White Lines (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

- [creaking]
- [grunts]
[grunts and gasps]
[gasping and sobbing]
[Zoe] Hi, Boxer. It's Zoe.
I know we haven't spoken in a week.
I'm sorry that I didn't reply
to your message, Boxer.
It's just I had no idea what you say
when you're married and
another man tells you that he's as close
to love as he's been in ten years.
The truth is, maybe I do look for you
when there's a problem.
[exhales heavily]
this is much more than a problem,
and there's no one else in the world
who can help me out right now.
[Jenny] Hey, Mum. You're looking fab.
You're so tanned!
Yeah, can you tell?
See? Even I can get a tan here.
- [woman] Sh!
- Oh!
I've got to be quiet.
- I got told off.
- [laughs]
- They're doing yoga.
- [David] And breathe in.
Where are you?
I'm just at David's house.
He was one of Axel's friends.
Look. Here's his Buddha.
And his pagoda.
He's a spiritual guru.
[toads croaking]
He's got cows. He's got toads.
It's so hippie, Mum. I love it. [laughs]
So, are you living there now?
Uh, no. We're just here for the day.
I'm staying at Marcus's house.
- [Zoe] Anna insisted
- Oh!
- she's staying there for a few days.
- Oh, my Aaah!
[Zoe] I've been listening
to loads of Axel's tracks
- that I've never heard before.
- [laughter]
Marcus has got everything
back from the Manchester days.
[house music playing]
Oh, by the way, Jen,
I got you a T-shirt from Pacha.
- In fact, I got you two.
- Oh! Great. Thanks, Mum.
I've gotta go. I've got my spin class.
Spin class? Since when
have you been going to spin class?
You wouldn't look so surprised if you saw
the instructor. I love you. Mwah!
I love you.
- [Jenny] Bye, Dad. See you later.
- [Mike] Bye-bye. Don't forget your bag.
So, is my dad back yet?
- [door closes]
- He's, um
He's in France at the moment.
He took the scenic route.
How about you? Any plans to come home?
Of course I am.
- What's up with you?
- Well, last week you said
you couldn't wait to see me,
um, but you've lost your passport.
Yeah, I have,
and I'm trying to get it back.
We were supposed to be
building a house together, remember?
- Yeah, I do remember, Mike.
- What?
I do all the work on my own while
you have a holiday?
Um I'm not on holiday.
I'm investigating.
I just discovered why Axel
had peacock feathers in his lungs.
He was drowned on his birthday
at his party.
And I'm here because David has got
a load of photos that he wants to show me
of Axel and of the night,
and there might be something in there.
You know what I think?
[exhales] Things are going great for you.
You're on your own,
and you're having a ball.
I mean, maybe that's partly true.
We've been married so long, Mike.
I I've never spent more than 24 hours
away from you.
I don't know. Maybe
Maybe I just need a bit of space.
What's that supposed to mean?
Have you met someone, Zoe?
No, it's not like that. It's
[sighs] I don't know, Mike.
Maybe maybe I just need
Maybe I just need a little bit
of independence, you know?
[sighs] Do you know what I reckon?
[clears throat]
I think this is a big bloody bang,
Zoe, and
this whole thing has exploded,
and it's growing bigger,
and neither of us have a clue
where it's going or what it's gonna wreck.
[new age music playing]
[Marcus] What do you reckon about us
hooking up, moving back in together?
What does it mean?
I haven't seen Anna give off this light
in years.
Her aura's pink.
[Marcus] Pink?
- Is that good or bad?
- No, no, it's good. It means she's happy.
She might leave George.
Fuck, man. Do you really think so?
That would be so Anna.
Oh, mate. Look, I don't think
this reiki's working.
Have you got a couple of ibuprofen?
- I don't believe in conventional medicine!
- Well, you must have something.
Some weed, even.
My leg is fucking killing me!
[Marcus groans]
[man speaks Spanish]
A little bit of hash.
- Oh!
- [Zoe] David.
You don't have any more pictures
of Axel's party, do you?
I just want to look at them.
I haven't laid eyes on those in years.
I could have a look.
I need to finish with Marcus first.
Thank you.
You sure that's a good idea?
I've got nothing to hide, Marcus.
Have you?
You know what I mean.
I'm at peace with me past.
Are you?
Well, I hope you know what you're doing.
Piensa en mí ♪
Cuando sufras ♪
Cuando llores ♪
También piensa en mí ♪
[speaking Spanish]
Cuando quieras ♪
Quitarme la vida ♪
[machinery whirring]
No la quiero para nada ♪
[in Spanish] Dad!
[Andreu] Good afternoon, darling.
Thank you.
As you can see,
things have changed considerably.
barring a miracle in neurological science,
they're going to stay like this.
The truth is, we Calafats needed
a good drama to bring us back together.
Life has given us an opportunity.
I wish I could still visit the bathroom
unaccompanied, but
I can always count on Boxer
to help me when the time comes.
[both laugh]
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
I promise to make things easy for you.
I'm not looking for sympathy, so let's see
if I can get the hang of this thing.
[Boxer mutters]
No. I'll do it, Boxer.
Let me do it. Let me do it.
[Mike, in English] I hate lying to Zoe.
Do you hear?
I felt like an idiot lying to her,
telling her you were in France.
I don't even know
what you're still doing in Ibiza.
Well, I'm not here for pleasure,
believe me.
Someone's got to keep an eye on her
before the trial.
- How did she seem?
- Uh, honestly?
Uh, I think she is
yeah, maybe a bit too good.
- Well, what's that supposed to mean?
- Ah, she said she needs some space.
She's got rid of you,
and I'm next on the list.
Maybe you are on your way out, Mike.
You got 16 years more
than I thought you would.
I didn't even give you three months.
And what else did she say?
She's investigating.
She, um found some photos
of Axel's birthday party.
She thinks he drowned there.
They found some peacock feathers
- or something in his lungs.
- What? She said that?
All right.
I'll speak to you later, Mike, yeah?
Yeah. Bye.
Yeah, bye.
We've had this all wrong
right from the start.
What do you mean?
My son
never left the island alive.
[Zoe] How long has it been
since you've been down here?
[David] A while.
It's me old photography studio.
Don't use it anymore.
This is what you're looking for.
You okay?
Everything in here represents
a part of our lives that no longer exists.
I was a completely different person
back then.
As was your brother.
What do you mean?
The Axel that you're gonna see
in these photos
is not the one you remember, Zoe.
Are you ready for that?
I wanna know everything about him, David.
[projector clicks]
[projector clicks]
[crowd cheering] Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
- Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!
- [cheering and whistling]
[all gasp]
[girl] No
[David] After that, the party got wild.
It was absolutely fucking debauched.
- [house music playing]
- [cheering and whistling]
- Hey! Go on!
- Whoo!
- Whoa!
- [laughter]
Come on! Get one!
[projector clicks]
I don't recognize meself anymore.
God knows who was taking the photos
by this point.
Safe to say it weren't me.
[projector clicks]
Take a picture of me and my buddy Oriol.
[Oriol] You're not my buddy.
You're a son of a bitch.
You only invite me here to piss me off.
But you know what?
I'm having the time of my fucking life.
So, listen
The money your mother gave me
to leave your sister,
I spent it.
But you burned down my club.
Let's bury the hatchet.
[Axel whistles]
[music fades]
[boy] What's going on?
[yells] We're gonna sort this out
right now!
How about I fuck with you one last time?
And then it's over. Then we're done.
What do you reckon?
And then you have a go at me,
and then it's over.
But I go first.
[Oriol] Pull out your tooth.
- [all] Pull! Pull!
- [boy] He won't!
- [girl] He's not gonna do it! He's not!
- Pull! Pull!
- With this? You want me to pull it out?
- Pull! Pull!
- You're not gonna do it. You're not!
- Pull! Pull!
- You won't!
- You won't do it!
Pull! Pull! Pull! Pull! Pull!
- [Axel] Fuckin' do it!
- Pull! Pull! Pull!
- Pull! Pull! Pull!
- [Axel] Fuckin' do it! Have at me!
You are going to look incredible
on your fucking billboards.
- Watch this.
- [boy] Go on!
- [girl] Go on!
- Pull! Pull! Pull! Pull! Pull! Pull! Pull!
Pull! Pull! Pull! Pull!
Pull! Pull! Pull! Pull!
Pull! Pull! Pull! Pull!
[chanting fades]
- [Axel grunting]
- [crowd gasping]
- Shit!
- [all groaning]
- [grunts]
- [cheering and whistling]
[crowd cheering]
Uh, wait.
- Why would he do something like that?
- [crowd chanting] Axel! Axel! Axel! Axel!
- Axel! Axel! Axel!
- [yelling]
Axel! Axel! Axel! Axel!
Axel! Axel! Axel!
[David] This was your brother too.
Axel loved strong emotions so much
that he became addicted to 'em.
In the end, they were the only thing
that made him feel alive.
Do you know, I think you're right.
I don't think I can see this shit anymore.
It's time, Zoe, to see the real Axel.
Operation on the clavicle.
Twenty-five stitches.
Crushed by punching.
Ruptured spleen.
That had to be taken out.
Your brother was very involved
in my project.
I thought street fighting
was a sort of art form.
- Dirty expressionism.
- [man] Oh, fuck!
[David] That titanic struggle to survive.
- There's something beautiful about that.
- [shutter clicks]
- Come on!
- [David] Your inner animal coming out.
[grunting continues]
[piano playing "Gymnopédie No.1" by Satie]
[in Spanish] I've been doing
breathing exercises for ten minutes
before coming to talk to you.
I brought you green tea.
Do you still like it?
Yes. Thank you.
I think
we both need to make an effort for Dad.
He's very vulnerable.
And the last thing he needs
is to think his family is falling apart.
Or spitting in each other's faces
every five minutes.
If I had been paralyzed,
I would be clinging to the past too.
To the time when we were happy.
If we ever were.
It wasn't that long ago.
- You and I used to go out together.
- Yeah, well
I used to bring you home on my motorbike.
[chuckling] You remember perfectly!
I still remember the noise you made
when I went round the bends
at full speed.
You shouted like a hyena, scared to death.
It's true.
I've just remembered.
Let's sell everything, Oriol.
The hotels, the clubs
It was when the company began to
consume us that everything went to shit.
When Dad sent me away from Ibiza,
he told me so himself.
We can stop everything.
There's still time.
A company can't just be stopped, Kika.
It's like an ocean liner.
There are thousands of shares.
It's a feat of financial engineering.
This isn't one of your dresses
which you can put on Wallapop and sell.
- This isn't
- [Conchita] Kids!
What are you up to?
You don't know how happy
it makes me to see you together. Really.
Hey, why don't we go down to the port
to welcome
the Virgin of Carmen this afternoon?
And then we can have sardines,
like when you were little.
Excuse me.
Mr. Martorell has arrived.
Ah, good.
I'll tell Dad the partners are here.
What's going on? What partners?
Your brother has called
a board meeting here
so your father
doesn't have to go to the office.
There are urgent matters to discuss.
But no one told me anything.
I didn't know.
Because you're not interested
in those sorts of things, my love.
Meanwhile, you can go
and put on a bit of makeup for the Virgin.
Will you, darling?
The next item on the agenda is the hotel.
Here's the menu for the new restaurant
named "King,"
in honor of Andreu's dog.
[Kika] Remember when
you asked me to be CEO, Dad?
You remember, don't you? Well, I accept.
- I'm not going to be an ornament any more.
- [Andreu] Very well.
- I If my opinion
- No. Very well.
Oriol, don't worry.
We can discuss the details later.
[Kika] 125 euros for gazpacho.
2800 euros for a bottle of champagne?
Fucking hell.
We sell exclusivity.
Customers don't come to our restaurant
because they're hungry.
They come
because the people at the next table
will be as filthy rich as they are.
And rich people get off on that.
[woman] Do you know
what gazpacho really costs?
No idea, tell me.
37 cents.
The profit margin is 30,000%.
More than diamonds in South Africa.
More than cocaine.
If we became drug traffickers,
we'd be making less profit.
And on top of that,
we're selling something healthy.
And it's completely legal.
It's Oriol's idea.
[Kika] Here we go again
with the medals for the little boy.
Everything is Oriol's idea, isn't it, Mum?
She's saying it because it's true.
I did a study.
[Kika] What study did you do?
Did you stand outside the restaurant door
with a little notebook
and a Boy Scout cap?
Kika, your brother has been co-director
of this company for ten years.
Exactly. This is what I do.
I run this company. What do you do?
We should talk about the casino, Dad.
Without partners,
the debt is unsustainable.
Then let's just sell the land
and have done with it!
We can't sell the land
because that would mean losses
of 200 million euros, Kika.
Is that all your little brain
can come up with?
That and some consistency, unlike you.
In the mornings, you go to Mass
like a saint, but what do you do at night?
Go to orgies
to see if you can fuck some twins?
That's enough! Please stop, Kika.
What are you playing at?
No, Dad. What are you playing at?
Two weeks ago, you told me that my mum
or brother could be killers. What now?
Are we a happy family?
You call them to the board meeting,
rather than me?
Every word they say is a lie, Dad!
Mum goes around
with a cup like she's drinking tea
when she's really downing
one cognac after another, for fuck's sake!
Kika, please have some respect.
Very well.
I want to take this moment
to inform you of my official resignation.
Starting today, I leave the running
of the company to my son, Oriol.
And my daughter, Kika.
Like it or not, you're going to have to
come to terms with each other.
[phone rings]
[in English] Hello, angel. What's up?
Dad, there's a man here.
He says he's from the court.
They're gonna take away the house.
No, there must be some kind of mistake.
Let me talk to him.
Your life no more ♪
- 'Cause the truth ♪
- Here.
Is that you've gotten stronger ♪
Mr. Ward.
As you know,
the repossession is in progress.
You need to find 30,000 euros
by close of business today
- or vacate the house.
- What the fuck you talking about?
Otherwise the police will evict you
by force.
Two girls live in that house. Uh
Don't you have kids, you arsehole?
Sí. Three girls.
And their father makes all his payments.
Buenos días, Mr. Ward.
Yeah Fuck!
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
Is something wrong?
The cops are out and about.
sent patrol boats to San Antonio.
And divers.
That was the surfer guy that I work with.
- You know, he saw them this morning.
- What are you talking about?
The drugs.
The ones that you've told the cops about.
The Romanians
used to leave them for me in the bay.
- ["Dragostea Din Tei" playing on radio]
- On the buoys where I keep my catamaran.
They're still down there.
If the police find them, we're fucked.
- Shit!
- Uh
Those drugs could belong to anyone,
though, right?
No, because they're on my buoys.
Zoe, you've gotta help me get the drugs.
No. Uh, Marcus, I I
I can't. Uh
- Please. This isn't the best time.
- Oh, it's not the best time?
Because of you,
two Romanians broke my leg
and tried to kill my daughters.
But do you know what? I forgive you.
You was in a tough place.
Fuckin' hell. Just as I can see the light
at the end of the fuckin' tunnel and all,
with Anna and the family.
Everything's going to shit!
I'll get seven or eight years!
[Zoe sighs]
Do what's right
and help me get out the shit
- that you put me into.
- Marcus
And if you won't, then
at least call Boxer for me.
No. I'm not calling Boxer. You can do it.
Yeah? [sighs]
Boxer almost drowned me in a pool,
for fuck's sake, you know.
He killed two Romanians for you
as a fucking favor.
- Do you see the difference?
- Marcus, I won't do it. I can't.
Are you actually trying
to destroy my life?
Is that why you came here?
[Zoe] I've been diving twice in my life,
but in that moment,
I thought it'd be easier
to dive 25 meters underwater
retrieve a load of cocaine,
than face up to you.
Fine. Fine.
I'll help you get the drugs back.
[Marcus] Right. The packets of coke
are 22 meters down,
clipped to buoys submerged at half height.
Keep calm, and it'll save your air.
You need to come up the same speed
as the smallest bubbles,
or you'll get the bends.
Okay? That's important.
Do you know, I'd feel calmer
if you weren't smoking a joint
- while I was down there.
- Fucking
Do you think I'm doing this for a laugh?
It's therapeutic for me fuckin' leg.
The vibrations are killing me.
Right. That's on.
I really appreciate
what you're doing, Zoe.
[marching band playing]
[cheering and clapping]
[crowd singing in Spanish]
[Marcus] Come on!
Come on, come on!
[muffled yelps]
[siren whoops]
[man on loudspeaker, in Spanish]
Caution, police!
Oh, fuck!
Shit! [grunts]
- [Marcus] Hola.
- [speaking Spanish]
[in Spanish] Good afternoon. How are you?
[Marcus, in Spanish] Is there a problem?
No, not at all.
We're clearing the area
for the procession.
For the Virgin of Carmen.
[in English] No. That's why I'm here.
- [in Spanish] I want to see the Virgin.
- What?
[in English] You know, the the Virgin.
[in Spanish] Have you got a cigarette?
A cigarette?
[in English] Yeah, sure.
There you go.
Ooh! [chuckles]
- Good catch!
- Hmm!
No, no, no, mate. You keep 'em.
I've got I've got another packet.
[in Spanish] Thank you.
- [in English] No problem, brother.
- Thank you.
[in Spanish] Let's carry on.
[man speaking Spanish]
[in English] Oh, fucking hell!
Come on, come on.
Come on.
Come on. Up you come.
Come on.
Oh, yes!
- Good girl.
- [gasping]
[Zoe] There are two bodies down there.
- What?
- Two dead bodies.
They're chained up,
but one of them's come loose.
Fuck! It's the Romanians.
- Just leave them. Let's get out of here.
- Shit. What are the police doing here?
[Marcus] There's a fucking religious
procession on its way.
[Zoe] The bodies are floating
up to the surface!
If they find them, then they'll
they'll go after Boxer.
Zoe, stop fuckin' about.
Listen. He did what he did for us,
all right?
We owe him.
No, no, no, no! No, no! Come on. Zoe!
No! Fuck!
[grunts] Shit.
Oh, fuck!
[Marcus exhales]
[in Spanish] Your lighter.
We almost took it.
[in English] Oh! Cheers, man.
[in Spanish] Thank you.
[in English] No problem, man.
[in Spanish] Let's go.
[in English] Oh, fuck!
- [yells]
- [gasps]
[in Spanish] It wasn't an accident.
The person who broke your father's spine
wanted to kill him.
Who wanted to kill him?
My respects, Mr. Calafat.
I appreciate it, Mr. Martínez.
Anything you need
from the Martínez family, we're here.
And all the best for your recovery.
It's going to be slow
but steady progress, Pepe.
I may make the Paralympics yet.
Madam, please do greet your son for me.
Touch him because he's looking at us
but he can't hear.
[Boxer] It was that son of a bitch.
[Kika] Why haven't we gone to the police?
[Boxer] Well, there was no evidence.
Only a truck driver who'll have taken
40,000 euros to ram your father's car.
And because it's been an unwritten rule,
the police stay on the sidelines.
What the fuck are you talking about,
Come on, Kika.
You've always known what your family is.
You just preferred
not to read the small print.
Sure, I don't read the small print. I tend
to think everything will turn out okay.
And when it doesn't, you run away.
That's what you're thinking
right now, isn't it?
You're a professional escape artist.
You don't know how to handle it
when things go badly.
This is one of those times
when you have to stay,
not leave.
- [Zoe, in English] Where is everyone?
- [marching band playing in distance]
- Can you hear that?
- Yeah. What is it?
That's the fuckin' procession comin'.
We've got ten kilos of coke
and two rotting Romanians on board.
- [Zoe] Well, what are we gonna do?
- [Marcus sighs] Okay. Uh
We dock it in front of the ramp.
You back the car up to the trailer.
We get the boat out of the water.
Should take no more than five minutes.
[Marcus] Fucking leg!
Right. Let's go.
Maybe we lucked out.
It's like a fucking ghost town.
[Marcus] Oh, shit!
This is not fucking happening!
- What do I do?
- Um
You've gotta go, kid.
Uh We need to come through!
No. Excuse me, please.
Right, just move away.
Keep going. Keep going.
Zoe, use the fucking horn.
- Sorry. Will you mind out the way?
- Let's go. Go, go, go!
- Sorry. Mind out the way!
- Go!
[Marcus] We we fucked up, all right?
Let's just Sorry. Okay! Okay.
[in Spanish] Please!
One moment! One moment!
[in English] Fucking hell.
This is a fucking nightmare.
We fucked up, all right?
We're sorry. We're sorry, all right?
No, just stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop.
- A kid's on the fucking boat!
- [boy] Tomás! Jorge!
[Marcus] Hey, hey, hey!
No. Get out the fucking boat now.
Get out. Give me that.
Oh, fuck!
[boy, in Spanish] Gotcha, wanker!
[in English] Piss off!
- Marcus, are you all right? What happened?
- [yells]
[in Spanish] Are you all right?
- [Marcus, in English] Get out of here.
- Fuck!
I can't leave you.
Just go! Now!
[woman, in Spanish] Help!
[in English] Oh, fucking hell. Not again.
[woman, in Spanish] Help!
[in English] No, the clutch is fucked.
You need to keep it in second!
[in Spanish] Are you all right?
[in English] Just do one!
Fucking hell!
[band playing]
Mujer mia ♪
Tú no me dejas ♪
Tú no te vayas ♪
Tú acerca a el abandono ♪
Bem bem bem, Maria
Te quiero bem bem bem ♪
Bem bem bem, Maria ♪
Te quiero bem ♪
- [engine spluttering]
- Oh!
Oh, fuck!
[band playing]
[crowd cheering]
[sounds fading and slowing]
[muffled sound continues]
[Boxer, in Spanish] You don't know
how to handle it when things go badly.
This is one of those times
when you have to stay, not leave.
I've been an orphan since I was 17, Boxer.
I spent my teens
crying in boarding schools.
Instead of going home for the summer,
I was stuck
doing English language courses.
What are you on about?
Don't start whining
about your adolescence, okay?
Don't you think it's time you got over it?
I dealt with the pain as best I could,
and now I choose not to be here.
I'd rather protect myself. That's all.
For 20 years, your life has been spinning
like a fucking hamster on a wheel.
It might seem like you're going somewhere,
but you're not.
Spare me the drama.
You're not going to be an actress
or anything else you can think of
to stay on your wheel.
Trust me.
is the moment to make up for lost time.
[grunting and gasping]
[in English] Fuck!
[groaning and sobbing]
[ringing tone]
[phone rings]
[Zoe] Hi, Boxer. It's Zoe.
I know we haven't spoken in a week.
I'm sorry that I didn't reply
to your message, Boxer.
I just had no idea what you say
when you're married and
another man tells you that he's as close
to love as he's been in ten years.
the truth is, maybe I do look for you
when there's a problem, but this is
much more than a problem, Boxer.
You're the only person in the world
that can help me right now.
[in Spanish] When I said
I'd need your help in the bathroom,
I was joking, of course.
I'm not asking for us
to sleep in each other's arms either,
or for you to stop
picking up your goddamn phone.
Life goes on, buddy.
We've all got things we gotta do.
[crickets chirping]
[in English] Fuck!
- [gasps]
- [vehicle approaching]
[David] Some people in this world,
they run away from danger.
But some,
very few,
they're drawn to it.
They run towards it.
Your brother was one of those.
[Boxer] I know sea levels are rising,
but you're way ahead of your time,
harpoon girl.
What the fuck?
They were in the water
with Marcus's drugs.
They were wrapped up in chains,
but they came loose.
Marcus got his leg brace caught,
and I didn't want the police
to come after you.
I'm on my own.
[thunder rumbling]
[grunting and gasping]
I'm sorry.
For not returning your phone calls.
leaving your house the way I did.
For sleeping with you.
To tell you the truth
I don't really give a shit.
[thunder rumbling]
You can tell me that you're sorry.
You can refuse to answer my messages.
You can call me only when you need me.
That's fine by me.
But you can't stop me trying.
- Dig.
- Yeah.
[thunder rumbling]
[in Spanish] You're a jerk.
And a liar.
And you've got a really weird thing
going on with Mum.
But if this family needs us
I'm going to try and work with you.
[Boxer groans]
[David, in English] It's the age-old war
between your intellect
and your gut instinct.
Something inside you
is trying to come out.
It's your true nature.
You can't fight it.
Protecting your better instincts
from your true nature.
That's a lifetime's work.
[rock music playing]
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