Valley of Tears (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Rain on Us!

You can't die!
You can't die!
You're alive?
You're alive, you're alive!
Oh, God! You're alive!
You passed out.
- Are you all right?
- Aaagghh! Aaagghh!
No, no, no!
- Yoav, don't look!
- My leg! Where's my leg?
- Don't look. Yoav!
- Aaagghh!
Don't look. Don't look!
-What can I do?
Put on a tourniquet.
- Yes, yes, okay.
- I have a tourniquet!
I have a tourniquet!
Okay, okay
Okay, It's four fingers.
Four fingers, four fingers above.
Four fingers directly above the wound.
Aagghh, tie it tight.
Make sure there's no pulse!
- Right, right!
- No pulse, no pulse!
I will. I got it!
- Aah! There's my leg!
- Look at me
Yoav, Yoav! No, don't look.
- My leg.
- Don't look, okay?
Stay alive, Yoav.
Just stay alive.
Okay, I'm doing the tourniquet
here now.
Doing the tourniquet.
Okay, first twist.
Yoav, I'm sorry, this is gonna hurt.
Aah! Aaagghh!
A little more.
Tighter on the second twist.
I'm sorry.
Here goes.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
No pulse. Yoav, no pulse.
Hey, hey, Yoav! Look at me.
Yoav, look at me!
- You're gonna be fine, okay?
- Aaagghh!
Just stay with me, stay with me.
It's gonna be all right, okay?
Just stay with me.
You'll be fine, stay with me,
stay with me, please.
God, please.
Yoav? You're gonna be fine,
Yoav. You hear me?
We're gonna go to a hospital
or a town or a kibbutz, okay?
All right, listen, I'm gonna
drag you, all right?
I'm gonna drag you.
Are you ready?
Hang on.
Yoav, look at me!
For what?
For staying with us.
It means a lot to us.
I'm sure you would've done
the same thing for me.
What's going on there, Alush?
Looks like BTRs are gathering.
We'll be here for at least three days.
At least.
Vegetables will spoil first,
so let's eat them first.
It's important to eat
Here, let's split them up right now.
Come with me.
We have to talk.
Come on.
They knew all about us, Marco.
I mean, the detectives, man.
Someone's been telling them everything.
Like what?
The dates, the names.
They knew everything we were
planning in advance.
It was as if they were right
there in the meetings with us.
They knew everything.
I think I know who the rat is.
A friend.
A brother.
No way.
How do you figure?
They knew about our stash.
Who knew about the weapons stash?
Only you and I, and him and Maurice.
Maurice would never squeal.
He's too timid.
Who's left?
Akh-Bar El-Khaamj.
So now what do we do?
First we have to get
out of this war alive.
And then we can take care of the rat.
- Got a light?
- Yeah.
- Beautiful here, huh?
- Nice view.
I won't miss it, though.
What is it?
They're leaving the vehicles.
It looks like a whole platoon.
They're coming here.
Fuck me.
What's going on?
Hey-hey! Hey!
- What's going on?
- Everybody over here!
Stay down and get over here now!
Stay down, stay down low!
- Alush, what's up?
- Listen up.
A platoon of Syrian soldiers
and two BTRs
are moving up the hill right now.
- Fuck!
- Looks like 60 to 70 soldiers.
They'll probably reach us
in 20 to 30 minutes.
- That soon?
- Keep your helmets on your heads
and weapons on you at all times.
Whoever can, fills magazines.
We have two options.
All right, men?
One: we stand our ground
and try to fight them off.
But I don't think we stand a chance.
What do you think, Marco?
We'll be dead in minutes.
Or we call in an artillery strike
directly onto our position.
That way the Syrians
won't dare come up here.
- Great idea.
- That'll buy time
until the reserves
or a rescue gets here.
- What do you guys think?
- Let's do it.
And in case they do come up here,
let's scatter all the bodies around
and maybe they'll think we're dead.
- Good idea, Melakhi.
- Yeah, let's do that.
Okay, let's get a move on!
- Yalla, yalla, yalla.
- Come on, hurry up.
- Yonatan.
- You come with me, doctor.
Let's go, hurry up.
Come on, let's go!
- Grab that end.
- Let's go.
Let's go, Yonatan.
Come on, come on.
Get over here.
Get that rifle.
Okay, turn him over, turn him over.
Take his helmet off.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Sulami, help me over here!
Go, go, go, go!
Hurry up!
Another one there.
We need one there.
Take off the blankets,
take away the stretchers!
Take that rifle.
- We're done over here.
- All right, let's go!
All right, everybody
into the bunker, now!
Make way! Come on!
Over here!
Come on, come on!
Prepare your weapons!
Prepare your weapons!
- I got my weapon.
- Let's go, into the bunker!
All right, everybody
into the bunker! Come on.
Hurry up, get in there!
Come on, come on!
- Drop the stretchers.
- Come on, move, move!
Into the bunker now, into the bunker!
Alush! Alush, let me do it.
I'll direct the barrage.
You know I'm the best man for the job.
- Caspi, I'm gonna trust you.
- I'm good at it.
All right?
I trust you.
- Yes.
- Okay. Go.
CO, this is 87.
The Syrians are on the hill.
Request artillery.
87, this is Tokyo,
please stand by, over.
Yoav, Yoav, stay with me.
Don't pass out.
We'll find a town.
You'll be fine.
Yoav, don't pass out.
87, this is Ruler One.
You are requesting
supporting fire, over?
Affirmative, Ruler One.
Battery target blue,
number 7-1-2-1.
Again, you gotta fire now.
The Syrians are coming at us.
It has to happen now, over!
87, and our troops are there?
Check urgent assistance.
Affirmative, affirmative.
The Reds are on top of us!
Bombard us overhead fire!
Fire on us now. Fire!
87, copy that.
Prepare for rain.
This is Ruler One, over.
Commencing fire. Over.
Ruler, where's the fire?
We don't see it.
Begin barrage, over.
Interval of four seconds.
See anything?
- Yeah! That's it, that's it!
- Caspi, get over here!
Caspi, get into the bunker!
I have to see where it comes out!
- Caspi, get in here!
- Ruler, you're close.
Now just add 50 more meters.
Caspi, are you insane?
This is Ruler One, continuing barrage.
You did it.
Now get your dumb ass in here!
Caspi! Caspi!
Target maximum.
10-minute pace.
Ruler, you're doing great.
87, over and out!
- What?
- Where's he going?
Nothing? Why are you
reacting like there is.
Marco, huh?
I just talked to him.
It's not him.
It has to be Maurice,
the little son of a bitch.
Yoav, I see a bus stop.
Maybe there's a pay phone.
Just a little bit more, okay?
We can do this.
We can do this.
Deputy Adir, where were the wounded
from Mas'ade evacuated to?
There were no wounded.
Everyone's dead.
Can you give me details?
You'll have to raise Pike on the radio
for more than that, over.
Copy that.
Where's the gear?
What about the gear?
This is Dafna from the war room.
I'm requesting status on
the dead and wounded, over.
There was a skirmish near the booster.
Hanan Sanderson and Gilboa Bar
are confirmed dead.
I'm sorry to hear that.
What about the wounded, over?
Yes. Reports are
that Modi Eyal's platoon
was wiped out entirely.
I hate to tell you,
they were burned alive.
That's all I have.
I'm sorry, I have to
get off the line now. Out.
Tokyo, please help us! Tokyo!
Tokyo, please, we need relief.
Modi Eyal's platoon is gone.
- Modi Eyal?
- Yes.
He's the fourth casualty
from my kibbutz.
Yes! Make it rain!
Bring down the rain on me, yes!
Give me rain, give me rain!
Bring down a rainstorm
on this fuckin' hill!
Get over here!
- Caspi!
- Oh!
Get over here now!
Four shells, four shells a minute.
Fucking clockwork!
Boom, boom, boom!
The bastards won't dare come
up here now, mark my word!
Yeah, you did good, Caspi.
Now sit down.
Looks like we have some time.
How about we play a little game,
to get to know each other?
We say our name
and our favorite animal.
Who wants to go first?
I'm Eran.
And I'll say a whale.
Pitzi, Parrot.
I'm Melakhi.
And I like songbirds.
Sulami, we skipped you.
A cow
I could eat a whole herd of cows
right about now.
I'm Caspi.
And I have a
a retriever.
He's 13 now, but he still
acts like a puppy.
He's a good boy.
His name's Rafa.
Oh, sweet Rafa!
Ohh, you're so cute!
- Let me see.
- Of course he has a dog. Yeah.
You're sweet.
Hey, let me see those.
- Pass me the pictures.
- Whoo!
Whoa! Is this the girlfriend?
Aviram's girlfriend.
Give me the pictures back.
- Let me see that.
- Give me the pictures back.
Give me the pictures back!
Give them back!!
Hey, man, calm.
Favorite animal?
Hi, I'm Yoni.
And a seagull.
Wait, wait, wait, seagull?
A seagull?
What's your last name?
Yoni Ben-Dror.
No fucking way, you're Yoni Ben-Dror?
Your dad's been looking
everywhere for you, man!
- Caspi, give me the radio now!
- My My dad?
Give me the damn radio!
He's searching for you!
Caspi! Give me the goddamn
radio! Where is it?
I left it outside.
Go, go, go!
You see him? Caspi!
Come on!
Get Caspi back!
Caspi! Caspi!
- Caspi!
- Get him inside!
- Caspi!
- Help me pick him up!
Get back inside!
Damn! Help me!
Help me pick him up!
- Come on!
- Aah!
Go, go!
Come on!
Move it, move it, move it!
Come on, let's go!
Come on, move! Move!
Move, move, move!
Go, go!
Clear the way!
Put him down over here, lay him down!
Grab his feet!
Move! Move!
Hold on, I'll come help.
Caspi, calm down.
You're making it worse.
What happened to him?
Caspi, Caspi, where are you hurt?
Caspi, look at me, look at me.
Stay with me, stay with me!
Here's water.
Here's water.
You're all right, you're all right.
Hey, hey, it's okay.
You're all right.
Let me see.
There. It's okay.
You're all in one piece.
You hear me?
You're all right.
You're okay, you're okay.
You hear me?
You're good. You're good.
Yeah. You've seen worse.
But that's all we know.
If anything changes,
report to me immediately.
Okay, men!
Everyone listen up.
I know you've all heard
what's happened.
The southern Golan Heights
has been breached.
But that doesn't make it a lost cause.
Reserves are preparing
to hold the lines.
We just have to reevaluate
the situation.
You're doing great work,
but you haven't slept for 30 hours.
So you're exhausted.
And that's natural.
We're not machines.
What I ask is that
besides listeners and officers,
everyone take a five-minute
breather, okay?
Wash your faces.
Make a phone call.
Be back in five minutes.
Now go.
People shouldn't have to
hear they lost a loved one
from some random stranger,
or just through the grapevine.
Yes, you're right.
They deserve an official notice.
These soldiers' families
deserve to hear it
in a dignified, official manner.
And they should hear it immediately.
Yeah, but the pain is the same
whoever tells you about it.
Okay, I'll get back to the lists.
I'm really sorry
that we couldn't get to Yoav.
It's okay.
I know that you tried your best.
As soon as there's time,
I'll have you inform
the families properly.
All right.
Dafna, Dafna.
This is Melakhi, do you read?
Dafna? Do you read?
Melakhi, I'm here.
Good to hear your voice, over.
Is this Dafna?
I think I must have the wrong number.
You're supposed to say "over"
when you're done, Melakhi.
Always been a heartthrob.
Dafna honey
How are you?
How are things at home?
Today I went to the beach
with some friends.
Then we had coffee and cake.
Now I'm going to a concert.
I just called the babysitter, in fact.
That's great.
Listen, over.
Don't ask what I found
on the way to Woodstock, baby.
You're supposed to say "over"
when you're done, Melakhi.
- Over.
- Uh
Girl, I swear, you drive me crazy.
Listen, stat, stat, stat!
Get me the journalist now!
'Cause I found his son alive
and kicking!
Meni's gonna freak out!
Are you sure?
What do you mean,
"Am I sure?"
He's sitting right here.
Hold on, I'm going to get Meni.
Your dad is a legend.
A legend!
Marco, if you only saw
the Valiant he drives.
Oh man, dude, you'd die.
Melakhi, it's Meni, do you read?
Is Yonatan all right?
Yes, he can hear you.
Yonatan, are you there?
It's your dad.
This is Seagull.
Let me hear you, over.
Talk to him.
Say something.
Yoni, I'm so glad you're all right.
I was so worried.
Can you hear me?
Mm. Talk to him.
Yonatan, let me hear your voice.
I know you don't want to talk
to me and that's okay.
But please, please, say something.
Meni, buddy
Your boy here is fine.
I'm keeping him safe.
We'll get back home
and we'll talk all of this over.
Give me a chance to fix it.
Uh, Meni, uh
I don't know if we know how
to get back home.
You'll get back, you will.
I'm gonna make sure of it.
How come I don't hear
the booms anymore?
Don't tell me they stopped
the barrage already?
You're right.
They stopped firing!
Everyone get ready!
Melakhi, give me the radio.
Get me Ruler One.
Ruler One, this is 87.
Why did you stop the barrage?
87, this is Ruler One.
I can't assist you anymore.
We're all dried up.
I have to withdraw from the sector.
Over, and out.
Tokyo, did you hear that?
You're leaving us alone.
We can't buy any more time.
How are we supposed to stop
an entire army?
Someone do something!
Tokyo, do you read?
I've never asked you
for a favor before.
But this is bigger than me.
I just found out that my kid
is there on 87.
So I'm begging you,
get a rescue unit out there.
Meni. Sorry.
- But I can't do that.
- Of course you can.
It's just a matter of priorities.
Listen to me, Ben-Dror.
Dafna's boyfriend's
missing out there, okay?
I'm not rescueing him.
My brothers are in Sinai.
My friends are scattered
God knows where.
I don't even ask.
The country's in danger.
And, yes, it's about priorities.
Get me HQ.
They say us generals
are running the country?
You see?
We're not above anyone else.
Thousands are gonna die.
Give me the Major-General.
Put him through.
Yes, now, right away.
Yeah, we've started moving.
No, we just started.
Of course.
We're on it.
You can count on me.
It looks like the Syrians' objective
is the valley
- Northern Command.
- Hello.
Put me through to
the Defense Minister's office.
I'm not sure I can.
I'll try.
Hello, Defense Minister's office.
Shoshi, is Moshe there?
- Who is this?
- Meni Ben-Dror.
Meni, he's busy.
I'm sure he is,
but I need you to tell him
that an old friend needs him
and it's urgent.
Sorry, I have to clear the line.
Shoshi, no. Don't you dare
- Bye, Meni.
- No, don't you
You can be sure he has plenty
of time for his lovers.
Just a little bit more,
just a little bit more.
Aaagghh! Aaagghh!
I'm gonna go see if
there's a pay phone here.
Damn, no phone!
Goddamn it!
We're close.
Want some water?
Are you cold?
If you are,
I can cover you a little with my shirt.
- Avinoam.
- Yeah? Yoav?
- Avinoam.
- What?
I just want it to be done.
What? Just tell me
what you need and I'll do it.
I want you to shoot me.
Shoot me.
- Avinoam
- What?
Shoot me. Shoot me.
I'm in pain.
I'm in pain, Avinoam.
You don't know what you're saying.
You need to just listen to me.
I'm telling you, you'll be fine.
I'm begging you.
You've gotta help.
I can't do this.
I don't want to.
I mean, just look at me!
Look at me!
Look at me!!
Help me!
It hurts. I can't take it.
It hurts so much.
I'm begging you.
I'm begging you, please, shoot me.
Avinoam, please.
Yoav, I'm going to get help.
I'll find I'll find someone.
You wait for me here.
We're close to Kibbutz Gesher Zvi.
I'll be back in an hour and a half.
- No, no, stay here.
- No.
No, no, don't go.
I'm begging you.
I'm begging you.
- No. Yoav
- I'm begging you.
- Yoav, I can't. Don't ask me.
- It's what I want!
I can't drag you anymore.
I'm sorry
A wounded man does more damage
than a dead man, right?
What did they teach you?
What did they teach you at school?
A wounded soldier
needs medical treatment.
He holds up the troops,
demoralizes them.
- Exactly, so do it.
- Mm-mm.
I'm begging you.
There's no choice.
You know there's no choice.
You have to.
I'm going to get help.
I'll be back in two hours
with backup. I promise.
- I'm sorry.
- Avinoam!
I'm sorry!
Avinoam, Avinoam!
I'll wait for you.
I'll wait here.
But leave me the rifle, please.
No way. No.
No way.
You'll shoot yourself.
Avinoam, Leave me the rifle.
I can't. I know if I do,
you'll just shoot yourself.
Avinoam, leave the rifle.
If the Syrians get here,
I can't protect myself.
Give me the rifle right now!
No. No.
I won't do it.
Avinoam, leave the rifle!
That's an order!
Leave the rifle!
Aaah! Aaah! Aaah!
Leave me the rifle!
Do you promise you won't
I promise. I promise.
I promise.
Cock the rifle for me.
I'm going, but I'll be back, I promise,
and I'll bring backup.
I promise you.
My pocket, Avinoam.
- My pocket.
- What? Wait, wait, wait.
What is it?
What do you need?
Hand the ring to me, please.
Find Dafna.
Promise me you'll find Dafna
and give this to her.
Promise me.
I want her to have this.
I want her to have something from me.
I'll be back soon, I swear.
I'll be back. I will.
You're a good man.
You'll get out of here.
You'll grow up.
You'll have a beautiful life.
We're both gonna get out of here.
We're both gonna be okay.
I'll be back.
I promise you.
Avinoam, remember.
Okay. Remember what I said.
You have to dive in.
You have to dive in.
Now go.
Get outta here.
Get outta here!
Count on me.
I heard what you said earlier.
And you're right.
There's no excuse
for all this confusion.
It's not right
that the families have to wait
sometimes days, weeks
to hear news about the fate
of their loved ones,
in the dark, just relying on rumors.
I only write names we know for sure.
Confirmed reports.
Dafna, I'm appointing you
to put things in order.
Tokyo, this is Prague 1.
Does anyone read? Over.
Prague 1, this is Tokyo.
State your position, over.
Tokyo, we're about an hour
from the hill. Over.
- Copy that, Prague.
- Thank you.
Await orders, over.
I'd like to ask every unit
for a manpower report
so we know how many are left and where.
That's too dangerous.
We know
Prague 1, take all your vehicles
and proceed to 87.
We have a unit waiting for rescue.
Go with all speed, top priority.
Copy that, but it contradicts
I received earlier.
Who are these orders from, over?
As high as it gets, the HQ commander.
Leave now, leave now.
Over and out.
This is Prague 1,
en route to 87. Over.
I could use some help
with the assignment.
Maybe another female soldier?
You got it.
Meni? What'd you do?
Who was on the radio?
I said hi to friends.
You're mature enough to understand.
The people we love have to come first.
For you, that's Yoav,
and for me, that's my son,
with all due respect
to this Zionist experiment.
I'm sorry.
I'm going in and canceling the
order you just gave right now.
And stay away from the radio
from now on.
That's an order.
He's my son.
He's my son.
Medics! We have another team
of wounded coming in.
Right behind you!
Let's go, let's go!
Clear the way.
- He's bleeding out!
- Coming through!
- Soldier, we got two more!
- Right here!
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