Vagrant Queen (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Requiem for Republic

You should've told us.
Yeah, I know.
I just thought-‐
You thought
she'd have her mom back
and you could just
sneak off with the Sterzaad?
Buy your way home?
I know what family means.
And I know what
I'd do to see mine again.
That doesn't mean what you did
was right, because it wasn't.
But I understand.
I made a mistake.
to her, she made the mistake.
Trusting you.
It's not gonna be a quick fix.
Give it time.
- El, I
- Don't.
- I just need to
- I'm gettin' the hell off
this planet, and then
I never have to see you again.
What part of "give it time"
was confusing to you?
I don't know if
I should be the one to tell her
that she's walking in
the wrong direction, right?
El! Whatever
you need, you've got it.
I just need you
to know that I'm here.
- When my planet was destroyed
- Amae. I can't.
So can we please
just get back to the ship?
It's just, uh
the ship is that way.
Of course.
I'll fix up Winni
and get you far away from here.
You'd be better gettin'
yourself far away from me.
Uh, entering
Arriopan space now, sir.
Fascinating, isn't it?
he's trying to find a kidney,
but I told him
not to make a sound.
Apparently, it's impossible
to fight
its mind control powers.
I had suspected,
but needed to be sure.
No, no, not it.
she is.
Forgot how bad it was.
It's okay, I can fix her.
- Hey, Winni.
- Welcome home, team.
Based on your kinesics, I deduce
that it was not
a successful trip.
Oh, Winnibee.
Let's get you up and running.
Status update, please.
16 essential
components fell off the ship
during the unusually
dense atmospheric entry.
Do we need them all, Winni?
If by need, you mean
essential or very important,
rather than just desirable,
- then yes, we need all.
- I'll get them.
I'll go help her.
You'll be okay?
I need to get
communications up first.
Warn Chaz
that Lazaro has the Sterzaad.
We need to find out
more about what it can do.
I don't think
we should get into discussion
of its superpowers
with her just yet.
I best call Dessai
and the Loyalists as well.
Let them know about their team.
- All right.
- Go help Elida.
This will help when night falls
The nocturnal
creatures of this planet
are both
carnivorous and poisonous.
- Most common are
- Avoid everything again.
Got it.
- El.
- Stop following me.
It wasn't meant to go that way.
I just wanna make it right.
I don't care Isaac.
I don't give
a shit about what you want!
Just leave me alone.
it's taking everything in me
not to shoot you right now.
Hey, that is a great plan.
Then we'd be even, right?
That was a bad joke.
I'm sorry.
No one was supposed to get hurt.
Shut up, Isaac!
Shut up!
You only think about
what you want, since day one.
And you've been so obsessed
with getting back to Earth.
Did you ever stop
and think that maybe
your wife and child
were better off without you?
Because I can
absolutely guarantee they are.
And so am I.
You know it's been 15 years
since I was here, Lieutenant?
15 years since I was
asked to leave my own home
by the very
people I put in power.
Oh, but what a reunion it'll be.
Welcome back, sir.
Shall I prepare the shuttle?
Home sweet home.
You little shit.
[Isaac s
Nice try, mosquito.
But I'm from the Prairies.
Duct tape?
Not helping!
I detect the situation
is raising
your stress levels, Amae.
There are a lot
of people to reach.
This has to work.
No room for error.
One would
most certainly be burdened
by that amount of pressure.
I just
I don't know what's
gonna happen after this, Winni.
- With Elida and Isaac.
- Mm-hmm.
She has every
reason to be this angry.
I don't know if there's
anything he can do, you know?
How does that make you feel?
I mean, if you break something,
apologizing won't
put it back together.
I see.
Tell me more.
Elida's clearly
not used to anyone helping her.
I mean, when is the right time
to broach the subject
of going after Lazaro,
because time
isn't on our side.
I hear you.
You're a good
listener, Winnibee.
I activated
my empathic listening mode.
Of course you did.
It can't be real.
It can't be real.
It can't It's not real.
Sorry to
interrupt your supper, Council.
- But Lazaro's here.
- Oh, great. He's alive.
I would like to
personally escort him here.
Awful timing.
Doesn't surprise me, though.
Pass the baby eels.
What's wrong with you, Lazaro?
I backed you.
I swore to Rykal
you were the real deal.
I put myself
on the line over and over.
Not only did you fail to
kill the queen, multiple times,
you went completely rogue!
Why are you smiling?
I've been working
on that piece for a while.
I call it,
"Requiem for the Republic."
- What?
- You know, if I hadn't
so preoccupied with politics,
I would've become a composer.
Music, revolution,
I'm just a natural creator.
Have you gone completely stark
No, no, no, that's enough.
I've allowed you to vent.
Arrest him.
Did you hear what I said?
I said arrest him!
You were heard.
Just not received.
have a chat
old friend.
You look exhausted.
- How's Elida doing?
- You haven't seen her?
Where are you?
No one is safe with you.
Amae, where are you?!
- Amae!
- Elida
I got you, buddy.
El, you're
having a bad trip, buddy.
Let's get you home.
She's back.
Okay, come on, come on.
Sis, about damn time.
- You're on Wix?
- Yeah.
Elida's mom?
She wasn't here, Chaz.
They lied to us.
To Elida.
And now
a self-aggrandizing psychopath
has the most
powerful weapon in the universe.
Whoa, whoa,
whoa, come again, now?
Lazaro, he has his hands
on this thing
called the Sterzaad.
Amae, am I supposed
to know what that is
It's bad.
Real bad.
Kind of an
unstoppable weapon bad.
You need to get
out of Xija right now.
- Lazaro isn't your biggest fan.
- Okay.
- Get out of Republic Space
- Chaz.
- We have to go after him.
- What?
I mean, we're not
going anywhere anytime soon.
The regulators are
toast and I still need to fix
the infusion coil,
which is probably gonna
This is not your fight.
You said you'd help
them get to Wix, and you did.
You've gotta stop
thinking about everyone else
and start
looking out for yourself.
This is bigger than me, Chaz.
I can't do anything
to change what WE lost.
But I can do
something about this.
I need you.
Wouldn't you
change what happened
to our home if you could?
Get off Wix at least.
Your nearest
neighbour is Carillo,
it's a heavy tourist spot.
Can you get back up and running?
You bet your bucksaw.
Warn who you can.
Get off Xija.
Stay safe, brother.
You're telling me that?
I'm so happy we're friends.
We're not
We're not friends.
We're not friends.
I'm so sorry, Elida.
I promise this will pass.
- Hey.
We'll be back soon.
It's what
Mom always wanted for us.
Why she trained us so hard.
Moms, am I right?
You shot my mom.
That's what friends do.
Who are you,
if I'm not hunting you?
We belong together, Elida.
Leave me alone!
You remember that weekend
we took all that Kromuline Dust
and I spent the entire
time trying to stop you
from taking apart every
single piece of our furniture?
This is worse.
Far worse.
Come on, El.
Esteemed admirals
of the Republic Council,
allow me the pleasure
of introducing
La-la-la-la-laaa ♪
la-la-la-la-la-ah! ♪
What the hell are you doing?
Your new leader
Commander Lazaro!
I know, I know,
it should be more impressive.
I need a better title.
Supreme something, of
the Free Republic Territories.
I don't know, Ruler?
Something with authority,
but not overly
pretentious, bviously.
Are you completely out of your
I wasn't asking your opinion.
Just thinking out loud.
Try as I might,
I couldn't make
this work on you from afar.
But then again,
doing this in person?
That's better.
Old man.
My queen.
- My leader.
- Hath?
Is this what you want?
I forgive you, I forgive
No, I forgive you. Ooh.
I forgive you!
- But I can't forgive you.
You gave him the Sterzaad.
Hath, Hath!
We can't be out
here at night. Come on.
Come on!
Back up, mothman!
Hey, dude.
You like collecting things?
I can see that.
Look, I got
a whole ship full of stuff.
You break it, you pay for it.
I gotta get us out of here.
You know, I
really felt that my
dedication and tireless effort
would eventually earn me
a seat in your esteemed Council.
It seems so ridiculous
now that I think about it.
I led a revolution, only
to be shut out of my own home.
You can see
how that would be so
son of
a Marquis, hmm?
Former aristocrat?
I was just never
gonna be good enough.
You see, therein
lies your issue.
are not the voice of the people.
You hmm.
do not
represent them.
You sit here in opulence.
Another monarchy!
Just without
the extravagant attire.
made nothing better.
Your revolution is over,
but mine is just beginning.
There is no
more need for you.
However, I do have
a gofer position available.
I've given each and
every one of you a weapon.
In half an hour, only
one of you will be left alive.
And by all means, be creative.
And go.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Look at me.
It's okay.
I won't let them hurt you.
Hey, you stay back, mothman!
- Leave her alone!
And Isaac said,
let there be light,
and there. Was. Light!
And it was good, you motherf
Everything's gonna be okay, El.
- For the love of crackers!
- Hello, Amae.
Winnibee, you can't just
sneak up on someone like that.
It seems we are not alone.
Oh, uh he hello.
Please put down
my diffusion chamber.
Drop it.
You should run, Amae.
I I I didn't
know you could do that.
it is a low voltage shot.
- It will be waking up soon.
- Oh.
It is best to kill it now.
I'm sorry.
Oh, duh.
Power was out,
nothing was charging.
Oh. Oh!
Amae, you should
consider a longer-term plan.
Well, thinking.
- Winnibee!
The arms of the Scarabine
are extremely sharp,
adapted to pierce
the exoskeleton
of its Arthropod prey.
Where are you going with this?
You could use
its arm to pierce its own skull
Wow, Winnibee!
Super dark.
Oh, I I just
I just I need a moment.
And that's why you
can't leave the hatch wide open.
Bugs get in.
She can't hear you.
At least not in any
way that she can grasp.
Her symptoms seem to
be the effect
of the Clabvrok venom.
Are her hands cold?
- Icy.
- Then she is in
the final
stages of deliriousness.
Make sure she stays hydrated.
After that,
it is a matter of time until
the venom works
its way through the body.
- Side effects?
- A terrible headache,
And diarrhea.
I'll prepare the plumbing.
Eh, she's had worse.
Come on, buddy.
We gotta get you to bed.
You're gonna
wake up with one hell
of a hangover tomorrow morning.
Hey, there's more
parts in the bag back there.
Right. I'll fix
them in, we can leave soon.
And close the hatch!
I hope getting through
this atmosphere
isn't as rough on the way out.
Speed is your friend.
Take her through
as fast as you can.
I won't miss this place.
Good riddance, Planet Wix.
It's amazing
just how long it can take
to kill someone.
With a spoon.
And Admiral Kavar attempts
a strike, but it's blocked!
Now, Rykal takes the lead.
She lifts her weapon.
And strikes!
Will Kavar survive this?
No, he won't.
We have a winner.
Now, you're free to have
all your thoughts
and feelings, okay?
But I'm gonna
keep you on silent mode.
So, go get cleaned up,
and prepare my office.
We have a Republic to demolish.
I, uh don't
think I brought enough bleach.
You must've used
every last scrap of duct tape
to get Peggy
off the ground again.
I'm kidding. Nice work.
How's she doing?
After the engine started,
she passed out like a baby.
The engine rumble,
it always helped her to sleep.
- Me too.
- I guess you both spent
most of your lives on ships.
It was always the rain for me.
My parents
had a farm in Oak Bluff.
It's this small
town just outside of
And in the fall, before
we were covered in snow
we'd have
these amazing rainstorms.
Everything would
smell so fresh afterwards.
But during the night
that sound
would send me straight to sleep.
Sounds pretty spectacular.
Hannah would love this.
Elida didn't mean what she
said earlier
- about your family.
- She did.
And she was right.
Wherever they are
and whatever they're
doing now, it is their life.
And I'm not part of it.
It's time to accept that
I'm never getting back there.
Doesn't mean
you've lost home, though.
She just needs a good rest.
It'll be okay.
got the controls for a moment?
- I'm on it.
- Come on.
Let's sort those scratches out.
Blood is really hard
to remove from these seats.
Do not frighten the queen.
- You're here.
- I cannot stay.
No, no, please,
don't don't go.
These are not
your loyal subjects.
No, no, no, no.
They will kill you.
Oh. No, you can stay,
Mom, you're safe here.
You're safe with us.
Mom, listen to me.
Please, you have to move.
You asked me to stay.
No, Mom.
Mom, please.
Mom, please, move.
Please, please, Mom.
I can't lose you again.
Please move!
You've already lost everything.
But you're free.
Mom, no.
Nothing, sir.
All the monarchy texts
were burned
after the revolution.
Thank you for
stating what I already know.
Jump off that balcony.
Keep it down!
Gather every Aszagerologist
scientist in the galaxy.
We need knowledge
of all its powers.
Yes, sir.
Turn that shit off
Good morning, Elida.
Ooh, holy shit.
What happened?
You had a severe
reaction to Clabvrok venom.
A prominent
symptom is hallucination.
Definitely had those.
- Where are we now?
- Planet Carillo.
Amae and Isaac
are in the nearby market.
Can I get you anything, Elida?
I'm okay.
Goodbye, Winnibot.
Tastes like meat.
A meat-shake.
Yeah, it's gross.
Really hard
to describe chocolate flavour.
It's brown, sort of nutty.
It's a bean, but it's not beany.
It's like a dessert, you know?
Hmm. No, not really.
Shall I go check on her?
No need.
Um, yeah,
I'll just I'll be over there.
I feel like
I've been dragged
through an asteroid field.
Nausea stage won't last long.
Thank you for looking after me.
That was Isaac really.
He messed up big time.
But we wouldn't be here
right now without his help.
There's a lot of places
we wouldn't be without Isaac.
All of them better.
We can relax here for
a few days while you recover.
- I'm not gonna stay here.
- Okay.
Winni will manage another hop.
I filled her up, I just need
No, I mean
you guys
can do whatever you want.
I'm not gonna
stay here with you.
I I I know
you've just experienced
the worst thing imaginable.
- I can't even begin to
- Amae.
I'm sorry
for dragging you into this.
But this whole
thing goes no further.
You didn't
drag me into anything,
I chose to be here.
And I choose to stay.
To go after Lazaro,
take him down,
- and get your home back.
- No.
- We're a team, we
- No.
We're selling the ship,
splitting it three ways.
Not that
he deserves a cut, but
I'm not a cheat.
We can't let
Lazaro get away with
Yes, we can.
Because there's nothing
worth fighting for anyway.
You don't mean that.
I I really think after
some rest and relaxation
Amae, stop.
We're done.
You're not selling her.
I'll buy you both out right now.
You get your money,
and I get Winni.
100,000 units each.
Sound fair?
It's got a fair few issues.
It's not a good investment.
Worth 50, tops.
haggling me down?
Just sayin'.
Probably not worth it.
For that money,
you can get your hands on
- a brand new Star Freighter.
- What are you doing?
Isaac 2.0.
Brutally honest,
to the point that it's a fault.
You're a few years late.
I'm done being
mad at you, Isaac.
I'm done being
blindsided again and again.
It it it's exhausting.
My mother, she
she taught me
to be so much better
than this complete
fool I've become.
I'm not crazy, right?
We parked it right here.
Yeah, kinda hard to lose a ship.
Well, shit.
Hey ♪
Hey ♪
Hey ♪
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