Welcome to Utmark (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Cry Wolf

Fuck! Fuck!
Why is this truck jumping around
so much?
-It's just a bumpy road.
-W-w-why did you pick this road?
It's the shortest way home,
for fuck's sake!
T-t-this is a stupid road.
Shut up, you're an idiot!
Let me drive in peace
and shut the fuck up!
I told you this was
a fucking bad road.
I've fucking had it!
I can't take it anymore!
I can't stand
driving you anywhere anymore!
Don't you get it?
Not a second more of it!
Uzi, Uzi.
Fuck, we're sinking!
Almost ready. Just need to wait for
the customs officers to be on their way.
But the price will be a bit steeper.
Great, then it's a deal.
See you later. Bye.
Let's get married.
I'll accept Marin
as if she was my own.
Buy a new dog, become a family
and create our own siida.
This will be our lavvo.
We will share our sorrows and joys here.
We will share everything here.
That's settled then.
Fucking hell! You do your job,
and I'll do mine.
Marin, I hit my head
on the door frame.
Marin, it's true! I turned quickly
and banged my head on the frame.
That's what happened.
It's completely true.
He hits my mom.
I thought she was strong.
But she won't make a stand.
She just lets it happen.
So I thought
Maybe you could have a word with him?
Yes, a man-to-man talk.
A relationship is a relationship.
It's a pact between man and woman.
And that pact is
It's a private matter. Okay?
I haven't told anyone
about you and women's clothing.
Thank you.
-That's not a hunting rifle.
-It's all I had.
-You're shooting wolves with a shotgun?
-Did you get a hunting license?
-Hunting license?
What we're doing here, guys,
is self-defense.
While I was out running, I saw a van
with two men sink into the swamp.
-What kind of men?
-They were arguing.
Sounded like they were from Finland
or Sweden. And then they vanished.
-They vanished into the swamp?
-Completely. With the van.
Have you told anyone?
-Only you. Just now.
-You've got to tell it to grown-ups.
Like Kari or Willman.
They're the ones
who should know about this.
He's got Crohn's.
A chronic bowel disorder.
Diarrhea, abdominal pain.
Frequent toilet visits.
There's no cure.
Thank you very much, Unna.
-Could you get me some milk please?
-It's gone bad.
You may be used to cappuccino
Around here we brew our coffee,
and we drink it black.
But at least we have takeaway cups.
-How long were you planning on staying?
-We'll have to see about that.
With regards to the motel. Whether it's
a couple of days or a full week.
That motel
didn't exactly seem packed.
Perhaps it's the low season.
This is not exactly the Wild West.
I've got a pretty good handle on things.
We know that Russian liquor
is being brought here through Finland.
So that's our area of focus.
"Area of focus". "Task force".
Sure sounds grand.
Right. Bye, then.
It's me. Willman.
The custom agents are out on the road.
Yes, out on the road. And they won't say
how long they're planning on staying.
I'll call you
when they've left the area.
Did you know that dry moss
and wet moss has a different smell?
Wet moss has osmotic properties.
The smell diffuses through
the cell membrane into the mitochondria.
-It's like a spark
Ruska gin!
Hi, we're from the customs service.
This looks brand new.
-You have the receipts, I presume?
These are sponsored goods
for the church bazaar.
There will be a tombola and an auction.
I just bought this in Luleå.
Lots of nice stuff!
Toys from Fun 'n' Games.
The dresses are
from Missers Fashion Shop.
And the stores will confirm this?
Yes, of course. Look here
Missers Fashion Shop.
Just ask for Missers
Not her real name,
but everyone calls her Missers.
Missers Fashion Shop
-What's up?
-I feel like fucking.
-That's what we did all night.
-We haven't done it in the woods.
What? Hallo?
Hi, it's Sigurd.
I'll say!
Long time no see, my son.
How are you?
I leave tomorrow, and land at 4 p.m.
I still have some stuff in the garage.
Okay. How nice! What a surprise.
Let's order out from the Chinese guy.
And then you can tell me how it's going
with school, with Lisa, the trip
-Should I pick you up at the airport?
-No. I've rented a car.
-Sheep, Italian style.
-Why do you call it Italian style?
-Because it has oregano in it.
This is Drita.
She's going to spend the night here.
-My son's coming.
He's just graduated
from the Oslo police academy.
A bit awkward
having her in the basement
What about the motel?
You disfigured her friend's face.
Letting her spend a few nights
is the least you can do.
Do you see anything?
What the fuck? Oh shit!
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot! Help!
He's unhappy,
and he smells of sheep.
He is an alcoholic
with a barn full of gin.
-Play the third track.
Women can be such bitches.
hitting them,
that's not something we do anymore.
People won't put up with that
these days.
Politicians, journalists
So, if you care for Siri,
it may be a good idea to
Get a woman of your own.
I said that we solve our problems
within our lavvo.
So don't fucking go running to Heige
and tell him about what's going on here!
The door frame again?
I tried. I talked to him,
but he just punched me in the face.
I can't do anything more.
Yes, it stings a bit.
It's important that you sleep
on your belly the next few days.
Lie still. There!
Keep an eye on the wounds,
to avoid infection.
You can help her with that.
I assume that undertakers
are bound to secrecy?
Those ending up on my table
rarely have much to hide.
-There, there
-You shut the fuck up!
-Goodbye for now.
-Yes, goodbye.
That was a short visit.
What is it?
I've shot bears at the Finnish border.
I've shot a wolf at point-blank range.
And I've shot lynx.
I'm a hunter. I won't fucking
shoot animals too stupid to move.
What about Finn and the blood money?
The prey comes to the patient hunter,
as my dad used to say.
I'll get my revenge,
just you wait and see.
The prey comes to the patient hunter.
I never heard dad say that.
But then he wasn't your dad
in that sense.
He just knocked up your mom
and ran off.
You know Marin, right?
At first I found it a bit funny
that you were in love with Marin.
You know, she's not exactly
the prettiest of the girls.
But well observed.
Marin is cool,
and that's almost as important as looks.
I think I'm more Marin's type.
So I think
I'll make a move on her.
What do I tend to say?
-Excuse me?
-Make love, not war.
Exactly. Right?
So now I think you should go out
and do just that.
I'm worried about mom.
And why is that?
Who hit the woman living here?
That's a a bit of a silly story.
I would like to hear that story.
It's not what.
-Hello there.
-Who have we got here?
-My name is Eilif.
Eilif Hello, Eilif.
What can I do for you?
I wanted to tell you that I saw a van
sink into the swamp.
The two men arguing inside
sank with the car.
It sounded like
they were from Finland or Sweden.
They were no one we knew.
That's all I wanted to say.
That sounded like the two Finns
who deal vodka to Bilzi.
No more rumors, Unna.
Only hard facts here.
A van drove into the swamp
with two foreigners inside.
That's all we know.
I can't get hold of Erkki and Uzi.
All our customers are furious.
"Where's our vodka?"
They're screaming for vodka!
Motherfucking Finnish
Paralympic limited!
They need to have our liquor ready!
Willman speaking.
-I think the swamp
-I can't hear a fucking word!
I think the swamp swallowed the Finns!
-And what about the liquor?
-Who the hell knows?
Fucking hell!
No luggage?
-No, I'm fine.
I can call that Chinese place.
They have takeout now.
But we'll have some coffee.
There are funerals
on the 4th and 5th
And Yggve and Geir's wedding
on the 11th.
And then
Stop staring at me.
It will never be us. And that's final.
There will be a sign.
Just wait, be patient. Sooner or later,
he will give you a sign.
Could you please focus on this?
The family have decided on the hymns.
It'll be "Thine Be the Glory".
Go home, I'll sort this out.
The coffee's almost ready.
I've defrosted a cake.
From the store,
but it tastes like homemade
Lisa is pregnant.
Fantastic! Congratulations!
She's due in April.
I'm going to be a granddad
Lisa and I have talked about it.
It's difficult to have you
in our lives right now.
I've been promised a position
in the vice division.
So I can't walk around
pretending not to know.
I don't understand
I know what's going on in that basement!
Seriously, Dad
-Yes, but
I'm here, and you're in Oslo.
Our paths won't cross.
-Not in that way, Sigurd.
-Take care.
Think about what your mom would have
said if she knew you were excluding me!
I've thought about mom a lot.
I can't fathom
how she could live with this business.
She was like a mother to them.
Helped and cared for them.
They sent money home to their families.
They even send us Christmas cards!
I stumble around in the darkness.
I need a sign.
You know what? Never mind.
I need a cup of coffee.
Are you okay?
I don't know
what to feel anymore, Kari.
Bilzi, he just First, he hits me,
then he kisses me.
Now he's saying
we should get married and buy a dog.
He says the most hurtful things,
and then the kindest things.
Why can't I just be happy?
I miss her.
I miss hearing her voice.
I miss her so fucking much.
That damn silence
Okay. Fuck me.
Fuck me like a man, right now!
And talk dirty to me!
-I'm playing poker tonight.
-No. Fuck me!
Fuck me, Bilzi. Talk dirty to me!
Call me something nasty!
Come on, be a man.
Call me the worst you can think of!
Say something truly foul!
-Call me something heinous.
-You're ugly.
No! Call me a dirty fucking whore.
-You're a dirty whore.
-Good! More!
-You're a dirty whore.
-Great! Louder. More.
-Say it one more time.
-You're a dirty whore.
-Good. Say it louder.
-You're a dirty whore!
Yes! Now call me
an abused lesbian whore!
Come on. Let's hear it.
You're a dirty lesbian whore!
You smelly lesbian whore!
Goddamn, you stink!
Thirty-five hundred.
This makes no fucking sense.
You guys go out to shoot a wolf.
And end up shooting a customs officer?
That's too simplistic.
It's a long story.
-Never mind that, Stein. Your turn.
I fold.
It's good to have you
back at the table, Stein.
Can I book the pony tail girl?
You know that you can get
what you want much cheaper?
That's very funny, Stein.
As they say in America:
Go fuck yourself!
Like Heige.
He pays for two hours,
but he keeps his hands to himself.
What the fuck are you talking about?
He's not into pussy. Nor tits.
But he likes
wearing their clothes.
You didn't know?
Heige feels
most comfortable in a dress.
Okay, calm down, guys.
-Let's play.
-All in.
-All in!
-Your mother!
-Yeah, I know.
-I fucked her.
-So they tell me.
Still up?
You will stop hitting my mom.
You will stop hitting my mom.
And you'll swear on it. Now!
And if not?
Dear Marin.
Killing someone
That's wholly different
from shooting cardboard targets.
Killing another human being
It's like leaving your flock of sheep
to wander into the wilderness.
And once you are out there,
there's no returning.
Do you realize
how heavy that step feels?
Do you realize
how dark and lonely it is out there?
One would think you were a Sami girl.
Translation: Nicolai Herzog
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