White Wall (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

The inexplicable

Are you saying the structure you're building
will remain intact for 100.000 years?
I can guarantee the bedrock
has been stable for 2 billion years.
Long enough for 100.000 years
to seem like a week in a human lifetime.
It reminds me of an egg something alive.
The drone dropped a bomb.
- She said her father built it.
I have the mother's address, Mirja Laine.
You can't stay here
- You heard it?
Axel has changed. He knows what it is.
He knew before we knew.
Remember the old mine manager, Besse Stenmark?
Maybe some test drilling.
- But did you find anything?
It fell from the drone without exploding.
We move it.
When you're finished here,
you don't have to come to Stockholm.
You say it or I'll say it.
Nicola says I can't take
any decision outside work, so
There's nothing wrong with
her emotional intelligence.
She won't take it well.
I want to be there when you tell her.
Can you wait till next time I'm in Stockholm?
We both know it's the right decision.
I don't regret it.
- Yes.
We're cleaning up as fast as we can.
Thank God no one was here
they wouldn't have survived.
What is that?
- We don't know an old tunnel probably.
He said there was no drilling in this area.
- Yes.
He fucking lied.
- Who?
Besse Stenmark.
- The old mine director?
Said, can you get a scissor-lift down here?
- Right away.
They had found it.
- And didn't tell anything.
What do you see?
The tunnel seems to be blocked.
- It must have collapsed.
Can you come back down
so we can talk?
Lars, get back down.
- I'm coming.
I have to talk to him again.
- Lars, we have 2 days.
We have to drill 10 more holes,
everyone will see it
We can no longer keep the secret,
we must tell the management
We'll be all fired!
- Don't you understand?
There is one person who can tell us what it is
Besse Stenmark!
- Hi. Why is he talking to Fredrika?
You've been called up too?
- No.
What's going on?
- I don't know.
See you around.
I need to talk to you.
- I have finally
We'll deal with that later.
We must find out everything on Besse Stenmark.
- The former mine director.
He knows about that thing,
they had found it in the 80's.
I know where he lives. Find out everything
about him and about what happened down there.
- Ok.
Thanks. See you.
I agree with you,
we have to inform the board.
Sorry if I didn't back you up.
- Thanks.
Is that yours? I didn't know
- Yes I don't know
We have nothing,
I feel we're groping in the dark.
Lars is so sure, he has no doubts
while I'm terrorized.
He's also scared.
- What about you?
All I know is Axel has changed
since he's been down there.
In a good way.
- Good way? That doesn't apply to me.
We all probably have different reactions.
What if something good will come out of this?
Ok, let's say it's a good thing
why did they keep it secret back in the 80's?
Maybe they were hiding something else.
There's not a single mark.
Looks like they never tried
to drill into it.
No or maybe
- What?
Maybe it healed itself.
- Yes.
Are you ok now?
- Never mind.
No, Said, it's too dangerous
- Don't worry, it will heal itself.
Shut up!
- Hi, I found a report on an accident back in 1986.
Any indication they had found the capsule?
- No.
One miner disappeared, Ola Hansson.
A tunnel collapsed.
Looks like they never knew what caused it.
You never had any doubts?
- About what?
The wall what it could be.
- It's kinda like the meaning of life.
You find yourself an explanation
that lets you sleep at night.
Then you hang on to it.
- What's yours?
"Shit happens, deal with it."
Careful, we don't know what
they may have left around.
What is it, Said?
Let's go forget this shit
Come, Said.
This way.
This way.
Whatever happened
this man wasn't killed by any collapse.
We'll need forensics to be sure.
For now, we keep it between us.
I'll handle this myself.
You can go.
Try again.
You turned the key?
This confirms my prejudice.
I've never seen anyone fix a car.
It's an adjustment, not a repair.
- and taking himself so seriously.
Wait till elk hunting starts
then you'll see "serious".
So this is where dad takes it from.
- Seriousness?
We're only very focused.
- Isn't it the same thing?
Would you mind trying again?
- Sure thing!
There you go!
Magic fingers!
Something like that
I'll be going home soon.
- Really?
Mom and dad are having
some kind of crisis.
That is sad.
I haven't bought a ticket yet.
We can have a beer if you want.
Who is it?
- My boss, I'll see what he wants.
- I'll be right there.
What is it?
- I need your help.
I finally got Fredrika to confess.
- They contacted her online.
She says she thought
she was helping harmless ecologists.
In exchange for a considerable
amount of money of course you understand?
That is sick!
Being manipulated that way
betraying her own colleagues
Not knowing which side to take.
- No.
It's been delivered.
Yes we'll be in touch.
- You're back here.
Anna and I are going to divorce, I think.
"You think"?
- We will.
My brother and I could go on for hours,
building different worlds in our living room.
The best was when we had a firecracker
so we could blow everything up.
You've been in the tunnel, right?
Is that why you built that?
- I don't know.
How did you know the wall was a capsule?
Are you mad at me?
- No, I'm not.
At mom?
- No, I like your mom.
- For a number of reasons.
Ok, let's try this way.
What you think it really is?
What's inside the capsule?
I can't talk about it.
- You can say it to me.
You can't touch it!
Shall we go get something to eat?
Somehow he looks much more calm.
He even talks to the other kids now.
That's good.
I was thinking about what Cristopher said.
Which part? He said a lot.
That it's been there intact for billions of years.
What does that mean to you?
That some meteor hit the Earth.
- No, otherwise we would have known the material.
It's a plausible theory.
- It is not.
We have one day to drill into it
- We're not going to touch it!
Come in.
Sit down.
- Thanks.
What you're up to?
- Nothing. What do you want?
The text
My boss made me send it.
- Ok
They will be there.
They want your father.
Why are you telling me this?
- 'Cause you told me the truth.
You told me what it was.
You tried to stop him to do something.
You know where he is?
- No.
What happened?
I ran back to the car
right before it went off.
It was crazy.
We got lucky.
- Yes.
Any idea why he did it?
I only met him last years,
when I moved here to help the activists.
You didn't have contacts before?
- I grew up with my mother.
Me too.
I shouldn't have come here
in the first place.
He's always been somehow unbalanced.
Like he thinks the Earth
is about to die at any moment.
He goes on about how there's something else
in the tunnels beside nuclear waste.
In the tunnels?
- He asked me whether "they had found it".
He said that?
- Yes.
They have blocked a whole tunnel.
No one knows what they're doing down there.
It's probably nothing, but
I'm not saying he's right, but
they're sure up to something down there.
What do you want?
- Have a few words, if that's ok.
Come, I'll show you something.
What are you building?
- Just some amateur projects.
I usually help activists
building Geiger counters and stuff.
I had no idea you were with them.
- Not directly.
Although they do have a point.
Who is this?
- Who?
- Where are you?
I'm at Stenmark's.
- What? Why haven't you called me?
I had no time.
- Lars, you must get out of there now.
He has a daughter.
Astrid Laine.
Her father built the bomb.
We'll talk later.
We found him in the mines.
It was all a big accident.
Do you feel responsible for fatal accidents
that occurred while you were director?
Of course.
- Then you know how it feels.
Even if you did all you had to do.
- Did you want to blow us all up?
Where are we going?
You remind me of him.
- Me?
The same look he had on his face
when he told me he had found a giant diamond.
What did you find? What do you know?
- Only that we weren't supposed to find it.
If you don't tell me what you know
we'll have to drill into it to find out.
I've heard this before.
The Ola I knew stopped existing
after we found that thing.
You think you're in control?
You have no idea what you're dealing with.
How it twists the minds.
Don't tell me you didn't see it.
People go crazy near that thing.
- People? Yourself
Can I touch it?
What do you know?
Tell me what you know!
I want you to leave.
- Not until you tell me what it is.
Where is he?
Are you ok?
Lars has called up a meeting.
- Now?
Yes let's just go.
I wanted to take him to the hospital.
It's just a scratch, he didn't get me.
I'm fine.
I'll see you later.
See you.
So, where is he?
He knows nothing and we don't have time.
This is my plan:
We set up the drill. We shut down ventilation
and safety exits, in case something dangerous is released.
Every time we change a drill bit,
we make a measurement and
I'll be the only one there when we're drilling.
Who's on board?
- Should we go down there now?
Lars, can we have a word?
- No.
We need to talk
- It's the only possible way.
We have no right to destroy it!
I don't want to destroy it,
I just want to know what it is.
It could be anything,
it's affecting all of us!
Affecting who? Your son?
So he can talk to the other kids?
You can humiliate me
but it's still a bad idea.
We must act
- Ok, enough!
Here's what: tomorrow the final stage
in tunnel C6 will start.
We'll be caught with our hands in the cookie jar
and it will be a whole fucking circus!
Whether you care or not about your job,
everything will stop.
There'll be meetings and inquiries and
everyone at this table knows
that the oldest capsules are 15 years
beyond the expiring date.
There's only one option and
it's to know exactly what's inside there!
So who's coming?
- I won't let you do this.
I'll see you.
- Where are you going?
What the
- Are you going down too?
I'm going to load up the car and
make sure that my family is far from here.
And you?
I don't know
but there's no way to stop him.
You know that too.
Hello, this is Helen Wikberg.
I'm calling about a security violation.
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