Uspjeh (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

We were never here.
We know nothing, we saw nothing.
Mrs. Čorić.
Nice to meet you. Lujo Kralj.
-Good morning.
-Please, get in the car.
Until the project is passed
by the City Assembly,
you'll do what I tell you.
You must confess to killing Viktor.
All your money woes will be over.
But you must spend a few years in jail.
If I ever see you near my son again
I'll stick a fucking knife in your eye.
Hi Blanka.
I'm Inspektor Kalić, look at me!
Your dad said he was selling
because he needed money for you.
-Inspektor Kalić?
-Go ahead.
I have info about the murder
of Viktor Batur.
Good evening. I killed Viktor Batur.
I want to turn myself in.
Mihletić. Kristijan Mihletić.
Do you like it?
What happened, Lujo?
You gave me your word.
What did you think
would happen?
You got what you wanted,
everything you asked for.
-We had a deal.
-You broke our deal first.
-No one's dead because of me.
-Tell it to the Batur kid.
You could've cooperated.
I've been offering it from the start.
And what did you all do?!
What did you do?!
Why did you kill him?
He killed himself
when he called the cop!
I offered him everything!
And he was playing dumb until the end.
You thought I'd let Kalem fall through
because of a fool?
Did you want to help him? You did.
Did you try? You did.
All the rest was up to him.
And now it's all up to you.
If we lose just one vote,
everything goes to hell.
I don't mean jail. Heads will roll.
Your heads and mine.
Your speech is here.
You know everything.
Kristijan wanted to come clean.
This isn't over.
-What did Kiki say had happened?
-Why did Kralj want you to kill Viktor?
What is he blackmailing you with?
Why did he stop your confession?
-What happened to Kiki?
-Let's go.
She's just talked
to Haris and those two.
She's just like her sister.
Call your guy.
-You don't want me to handle it?
-You're all over this. Call him.
-Okay. Calling him.
Excuse me. My condolences.
I'm truly sorry.
My condolences.
My condolences.
Whatever you need.
What could I need?
Did you ask what he needed?
They say he killed that kid.
He's a murderer? A murderer?
We all know that's not true.
I'll tell my son the truth.
He's the only thing I have left.
Hi, Haris.
I'm Mr. Kralj's lawyer.
I don't think we've formally met.
What? We just buried him.
-Aren't you ashamed?
-I have a message.
I have two police files here.
One of them contains all your names.
The file that will land you in prison.
The other one's pruned. It charges
only Kristijan with murdering Viktor.
Give me that! I'll turn myself in
after I stick this up you!
First you kill Kiki,
now you threaten us?
He called the police and killed himself.
You're lying!
If you want the truth,
you'll go to prison.
Tomorrow, you'll give the speech
as we agreed.
I'll give a speech at your grave.
I'll turn myself in now. The cop's here,
I'll tell her everything!
Haris, control the girl.
Know why we feel like shit?
Because of this, because of Kralj.
We're acting like little scared shits
and I've had it!
-If you two won't do anything, I will.
Who are you mad at, Blanka? Us?
-What should we do?!
-I don't know.
But you could let me slap this bimbo
the next time she shows up,
instead of telling me to calm down.
-How's it going?
-Never better.
What did your judge say?
When he saw how you went after Kralj
four years ago, he got worried.
But give him some time, he'll agree.
Great, I lost three days in vain. Okay.
While he's dithering,
I'll do my job.
Fuck the job.
Your job's staying alive now.
I'll tell you everything
you want to know.
-What happened?
-I'll come to see you, ask me anything.
-Why do you want to speak now?
-You're no longer police.
But if you want to go
after Lujo Kralj, I'm in!
-Where are you?
-9 Spindler Street.
Lower the gun.
I have a video of Kralj
committing murder.
If something happens to me,
my friends will send it.
Where is it?!
Over there, in my phone.
Show me.
It's Blanka! Open up!
-Get in.
-What are you doing?!
What happened?!
-Kralj sent someone to kill me.
-How did you get out of it?
-The video.
I recorded Kralj killing Kristijan.
I was there.
The attacker took my cell phone
and fled.
You've had proof for three days
and you did nothing?
-I needed time to think.
-Think about what?
You post the video
online and that's it.
That's the only option now.
-Do you have a copy?
I want one.
If something happens to you.
Let's fuck that asshole.
He can try shutting down internet.
My name is Kristijan Mihletić.
I killed Viktor Batur.
I want to turn myself in.
Mihletić. Kristijan Mihletić.
You can't tell whether
she made copies?
We must assume she did.
She told Buda her friends would send
the video if they couldn't reach her.
First Kristijan, now Blanka.
You know who's coming tomorrow.
We have to clean this up. You and I.
I want Haris to know
how serious this is now.
Mihletić. Kristijan Mihletić.
My sister worked for Kralj.
She discovered something
about his business.
They told her to stop digging,
but she didn't.
And one night a truck filled with sand
turned over on her car.
The driver disappeared.
I've been trying to prove it
and build a case since then.
To see justice done.
They write the laws in order
to protect the likes of him.
That's your justice.
She was born two minutes before me.
She was wittier, smarter,
more capable
All my life, I was trying to catch up.
I was always two minutes short.
Why did Kralj want Viktor dead?
You've got it all wrong.
He had nothing to do with that.
What have I got wrong?
It wasn't Kralj, okay?
It was us.
Me and
Vinka and Haris
That was a hell of a day for all of us.
Really fucked up.
You killed him because
you were having a bad day?
Viktor was beating me and
They were there by accident.
It just happened.
You wanted to see the photos
from Vitkor's camera. Here.
There's no evidence there. Just my life.
Jan, no mistakes tomorrow. Understood?
-Good evening, Lujo.
-Hi, Martin.
-Your presence is needed.
-Didn't expect a meeting till tomorrow.
A change of plan. In case you
can't do it all alone. We'll help.
-I've got everything under control.
-Come and explain it yourself.
Come where?
She's no longer a cop.
Blanka says they're threatening you
with my evidence.
Without your confessions,
I had nothing. All circumstantial.
Had I had evidence,
you would've already been arrested.
He tried to kill her too.
I was there. I wasn't armed.
I couldn't do anything. I'm sorry.
Kiki didn't kill himself.
If we post this online, he's done for!
Lujo has connections,
he has influence.
No court in the country
will convict him.
-She'll testify, tell everything.
-If she lives until the trial.
If we post the video, if it gets out
that Kiki didn't kill Viktor
they'll reopen the investigation
into Viktor's murder?
Then we have to do it.
It's the right thing to do.
There's no justice for Kiki
without justice for Viktor.
You'll say it in court?
I'll tell them I killed Viktor.
Viktor was pummeling Kiki.
I saw the knife, picked it up
You want to post the video?
Before you post it,
I'll tell the City Assembly to vote
against Kralj's plans.
You post the video and send it
to the media anonymously.
The Assembly will be
full of journalists.
If I do my part and you do yours,
maybe we have a chance.
One more thing.
If Kralj didn't order Viktor's murder,
what's he got to do with you?
Why did he kill Kristijan?
Because of me.
Because of the vote
in the Assembly.
Call him.
It's Kralj. We had a deal. What now?
That's your problem.
I'll be watching you
in the Assembly.
If I don't see you raising your hand,
you won't need it.
Have you had enough time
to learn the speech?
You've started again.
How long did you manage without
cigarettes this time? Half a year?
You're nervous, eh?
Everything will be alright. Let's go.
And what if you don't have
the majority in the Assembly?
Then it would mean I am really bad
at my job as Speaker of the Assembly.
We have the votes.
We have not heard any answers
to the criticism by the profession that
Kalem threatens the Sava Embankment.
Haris Mujadžević is one of
Zagreb's best architects.
He designed the project.
If you don't think he's expert enough,
I don't know who would be.
The man behind Kalem is Lujo Kralj.
And it's well known in the public.
Thank God we live at a time
when people have the opportunity
to do something good for
both their business and for our city.
Why the rat? Wasn't it
enough to beat me up?
Your husband wouldn't go through
with what we agreed.
I don't think he really loves you.
I'm so sorry you had to bother
with my failing marriage.
Are you ready?
-Kralj has Vinka.
Don't post the video, don't do it!
Wait, Ha Where is she now?
Gentlemen, we were very impressed
by your presentation.
But the vote will be close.
You'll wait outside.
I'll get you as soon as the
Speaker opens the discussion.
Blanka, don't post the video.
Kralj has Vinka.
What the fuck now?
Haris said they have Vinka.
Don't post the video.
The number you have dialed
is currently unavailable.
You'll let her go after I do this?
You have my word.
Infrastructure development
is good for the economy.
And it also creates long-lasting value.
The base for better progress.
When you have big problems,
you need big solutions.
This is not just about us, you and me.
This is about our future.
About the city we're
building for our children.
I have no children.
I don't know who'll remember me
when I die.
But we're not dead if someone
remembers us now and then.
My work is my legacy.
This is my opportunity
to leave a mark.
A sign that I've existed.
Vote for these changes to the
zoning plan for a better tomorrow.
It is a duty. Our duty.
No one will fight for us.
We have to do it ourselves.
That's why I'm asking you
to fight today.
And I promise to fight with you.
And I promise you we'll win.
But first, you have to do your part
And I'll do mine. Thank you.
I'm putting the proposed
Zoning Plan 2018 to a vote.
Please use your voting cards.
Kalić: Call me, please.
What? Now you're interested?
Now that you've got half a brain
and depend on me, you care?
No one gives a fuck that I've had to
do everything alone my whole life.
Blanka, wait.
I've had enough of this shithole.
Good luck to you, I'll manage.
-Thank you. Thank you.
Where's Vinka?
I envy you when I see
how much you care about her.
-That's a big deal.
-You promised. I gave the speech.
We'll celebrate tonight. My friends
are coming. Investors, partners
I want you to come, too.
It's a plus one invitation.
-Where's Vinka?
-She's waiting for you outside.
-When I saw you in that car
-I knew the risk and I agreed to it.
What did you agree to?
Getting killed? I didn't agree to that.
I tried resisting and I lost.
It's over now.
What will we do now?
Lujo's having a party tonight.
We'll go, you and I.
After he beat and kidnapped me,
I'll go congratulate him?
What's wrong with you?
He invited me because
he wants proof that he's won.
Why do you want
to take me there?
You don't think I've been
humiliated enough?
I want him to stop threatening you
to get what he wants from me.
I want him to see you there
and realize he no longer
has to bother with you.
You have to be there.
And when will I do what I want
instead of what I have to?
Starting tomorrow.
Starting tomorrow.
What wrong with you?
You live like this now?
Why should I clean
if I'm not staying here?
-Are you coming with me?
Come on, Blanka,
we graduate in a month.
-If you have to leave, wait
-I don't have to, I want to!
Don't be a wimp,
Blanka'll look after you.
I told you I'd find some cash.
He didn't drink it all,
he thought of you.
This will last us half a year.
Until we figure something out.
He didn't screw you over.
When the money's gone, you'll be
sorry for leaving him to die alone.
-You can't just go!
-That's the only thing I can.
Come with me and I won't
call you Suckacock anymore.
You can't leave your dad!
If you like cripples so much,
take care of him.
Blanka. Blanka!
And tonight we are at the Fenix Hotel,
where Lujo Kralj has gathered
the city elite.
Could you turn that shit off?
Makes me want to puke.
Good evening.
Welcome. Go ahead.
-Pleased to meet you.
-Good evening.
Go ahead.
You're alone? Where's Aleks?
Have you taken care of everything?
Is it done?
-It will be tonight.
-Security cameras?
They're all off.
Perfectly safe to join us.
Martin won't let Aleks come.
They are afraid
Jasna's sister might do something.
Go, find her and finish it.
A ticket to Milan.
-No, one way.
The first train out of here.
Just put me on a fucking train.
-I'm looking for Blanka.
-She's left.
-I don't know,
She was talking about Milan
She found some money here,
I don't think she'll be back.
5 minutes, 10 max.
Baby, please don't go without us.
I hope the pig chokes to death
on his blue pills.
Suck three more cocks and I'll
have enough to get out of here.
Straight to Dubai.
A new pair of tits and I'll shit down
the pig's throat when I get back.
Milan, one way?
No wonder you earned enough
to leave with that fuckable mouth.
-Good for you.
-Come on.
One of us will turn off the light
when we leave this shithole.
Blanka! Blanka!
I knew you'd come.
You'll only benefit
from my friendship.
I'm a practical man.
And a generous one.
That's why people like me.
I helped to save you from prison.
And I don't ask for much in return.
-Maybe a smile.
Ah, yes, old wounds
They hurt and then they heal. Everything
heals, except a stab in the back.
Welcome. Enjoy yourselves.
Oh, good evening. How are you?
Excuse me.
No, find her. Call around,
do what you have to.
Find her. I told you, no more
mistakes, no more excuses.
Invitation, please.
You think anyone's ever complained
that I crashed their party?
-What are you doing here?
-Me? And you?
Stupid me wanted to run
and you're celebrating?
Please go now.
I want to see his face
when I publish the video.
-I want him to know who fucked him.
-Not now, not here. Give me the phone.
Sorry to disrupt your
ass-kissing ceremony.
Oh, Miss Antić.
We finally meet. Lujo Kralj.
Sorry, I didn't prepare
a great final speech.
This is for Kiki, Vinka
and Kalić's sister.
The video of you murdering Kiki
is going online!
Wait here!
You go there!
Where's Jasna's sister?
-Where's Gordana?!
-I don't know.
The first shot's for her.
I want you to watch her die.
Lujo, please.
Put the gun down.
Vinka Put the gun down.
Think of your daughter
and put down the gun.
It all started here.
This is where he beat me up.
Why did you shoot?
Why didn't you let me kill him?
Because you're not the one who
was born two minutes too late.
You're such a stupid cop.
The man who drove the truck
I don't know his name.
But I know how you can find him.
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