Wave Makers (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Let's check the political news.
In order to reduce plastic,
the government is actively
promoting biodegradable BPL.
But there are rumors of malfeasance now.
And actually, to reward BPL recycling,
the EPA is even paying 18 dollars per kg,
a much higher purchase price
compared to plastics.
Faced with reporters asking for details,
EPA officials remained silent
and directly rode the car and left.
So far, five people have been interviewed.
In this regard, the EPA Director
stated that he'll cooperate
with all the judicial investigations.
Huang Mao-lin, the shareholder
of Longchuan Plastics,
is the brother of Huang Mao-mi,
President Sun Ling-hsien's husband.
Isn't this too coincidental?
They're such close relatives.
The citizens haven't been benefited yet
and the money is already in the pockets
of Sun Ling-hsien's family.
You were elected to work,
not benefit your own family.
Is Huang Mao-lin Longchuan's guardian?
President Sun Ling-hsien,
please answer this question.
Explain clearly.
-Madam President!
-Madam President!
Are you aware
that Huang Mao-lin invested in Longchuan?
Madam President, please comment.
-Madam President, can you respond?
-Madam President, can you explain?
Madam President, can you answer?
We'll respect the judicial investigations.
The president said
that if anything is involved,
it will be dealt with strictly,
no leniency.
But before
the investigation results come out,
please don't speculate too much.
I'm also appealing to the GZD,
don't let politics drag down
Taiwan's technological development.
Si-ying, show your VIP pass.
We're VIPs.
What is this?
"Tsai Yi-an." Nice name, Yi-an.
-Is it?
-But VIP sounds more impressive.
We're having a big parade in two weeks.
Because lately,
the prosecution and MJIB finally…
-The corruption isn't confirmed yet.
Let's reserve our judgments.
How can you cheer so loudly?
Don't you have MHD supporters in class?
Our classmates don't really care
about politics.
Yes, we're kind of weird.
That's why we came to GZD
to shoot political sociology homework.
Mr. Lin, I'll take care
of my juniors for you.
But take note.
I'll introduce you to the interviewees,
but pay attention.
Don't disturb them too much.
-Okay, no problem.
I've been working here since graduation.
Sociology graduates can find a job.
That scared me,
I thought she was the real thing.
This is the Press Department.
They just decided to hold a parade
at the end of the month.
-Where are you going?
-Longchuan's key evidence is finally out.
"They" are…
The higher-ups in the party.
The chairperson, Lin Yue-chen,
the Secretary-General,
two Assistant Secretary-Generals,
and the top-level executives of the party.
They're the director
and assistant director.
-Can you give me a list?
-Yes, I…
-Hi, Mr. Chen, Ms. Weng.
-Hi, Mr. Chen, Ms. Weng.
-They're the ones I mentioned…
-Who will film…
-Yes. Yi-an mentioned it to me.
Well, if you have any questions,
just ask Yi-an.
And remember to just support Lin Yue-chen.
-Let's change. Okay.
-Thank you, Mr. Chen, Ms. Weng.
Thank you, Mr. Chen.
-There's such a class in college?
And our parade route's right of way
was just released.
I'm not sure
if I'm overthinking something.
What is it?
I was the one who should speak today.
They suddenly asked Wang Shi-ming
to host the press conference this morning.
How can that be? Did they say why?
They said Shi-ming is a city councilor,
so he understands the situation better.
But Longchuan is a big deal.
It has nothing to do
with the city government.
I'm wondering
if it's because of Chien Cheng-li.
That's possible.
Fuck, so they really
won't give me any work?
Don't be anxious first,
let's see how he acts later.
We'll focus our firepower on attacking
Sun Ling-hsien's malfeasance next,
so we'll add two spokespersons.
You already know them well.
They're the strongest young councilors
in our party.
-Sir, Mr. Chia-ching, it has been a while.
-It has been a while.
-Little Chili, Yi-ju.
Sir, Mr. Chia-ching.
A round of applause to welcome them.
You can do it.
By the way, Wen-fang,
your workload will be lighter this way.
You'll have more time
for the Press Department's affairs.
Okay. Let's get into the main topic
for our meeting today.
Our parade's theme this time
is "Oppose corruption, save Taiwan."
But the election is still some time away.
Consider this spearheading the attack
to gather the people's hearts first.
I hope the whole event
can be very lively and joyful
like a carnival.
So Chia-ching, pay more attention
in arranging the process of the party.
Okay, no problem.
By the way, the host of the party
can be a celebrity or media personality.
We can ask those
who have attended our events before.
We're a bit out of time, why don't we
just let the spokesperson be the host?
That makes sense too.
-Are you two okay with that?
No problem, we'll do our best.
You can do it.
How is the Longchuan case going?
Sun Ling-hsien hasn't responded yet.
But the Presidential Palace
gave a statement.
It was a bureaucratic response,
a standard one.
"If anything illegal is involved,
no leniency.
We'll investigate according to the law."
The government mustn't practice corruption
in the name of environmental protection.
The accountability for the Longchuan
malfeasance must be clarified.
As they say, "Subordinates will follow
the example set by their superiors."
President Sun Ling-hsien
actively promoted this policy.
-Doesn't she need to take responsibility?
-This is ridiculous.
-She's the president.
-My dad always watches this while eating.
-Don't you have any sense as president?
-I can eat
-Can a president's family invest randomly?
-while watching Mr. Shi-ming.
-You can, but Mr. Shi-ming might not.
-How can you invest…
-You don't know how intense it was today.
-All right.
Scamming our country's money.
-Do you know how high
-Do you know how much?
-Island POV's ratings are?
-Over 20 million NTD.
Probably at most 1,3.
1,3? It's over…
-She said her brother-in-law…
-It's really high.
The higher-ups can decide
on the show's host. I understand that.
But even political programs
don't ask me to guest on their shows.
Why? Were the ratings really bad
when I was there?
If that's the case, you wouldn't be
invited so many times before.
So Mr. Kao is intentionally
doing this to me.
Don't be anxious
in finding the enemy first.
Whether Mr. Kao is involved or not,
you must work hard to get on shows.
I know.
Forget it, I still have time
before the next election.
The presidential election
gets the most attention.
To put it bluntly,
malfeasance is this society's misfortune
but an individual's best opportunity
to make noise.
You now have two options.
First, make up with Mr. Kao.
He'd think
that just by not giving me work,
I'll be afraid and behave.
If I humble myself now,
he'll use this method
to deal with me from now on.
If you don't want to do what they want,
you must have the ability to do so.
Welcome to Fair and Square Weng Wen-fang.
Today, we're going to talk
about enterprise guardians.
Sometimes, enterprises need to lobby
with government departments.
For example, some manufacturing industries
would like the government
to be lenient with inspection standards
or hope the government
can give some benefits and convenience.
Some will hire retired officials.
Some enterprises will hire retired
officials or relatives of high officials.
So when they deal with the government,
they'll be nicer to them.
Kong-kong, I'm working.
This is Kong-kong, he's four.
Come on, say hi.
You're unhappy?
Yes, he has an attitude, like me.
Okay, go to the side.
Where was I?
So when they deal with the government,
they'll at least be nicer.
It's a black cat, how cute.
Yes, he's the famous one now, not me.
-He's so cute.
-He's Mythical Beast now, not Kong-kong.
-Good morning.
-Mr. Li-min.
Doesn't your daughter want
Parrot Quack Quack's autograph?
I got it for her.
How did you remember?
-I can't forget about you.
-Awesome. Thank you.
It's already 9 a.m., Ms. Wen-fang.
Are we going to start?
I think you're a bit delayed.
I think you're right.
-We're starting.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-No. Thank you.
Okay, let's start
our press conference today.
First, regarding Longchuan's malfeasance,
The Justice Party is strongly asking
President Sun Ling-hsien to explain.
The president has the most power
in the country.
That's why the people around the president
should know how to avoid interests.
"Protect the citizens of Taiwan."
-"Protect the…" That's too general.
-"Protect the citizens of Taiwan."
It's vague, like it's for a donation.
-Go and film there.
-No, it must be targeted, hit pain points.
The point is to oppose corruption.
"Stop corruption,
-give me a clean Taiwan."
-"Stop corruption", stop…
-"Give me a clean Taiwan."
-A pun. A political pun on one hand
-and an environmental pun on the other.
-Wait. Why make the slogan so long?
Hurry, we must still print
text-based graphics and banners.
-We won't have enough time.
-"Shitty government. Angry citizens."
-Concise and powerful.
-Isn't it too strong?
They're really buying
fake BPL from Longchuan,
so they're really buying garbage.
I think this fits.
How about "Government buys garbage,
seek justice"?
-"Government buys garbage, seek justice."
It's like the government seeks justice.
-No, the phrasing seems wrong.
-What if we add a few words?
"Oppose the government buying garbage,
people seek justice on the streets."
-"Oppose the government buying garbage"…
-Isn't it too long?
-Yes, it's the same.
-Yes, and it totals to…
Wait, these match. It's easier to say.
Let's say it once, come on.
-"Oppose the government buying garbage."
-"Oppose the government buying garbage."
-"People seek justice on the streets."
-"People seek justice on the streets."
This will do.
Okay, let's think of ten more, come on.
-Ten more?
-This will do?
-"People seek justice on the streets."
"Protect citizens. Government buys trash."
Hey, brainstorm with us.
I have an idea. How about this?
"Government, government, government.
Corrupt, corrupt, corrupt."
-What do you think? It matches too.
-Thank you. Let's keep thinking.
After hiding for many days,
Longchuan Plastics' major shareholder,
Huang Mao-lin, finally appeared.
He went to provide an explanation
to his lawyer.
But when questioned by reporters,
Huang Mao-lin looked nervous
and didn't say a word.
-And his lawyer is unwilling…
-He came out after hiding for days.
-to disclose any details
-Maybe he and his lawyer made up a story.
as the investigation is ongoing.
-They quickly…
-What is Huang Mao-lin responding as?
A witness.
But maybe he'll become the defendant
after the questioning, it can happen.
That's impossible.
He's the president's relative.
But the crime's evidence is obvious.
If you have connections, you'll be fine.
If not, you won't be fine.
I think he'll still be detained.
That's impossible.
He will.
How about this?
-You want to make a bet? Let's bet, okay?
-Come on.
Let's make a bet!
-You'll be the house.
-Come on.
Let's bet if Huang Mao-lin
will be detained or not.
-Let's make a bet. Come on.
-Come on.
-Of course he will.
-Detained or not detained?
-Huang Mao-lin…
-Stop filming.
-Detained or not detained?
-Ya-ching, my junior high classmate.
-Detained or not detained?
-Why are you even thinking?
-Not detained.
-Not detained, okay.
-Not detained, okay.
-Let's choose detained, okay?
-He'll be detained.
-He won't.
Not detained? Do you have
-I think detained.
-any sense of fairness and justice?
-Detention must occur for justice, okay?
-That's how we'll earn money, okay?
-It's not personal.
According to the prosecutor,
"There is no evidence linking
Huang Mao-lin to the case."
-He was sent home.
-It has only been less than two hours.
-He was released?
Did they even question him seriously?
This is fucking ridiculous.
I told you, he's the president's relative.
Yi-an, come and collect the money.
Those who lost, pay up.
Does this mean he's innocent?
No, only the court can judge
if he's innocent or not.
He was just sent home
after the questioning.
Anyway, the MHD will surely say
that he's innocent since he was sent home.
Yi-an. Come and take a look.
The oppose corruption parade post
has over 1,000 shares.
-My gosh.
-People are angry.
Thank you, biased prosecution and MJIB!
Thank you, biased prosecution and MJIB!
-Thank you, biased prosecution and MJIB!
-I'm happy to lose 2,000 NTD.
Thank you, Ms. Wen Fang.
Ms. Wen-fang is so busy.
When will she have time for an interview?
She's busy with her fan page, IG, and YT.
I think it will be difficult
to make time for your interview.
Is maintaining your social media
part of the Press Department's job too?
We must maintain
the candidate's social media.
But for personal ones…
It's hard to say.
-Hey, those who won, come get your money.
-Hey, those who won.
I'm sorry.
No worries.
I originally wanted
to have a good chat with you,
but Taste News suddenly wants
to interview me.
They want to know my thoughts
on Huang Mao-lin being sent home.
I know. You're busy.
I'm the one who should be sorry.
I didn't see that the spokesperson
was changed to Yi-ju on Tuesday.
I was originally the one hosting it.
I'm sorry
that Yi-ju came here for nothing.
I was originally worried that you might
be too busy with too much on your plate,
but you're wearing several hats.
You're the assistant director,
and you're maintaining your YT.
You're really outstanding.
No, I just think
I should do more if I'm capable.
All right.
If you have the time,
then you can still host
the press conference on Tuesdays.
You can also host the party.
You can do them all.
Competent people should do more.
It's best if you're willing to do it.
Thank you, Mr. Kao.
Right. I almost forgot.
There's suddenly
a press conference tonight.
We might need to trouble you to go there.
Sure. If it's necessary,
I'll certainly oblige.
It's necessary.
-Okay, thank you.
Guess what I am.
-A sika deer.
Let's see.
What colors are here?
Okay, we're filming.
Hello, welcome
to Fair and Square Weng Wen-fang.
I believe everyone saw the news today.
There's a new development
on the Longchuan case.
Huang Mao-lin took the initiative
to explain,
but he was sent home two hours later.
What's the difference between sent home
and sent home without bail?
Also, is Huang Mao-lin
a person of interest or a witness?
Being sent home without bail
is for a defendant.
Huang Mao-lin is a witness,
not a defendant,
so he can only be sent home.
Are you okay?
No, I'm so mad.
I'm really angry.
Do you know what I…
Do you know what I'm most mad about?
Before going there,
a part of me really believed
that there was a press conference today.
That was the biggest news today.
But he actually let me read a storybook.
Chiang Yi-ju went to Island POV, right?
The party will hold a press conference to
pursue the malfeasance tomorrow morning.
They want Wang Shi-ming to host it
because they think I'm too busy
with parade preparations.
They're not really wrong.
I'm really paranoid.
I think everything is aimed at me.
If you're not sure, you can ask me.
I can make a judgment for you.
Isn't this the job of an aide?
Your channel is growing very fast.
As long as you have enough fans,
the party will feel pressured.
They wouldn't dare
to just do these things to you.
I think you're more serious than me.
I must really work harder and get a raise.
So we still have to shoot today.
And it's not my channel.
Our channel can't stop its updates.
After the shoot,
I'll take a photo of you.
I think the current thumbnails
are mainly text.
It's better to show your face a bit more.
Yes, Military Adviser,
but I must answer the phone first.
It's my wife.
How many people are you expecting
in the parade?
Our estimates
were more conservative before.
Huang Mao-lin was sent home
after less than two hours.
-Everyone is so mad right now.
They can't vent their anger.
So I think that day,
it won't be a problem for the crowd
to spread to Zhongshan South Road.
What if no one comes?
Like none at all.
Our job is to prevent that kind of thing
from happening.
This is the first major campaign activity
for this election,
so the momentum is very important.
Elections are based on momentum.
Having momentum is half the battle.
I thought it was a protest
against government corruption.
But you're actually campaigning?
No, of course we're protesting
against the government too.
But the point is having a reason
to mobilize your supporters.
Instead of repeating you're good, it's
better if the opponent made a mistake.
Look, once the BPL malfeasance is out,
the stock market went down
and people lost trust in the government.
We must use this anger
to get them all to come out.
Just like…
Please turn it off first.
-I'll turn it off.
Okay, it's off.
-Let me tell you.
Is Huang Mao-lin innocent? We don't know.
But now, the public's impression
is that the prosecution and MJIB
are very nice to him.
Sometimes you must act
even if he's innocent.
Give him a hard time longer, detain him,
and pretend to be investigating.
They just easily and comfortably
sent him home after such a short time.
-Who'd believe them?
So I want to ask you,
Mr. Chen, when did you start
doing political work?
When I was in college,
my senior asked me to participate.
It happened by accident.
At that time, Mr. Huang Wen-hsiung
was running for Taipei's magistrate.
Mr. Huang is an elder outside the party,
I really admire him.
So what kind of person
is Mr. Huang in private?
People think he's very fierce
-and serious, right?
But I couldn't forget what happened once.
We had a meeting
and I was almost half an hour late.
I was terrified.
I rode my bike super fast.
I thought I'd be badly scolded.
But after the meeting,
Mr. Huang called me aside.
I was so scared.
But I didn't expect him
to tell me very gently,
Punctuality is the most important
He said, "If the chief is on time,
delays would never be allowed
in projects."
At that time, I felt like…
I felt like
I was following the right person.
I feel that my work is very meaningful.
If it's done right,
I'm really changing society and Taiwan.
Mr. Chen, sorry, I think your story
about Mr. Huang just now is amazing.
Can you tell it again?
I want to record it.
Come on, Mr. Chen, what kind of person
did you say Mr. Huang is?
Wait, what did I say earlier?
I'm not done yet,
maybe I still need one or two hours.
No, go to bed first.
Okay, I have to go.
Oppose the government buying garbage!
-Oppose the government buying garbage!
-Oppose the government buying garbage!
People seek justice on the streets!
-People seek justice on the streets!
-People seek justice on the streets!
Oppose the government buying garbage!
-Oppose the government buying garbage!
-Oppose the government buying garbage!
People seek justice on the streets!
-People seek justice on the streets!
-People seek justice on the streets!
Oppose the government buying garbage!
-Oppose the government buying garbage!
-Oppose the government buying garbage!
People seek justice on the streets!
-People seek justice on the streets!
-People seek justice on the streets!
Oppose the government buying garbage!
-Oppose the government buying garbage!
-Oppose the government buying garbage!
People seek justice on the streets!
-People seek justice on the streets!
-People seek justice on the streets!
-Excuse me, sir, ma'am.
-People seek justice on the streets!
-Why are you joining the parade?
-People seek justice on the streets!
The prosecutor sent Huang Mao-lin home!
That's ridiculous!
Does MHD own the court?
A presidential relative is innocent
after being a guardian.
The government is corrupt!
Isn't it obvious?
We want the president to step down!
Cool, sir.
I think taxpayers' hard-earned money
shouldn't be spent like this.
What's the government doing?
Okay, thank you.
Can I film your baby?
-Step down!
-Sun Ling-hsien!
-Step down!
So cute.
-Save Taiwan!
-Save Taiwan!
Sun Ling-hsien!
-Step down!
-Oppose corruption!
-Save Taiwan!
-Save Taiwan!
-Sun Ling-hsien!
-Step down!
Oppose corruption!
-Save Taiwan!
-Save Taiwan!
-Step down!
Oppose the government buying garbage!
-Sun Ling-hsien, threesome with brothers!
-Give me a clean Taiwan!
-Sun Ling-hsien!
-Step down!
-Excuse me.
-Oppose the government buying garbage.
-These signs
aren't good for the party if filmed.
-People seek justice on the streets!
-What's it to you?
Why are you so serious?
You just think
this is cool and dope, right?
How childish!
Don't argue with them.
-Don't pretend to be virtuous.
-Supporters come in all shapes and sizes.
-Including these idiots.
-Give me a clean Taiwan!
Sun Ling-hsien, threesome with brothers!
Threesome with brothers!
-Give me a clean Taiwan!
-Step down!
-Step down!
-Sun Ling-hsien, step down!
-Oppose the government buying garbage.
-Oppose the government buying garbage.
-Oppose the government buying garbage.
-Oppose the government buying garbage.
-Oppose the government buying garbage.
-Oppose the government buying garbage.
Will the chairperson be late?
If so, I'll see if I can ask Fu-chiang
to sing another song to delay things.
No, she'll be on time.
Got it, will she still make
a major entrance?
No, there are too many people now.
We'll let her in from the back.
Yi-an, she'll come from the back.
Ya-ching, what's a major entrance?
It's a bit like Moses parting the Red Sea,
it's quite grand.
Seriously? That's so cool.
Ya-ching, come here.
Chou Ming-chen will be ten minutes late.
So the order later
will be interchanged a bit.
-Okay, just a heads-up.
-It's going to rain. Hurry.
-Kai-kai, it's raining.
-Send the raincoats to the front first.
-It's raining.
It's raining, hurry!
-Guys, wear one yourself first.
-Send the raincoats to the front.
Bring them to the front and ask the
Activity and Organization
-Department staff to help distribute them.
-Remember to put one on.
Okay. Good work.
-Thank you.
-We have raincoats here.
-We have raincoats here.
-The raincoats are here.
-Those in the back, want one?
-Do you need one?
-Okay, thank you.
Here, over here. There are raincoats here.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Here, give the extra ones
to those in the back.
Thank you.
Do you want more?
Okay, everyone!
To those who are here,
sorry to keep you all waiting!
We're sorry to keep you all waiting!
Our chairperson, Lin Yue-chen,
is already here!
With Yue-chen,
-our future will surely be great!
-It will surely be great!
Come on, I'll say Lin Yue-chen,
-you say victory!
Lin Yue-chen!
Lin Yue-chen!
Lin Yue-chen!
Lin Yue-chen!
Please welcome our chairperson,
Ms. Lin Yue-chen!
Raise your hands!
Give the biggest round of applause!
To everyone here,
to the live stream viewers,
a good evening to you, hello!
Seeing so many people here today
makes me feel very happy!
I'm also very moved!
Because I know
that everyone is gathering here
for the sake of our future.
On Ketagalan Boulevard,
we're angrily shouting at this government!
Am I right?
Wave your flags.
Oppose corruption!
-Save Taiwan!
-Save Taiwan!
-Oppose corruption, save Taiwan!
-Oppose corruption, save Taiwan!
-Oppose corruption, save Taiwan!
-Oppose corruption, save Taiwan!
-Oppose corruption, save Taiwan!
-Oppose corruption, save Taiwan!
The Justice Party's "Oppose corruption,
save Taiwan" parade just ended.
They claim to have 300,000 attendees.
-First, we're doubting that figure.
But we see some slogans in this photo.
Among the self-made slogans
of Justice Party supporters,
were there allusions to President Sun's
relationship with Huang Mao-lin?
There are also some memes online.
What do you think, Mr. Hung-tsai?
Huang Mao-lin freely comes and goes
in the President's official residence.
That's impossible.
Can you possibly do that
in the President's official residence?
Am I right?
But Huang Mao-lin and Sun Ling-hsien
do have a close relationship,
so you can't say that the whole thing
is groundless.
So you think this makes sense?
Here's the thing.
Sun Ling-hsien's husband,
Huang Mao-mi,
is on long-term kidney dialysis.
Both of their children are abroad.
Sun Ling-hsien is busy being president
and has no time to take care of him.
It just so happens that Huang Mao-lin
is single and not married,
-he takes care of him when he has time.
-So this is normal.
-Huang Mao-lin and Sun Ling-hsien
were college classmates.
They're not just in-laws.
They're also old friends.
And as far as I know,
the Huang brothers pursued President Sun
at the same time back then.
-In saying that…
-That's ridiculous.
Back then,
their senior and my senior were roommates.
-No way.
-Viewers, she said that,
-I didn't. I have nothing to do with this.
Mr. Lung.
-Mr. Lung.
-They're leaving.
-You're leaving? Already?
Do you want to be an intern here
next semester?
I think you're good.
Thank you, Mr. Lung. I'm planning
to continue filming my documentary.
-GZD welcomes you.
Wifey, let's have dinner
the day after tomorrow, okay?
I've asked Mr. Kao for leave.
I've made arrangements
with the staff members,
so I can pick you
and Yang-yang up earlier.
It's settled then.
-Mr. Chen.
-Mr. Chen.
Thank you for taking care of us
in the past few days.
We're going back to edit the video
and submit our homework.
You're finally leaving?
We're counting on you,
campus youth ambassadors.
-Only support the Justice Party.
Mr. Chen, we'll upload a version to YT.
I hope it can make more people vote.
Nice. That's great.
Then you two can edit a video for class,
that's amazing.
We have another member.
Where is he? Why didn't I see him?
He's the King of Shoddiness.
He's so shoddy.
He always says okay,
he'll handle it, no problem.
But he didn't prepare anything afterward.
He's super ridiculous.
I think he's taking illegal substances.
He has such a bad memory.
He'd buy us beverages.
Who says so?
He's all talk.
When did he really buy us one?
He can't even buy beverages.
Why doesn't he just go to hell?
But every time we tell him off,
he looks really pitiful,
like he wants to kneel down to us.
You're too nice,
he's taking such an advantage.
Fine, but at least let him record
the narration.
He won't make a mistake
since we already wrote the script, right?
I can't guarantee that.
-With what you're saying…
Is it possible that he's shoddy
because he trusts you a lot?
That's not it.
Isn't he just an uninvited parasite?
A parasite?
-What a weird analogy.
-Others will do it, so he can be shoddy.
He pretends to be pitiful
when something happens.
What a coward.
He doesn't know how many times
people clean up his mess for him
and cover for him.
He doesn't even say thank you.
I'm sorry.
I suddenly need to do something.
I'll go ahead.
-Okay, thank you, Mr. Chen.
-Okay, thank you, Mr. Chen.
-Okay, bye.
-Bye, Mr. Chen.
We already said our goodbyes
and he suddenly left. I don't know why.
He suddenly left?
You just came to bring barley ball soup?
No, when you worked
at the advertising agency before,
we often had
this place's barley ball soup.
-You said it's good for skin whitening.
-I remember.
Baby, I'm sorry.
Don't say it half-heartedly.
I'm not, I really know my mistake.
Then tell me your mistake.
I think my work
is more important than yours.
I really love you and Yang-yang,
but I love my job more.
Because I know that my job
can change Taiwan
and make Taiwan better,
so the rest, you and Yang-yang's
affairs can wait.
A few days ago,
I saw the drawings
you helped us with back then
and I think I'm so bad.
Why would you think that way?
For our sake, you sacrificed
your own time and career.
And I was conceitedly thinking
I was doing something great.
I'm really terrible.
Does that mean you want to divorce me?
I know.
I know this is how you are
when you're busy at work.
I already knew that before we got married.
I'm sorry.
I also fell for you because of that.
I just didn't think that it would be
this hard to be married to you.
It's not that I'm unwilling to sacrifice.
I just don't like how my sacrifice
is so matter-of-fact.
I'm so unimportant to you.
I don't need you
to pick Yang-yang up daily
or do a lot of housework.
What I need is for you
to understand what I want.
Then when I tell you what I want,
don't pretend to accept it
if you can't do it anyway.
I hope we can communicate,
not treat each other half-heartedly.
I want to work.
I want you to understand that
both of our works are equally important.
I want you to turn off your phone
for 30 minutes daily.
The situation of the election
won't change in 30 minutes.
I want at least one day a week
for our family to get together
and for us to play with Yang-yang.
I want you to be included in his growth
and not have to remind you
of every important date.
I want you to listen to me talk.
Don't start listening only when I'm mad.
These are all very, very minor things.
I know.
But these very, very minor things
are as important as the future of Taiwan.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
You look so ugly when you're crying.
I'm sorry.
Do you want barley ball soup?
I'll get a spoon for you.
I've known President Sun
for almost 20 years.
If you've seen
how she and her husband are,
you'd know how ridiculous
those false accusations are.
Regarding these things,
we really feel so bad and so sorry
for President Sun.
Many people might say
that working in politics
is a huge challenge to marriage.
Is there a secret
to a happy and harmonious family
like yours?
I think the secret
is to keep that person in mind
at all times.
And you have to always express
your gratitude
so that your spouse will know.
My humble achievements today
are actually all thanks to my wife.
All these years,
she's always supporting me.
Your daughter, Jung-chih,
is really beautiful.
Now, on various occasions,
many viewers are paying attention
to whether Jung-chih is present.
It seems like she's more popular than you.
That's a good thing.
My daughter is my best campaigner.
I'm really proud to have
such an excellent daughter.
Then Jung-chih,
anything you'd like to tell your dad?
I hope President Sun will be re-elected
and Dad gets elected.
I also hope that my parents
will always be as sweet as they are now.
Regarding the recent false rumors
and attacks
on President Sun Ling-hsien
and her family,
they're all baseless, malicious slander.
As head of the state,
the president respects freedom of speech,
unwilling to initiate lawsuits easily.
But if the president will continually be
slandered and defamed in the future,
she's not ruling out taking legal action.
We also want to appeal to Ms. Lin Yue-chen
to restrain her supporters.
Don't condone the spread
of false rumors and tear society apart.
I asked you to come here because
you're more familiar with the Internet.
Recently, the threesome issue
is getting too hot on the Internet.
We're worried it will get out of hand.
Our boss personally ordered
to stop this wave of attacks.
But the fan pages who posted those
are acting on their own.
We have no way of controlling them.
We can't tell who are our supporters
and who aren't.
Whether they're supporters or not,
women end up getting hurt.
No, I don't think we need to control them.
I think we can find influential KOLs
to appeal to their supporters
to stop this sexist attack.
Let's think of a hashtag.
Transform this aggressive energy
into one that supports women.
Do you know any KOLs who can help?
I know a junior who has a fan page,
but he seems to have
only 20,000 followers.
That's okay, even 2,000 is fine.
People with political fan pages
usually know each other.
Can you ask your junior
if he can introduce us to them?
Mr. Chen, let me ask my friend too.
This circle is very small anyway,
we should be able to reach more people.
-I'll ask around too.
Okay, hang on.
Don't contact them
in the name
of the Press Department this time.
Do it privately.
Say that you're a supporter
and you're worried about the situation,
so you're just spontaneously launching
such a cascade activity.
-That's all, okay?
Got it.
Live stream viewers,
Let's see who will come in next.
-Mr. Chao and his wife
-Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Chao.
-are here together.
Mr. Chao is unanimously revered
by our party
as the president's
vice presidential candidate.
In the fundraiser today,
Mr. Chao and his wife and President
Sun Ling-hsien will go on stage together…
Since Lin Yue-chen is also a woman,
this puts her in an awkward position.
-Yes, #NoToSexualShaming.
-Take the matter on its merits.
-Yes, help us share it.
-Remember, #NoToSexualShaming.
-Thank you for doing this.
-No, this is my own stance.
-Is that okay?
-It has nothing to do with the party.
…sign up in the cascade activity with me.
One more to go.
Yes. I'm Tsai Yi-an.
We'd like to ask you…
Yes, Island POV.
No problem, I'm available.
Yes, Fair and Square Weng Wen-fang.
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Subtitle translation by: Coleen Chua
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