Vinland Saga (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

The Journey Begins

That feels so good.
I'm going to wash off all my fleas and lice.
Hey. Don't just sit there in the corner.
Come over here.
You'll be eaten by a sea serpent if you fall in.
He's ignoring me?
He's no fun.
In the Middle Ages,
Danes living in Denmark
who made a living as pirates, or thieves,
were known as Vikings.
The Vikings had always longed
to live in England,
a vast and fertile land.
At the start of the ninth century,
the Vikings invaded England,
and migrated into the northern region
as they expanded their power.
However, in 1002 AD
Kill them all.
the English army attacked the Vikings
who had immigrated there.
In retaliation,
Denmark began to dispatch troops to England,
and intensified its attacks.
Following these political developments,
the Vikings were thrust into a war
to subdue the English army.
Don't stop.
Keep moving.
Shut up.
I'm rowing, see?
They went out with a big bang.
All right. Let's stop here.
Stop the ship.
What a pain. It's so hard to walk.
And it smells terrible.
These guys aren't army regulars, are they?
The Danish army hires guys like us
for their own army.
The Danish army?
Are the Vikings helping in the war?
Yeah, skirmishes with the English army
are breaking out all over the place.
Vikings are incredible tools of war.
The King of Denmark is going
to invade England someday.
I don't know when it's going to happen,
but they're laying the groundwork now.
You mean they're eliminating people
who stand in the way
before the king sets foot on shore.
That's right.
If we assist,
we'll be compensated well.
There's so many bugs here.
It's better than being cold.
We got to earn a lot this time of year.
Hey. Not bad, right?
You're right.
The English troops harbored by the lord
of this region are giving us a hard time.
I have more than a hundred soldiers.
My forces are greater than yours.
The pirate's talking big.
Don't say that.
We're both Danes.
Don't act as if we're the same.
What did you say?
Well, well.
They're going to invade with full force
in coming years.
In that case,
I think it'd be smart to move fast.
None of you will die anyway.
So, what do you want?
Seven pounds of gold.
And all the treasure and food the lord has.
And we're taking all the women.
Five pounds.
As for the rest, it's yours.
It's decided. Deal.
What? What are they talking about?
A job. They closed the deal.
Great. Then it's time to eat.
Well, then.
I will send another messenger tomorrow.
I'll leave the battle plans to you.
Don't run away.
You have nowhere to retreat.
And don't try anything funny.
They surrounded us.
Hey. Ear.
You're so loud.
Shoot. Shoot.
It hit my ass.
This will be good exercise after dinner.
Kill them.
Beat them at their own game.
Shoot. Shoot.
Try achieving something great on the battlefield.
Then I'll reward you with a duel.
Something great
Are you a pirate too?
If you're angry, blame it on the blood of the Danes.
Sorry. I didn't know you were alive.
On the battlefield, the weak die first.
Like you.
Damn kid.
You bastard.
You're starting to look like a fighter.
Hey, Thorfinn.
Can you go scout for a bit?
What? Why do I have to go?
Kid. How dare you?
Hold him down.
I'm going to kill him.
There he is.
Over there.
Over there. Don't let him get away.
You know, I think the present king is a fool.
Mom. Don't say that out loud.
King Edgar from two generations ago was good.
He made friends with the Danes.
Everyone respected him.
He was a good Christian.
But the reigning king, King Ethelred, is no good.
He suddenly killed all the Danes in the country.
Of course they'd be mad.
Don't say that in front of other people.
If a soldier overheard you
Mom. Come over here. Mom.
1008 AD
You're awake.
We were just about to eat dinner.
How are your wounds?
I washed your clothes.
Wear that instead.
Your dagger is right there.
These clothes might be too big.
These are the only men's clothes I have.
Okay, sit down. You're hungry, right?
You must have been starving.
What's your name?
Where did you come from?
What happened to your family?
See? He doesn't speak our language.
Maybe he's a Dane.
What are you trying to say?
No matter where he's from,
Jesus would never forgive me
for leaving an injured child lying there on the ground.
But still,
the Danes are the enemy of the English, right?
Dad's serving in the military,
because the Danes attacked us.
What's your point?
Women and children are not obligated
to get involved in a quarrel among men.
Maybe that's true, but still
He's covered in fleas.
Stop scratching. They're getting in the food.
Doesn't that feel better?
Boys are such slobs.
My youngest son used to scratch his head a lot too.
Whenever he did that, I'd comb his hair.
He caught a cold and died two years ago.
I can't understand what you're saying.
I'm not English.
So, you can speak after all.
Hey, woman.
Yes? What is it?
A Danish scout is hiding out in the area.
Have you seen a suspicious-looking kid?
A kid? You mean, a child pirate?
Yes, but don't underestimate him.
He killed two of His Highness' soldiers.
He has an arrow wound on his left arm.
Woman. Is that your kid?
Yes, he is.
He's my youngest, John. Is something wrong?
He's the same height as that kid.
If you see him, notify us.
Do you understand what you're doing?
He's a pirate.
He killed two people. Even though he's only a kid.
Why are you hiding him?
It's not normal for a kid to be a pirate.
Something must have happened.
Something must have happened? So what?
That's not what I'm talking about.
He can't replace John.
I'm going to go see the soldier.
Do you see a sign from Thorfinn?
It should be coming any time now.
I see it.
Over there.
There's a fire.
The cottage on the beach is burning.
Men. Come here.
Bring the buckets. The buckets.
I knew it.
So, you were disguising yourself.
Hey. What's that?
How terrible.
Damn it.
Who is that kid?
Did he kill him?
Why are you here?
I told you to run away.
I told you in English.
He's coming this way.
There's still time. Run to the forest.
Get far away from the ocean.
Hurry, or else they'll
Hey. What's that?
Forget about the fire.
Everyone, run.
The Vikings are here.
Hey. Good job, Thorfinn.
This village is doing better than I thought.
Don't mess around.
Finish them before the enemy arrives.
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