Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6
Up there!
He's there!
You go, you go from the side
street. I'll draw them to myself.
Quick! Here!
Don't let him escape Let's catch him!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
He's over there!
He's running!
Quick! Quick!
He's up there! I've seen him!
He's running!.
Don't let him run! Catch him!
- Take him from the back door.
- As you command.
He's running!
Nizamulmulk Hadrath.
They shot Ghazali.
What are you doing here at this hour?
I witnessed it whilst going home
Who can dare to do such an evil?
We'll learn, Hassan.
We'll learn.
And they won't be able
to get away with this.
But it's time to keep quiet now.
Until the examination is
over, let no one know about it.
Don't you worry, Hace Hadrath. Don't worry.
What happened?
I guess a Seljuk soldier shot him from far.
Let's not leave him here.
So, you want Elcin Hatun.
If it is seen fit, my Sultan.
How can you dare this, Kasim?
Take it easy.
Do you forget the customs, Elcin
Hatun? I'm the authority in this matter.
A female lion is also a lion and
never become a lover for a coyote.
I expressed my wish just to stop
blood between brothers and sisters.
I know what your real intention is.
It's your last move to end Kutalmisogllari.
- But you will return empty-handed.
- Enough!
It's not a place to quarrel!
It"s also not a place to
negotiate for my future!
Now, excuse me.
May you be blissful. By killing Ghazali,
you gained the Great Imam's prayers.
This sign was worn by many.
But none of them could become
beneficial for our course as you did.
What about our Head Dai? When can I
reach the reward of being in his presence?
You joined us together.
You got clarified together.
And you'll reach the reward together.
But, you will be patient.
You told me when we completed the task.
Don't worry, the day you will
get the reward won't take long.
Come on, rest now.
Until you are called into the presence of
Head Dai Hadrath, you can enjoy yourselves.
What if they trick us?
They believed us Arslantas.
Don't worry, but we
should still be cautious.
When they tell us the day has come,
then we will be prepared for a raid.
We cannot be caught off guard.
What about Ghazali, what happened to him?
Did the message you sent
to Nizamulmulk reach him?
Brother, did you
We will learn Arslantas.
We will learn.
That woman did it again!
This is her doing
She has a finger in this evil scheme!
Or that coward Ebul Kasim
wouldn't dare something like this.
What if Sultan Melik shah allows
your marriage to Ebul Kasim?
If necessary, I will leave this palace
with a funeral, not with a wedding!
But I will never obey this dirty intention!
You are being waited for.
I couldn't make her change
her mind no matter what I said.
He won't leave without seeing you.
Thank Allah you are fine.
When you didn't come today, I was
afraid something bad happened to you.
Thank Allah I managed to arrive on time.
I didn't let you down.
Your help stopped a terrible catastrophe.
Thank you Turna.
I believe that your cause is just.
I did what I could.
You should go now.
In order to fulfil the truth we left
unfinished, let's meet near the river tomorrow.
You informed Bozkus that you brought Gazali
to Omer Hayyam's house, you thought well.
The palace, the windmill or
other institutions of the state
would not be appropriate for this.
Batinis will never think
Gazali is here. Come on.
Peace be with you.
Peace be upon you.
When Nizamulmulk
Hadhrat touched your heart
I knew this was a sign.
Thank Allah you are with us alive and well.
The book is the armor that protected
me from the arrows of evil. Thank you.
What would you do if the news didn't reach?
I am not doing this job to
sacrifice the pen to the sword
but to protect the pen with the sword.
No duty of mine will require
me to kill an innocent soul.
I saw you and I know you. My mind
has befriended your arm and your heart.
Moreover, we put our
hearts on the same path.
I informed the Sultan personally.
We will keep it hidden from
the people for a while.
Don't let anybody know
Ghazali is here, Master Hayyam.
Attention! Sultan Melik shah Hadhrat.
Thank Allah you are alive and well.
know you are a busy man but thank you
for taking the time to visit us, my Sultan.
If the author of this book is not alive
of what importance my
other matters would be?
Nothing is more important than this.
My brave warrior who
thrusts the enemy like a spear.
Your wound has been on
my mind. How has it been?
With Allah's help
and the strength I got from my
duty, it is better now, my Sultan.
May you never get hurt, Sencer.
If a brave man like you gets hurt
we will forever have cureless wounds.
This attack won't go
unresponded. I want revenge.
Good thinking, conning
to Omer Hayyam's place.
Hayyam can keep a secret.
He keeps many secrets of ours.
Human heart is the grave
of secrets, my Sultan.
Every secret will go to the grave with me.
A wolf
We destroyed another one
of Nizamulmulk's moves. or
The wise man he trusted
so much is now dead
and we have the sacred relics.
Nizamulmulk wanted Gazali's body taken away before
anyone who saw itand we have the sacred relics.
..and he doesn't want the word to get out.
I know him well.
He might be after something even in this.
From now on, they can only use his ideas.
But we will take care of it too.
You'll destroy Gazali's epistle
just like our warriors destroyed him.
While his body is buried in the ground
his shadow must not remain on earth.
It should go with him.
As long as his dangerous
ideas remain in this world
there's no point for
his soul to reach eternity.
Burn whatever is left from
him in the madrasah, Hasan.
Beat him!
Come on!
Don't let him stand up!
Beat him!
Come on, finish him!
Commander Andreas.
I brought you news.
A Seljuk caravan was
raided while coming to Isfahan.
There was also a holy chest
of Muslims in this caravan.
I know that chest.
It is one of the sacred relics
Batinis and Seljuks want.
Commander, nobody else could
have gotten these things but Batinis.
We suspect that it was Batinis
who betrayed our special unit, right?
Then we should make them pay for it.
Andreas, Batini's are our important
allies, we can lose them because of this.
Batini's won't know
that we did this.
And not finding the sacred
relics will discredit Melik shah.
I'll make Melik shah pay
for killing my special unit
by turning their lands into a bloodbath.
It's enough for politics, now
it's time to draw the swords.
Well, Yorgos, this is what
you've been waiting for.
Now, you can shed as
much blood as you want.
Take revenge on Sencer too.
Follow the Batinis, find
the chest and bring it to me.
That chest will be such
a trump card for us that
..we'll be able to start
and end wars with it.
I'll bring that chest
to you no matter what.
And I'll take revenge on Sencer.
You need to train stronger men
for me, Commander Andreas.
Behram said that Head Dai
will soon hold a ceremony.
JWe are going to destroy their
nest and take back sacred relics.
We are going to reveal their plans.
You told me that I was put in a fire, but we are
going to get out of that fire like iron, InshAllah.
You can get out, but aren't you thinking of
people you are going to burn with your own fire?
Emir llteber's daughter Turna.
I know you have feelings for her.
Is there a problem?
You are carrying a great secret
and you are in a dangerous task.
Especially after you destroy the
nest of Batinis, you will be revealed.
Then do you know what will happen?
Unfortunately, by sending information
using that you involved her in this, too.
If they know her connection with you, Batinis
will do terrible things to her in Selemzar.
And there is also the problem of Byzantine.
Your enemies are trying to lure
you into a trap using that girl.
A brave one's weakness is his love.
They are going to attack
you with that love, Sencer.
You always decided
about my life and my tasks.
Now do you want to
control what's in my heart?
Love is a hindrance
for brave ones like you.
What I worry about is that
hindrance will make you blind in future.
I know best about the burden I carry.
Do you think I would endanger
my loved ones knowing that?
She is an Emir's daughter.
are you going to marry her?
Do you think Emir llteber
will let you marry her?
If she is an Emir's
daughter, then I'm a Melik.
But you are a Melik that is
sealed hidden behind secrets.
And maybe, that seal will
never be broken for all your life.
Do not try to make impossible
things possible, Sencer.
What kind of a secret is that
keeps me separated from my
father first, then from my lover? b
We inherit the sultanate from our father, but
do we also inherit our destiny from our father?
Your secret is heavy and your task
is tough and your enemies are many.
Your love will become a r
burden for your heart today.
Either they will trap you with that girl, or
you are going to cause the death of that girl.
Make your decision wisely,
there is no going back from today.
If you don't bury your love in your heart
today, you will bury your lover in the ground.
Even if your soul has passed away from this world, you
are still my only confidante, and my shelter, mother.
I have feelings for a brave one
Whenever I see his shining eyes, I forget
about the loneliness I have in this world.
We did not talk about what's
in our hearts yet, but I know it.
He likes me too.
That's why, I'm waiting
with excitement for
the day we will confess
our love to each other.
When that day comes, mother, I
promise you, I will bring him to you too.
A bad temper harms its possessor
most, stop hurting yourself.
I see a new scheme in this palace everyday.
Now they are trying to
marry me to my enemy.
u S
- How can I be calm about it?
What is this? z
Gifts Terken Hatun prepared for you.
What gifts?
Dower chest for your V
wedding, my gift to you.
You can put your stuff in this
when you leave this palace.
I know your intention Terken Hatun.
But I'm not going anywhere
and I won't marry anyone.
You talk with anger but you are
crying inside. That's how it goes.
The bride cries but will still go.
This is your situation. But
it's time to smile, not cry.
You are lucky you had j someone like Kasim.
You are not the one to decide,
Elcin Hatun. Pull yourself together!
Besides, you will get your
freedom. Good for you.
Get your things right away.
Your departure from
this palace is imminent.
What's the hurry?
I was coming to you, Yorgos.
You've created very big problems.
I was never this close to death.
Nizamulmulk has men
everywhere to follow me. I know him.
He won't leave us alone
before his doubt is satisfied.
Don't linger in these lands.
Sencer is following you too.
Lukas, fear is the mind-killer.
If I vanish, then you would
pull all the suspicion on yourself.
And Nizamulmulk would know
you've been feeding me information.
If Sencer won't leave me alone..
then I will give
him a bloody threat.
First, to the people in his tribe
..then himself.
Tell our men
to go to the river near Sancar's tribe.
The water there is very clean.
You want blood.
And we will chase the sacred relics.
The Seljuks and the traitor
Batinis will pay the price.
Finally, it's time to take down their den.
We've been waiting for
this day for a long time.
why do you look upset?
I'm fine, Aydogdu.
I know what he's thinking.
"Fly, crane(Tuma), to my lover's
land. Tell that beauty I love her."
You gave the news with Turna Hatun.
Before that, she didn't give
your name to Emir llteber.
Every man should have a lover
that will stand beside him like that.
But not every man is the same.
Some men carry such fire inside
the Tumas that try
to help them burn away.
Don't get angry at me, Sencer.
Same person raised us
I understand you the best.
This hair
belongs to a girl I was in love with.
My eyes would shine with her love. But
my enemies killed that shine.
Instead of hugging her in blood
I wish she could live forever
and I would never be with her.
I'm sorry for your
loss, brother.
I didn't know you carried such fire.
I know what Nizamulmulk told you.
He told me as well.
What I'm saying is that
for men like us, if it's necessary
is to stop your heart's desire.
This raid will be our biggest
battle against the Batinis so far.
Behram freed us today. We need
to take his blessings before the war.
Sultan Melik shah is
waiting for you, ma'am.
Your attitude there is inexcusable.
Do you take your courage out
of our tolerance, Elcin Hatun?
I take my courage from my blood, my Sultan.
You can understand me best
Then you can guess how angry I am.
The next time you act
such a disrespectfully
my tolerance will turn into a wrath.
You should know that.
Now, tell me.
Why don't you want to marry Ebu'l Kasim?
The whole world knows my enmity with him.
My refusal is not related to my
feelings, but to preserve my lineage.
If this marriage happens
Ebu'l Kasim becomes the
ruler of Anatolia, not just its Emir.
Then, the Kutalmisogullari
would completely disappear.
If you don't want brothers'
blood to be spilled
you are powerful enough to prevent it.
So, there is no need for this marriage.
Are these all the reasons?
There is a reason that is greater
than all the other reasons
and it's in my heart.
What is in your heart?
Forgivme, my Sultan.
It is not possible for the secret
in my heart to be revealed.
If this secret is revealed,
many people will be hurt.
Let it remain hidden.
For this reason, the day you allow this
marriage is the day you give my death sentence.
I want you to know that.
So, you love him enough to risk your life.
The one that is in your heart.
You may leave, Elcin Hatun.
You're engaged now.
We will have your wedding with
a feast in the summer, inshallah.
InshAllah Basulu Mother.
We raised you, shook your crib, Gulperi.
May Allah destines you with
a good brave man, inshallah.
InshAllah Basulu Mother.
Fight for your honor!
Cut down the hands that tried to harm
the dignity of our women, brave ones!
Don't leave any of them alive!
Are you okay mother?
I'm fine, son.
We heard your voices while passing nearby.
There are heavily wounded here, we
need to take them to the tribe quickly.
Sencer, they are disguised as bandits,
but it's obvious they are Christian.
It is obvious they are the
men of that infidel called Mihail.
People in Madrasah act
like nothing happened.
They don't say a single word
about the death of Ghazali.
And they brought his work
to Omer Hayyam's house.
Sir, Sultan Melik shah also
visited Omer Hayyam's house.
First, Melik shah visited Hayyam's house.
Then Ghazali’s works
were transported there.
And Ghazali’s death is not announced yet.
Nizamulmulk Hadrath, welcome.
You honored us with your visit.
You have been drinking saffron water for
years, inshallah feel the benefit of it.
It makes you have a sharp wit
and we devote our wit for our state.
There can be no grater benefit than this.
It is good that it makes
you have a sharp wit.
I'm sure it keeps your mouth shut too.
Don't you worry, what I see is kept in my
eyes, and what I heard is kept in my ears.
They are not shared with anyone.
You were like this
during your school years.
That is the reason
you are in this position.
If our eyes met Omer Hayyam's,
Nizamulmulk would be suspicious
let alone asking him.
What do we need to do, sir?
If it's necessary, eliminate Hayyam.
Good. You've done a good job.
Now, your marriage situation.
I've made up my mind, Abu'l-Qasim.
When the Anatolia is still hot
such wedding will cause
unstoppable incidents.
I haven't given up on Kutanmisogullari.
But everything in its time.
And you need to do your
job in the time given to you.
As you order, my Sultan, but
I'm still curious, is there
something you are not happy with me?
I wouldn't give any duty to a man
' I'm not happy with. Rest assured.
You wanted Elci Hatun
for political reasons
and I'm refusing for political reasons.
Your faith is more valuable
than my life, my Sultan.
Check the wounded.
Father! Father!
What is this?
A result of your carelessness. How can
you leave the women without protection
when the enemy is all around us.
I'm the head here, Sencer. I'm
not going to learn my job from you.
Trader Mihail was in
my tent. Now they wanted
to take away the women's
life and their honor.
This is all because of your carelessness.
Trader Mihail was your
doing. You only bring trouble.
I'm the heir to a Bey. I
will make you pay for this.
You are a witless man who can't
even protect this tribe's honor.
I will make you pay for this.
If you can't stop your
hand or your tongue
a sword is needed for this!
I heard what happened. How
can two soldiers of the tribe
pull swords on each other
on such a troubled day?
Togan, the blood on Sencer's sword
is there for this tribe's honor.
What you need to do is sheathe that sword.
You can make the unwitted man pay
the price. I will face off the cruel man.
Come on.
Melik Hadhrat.
Emir Abu'l-Qasim.
You came to the palace with
gifts but you leave empty handed.
I leave the palace with
the faith of my Sultan
and the Emir title he
gave me, Melik Hadhrat.
This is the greatest treasure for me.
Then, you should be contented
with the temporary duty given to you.
Otherwise, your eyes that
want more will be blind
and your tongue courageous
enough to say that you want to
marry someone from
the dynasty, becomes mute.
Hit the road when your horse is ready.
If you ever push your limits again, you'll
be the one who gets the horses ready.
Why is Ebu'l Kasim heaving the palace?
He couldn't find what he
wants here. That's why.
What does that mean?
Our Sultan didn't think he deserved me.
However, Ebu’l Kasim has a high
position, he is the Emir of Anatolia.
Our Sultan will find someone for Ebu'l
Kasim who suits him and his position.
Our Sultan showed my value for
him by not allowing this marriage.
Because I told him that I didn't want
that marriage and he understood me.
He cared about me not him.
It is obvious that no one will
see this woman's true colours
until we reveal them.
I'll take off her mask of
innocence with my own hands.
Our sultan will bring
her end with himself.
Follow them.
We got rid of this trouble for now.
But Terken Hatun won't
stop messing with us.
On the contrary, she
will do it more violently.
What will we do?
We will keep in touch with
t our men in the bazaar.
They should find my brother Kilicarslan.
I'm about to lose my patience.
We will go.
Wait outside.
You come with me, Arslantas.
Stop, where are you going?
Who will stop me?
What do you want from me?
I didn't do anything.
But Mihail did.
lAnd you'll pay for helping him.
I don't know who supports you, Mihail
or your Emperor, but go and tell them
Tell them that Sencer will make
you pay for everyone you hurt.
I an official of Byzantium.
You'll pay a heavy price for this.
The only reason I
don't kill you now is that.
Buwon't get away with
the treachery you did.
Your hand that acquitted our enemies
will never be able to hold a pen again.
This dagger is the sign
of my punishment for you.
If anyone has enough
courage to confront me, let him.
The blood I spilled here is just a warning.
The final revenge will be
taken with Mihail's head.
Go back to the tribe, braves.
And Arslantas, you wait for
me on the road to Batini's district.
I have a personal matter
to handle. See you later.
Whenever we get the
news from Sencer, we'll raid.
Be an arrow ready to be shoot, Tapar.
When the news comes,
you will be the one raiding.
Firman is yours, my Sultan.
I want the sacred relics
and Sancar safe and sound.
You said Sancar's
father was a martyr, Hace.
Doesn't he have anyone else?
He has only his mother, my
Sultan. And he has no one else.
Why do you think about
it this much, my Sultan?
He volunteers for
duties without hesitation.
I'd like to bestow upon his
family, which raised such a man.
After he returns from his
duty, I'll do what is necessary.
- May it be easy.
- Thank you.
My clothes are from Byzantinium.a
They are coming from Anatolia.
They are worthy of you
ladies from the palace.
Don't touch the clothes with your hands!
Which one do you want?
Measure two proportions.
Did you find the cage where
they imprisoned the lion?
Don't worry, Elcin
Hatun. Soon, we'll find it.
What did they talk about? Tell me.
They said a lion is imprisoned
in a cage. They'll soon find him.
Let's see who is getting out of the
cage and who is getting inside of it.
Head Dai Hadrath.
Ghazali still hasn't been buried.
His death also hasn't been declared.
I suspect this is a game of Nizamulmulk.
Don't worry in vain, Hassan.
Nizamulmulk couldn't
protect even a scholar.
He disgraced himself
and in order to cover it
he hides Ghazali’s body.
If there is a game, the one who
shot Ghazali, should also be in this.
I say we need to be careful about him.
Behran came and informed me.
He was sure of both of them.
When he shot him, our men was there.
They said the arrow went
right through his heart.
You were also there. Did you see it?
- I saw, Head Dai Hadrath, but-
-There is no buts, Hassan.
You will get rid of your suspicions.
Now it’s time to find a way
to destroy Ghazali’s works.
Check Hayyam.
When Ghazali was shot,
I was around the area.
Now if I appear with Hayyam, I
draw the attention of Nizamulmulk.
Let's handle this matter once and for all.
We can kill Hayyam too, if it will be needed.
If we try to kill Hayyam after Ghazali
we draw all the attention.
- We can't do what you said, Hassan.
- Head Dai Hadrath.
My order is final, Hassan
Don't make me repeat my words.
Without my order
you will never take action.
Do you understand?
Here, take it.
And complete what is half.
And tell me the truth left not being told.
I cannot take it, Tuma.
Because I cannot complete what's
half, nor tell the truth in my heart.
It would hurt us both.
What are you talking about Sencer?
My nights are utter darkness
and the days are foggy.
There are not many that know
who I am, but my enemies are many.
In every corner,
something bad waits for me.
If I can get rid of one, another
enemy comes up to me.
I don't know when death
will come, or how it will come.
I'm afraid of hurting you too.
How can you decide what's
good and what's bad for me?
Didn't you think of asking me first?
I cannot burn you too in
this fire that I jumped into.
Please understand me.
Healing herbs grow
up in secluded locations.
You need to risk touching poisonous
herbs, in order to reach them.
I'm not looking for my
remedy somewhere easy,
if the road is painful, I'm willing
to walk it, I'm not afraid.
Nature taught me this.
How can I risk you being harmed?
How can I carry the responsibility of this?
There is no courage where
there is no fear, Sencer.
Let's face every fear together.
We can fight every enemy together.
It's not true, Tuma.
I know about life in this world Sencer.
I know about healing, I
know about nature, about love.
But you are right, I don't know
how to kill someone, like you!
I know how to keep people alive.
You don't understand me.
-What you are saying
What you are saying comes from
your heart, or from someone else's mind?
It is what my heart thinks.
thought you were a brave one.
I thought I could hold
your hand in this life.
But you are a coward, who
gives hope first, then backdowns.
What you say pierces
my heart like an arrow.
Good then, you know what I feel now.
Ghazali is not buried yet.
His death is not announced either.
Someone's death wouldn't
be kept waiting this long.
He should have been
buried in a grave in Isfahan.
But he has not been buried for two
days and he is not in mortuary either.
So Ghazali is not dead?
I now have more suspicions.
We are going to reveal whether he
is - dead or not, with our own efforts.
What about our Head Dai?
He ordered us not to do
anything regarding this matter.
Any benefit to our cause is even more
important than the orders of Head Dai.
Don't you know that?
We have no time to wait.
If Ghazali is not dead, then the guy
that shot him is also a part of this plan.
He might be the spy amongst us.
And it means Seljuk will take
action against us very soon.
Before then, we need to take action
and reveal if there is a plan. EK-
It is impossible for us to
enter Omer Hayyam's house.
If we cannot enter, then
we will make them come out.
You were right in your suspicions. A
cloth merchant in the bazaar is their man.
My little informant girl says
cloth merchant said that they will find
out about the location of Arslan's cage.
That cloth merchant will now work for us.
If you are brave enough to open Arslan's
cage, you don't care about getting caught.
Call Tacilmulk quickly.
I saw how you stuck it to Abu'l-Qasim.
If you keep this up, everyone in
the palace will bow down to you.
The ones who don't want
me to be successful first.
My father gave me
another important duty.
We are walking towards our
goal in our rightful land, my Gevher.
But it's not enough^ if only you walk.
Your opponents should not rise either.
My brother Berkyaruk has been
doing his duty in his land for years.
If he keeps on shining,
your light won't be noticed.
He is my brother, I can't be sad that
he is succesful and see him as my rival.
I'm telling you, you need
to take the initiative now.
If your head is tilted down when the time
comes, they will never let you look up.
Don't worry. We are
walking towards our goal.
If I get to fulfil ? my duty, then../
everyone will see the real Tapar.
What do you want from me, Emir Hadhrat?
You will pay for the
treason you set for us.
You work for Elcin Hatun.
Emir Hadhrat
Don't you try to deny it. We
know which tribe you are from
and even your family.
We have two outcomes
to treason, cloth merchant.
Either you lose your head, or do
as we say and clear your treason.
What do you need me to do?
Kilicarslan's location is written
here. Take this to Elcin Hatun.
I can't betray Elcin Hatun like this.
Then you and your family will lose
your heads. Take him to the dungeon!
I'll do as you say.
Allah says, "I swear by
the positions of the stars.
And this is indeed a mighty
oath, if only you knew."
There are so many
things to adore in the sky.
Looking at the stars lessens the
sadness, takes away the grief
reminds you of Allah,
fills the heart with hope.
And the sky is the kiblah of the nature.
Being able to predict hundreds
of years into the future
by looking at the celestial bodies' movements
and positions with the help of mathematics
makes you really admire the scientists.
We took astronomy
classes together in Nishapur.
I hope we can keep our debates going here.
Talking about this science with
you has always been exciting.
Who would reject this offer?
Science is about seeing the order
behind everything that is visible to us
and facing against those
secrets that the order lets us see.
There is another secret
that we haven't solved.
There is another light
other than this light.
Never be satisfied with
what you've done, go beyond.
There is another thing
other than all these works."
Head Dai will be very angry
because of what we've done.
How will he know that we started the fire?
I couldn't leave our cause
in the hands of fortune.
We can't wait anymore.
The one who loves his friend
manly misses the fire crazily,
The ones who love but avoid
burning tell tales completely.
What's burning?
We need to go.
We need to go!
Come on! Hurry!
Bring water!
Come on!
He doesn't have the works with him.
We're done here.
Bring more water!
We can go now.
Someone else is going out too, sir.
Come here!
Don't do it, Sadik.
Don't you see? Many Seljuk guards are here.
What should we do, sir?
We need to go immediately.
Head Dai should know
that we started the fire.
He should know the heedlessness
we recover from at the last moment.
Be careful!
The man who damaged Gazali
will damage us from the inside.
Let's go!
Come on!
I can't burn you in this fire
that I throw my heart into, Turna.
Please understand me.
Our love is dying and
yet you're still alive.
You're still a hope for my painful heart.
Be a voice to guide me
in the silence within me.
I don't know what to
think, how to end this love.
Guide me.
I must say that you're a good healer.
I have to go.
Now, I can neither complete my
half nor express the truth in my heart.
I closed my heart to hear, at
least I can be loyal to her memories.
Good news, brave ones, the time has come.
You are going to be in the
presence of Head Dai Hadrath.
We have time to depart from here,
we will be there at dawn tomorrow.
Get ready now.
With the new day, you will be born again.
Send news to Bozkus immediately
without drawing any attention.
He should tell Nizamulmulk that we are
going to be at their headquarters at dawn.
Come on. Be quick.
What is going on Hace?
Is what I heard true?
My Sultan, unfortunately it's true.
There was a fire in Hayyam's house.
But thank Allah, nothing
happened to Ghazali or Hayyam.
It's not an ordinary fire.
They were suspicious
that Ghazali was there.
They burned the house deliberately
to learn if he is alive or not.
Now they probably know Ghazali is alive.
Now both Sencer and the
sacred relics are in danger.
What is this carelesness? How can
you let something like this happen?
This matter will require the
execution of many people, know this.
My Sultan, one of are secret
soldiers brought information.
Call him in.
What's the information, Bozkus?
They are sending Sencer to their headquarters,
Head Dai will hold a girdle ceremony.
My Sultan, if you excuse me.
They learned Ghazali is alive, so
they are going to execute Sencer there.
Prepare the brave ones quickly, Bozkus.
Tapar, prepare your soldiers
immediately, don't come back-without
destroying their place, and
taking back Sencer and the
If anything happens to the sacred relics,
and Sencer, you will pay for it, too.
Handle the fire matter immediately.
Head Dai Hadrath.
What is the hurry, Hasan?
is alive.
You told me that you saw
the arrow piercing his heart.
But I also told you that
I had my suspicions.
How did you learn?
I burned down the house of Omer Hayyam.
I saw Ghazali and Omer Hayyam
coming out of the burning house.
I told you that you were
not to approach that house.
Did you disobey my orders, Hasan?
Head Dai Hadrath, if I did not act this
way, we would be in a trap right now.
I did what's necessary for our cause.
So I'm not careful and not smart?
Of course not, I was at Isfahan, I knew
what happened there better, that's all.
Head Dai Hadrath, Imam Ghazali
did not look like he was wounded.
He didn't even limp when
he was escaping from fire.
The man who shot Ghazali is the spy.
We need to send information
to Behram Dai immediately.
They were going to come
for the girdle ceremony.
They will be in the headquarters soon.
When they arrive, they will die.
The one leading them is Behram.
Behram will take us where
the sacred relics are kept.
Have it easy.
Thank you, welcome.
Here, this is yours.
So you prepared it.
Here, 2 denars is what you deserve.
What do you see in that arrow?
They set the house on fire
with the flame on this arrow.
It didn't melt despite all
those flames. And it won't
because this was made by the Seljuks
and it belongs to someone from the palace.
There is only one person who can
figure out the owner of this arrow.
Good thinking.
Isfizari. Nobody knows about the
iron and the steel better than him.
He will give us our lead.
Good news. They took the bait.
Now we have them in our palm.
The rose that was messing with the harmony
in my garden will lose its head now.
Where have you been? I've been worried.
I bought a few pieces of clothes so not to
arouse any suspicion. That's why I'm late.
Is there any news?
This is the seal of my
ancestor Suleyman Shah.
"We found the cage Arslan is in."
We got it, Burcar. We found my brother.
No more separation.
We've completed our goal.
What if they find out? Maybe Sultan
Melik shah will not let fratricide.
I can't wait any longer. We will see Melik
shah's real face after we save my brother.
We have to go now.
My Sultan
your rage roared through the land and
the sky. What is it that makes you angry?
If someone else is involved
in my conflict with my brother
..and if I can't expose this..
this will never leave my conscience.
Everybody knows your good intentions.
I wish your peers were as good as you. ‘
I have disturbed you in this
rough time but I had no choice.
I have to inform you
about an important matter.
What is it?
Wait here, men. We will give
the news to Head Dai Hadhrat.
Nizamulmulk probably already knows.
Insallah they make it in time.
Have you seen the place
where my brother is being held?
We have, Elcin Hatun.
There are a few soldiers guarding the door.
There must be a spot to enter.
We won't leave there
without taking my brother.
There is no turning back anymore.
Come with us.
Peace be with you, Isfizari.
Peace be upon you, Hace Hadrath
I had different signs placed at the tip of
the arrow of each position in the palace.
No one knows these signs.
They are invisible.
We need to clean this burnt arrow
without eroding the mark on the tip of it.
You are the only one who can do this.
In order to see such an invisible
sign, lenses and light are required.
When I clean the arrow,
I'll prepare that light.
I have complete trust in you
The sign at the tip of this arrow
will tell us who started the fire.
Only you can find out the traitor among us.
It will take a lot of work to clean
the burnt arrow but don't worry.
I brought the men for the girdle
ceremony, Head Dai Hadrath.
What girdle are you talking about Behram?
Ghazali isn't dead.
The Seljuks tricked us.
Apparently they knew
about our assassination plan.
The man who shot
Ghazali is involved in this.
He told them.
Kill him.
The spies of the Shaitan.
Finally, we saw your true colours.
It's time for you to die.
No, it's time for you to die.
Stay with Head Dai, I'll
save the sacred relics.
The headquarters is raided. We need to go.
What about the sacred relics?
Behram Dai will bring them.
And we will fight.
We need to go, Head Dai.
If they see me, I will be exposed.
They must have escaped through here.
Devils of Seljuk!
So they attacked us from inside!
Where is Behram?
Getting the relics must have
taken his time, Head Dai Hadhrat.
We need to leave immediately.
Let's go this way, he
knows where to find us.
Come on.
I will go after the sacred
relics, you go the other way.
Where is Sencer?
We couldn't see him in
there, we killed them all.
So we left thinking that
Sencer must be outside
What about sacred relics?
We couldn't find them either.
There must be a secret passage in there.
Come, let's go this way.
If I didn't learn that Ghazali was alive,
now we would be captured by those devils.
It's ready, Head Dai Hadrath.
This is the smell of naphtha.
They poured naptha everywhere.
This is a trap!
Throw that torch Rustem,
so they cannot follow us.
Arslantas, where is Sencer?
They set up a trap in the secret
passage so we won't follow them.
They poured naptha everywhere,
Sencer went the other way.
Behram took the sacred relics that way.
Then we will go that way.
Let's get out of here immediately.
We found an entrance in the back.
Be patient, brother.
Time for meeting again has arrived.
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
We found my brother.
Nowhere to run, Behram.
I will make you spill
out every secret of yours.
You can take my life,
but never our secrets.
That is of course, if you can.
That's him.
God has brought him to
me along with the sacred box.
Who are you?
I came to your tent and informed you.
Did you forget?
Trader Mihail.
It's time for revenge, Sencer.
You pierced my brother's heart with an
arrow, you will pay for it with your life.
So that dog was your brother.
We're on top of Batinis
whom you were working with.
Now it's your turn
can't see the tracks.
Where might they have gone to?
The soldiers will spread
out. Let's go this way.
Get back.
Okay, sharp enough.
You fickle man.
Your brother had more grace
than you when he was dying.
The battle is not won
by the most honourable
but the one who is
more filled with revenge.
I have enough revenge to tear you apart.
My heart is cold.
Why is my heart so cold?
Get on your knees.
Start begging.
Get on your knees!
If you don't want me
to kill you, kneel down.
Start begging, Sencer.
I'd rather die than kneel.
You stabbed my brother
with an arrow like this, right?
I couldn't keep you alive.
The nature gave me a sign
..that this love is dead.
So you'd rather die?
Then die.
From now on, this heart
gives up on this love.
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