Wind Breaker (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Vow to Follow

You're kidding me
He beat the crap out of Kanuma.
He was completely toyed with.
Do you know who he is?
That means he's another first-year?
Bofurin is really bad news.
Suo, my man!
You're crazy strong!
Not at all.
Suo-san! Was that kung fu?
Or something like aikido?
I'm not sure.
My master is also self-taught, you see.
It's apparently a mix of lots of stuff.
More importantly, I didn't know
you could get so emotional.
That was surprising.
Oh, how embarrassing.
I normally don't, but
Sakura-kun got to me.
Don't blame it on me.
But you better go all out when we fight.
There you go on again.
That's all you ever say, Sakura-san.
Oh, but you seem like such a pain.
I don't want to spar with you.
What do you mean by that, huh?
Say that again!
Sakura-san, calm down!
Don't stop me!
There they go rubbing off on each other.
It's important to have
external stimulation like this.
Besides, I still haven't forgotten
that you called me silly!
Oh, you're so petty.
-You bastard!
-Wait, Sakura-san! Please calm down!
They look like they'll be a great team.
It hurts
Ka numa?
Did they beat you too?
It's over.
It's over.
It's over.
It's over for us.
How nice.
Hey, let me fight that eye-patch-ku
All right. Next up.
Who's going next?
It's finally my turn.
Sorry, Sakura.
I'm goin' first.
Hey, hold on!
The two first-years already fought!
So why do I have to wait?
You're going up against Togame, right?
It doesn't seem like
he wants to fight just yet.
Togame is the second-in-command.
Normally, I should be
the one fighting him.
You're saying I'm not up to the task?
That's not what I mean.
I'm leavin' it in your hands.
It's not like I need you to leave it
in my hands! I'll still fight and win!
Besides, what's up with that slanty-eyes?
That punk cut in line!
Do they know each other?
Well, it does seem like it.
Hiragi doesn't usually talk about himself.
But, well, it's not really
all that surprising
that he knows someone outside of Furin.
Good luck!
I never thought you'd challenge
someone to a one-on-one yourself.
Did something happen
between you and Hiragi?
I can never read that guy.
But it sure is exciting to watch Sako-chan
go up against one of Bofurin's Four Kings!
Long time no see, Sako.
You've got a lot taller.
So you joined Shishitoren, huh?
It is what it is, then.
I'm sorry, but I'm winnin' this one.
Hey, that's enough talk!
Now, start! Start already!
"I'm sorry, but I'm winnin' this one"?
Even now, you're still looking down on me.
The Sako you knew before
is gone!
I'll beat that knowledge into you.
He sto
-Good job, Sako!
-Get him!
He's pushing Hiragi-san back
No way!
Way to go, Sako-chan! Keep at it!
Saku sure is putting up a good fight.
Well, he's one of our
Top Fives, after all!
He can match up to Ragi-chan no problem!
Well, I can't get a read on him
But he's been in more fights
than anyone else.
When he joined us, he was punching people
left and right like he was desperate.
I mean, I didn't know
he could talk that much.
He usually only says yes or no,
a single word at most.
That must mean he has some
strong feelings for Hiragi.
Heavy reliance on strength alone.
Serious to a fault.
There isn't even a trace
of anything interesting!
You really haven't grown at all.
You sure learned how to
run that mouth of yours now.
Before, you were so silent
I didn't even need to teach you
not talk in a fight
or else you'll bite your tongue.
What? He got even faste
Not only have you not grown,
you became weaker.
You ended up this way because
you hang out with those losers.
Naive pushovers that only care
about being nice to each other.
Not you.
Hey, shark teeth! You! You hear me?
People are lookin' down on us
thanks to you!
You can have a weak stomach,
but not in a fight!
Sakura-san, hold it!
Why are you laughing, Suo-san?
Sorry, sorry.
It looks like you're starting to care
about your friends now, huh, Sakura-kun?
I'm just pissed that
they're lookin' down on us!
If you say so.
There, there. Calm down, Sakura.
Sako, was it?
Hiragi's one of the
Four Kings of Bofurin right now.
He's also a leader called Tamonten.
Do you know what's the
other name for Tamonten?
Man, it's been ages since
I've taken such a good kick.
That hit hard.
But still, I looked pretty
lame right there, huh?
You're crazy strong now, eh?
It's like you're a totally
different person.
Tamonten is also known as Bishamonten.
The god who reigns over
the battlefield, the God of War.
Thanks to you,
I got yelled at by a first-year.
Talk about embarrassing.
No amount of pills is gonna fix me up now.
But it's finally getting a lot more fun.
Don't get carried away
just because you're smart.
Know your place.
But I didn't do anything,
and I never got carri
That's what makes you annoying!
Even though you're weak!
Know your place, scrub!
What are you guys doing?
This fight isn't somethin'
you see every day!
Damn, he's hella strong.
He's one of the Four Kings of Bofurin
for a reason.
He's famously strong
in our town, you know?
Then he should've gone
all out from the start.
But, well, although he's strong,
to begin with
I think your words got to him, too.
Nice, nice! Sako-chan's so strong!
He sure is.
But if you look closely
Hiragi has the upper hand.
There's no way
you're stronger than me right now!
How can you be?
You're just living a warm, cozy life
with those people all day!
And yet why?
"Why"? They were clearly picking on
someone weaker than them.
Or what? You didn't want me to stop them?
If you don't speak up for yourself,
these people will just keep coming at you.
You gotta fight back, even a little.
Can you stand?
Teach me how to fight!
Back then, you were so strong.
Even though you didn't group up
with other people yourself,
people were still naturally
attracted to you.
I've always looked up to you so much.
I felt so proud to be able
to follow your back.
Hiragi-san, happy graduation!
You're finally going to Furin!
I'm sure you'll climb up to the top!
A man like you deserves
to stand above everyone else!
I'll do anything to help you
reach the top!
Please let me help you once
I get into Furin next year!
I thought you were meant
to be the top of Furin,
back when it hadn't been united yet.
And that I would be there by your side,
watching you succeed.
Hey, Sako.
You shouldn't follow me anymore.
I've decided to back up this guy
called Umemiya once I get to Furin.
So I'm not gonna be the top.
Even if you follow me, things
won't turn out the way you want.
You have to find a new goal for yourself.
Wow, you did this all by yourself?
You're strong.
Would you like to join our team?
And fight me too!
Are the people there strong?
Yes, of course.
I'm strong, too!
People in our team are devotees of power.
The strong will be recognized.
The stronger you are,
the higher you'll go.
That doesn't matter.
All I care about is
fighting strong people.
I'll become stronger
and defeat him,
making him regret his decision!
I can't lose!
Unlike you, I've kept focusing
on getting stronger on my own,
not playing nice with anyone!
From below!
There's no way I'll lose!
Not to someone who willingly
bows to someone else!
I'm sorry for not meeting
your expectations.
I'm sorry.
That's not it
You don't need to apologize for anything!
I've decided to back up this guy
called Umemiya once I get to Furin.
So I'm not gonna be the top.
Even if you follow me, things
won't turn out the way you want.
I always knew you were
just trying to be considerate.
You shouldn't follow me anymore.
I wished you didn't say that to me.
You have to find a new goal for yourself.
I know I'm being selfish.
Even so, you've always been my goal.
I didn't care where you were going,
or who you'd support.
I just wanted to hear you say
"Come with me."
I'll always follow you wherever you go.
What's up all of a sudden?
I've made up my mind.
You're a man deserving of the top spot.
I'll always be by your side,
when and after you reach the top.
I'm determined to.
You're kidding me
Sako lost?
So that is one of Bofurin's Four Kings,
Toma Hiragi!
Wow, that was truly an amazing match.
Aw, Sako-chan lost.
Ragi-chan's really strong, huh?
I want to fight him, too.
Doesn't matter who.
Can anyone drag him down?
No need.
I'll carry him off.
Thanks, man.
You don't have to be so careful
with him, though.
All right, thanks for trying, kid.
You can deal with him
after your match, right?
Since we won't know what's gonna happen.
What's that supposed to mean?
Who knows.
But well, I'm just talking to myself now.
I don't think doing crap like that
will make your team any stronger.
Aren't you too loud
for talking to yourself?
You're not bad when you try.
Good job out there, sir!
Good work.
Doesn't seem like I can just
ask him about their relationship
Good work.
Your spinning kick is
as tremendous as always.
I'd hate to be on the receiving end.
You're not gonna ask?
About what?
Like who was that guy.
Or what happened between him and me.
Do you want to talk about that?
Nah, not really.
Then I don't want to hear it.
If you feel like it, go ahead and tell me.
That's what I want to hear from you.
Got it.
Shisitoren all wear the
same baseball jacket,
so they really feel like a team. So nice!
Not my cup of tea.
Baseball jackets are nice!
Baseball jacket's origin
trace all the way back
to souvenir jackets worn
by soldiers in Yokosuka!
That's why many of them have oriental
designs with dragons, or tigers!
Looks like I stimulated something in him
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