Veronika (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

The Diary

-You made me a fucking drug addict.
-I gave you a life.
Hi, Sofia, it's Veronika. I think I
have to call in sick today.
Where did you get that necklace?
It was Josefin's. She gave it to me.
-Alex wasn't there.
-Let's bring him in.
Hanna lived in the barn.
She often wanted to be alone.
This is Nassir's case.
You're there to assist him,
not run your own investigation.
This is a warning.
What do you feel?
Is he there?
He says no one can know about us.
But I still want to be with him.
Alex love me for real.
If I'm with Alex, T will never dare.
Then T can't get to me.
Then T can't get to me.
Then T can't get to me.
He needs support and extra help.
This is never easy. There so many
questions and feeling to consider.
I'm sure we want
a more substantial
It's complex, all this.
I'm sorry, what did you say?
That the results conclude that Simon
doesn't have ADHD.
But, how is that possible? He
matches pretty much every criteria.
Yeah but it isn't quite that simple.
He can't sit still,
he struggles to focus,
it's hard for him
to interact with his classmates.
Yes, we've noticed all of that too.
It's true that Simon shows
some patterns that matches
what you often associate
with neurodivergency, but
his behaviour is contradictory.
How so?
It's as if he chooses
to be this way.
Like it's a strategy.
-What do you mean, "chooses"?
-What we do in situations like this,
is that we look at underlying causes
that have come up
in conversation with Simon.
What we've seen while observing him
as well as what you,
as guardians, have answered.
It's very clear that Simon is driven
by a very strong anxiety.
Anxiety? What about?
Foremost, that anxiety
is very focused on you.
to start with, you work as police,
which brings feelings of insecurity.
"What will happen to Mum at work?"
We have also noticed that he
is very quick to protect you.
Which means it's easy
for his thoughts to stray,
which can seem
like he's very distracted.
I haven't experienced Veronika's job
being an issue for Simon.
Or for Liv, for that matter.
Our children have
a safe and good home.
Yes. We're not here to question you.
We're here to help Simon.
Thank you.
For what?
That you backed me up in there.
The last thing I need
is an investigation by
social services right now.
I can take good care of my family.
If only you had been more present.
Is it you, who's described me
as a bad parent?
-I haven't answered any questions.
-No, relax.
I just told the truth.
For Simon's sake, okay?
You think this is my fault.
-Do you know where Julia is?
-She's in the barn.
Okay, thanks.
Hi, Julia.
Anita isn't here.
No, I want to talk to you.
About that necklace.
You really have no idea
where Josefin may have gotten it?
Could she have bought it herself?
Could someone have given it to her?
I don't know.
Julia, come on. Help me out here.
She sugar-dated online.
He wants to see my pussy
for a Ralph Lauren.
I think I'm worth a bit more
than that, buddy.
What will you do with all the money?
I'll donate them to an animal rights
No, I'm gonna buy my own horse,
one that Mum can't control.
Fucking creep.
-No, nothing.
You can have this.
As thanks for letting me
borrow your computer, and yeah
-For real?
have given her that necklace?
She'd never have
sold herself for this.
Do you know if any of her contacts'
names started with T?
No idea, we never talked about
who they were.
You never thought about
telling the police about this?
-Nobody asked.
-And you just didn't think to do it?
No, I didn't.
So, if that's all, I have to go now.
I have work to do.
Yes, you're the one
running the stables now.
Hi. Where have you been?
At a meeting at school.
Okay, we've got
an interrogation now,
and I think it'd be good
if you were there. Come.
Before you start asking questions,
my client wants to alter
some of his previous statements.
Go ahead, Alex.
I slept with Hanna.
Okay. We already knew that.
We saw each other the day
she was going to leave.
What time?
I don't know exactly,
but sometime during the day.
And you had sex?
Answer me out loud.
I knew she was leaving so
I guess I wanted to say goodbye.
Sounds like you
saw each other regularly.
Yes. I was with Andrea, but
With Hanna,
it was something else, it was
She was someone you could use?
You don't need to answer that.
According to Love Gran,
Hanna was afraid of you.
-Why do you think that was?
-Hanna wasn't afraid of me.
Why would she be?
I haven't even met that guy, Love.
It's clear in the videos
that you're hurting her.
I was young, it's not
something I'm proud of, but
Listen, I loved Hanna.
If we return
to the day of the murder.
You met up and had sex.
Where did you meet?
We were always
in my dad's hunting cabin.
The one that is less
than a kilometre
from where Hanna was found buried?
Look, I understand
that you think that I
But it wasn't
I didn't do anything.
So far you haven't said a single
word to convince me otherwise.
You hadn't missed a game
in seven years.
But on this particular day,
you choose to sit it out. Why?
I'm telling you, I loved Hanna,
and she was leaving.
So I wanted to convince her
not to, and I
But it didn't matter what I said,
she had made up her mind
Did you give Hanna anything?
-A necklace?
-With a golden butterfly?
Do you know if Hanna was
seeing any other men?
What? No.
-Was she?
Was she seeing other men?
-Do you know
-He already answered that question.
Did she meet anyone else online,
or anywhere else?
-Was she seeing anyone else?
-We'll take a break here.
You can stay here,
we'll be right back.
There is a reason
I asked those questions.
Do you remember me telling you
about Josefin's murder?
How can we be sure
it's not the same perpetrator?
Veronika, we have a suspected
perpetrator here,
with no alibi who's on video, having
strangulation sex with the victim.
He's admitted to seeing her
on the day she probably died,
in the area you found the body.
Explain to me, what do you know
that I've missed?
Hanna and Josefin
had identical necklaces.
-Identical necklaces?
-They got them from him.
It could be the man who's convicted
of Josefin's murder, or someone else.
How many young girls
like butterflies? Huh?
They sell them
at every jewellery shop.
-Yes, but
-Not more buts. That's enough.
None of what you've said
has convinced me.
I want you to take
the rest of the day off.
Go home.
-Right, can I have a signature here?
-Hey, it's me.
I know you don't want to
talk to me right now
but I'm at the nursing home
and the bus isn't coming.
Are you driving?
Can you pick me up? Now?
Hey, you have to let me try again.
No, I can't.
-Please, let me try again.
-I don't want to.
Did something happen?
No, I just want to go home.
Rasmus told me
you wanted to talk to me.
Yes, that's right, I heard you and
Veronika had a
discussion or
what you want to call it.
It that something
I need to know about?
No It wasn't about anything much.
She just brought up an old case
she thought might
relate to Hanna Hagman.
Josefin Forss?
-She brought that up with me too.
Josefin's mum called me
the other day
and told me Veronika had been there,
asking some questions.
But, listen
I'll be honest with you.
Nassir, here's the thing, Veronika
has had periods
of being mentally unwell.
She's been on sick leave twice
and hospitalised.
I really hope this
isn't anything like that again.
-So I want you to
Well, if you notice anything,
come to me, right away.
-Yes, of course.
Hey, listen wait a moment.
Can we
While were alone,
maybe we can talk a little?
Yeah, here's fine, isn't it?
I was in the wardrobe
And I was quite surprised.
It looked like that belongs
at your job.
At the station.
I thought this was about Simon.
Are you running your own
investigation from home?
I would really like to
know what's going on.
What the hell is it you're doing
at work right now?
What are you doing out here?
-It started to rain.
-Yeah, it even started to rain.
What happened?
I have to talk to you.
Liv, could you go
to your room, please?
I need to talk to Mum alone. Okay?
I want to tell you now.
And I want you to believe me.
I can see people
who are no longer here.
They show themselves to me.
-I'm not crazy.
This is real. I promise.
-She's here now.
The girl by the tree over there.
Do you see the bird?
Do you see it?
Yeah, I see it.
Tomas, listen to me.
It's true, I promise. Please,
I hear how it sounds, I'm not crazy.
-Please, you have to believe me.
I believe you.
I believe you.
Of course I do.
Come, sit down.
Thank you. I'm so glad you told me.
You are not alone.
You are never alone.
I'll get band-aids.
Hey, it's Tomas.
Yes, I talked to her about it.
I think you're right.
That's probably best.
Okay, can you meet us
when you're at the hospital?
-Dad, what's going on?
-Veronika, wait.
-Hey, it's Tomas.
I'm calling from
Hello, the doctor can see you now.
As I said, she got away
without any major injuries,
but she was psychotic
when she arrived.
We've given her a sedative,
so she'll sleep all night.
What happened?
The circumstances are unclear,
but apparently
she drove straight into a tree.
been a little off balance.
Before she got in the car,
she was upset and well
yeah, confused.
I can see that she's been
hospitalised twice before
and that she's had a psychosis.
Yeah, it runs further back
than that.
Even as a child she had delusions.
She said she saw dead people.
And that they contacted her.
That's what she said to me.
Before she got in the car.
Oh my god.
When will Mum be home?
-I don't know.
-You said she isn't injured.
Yeah, but
Sometimes you need
some extra rest.
I don't understand
how you put up with it.
There's always something with her.
Why can't she be
a normal fucking mum.
But you know I love you, right?
Just once?
No, many times. Millions of times.
Good morning, Veronika.
How are you feeling?
Let me.
Take it easy.
Can we have two minutes?
Of course.
Did you try to kill yourself?
Did you try to kill yourself?
No. No, it was an accident.
I am worried about you.
You are not well. You're sick.
Tomas it was an accident, it was
I was in the car and
But now you're here, right?
And you will get help,
for real this time.
So everything
Everything will be fine.
You said you believed me.
And then you went behind my back.
ghosts aren't real.
Hello, Nassir here.
Hi, it's me.
Hi. How are you doing?
I haven't told you everything.
Can you come here?
To the hospital.
Sit down.
I heard about the accident.
I have Hanna's diary.
What diary?
Hanna's diary.
I can't explain how,
but I want you to listen.
She wrote there,
that she's in love with Alex.
But there's someone else.
Someone she's afraid of,
someone she calls T.
I don't know who it is.
But I think it might be the killer.
I know that the murders of Hanna
and Josefin are connected.
I know it.
It's just Oskar that doesn't fit.
Okay and who's Oskar?
Oskar Lidman.
A little boy who fell in the river
and drowned, five years ago.
He was in the forest
when Hanna died.
I can prove it.
Hi Veronika, my name is Mona.
I'm from the psychiatric ward,
I'd like you to come with me.
-What? No.
-I'm afraid it isn't your choice.
Wait, we're not done here.
Go to my house,
everything is in my wardrobe.
Records, Hanna's diary
I told you we're not done yet.
-We'll talk when you're back.
-No, now.
You have to look into this.
It's not Alex.
Go to the woods where Hanna was
found, look for a gumboot nearby,
it's Oskar's gumboot.
He lost it when
he ran from the site.
What the hell? Let me go.
Do you hear me? I said, let go.
Let go!
Let go of me!
Let go. Nassir!
Tell them there's
a misunderstanding!
Let go! No!
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