Wakefield (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

MAN: What do you think?
Give it a go?
You've done it before.
You were you were pretty good, too.
In Byron.
You remember?
Wasn't that yoga?
No, it was it was Tai Chi.
I want to go back inside.
Her memory's totally scrambled.
It'll improve.
Her balance is off.
Her voice is flat.
She's she's robotic.
I don't like what this
ECT's doing to her.
I understand.
But you've got to remember,
she's in the middle of treatment,
so these are just side effects,
and you're doing a great job.
You are.
You're amazing.
Oh, don't worry about him.
He thinks he's Harold Holt.
The prime minister who
disappeared in the sixties.
Yep, he thinks this is
Parliament House.
Right. OK.
Are you hungry?
Go on, it's got that
mustard that you like.
And it's really important,
actually, at the moment
the kind of energy that you're
putting out, that you replenish.
Actually, there's a workshop that
might be really good for you
that's coming up here.
All these workshops.
It's called self-care,
and you could do with some.
Maybe you're right.
Well, I'm going to
dig up a pamphlet.
I can't remember things.
Who gave you all the charms
on your bracelet?
He did.
Every place we go, I get her one.
What if you built a time line
of your life so far?
Would that help?
Lay it all out in
chronological order.
Use photos.
Anything that might jog your memory.
That might work.
Are these all the
places you've lived?
That's right, after Dubbo.
Hey, we should go back to Dubbo.
Back to the zoo.
What do you reckon?
That's my first job.
2006, yeah?
I don't know.
OK, well, I tell you what.
I'm going to do another column.
Let's call it relationships.
You can list all your dickhead
boyfriends before you got lucky.
Look at you.
You lifted up your wedding dress
and you flashed me
just before this photo.
You don't remember flashing me?
You don't remember marrying me.
No, you said, you said some memory
loss, but you said it was temporary.
You said
..it would come back.
Look, in most cases
I don't give a shit "most cases".
What about Gen?
What have you done to her?
I think we've helped her
She's a zombie.
Mate, you've forgotten
how distressed she was.
Well, at least she was Genevieve.
She was self-harming.
I don't even recognise her anymore.
She doesn't look like Genevieve.
She doesn't sound like Genevieve.
She doesn't even think like her.
The confusion and the disorientation
will settle down.
And the memory?
A lot of the memories
will come back.
I just don't know which ones won't.
But if she doesn't remember the most
important day of our lives together,
what the fuck's the point?
Raff. Raff.
Nik didn't deserve that.
Oh, don't worry about Nik.
He's had a lot worse.
Sometimes you just need
to get it off your chest.
You're exhausted.
And you've been strong for so long.
Come on, what does Gen's
sister call you, The Rock?
You can't be that all the time.
I don't even know who Gen is
I don't know who I am.
Maybe I do need one
of your workshops.
Whatever you need, I'm here.
How is he?
Worried about Gen. And tired.
Yep. That's one big
shit sandwich he's eating.
Don't say that.
Well, it's not what he
signed up for, is it?
Maybe his higher self signed onto it
because of what he needed to learn.
You know? Maybe they're soul mates.
You don't believe in soul mates?
Oh, my God, why not?
I don't know,
zero mathematical probability.
Well, actually I read
that there could be more than one.
Polyamorous soul-mating.
Very bloody convenient.
All I know is there's someone out
there and when you meet them,
everything just clicks, you know?
Like the universe aligns.
Like it was meant to be.
Have you ever felt like that?
'Cause if you have,
that's your soul mate.
Here we are.
Ooh, looking forward to this.
Oh, look at you.
Oh, you look beautiful.
Haven't watched this
for a while, have we?
Look at that dress.
You guys went all out.
It was all Gen.
CELEBRANT: Welcome, everyone,
on this beautiful day
to celebrate the wedding of Raff
to his gorgeous partner, Gen.
It's my honour to
It's incredible.
She chose it all.
Didn't you, babe?
I, Gen, take thee, Raff
Remember all that research you did?
..to be my wedded husband.
Raff, you may kiss your bride.
Well, I'd better get back to it.
Um, I want to see the rest
of this later, OK?
Look, there's Rachel.
She had a crack at the waiter
that night, remember?
I don't.
Oh, well, that's OK.
We'll just keep watching.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to push.
Yes, you did.
I don't want this.
I know.
But you will get better.
I don't want us.
I mean it. Just go.
Leave me.
Gen, come on.
Not gonna
That's not gonna happen.
Why not?
I wouldn't stick around for you.
What? Yes, you would.
No, I wouldn't.
Oh, my God. Sorry
No, let me.
I'm just clumsy.
No, you're not.
Thank you.
You're not.
I wanna go back.
You need a change of environment.
Something to do.
It's alright
The spill is on, OK?
I can feel it.
Listen to me, I can feel it.
Right, they're gonna try
and take me out again.
Nobody's trying to take you out.
Yes, they're trying
to take me out again.
I'm not staying here. They're going
to have to catch me first.
OK, let me keep you safe,
here in a room down the corridor.
We really need you to stay
and get some treatment, OK?
Will you do that?
We'll keep you safe.
Just down the corridor.
Come on.
That's great.
Can I go back to my room?
How about a puzzle?
I mean, Tessa and James
can always use a hand.
Righto, um
What about some fresh air?
Here you go.
(MAN SINGS) I wanna go
I wanna go
I wanna go out of here
I wanna get out of here ♪
I don't like his music.
That's not music. That's just noise.
Trev, can you lower
the volume a notch?
I'm learning a new song, bro.
I can't listen to it.
I know you like music.
I used to.
We attach a lot of emotion to music.
It can be like a soundtrack
to the past.
I mean, it's gotta be
better than that, right?
Bring me back to where I've been
If you sing that song
It'll take me there
Right back where it all began
But please do
hold my trailing hands
Mother, I do miss us so
I wish I was a little girl
Still a spark in my father's eyes
Feel all lost without her smile
Send me out into the world
I am going there to break a spell
Mother, I do have her hands, I
Use them when I promised that
Knowing then what I do now I
Will overcome
what holds me down ♪
The moon.
We got married by
the light of the moon.
Ahhh-ah-ah-ah. ♪
It's our dance.
I am a powerhouse.
I am indestructible.
ALL: I am a powerhouse.
I am indestructible.
I acknowledge my feelings and commit
to a path of spiritual growth.
I acknowledge my feelings and commit
to a path of spiritual growth.
It's, um, punani.
Panini's an Italian sandwich.
What's a punani then?
A woman's vagina.
Knew I shouldn't have asked.
No, no.
It's about drawing strength
from your sexuality
because you need to have a loving
relationship with yourself
in order to have one with someone
else, you know what I mean?
Anyway, there's one coming up
and it's Self-Love and Intimacy.
You could, you could come.
Wouldn't it be cheaper
to use a dating site?
You must be spending a fortune
on all these workshops.
I'm not doing it to
find a relationship.
Seriously, I'm doing it
to work on myself.
I mean, yeah, I would love
to meet someone,
but that's not why I'm doing it.
Or why I'm into self-growth.
What about you and Nik?
Your date, after the Melbourne Cup.
Oh, that wasn't a date.
We're just friends.
Yeah, I won the money, so.
OK, there was a second
where I thought it might go
a different way, but his heart's
already spoken for.
Apparently, they were engaged once.
It'd be hard to get go
of that sort of history.
I do wonder if she was harder
to get over than he thinks.
Think it might be my shout, eh?
Hey, I'm glad you could
come out tonight.
Nice to have a night out.
Gets a bit lonely, just Beth and me.
Mm. I'm sure it does.
But I'm very lucky Jan's prepared
to care for her as much as she does.
Hey, I'd really like
to do this again.
I just really want us to be friends.
I was so happy to be there
for you for that
restorative justice thing.
Oh. Would you mind not
smoking in the car?
You don't wanna sit in the front?
I'm fine, thanks.
Why would you ask Linda out for a
drink when you don't even like her?
I don't dislike her.
I just
I'm trying to connect with her.
Because you think that if you're
really nice she might change?
I saw him walk into the party room,
so he knows I'm here.
Linda's not a bad person.
She's just a bit broken.
Plenty of people are broken,
you know.
It's a question of whether they make
that other people's problem.
She just she confuses me,
you know.
Sometimes she's really nice.
She's fine. But
Most of the time she makes you
feel like shit.
No, I think I'll take my break.
CELEBRANT: Welcome, everyone,
on this beautiful day to celebrate
the wedding of Raff
to his gorgeous partner, Gen.
I got married in a registry.
Both times.
Nothing like this.
She chose it all.
Didn't you, babe?
I, Gen, take thee, Raff.
Remember all that research you did?
To be my wedded husband.
To be my wedded husband.
Well, you chose well.
Raff, you may kiss
your beautiful bride.
Well, I better get back to it.
I want to see the rest
of this later, OK?
Oh, have you seen
their wedding video?
It's so romantic.
It's incredible, the
What's wrong?
Well, obs need doing,
Seffa's due a new EEG
and Trevor's got to be
moved to Room 11.
See, what you don't understand is
that when you don't do these things,
there are very real consequences.
So do you want me to do the
I'll deal with all of that,
if you could just manage one thing.
Get the drug dispensary sorted.
When you say sorted
The Schedule 8 meds need to be
separated from the Schedule 4s.
It's absolute chaos in there.
Collette? Have you seen the keys
to the utilities room?
Um, yep. Hang on.
What are you doing?
Um, Linda wanted the drugs sorted.
What for? They're fine.
Well, not according to her.
Apparently, the Schedule 8s
need to be organised
You know what? Michael's locked
himself in the utilities room.
Guy who calls himself Harold Holt.
I need those keys.
Oh, OK, alright.
Yeah, I think I know where they are.
I am a powerhouse.
I am indestructible.
I am a powerhouse.
I am indestructible
I'm really struggling here,
I asked you to do one thing.
I did start.
It's just there was a patient
You do realise this kind
of chaos kills people.
I wouldn't really call it chaos
Where've you been?
There was a patient that was locked
in the utilities room
and Nik asked me if I
Last time I checked,
I was in charge, not Nik.
Collette, can you just
do what I ask?
I need you to be more autonomous.
Oh, God, sorry, I'm just clumsy.
No, you're not.
Thank you.
Hey, you're not.
Oh! Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
That's it.
You're doing so well.
One more bite.
You and I need to have
a serious conversation.
I know.
I need to explain.
I think we both know
what's going on here.
You have a serious
time management problem.
I don't know how many different ways
I have to tell you this,
You need to focus.
And straighten yourself up.
You look like you've been dragged
through a hedge backwards.
What happened before,
I don't usually
Me either.
But I did find that pamphlet
for the workshop.
There's a, um
There's one place left, but
..there's no pressure.
Thank you.
NIK: Hey, I got your text.
What's going on?
I can't. I can't.
Is it a panic attack?
But I'm
Sit down, sit down.
I'm a nurse.
I'm not supposed to.
In through your nose,
out through your mouth, OK?
One, two.
Is this about Linda?
Stop trying to be friends with her.
You can't fix her.
I know you see the best in people,
but she feeds on that.
You are a great nurse.
You do not need Linda
to tell you that.
Come with me.
I want to show you something.
You know, I'm not convinced
by the whole 'soul mates' thing,
but maybe there's something in it.
Hey, look.
If anyone deserves
a soul mate, it's you.
I am in charge of my feelings.
And today I choose happiness.
OTHERS: I am in charge
of my feelings
and today, I choose happiness.
Today, I choose happiness. (CRIES)
Something's blocking your power.
Come on, Collette, dig deep.
Now what's going on for you?
I have this
..I have this flapping bat
in my chest.
Let's talk about this bat.
What does it signify?
Who does it signify?
Um, I think it's my boss, Linda.
Good, good.
You're doing well, Collette.
Now, this Linda,
she's asserting power over you?
Yes, mm.
You know you have power, too.
You're you're angry.
Find your strength.
Make the punani roar.
How are you going
to free your power?
I'm gonna break her fucking neck.
Good. Good.
Now, how can we harness that anger
into healthy energy?
Saw a little bit of light
in Omar's eyes this morning.
Got your note.
What's the problem with the roster?
Um, I'm enrolled in a workshop
on Tuesdays.
Another workshop.
Self-Love and Intimacy.
I did tell you about it.
Collette, we're all seriously
under the pump here
Yeah. I understand that
And you're running doing naked
workshops and God knows what else
I'm sorry you see it that way,
but I'm actually
on a spiritual quest.
Well, while you're on your quest,
client care is suffering.
You really need to stop
treating me like this.
Like what?
Like I'm a piece of shit
on your shoe.
I beg your pardon.
I can't sleep at night. I'm afraid
to come in to work every day.
Please don't raise your voice.
I'm not raising my voice,
and I don't have a
time management problem.
You have a problem
with your heart.
You don't have one.
Actually, I think you'll find
I do have a heart.
And you've just driven a skewer
straight through it.
Oh, God.
Hey, no, no.
Don't apologise, Collette.
What are you doing here?
Oh, sorry, I knocked
How dare you come in here!
I brought these,
and some chocolates for Beth.
Get out!
Linda, I came
..to apologise!
Linda, where's Beth?
There is no Beth, is there?
And Nik will special Harold today.
And Pete, Trevor has an X-ray this
afternoon and will need transport.
And I think that's it.
Linda, I've done some investigating
and the good news is
I'm gonna stop you there, Collette.
Now, I don't know
what you think you
But I'll tell you what I understand.
Staff fraternising with the partners
of our patients is frowned upon.
Actually, it's a sackable offence.
I made a mistake, and I feel
very bad about that
Yes. I imagine you do.
But what I did was a mistake.
What you've done
in deceiving everyone is fraud.
Now, I don't know everyone
in Admin as well as you do,
but I think they'd be very
interested in knowing the truth.
Collette, I
I really need you to
keep this to yourself.
And I'm happy to do that, Linda.
But there are conditions.
You really have to get some help,
because you need it.
And I've got just the thing.
That's it. Well done.
Look deep into your partner's eyes.
That's it.
Now take your partner's hands
and repeat after me.
is strength.
ALL: Vulnerability
Is strength.
Is strength.
Don't worry, Linda.
I'm gonna be here.
Right by your side.
Every step of the way.
Nik. Nik.
It's a lyre bird.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'm sure that's the same one
I saw the other day.
That's his mating call.
Impressive, huh?
I call him Gary.
Because he looks like a Gary.
See, the more complex his melody,
the more interested potential mates
are in him.
You know, you could learn
something from Gary.
Thanks, but I don't need
dating advice from a lyre bird.
No, no, I'm talking about
being the best you can be.
You'd have made a great doctor.
I'm a great nurse.
Who has the potential
to be a great leader.
So, start acting like one, hmm?
I just want you to be
everything that you can be, Nikhil.
OK, Dad.
For your sake and Dilshan.
When will you hear about your job?
When they decide to tell me.
Um, hello?
Sorry, no.
It it's a bucks' night.
Invitations have gone out.
I paid the deposit weeks ago.
No, no, listen, I'm coming over now,
and I'll speak with your manager.
Alright, ah, we need to go
via the Victoria Hotel.
They've double-booked the room
for Kiran's bucks' night.
But you have your work.
And what about your job interview?
Yeah, well, I need to
get this sorted, Dad.
You can always book
another stripper.
Dad, there's no stripper involved.
I've told you that.
Now, please, just turn around.
Son, you have bigger fish
to fry now.
I'm best man.
And I am father of the bride.
I will speak to the hotel.
You just leave everything to me.
COLLETTE: Oh, don't worry about him.
He thinks he's Harold Holt.
I found this in his jacket.
Before he was Harold Holt,
he was Michael Fitzpatrick.
There's no trace of a
next of kin or anything.
I'll ring around the other hospitals,
see if he's been admitted before.
Oh, no, you don't have to do that.
You've got your interview.
Thanks for the reminder, Dad.
I'll call them.
Would you suggest you have
good relationships with
other staff members?
I think so, yeah.
And would you describe those
relationships as professional?
Of course.
Why do you ask?
Is there anything you think
could be pertinent to us
about your relationship
with Doctor Wells?
Pertinent, how?
Doctor Wells is a psychiatrist
on Ward C and I'm a nurse
in the same unit.
We work well together.
She did write you
a glowing reference.
And I believe you were once engaged.
That was five years ago.
And Doctor Wells is
now happily married.
There still is a danger that
her support could be viewed as
She's also a very good psychiatrist.
I think what's being implied here
is highly inappropriate.
Nothing's being implied.
I'm also good at what I do.
As you've acknowledged.
And I believe I'd be a good NUM.
Anyone trying to shift the focus
from that probably has a reason
to do so.
I didn't ask for Doctor Wells'
reference, so why don't you bin it?
That way you can compare my
application with anyone else's
without fear of compromise.
You get the door.
You get over here.
You need work.
OK, hands up.
Fingers closed.
Fingers closed, yeah.
Chin up.
And smile.
Smile? Do I have to smile?
Yeah. My wedding, you have to smile.
Now what?
Did you forget the dancing bit?
Oh, hey sis.
Can't believe you're here.
My turn.
Oh, my little bennoo.
I tried to stay away but I couldn't.
Um, I put you on a table
next to Uncle Raza.
Not Raza.
Uncle Raza, your favourite.
Are you trying to make her
get back on the plane?
Mm-hm. Yeah.
You ready to work?
Oh, alright, then.
Come on.
One and two and three and four.
Like a lotus stick.
And five and six
and seven and eight.
Higher. And then shoulders. Leg.
God, you're messing this up
for all of us.
I can get another bridesmaid,
you know.
Yeah, like there are so many
takers for that job.
Well, excuse me.
Right, here's an idea. Why don't
we do a tap routine instead?
Ugh. Because I'm the star
of the wedding, not you.
You OK?
I miss him.
I know.
I know.
We all do.
In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Ghost.
Trev, have you seen, Michael?
Calls himself Harold Holt.
You're not going to find anyone
if you're lost yourself.
Thanks, but I'm not lost.
I think you'll find you are.
And you're going straight to Hades.
Mm. Yeah.
Hey, Dad.
Well, when you say you sorted it
OK, but we still have
the reservation, yeah?
OK, great.
Hey, Mick!
He's in there.
Alright, Dad, I've gotta go.
Um, I'll see you later, yeah? Bye.
Can you open the door, please?
He knows I'm here.
That bastard Billy McMahon.
Have you seen the keys
to the utilities room?
Oh, yeah, hang on.
What are you doing?
Thanks. And, ah, don't rearrange
the drug room.
Don't do it.
It's alright.
He saw me.
I don't think he did.
Just come with me.
His daughter's on her way now.
Any history of psychosis?
Apparently not. It's probably
been triggered by grief.
His wife died recently
after a long illness,
and Michael nursed her
through it all.
Poor bastard.
Well, hopefully we make some headway
with him once she gets here.
Oi. Your mate Harold's
on the loose again.
Harold, wait.
McMahon's out to knife me.
You know, McMahon died
a while ago, mate.
I'm not stupid, mate.
He's right there.
You're not gonna bring me down
again, you jack-eared piece of shit.
I didn't drown!
I was kidnapped by the Chinese.
So you need to stay here with us,
where you're safe.
Look, just don't go.
Hayley's worried about you.
That was your daughter.
She'll be here tomorrow.
Hey, we just need you to stay here,
just so she can find you.
I can't. It's not safe here.
Yeah. Um
What if we could give you
a new identity?
Here you go.
You're Michael Fitzpatrick.
This my new identity?
What are you, ASIO?
If you like, yeah.
So what's the cover story?
What's the what's the story
with this Michael Fitzpatrick
when he's at home?
He's just a bloke who
needs a bit of a break.
Michael Fitzpatrick it is.
One and two and three and four
and five and six
and seven and eight.
One and two and three
and four and five and six
and seven and eight.
More. One and two and three
and four and five and six
and seven and eight.
Right, you guys go again.
I'll get us a drink.
Oh, God.
If I have to hear that song one more
time, I'm going to get your earworm.
Yeah, well I wouldn't wish that
on my worst enemy.
It's gone now, yeah?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, thank God.
You know, I reckon it must have been
on the radio a lot when were kids.
I don't think so.
After we lost Dilshan,
Mum couldn't take any noise.
There was no music at all.
Oh, shit.
Yeah, you're right.
I'll give her another 60 seconds,
then I'm on double time-and-a-half.
I don't care.
Any idea?
I thought you'd all want to know.
The board has made its decision
on the NUMs position.
And I'd like to be the first
to congratulate
It's a thankless job
and I hope you'll all give him
the support he needs.
Well done.
Alright, mate.
So, congratulations.
I knew when I withdrew
you'd get the job.
You withdrew?
Looking forward to a bit
more time to myself.
Anyway, good luck.
Getting what you want's always
a blessing and a curse, isn't it?
Hey, Dad.
Did you get the job?
Oh, great!
But you'd better get down here.
The party's starting.
Don't worry.
What were you thinking?
That karaoke is better
than a stripper, no?
There was never a stripper.
You were meant to sort out
the booking I made,
not reorganise the
whole bucks' night.
Relax, bro, it's all good.
Nikhil, you have a
new brother-in-law.
You have a new position.
We have so much to celebrate.
I'll drink to that.
Now come on. Pick a song.
Come on.
No way.
It's not happening.
We'll see.
Now and then I think of
when we were together
Like when you said
you felt so happy you could die
Told myself that you
were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love
and it's an ache I still remember
But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened
and that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger
and that feels so rough
No, you didn't have to
stoop so low
Have your friends
collect your records
And then change your number
I guess that I don't
need that, though
Now you're just somebody
that I used to know
I used to know
Now you're just somebody
that I used to know
I used to know
Now you're just somebody
that I used to know
Used to know
Somebody. ♪
Hey. Ah, where are ya?
I'm I'm driving.
In your fancy new car.
Yes, as it happens.
Where are you? You sound drunk.
No, just happy.
Well, with good reason, I hear.
I'm happy for you.
Ah, you sound lost.
Well, I'm not.
I'm just I'm just driving home.
Which street are you on?
Leura Road.
You want to take your next left.
Ah, I don't think so.
Next left.
Then right on Shipley.
Where are you taking me?
Where do you want to go?
So, are you getting out?
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