Vindication (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

Reverse Traffick

(birds chirping) (squeaking)
(gentle orchestral music)
-Everyone stay alert,
he should be here soon.
-[Man] Everything hurts.
-Just stop complaining,
Marky, you chose that position.
-No, I didn't.
I most certainly did not.
You put me up here.
-Let's keep the chatter
off the line, please.
-Yes sir, sorry.
-Maybe next time I should
be the one in the swing.
-Yeah, if we need somebody much older.
You know, somebody more seasoned.
(humming engine)
I've got a visual on the truck.
-[Man] Is it the guy?
-Is that the right truck?
-That's him.
-This is our guy.
(door closes)
Hey why don't you give
him a smile and a wave.
That's good.
Come on, buddy.
Banks, watch his hands.
(rattling fence)
-He's getting really close to her.
-Travis, do you want me to
try to move to a new position?
-Do not move until I give the call.
(radio static)
-Somebody say something.
-Banks, can you hear me?
(radio static)
-Guys, you hearing me?
-[Man] Hey there.
It's nice to finally meet you.
-[Man] He's starting to talk.
-You're not worried about it?
-No, she knows the drill.
-[Man] I was afraid
that you wouldn't show.
Do you wanna come get in my truck?
I've got those cheese
fries that you said you liked.
-That was the word, go,
move move move move.
(soft suspenseful music)
-Holt, Holt are you there?
(radio static)
-Are we a go, Travis, are we a go?
-Guys, move.
(radio static)
It's, you hearing static?
-Banks, do you copy?
(radio static) (dramatic orchestral music)
-[Man] Are you ready to get in the truck
like we talked about?
-[Man] Move guys.
-Should we go?
(ignition bell ringing)
(door slams)
(dramatic orchestral music)
On the ground!
On the ground, on your knees!
(dramatic orchestral music)
Cross your ankles.
Extend your arms.
Arms toward me.
Palms toward me.
(cuffs rattling)
-You okay?
It's okay, it's over.
(dramatic orchestral music)
-That's the hard part.
Read him his rights.
-[Woman] You have
the right to remain silent.
Anything you say--(audio fades)
(dramatic orchestral music)
-Would you like some water, Mr. Davis?
This is Detective Gary Travis interviewing
Malcolm Davis, time is 4:17 on March 26.
Mr. Davis has declined to
have an attorney present
during the---Are you the person
I need to speak to
about getting out of here?
-No, the judge determines bail.
-You see, there's um,
there's been a misunderstanding.
So if we could you know, clear this up now,
I'd certainly appreciate it.
-You are aware of the
charges against you, Mr. Davis?
-It's not what you think.
-Well I think that I
recognize solicitation
of a minor when I see it.
-(sighs) Please, please (laughs)
you must believe me when I tell you,
I was there under the purest of intentions.
-Oh, you thought you were
buying girl scout cookies?
-Well no.
-Because the ad that you responded to
made it very clear what
services were being offered.
-[Davis] I was there to rescue her.
-[Travis] Rescue her?
-[Davis] That's right.
-Like a puppy from the pound?
You need a pet?
Then what?
(grunts) (distant party music)
-Hi, you are really cute.
I'm glad you came, come on in.
(distant party music)
So, what kind of date were you looking for?
I mean, it's whatever you're into, right?
Or you could just sit and watch.
That's fine too I guess.
What's your name?
-Oh right.
(sighs) I'm Stacy.
It's nice to meet you.
-What's your real name?
-Why does that matter?
-[Davis] It matters to me.
-Why, are you a cop?
-(stuttering) I just wanna
know your real name.
-(laughs) Well can we,
can we just get on with the date?
-This isn't a date.
-(sighs) Then what are you here for?
-I don't know the circumstances
that brought you here,
but I do know
that you are a beautiful strong woman
and you are loved.
You don't deserve all this.
-What are you doing?
-If you could walk away
from all this right now,
would you do it?
-Yeah and where would I go?
-Come with me.
No, no strings attached, okay?
I can provide everything you need,
food, shelter, medical care.
You can have your life back.
they won't let me leave.
-Talking about the guy outside in the car?
I already gave him the first half.
Here's the second.
Give that to him
and then um, I'll be
waiting at the soda machine.
-Why would you do this for me?
-Because you're worth it.
-[Woman] Claire.
-I'm sorry?
-My name is Claire.
-You have a beautiful name.
(door closes)
-What a lovely story, Mr. Davis.
-Truly I tell you, whatever
you did for the least
of these brothers and
sisters of mine, you did for me.
-So God made you do this?
God make you do this too?
Text exchange between you and a girl
who you thought was 15 years old.
-[Davis] 12.
-[Travis] S'cuse me?
-I thought she said she was 12,
but maybe that was the other one.
-You sure you don't want an attorney?
What else do you have to tell me?
-What'd you pay for that cup of coffee?
-[Travis] Why?
-Because whatever you
paid for that cup of coffee
is the same price you would
pay for a woman in Mozambique,
a girl in India.
Full week's paycheck will get you
a woman in the Middle East.
-You travel a lot, Mr. Davis?
-[Davis] You're missing my point.
-Am I?
-What do you think's the going rate
for one of these girls advertised online?
100 bucks, maybe two?
-I don't know, you tell me.
-Now multiply that by 20
times a day and it's all profit.
It's not like drugs.
I mean, they can just keep selling them
over and over and over and over. (crying)
-[Travis] Okay, get to the point.
-These are beautiful children of God.
They're being bought and
sold like trash at a flea market.
So I pay whatever I must. (sniffs)
And I set them free.
-So your story is you troll the Internet.
You find these girls, you
pick em up and then what?
You take them back to their home?
-They're usually runaways.
Don't really have a home to return to,
so I uh,
take them back with me
til we can get suitable
accommodations for them.
-How many girls have you found
suitable accommodations for?
-Um, 20 or 30 maybe.
-I want you to hear something.
These are your words.
You're pretty, how old are you?
She says, 15.
You say, wow, you look older than that.
She says, lol, how old are you?
You say, way older than 15.
She says, cool, I like older guys.
Then you say, great, you're
gonna really love me then.
Sounds to me like that's
someone looking for
more than suitable accommodations.
What do you think your wife's gonna say
when she reads this?
-She's the one that wrote it.
(sighs) (slow dramatic music)
(walking footsteps) (crickets chirping)
(slow dramatic music)
(slow dramatic music)
(knocking) (gasps)
-Oh my god. (gasps)
-It's okay, it's okay,
I'm a police officer.
This is my house.
(gasping) (laughs)
-Dad, what are you doing?
-What do you mean, what am I doing?
-Brooke, are you okay?
-[Travis] I don't even know who this is.
-What, you know what?
Everyone calm down.
-No, you calm down.
-I'm calm.
-What did you do?
-(stuttering) What do
you mean, what did I do?
I didn't do anything.
I'm just standing here.
-(laughs) Obviously you did.
-You know, how is this my fault?
(crickets chirping)
You knew about this?
-I forgot to call.
I thought you'd be okay with it.
-Okay with what?
-I'm so sorry.
-[Travis] Does someone
want to tell me what's going on?
-Well it's nothing, really.
-To put it nicely, her
boyfriend, Troy, lost his mind.
So I told her she could stay.
-Has he physically harmed you?
You wanna file a police report?
-Yeah she does.
This isn't the first time--
-I got it.
-I mean, he gets like this sometimes but
it's not who he is.
Look, I'm sure he's fine now.
I can just go.
-Brooke, seriously?
I don't want you to be hurt.
-He's probably back to normal.
(laughs) We go through
this every few months
and I overreacted.
-Gary, let's let her spend the night.
-(laughs) Well I just
think a woman's shelter
would be more appropriate.
(laughing) What?
-Hold on, Brooke has
always been there for me.
We're not just going to
ship her off to some shelter.
-What about the church?
Don't they have a program?
I'll give em a call tomorrow.
-So there's no reason
she can't spend the night.
-No, there's not.
She can stay the night
and we'll talk about it in the morning.
If you wanna file that
report, just let me know.
-It's going to be okay.
(ticking clock)
(clicking keyboard)
-That sting from yesterday,
wife just showed up.
-Is she filing divorce papers already?
-Not exactly.
-What does she want?
-I want this man's resignation.
-Ma'am, you need to calm down.
-My husband is a good
Christian man, not some criminal.
You need to let him go.
-Miss. Davis, your husband
solicited a minor online,
then showed up to meet her.
-Well actually, he was
trying to meet with two girls,
but thanks to your little mix up,
he didn't get to the other one.
-You knew about this?
-Well yeah.
-That makes you an accomplice.
-Well you know, if
helping these poor girls,
you should see them, you
should see how bad they are,
if that's a crime, guilty.
-So your husband says
you've done this before?
-27 times and counting.
-I don't buy it.
Pimp's not just gonna let their girls go
without any repercussions.
-Not always.
Sometimes we have to
negotiate a price for their release.
-How much have you spent on all this?
-Oh money, money, money,
is that all you guys care about?
A little over 200,000. (blows raspberry)
-(laughs) That is a lot
of cash to throw around.
-The Lord has blessed us,
so yes, we have the cash,
but I don't consider
helping these poor girls
throwing it around.
So now if you guys are done,
I would like to speak with my husband.
It's just not right.
-It's okay, I'm okay.
The Lord has his hand in this.
-So now that you're together, (sighs)
this uh, venture of yours, can
you corroborate your story?
-What do you need?
-$200,000 in receipts
would be a good start.
-Unfortunately cash is king in this world.
-Yeah, of course it is.
You said you rescued
27 girls to date, correct?
-Well I need to talk to them.
-The thing is, they don't
exactly trust the police.
-Of course not.
-They're afraid they might have to testify
against their former captors.
-I don't need to talk to all of them.
Can you find me 10?
How about one?
-I can find you one.
(slow dramatic music)
-So what do you think?
-Some proof would be nice.
-Here's what I don't understand,
so your millionaire husband just got busted
shopping in the junior section,
I'm thinking, first call you make
is to your divorce lawyer
and you take the retirement accounts
live for the next 20
years quite comfortably,
but not this one.
This one's standing by her man.
-Maybe they're in it together.
-Money had to come from somewhere.
-I can check their financial records.
-How much does a pimp make
per day on one of these girls?
Multiply that by 27.
That's some nice residual income.
You just have to dig.
(crickets chirping) (sports playing on TV)
-[Brooke] Okay, okay, no, no,
that's not how it's gonna go down, okay?
I'm gonna explain to you
how it's gonna go down.
I'm gonna call you back.
There are gonna be
some very distinct rules.
Okay, do you understand me?
Okay, I am not gonna have
this conversation with you.
You will not let me speak!
I am, don't even.
I am not--(sporting event playing on TV)
-I'm heading to bed.
Can you put the recycling out at halftime?
-I see Brooke is still here.
-I called the church.
Their only recommendation is
a woman's shelter downtown.
-I know it well.
-I also put the word out on social media,
so we'll see what comes through.
-I think the woman's shelter
is a good option, don't you?
-(laughs) How many times a week
do you guys get called down there?
-That's a good point.
-I've been praying about this,
so I think we'll find something.
-Night. (sighs)
(rustling bag) (gentle slow music)
(rustling bag) (sighs)
(toilet flushes)
(sighs) Anything?
-(sighs) Apart from the
occasional large withdrawal
from their savings account, not really.
-No large cash deposits?
-[Detective] Nope.
-No big ticket items, luxury
cars, vacations, gun shows?
-Nope, just a lot of cheap breakfasts
and trips to the Dollar Store.
-So where does the money come from?
-Well they have several
different investment accounts
that they draw from, but their net worth
was built up over time, so.
(phone ringing)
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on.
Is the door locked?
Yeah well tell her not to go outside.
I don't care what he
says. I'll be right home.
Just call 1017 on my house.
-Domestic violence?
-Just do it, I'll be right back.
-Yes hi, I'm trying to locate a young girl
that was at your facility.
It was about six weeks ago.
She was around 17 years old.
Her name was Fiona.
She was 22 years old, her name was Rachel.
Yes, that's right, the 12 year old.
Do you have the contact
information for the foster family?
Do you have a cell phone number for her?
I remember meeting you.
I remember bringing her to you
and I remember your
home and I know I left you
my contact information.
I don't understand why you
think you don't know who I am.
I'm sorry to bother you, thank you.
(crunching gravel)
-[Brooke] We're done.
I'm taking my stuff
For as long as it takes, all right.
I'm taking my stuff and I'm leaving.
You are never going to (audio fades out)
-Will you please calm down?
-No, you need to leave.
You are a liar and a cheat.
-Can we talk about this--
-Okay, I saw the text, I saw the pictures.
You little animal--
-We can talk about it at home--
-Stop it.
Stop, you're hurting me.
Stop, you're hurting me--
-It's none of your business.
-Well this is my house, it is my business.
-I just came to pick her up, all right?
-Brooke, you want to go with him?
I don't think she wants
to, you need to let her go.
-Say something.
This happens all the time, all right?
-I said take your hands off her.
(slow dramatic music)
You okay?
(labored breathing)
(slow dramatic music)
(siren sounding)
(siren sounding)
-[Brooke] I'm so sorry.
-It's okay.
-It's okay.
(siren sounding)
(distant police radio)
-That's the hard part.
Read him his rights.
-You might tighten that cuff.
(children playing) (giggling)
-Oh, be careful.
(birds chirping)
-Who are you?
-I'm Brenda Davis.
-Look, if you're with CPS,
I still have another week
til I can move in the new place, okay?
-No, no,
no I'm not.
-Then what do you want?
-Do you remember my husband, Malcolm?
-Look I don't do that anymore, okay?
-Okay, here.
Would you just look at his picture, please?
-How could I forget?
-He was arrested for
trying to save someone else.
-Didn't you tell them the truth?
-They want to talk to one
of the girls that he rescued.
Look, if anybody found
out what I did back then,
they would take her from me.
-No one's going to
blame you for your past.
-I can't risk that.
I'm clean.
I'm in a good place.
No, I just, I can't do that, I'm sorry.
(slow gentle music)
-Maybe you know one of
the other girls that he helped.
I just need to find one.
-I'm sorry, I just can't.
-Okay well, I'm gonna
leave that list with you
and you think about it.
(children playing) (birds chirping)
(crickets chirping)
(phone buzzing)
(door closes)
(phone ringing)
-I've been on hold for 20 minutes.
If they don't have a place for her to stay,
she can't stay with me.
I mean, I have two women
at my house already.
Three is just too much.
Yes, I can hold. (sighs)
Can she stay with you?
-I mean, she can.
That's great.
Problem solved.
-But my brother needs to move out first.
-[Man] Travis, I need you out here.
-Get back on the phone.
She doesn't have a place to stay.
-[Man] Now!
-Detective, I believe we have
what you've been asking for.
-What have I been asking for?
-[Miss. Davis] You said you wanted proof.
Ma'am, are you prepared
to make a statement?
-They're all prepared to make statements.
-[Miss. Davis] Mmhmm.
(slow dramatic music)
(inspirational orchestral music)
-Excuse me, Mr. Davis.
I misjudged you.
Hey, can I ask you a favor?
-I'm not gonna stop if
that's what you're asking.
-No, of course not.
Can you help one more?
-Of course.
Who is she?
-She's a family friend.
And I, I think she's pregnant.
-[Woman] East Bay Pregnancy
Center, how can I help you?
I'm sorry, if you're
there, I can't hear you.
(gentle orchestral music)
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