We Are Lady Parts (2021) s01e06 Episode Script


I didn't feel like
eating anymore.
I hadn't spoken to the band
or to Noor since.
You are in a punk band?
- You seem upset.
- People hate the band.
How could you do this to us?
It's like I don't even know
who you are.
Fuck Noor, and fuck you.
No, fuck you. I quit.
Amina, wait.
And that was four weeks ago.
I don't care if it hurts ♪
I wanna have control ♪
I want a perfect body ♪
I want a perfect soul ♪
I want you to notice ♪
When I'm not around ♪
You're so fucking special ♪
Wish I was special ♪
But I'm a creep ♪
I'm a weirdo ♪
What the hell
am I doing here? ♪
I don't belong here ♪
I'm a creep ♪
I'm a weirdo ♪
What the hell
am I doing here? ♪
I don't belong here ♪
I don't belong ♪
Here ♪
Amina, wait!
I spoke to my Sheikha,
and I've done
a lot of soul searching.
Tons. Masses.
I know you've got
a good heart.
What you did, the music,
sure, it was sinful,
offensive, disgusting, but
I want to help
get you back on track.
Get you back to you.
I was out of Lady Parts,
good and proper
And so, it seems, was Saira.
She hadn't spoken
to any of the others in weeks.
And for the first time
in a long time,
she had gone home.
- Asalaamalaiykun Nana.
- Valaikum salaam.
Happy birthday.
My favourite. Thank you.
He doesn't need these.
He's diabetic.
You were my good girl.
It was Ruksana who was always
getting in trouble.
You were my sweet, quiet girl.
Kya hua?
What happened?
Nothing happened.
I'm just not what you want.
Life without the band
was definitely hitting Saira
the hardest.
But everyone
was having to adjust.
Since the band's demise,
Bisma got a job
as receptionist
at a temp agency.
Heartbroken after being dumped
by Zarina,
Ayesha had totalled her car
in a moment
of white hot road rage.
She found new employment
Fuck off!
As a food courier.
And then there was Momtaz.
She felt fully responsible
for the article
and the resulting snafu.
She spent weeks monitoring
the tidal wave of hate,
every day wading
through the toxicity,
like Frodo journeying through
the treacherous Mordor.
But for what?
It seemed like needless
Out of the woodwork
emerged the unfindable,
the unfathomable,
the unfeasible:
the fans.
And they were clamouring
for one thing.
With Noor's encouragement,
I was getting my life
back on track
and finding a husband,
like I always wanted.
What's this?
Why are you going
through my rubbish?
Because you're being weird
and not talking to us.
So I have to be weird,
go through your rubbish,
like a raccoon.
Like a raccoon.
I'm gonna be late.
Why would you
throw Don Mclean away?
- Mm?
- You love Don Mclean.
I don't. Stop.
He's─it's inappropriate.
You know, haram.
Since when
was Don Mclean haram?
It could be argued
that putting Don Mclean
into the bin,
it─it could be a bit haram.
Uh, Buboo, give us a minute.
Now, listen.
When I was a girl,
I was always told who to be─
Yeah, Ma, I know.
You were always told
what to do and who to be,
and now you've found yourself,
and you don't care
what anyone thinks.
You don't worry
about consequences
or have any idea of what is
or is not appropriate.
You act purely on impulse
and have no filter whatsoever.
I know.
Guess what, Ma.
I am not you.
Hey, you okay?
Shit, man,
that article was mad.
Ayesha told me
the band broke up.
I'm sorry.
I don't think
this is appropriate.
What are you chatting about?
Our, you know,
weird friendship thing.
Not exactly halal, is it?
Oh, what? You seriou─ come on.
I wanted to do things right
this time.
And despite
my tarnished status,
Noor was determined
to help me find the one.
My second divorce went
really smoothly, actually.
- Oh.
- You know what they say.
- Mm?
- Third time lucky.
While I was trying to find
Mr. Right,
Taz was trying to find a gig.
It is loud.
Very loud.
Coming in here,
who do you think you are?
Me? Um
I'm just a girl,
standing in front
of some community elders,
asking them for a gig.
- Get out.
- Ugh.
My income will allow me
to support two wives.
One tall, one short.
- Mm.
- Mm.
If someone's forcing you
to wear all that,
you should say something.
I'm just looking for a gig
for my band.
Is there someone
you want us to call?
Yes, please.
I'm─I'm desperate.
Please, please help me.
See, I need a slot for my band,
urgently, before─
I mean, who knows
what might happen?
You taking the piss?
Ugh, damn it.
Come on.
Did you record "Bake Off"?
The box was full.
Any luck with finding
your gig?
I don't know why you don't
just do one yourself.
- Myself?
- Hmm.
Taz, what do you want?
Listen, I'm sorry.
It was my fault.
Mea culpa re Zarina
and the article thing.
It was massively my bad,
but shit, man,
I mean, c─ it worked.
What do you mean it worked?
People are hearing
our music.
We've got actual human fans.
Not even Russian bots.
Bona fide homo sapienseses,
and they wanna hear us play.
No one's talking to me.
That's 'cause you went
all nuclear on everyone
and told them to fuck off.
You gotta be brave,
and you gotta say sorry.
- I'm not saying sorry.
- Uh, you bloody are.
You started Lady Parts.
You brought us together.
Now do it again.
You planning
on murdering us?
We could have
just hung out at mine
rather than this crime scene.
Just thought it best
we meet on neutral territory.
Neutral territory?
What do you mean?
Hey, you guys good?
Hmm, let me think.
I crashed my car,
so I'm stuck working
as Uncle Sam's handmaiden
riding around on a bicycle
like some stinking vegan.
What do you think?
Yeah, sounds pretty shit.
Hey, I'm
you know
- What?
- Speak up, mate.
Can't hear you mumbling.
I'm sorry.
Saira? Apologising?
I must be in
an alternate universe,
or you must be
an alien parasite
who has taken the form of Saira
because your home planet
has run out of resources.
She feels human.
I'm sorry.
I'm actually sorry.
You know, deeply or whatever,
for the things I said.
Shoving my Zen up my arse?
You broke the band up.
And you did nothing about it.
Zarina really kicked my heart
in the nuts,
and you was
a real bastard to me.
You said some
really mean things.
I have anger issues.
You do have fucking
anger issues!
I'm sorry.
I want the band back.
You're my fucking family.
I hate this.
I want us back together.
We can't play with you.
You're just really wet
and emo now,
and it's really killing
my punk edge.
- Sorry.
- Fuck you.
You're so wounded,
it's impossible
to be mad at you.
I'm still pissed off
at you, though.
So can we leave
this crack den or
No, 'cause this crack den
is our gig venue.
- Gig?
- Hmm?
We're playing a gig
this Saturday,
and this is our venue.
- What?
- Yes.
But this gig is a chance
to say who we really are.
Launch ourselves on our terms.
We're not playing
some weird pub.
We're not auditioning
for some creeps
or going cap in hand
for a slot.
This is us, by us, for us.
- Okay, then.
- Right, then.
Let's get our guitarist back.
- Can I help you?
- I'm not here to speak to you.
I wanna speak to Amina.
Well, Amina
doesn't wanna speak to you
- after what you did.
- It really kills you
to see her be her own person,
doesn't it?
Don't act like you know her.
You don't.
She's my best friend.
Not yours.
Saira had been texting me
nonstop about the gig.
But I had given up the band,
the music, Ahsan, for
You look nice.
And yet, no matter what I did,
why did it feel like
I was always being judged?
Welcome, everyone,
to "Rate My Date."
Amina is looking for the yin
to her yang,
the flap to her jack,
the cute crop top
to her high-waisted slacks.
And you, the esteemed panel
of absolute randomers,
will determine
if Amina is worthy of love
or if we should
give her the shove.
So I heard
you were in a band.
Bad girl, huh?
What? No, I'm not bad.
No, you're naughty.
Playing naughty music, huh?
It's not naughty music.
It's meaningful.
It actually
has something to say.
I bet it does.
So do you give blow jobs?
What did you say?
Do you, you know,
give blow jobs?
Fuck this.
Shit. Sorry. Fuck me.
I'm sorry.
- What?
- I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for being shit.
I should have messaged
and not been a psycho.
I don't know.
I care about you,
with feelings.
- With feelings?
- Yeah.
But I can't─ we can't─
There are things
that you want─
not bad things, normal things,
human things that you want
that I can't─
I free you.
We're officially unofficial.
By the power vested in me,
I unshackle you
from my evil man domination.
Um cool.
I'll see you around,
though, right?
- Like
- Yeah.
Sounds good.
I'm sorry.
I couldn't throw these away.
It's fine.
I know you're different
to me.
And although it may not
look it,
I do have few years on you.
What I will say is this,
and I hope you listen.
I think
it is vitally important,
more than anything,
that you do exactly what it is
you want to do.
Not what anyone
tells you to do.
Not what anyone
expects you to do.
What you want to do.
It's not that easy.
I know.
It has never been that easy.
But it is crucial.
This came for you.
All right. Thank you.
Enjoy the show.
Have you heard from Amina?
She's ignoring my calls.
Whoa, it's busy.
- Shit.
- Aw.
Speak, for your two lips
are free.
Speak, for your tongue
is still your own.
This straight body
still is yours.
Speak, your life
is still your own.
Time enough
is this brief hour
until body and tongue
lie dead.
Speak, for truth
is living yet.
Speak whatever must be said.
Ma, we need to leave.
Let's roll.
One, two, three, four!
I'm gonna kill my sister ♪
Ma, hurry up.
We're gonna be late.
Babe, where you going?
Noor, I'm playing the gig
with Lady Parts.
I'm gonna kill my sister ♪
Die, die, die! ♪
Want to kill her mister ♪
She's mine, motherfucker! ♪
You're my best friend,
and I'd love you to be there.
Fair enough.
Good luck.
I'd like to dedicate
our next song
to my sister, Ruksana.
To all our sisters.
Blood, not blood.
Um, this isn't ours,
but we love it.
I've paid my dues ♪
Time after time ♪
I've done my sentence ♪
But committed no crime ♪
And bad mistakes ♪
I've made a few ♪
I've had my share of sand
kicked in my face ♪
But I've come through ♪
And we mean to go on
and on and on and on ♪
We are the champions,
my friends ♪
And we'll keep on fighting
till the end ♪
We are the champions ♪
We are
the champions ♪
Okay! Okay! Go, go!
For losers ♪
'Cause we are the champions ♪
Of the world ♪
Amina, you made it!
Right. Come on.
Come here, come here.
I've taken my bow ♪
My curtain call ♪
Male escort reporting for duty.
I thank you all ♪
Right. This way.
Just through here.
Good luck!
Amina, you have got this.
But it's been
no bed of roses ♪
No pleasure cruise ♪
I consider it a challenge
before the whole human race ♪
And I ain't gonna lose ♪
And we mean to go on and on
and on and on ♪
We are the champions,
my friends ♪
And we'll keep on fighting
till the end ♪
We are the champions ♪
We are
the champions ♪
No time for losers ♪
'Cause we are the champions ♪
Of the world ♪
- Sparta!
- Sparta!
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