Vampires (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

The Alpha and the Omega

Thank you.
Admit it. You liked it.
To tie me up.
It makes you horny.
I thought you would choose
the crippled boy over me.
You're nothing to me.
You're just currency.
You're no better than your family.
Who decided to abduct me?
This is fucked up.
My mother won't forgive you.
Nobody can touch me.
Rad is here.
I just need to shout.
Don't worry. I'm in no hurry to get home.
I'm fine with you.
What about you?
Outside, there's going to be a war.
The Elder being alive
she'll seek revenge.
Playing chase like our mothers.
I burn you, you burn me.
We've had enough, right?
This is where sexual frustration leads.
- Shut up. You're disgusting.
- Promise me we won't be like them.
Let it go.
A little madness.
Shut the fuck up!
Don't move.
We're the same, actually.
I just knew right away.
The first time I saw you.
[bangs on door]
I'll never be like you.
[Rad] Are you okay?
[theme song playing]
What are you doing?
I know that Rad has abducted Elise.
Shit. You're still talking about that.
I told you Rad didn't touch her.
Stop it. I've called her.
I've called her a hundred times.
She's not at her office or at her house.
There's nothing left at her house.
No more blood bags. It's been cleaned.
Maybe she got scared. It's understandable.
You know Rad is weird,
but he has principles.
He wouldn't attack someone
that has helped us.
Did you know he threatened her
when my father died?
He has traumatized her.
Don't mistake your enemy.
Rad has nothing to do with that.
Are you sure?
If it'll make you feel better, go ahead.
The code is Mom's birthday.
You should have guessed.
You feel better?
Come on, there's nothing here.
Indeed. Where's all the stuff?
What are you talking about?
His drum kit, his instruments, all that.
I remember.
It wasn't there. Only the piano.
Bullshit. I remember clearly.
There were boxes of eggs on the wall.
Ah, you're talking about Aulnay.
It was 15 years ago.
He used to squat at an abandoned house
to play music.
If it's not here, it must be over there.
Come on. I have to go.
Irina, if we find Elise,
she can help us all.
You, Mom, Rad.
And how she would do that?
Your genes are not irreversible.
It's called gene therapy.
Don't you want to feel the sun
on your skin? And
To get out of my basement.
To walk on the beach.
[Irina] Mom?
What are you doing?
I'm getting ready.
We're going far away.
It's useless.
You know it will never stop.
I've called Piotr.
He'll help us.
- You called Dad?
- Yep.
You've been telling us he's an asshole
for 70 years.
I'm protecting you.
The Elder has been stabbed.
The Community will never forgive us.
Unless they think you're dead.
What? That's nice.
I'd rather see your father
than end up buried alive.
We leave tonight.
No, we don't. We negotiate.
- With Csilla?
- We've got her son.
She's totally vulnerable.
The leaked video.
The Elder stabbed under her roof.
The Community is turning against her.
She's been summoned tonight.
- And you want to go?
- We're going together.
We demand justice for what she has done.
She can't get away with it.
Marion told me where they're meeting.
She'll let us in.
It's too late, honey.
We have to go. It'll be good for us.
Go where?
You want to leave now?
[Martha] While things cool off.
They won't. After what we've done?
They'll know. They'll find us.
They'll lynch us.
[Rad] And they'll burn us.
Nobody will help us. Least of all Dad.
Unless I save the Elder.
What? She's not dead, apparently.
Who told you that? Ladislas? Did he?
I saved Mom with my blood. It could work.
Let me make things right.
What you're proposing is dangerous.
I'm scared for you.
Don't be.
You made me.
You gave me everything.
Your strength.
It's hard for you to picture yourself
living elsewhere?
Can't say. I don't know anything else.
And Nacer?
Nacer, it's over.
I fucked up. He probably hates me.
That's what I thought
when I first met your father.
Your father was so charismatic.
He loved the light.
I had spent 200 years hidden.
I was living in the shadows.
How did it go?
I got an appointment at his office.
I just jumped on him.
Really? You ate him?
I learned to control myself later.
We learned together.
It's hard, but we can do it.
- When did he know?
- Soon.
I told him.
There's no love if you don't open up.
That's the secret
to controlling your urges.
[piano playing over headphones]
Finding your own style is complicated.
Your own individual style.
It takes time.
We got time.
I've gotta go.
I need to keep an eye on a Nemeth.
I'll put on your lullaby.
[piano stops, then heavy metal playing]
[Doina] He's coming?
[Moji] He has to.
The 50 favorite texts of examiners.
He's coming to get that?
Of course.
You're like this?
Nacer, you'll see. I swear, you'll laugh.
Actually, Doina is interested
in this book, too.
I don't want to choose between you two.
I'll leave the book here.
You can cut it in half.
You can review 25 texts each.
I'll let you decide.
Keep me posted. Anyway
Nacer. Can I talk to you, please?
Sorry for what happened at Clarisse's.
I don't know what's going on in your life,
but it seems fucked up,
and I'm not interested anymore.
It's a mutation.
A long time ago, 500 years ago.
There was a plague, a different one.
A lot of people died.
Very few survived.
And those who survived
The virus changed them.
They were different.
Different how?
They couldn't eat properly anymore.
They had to drink blood.
They couldn't digest anything.
They couldn't bear the sun either.
It would burn them.
Anyway, that's why they had to hide.
To survive.
And those people are your family?
What I'm telling you, don't tell anyone.
- No, never.
- Never.
- Otherwise, we're dead.
- Why?
Because people don't understand.
It is what it is.
Maybe you don't understand people.
It's different with you.
We take off?
I can't. I have a family thing.
Tonight, then?
It's going to take a while.
Or tomorrow?
Very early.
Come in.
It's your fault if the Elder is dying.
You shouldn't have let Martha Radescu
come back. I warned you.
[Csilla] It's true. I was wrong.
I believed in reconciliation.
It was a mistake.
Martha was punished for her crime.
While Belen is getting better,
what matters the most to me
is to protect you.
All of you.
Cut it out.
Csilla, you don't protect us.
On the contrary.
You burned Martha Radescu in the street.
You exposed us all.
A video went viral.
Listen to me. It was posted on one forum.
We made it disappear and trolled.
It can happen again.
[woman clears throat]
We'll make it quick.
We have a proposition.
We're listening.
I'm the one who hurt the Elder.
Not my mother.
It's not Martha.
[Doina] I fought back.
I'm ready to make it right.
Doina Radescu.
You know what you're saying?
Make it right? You think you can?
If you bring me to the Elder,
I can heal her.
[Csilla] You're funny.
Where is your magic wand?
It's impossible.
Did you know?
[Martha] I understand your reactions.
I was dead. Well, almost.
Burned alive.
Unable to fight back or talk.
It's Doina who healed me.
With her blood.
Her mixed blood
is more powerful than ours.
- You're lying.
- She can heal the Elder.
On one condition.
Don't listen to her.
Listen to her.
[Martha] One condition.
Let us out of the Community. Forever.
Csilla, you have to agree to do it
in front of everyone.
For your son's sake.
My son?
Where is he?
He's safe. With Rad. You know him.
If necessary, he won't hesitate.
You hear her? That's the reality.
They abduct my son.
They assault our Elder.
And there's worse.
I found that. On Martha.
Do you know what this is? Our DNA.
She stole our blood at the party.
- What is it, Mom?
- Call Rad.
She wants to expose us. Get a phone!
- I can explain.
- Hey! Csilla!
Spare my family. Bring me to the Elder.
Doina, no!
We said, "Together or not at all."
We'll let the Elder decide.
Doina, no.
- You have to trust me.
- No.
It's okay.
- Hey!
- Doina! Let me go.
- Doina!
- Stop it!
Where are you going?
We've got your son. Csilla!
Do whatever you want with them.
I want my son back.
Our son.
Let me go!
- Irina!
- Mom!
Come on!
[phone buzzes]
Goddamn it.
[door slams]
[screaming and growling]
[heavy metal playing]
[faint groaning and wheezing]
Is that you?
Doina surrendered.
She wants to heal you.
The Alpha and the Omega.
We share a bond.
How do you want to heal me?
With my blood.
It's special.
[Belen] If that's true,
if all of that is so special,
you'll come with me.
You'll feed me.
Don't worry.
I will train you.
And one day,
you'll succeed me.
But, Belen, she betrayed you.
Martha, too.
Don't trust them.
I acknowledge you as my equal.
They have abducted my son.
We don't care about your son.
Don't get attached to men.
Especially not to a junkie
who will never do anything for us.
Please wait, Belen. I'll help you.
Hey! What are you doing?
Let me go! Let me go!
Don't touch me!
Stop it, Gabor!
Let me go!
Let her go!
Where is Ladislas?
Gabor, that's enough with the vendetta.
We have rules. Martha must be trialed.
Martha, if you have anything to say,
say it now.
This DNA.
It was for a cure.
To give a better life to my family.
You're not tired? Of living like this?
Stay hidden, being afraid.
Scared of being found or burned.
We act like kings but we live like rats.
- She's insulting us.
- Let her speak.
What you don't understand
is that she's our future.
I think we can all be like her.
[Irina] She's right. Science moves fast.
Really fast.
We can change our genes, transform them.
We have contacts.
I want to live free, don't you?
[Gabor] Stop it. She's tricking us.
If we change, we're dead.
Of course,
the Nemeths don't want it to change.
- They don't want to lose their power.
- That's right.
Csilla thinks she can do as she pleases,
she decides if we live or die.
She's above the laws. Even then,
she was supposed to be held accountable.
She went away with my daughter.
What's going to happen?
If Doina heals the Elder,
Csilla will spare her?
You saw what she did to me!
She's going to kill her!
And our future with her.
That's what she'll do.
We'll see.
To the Nemeths'.
[woman] Come on, let's go.
It's me, Dad.
Do you remember the walks in the park?
In the carousel,
you'd put me in the spaceship.
[motorcycle engine revving]
Who is it? Andrea?
Is it Andrea?
Answer me. Is it Andrea?
Andrea! You're a fool.
I can smell your deodorant from here.
Come out! I have things to tell you.
Come on.
You didn't get it? I'm your only friend.
Shit. I don't like doing this.
I've told you, don't stir the pot.
It's for your own good, Andrea.
Fathers are useless.
Csilla would have killed him.
He told you why I locked him up?
I'll tell you why
I locked this motherfucker up.
[door opens]
My love.
They let you go.
Are you okay?
They didn't hurt you?
I'm so happy.
Is it gone?
How is it possible?
everything is possible.
All right?
It's going to be fine.
Everything's gonna be fine.
It's magical.
Taste it.
[Csilla] I'm the new matriarch.
There's no one left.
[Ladislas] Doina? Doina, do you hear me?
Don't go.
Come on, eat.
We have to go.
Can you?
One, two,
three. Get up.
Ladislas, what are you doing?
Open the door!
Ladislas, stop!
Ladislas, don't do that!
Where is Csilla?
Find her.
Where is Csilla?
This way.
Mom? Mom?
What happened? Are you okay?
- [Irina] Did he bite you?
- No. He saved me.
Let's go. You, upstairs.
Let's go.
Come on.
I didn't kill her.
I didn't do it.
It was her. It was Csilla. I swear.
I tried everything.
I don't know.
It wasn't me. It was Csilla.
The Elder has been killed.
Who killed her?
- It was her?
- The Elder is dead.
It's Csilla.
Come on.
If you touch her, I'll kill you.
It's Martha.
- Where's Csilla?
- We're looking for her.
Keep moving.
[Csilla] Let me go.
Martha, listen to me.
Your daughter is fine.
It's us.
We've been hurting each other
for too long.
Time is erased.
All is forgiven.
[man] I don't think so.
[Csilla] Wait. Wait.
I've left you alone all those years.
I didn't come for you.
I've never done anything to Redouane!
Tell me you believe me.
Tell me!
It's a new era, Martha.
Our kids went away together.
You can be the new matriarch.
I'll stay by your side.
Imagine. Me and you.
You never understood anything.
There's never been a me and you.
It's over.
They must be waiting for you.
Don't stay for me.
I can stay a little bit.
Until the sun comes up.
Where will you go?
Far away.
You won't see me again.
Can I ask you a question?
Do you feel my blood in your veins?
[faint heartbeat]
There's no tomorrow ♪
There's no past ♪
There is nothing, but this feeling ♪
And this feeling, I want it to last ♪
I want it to last, I want it to last ♪
I wish we had more time ♪
I wish we had more time ♪
My son.
He got away.
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