Will Trent (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Should I Go Get My Tin Foil Hat?

Previously on Will Trent
I can't believe you
have a college-aged son.
- How old are you?
- How old is your mom?
You are 18 years old.
That is not even close to
old enough to be in this club.
Weren't you doing a lot
worse? I mean, you had a kid!
I've known you your entire life.
I have high expectations for you.
Jeremy's grown now.
What's your next move?
Why is the Georgia
Bureau of Investigation
getting involved in a homicide?
Victim's grandfather's a billionaire.
He called the governor,
who then called me.
Oh. The governor. That's right.
You have an unreasonable boss, too.
That's your new dog walker.
Nico. Sweet kid. Runaway.
You're here because someone
sold you to that freak.
I can help you.
Hey, what was that
tattoo your girl had on her?
That's Zero Mile. That's
the trafficking ring
that Vice has been after for years.
This girl's my shot.
I know that I can get
her to turn witness.
Just leave it! We gotta go!
Oh, my God! Please hurry!
What about your mom's?
Come on. We can go there.
We're not getting her involved in this!
We're not getting anyone
else involved in this!
Oh, come on. Please.
The Governor's been on my ass
to to buy you a steak and martini,
ever since your team solved
the Campano kidnapping.
Not necessary, but always appreciated.
Amanda, would you ask me
about the damn rumor already?
Fine. What is it?
I'm retiring.
And I think you should
be my replacement.
Wow. I'm honored.
And I agree.
Statewide Director of the
GBI is, uh, a beast of a gig.
No time for field work
and more handshakes
with Georgia's elite.
Handshakes won't be a problem, sir.
Why are you still here? It's late.
We were having fun.
At least one of us was.
All right.
- Where's the mozzarella that was in here?
- Oh.
Betty and I played a game
called "find the cheese"
where I hide a piece of cheese
somewhere in the house
and Betty finds it,
and if she doesn't find it, I eat it.
Oh. Guess I'm not
having my caprese pasta.
But I'll make a I don't know
- carrot and farro salad, I guess.
- Oh. Uh
After we played find the cheese,
I got worried she'd get diarrhea,
so we played "find the carrot."
Okay. Thai takeout. You want to stay?
I'm pretty full from all
the cheese and carrots.
See you tomorrow.
Okay, then.
- I'm not co-signing this.
- Why not?!
Oh, I don't know, because
wandering around Mexico
taking a semester off
to smoke pot is just
I'm studying coral reefs.
Oh. Pah! Okay, yeah. Coral reefer.
You are supposed to be going to college.
Do you have any idea
how hard it is to save,
as a single mother
- Did you hear that?
- I don't know.
- What are you doing with that?
- I'm helping.
- Don't move!
- No, no, no!
Don't shoot don't shoot, don't shoot!
- Charles?! What the hell?!
- Dad?
Faith, I'm being followed.
I need your help.
Look, I'm I'm sorry
for letting myself in.
I didn't want to risk waiting outside.
And you still keep your key
in the the rafters, so
So you think you're being followed?
Yeah. I first noticed
the car a couple days ago.
It was a silver Lexus.
But this morning, it
passed by me three times.
Are you sure they weren't
just looking for parking?
Faith, the same car was
outside my work when I got off,
and then it followed me home.
Charles, why would
somebody be following you?
I don't know!
Okay. Did you get a plate number?
No, it didn't have plates.
- That's pretty creepy.
- Shh.
And then someone tried
to reset the password
on my e-mail account, too.
Yeah, that happens to
me about once a month.
You think I'm crazy, don't you?
Are you taking your meds?
Yes. And I've been going to
my veterans group twice a week.
Maybe I am crazy. I don't know.
But tonight I saw the same car parked
a block away from my place!
Faith, you're the most
sane person I've ever met.
Please, if you take a
look and it's nothing,
we can go get an emergency prescription
of antipsychotics right now. Please.
And you're still working at the hotel?
Yes. The Cavinridge.
Five years this May.
Okay. We'll swing by your
place and check it out.
- Not you.
- Nuh-unh.
Eat your pizza and go back
to your dorm. We got this.
All right. I drove around
the block. No silver sedans.
Thanks for coming,
Will. This is Charles.
- He's Jeremy's father.
- Hey.
Great to meet you.
Um, let's check out
your place. Is it?
Uh, no, uh, that's me.
I rent the room over the garage.
Oh, an ADU? How many square feet?
Okay, can we geek out about
home improvements later?
- I'm missing The Bachelorette for this.
- Wow.
Bathroom's clear.
Anything out of place?
No, it looks okay.
You typically leave the
blinds closed all day?
No, I I leave it open so
the plants can get light.
You seem like a tidy person.
There's dirt on the floor.
No, that's that's not right.
I I just vacuumed this morning.
Well, somebody was in here.
And they were standing right here.
What do you see from there?
Just the house below.
Who lives there?
Sally and Kevin, my landlords.
Maybe whoever was here
wasn't here for you after all.
Let's go check on Sally and Kevin.
- Oh, my God.
- Charles!
Oh, my God.
She had your card on her.
Yep, she's testifying for us
against a sex trafficker
Matty Ellwood. What happened?
Picked her up trying
to make a heroin buy.
But she told me not
to call you because you
"ruin lives for sick thrills."
"Sick" thrills?
Hurtful, I know.
Can I release her in your custody?
Thanks, Wirth. Katie.
Do you know how many days it's been?
You left me to rot.
That is a nice safehouse.
All the good junk food.
Everything you could want
except heroin, I guess.
Well, the heroin's important, actually.
That's why Matty gave it to me.
Yeah, you know what? I know
that it's important, actually.
I do. I get it. Are you
making it to meetings?
- Every day.
- Yeah?
Leaves me with the other 23
hours to sit around and think.
Hey. Think about this. Think about this.
What you're doing matters.
You are putting Matty in jail.
Your testimony, you and me,
we are taking a sex
trafficker off the streets.
Think about that.
There's this girl, Jade.
And before I knew how
bad my situation was,
I convinced Jade that she
should hang out with Matty, too.
And I can't stop thinking
about how she's still out there.
And I don't know
- how I'm supposed to go on.
- I know.
I don't know how I'm
supposed to do do this.
I know. I get it. It's hard.
She's really young.
How young?
She said she was 15.
I I need I need Jade to be safe.
That's the only way I can do this,
is if you promise me
that Jade will be safe.
I will go get her.
I promise. Okay?
Charles, why would
somebody be after you?
There has to be a reason.
They were following me.
Sally and Kevin are dead because of me.
Okay. Okay. Come here.
You're okay.
Big, big mess here.
The perp had been following Charles,
who was living in their garage.
Something caused the
perp to switch his focus
- to the two of them.
- Want me to tell you what I see,
or would you like to
do the thing you do?
Just the single shot
for the two of them?
And, uh no signs of
sexual assault, right?
All right.
They were packing their
bags to get out of town.
They knew they were in trouble.
We're not getting her involved in this!
Come on.
- Perp came in.
- Please.
Shot him right away.
Then he tied her up.
Judging by the state of the house,
he was looking for something.
He hurt her to try to get her to talk.
You think she gave up what
the perp was looking for?
If she had, he would've
finished her off with a gunshot.
She bled out.
What was she protecting
that was worth dying for?
Maybe she knew she was
gonna die no matter what.
Still took a lot of guts to keep quiet.
That's strange.
Her hand's pretty clean
aside from the blood
on her fingertip.
Maybe she was trying
to tell us something.
Sally drew this star with her own blood.
What do you think it means?
She wanted us to find
it. That's all I know.
So Charles just breezes
back into your life
and drops a dead body at your feet, huh?
Two, actually.
It's always something with this guy.
Amanda. It's been 19 years.
Can you give it a rest?
However we got here, we
have a double homicide.
The intruder was after Charles'
landlord, Sally Wallace.
She's a software engineer
at the tech company Selantus.
Selantus? You're kidding.
Why does that sound so familiar?
They design and manage all
of our electronic systems.
Case files, suspect database.
They even run our payroll.
We should, uh, poke around
Selantus, ask some questions.
Maybe "star" was a project
Sally was working on.
Yeah, but tread carefully.
- They're important partners for us.
- Always.
- So, where's Charles staying?
- With me.
In Jeremy's old room.
Until I figure all this out.
- Well, that's convenient.
- What does that mean?
It means you just got
one kid out of the house.
Don't let him put another baby in you.
Amanda, why don't you
mind your business?!
Come on. We're leaving.
Ohh! What is wrong with her?!
I mean, where do you want to start?
I was 15 years old. We both were.
And if I hadn't made that mistake,
then I wouldn't have had Jeremy.
Do you think Jeremy is a mistake?!
- I support all your choices.
- Thank you.
You wanna know who
doesn't support my choices?
- My mother. And "Auntie Mandy."
- Mandy?
That two-headed terrifying cop monster.
That's why I didn't tell them
until I was seven months pregnant.
Is there something I
should be saying right now,
or do you need me to just listen?
Where do they get off
criticizing Charles?
She and my mom were the ones
who told him to leave me alone,
and that is why he enlisted.
That's why he went to Afghanistan
and that is why he has PTSD.
Well, uh, seemed like a great guy to me.
Should we go solve this thing
so he can get on with his life?
Yes. Great idea. Thank you.
This is Selantus?
They trying to keep people out or in?
Special Agents Trent and
Mitchell with the GBI.
We have a warrant to search
the workspace of Sally Wallace.
Hi. Uh, Vince Arrigotti,
Head of Software.
Did I hear you say you're GBI?
That's right.
Is everything okay with Sally?
She didn't show up
for work this morning.
Sally was killed last
night in a home invasion.
Sally was one of the best.
Terrific coder. Friendly face.
Sorry. I'm I'm just
I'm just still trying
to process all this.
It's shocking. I know.
Well, she kept things orderly.
Yeah, our our cleaning crew
comes through every weeknight.
They're very thorough.
She, uh, didn't carry any notebooks?
No binders or folders?
No. Our entire office went
paperless a few years ago.
That's a whole lot of pens
for someone with no paper.
Then we'll need a copy of her e-mail box
and any internal messaging
systems you may have.
Anything you need, we'll get it for you.
I'm Reese Fox, Selantus CEO.
Reese, this is Will
Trent and Faith Mitchell.
They're from the GBI.
If there are any questions
we can answer about Sally
or whatever you're looking
for, please fire away.
No, we're good for now. Thanks.
They were trying to
figure out what we knew.
I don't like this place at all.
Yeah, me neither. But
you got to hand it to 'em.
That software is so
much nicer than APD's.
It's like if a Swedish design firm
decided to make life easier for cops.
- Can I get two bananas?
- Yeah.
- You have matcha?
- Mnh-mnh.
Just the bananas.
That guy Vince knew our full
names. We never told him.
You think Amanda gave them the heads-up?
Without running it by us first?
It would've given them time
to clean up Sally's desk,
but what would they be hiding?
You do not need to babysit my diabetes.
I had breakfast this
morning and everything.
You want the free banana or not?
Huh. That's disappointing.
- Hey, Will?
- What is it?
Tech conference last weekend.
Selantus was a sponsor.
Will, it was held at
the Cavinridge Hotel.
That's where Charles works.
Yeah, uh, Charles' key card
was used during the conference.
I already talked to the GBI about this.
No, you didn't. We're the GBI.
Uh, yes, I did.
Someone called wanting to know
what staff key card was used
to open the room during the conference.
I gave them Charles' name.
- That wasn't the GBI.
- Yes, it was.
And I remember because
I was saying, "FBI?"
And he said, "No. GBI."
Well, you were lied to.
Okay, Charles was out
of town last weekend,
so he couldn't have used his key card.
- Do you have video?
- Uh, yeah.
Someone's impersonating us now.
Yeah, I'm flattered.
Here we are.
That's Sally.
She must have stolen Charles'
card while he was out of town.
Whose room is that?
Well, it was part of a block of rooms
for the conference booked by
Selantus Security.
Well, whatever Sally took,
that's what they're looking for.
Yeah, yeah, baby, baby ♪
See, I used to work the
griddle. Great skill to have.
And soothing, too, when
the world goes to hell.
Yeah, I can make
a good frozen burrito, so
Oh, okay.
Well, a kid your age should
know how to make five meals.
- I can teach you.
- Yeah!
- Yeah?
- That'd be dope.
- All right, man.
- Hey, there.
- Oh, hey.
- Hey.
Uh, I hope you don't mind,
uh, breakfast for dinner.
I do not mind.
The kitchen looks good.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I I I cleaned.
So, any leads?
Trust me you haven't lived ♪
Uh in a minute.
How simple it could be ♪
Let me eat my plate.
Oh. Yeah, yeah.
All right.
Until you love somebody ♪
How simple it could be ♪
Oh, uh nice, um, space.
You should get a plant.
Maybe some art. A few more square feet.
Well, I have Tim's gross
microwave he left behind.
Man liked to reheat a
lot of soup, apparently.
So, did you, uh, ask
Charles about the star?
Yeah. He can't think
of anything it can mean.
But get this. You know how he
was out of town last weekend?
It was because Kevin gave him tickets
to a music festival for his birthday.
Kevin arranged for Charles to be gone
so that he and Sally
could use the hotel key.
Do we think Kevin put her up to it?
The analyst pool is putting
together a Kevin profile,
but Charles says he's just a
guy who works at a coffee shop.
Sally had the career. Kevin just liked
- to hang out and read.
- Hmm.
Good morning, Special Agents!
Uh, hi. I am Rocky Angelina.
I'm with digital forensics.
I've been assigned to your case.
I was able to extract
a digital backup of
your victim's cellphone.
Let me show you. Okay.
So, here, you have texts, contacts,
browsing history you name it.
- Can you search the word "star"?
- You bet.
Okay. Over 10,000 hits.
How about the, um, star symbol thing?
I think he means the emoji.
- Yeah.
- Right.
Ooh. Good instinct. Look at this.
One of Sally's contacts
is just the star emoji
and a phone number.
Let's call it.
Hello? This is Special Agent
Will Trent with the GBI.
Who's this?
Who was that?
Who indeed, Rocky?
You're not in Vice anymore, Ang.
Why don't you just let them handle it?
Vice is six weeks backlogged,
and this is time-sensitive.
We could lose this
case against this dude
that is trafficking both of these girls.
"Matty"? That's a red flag right there.
Even I knew when to give up "Mikey."
You could still pull off "Mikey."
I don't know if you
mean that in a good way.
Listen. I got a tip. I know
where she's being pimped out of.
Come on. Let's just
go do this ourselves.
You got a warrant? What, is
she on a wire or something?
So what? We just come up with
an excuse to knock on the door?
- Yup.
- And whatever happens happens?
- Yup.
- Okay. I'm in.
Check this out. I
taught Betty a new trick.
It's called The Moment.
Hey, Betty, are you the moment?
Yes! She is the moment!
Wow, Betty. Stunning as always.
- Nico, did you take $20 from my wallet?
- What? No.
Two days ago, I had $74 in my wallet.
Three 20s, one 10, and four singles,
all facing the same direction.
It's compulsive, I know.
But you can't steal from me.
I know where everything
in this house is.
Now, I'm gonna ask you again.
Did you take $20 out of my wallet?
Whatever. You can afford it.
Nico, if you need money, just ask.
What's going on?
I don't need any favors.
I didn't ask for this job.
Let's just make this easy.
I quit.
Yeah. Rough.
Okay. Don't freak out.
What is it?
I took him to Piedmont Park
just to, like, walk around,
you know, touch grass.
- I It was good, but
- What?
Are you okay?
Someone was here.
What makes you say that?
It's off. The house. It It
I can't explain it. It
just smells different.
Did you notice anything?
It smells normal to me.
All right. All right.
Let's clear the house,
and if we need to,
I will have APD come
and send a patrol car
- to watch the front door. Okay?
- Mm-hmm.
Faith, I'm sorry.
I just don't know what's
real and what's not anymore.
You're good.
We're okay, but somebody
broke into my house.
Someone's following me.
- What? Where are you?
- I'll call you back.
Why are you following me?!
Jess Noonan. I'm a reporter
for the Atlanta Star Standard.
- You're star.
- Can we go somewhere to talk?
You have to promise me that
you tell no one about this.
Not your therapist, not your mom,
and, for sure, no case
notes not until this is over.
Unless you want another
dead body to clean up.
Okay. Talk to us about Sally.
She was a whistleblower?
Sally and I went to college together.
I hadn't seen her in a while,
but she came to me a
few weeks ago with a tip.
There is a back door in the software
that Selantus designed for the GBI.
Record searches, logged evidence,
house calls, case notes.
They're spying on you.
That would explain why they knew
we were coming to their office.
Who's using this?
Look up the investors for Selantus.
It's every inner-circle
old boy in Atlanta.
So you're saying that
people are paying to find out
what the GBI knows and when?
It's incredibly valuable information.
Does anyone know about you?
I haven't told anyone at the paper.
Reese Fox, CEO of Selantus?
She donates to my editor's
cancer charity. They brunch.
So, what were you gonna do
with Sally's information?
I told her she had to get me
the actual code on a hard drive,
something that no one could
deny, then I would publish.
The next time that I heard from her
was when she mailed
me this key with a note
that said she'd call me
to tell me what it opens.
But someone got to her first.
We knew Selantus would
want the hard drive back.
But I never thought that
they would murder her for it.
If what you're saying is true
and Selantus is selling
GBI intelligence,
then they would need to
protect their clients.
And the only way we can
prove that you're right
is with that hard
drive, but we don't know
where Sally hid it or
what that key goes to.
- You have to find out.
- Here's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna take you to the
GBI, where we can keep you safe.
You think that the GBI is safe?
Belly of the beast.
I can take care of myself.
Don't use your computer or your phone,
anything with Selantus
software installed.
If you want to stay alive
trust no one.
Give me the night ♪
Give me the night ♪
What the hell happened?
Give me your phone.
Why'd you just put my
phone in a dirty microwave?
- This is a clean room.
- Should I go get my tinfoil hat?
Selantus is wiretapping the GBI
with the software they made for us.
D Do you have proof?
We have the dead body of
the reporter who was working
with Sally, the whistleblower,
who is also dead.
We also have a threatening note
that someone left in
my house last night.
Selantus knew we were
coming to their office.
They've been one step ahead.
Someone's even impersonating
the GBI on the phone.
- Guys
- Rocky, come in. Close the door.
Sorry to be rude. I I've
been calling over and over.
- This is a clean room.
- Cool.
I want to let you know
someone is doing maintenance
on the computer servers,
- And it's fishy.
- Fishy how?
Well, I talked to everyone
who's on duty with IT,
and no one knows who's
doing it. That's weird.
Selantus is scrubbing the code.
They're covering their
tracks. Thanks, Rocky.
Amanda, you got to shut it down.
Okay, listen. Let me talk
to Director Armstrong.
I've got to give him a heads-up.
No. Absolutely not. He
might be a part of this.
- Excuse me?
- You can't trust him, okay?
The guys on that level, they're
all playing the same game.
What if I'm on that level someday, Will?
I Is this what you're
gonna think of me?
Is that what this is about?
Protecting your final promotion?
Whoa, guys! Same team. We
got to figure out a call here.
Hi. Um, ma'am
Director Armstrong is in your office.
I'm gonna go talk to my boss.
Caroline, will you please get
my phone out of the microwave?
Uh, Special Agent
Mitchell, Charles is on his way up.
And, um, Special Agent
Trent, I had someone pick up
a fresh suit for you, as you requested.
Thank you, Caroline.
You had Caroline send
someone to your house?
You have a really unhealthy
attachment to your suits.
- You know that?
- Yes. I do.
I pulled the case file.
Your people think last night's shooting
is linked to the Selantus home invasion?
My people think Selantus
is doing the shooting.
Amanda, that's insane.
There has to be something
else going on here.
- Who's telling you this?
- I've got Trent on it.
And you support what he's saying?
Sir, do you remember how I
investigated Lorne Renfield
for fraud a few years ago?
He's on the Board of Selantus.
Do you have a question for me?
His defense against my investigation
was the most impressive I'd ever seen.
It was as though he knew my playbook
the minute I put it out on the server.
Let it go. You didn't have a case.
Maybe he got a little greedy,
cut a corner on his quarterly filings,
but he didn't break any laws.
And now he knows that
you're watching him.
Well, I'd say we're watching each other.
It's checks and balances.
The system of law enforcement
works exactly how it was designed to.
- Of course. You're right.
- Good.
- So?
- This is Sally's P.O. box key.
I checked it a few times for
her when she went on vacation.
That's where she hid the hard
drive. We need to get to it.
Oh, I can send you the box number.
If they're wiping the
computers, that hard drive
is the only remaining evidence
that a back door ever existed.
What are you doing?!
I just e-mailed you the box number.
Why did he have a cellphone?
This is a clean room.
What's a clean room?
You think Selantus is
reading our e-mails?
Jess specifically said
not to use our cellphones.
We should assume they
can see everything.
We need to get to that
mailbox before they do.
Hey! What's going on?
My computer stopped working!
I believe you. Now go solve this
thing before we lose our jobs.
Try rebooting your system.
So, Katie says the way this works
is that Matty says he's
gonna introduce the girl
to his "producer" friend,
and then he leaves them
alone, and some amazing role
rests on what she's
willing to do with him.
Ah, that seems legit.
You sure you wanna do this?
The girl doesn't talk, this
guy's gonna have us by the ass.
I will get her to talk. I will.
- Can I help you?
- Yeah, APD.
We were passing by and heard a scream.
What? No. Wasn't from in here.
Try next door. They do waxing.
You know what?
We're gonna need to take a look around.
We'll be out of your
hair in two minutes.
No! Get a warrant!
Nah, we have probable cause.
This is a Fourth Amendment
violation. There was no scream.
You sure? You have a
security camera you can check?
Dang it. Looks like
this is the only one.
What do you use this puppy for, huh?
- Where's Jade?
- Hey, that's a private office!
Ah, ah, ah, ah.
Hey! Yo! Get off of
her. Get the hell off of her!
Let's go.
This is a casting session.
We're talking about a role.
Jade. Your name is Jade, right?
I'm Angie Polaski. I'm
APD. I want to help you.
Matty said this is my big break.
All right. Arms up, please.
Courtesy of Matty, right?
Listen. I don't want
to take you in for this.
I don't want to take you in at all.
I want you to leave, willingly.
Everyone is gonna be so pissed at me.
Matty's going to jail.
Your friend Katie's
gonna make sure of it.
She just wanted you to be safe first.
Guess she's jealous.
I will sue the department!
Who's your captain?
Get your hand off that
phone, sit down, and shut up!
Listen to me.
Matty is lying. He's not an agent.
He's not legit.
He sold Katie.
He sold her to a violent sex offender,
and he's gonna do the
same thing to you next.
Did he give you a tattoo?
He gives them to all his girls.
Let me see.
I've seen a lot of these.
Not on actors or models.
The last one I saw was
on an O.D. at the morgue.
Please. Please. Just tell me.
Is Matty forcing you to
have sex with these men?
I'm an actress.
I'm gonna be famous.
Not like this.
Not like this.
Just tell me, Jade.
Is he forcing you? Yes or no?
Yeah? Okay.
Okay. Thank you.
Let's get you out of here. Come on.
Silver Lexus.
Just help me. Help me help you.
I'm just trying to get into this box.
It's Vince.
- Freeze! GBI!
- Oh, my God!
- He's got a gun!
- Get down!
Find the box. Can you open this door?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Got it.
- Everybody get down!
- He has the hard drive.
Move! Move!
Vince, you don't have to do this.
Give us the hard drive,
and we can end this.
- That didn't work.
- Yeah, no.
Your computers will be operational again
once we know the situation is secure.
Amanda, you cannot
unilaterally shut down the GBI.
- Sir
- Frankly, I'm shocked
that you'd jeopardize your future.
What does my future
have to do with this?
You're not taking this
personally, are you?
Just fix it.
- Come here! Come here! Come here!
- No!
Open it. Open the door! Open the door!
Stay down! Stay down!
Vince, we know you were
spying on the GBI, all right?
There's no hiding it.
You don't know anything.
What I do know is whatever
Selantus promised you
is not worth dying for.
You're under arrest.
We were able to
tie Vince Arrigotti's gun
to each of the crime scenes.
He killed three people.
And now he's in a jail
cell refusing to talk,
hiding behind the best
lawyers in Georgia.
So who told Vince to
tamper with the GBI code?
With due respect, Vince
was stealing secrets, yes,
but they were our secrets.
We looked into it, and we
found that Vince was stealing
the code that made our
GBI operating system
so fast and easy to use.
We think he was selling it
to one of our competitors.
Are you kidding me?
You think he killed three people
over the secret of your pretty software?
He was accessing GBI case data
and selling it to the highest bidder.
Vince had a background
in Army Intelligence.
Sometimes, that experience
can desensitize people.
- You are full of
- Faith.
Reese, we'll need to complete
our own forensic analysis
of the GBI system to
confirm your findings.
- Of course, Director Armstrong.
- You won't find anything.
That's what the server
maintenance was about, right?
They cleaned up all their tracks.
The only proof we had of a back door
evaporated when Vince
destroyed that hard drive.
That's offensive speculation,
Special Agent Trent.
- So shoot me.
- I think we're done here.
This has been a very unfortunate chapter
for your company, Reese.
There will have to be consequences.
We'll be tightening hiring
practices, background checks
I think what the director
means is that the GBI
is severing its
relationship with Selantus,
effective immediately.
Is that what you meant,
Director Armstrong?
If Wagner's assessment is that
the trust has been broken
It is.
Then, yes, we will have to move on.
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪
- Ba da da da da ♪
- Oh.
I brought you this for your office.
Look at that.
Didn't I ♪
So what's next?
Oh. I found a new place.
Yeah, feels like the right thing to do.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Oh, and I talked Jeremy out
of the semester in Mexico.
How did you do that?
Oh, we we made plans. You know?
And he decided that he wanted
to stick around, so it's cool.
Ooh ooh ooh ♪
I am so sorry about how
everything played out back then.
Why you wanna leave me, baby? ♪
My mom and dad and Amanda.
I should have stood up for you.
No. No. Are you crazy?
No. We were young.
You were young. I was young.
And to be honest, I thought
your family was doing me a favor
by telling me to stay away.
It was only when I joined up that I
I started realizing what
I was missing. Yeah.
You know, sometimes I
wonder if we could've
- What?
- You look bad ♪
Um, got married?
- No.
- Lived happily ever after?
- Co-parented.
- Oh.
No, but J is a great kid.
Like, you did that, and that's all you.
- Mm.
- And I'm here.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
You think you can teach Jeremy
how to make those pancakes?
Oh, yeah.
That, roasted chicken, risotto,
pineapple upside down cake.
Listen, woman, it's being planned, okay?
It's all planned.
- Okay.
- I got you.
You know I had to get plants
that didn't need light,
'cause your windows
This is adorable.
- Thank you.
- Yeah. You know, it's all love.
So, we're gonna get you set
up at the safehouse with Katie.
Just eat something first, please.
It's honestly not that bad.
Hey. I thought you were
gonna look after the kid.
Which kid? Those kids?
- No. Nico.
- Sup, scumbag?
Your fly is down. Made you look.
- What happened?
- Nico got into a fight.
Or more like they got
their ass handed to them.
You should see the other guy.
It's like he just got out of a day spa.
You should know that my record
for waiting for a suspect
to talk is 23 hours.
- I got nothing but time.
- Not true.
You've got one hour till
Betty poops on your rug.
I'll buy another rug.
Unless you stole more money
from me on your way out.
What's going on, Nico?
Does this have anything to
do with why you needed money?
Who beat you up?
Nico, you can talk to me.
Guy named Troy.
I'm not kidding.
That's his name. Troy.
He lives downstairs.
Simple extortion situation.
20 bucks buys me 24 hours.
What's Troy's last name?
You know, we're not close.
What's his story?
What else is he involved in?
Can we move on from Troy?
All you had to do was tell me.
Seems like you need to get
out of your living situation.
That's a great idea.
I think I'll rent a
penthouse in Buckhead.
I have another idea.
I'm sorry. W What's an ADU?
We are turning the
garage into a bedroom.
Nico's gonna help.
And live there.
But you're also gonna work your ass off.
Wow. First the dog, now Nico.
Opening your own group home.
We gotta stop at Home Depot.
What about dinner?
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