Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Memento Mori

(mellow music playing)

(parking brake creaks)
Jack, you were
supposed to meet me
at the club for doubles.
Those insurance fellas
clobbered me.
You know, one day off
isn't gonna kill you.
- (chewing gum) Oh hey.
- Hey.
Pat Riley:
I was just borrowing
Jack's Betamax.
What happened?
Jack stood you up?
Yeah. Have you seen him?
- Hm, no.
- I called his house.
I figured maybe inspiration
struck and he came here.
Man's not really one
for a day off, you know?
Hey, you're welcome
to take a load off.
You can listen to me
get my 27 words in.
- Twenty-seven, huh?
- Mm-hmm.
Chick choked on his
vodka at commercial.
- That sounds like
a divine intervention.
- Yeah, well.
For a second there, I had
a whole flash of panic.
I was like
what happens if
he drops dead?
I mean, I'm gonna have to finish
the whole game on my own.
The apprentice's dilemma.
- What's that?
- It's a little
lecture I used to give.
Well, I love a good lecture.
You can I ask my wife.
Let me get the tequila.
You want some?
- (Riley claps)
- Yeah, alright.
Tudor England.
The entire economy
split into two tiers.
Apprentices and masters.
The idea was that any
apprentice worth his salt
is climbing up that ladder,
turns into a master
when he comes of age.
So, we're too old
to share an office?
Not if you ask Hamlet. See,
you got the whole of Denmark
telling this prince
he's destined to be king.
But, you know what?
He didn't want it. (laughs)
- He wasn't built for it.
- Mm-hmm.
Paul Westhead:
I think that I spent, uh
a very long time
feeling like a failure
because the best thing
that I know how to do
is help another guy be great.
But what I'm starting to realize
is that maybe
'tis better be a noble prince
than hapless king?
Maybe I ought to read
more Shakespeare.
But that was
a Paul Westhead original.
- Good one.
- (phone rings)
Well, hello, Jack.
- Cassie.
- Cassie Westhead (on phone):
he's in ICU.
- Cassie, slow down.
- Cassie: It's Jack!
Jack's in
the emergency room.
Okay, which hospital?
Little Company of Mary.
Yeah. Okay, I'll be right there.
(sirens wailing)
("My Favorite Mutiny"
by The Coup playing

There it is ♪

Check it out ♪
Move, if you got the nerve ♪
Lash out for
your just desserts ♪
It's not just the worth ♪
Some of y'all heads
up in the clouds ♪
I'ma bring y'all
back to earth ♪
It's Black back to burn ♪
Bullshit y'all talkin' 'bout ♪
Out ya mouth ♪
I'm not concerned ♪
'Cause y'all got to learn ♪
It's y'all turn
like Detroit Red ♪
When his head
had a Ultra Perm ♪
The long walk'll
burn your bare heels ♪
So throw on your boots ♪
The game camouflaged
like army suits ♪
But I can see it
more clear ♪
'Cause I came with
The Coup in here ♪
Ring the alarm
and form the troops ♪
Send 'em out into the world
Go to war in a fluke ♪
Eye to eye with the enemy
you sworn to shoot ♪
Now comin' at ya neck
sick o' hearin' ♪
Something wrong with me ♪
Motherfucker somethin'
wrong with you ♪
When the chief just
way too smart to question ♪
The enemy the brothers
of a dark complexion ♪
The governments of the world
is shark infested ♪
They heavy on weaponry
like Charlton Heston ♪
Man, yeah,
it gets low here ♪
Real low
Know what I'm talkin' 'bout? ♪
Yeah, yo, it gets low ♪

- (static)
- (siren wailing)
Your name.
Most precious thing
you've got.
That's why it's our job
to protect it.
Keep it synonymous
with success,
on the floor and off.
And I can promise,
when folks see you
in our shoes, they'll say,
"There goes
a Converse All-Star."
"Adidas, the shoe
of champions."
He's cool,
he's fun, and
- A quality fit. That's Puma.
- of course, he's rich.
We need to think
about your feet.
You need to think about
your pocketbook.
- Your legacy.
- Your feet.
You wanna be as American
as apple pie.
That's the makings
of a legend.
and everyone
will want a piece
- Magic, Mr. Magic.
- The Magic Man!
It's Earvin, actually.
Converse Salesman:
Not anymore! Earvin--
- Earvin will be gone someday.
- Maybe he already is.
Magic is immortal.
Converse Salesman:
If you choose wisely
- this could be
- If you choose us
Right on the soles of
the next generation
- If you choose us
- This could be
- the most important
choice of your season.
- of your entire life.
Well, uh yeah.

Got a lot to think on.
- Take your time but,
just so you know
- Sleep on it.
- Just so you know,
Converse already has
- a verbal commitment
- from your friend Larry Bird.
- Larry Bird.

That's Magic Johnson!

Hope you had your fill
of bullshit. (laughs)
Those guys keep on shoveling
till you're just another
stallion in the stable.
Phil Knight.
Hey, Phil. You
you on the schedule?
Me? (laughs)
Heck no.
Front Office seems to have you
under lock and key.
Big dogs only.
Fact is, I-I'm sort
of a rookie myself.
Let me be straight as
an arrow with you, Earvin.
C-can I call you Earvin?
I wish somebody would.
Good 'cause I'm an athlete, too.
Ran track at Oregon.
Mediocre talent. Not like you.
But, my coach and me,
my partner now,
we figured out a nifty trick.
If we could shave just one ounce
off of our shoes, it made us
55 pounds lighter every mile.
You run an average
of three miles a game.
Think how much faster
you would be without
any extra weight.
What, you tellin' me
to play barefoot?
I'm telling you to play
in these.

- Y'all making me a special pair?
- Every pair.
The Nike Magic.
A new label for
a whole new line.
- Y'all talking to
Larry Bird, too?
- I'm talking to you.
We need more than just
a smile on a poster.
We need a partner.
- How much we talking?
- You mean
can I give you what those
other guys are offering.
Where's that sitting right now?
Sixty, 70 grand a year?
I'm offering a dollar.
One for every pair we ship,
plus 100,000 in stock options.
Right now,
that's 18 cents a share.
But the sky's the limit, Earvin.
Bet on us,
you're betting on yourself.
Proposal's in the shoe.
Look it over,
I'll be in town all week.
Ah! Sign with us,
you get the right one, too!
(ventilator whirring, clicking)
Oh, good lord.
(heavy breathing)
Is he
Oh, no! I mean, he
Wow, he looks really good.
- Actually
- Okay, let's go.
Let's go get some air.
- Paul's here now.
- Paul: I'm here. I'm sorry.
Hey, Cran, it's gonna be okay.
- Cassie: Come on, Cran.
Let's get some air.
- Paul: I'm here.
Hey, I got this.
We're going to be fine.
(indistinct announcement
over PA)
- (ventilator whirring, clicking)
- (Paul sighs)
Goddammit, Jack.
You were supposed to meet me
for tennis, man.
- (sighs) Okay.
- Doctor: Good afternoon.
Hi. Hey.
- Are you family?
- Um, if you could
just give me
the information, please.
Well, we were able
to dress his wounds,
but the inflammation in his
brain is worrisome. Are
Are you authorized
to make decisions?
- We may need to
discuss goals of care.
- Okay.
My goal is to get him up
and walking out of here
- as good as new, right?
- Of course.
That's our north star,
but an injury severe as this,
sometimes, the discussion
moves to quality of life.
Quality of life?
He's head coach of the Lakers.
He's living his dr--
All he did was take a tumble
- off of a goddamn bike!
- The trauma he's endured--
It's not gonna happen!
If that's your attitude,
we're going to need
another doctor. Just
(ventilator whirring, clicking)
That's Jack McKinney.
He's my best friend. So,
what I need to hear from you
is what you're gonna do
to fix him up
because we have
a fucking game tomorrow!
(ventilator whirring, clicking)
(nun praying)
(jazzy piano music)
(party chatter)

(chatter continues)
Jerry Buss:
Well, well, well.
- What do we have here?
- It's from the signore.
It's on me, pal.
Jack. You shouldn't have!
I had to comp
his season tickets
to get him to do that.
He's our biggest fan.
It's crazy.
We got two seats
right next to him.
Reserved for Great Western Bank.
Hot damn! (laughs)
The wife is gonna plotz.
You know, Dr. Buss put
chairs right on the floor
- because it's great
for television.
- (pops lips)
Yeah. We don't pick
that up in Sacramento.
All they pick up in Sacramento
is the clap,
which, incidentally, is
exactly how this is spreading.
We're 13 games in.
We got lightning in a bottle.
We got a genius coach,
young phenom,
coupled with the greatest
player in the league,
right here,
smack dab in the heart
of the entertainment
capital of the world.
Mr. Buss,
we are a banking institution,
and your loan
matures tomorrow.
Though I presume from your
request to meet that we're here
to talk about a payment plan.
You're darn tootin'.
Frank, tell him our plan.
We don't plan to pay.
(piano stops)
We're giving you an opportunity.
(music resumes)
The Lakers are the team
of the 1980s,
and the Great Western Bank can
be the official banking partner
of the Los Angeles Lakers.
But we're gonna need
a continuation
of the current loan through
June to the end of the season,
plus a fresh line of credit,
so we can keep investing
in the business.
And if we demand our money now?
Well then, Mariani,
Buss, and Associates
is going to file for bankruptcy.
And you can take the two of us
for everything we got. (laughs)
Which, right now, is
I don't know, Frank,
what do we got?
- $72.
- Buss: Oh,
and this fine bottle of
bubbly. Don't forget that.
And, of course, the team.
The team is worth plenty.
My mother is a genius,
by the way.
My ex-wife wanted
something gold,
so I gave her the team.
All that's in her name now.
So, you can shake us down
and come up with pocket lint,
or you can dig down deep
into those fancy suits you got,
try to find the balls
to stay in business
with the Lakers.
And then, my friends,
that bank is gonna raise
a statue of you two
right there in downtown
Sacramento someday.
Trust me.
Listen, I'd love
to stay and chitchat,
but I have a very horny
22-year-old upstairs
just waiting for me. So,
take our projections,
spend the day with them,
and then come to
the club tonight
and tell us we got a deal.
The Jacksons are gonna
pack that place.
But don't worry.
We got your comp tickets.
it's clear skies
from here on out.
Pleasure doing business
with you. Frank.
Frank Mariani:
Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy.
You think
they're gonna go for it?
Of course, they're
gonna go for it.
They'd be fools not to.
We got 'em by
the short and curlies.
- Hello, gentlemen.
- Buss: Claire?
- What are you doing here?
- I'm waiting for you.
On my day off.
Was supposed to be at
the zoo with my grandson,
- but there's a problem
with food and beverage.
- What's that?
- There isn't any.
- Fuck.
He hears me on the phone.
Kid's like a parrot.
The deliveries were never made
because your bookkeeper
sent bad checks
to all my vendors.
- Buss: None of the vendors
have been paid?
- Claire Rothman: No.
(Buss sighs)
Th-th-- (laughs)
This is an old account.
She's an old bookkeeper.
(quiet clinking)
Cindy Day:
I was telling Earvin
that it is some luck
that you're in town.
You know, your head
for business.
These shoe companies
are comin' at him
pretty hard for
an endorsement deal.
I can imagine.
Promise you the world.
The question is,
will they deliver?
Earvin Johnson:
Whole lot of numbers, but
Have you been talking to anybody
else about this? A professional?
Um, Pops got Mr. Bowman
outta D-Town.
He's a fine attorney
for a Michigan attorney.
And for this?
Don't know his dick
from a doorknob.
Guess you could say
the same thing about me, too.
I wouldn't.
Look (sighs)
Let me pose a question
that I pose to all
my clients, okay?
Five years, 10 years, 50.
What do you want
out of your future?
Okay. That's big business.
Something for everybody.
Kinda like Coca-Cola.
That's right! Yeah! Just--
That's exactly what
I'm talking about!
Good, so now we know what
we building here, right?
- Our promised land.
- Right.
We need our 10 Commandments.
Pitfalls to avoid.
Choices that
Earvin might make
that would be bad
for Magic Johnson.
You ain't gotta worry
about that with me.
I don't drink none,
and I don't touch
that narcotic either.
- Some Coca-Cola for you.
- (puts down glass)
And women?
You gotta be smarter.
Keep everybody happy.
- Cindy: Want another cup, Pops?
- Better not, baby girl.
The jet-lag is
beating me down. So,
why don't I take a closer
look at these, Earvin?
You know, we could talk
at the game tomorrow.
Cindy here has promised me
some good seats.
You see, my man
takes care of family.
Yeah. Hey, Doc, actually,
you d-- you don't gotta
It's not a problem
at all. Trust me.
- Let's go.
- Cindy: You got everything, Dad?
Dr. Thomas Day:
I do, sweetheart.
Walk me out.
- (elevator dinging)
- (slapping envelope)
(elevator dings)
- (muffled chatter)
- (rings doorbell)
- (knocking)
- Ma!
Jessie Buss:
No, no, no! Don't close that!
- (knocking)
- Ma!
- Jessie: Oh my god, my god
- Jeanie Buss: How bad is it?
- Jessie: Move this.
We need to get
- (wind blowing)
- Dad! Sorry!
I couldn't hear you!
- Jerry: The hell is going on?
- If that's Gerald,
tell him to get in here!
- Jeanie: I can't smell it.
- Jerry: Smell what!?
- Jessie: She doesn't know
the smell of death.
- I do. Don't close that door!
- (papers fluttering)
There's something
rotting in the walls!
You put me in here with vermin!
- No! Leave that open!
- Ma. What are you doing?
- Jessie: We need the air!
- There's no smell!
Gerald, get all this down!
- It's up here! I know it!
- Will you forget about that shit
and look at these?
You paid all the vendors
with checks from Crocker!
Ma, we left Crocker
five years ago!
You're the one who
closed the account!
Oh, well, there we have it.
Blame it on me. That's rich.
We'll just write new checks.
We'll sort all of this out.
(somber music playing)
- What is this?
- Jessie: What?
Mom, this is the transfer
of ownership paperwork.
They were supposed to be filed
with the state a month ago, Ma.
Jessie: I know that.
Then what is it doing
in my fucking hand?
The loan is due tomorrow!
And now, these fucking bankers
have me over a barrel,
and they're gonna take it all!
No, I don't understand!
I don't understand.
- (phone ringing)
- I don't understand
what he's saying!
- (Jessie crying)
- Jeanie: You're okay.
- (answers phone)
- Jerry: Hello?
Hey, Bill.
- Jeanie: I know.
- (Jessie sobbing)
Bill, what hospital are you at?
I'm coming. I'm coming. Okay.
Clean this place up
and take care of her.
I have somewhere to be.
(continues crying)
- Jeanie: It's gonna be okay.
- (door closes)
(indistinct announcement
over PA)
- Bill Sharman: Dr. Buss.
- Hey, Bill. There you are.
- So?
- He's still under the knife.
Jerry: Shit.
- How long has he been in there?
- Sharman: I don't know.
He came in as a John Doe.
Cranny found him here.
The fuck was
he doing on a bike, Bill?
It clears his head.
It clears--
Gentlemen. (clears throat)
Jack is just out of surgery.
- Bob Kerlan, team physician.
- Hey, Bob.
Sorry to meet under
these circumstances.
He's out of surgery? Sorry.
He's, uh, he's awake?
Oh, I certainly hope not.
The top of his skull
is sitting in a freezer.
Jesus fucking Christ.
- Fuck.
- Well, just temporarily.
They'll pop it back on
once the swelling
in his brain goes down.
- Is he gonna make it?
- You said it was temporary.
Well, everything is,
but the next few hours
will be crucial.
I'll be on call. Bill.
- I should call them the league,
talk about postponing--
- No!
Do not call anybody.
- What do we tell the press?
- Jerry: Nothing.
- We don't need
anybody panicking.
- But what happens
- when Jack's not in
the locker room tomorrow?
- Bill
you tell them he fell off
his fucking bike.
'Cause that's
the truth, isn't it?
- Yeah.
- Alright. So, listen to me.
This is the exact words
you're gonna use.
"We are erring on
the side of caution."
You tell the same thing
to the players.
Pete, you're coaching
the game tomorrow.
- Paul.
- Huh?
Um, wrong apostle.
Um, you said Pete, my name--
Hey, hey. Get your
head outta your ass.
- Can you coach
the goddamn game or not?
- No.
Yes. Sure.
Look, I do the scouting,
I do the prep work anyway,
so I can probably
coach one game.
Dr. Buss,
we should discuss this.
Don't lose.
(crowd cheering)
Just take it easy.
I'm fucking cursed.
Yeah, but nobody knows.
- Not yet!
- Right!
So, by the time the suits from
the bank find out about this,
we're gonna have it signed,
sealed, delivered, right?
Unless they walk in here now
- and see you l-like this.
- Got a bad feeling, Frank.
Come on. Look at me.
Look at me.
You're Gene Kelly.
Y-you're Fred Astaire, man.
You're Ginger Rogers.
So, tonight,
tonight, you gotta do what?
(dramatic music swells)
I'm gonna put on my taps
and I'm gonna dance.
That's right, baby.
Dance your heart out.
Hey now! (laughs)
You didn't say
this was a fruit bar.
(loud laughter)
A fruit bar!
How about that Michael?
He can sure boogie, huh?
He's just the appetizer, boys.
You're about to have
the main course.
Welcome to the Forum Club.
Come on in!
(disco music playing)

(party chatter)
You put that up your nose?
Not this. You smoke it.
No more sniffles.
This'll make you feel like
you can fix the world.
- Have a little taste.
- (ding)
Uh, no thank you.
We're from Lansing.
Shit, the only thing
Country touches is Coca-Cola.
You already know what
my answer's gonna be.
- I'll stick with yoga.
- Yeah, hell no.
- Man, keep that shit
away from me.
- Dr. Mike: I thought so.
Spencer is a vegetarian.
So he don't eat pussy?
(all laughing)
So you must be Magic Johnson,
teeth that white.
Richard Pryor, man!
I was at the studio
where they shot "Car Wash."
Hey, Young Buck's
about to be on TV, too.
- About to be
the white man's shadow.
- Man, it's "White Shadow."
And y'all just jealous
'cause it's prime time.
Richard Pryor:
They jealous 'cause
they don't know what it is!
See, y'all is nigga famous.
Me and Magic here,
we're dealing with white famous.
I'm talkin' about,
"old cracker granny
"see your Black ass
in the grocery store,
don't have to clutch her kid,"
Hell, she mighta
ask for a autograph.
(all laughing)
Say, let me talk to you.
Uh, yeah, yeah, one sec.
- Oh. Okay. Okay!
- Okay?
You know all this fame shit
ain't natural.
That's the problem.
We ain't born for it.
And we ain't made for it.
And definitely ain't ready
for that shit when it hit us.
But you best believe,
everybody else is.
They all hang around you
like a mojo.
They been waitin'
to pounce on your ass.
What's your real name, Magic?
- Earvin.
- Say "presto" to that
He's gone.
That's the first cost
of doin' business
with the white man.
Magic! Magic, come on over!
I wanna introduce you
to somebody!
You're gonna love him.
Such a sweet kid.
Run along.
Whitey needs his shadow.
Magic, these are some
important friends of mine.
- Gents, this is Magic Johnson.
- Hello.
Let me tell you something
about this kid.
Every company in the S&P
is banging down his door
to try to get that smile
in their ads.
But, guess what?
- He's all ours.
- (laughter)
Those pearly whites
are Lakers property.
Now, I'm no banker.
But, that seems like
a pretty substantial asset,
if you ask me.
What is it this week, kid?
Soda pop? Chewing gum?
- Johnson: Shoes.
- Shoes?
That's an evergreen sector.
Yeah, yeah.
I was actually talking
to this funny cat from Nike.
Oh. Hope you dodged
that bullet.
Huckster showed up
at the main branch,
hawking his wares.
It'll be lucky to
survive the quarter.
Yeah. Right.
He's just another fraud
with a pipe dream.
Listen, hotshot,
we've kept you long enough.
The ladies are gettin' restless.
We'll let you go.
(giggles) Hi.
- Hello, sweetheart, how are you?
- You gonna introduce me?
- Well, actually,
I was about to--
- Cindy Day.
- Cindy Day. Enchanté.
- Mariani: Frank.
- Cindy: Enchanté. (giggles)
- You guys know each other?
Yeah, she's my date
for the night.
- Jerry: Fantastic.
- I'm his date for the night.
- Yeah.
- Did you tell them
I wash your little drawers?
- Cindy.
- I also wash his plate.
It's okay.
- Cindy, I just met them--
- It's okay.
Do y'all have children?
- Bankers: Yes. Yes.
- Cindy: Yes. We, uh,
we should start signing
autographs, right?
That's actually
a great idea, Cindy.
You guys want
a couple autographs?
- That'd be great.
- Sure.
- Cindy: Okay.
- You don't mind, do you?
- Of course not.
- Jerry: Alright, cool.
- I'll get some menus over here.
- Yeah
- Do anybody got a pen?
- I got a pen.
- She has a pen.
- Jerry: Look at that.
- (laughter)
- Cindy: Y'all got some paper?
You're about the prettiest
publicist I've ever met.
- Somethin' else.
- (giggles)
- We? We--
- (throws pen)
We signing autographs now?
Fuck you famous for?
'Cause I musta forgot.
Calm-- calm down, okay, I was--
I was only trying to help.
Ain't ask for your help!
I ain't need it!
You and your pops both.
- (scoffs)
- Coming all this way to visit.
- Just trying to lock me down.
- To what?
You heard him.
One minute, we talkin' business.
The next, he on about
you and me, talking about
(imitating Dr. Day):
"Be smarter and keep
everybody happy."
I didn't put him up to that.
I sw-- I swear!
The trouble ain't me!
It's all y'all wanting a piece!
- I don't want anything.
- Like hell you don't!
You won't Magic just
like everybody else.
Sell they shit.
Impress your daddy.
- At least be real
about this shit!
- I want you.
Earvin, I
Earvin, I love you. Earvin--
How the fuck you love me
when you don't even know me?!
If I was picking up
trash in Lansing,
you think you'd still be here?
Washing my dishes,
cleaning my drawers?
All while I'm in the other room,
talking to Cookie?
Uh-huh. Hm.
How's she doin'?
That's the man you lov--
That's the man you love.
(kicks garbage can)
Leave me the fuck alone!
Yeah, that's the man I love.
(footsteps receding)
("I'd Rather Go Blind"
by Etta James playing)
- Johnson: Cindy
- Cindy: Mm-hm?
Something told me
it was over ♪
Because I see what you don't.
When I saw you
and her talking ♪
Hey. Look at me.
Something deep down
in my soul ♪
I see you.
Said "cry, girl" ♪
Cry, cry ♪
When I saw you
and that girl ♪
Walkin' around ♪
Ooh ♪
I would rather, I would
rather go blind, boy ♪
Then to see you walk away
from me, child ♪
Ooh ♪
So you see,
I love you so much ♪
That I don't wanna
watch you leave me, babe ♪
Most of all, I just don't ♪
I just don't want
to be free, no ♪
Ooh, ooh ♪
- I was just, I was just ♪
- I love you.
I was just
sitting here thinking ♪
Of your kiss and
your warm embrace, yeah ♪
When the reflection
in the glass ♪
That I held to
my lips now, babe ♪
Yeah, yeah ♪
Revealed the tears ♪
That was on my face, yeah ♪
(heavy breathing)
And baby, baby, I'd rather ♪
I'd rather be blind, boy ♪
(Cindy moaning)
Then to see you walk away ♪
See you walk away
from me, yeah ♪
Ooh ♪
You want to win friends
and influence people?
Read the book.
You want to sell
the Great Western Bank
on basketball?
Just get 'em laid.
(clicks tongue)
- Look what I got here!
- Alright.
(glasses clink)
Okay, so this is what
I can offer you, Mister--
Ah! Ah! Ah! Doctor.
- Doctor.
- Thank you.
Dr. Buss.
Six-month extension.
What'd I tell you?
At 30%.
That's a million bucks in vig.
Mm, yeah, which is why
if you're the businessman
that you say you are,
then you'll turn us down,
and we'll see you in
bankruptcy. (laughs)
I'll tell you what.
You make it June,
and we got a deal.
(laughs) Can I ask why?
Because in May,
we're gonna win
the Championship.
And then, I'm gonna need
a couple weeks' vacation
before I take a flight
to Sacramento,
walk into your office,
and make you beg
to keep our business.
I hope you keep winning.
Count on it.
- Come on.
- Thank you, Wes.
You see? Not a problem.
What the fuck
is this clown doing?
Oh, you got to be--
Come on, you got me!
The buzzards catch you out here
with that sad sack look
on your fuckin' face,
you'll be in tomorrow's paper.
- It was kind of a tough night.
- Yeah, well,
I hate to break it to you, but
there's a shit storm blowing in.
Bill's asked me
to walk you through it.
Fuckin' hurry up!
You're not a duck! Come on.
- Put this on.
That's Missoni.
- Westhead: Alright.
Jerry West:
Fuck, don't stretch it.
It's cashmere. Come on--
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Jerry, the hounds are waiting.
(sighs) It's a stakeout.
You always meet the buzzards
on your own terms.
Here we go.
The important thing is
to project a sense of calm.
You're not just
talking to the media.
You're talking to the team,
plus every other motherfucking
in the league.
They're smelling blood,
and we're the meat.
Well, they don't know
Jack McKinney.
He's gonna be up and yelling
at that radio by halftime.
You got your fucking
degree from where, Doc?
- Huh? Oh, hang on.
- Huh?
"Assistant coach
promises quick return."
Boom! There's your headline!
And then tomorrow, when
he's not there, what then?
Boom! Panic! Chaos!
Then buzzards are fucking you
in your fat little ass!
- I don't wanna be
- No!
Don't oversell.
- But what am I supposed to say?
- As little as possible.
Jack is in the best
of hands, okay?
Jack is on the mend,
and in the meantime,
I'm holding down the fort,
confident that the team
is behind the both of us,
110%. Yeah, just like that.
- Okay.
- You want to do it?
Fuck no! (laughs)
You out of your fucking
No, just look, you know
Take it easy, okay?
Alright? You're a natural.
And if the press happen
to hang you up on anything,
just, well,
go to your comfort zone.
What's that?
- (reporters clamoring)
- (shutters snapping)
Jack McKinney is on the mend.
(questions stop)
I'm holding down the fort,
and I know that
the franchise is behind us all.
- Both of us
- (shutters snapping)
Franchise is behind
us both 100%.
So, there's nothing
to the reports that
he's in a coma?
- How about these rumors that
Jack's fighting for his life?
- Rumors?
You know what? I'm not gonna
get caught up in rumors.
We're going to focus
on the task ahead.
And for me right now,
the task ahead
well, it's Denver.
And, uh, Skywalker Thompson.
- (laughter)
- He went on a tear
last night in Utah.
Yeah, he sure did.
I think that's probably why, uh,
that's probably why
Jack McKinney is playing hooky
because, uh, he wants
to avoid a repeat.
So, you and Jack talked
about the Utah game?
- Does that mean he's conscious?
- That's after the accident?
(reporters shouting questions)
- What are you not telling us?
- Westhead: I'm not saying--
Jack McKinney is on the mend.
- What'd you tell him to say?
- I didn't tell him to say shit.
- Is he in critical condition?
- Paul, you gotta
give us something.
Is he in a vegetable
state or what?
Westhead: I
- What do we tell the fans?
- Just tell them
(shutters snapping)
"If it be now,
"'tis not to come.
"If it be not to come
"it will be now.
"If it not be now,
yet it will come."
- (blows)
- Come on, Paul.
"The readiness
is all."
- Get up there.
Get him off the stage now.
- Westhead: Thank you.
Okay! Okay!
We'll see you all at
the game tonight, huh?
What the fuck was that?
- Westhead: My comfort zone.
- Will he be able to coach again?
- That's it, folks, thank you.
- Wow
Reporter (on radio):
Wise words from
Jack McKinney's substitute.
This time last year,
he was teaching Shakespeare.
- Tonight, he steps in as--
- Oh, that oughta keep
'em chasing their tails.
Yeah, well, I wish they
were the only ones.
I spent all night
trying to decipher
what the hunting pattern
of the Bengal tiger
has to do with keeping
Thompson out of the lane.
- Well, you stick one there,
he'll probably avoid it.
- (Paul laughs)
(sighs) Thanks.
This is Jack shit.
Alright? It's not for you.
- Come on! Goddammit.
- Let it go.
Let it go. What would you do?
- What I would do
- Your show.
If it was me, I would--
I would do something
off the wall.
- I would-- I would start Cooper.
- Great.
No, you know what?
I would play it safe,
and I would stick with Haywood.
No, Cooper.
Or Haywood?
That's a good idea. (laughs)
You want the job?
(tap echoing)
Jack McKinney:
You know what you
could do with Thompson?
Drive him baseline to his
weak hand for the trap.
Haywood and Cooper double-team.
He's weaker when
he moves to the left,
so you force him that way.
Overplay the passing lanes.
(tap echoes)
You know what
You know what you
could do with Thompson?
- (inaudible)
- (ventilator whirring, clicking)
The team is here.
Westhead: Okay.
- I'm going to take Cran home.
- Yeah.
Yeah, she--
She definitely needs a break.
- Cassie: You do, too.
- Yeah.
(ventilator hissing)
Nothing good can come
from sitting here,
watching him like this.
"I make as much use of it
as many a man doth
a memento mori."
It's a Death's Head.
Elizabethans used to
put it everywhere
with that inscription.
Memento mori.
you will die." (laughs)
Shakespeare sealed
the words in wax
on everything he wrote
after his son died.
No, there's something
beautiful in that.
Life is fleeting,
so make every moment count.
It meant the opposite. (laughs)
Life is meaningless.
All earthly things are vanity.
Well, that's less cheerful.
I, uh
(clicks tongue)
I can't believe I have
to coach this game.
You can do it.
(tossing basketball)
Spencer Haywood:
You shakin' like a flea-bit dog.
Michael Cooper:
It's all over.
Man, you don't know that.
Coach could pull through.
No, not-not Coach.
It's just
Me, man.
Westhead ain't no fan.
What makes you say that?
I seen it in camp.
The way he was looking at me,
like I was a loose thread
on a sweater.
I bet you he can't
wait to cut me off.
Is that right?
Hm. Brother,
I ain't known you but a minute,
but what I can say
is you are the nervousest cat
in a building full
of people dying.
Didn't nobody end up
in the NBA by accident.
I don't know, Spence.
Maybe I'm the first.
No, you're not.
You supposed to be here.
You understand?
McKinney or no McKinney.
Coach is just a coach.
All the damn talent you got?
Any fool could see it!
Even Westhead!
Hey. Uh
Wanna thank you all
for coming. Um
I know that it's going
to mean a lot to Jack.
How is he?
He's better. He's better.
Thank you.
Um, he's probably
not well enough for visitors
just yet.
So, let's keep him
in our thoughts
and, uh, I'll see you
at the game.
I-I'm sorry. I hope I'm not,
uh, interrupting. (laughs)
These are from Magic.
He is so sorry
that he couldn't be here,
but he just wanted to make sure
that Coach McKinney knows
how much he means to us.
So, you know, there's some
eucalyptus in there, so
that's good
for his breathing.
(light '70s pop music playing)
(quiet chatter)
Dr. Day:
I think you're making
a wise choice.
So what I'm supposed to say
to the ones I ain't going with?
You can't muddy up that
million-dollar smile
- delivering bad news.
- Alright.
- Right on!
- That can be my job.
(elevator door dings)

Gentlemen! Welcome.
Come on in! Son,
on behalf of Converse,
we are just thrilled to
welcome you into our stable.
(pats knee)
I think we are gonna
make a lot of hay. (laughs)
Before we put pen to paper,
I took the liberty
of making some adjustments.
For starters, we've learned
that Larry Bird has agreed
to $90,000, and we believe
we should command 100.
- Well, that's quite an ask.
- Well
my man is quite an athlete.
Well, you drive
a hard bargain,
but you got
yourself a deal.
That's what I'm talkin' about!
- Yeah.
- Johnson: Some notes.
So, I was thinking
We put my name
right there on the shoe.
I'm thinking
"The Magic."
I see it. Look, "The Magic."
Ain't no one else done that!
Al Harden:
Well, that's an idea!
We'll run it up the flagpole
back at corporate.
But first, let's get you
on the dotted line.
Dr. Day:
To Magic.
You won't regret it.
(cash register dings)
He regrets it.
(seagulls cawing)
(mellow music playing)

My father Lydus was a genius.
He had a head for numbers.
I think he liked numbers
more than he liked people,
far as I can tell.
Definitely liked numbers
more than he liked me.
Left us high and dry
when I was born.
Mom was 19.
No high school education.
Now, she's got
this kid to raise.
Middle of the fucking Dust Bowl.

But, she got us here.
She got us here.
- That's one tough broad.
- Doctor: Dr. Buss?
How's she doin'?
Exhausted, but coherent.
There's no outward
sign of trauma.
Oh, good. Good.
Yeah. Right?
I figured she just
forgot to eat.
- (lighter clicks)
- Could be.
Why don't you bring her by
for a full workup?
In the meantime,
take care of yourself, too.
You look tired.
See if you can keep it
to a pack a day.
Sure thing, Doc.

She's gonna be fine.
I always wanted to
go out with a bang.
Instead, I seem to be rotting.
No. Bullshit.
Alcohol is a preservative.
Well, at least
I taught you to laugh.
I know I fucked up
everything else.
Come on.
Don't talk like that.
You got me where I am today.
Sorry, I'll wait outside.
(elevator dings)
(elevator dings)
It's my fault.
Just a spell.
No, it wasn't the first time.
Opening night, she didn't
know what day it was.
She was out of it.
I should've told you,
but I didn't want to ruin
your big day.
(clears throat)
Get it together.
- She's gonna be okay.
- (elevator dings)
(elevator doors open)
("Prove Your Love"
by Fleetwood Mac)
(Jeanie inhales)
Ah ah ah ah ah ♪
Ah ah ah ah ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah ♪
Ah ah ah ah ah ♪
Ah ah ah ah ah ♪
Ah ah ah ah ah ♪
Ah ah ah ah ah ♪
Ah ah ah ah ah ♪
I wanna be ♪
Inside your heart ♪
That's the place ♪
The place for me ♪
But, I can understand ♪
It won't be easy ♪
You've got to prove ♪
Prove your love to me ♪
You've got to prove ♪
What's goin' on, Coach?
Prove your love to me ♪
Game day. Hey.
Okay. (clears throat)
I know that it's hard right now.
I know that
our hearts are heavy.
But, we got a job to do.
And there is nothing--
There is nothing!
That Jack McKinney
would want more than a win.
- That's right.
- Yep!
So, let's take a minute.
Let's take a minute.
"Give sorrow words.
"The grief that does not speak,
whispers the o'erfraught heart
and bids it break."
Player: Hm?
So, Coach dead?
No. No, no, no.
- No. No, no. Not at all.
- (relieved murmuring)
Who's guarding Thompson?
- I got him, Coach.
- Hell no. You the slowest
in conditioning.
- Who you talking about?
- Jim Chones: Bunny is your man.
- You crazy.
- Cooper.
You're starting at four.
- Jim, you're next
in the rotation.
- What?
Where that put me, Coach?
It puts you on the bench.
- Whoa.
- Brutal.
Everybody else,
same as usual. Okay?
- Alright, come on,
bring it in. Bring it in!
- (clapping)
Jack on three! One, two, three.
All: Jack!
- (players chattering)
- Hey. Hey, Paul?
I can take Thompson. Whoo!
Is there a problem?
Well, I'm not sure if you heard
what I said back at the hospital
between me and the young blood,
but if it's putting us
off on the wrong foot
No, no. This is a--
This is a basketball decision.
It's nothing personal.
Hey, uh, Young Buck?
You gonna play this one,
or you gonna let your girl
do it for you?
(quiet laughter)
Jamaal Wilkes:
You gonna send your squeeze
to the hospital
and think we ain't gonna say?
Fine ol' redbone, too.
You lucky I ain't holler at her.
- Norman Nixon: Well,
she sat next to me, so
- Cindy?
I ain't even know
she went to the hospital.
With 10 funerals of flowers.
Rip Van Winkle ever wake up,
- he gonna think
he in a garden.
- (laughter)
Nice touch, Young Blood.
Not as nice as showing up
yourself though.
Say it again, Cap.
(quiet chatter)
I'd like to be friends with her!
Hey, babe.
What's What's wrong?
Y'all brought too many flowers.
- I ain't asked you to do that.
- Well, I was--
You got me up in there
looking crazy
in front of all my teammates.
I was just trying
to be gracious.
- I was representing you--
- Dr. Day: There he is!
The Converse Man.
The lovely young Miss Buss
has been giving me the tour.
Nice shoes.
Thanks. I got some good advice.
Nonsense. He's a natural.
Between the three of you,
our future is in good hands.
Why don't I, uh,
show you to your seats?
Thank you.
Hey, Doc.
You got a minute?
Dr. Day:
Something the matter, son?
Look Yeah.
I appreciate you,
and everything
you done did for me.
And Cindy is a great girl,
really, really sweet.
if you think we be more
than what we be
And what would that be?
You helping me
with business and all.
That make you an agent?
I prefer to be a friend.
How much cut a friend get?
The only thing I want that
you can give me is your trust.
We can let the money
come in time,
once you've made plenty more.
And Cindy?
I ain't ready
to settle down yet.
Son, I love my daughter
more than anyone.
I want her to be happy.
But, me and you?
Well, that's another
thing now, isn't it?
- Business.
- That it is.
And I don't see why
the end of one relationship
should sacrifice the other.
Right on.
Think you could tell her for me?
Hey, like you said.
Magic ain't supposed to be
the one to give 'em bad news.
(muffled crowd cheering)
I'll let her down light.
Yeah, those is the Lakers,
not the Fakers. (laughs)
Hey, Black man, Black man,
- Black man.
- Spencer, my main man.
- Oh man.
- I know you've been living
like a saint these days,
but if you wanna
celebrate after the game,
party's at my place
in the hills.
Come on up, man.
We got it all.
Man, we got white bitches,
7-Up, and cocaine.
- Know what I mean?
Know what I mean, Jack?
- Maybe so.
Announcer (on PA):
Introducing your
Los Angeles Lakers!
(crowd cheering)
(cheering continues)
- Hey, Bill.
- Jerry.
Some fuckin' day, huh?
Yes, sir.
Chick Hearn (on radio):
Chick Hearn
along with Pat Riley
here for another game
of Lakers basketball.
Tonight, the team
will not be joined by
head coach Jack McKinney.
Our prayers are with him.
But, let's hope the Lakers
won't be needing
any of their own.
The man filling in for him
on the sidelines
will be his assistant.
First name Paul,
last name Westhead.
A few months ago, this guy
was teaching Shakespeare
at La Salle College
in Philadelphia.
Now here he is, coaching
one of the NBA's marquee teams
and trying to
hold down the fort for
his friend and mentor,
who, we are told,
is on the mend.
- Well, this one's
for you, Jack.
- (ragged breathing)
Okay, now both teams
in the center circle.
Here's the tip
controlled by Kareem
and this contest is underway.
Magic brings the ball
down the floor.
- (ragged breathing)
- (commentary continues)
(breathing stops)
Hey. Jack?
No, Jack.
Help! Jack!
Wake up.
Somebody come help us!
Please! Nurse!
Jack! Help us! Jack!
You know what you
could do with Thompson?
Drive him baseline to
his weak hand for the trap.
Haywood and Cooper double-team.
He's weaker when
he goes to the left,
so you force him that way.
You overplay the passing lanes,
beat 'em on the turnovers.
Of course, he won't pass
if Issel's camped out
under the bucket
for the put-back,
so you go big!
You put a big man on his ass!
That's why we got Haywood!
So box out Issel.
Thompson can't beat us himself.
- Like that, see?
- What difference
would that make?
You see?
I'd rather talk about Denver.
(monitor beeping)
(slow breathing)
(quiet moan)
- Paul, Paul!
He's asking for you.
- Okay, okay, okay!
Hey. Hi.
Go big
Sorry, what, Jack?
Go big
Go big against
against Thompson.
Denver, go big.
(slow breathing)
We, we already
played them, Jack.
Denver was two weeks ago.
Fuck my dick.
Fuck I came back.
- I know, I know
- I came back.
I know I know

Do you guys wanna sign up?
I think so, when they
migrated to Detroit.
- Dr. Day: Ms. Kelly!
- (girls laughing)
Cookie: Dr. Day?
(paper crinkling)
- What's this?
- Tickets.
The Lakers are
coming to Detroit,
and Earvin would
love to have you.
He would, would he?
Thought he would be
having your daughter.
All I can say, young man
has the world at his feet.
He asked me to come here
and give those to you.
You make of that what you will.
if you don't say yes, I will.
- Cookie: Tell Earvin
I'll think about it!
- Dr. Day: Mm-hmm.
You have a good day now.
("Nobody Knows" playing)

Nobody knows ♪
Mm-hmm ♪
All the trouble I've seen ♪
Nobody knows ♪
Mm-hmm ♪
All the trouble ♪
Glory ♪
Glory ♪
Mm-hmm ♪
Glory, hallelujah ♪
Glory ♪
Mm ♪
Glory ♪
Let me hear you ♪
Glory, hallelujah ♪
Nobody knows ♪
Nobody knows ♪
Mm, oh no, no ♪
All the trouble I've seen ♪
Nobody knows ♪
Nobody knows ♪
Mm, oh no ♪
All my sorrows ♪
Glory, glory ♪
Glory, glory ♪
Glory, glory ♪
Hallelujah ♪
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