When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

When the Devil Calls Your Name
Episode 6
- Good morning!
- You're here? Morning coffee?
- Sounds good.
- Oh yeah, a package came for you.
- For me?
- Yeah. Here.
Why, what is it?
Thatthatthat's a smashed rat head!
Hey, this isn't just crazy. Whoever did this is totally psycho.
Gyeong, are you okay?
Open the door.
You're telling me not to fool around?
Who else have you become enemies with recently?
They put so much effort into this. How many needles are there?
That crazy devil bastard.
- Oh, that scared me!
- What now?
My phone is ringing.
Twenty-seven needles.
This is going viral in real-time.
Now turn your decision into the right one.
I'm saying fix this yourself, PD Ha.
She is Kim Yi Gyeong. I know it because I went to Seongmok High with her.
How can such a criminal be a Harib's muse? Is he crazy?
She used to hum even in the detention center.
I heard she hit her father's head with an ashtray.
Dong Hui. Have I ever fought 8:1 with a razor blade?
Whether I got beaten up by girl gangsters or not,
you should've just gone on your way.
Spring 2009
- Hey, are you crazy?
- Why do you keep fooling around?
You crazy bitch!
What are you doing?
Wow. How did they find this?
What did Gyeong do so wrong to them? Why are they making stuff up?
People only see what they want to see and believe what they want to believe.
So when somebody says they're wrong, they get mad.
They're people with small hearts.
- So we shouldn't be mad.
- How can we not be mad?
- Should we?
- Yeah.
- CEO Ji is in, right?
- Yes, she is.
Sunbaenim, do we have to open all of these?
I called the owner of these packages, so we don't have to.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Let's get started.
I stamped it. Do the contract, but it is a standard contract.
- Whether you buy her a house or a plane, you pay for it with your own money.
- Really?
After the news has been released to the world and we step out, our image will plummet.
Properly add her into this family before we figure things out.
And it's even better if she gets tired on her own and leaves.
We raise the company's image and let the girl leave? It's so like you.
There's no need to rush the contract signing, right? Let's take it slowly.
We do need to rush! Take it slowly, my foot.
- She won't do it.
- What?
- What?
- She said she won't be a singer.
I tried everything to convince but she said no.
Hey, what kind of rhythm am I supposed to dance along to?
We publicly announced her as our company's singer and Harib's muse and she won't do it?
Get this signed. You caused this issue so you find the solution.
She can sign the contract today and quit tomorrow, just get it signed!
She keeps saying she doesn't want to do it.
She's making a big deal about it right now, so if you give me some time—
Whatever! You caused this issue, you resolve it!
Why do you keep getting mad at me?
Ugh, just leave.
I can't even get mad so just disappear already.
- I'll leave!
- Take this with you.
If you can't get her signature, don't appear in front of me ever again.
There's no time!
Hey, you.
It's a little dirty here, could you clean this up for us?
I can't believe there are people who smoke in the office.
The ashtrays, too. Take these all quickly.
Oh, I forgot. You're not a housekeeper anymore, right? Sorry.
You're not going to hit me with that, are you?
She's so thick-skinned, too. I don't know how she planned on becoming a singer.
Don't be too hurt. Ra In's like that because she's also disappointed, she's not usually mean.
I heard you cleaned at Harib's house.
You may clean well, but someone who seduces people while cleaning
is really not ordinary.
- Don't you think you went too far?
- I don't understand what you mean.
You don't understand? You can say that as you witness what's happening right now?
I asked you to verify her as a grade-one soul but you threaten her instead?
And what the hell am I, just a supplement?
Are you testing us as a set? What was it that you sent me? What was it?
Let's not hit each other while speaking.
Okay, I admit it. But not all of that was me.
What do you mean, not all was you?
It's true he sent a package, but he didn't send that many.
Yeah. I only sent an appropriate amount. Just enough to verify.
- Moreover, none were sent to you.
- Exactly!
Why would I send a package to you, Sir?
I would rather have visited you in person and dug your eyes out like this. See?
I never said my eyes were dug out on that parcel.
It was a joke. Wasn't it cute?
Should I dig your eyes out, too? Cutely?
We may have started it, but others found out and are acting on their own.
It's scary. The more you learn about humans, the more vicious they seem.
Then you completed your verification? I just need her signature.
- I'm not sure
- You're not sure? What?
Not sure, what? What else is left?
I can't tell you beforehand. Funny man.
We aren't like that.
Take her out. Ex-convict?
She's not even a regular ex-convict, but an ex-convict for attempted murder!
Are we some sort of charity? This isn't a rehab center, isn't there anyone else?
Our funding team is making a fuss about suing you for breach of contract right now.
How could you pick someone like her?
Everybody, please calm down. Would CEO Ji have planned this on purpose?
Since the girl can sing a bit, we just had her come and try out,
and her past was revealed.
CEO Ji will settle this properly and quietly.
How will she do it?
I knew about her past.
She's not someone who can sing a bit, but an artist who has exceptional talent.
I wanted to sort things out quietly,
- but it became difficult to do so.
- CEO Ji!
If we kick her out right now, Kim Yi Gyeong becomes an ex-convict for
attempted murder and we become disgraced as an irresponsible company.
It wasn't attempted murder but the infliction of serious injury.
The judge ruled that it was excessive self-defense after being
in an abusive household for ten years.
Rumors about school violence and being in a gangs are something we don't
believe without evidence.
What is she saying?
Most of the people here must have seen PD Harib and decided to participate.
In the same way that you all trusted in PD Ha and invested your funds,
I hope you continue to trust his insight and skills.
PD Ha fully believes Kim Yi Gyeong is an artist who is worth dealing with all this controversy.
Of course, I know how the business world runs.
Only using words is a futile action.
Director Kim, when are you going to withdraw your investment?
- Ah, that is—
- What about you Director Han?
He won't.
I have nothing to say even if you withdraw your investments.
If you can't believe me, feel free to do so.
Sue if you want.
However, you will have to see it through to the end. (meaning it will be hard to win the case over me)
You don't care about your family?
I said to live quietly. Quietly!
People were just about to forget about it, but you've just uncovered everything again.
Why do you keep shooting yourself in the foot, huh?
People who seduce others while cleaning are really something.
She's so thick-skinned. How did she plan on becoming a singer?
Damn it.
Why can't I do it?
What did I so wrong that everyone's attacking me?
After crying that much, she had eight smoked eggs, seaweed soup, sikhye (Korean sweet rice punch),
- and chimaek (chicken and beer)?
- Yes, sir.
Could that child have problems in the parts of her brain that deals with feelings?
She is extremely healthy.
In any case, humans lighten my workload.
Let's keep an eye on her for the time being.
When it's a matter of being vicious, humans are more capable than us.
Yes, sir.
Seung Ri!
It was the best today.
Sir! What's going on here?
Oh. It's your soul.
I have to take it.
What do you mean?
Why, why why does it have to be now of all times?
You've got two minutes left under the contract.
Give me a little more, just a little more, time.
My girlfriend is waiting for me outside.
One minute, 38 seconds.
Just one hour!
Let me have a meal for the last time with her.
And then we can do it. Please!
One minute, 25 seconds.
Just a little more.
Hiding behind your foolish attachment is dirty greed.
Without pain
I will take away your soul only.
Give up all your hopes.
Now your greed is mine.
Waiting room for performers
It is all done.
You guys are evil, devil and that sort, right?
You are in the business of selling and purchasing souls, aren't you?
And, what about this?
It hurts so much!
This is the price I paid to save the soul of the person you killed.
It is better to die than to live like this.
Removal of a lump and?
Tons of money. Let me make tons of money.
And after that. My mom.
They always looked down on me. My brother and sister, too.
Let them all get ruined.
Would it be enough to ruin your brother?
Should I just kill him?
Alright. Kill him.
So my father and mother dying,
my brother and sister will do that.
How about sending them to prison for good.
It seems that you already have a soul worse than a devil.
Do you even have a soul?
What is this bullshit?
Your soul is not worth having.
Hey. Do you discriminate against people? Should I just call the police?
You have a low-grade soul, so it will be collected immediately.
Just take it. Just take my soul already.
Alright then, I will take your soul.
Now your soul is mine.
This is what you look like without your soul.
And that is the world where the soul disappeared.
The world you live in will change to this.
This is the world that you will live in from now on.
No, this is not it.
Return me. This is not what I wanted.
Go home.
The wishes you made will all happen.
What is this!
Hey, do you even use your eyes properly?
Why are you touching me? You pervert.
What? Pervert?
Die! Die you pervert!
Just die.
Have you gone mad?
Stop it! Stop it I said.
A soul the size of a speck is still a soul.
What are you doing?
Hey, stop right there.
No way this
Hello. Is this the police?
Since when did you start making such judgments?
Stop right there! Do you not hear me?
I am sorry. I will be more careful.
Hey! Aish!
Do you know what a muse means?
It means you are my alter ego.
If you want to argue with that mere song, you can leave.
Blab your mouth saying Harib had plagiarized.
and just contnue living like such a loser..
You are amazing. Are you not even angry?
I'll be an elevator. Don't climb the stairs one by one like everyone else.
go straight up.
Go up as high as you can.
Go up and sing your song.
Boss, I stood on stage a few days ago.
- Did you know?
- I just don't know how to use the internet.
How did you know there was chaos on the internet?
You told me before,
if something bad happens, something good is bound to happen as well.
Isn't that right?
I think I will become a singer.
When people are making that much fuss against you?
I have nothing to be broken anymore.
It'll be unfair to give up when everything is broken already.
I want to give it a try.
Giving up is something you do before you are broken. I think I can do it well.
If you climb up too high, it will hurt when you fall.
There are many skewers left, where are you going?
As you know,
I am not that great to climb too high up.
So don't worry. I'm off.
There are places that you can't come down from once you go up.
It was like a boil that was bothering me had just popped.
It was painful but it felt good.
When I said it felt good, it wasn't really feeling good.
I empathize with your pain.
I keep repeating myself.
I am sorry.
You have a special talent and I recognized your talent as a producer.
Broadcasting is like that.
Once it's published, you ought to take responsibility.
And I, as a public figure, would have to bear the weight of social responsibility.
The time isn't very good right now, and I am sorry that I have to keep saying this—
I will do it.
I want to be a singer. I just have to sign, right?
Why are you agreeing so suddenly?
- Should I not do it?
No, go ahead. Sign right here.
I see there's no clause saying I give up my soul or anything.
This is just the beginning.
I'm happy to work with you Kelly.
I'm happy to work with you, Harib P.D.
- Good bye then.
- I can drop you off.
- No, I can take the bus.
- Don't be like that.
I will see you later.
♫ If you go to Busan ♫
I won't go to Busan for a while. So unlucky!
♫ Will I see you again?
I'm tired.
What's up? Looks like something good happened.
Just know that things are going as planned.
Humans are more evil than devils. Only humans don't know that.
In the end, that girl will expose her ugly human instincts. What to do?
Don't try to make me turn against her. You will not shake my belief in her.
My plan is perfect and that child is following my plan.
What's left is the replacement contract. All that is left is to succeed.
- How?
- I am going to put her on the very top and—
Drop, you're planning to make her fall.
The person who climbed up that high can't handle the fall.
The only thing you can offer, faced with the reality you can't handle, is the soul.
There's no better environment than this for making a contact.
It is a very fine strategy, though.
I am saying it's a perfect plan.
Don't you think the point is whether she'll follow you as you planned?
You know the humans have that thing.
Free will.
Wait. I'll definitely bring it.
I hope so too.
- Aren't we leaving?
- Get out.
We are going the same direction.
Get out.
The bastards who pounded keyboards on the internet.
Let's serve them right!
Director Lee, we can't delete the past that existed.
We must find a way to make them forget the past.
Should I call the reporters and set the table nicely?
People will drink the alcohol you provided,
but they won't delete the past.
I noticed a variety show is perfect to change your image.
She just needs to go there and make people laugh.
Ah, let's get an entertainment show for her. Even for going into a jungle.
Will you make her go there and eat grubs or something?
If it's grubs, we are taking care of it cheaply.
She should eat a snake now, if she must, to turn the tables.
CEO Ji, if she had the courage to hit someone with an ashtray, she won't have a problem eating a snake, right?
It's very yummy and tasty when you grill it.
Ashtray, snake. Now you are
Do you even know how much our stock price has dropped because of her?
I forgot there are only two types of people to you.
- People who are increasing your money or people who are consuming your money.
- P.D. Ha.
I'll bring back the money so if you like snakes you can be on TV. Eat your heart out.
Do you think I am kidding?
Don't be so snappish and tell me your solution now.
Okay, I'll go. I'll go out and eat a snake. That'll fix the problem, right?
Should I roast it or boil it? How delicious will it be?
- I'll go on TV and eat?
- You go out!
- That'll fix it!
- Stop!
You two stop talking about the snake. What's the plan?
Wait. I'll find a way soon.
Snake won't do.
What the?
I said to have her go on a variety show. Did I tell her to eat a snake?
Why does he always bring up money whenever he sees me, huh?
He has a lot of money, too! Am I the only one earning it here?
We must have been enemies in a previous life.
PD Ha has a lot to think about these days which explains why he's so harsh with you.
I hope you can understand.
Since we're talking about him,
just what kind of person is he?
- What do you mean?
- I mean he must be poorly educated.
I mean, I'm just curious about him, that's all.
Like his family, where he grew up, and what kind of person he is.
I don't know since he doesn't really talk about himself.
You mean to say you know nothing about a man you worked with for ten years?
- You're not even curious?
- Sure, I am.
But if the person doesn't bring it up first, it'd be rude to intrude on such topics.
So you didn't know him before then?
No. He came looking for me with a demo CD ten years ago.
He said Seo Dong Cheon recommended him.
Wait. Who?
Seo Dong Cheon?
Oh my.
I need to barricade her surroundings and make her come into my territory.
Well a caged bird will never think about escaping the cage.
How come she just signs the contract and then doesn't pick up her phone?
Seo Dong Cheon?
Seo Dong Cheon, why not have a fish cake before you go?
What did you just say?
I told you to have a fish cake before you go.
No, I mean, you said something about Seo something or so?
- Didn't you come looking for Yi Gyeong?
- I did.
But why are you calling me Seo Dong Cheon?
Just because she's always talking about Seo Dong Cheon this, Seo Dong Cheon that.
So I though that might be you.
Am I wrong?
I'm not Seo Dong Cheon, I'm Harib, Harib! Don't you know me?
I don't care if you're Seo Dong Cheon or Dong Seo Cheon.
There have been many people who promised to make her into a singer.
Was Seo Dong Cheon one of those punks?
Just leave Yi Gyeong alone.
If there is something you desperately want to do,
don't do it.
What are you talking about?
I'm telling you not to kill that pitiful girl twice.
And you really need to be careful with whom you make friends.
Even if a bad friend might look good for the moment,
in the end, he's just a bad friend.
Did Kim Yi Gyeong say that? That I'm a bad friend?
Do you think I am doing this because I want something?
Kim Yi Gyeong will become a good singer. I'll make sure of it!
There are things we can't control no matter how hard we might try.
What a big nose you are?! It's the size of the Pacific!
Hold on!
Three-thousand won.
And Kim Yi Gyeong's not here.
What a rip-off.
Can I pay with a card?
You need to pay before you go.
I asked if I can pay with a card!
I thought you asked if you could go.
[Korean: ka-du (card) and ka-do dwae (can I go?)]
I almost mistook you for a thug. And you can't.
What's this?
I mean
This situation's quite weird. You definitely said you wouldn't move in.
And I was taking a look at the empty house wondering
from an investor's perspective what I could do with it.
I'm saying this just in case you might misunderstand,
but no one in the world would expect someone to pop out of the shower in an empty house.
Although there's no way you would think such vulgar things of me,
but I don't have such hobbies like a bum trying to sneak in a place where a woman lives—
I got it, so just stay there for a moment.
That's what I've been doing the whole time. I'm telling you—
What are you doing here?
- What's with you?
- I moved here to the third floor.
Why are you both doing this to me?
Seems like you have a lot of stress.
- What are you up to?
- Just stay still.
Now then.
Seems like you know what you're doing?
- I did this a lot for my mom.
- Your mom? That Mon-
Yes, my mom who's staying in Montenegro.
Ah, right. Hold on.
That guy.
I don't know if I should call him bright or thoughtless.
He's considerate.
I should have let you know in advance, but I've lost my phone charger.
I'm really sorry.
Forget about the apologies.
Until I find a new house,
can I gratefully stay here?
They suddenly started doing construction at the sauna.
I have a week left on a month's worth coupon.
By any chance, have you another person you want to rent this house to—
No, just use it for your convenience. Is there anything you feel uncomfortable with?
No, I just moved in.
- I see.
- And since it's the house I lived in, it's really comfortable.
I see.
I should have recognized your consideration for what it was.
I apologize for being short-sighted.
And I heard from the real-estate agency.
- What?
- About the newlyweds.
Newlyweds were supposed to move in. If this happens, I am making another victim because of me.
Did you now? Why did they say something so pointless?
They said you helped them find a new apartment,
- and wanted me to give you their thanks.
- No need.
I didn't even know that and spoke so thoughtlessly. I apologize.
It needs some fixes, and the lyrics are missing, so you should write them.
But it's yours. So change it however you like.
- PD.
- Correct.
I'm your PD, so all you need to do is follow me.
Stay still just like that in the safety of the birdcage.
Not again!
An office worker had a package for you. I had it in my bag so I forgot.
- You open it.
- Sure.
Be careful. Something might pop out.
Oh, oh. Careful now.
Wow! Pretty panties! Where did you order them?
- Kang Ha must have lost it!
- Shall we open this?
What is this? Seo Dong—
Lockup carefully so you are not in danger.
You too
- I'm leaving.
- Yeah.
[Elder! Please apply for the basic retirement fund]
I'm already sixty-six?
But wait. There's no way this would come to the company?
How F!
You scared me!
- But you have good timing. I was just—
- Give it back.
- What?
- This. I gave it to you by mistake.
Did you open it?
Well, I thought it was mine, why are you giving me someone else's letter?! Forget it, I'll throw it away.
No, you can't throw it away, it needs to be returned to its owner.
But you!
- Where did you get this?
- I discovered this when I visited Seo Dong Cheon's house.
Why would you—
go there?
I told you my mom is Seo Dong Cheon's fan.
I went there to take a photo together, but they told me he's not been there for a long time.
I thought if I had this, I would meet him eventually.
During the thirty years I was active as a singer, not once did a fan come by.
Why would one show up now, of all times, when none existed back then?
Do you know Seo Dong Cheon by chance?
- How would I?
- I thought so.
Go. If Seo Dong Cheon finds out, I bet he'll be happy.
Everyone, let me introduce Kim Yi Gyeong.
Hello, I'm Kim Yi Gyeong.
For the PR and media problem Team Leader Go.
- You can discuss it with Team Leader Go.
- Hello.
Since we've become one big family, please be comfortable around each other.
- And Yi Gyeong, come have lunch together with me later.
- Yes.
I've eaten lots already. What's with the atmosphere?
Welcome, President. This is the first time you've seen her, right?
Kim Yi Gyeong.
Ah, nice to meet you.
My name is nice Choong, Lee Choong Ryeol. President Lee Choong Ryeol.
Nice to meet you.
Ah, yes. I'm Kim Yi Gyeong.
Seems like you're a shy person, huh? As an entertainer, you need to be able to give proper introductions.
Well, you'll get better.
Oh, Luca, Luca, Luca.
- When did you come here?
- Earlier.
How are things going? Good work, everyone.
Yes, goodbye.
How long has it been? How's the rooftop house?
Wouldn't it be better to move into an apartment?
It's fine. I like it a lot.
- Ah, really?
- Yeah.
How could the son of a prime minister stay in a sauna?
My heart fell three times.
From now on, think of me as your Korean dad. I am your Korean father, okay?
- Okay.
- You can talk to me about anything, okay?
- President Ji?
- Yes?
You were quite popular when you were active as a member of Heart and Soul, right?
It's too embarrassing to talk about it myself. But the thing is,
girls to grandmas lined up to the next neighborhood when I'd go out.
What about Seo Dong Cheon? Was he seeing anybody at that time?
Seo Dong Cheon?
He had a bit dark side—
Hold on. Did he have a girl?
Did he?
Why would you be interested in that?
I was listening to Heart and Soul's music and thought you lived in a romantic era.
The two of you.
Indeed, the romantic
You know I am nothing without the romance.
I got a phone call.
Yes, Chairman. Hold on, please.
Your mother asked to tell you to please call.
You should play golf with the minister.
PD gave you this?
I can hear my heart beating.
The memory of you calling me.
Did you write it?
♫ I hear my heart beating.
♫ The memory of you calling me
♫ becomes more vivid when I close my eyes.
♫ When I call you to hug you,
♫ Tears flowing from stars answer instead
Showcase, you said?
Not in front of your cheering fans
but in front of the reporters who are trying to find a reason to badmouth you.
But they are also ready to praise your talent as well.
This time, not with the song Si Ho already introduced to the world
but with your music and your new song.
Introduce yourself to the world properly. You can do it, right?
I am grateful for your concern, but
I just want to sing on the street.
A place where strangers would stop to listen to my song.
Are you talking about busking?
If I keep doing that someday with my song---
It is her.
It is her, right?
I can be evaluated only for my singing—
That's her.
A person like that
Don't lower your head.
And smile. Not all of them are bad-mouthing you.
The world doesn't flow in only one direction.
Many people just wanted to make eye contact with you because they really like your song.
Face it directly. If you face it directly, it will definitely split in two ways.
I heard a rumor she killed a person.
How could she kill a person?
Let's go.
Right. She might dream about escaping if I only keep her locked in the cage.
I'll let you come out sometimes.
Of course within my palm that is.
Okay, let's do the busking.
Yep. Thank you.
This is pretty.
I am fine. I have a guitar.
I am fine with it, too.
Let's only think about letting people hear what you like.
I also want to let people hear what I like as well.
It's getting heavy.
Excuse me, how about a photo?
Okay, let's take one.
No with her.
Yes. I want to post it in the store.
- Here we go.
- Ah—
Let's take it together.
Me too? Okay.
One, two, three.
The strap, I will
I am going to put her high on top.
Well a caged bird can't get out of the birdcage.
- Goodbye.
- Thanks.
You make the people focus only on your singing.
If you make people pay attention to you, then some of them will protect you, too.
Things of the past,
hide them out of sight as they were before.
The view is nice.
- I found a nice place, right?
- You mean I bought a nice place.
Kelly! Look at this!
What is that? Did you make this?
Gyeong, I think there's a chef inside of me.
If I picture something in my head, I can cook it right away.
This is really
I only made for three people.
I hate things like this. So greasy.
Still, come have some with us.
I don't eat flour-based food.
He really likes flour-based food, but let him be. He said he doesn't want it.
Let's eat before it gets cold.
You're leaving the house frequently these days.
Considering you stayed inside for three years.
Isn't the fried rice good?
- Eat a lot.
- Kang Ha,
- you're always out.
- Wow!
What's this without me?
- Come quickly!
- Yay!
- He made it himself.
- Not saying hello?
Really? Wow.
Please eat a lot. I made four servings for you.
Really? Of course, it has to be for four.
This is really good.
- Aren't you eating?
- No, eat a lot.
Dong Hui brought wine, so at least have a glass.
Should I?
Give me that.
I knew you'd do this.
- You go crazy for pasta.
- Crazy.
You made this?
It's so good!
It's good, right?
The world won't crumble. Yipee!
- Do well!
- Pull through!
Do that!
Lee Young Ja. (Sounds similar to Let's do that)
♫ I hear my heart beating
♫ The memory of you calling me
♫ gets more vivid when I close my eyes
♫ When I call you to hug you
♫ Tears flowing in the stars answer instead
♫ Always, oh beautiful life
♫ I want to see you again even if it's a dream
♫ Always oh looking for you
♫ I will sing the song
♫ until you're tired of it
♫ The longing which is you
♫ is not sadness
Okay. Let's release this one. You recorded it?
Was I supposed to?
- What?
- I didn't.
It's okay, I remember it.
But, isn't this chord work similar to Seo Dong Cheon's?
What are you talking about?
These are similar code works with the song from Heart and Soul's first album, 'A Violet.'
- The album nobody remembers.
- Oh.
My songs that nobody remembers.
If I had met fans like you earlier, I might not have sold my soul.
Don't say useless things. Just copy it properly.
Got it?
CEO Ji Seo Yeong
What's up?
Hey, can we please,
hear company stuff in the company, not the news?
We're doing a showcase?
Ambushes are the best reverse attacks.
The normal showcase doesn't suit my style.
We're going to busk. People on the streets will come listen.
Reporters will come and cover it.
What did I tell you? Did I or did I not say not to make a big deal of things?
When I've said it that much, even mutual enemies would pretend to listen.
Don't get mad right away.
Just listen and admire, okay?
You think you're so smart, huh?
So when will you show it?
What do you mean, you're not ready?
You're telling me this showcase or whatever is in two days and it's not ready? Does that make sense?
Stay right where you are.
Why? So I can go smack you in the face. That is why.
Swear an oath. Don't waste your breath and swear it.
Fine. Try it.
Why does the dog keep barking? You don't do that.
You see, I—
Thanks for the meal.
Hey puppy, he is messing up with me, right?
Frost was stuck to her.
Seems you have done something seriously wrong.
Why a rat? Why a rat?
I said to do something more powerful, not dirty!
Compared to a doll with eyes poked out
Come quickly.
That scared me.
Someone must have died.
Look at that blood.
Ah, seriously.
Why is this neighborhood where not even a petty thief existed suddenly so chaotic?
It's doomed. Doom.
Bastards who want to be lawyers because of money
stabbing and killing the parents of a judge
And there're problems almost every day over there because of some singer.
Why is the weather so nice, so hot and humid.
What brings you here?
I was just on my way home.
- What is this?
- It's a taser.
For self defense.
There are instructions in here, so make sure to read it more than twice.
Even if you don't need it.
You never know what'll happen. It doesn't hurt to carry it around.
I'm the Seongmok High School's Ashtray Girl.
Do you really think I'll need this?
Then just throw it away.
♫ Always, oh beautiful life ♫
♫ You are not sadness in my heart ♫
♫ Always oh looking for you ♫
♫ You are not pain in my memories ♫
♫ My breathless breath ♫
♫ My voice to call you out ♫
If there's a problem with the console, call a technician. You think I will go there to fix it?
Fine, I'll be right there.
Right. You're lat—
♫ I ran out to the street ♫
♫ like that day ♫
Let's go. We're late.
♫ My song ♫
- Ah!
- Woah there.
I-I'm sorry.
♫ I can't erase ♫
Come on.
♫ The melody towards you ♫
- Why are you so slow?
- I'm not, just today—
Don't be late, got it?
Right on time, and don't be too obvious, got it?
Just walk and what the? Busking?
Naturally like this, got it?
- Don't get noticed by journalists, got it?
- Yes.
What the? Busking? Saw that? Just like that!
Yes, it's me, I'm here.
What the just like a grandfather.
Luca, keyboard.
Can I borrow your phone?
- Mine?
- Yes.
Of course, thirty minutes of calling are free of charge,
so use it as much as you'd like.
Sang Hee is very nice.
Thank you (in Russian).
It's time.
And they're already here.
- Are you ready?
- Yes.
Move out.
I told her to naturally come out,
It's almost time.
Did you break your fingers? Why haven't you been calling?
My fingers are fine, but I didn't have a phone.
Luca, what were you thinking?
- Why did you go to Korea-?
- Mom.
I want to do music.
So I came here to learn.
Is that all?
Luca, what are you thinking?
Probably the same thing you are.
I'm going now to sing a song, Mom.
Are you listening?
Since I started it, I will do my best.
I'll do well, so don't worry about me.
What's going on at home?
Nothing much.
Are you doing okay? Don't forget to eat well.
Fk u. Don't dare, Ashtray!
Keyong's Snacks
Kyeong's Snacks
You're a muse?
I wanna kill you!
Yes, hello?
Where are you?! It's already time. Why aren't you here yet?!
I'm on my way. I'll go quickly.
Hurry up!
Isn't that her?
It is.
A singer? You?
Know your place, Ashtray!
You fool.
What? Where're you going?
What are you gonna do about it?
You're trying hard.
How dare you?
What are you gonna do?
Try singing a song.
Go ahead.
Sing a song!
You should go around like this, it's way better.
You could become a singer looking like this.
Why aren't you singing?
I'm sorry.
is someone like me not allowed to have a dream?
No, you're not.
Pour down more.
How disgusting.
Right to dream?
Why is she never picking up her phone?!
This is so you.
What the hell?
Hey, hey let's go.
What's going on?
A-Are you alright?
- I'm alright.
- Those bastards!
I'm sorry for running late.
Don't apologize. It's not your fault.
This crazy devil bastard!
Are you okay, hm? Hm?
Yes, I'm okay.
But I'm afraid performing like this will be difficult, right?
Let's go.
Is she not coming?
Let's get going.
Seems like Kelly or whatever her name is isn't going to be singing.
You're too much!
- Let's go, let's go.
- Reporters.
The more successful you become, the more you should get it together, CEO Ji.
Well, it doesn't mean you'll always be successful.
If you just wait for ten minutes
I'll buy you a new guitar.
It's fine. I can still use it.
Thank you.
Give it here.
Let's go now.
We ate ramen.
But nothing changed.
I thought it would be resolved if I ate with her.
I feel dizzy like I'm surrounded by fog.
Why am I so concerned over a beauty like that?
Could it be because part of the real Mo Tae Kang is still alive inside you?
Is that possible?
It's alive?
What are you saying is alive?
Your soul may have disappeared, but your memories are still alive.
Don't you think?
Let's eat. Real food.
Where are we going?
Just go quietly.
♫ I hear my heart beating
♫ The memory of you calling me
♫ gets more vivid when I close my eyes
♫ When I call you to hug you
♫ Tears flowing from the stars answer instead
♫ Always, oh beautiful life
♫ I want to see you again even in my dreams
♫ Always oh looking for you
♫ I will sing a song until you tire of it
♫ The longing which is you
♫ is not sadness
♫ Always, oh beautiful life
♫ You are not sadness in my heart
♫ Always oh looking for you
♫ You are not pain in my memories
♫ My breathless breath
♫ My voice to look for you
You're the best.
You're so cool!
It was so nice.
It was good!
You two, it's been a while.
You did well. Let's keep going like this.
Don't avoid it, but face it head-on.
Did I really do well?
Yes, you did well.
But that guitar.
What guitar?
The guitar that was in the basement.
You're not Mo Tae Kang, are you
Where did you get that guitar?
What are you talking about? It's not like I only have one guitar.
Oh, the guitar with the tape on it.
There was something like that?
I'm not sure.
Didn't that belong to Seo Dong Cheon?
The tape, I feel like I put it on for him.
I guess not.
You're not Mo Tae Kang.
You're right. I'm not Mo Tae Kang.
Sometimes I imagined it.
If I had released the song once I came out of the detention center—
No, if I hadn't even gone to the detention center,
would I have been able to make my dream come true?
Would I have been able to become successful like you?
It was around then that I gave up on my dream.
That's why I can never forget it.
I'm pretty sure I put that blue tape on ten years ago.
Ahjussi Dong Cheon's guitar was broken and I put tape on it for him. That was the same shape of the tape I put on.
That guitar. Where did you get it?
Not once did I ever think of that girl.
How could I
forget everything like her?
When the Devil Calls Your Name
I feel like the producer knows something about that man.
Seo Dong Cheon?
That's his last known address.
The holder is Seo Dong Cheon.
I want to do music. We should do a duet together!
I'm pretty sure I put blue tape on it ten years ago.
I told you so many times not to do it. Why would you?
He gave me a dream, for the first time.
Show me that my first wish was granted properly.
I already showed it to you. What more do you want to see?
You are not Mo Tae Kang, are you?
You are not Mo Tae Kang. Who are you, then?
A devil.
CEO Ji. Do you know anything about Seo Dong Cheon?
Seo Dong Cheon?
But he has possession of the house here?
And Harib comes here occasionally.
Hey, Seo Dong Cheon.
Seo Dong Cheon.
♫ My forgotten dream ♫
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