Vividred Operation (2013) s01e06 Episode Script

In Which Kenjirou Tries to Strengthen the Friendship Power of Akane and the Other Girls, But Things Get Out of Hand

All right, Momo, Grandpa.
I'm off!
Have fun!
Onee-chan, do your best at summer school!
Yep, of course!
See you!
Do your best. I mean it!
Now, shall we put our plan into action?
Are we really doing this, Grandpa?
But of course!
Let's go, Agent Momo!
"Episode 6 - The One Where Kenjirō Tries to Strengthen the Girls' Friendship Power but Things Get Out of Hand"
We're here!
The ocean is a different color
out here on Shikine-jima.
That's probably because we're nearly 50 kilometers from Ōshima.
So hot
But it's a good thing the weather's so nice.
To the resort hotel! March!
The water's so pretty!
I should've bought a new swimsuit.
Isshiki-san, Futaba-san, Saegusa-san, Shinomiya-san, a word please.
Give me your Operation Keys.
I'll be taking care of them.
The fate of the world depends on your keys.
If you lose them in the ocean,
we'll be in deep trouble.
Good point.
Mizuha-sensei's right.
Please take care of them!
I'll keep an eye on them until the end of summer school.
All right. Now get going!
This is exciting!
Valkyrie 1 to Wild Weasel.
This is Valkyrie 1.
Come in, Wild Weasel.
Wild Weasel to Valkyrie 1.
I read you loud and clear.
Reporting in.
As planned, I've collected the girls' Operation Keys.
Roger that.
Then let us begin the training.
Um, Professor Isshiki
Is this really going to benefit those girls?
Of course it is!
This summer school is a golden opportunity for them to strengthen their friendship power!
Just you watch.
My training plan is foolproof.
I-If you say so
Training plan, huh?
Himawari-chan, your swimsuit is adorable!
You look great in it!
I-I guess.
See, didn't I tell you?
Hm? What happened?
We bought this together the other day.
You and Wakaba-chan?
She said she didn't have a swimsuit.
I was going to lend her one of mine at first, but
Makes sense. Any swimsuit you own
definitely wouldn't fit Himawari-chan.
So squishy!
H-Hey, Akane!
Are we clear on this?
Summer school is still a part of your education.
I want you all to consider the
environmental issues at play here.
For starters, you'll show your appreciation to
this beach where we'll be spending our time
by collecting all the trash.
All right, students.
Move out!
I wonder where this came from.
"Alkyl diphenyl oxide disulfonate is an excellent additive to improve cold water efficacy."
That's what it says.
Don't follow me.
What wrong, Akane-chan?
Oh, nothing.
Isshiki Akane.
Why is she so fixated on me?
Are you stuck in there?
Grandpa, what are you doing?
I just put her to sleep.
We can't have her blowing our cover this early in the game.
But that's one of Onee-chan's classmates!
Don't worry.
We just need to modify our plans a bit.
We'll give her a role in the girls' training.
The added realism will give their friendship power an extra boost!
If you say so.
Make sure you apologize to her later.
Found a bottle!
Bottle, bottle, bottle
"Don't push."
Safety off.
Molecular transformation system active.
Five four three two one
Wh-What's going on?
What happened?
Th-That scared me.
Akane-chan, are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine!
What is this?
A tent?
Guess so!
Grandpa made me this swimsuit.
I didn't know it could do this!
One of Professor Isshiki's inventions
This is really cool!
I should take a look inside.
I guess I will too.
Excuse us!
Aw, man! I wish I could go in too!
Hey! What's it like in there?
What happened?
Akane, you're as naked as a jaybird under there.
What's that?
My name is Arra!
An Alone?
I-It spoke!
Let's do this!
Oh, wait
Mizuha-sensei has our Operation Keys!
I have taken this girl!
If you wish to see her again,
I suggest you all get in that boat!
That is, if you have the courage!
It's got to be a trap.
What now?
What else?
Trap or not, we have to save Rei-chan!
Hang in there, Rei-chan!
Everything is in place now.
Operation start!
Kuroki-san, where are you?
What island is this anyway?
Where could Rei-chan be?
Um, something tells me this is the right way.
Sure looks like it.
Take care not to get separated.
We don't know what traps might be in store for us.
What a pretty bug!
It's a type of horned beetle.
Its scientific name is immaculicollis.
Wakaba-chan, might you be afraid of bugs?
C-Come on!
They're just bugs!
It's an Alone!
I'll handle this!
In the name of the Tengen Rishin style, I'll protect you all!
Tengen Rishin hidden technique!
Blasting Wave!
That was amazing, Wakaba-chan!
You're a true master!
It didn't stand a chance
against the Tengen Rishin style!
No kidding! That was so cool!
You were like wham and bang and
Bugs! Bugs! Get them away from me!
I don't think those are bugs.
They're probably insectroid scouts.
There they go.
What are they thinking?
The point of a team is to cover for each other's weaknesses.
Friendship is the key to unlocking the Vivid System's potential!
They've still got a lot to learn.
Where am I?
What's the meaning of this?
Could my true identity have been discovered?
What should we do?
"Alone Secret Base"
"This Way"
We've completely lost sight of them.
I'm sure they're heading towards the Alone's secret base.
Oh, right!
We should hurry!
What do we do?
We're completely lost!
Could you put me down?
Let's head for the Alone's base.
The other two should be heading there too.
All right, let's see what the power of your friendship can do!
Onee-chan, do your best!
We should be safe now.
It came back for us!
Is this the Alone's doing too?
Now then, what will you do, Akane?
Akane-chan, it's a dead end!
It popped?
A-A balloon?
Hurry up and leave this place.
Was that person
That was so cool!
I wonder who that was.
What's up with this path?
It's like a conveyor belt.
Darn it. At this rate
I can't go on
Don't give up, Himawari-chan!
Thank goodness.
Leave this island at once!
Wakaba, wasn't that
Yeah, I think so.
It's not like I wanted to save them or anything.
They would have interfered with my escape.
Why now of all times
Piece of junk!
Grandpa, let's stop this.
Not yet!
Now that it's come to this, I've got to launch a serious counterattack!
Grandpa, what do you mean, "serious"?
Do those girls have the friendship power it takes to overcome this challenge?
Close-quarters combat unit Bearoid MK III, go!
"Alone Secret Base - Nearly There"
Is she done yet?
Is she done yet?
Is Aoi-chan done yet?
So you've come, Alone!
Over here!
What was that?
Let's go!
There she is!
Wakaba-chan! Himawari-chan!
What was that noise?
A-Aoi-chan just
That was scary
M-My Bearoid!
Looks like Aoi-chan recovered!
Curse them
Don't get ahead of yourselves, young ladies!
Don't look down on Isshiki Kenjirō!
Where are you going, Grandpa?
System install!
FCS online!
APU terminated!
Aubank limit exceeded!
Catapult contact!
I'll show you how grown-ups play!
You're not acting very grown-up, Grandpa.
Palette Suit Prototype 01, launch!
"Welcome to the
Alone Secret Base"
We've made it.
Come out, Alone!
Give us back Rei-chan!
There it is!
Congratulations on making it this far, girls.
However, this is where you meet your doom.
It's all over for you!
What's with that thing?
It's so cool!
Give us back Rei-chan, you stupid Alone!
Huh? We're okay.
Those were balloons.
You stupid Alone!
Your attacks can't touch us!
It's the girl from before!
What are you doing? I told you to run!
We can't!
We're here to rescue a friend!
A friend?
You've let your guard down!
Eta-Epsilon Hyper Magnum Energy Cannon!
Press it, Aoi-chan!
Safety off.
System activated.
Five four three two one
Take this!
Are you okay?
I'm okay
Looks like she's fine.
Thank goodness.
Where did that girl go?
You mean Grandpa was behind it all?
I apologize for all the trouble he caused.
Grandpa, you say sorry too!
Why should I have to apologize—
Say sorry!
I'm sowwy.
Um, we're sorry you got dragged into Akane's grandfather's mischief today.
You really saved us back there.
The point is thank you.
I-I have no idea what you're talking about.
What a weirdo.
Hey, what're you girls doing?
Mizuha-kun, it's just as I said.
Thanks to this training, the bonds between those four are stronger than ever.
Friendship truly is priceless.
Yes, indeed it is.
This is the invoice for today's training expenses.
This is, um, well
"To be continued"
Could I take out a loan?
This is Isshiki Kenjirō speaking.
Akane's friends are holding a study session for her.
My granddaughter sure has great friends.
Next time: Resolute Wishes.
"Episode 7 - Resolute Wishes"
Friendship is the key to world peace!
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