] Huh?
-Call everybody.
Call everybody!
We finna talk,
and when we talk with everybody.
Let's get this stuff together.
[Big Mel] Hey!
Group meeting down here, man!
Group meeting! Group meeting!
I know I've been quiet,
but that's over with.
Nobody finna get me
locked behind them doors no more.
No. I don't care.
No more. No more.
-[Big Mel] Group meeting!
-[Randy] Get down, gang!
So check this out. We're gonna have
this town hall meeting today
to make sure everybody understands
we all accountable for our own mistakes.
If that person mess up,
we have to vote him out.
[Squirrel] They wanna participate
in the meeting now.
[inmate exclaims]
All of the sudden they want
to participate in the meetings now.
[CJ] I don't like being locked down.
We ain't gotta keep
the police coming in here.
I ain't like the police
and getting shook down yesterday,
getting ass-naked.
That shit pissed me off.
Y'all don't wanna go back
behind that 23 and 1 shit.
I don't wanna see that shit no more.
I don't.
I enjoy getting up in the morning,
playing chess.
I enjoy that shit, man. We fucking it up.
Hey. I'm down for voting
a motherfucker out of here now.
No more playing.
See, those people I know
that's talking are full of shit.
Because it's always the same
every time we had these meetings.
You always got the motherfucking ones
that cause the confusion and the problems
trying to say some good shit.
This what it is, man.
Get on some bullshit,
trying to fuck up something for us,
getting you up out of here.
Point-blank, period.
You ain't fucking this up for me
or for who wanna be here.
So we finna vote you out.
Do what you gonna do,
go where you gonna go.
People are trying to talk to family.
Y'all talk to y'all family more than me.
I barely talk to any-goddamn-body,
and y'all trying to fuck it up
for y'all self. Y'all stupid as fuck, man.
But just don't get offended at us
when we get you voted up out of here.
Come on, now. We got locked down
'cause of their hooch.
We got shut down because they had hooch.
Man. Them main niggas talking,
them main niggas got us locked down.
The young niggas are taking this
more serious than the old niggas.
I feel like the old niggas
are all about their respect.
Now motherfuckers want
to vote people off the island.
I'm gonna tell you
something I realized about jail.
You ain't gonna be the only one
going down for that shit.
He can't tell me shit!
Y'all the ones that got us locked down!
Y'all the ones that had the hooch!
[Squirrel] Wait, man! We just said
what we need to do for real now!
It's crazy, man.
I'm gonna have to vote myself
I'm gonna have to wrap
some seashells and some sea turtles
and get the fuck up out of here.
All alpha males just
bumping heads every fucking day.
That's the problem up in here.
But once we can overcome
that shit right there, we will make it.
But we ain't gonna never see eye to eye.
Because we always want
to be bumping heads with each other!
Fuck that shit!
[indistinct chatter]
[Big Mel] Oh, look, we going room to room.
Vote me out. I'mma pick one.
I'mma pick two!
Hello to the no.
Before you motherfuckers vote me out,
you gotta see me in that corner.
Ain't nobody finna vote me off.
["Buff" by Chel Strong playing]
[narrator] The chief and Deputy Dennis
enter the pod, ready to take the vote.
Hey, fellas.
I need y'all to go to your doors.
-Stand by your doors.
-[narrator] Each inmate'll give one name.
Multiple votes for the same person
will result in removal from the pod.
[Dennis] Keep going to your doors!
All right. Good afternoon.
[inmates] Good afternoon.
I understand you talked to the sheriff.
He had talked about a vote.
That's what we're doing now.
That's why I needed everyone up
and at their door
because we wanna get this done
in as orderly a manner as we can, okay?
So this is all going to be anonymous.
The sheets I have in my hand,
they're all the same.
They're self-explanatory,
but you're gonna go ahead back here
to the deputy's desk,
and we're gonna do some housekeeping,
and then just fold the paper in half
and dump it in the milk crate
that's sitting right there
where Deputy Dennis is at the moment.
Everybody copy that?
I want to give them the opportunity
to tell me who's not serious about this.
Who's not serious about making this work.
I think they know,
and they can help their community
by letting us know
who's gonna try to make this fail
for the entire community.
And so I think this is an opportunity
to continue to move forward.
All right. Let's go ahead and kick it off.
-Deputy Dennis?
-All right. We will start with Scott.
Been so long ♪
Long, hard days ♪
They don't say ♪
God's changed my ways ♪
It's evil ♪
I felt the sergeant kind of created
a little chaos with this shit, the unit,
'cause now people are feeling like
they can vote motherfuckers off.
[Hendricks] Fold it
and drop it in the crate.
[laughs] Yeah.
I'mma tell y'all
who's on the board to get voted out.
True Story, Mel,
Squirrel can probably get voted out
because the youngsters
are not fucking with him no more,
know what I'm saying,
on some shit like that.
And then I hate to say it,
but Eastside could get voted out too
because he's been,
you know, lighting the wicks.
He started the hooch epidemic.
They would definitely be looking at him.
He's a target.
My evil ways ♪
They can't write my name down.
I'm not worried about who's staying,
none of that. I'm worried about me.
[tense strings music playing]
All eyes on me.
That's what it felt like.
[Hendricks] How's it going?
True Story is definitely
gonna get voted off the island.
There will be, like,
at least 16 people that want him gone.
I know for a fact, like, for sure,
people want True Story gone.
True Story.
-I didn't pick nobody.
-[Sprinkle] I didn't pick nobody either.
-I'm not gonna do that shit.
-[Sprinkle] Me either.
Who'd you put that don't need to be here?
-[Wutzke] Did you really?
You fuck nut. I put NA, "None available."
["Wicked Gonna Come" by Blues Saraceno
and Nineoneone playing]
Somebody's gonna put
somebody's name, I guarantee it.
Wow, I want
so many motherfuckers outta here.
'Cause I'm really tired of taking the fall
for the next motherfucker.
Having to go and lock down and do all this
because that motherfucker got in trouble.
Something wicked ♪
Wicked gonna come ♪
If Eastside got voted out,
I'll feel distressed.
But it is what it is.
We just gonna have to thug it out.
I am stressing, though.
Thank you, Clement.
There definitely is gonna be some people
that get voted out, you know. For sure.
Gentlemen, that's, uh
That ends the vote.
I hope they don't vote me out
'cause I like being in the open barracks,
being able to move around
whenever I need to.
[Hendricks] Done deal.
[Eastside] I don't wanna go back
to, like, closed doors.
My anxiety and depression
really go sky-high.
So we'll see how that goes.
If everybody voted
for the same motherfucker,
his ass is through. His ass is grass.
Wicked gonna come ♪
Something evil ♪
Evil gonna rise ♪
Something evil ♪
Evil gonna rise ♪
What have you done? ♪
What have you done? ♪
Evil gonna come ♪
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