Where's Wally (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Vienna Voice-Versa

# Where do you go
Where do you go, Wally?
# Oh-eh-oh
# I searched the world for you
# Take a trip around the world
# Take a trip around the world
# Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach,
jump in, discover something new
# Oh-eh-oh
# Anywhere you go, I'll find you
# Anywhere you go, I'll find you
# Oh-oh-oh
# Where do you go?
Where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
# Mi-mi-mi-mi-miii
# Do-te-la-so-fa-mi-re-do
Huh. That's odd. My arpeggio sounded
a little "rough" around the edges!
Huh. That's odd. My arpeggio sounded
a little "rough" around the edges!
That was amazing,
Wizard Whitebeard.
Yeah. We never knew you had such
a great singing voice.
Yeah. We never knew you had such
a great singing voice.
Er, is something the matter,
Wizard Whitebeard?
Yes! You see, young Wanderers, I
have been spending the last few days
Yes! You see, young Wanderers, I
have been spending the last few days
practising for an opera performance
with my old singing partner,
Wizard Nightingale.
That's your old singing partner?
We can't wait to see you perform!
That's your old singing partner?
We can't wait to see you perform!
Oh, thank you! But there isn't
going to be a performance.
What? Why? Because I can no longer
hitthe high C.
What? Why? Because I can no longer
hitthe high C.
The high C? What's that?
The high C was my signature note.
Audiences would line up to hear
Nightingale and I sing
Audiences would line up to hear
Nightingale and I sing
And we'd finish every performance
with me hitting the high C.
It was a showstopper. But my voice
isn't what it used to be.
It was a showstopper. But my voice
isn't what it used to be.
I can't seem to hit the
high (OFF-KEY)
Huh? Oh, what am I to do, Wanderers?
The performance is tonight!
I don't want to disappoint Wizard
I don't want to disappoint Wizard
Wait! Maybe I could use
a little magic!
You don't need a magic key to fix
your voice, Wizard Whitebeard.
You already sound great.
You need a little extra practice.
You already sound great.
You need a little extra practice.
That's right! And the support of
your two biggest fans. Woof!
Make that your THREE biggest fans!
Make that your THREE biggest fans!
So, where is tonight's performance,
Wizard Whitebeard?
Ah, let us ask the (SINGS)
Ah, let us ask the (SINGS)
# By strip-ed staff
and white of beard
# I summon magic wild and weird
# Oh, spin, oh magic globe,
to sh-owwwwww
# Oh, spin, oh magic globe,
to sh-owwwwww
# Where these Wanderers will go #
BOTH: Austria!
The city of Vienna, to be exact.
The city of Vienna, to be exact.
Home of the Vienna Opera House and
tonight's musical performance.
Wigs, check. Capes, check.
Wigs, check. Capes, check.
Silly hats, check. And pantaloons.
Can't forget the pantaloons.
Uh, Wally?
What's with all of this stuff?
Uh, Wally?
What's with all of this stuff?
Operas need costumes, Wenda. And you
never know when you'll need extra.
And what are the skis for?
For skiing! (CHUCKLES)
And what are the skis for?
For skiing! (CHUCKLES)
OK, Wanderers,
we should be on our way.
The performance is quickly
Ready Set
BOTH: Wander!
Ready Set
BOTH: Wander!
(MUMBLES) Hm A-haa!
Ahh! Some day I'll sing on the
Vienna stage just like her, Fritz!
And everyone will be looking at
And everyone will be looking at
(WAILS) Urgh!
You're hungry? Again?
OK, let's get you some food, then.
Table for two, please.
I am sorry, but no ferrets allowed.
Table for two, please.
I am sorry, but no ferrets allowed.
Huh? No ferrets?
Wow, that's very specific. Mm-hm.
Huh? No ferrets?
Wow, that's very specific. Mm-hm.
Come on. You don't want to eat at
a stuffy old restaurant anyway.
Wanderers? What are THEY doing here?
Wanderers? What are THEY doing here?
Come on, Fritz. Where there are
Wanderers, there are magic keys.
Well, say hello, or "guten Tag,"
to Vienna, Austria, everyone!
Well, say hello, or "guten Tag,"
to Vienna, Austria, everyone!
It has been some time since I've
been here,
but I know the Opera House is around
here somewhere.
but I know the Opera House is around
here somewhere.
No, that's not it.
Do you see the Opera House anywhere,
Wally? Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone!
I found the Opera House
Over here, everyone!
I found the Opera House
and Wizard Nightingale!
Look at her amazing costumes!
And all the characters she's played!
She's really done it all!
And all the characters she's played!
She's really done it all!
Danke. (GASPS)
# You are t-ooooo k-iiiiind
Thank you, oh, so much.
Thank you all.
Thank you, oh, so much.
Thank you all.
Music is the wind beneath Wizard
Nightingale's (SINGS) wings!
Ah, dearest Whitebeard, it is
so wonderful to see you.
Ah, dearest Whitebeard, it is
so wonderful to see you.
And you must be Wally and Wenda.
It is my pleasure to make your
(SINGS) acquain-tance.
It is my pleasure to make your
(SINGS) acquain-tance.
Hello, Wizard Nightingale.
Servus. It's nice to meet you.
And you too! (WHISTLES)
Oh, I am so overjoyed you're here,
Wizard Whitebeard.
It has been so long since
we've performed together.
It has been so long since
we've performed together.
I simply cannot wait to hear
that big note of yours.
The showstopper. The high C.
Now I must get back to my vocal
I will see you at rehearsal
(SINGS) soo-oon.
I will see you at rehearsal
(SINGS) soo-oon.
Wow! She sings beautifully.
Your duet is going to be so special.
I hope so, Wanderers!
Nightingale is depending on me.
I hope so, Wanderers!
Nightingale is depending on me.
But what if I can't hit the high
Ugh. Well, it's a good thing
I brought this along!
Ugh. Well, it's a good thing
I brought this along!
BOTH: A magic key?
Yes! The Do-Re-Mi key, to be exact.
Guaranteed to fix any broken voice.
Yes! The Do-Re-Mi key, to be exact.
Guaranteed to fix any broken voice.
Look, Fritz. It's the Do-Re-Mi key!
If I had that, I would be the star
of the (SINGS) show! (CROAKS)
If I had that, I would be the star
of the (SINGS) show! (CROAKS)
Wizard Whitebeard, you don't need
a magic key.
Your voice is already great.
Just keep practising and you'll
hit that high C, no problem.
We know you can do it.
You're right, Wanderers.
How silly of me.
You're right, Wanderers.
How silly of me.
Now, we should get to practising.
I have a high C to hit.
Uh, Wizard Whitebeard?
Is everything OK?
Uh, Wizard Whitebeard?
Is everything OK?
Yes, why? (GASPS)
Arf can talk?
I never noticed how great Vienna
The sausages, the pastries,
the fire hydrants!
Woof woof! Hi, Arf. Arf?
Woof woof! Hi, Arf. Arf?
Huh? Uh?
Wonders! I must have grabbed
the Body Switch key
Wonders! I must have grabbed
the Body Switch key
instead of the Do-Re-Mi key!
They do look awfully similar.
I really should label them.
Oh, how am I going to sing with
Nightingale like this? Woof!
Don't worry, boy I mean,
Wizard Whitebeard. We can fix this.
All we need to do is reverse
the magic.
All we need to do is reverse
the magic.
Exactly. We'll use the key to
put you and Arf back in your bodies.
Woof woof!
Give the key to Wenda, Arf.
Give the key to Wenda, Arf.
Woof woof!
Uh-oh. Come on, Wenda!
After that dog! Er, wizard!
Uh-oh. Come on, Wenda!
After that dog! Er, wizard!
Arf went into that amusement park.
Wanderers! The opera's only a few
hours away!
We're on it, Wizard Dogbeard.
I mean, Wizard Whitebeard.
We're on it, Wizard Dogbeard.
I mean, Wizard Whitebeard.
The Wanderers went in there, Fritz.
I want that key!
That was kind of fun.
Yes, but we seem to have lost Arf
and the key in the process.
Or did we?
Or did we?
Sir, this is not how you play
the game. There you are!
Always joking around. Drop it!
Always joking around. Drop it!
Sorry about that.
He's quite a prankster.
Well, boy, I hope you had fun in my
body, but I need it back now.
Well, boy, I hope you had fun in my
body, but I need it back now.
The key, please.
Wait, where's the key?
Oh, no. Arf must have dropped it
somewhere in the amusement park.
somewhere in the amusement park.
Now, where did those Wanderers go?
A-haaa! Fritz, this isn't the time
for carnival games.
A-haaa! Fritz, this isn't the time
for carnival games.
We have a magic key to find!
Found it! Fritz! You found it!
Found it! Fritz! You found it!
Hey, that's MY stuffed badger!
I won it.
He's not a badger, he's a ferret!
He's not a badger, he's a ferret!
Hold on!
Thanks for the key! Now it's time
for me to be the singing star!
Thanks for the key! Now it's time
for me to be the singing star!
Oh no! Odlulu and Fritz have
the key!
And we're running out of time!
And we're running out of time!
Nightingale is expecting me and
my normal body at rehearsal now!
No problem. You and Arf head back to
the Opera House and stall.
We'll get that key before
the performance tonight.
We'll get that key before
the performance tonight.
Don't worry. We'll fix this magical
mix-up before your big note.
Woof! I mean, thank you, Wanderers.
Come on, Arf.
Woof! I mean, thank you, Wanderers.
Come on, Arf.
But how do we know where she went?
She was on a scooter and could be
anywhere by now!
Maybe we just need a new perspective
on things.
Maybe we just need a new perspective
on things.
A new perspective, Wally? Wally?
Wait, where's Wally?
Right here, Wenda. Going up?
Right here, Wenda. Going up?
What better way to find Odlulu than
to get a view of the whole city?
What better way to find Odlulu than
to get a view of the whole city?
Great idea, Wally!
There she is!
The Do-Re-Mi key is mine, Fritz!
Now I will be the best singer
in all of (SINGS) Vienna!
Now I will be the best singer
in all of (SINGS) Vienna!
Would you forget about
that restaurant, Fritz?
Would you forget about
that restaurant, Fritz?
They don't allow ferrets.
Humans only.
Now, watch this.
One zap and I'll be centre stage.
Now listen. (SINGS) La-la-la-laaa!
(GRUNTS) What's wrong with this
magic key? It didn't work!
(GRUNTS) What's wrong with this
magic key? It didn't work!
Let me try it again.
No key? Paws. Paws?
Oh! I'm a ferret!
Oh! I'm a ferret!
Right this way.
Fritz! Come back with my body!
Right this way.
Fritz! Come back with my body!
But I'm not an actual ferret! Grr!
But I'm not an actual ferret! Grr!
There's Fritz, but where's Odlulu?
Right here, Wanderers. (BOTH GASP)
Another body switch! You mean that
wasn't the Do-Re-Mi key?
Another body switch! You mean that
wasn't the Do-Re-Mi key?
It was the Body Switch key?
Of all the keys to steal.
It's OK. We can fix this! We just
need to reverse the key's magic.
That'll put you and Fritz back into
your own bodies.
That'll put you and Fritz back into
your own bodies.
Then we can bring the key to
the Opera House
and get Whitebeard and Arf
back into their bodies.
Great plan, Wanderers.
Just one little problem.
Great plan, Wanderers.
Just one little problem.
BOTH: Ohh! And I can't get in there.
No ferrets?
Wow, that's very specific.
Wait. I know that look.
You have a plan!
Wait. I know that look.
You have a plan!
Yep. We need to form a team.
With Odlulu?
With me? Yep. We all need that key
and we have a better chance of
getting it if we work together.
and we have a better chance of
getting it if we work together.
Now let's hurry! We need that key
before Whitebeard's performance.
Now let's hurry! We need that key
before Whitebeard's performance.
And I think I might have a plan
on how to get it.
OK, everyone. Just follow my lead.
OK, everyone. Just follow my lead.
There's an empty table
next to Fritz.
And by my calculations, it is
exactly one ferret-length away.
We'll sit there, then Odlulu can
slip out and grab the key.
We'll sit there, then Odlulu can
slip out and grab the key.
This is humiliating.
May I help you?
Yes. We would like a table for
three, um, mean two.
Table for two. Right next to that
girl in yellow and black stripes
Table for two. Right next to that
girl in yellow and black stripes
would be perfect.
Oh, you don't want to sit there.
I have a much better table. This
table is 12 ferret-lengths away.
I have a much better table. This
table is 12 ferret-lengths away.
We're still too far.
What did he say?
Oh, he said
"Brrr. This table is too cold!"
"Brrr. This table is too cold!"
Yes. Brrr. Draughty.
Um, this one's too warm.
Must be all the sunlight.
Um, this one's too warm.
Must be all the sunlight.
This is nice. ExceptI'm allergic
to the flowers.
This is nice. ExceptI'm allergic
to the flowers.
A-choo! A-choo!
Gesundheit! Ha ha ha!
Gesundheit! Ha ha ha!
No kids in red and white stripes.
That is very specific.
Ugh. We'll never get in now.
Ugh. We'll never get in now.
And if we don't get that key back
Wizard Whitebeard's performance is
gonna hit a real sour note tonight.
# High C
It is getting better,
but I still can't go up there
like this (KNOCK ON DOOR)
# It's Nightingale #
It's nearing showtime. Have you put
on your costume yet?
It's nearing showtime. Have you put
on your costume yet?
Uh, yes! Just, uh, adjusting my wig.
Put this on, Arf.
We have to get you dressed
or Nightingale is going to get
or Nightingale is going to get
Put that down, boy! (GROWLS)
Is everything all right in there?
Uh, yes, everything is fine!
Give it back, Arf!
Uh, yes, everything is fine!
Give it back, Arf!
Whitebeard! Are you OK?
I heard Ah! you're in costume!
I heard Ah! you're in costume!
And you look magnificent.
Let's rehearse.
Well, aren't you going to join me?
Of course. (CLEARS THROAT)
Of course. (CLEARS THROAT)
# Ma-ma ma ma-ma ma maaa
# Ma-ma ma ma-ma ma maaa
# Ma-ma ma ma-ma ma maaa
(BIRD TWITTERS) Um. Ruff ruff.
Bark bark. (PANTING)
(BIRD TWITTERS) Um. Ruff ruff.
Bark bark. (PANTING)
(LAUGHS) Oh, I've missed that
wonderful sense of humour of yours!
(LAUGHS) Oh, I've missed that
wonderful sense of humour of yours!
Only a few minutes to curtain!
See you on (SINGS) stage!
Only a few minutes to curtain!
See you on (SINGS) stage!
If only we had another way to get
in there. What are you looking at?
If only we had another way to get
in there. What are you looking at?
About every 12 seconds, another
waiter comes out of the kitchen
to deliver a platter.
to deliver a platter.
So, I think Wally's cooking up
a plan, Odlulu.
Good thing you brought these
costumes along, Wally.
Like I said, it never hurts
to have extra.
Are you ready, Odlulu?
This had better work.
Are you ready, Odlulu?
This had better work.
It has to. It's our last chance.
Now, Odlulu, it's exactly 45 steps
to Fritz's table.
Now, Odlulu, it's exactly 45 steps
to Fritz's table.
That's when you'll jump out and
Which one has Odlulu?
There are two many of them!
We'll never be able to check
them all! Hold onto your stripes.
We'll never be able to check
them all! Hold onto your stripes.
I'm on it, Wally.
Sorry! Wrong dish.
Smells delicious.
Whoa! Thank you! I gotcha, Odlulu.
Whoa! Thank you! I gotcha, Odlulu.
(CHOMPING) Is there anything else
I can get you?
(CHOMPING) Is there anything else
I can get you?
Excellent choice.
Excellent choice.
May I present our house speciality?
Wiener Schnitzel and roastferret?
Wiener Schnitzel and roastferret?
Wenda, the key!
Right. We'll be on our way now.
Right. We'll be on our way now.
Auf Wiedersehen!
We got the key!
Good work, everyone. It's so nice
to be back in my own body again.
OK, let's get that key to the Opera
House. Just hope we're not too late!
OK, let's get that key to the Opera
House. Just hope we're not too late!
We'll take my scooter! It'll get you
there faster. BOTH: Really?
I owe you one. For getting my body
I owe you one. For getting my body
Thanks. But look at this traffic!
We'll never be able to get through
it in time!
I wish there was some way to get
above it. Don't you, Wally?
I wish there was some way to get
above it. Don't you, Wally?
Uh, Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone! Presenting
the Wally Whirl-a-nator!
Over here, everyone! Presenting
the Wally Whirl-a-nator!
So THAT'S what you meant by "getting
above it." Yup!
Who's worried about traffic now,
when we can just fly over it?
Who's worried about traffic now,
when we can just fly over it?
I guess skis aren't just for skiing
after all.
All aboard for a non-stop flight
to the Vienna Opera House.
Oh, where are those Wanderers?
Oh, where are those Wanderers?
Ah, that's our cue!
Come. It's time for our duet.
And the high C.
Opera House! Straight ahead!
Thanks, Odlulu.
We're even, Wanderers.
Thanks, Odlulu.
We're even, Wanderers.
Now, let's go, Fritz.
(SINGS) See you soon!
BOTH: He did it! Bravo! Bravo!
BOTH: He did it! Bravo! Bravo!
As always, Whitebeard,
t was lovely to make music together.
As always, Whitebeard,
t was lovely to make music together.
(SINGS) Ha ha ha-ha haaaa!
Goodbye, Wanderers.
(SINGS) And auf Wiedersehen.
Goodbye, Wanderers.
(SINGS) And auf Wiedersehen.
Thank you, Wally and Wenda,
for your help.
And thank you most of all
for believing in me.
And thank you most of all
for believing in me.
You're welcome! We knew you had
that high C in you all along.
It was just in the wrong body!
Well, then, everyone. Ready
Well, then, everyone. Ready
ALL: # Wander! #
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