When the Streetlights Go On (2017) s01e06 Episode Script

Deodorant & Nicotine

Boys and girls, I come bearing gifts.
- Oh!
- Oh!
- Yes.
- Yes!
This is for you.
This is for you.
Yes, it is.
You gotta be kidding me.
That sucks.
Did you do it?
Slash your tires?
Not that.
Nah, I didn't do that either.
I'm sorry about your sister.
I used to see her around.
She seemed nice.
She was a lot of things.
Nice was not one of them.
Need a lift?
No way, dude.
Is she dating Tatum?
WOMAN: Why have no arrests been made?
This is ridiculous.
He is out there right now.
Because unfortunately, right now,
there is no one to arrest.
We're working hard to change that.
What about Casper Tatum?
All you need to know
is that CPD is keeping a close eye
on every lead.
That includes Casper Tatum.
But right now, he is innocent,
until proven otherwise.
Is it true?
Is what true?
That you're dating him.
Dating who?
Casper Tatum?
Sorry to disappoint you, but no.
Oh, it's not me
you're disappointing, Rebecca.
It's your sister.
How do you know he didn't do it?
How do I know you didn't do it?
Fuck off, Brad, seriously.
Hey, Becky!
After hearing of the assault,
Casper lost it.
Yo, Kirchhoff.
Think it's cool to hit girls, tough guy?
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Get off him!
It took exactly 36 minutes
for word of Casper and Brad's fisticuffs
to reach authorities.
You don't want to answer
our questions, fine.
We can hang out here all night.
He chucked a dodgeball at a girl I like.
He embarrassed her,
gave her a bloody nose.
So I just gave him a taste
of his own medicine.
There's always one like you, Casper.
Always the same deal.
Some advice.
Don't take the bait.
The unlikely teenage love affair
between Casper Tatum and Becky Monroe
began in a home ec classroom
and was officiated with an hour-long
session of frenching in auto shop.
The sister of the dead girl
and the prime suspect in the murder
were suddenly lovers.
The gossip spread through the town
by supper that evening.
None of the noise mattered
to Becky, though.
The girl who had once lived
under a shadow was now coming out.
And on top of that,
she really dug Casper.
She dug the way he smelled--
Brut deodorant and nicotine.
She dug that she had to stand
on her tippy-toes to kiss him
and that when you got to know him,
he was really just a softy.
He got her high
for the first time at the movie theater.
They weren't that different,
Casper and Becky.
They were both outsiders.
They both had parents who didn't
acknowledge their existence.
In spite of the vastness of the universe,
they had found each other.
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