Wizards Beyond Waverly Place (2024) s01e06 Episode Script
The Legend of Creepy Follows
[upbeat rock music playing]
Big day, Billie.
Yeah, you finally got your school tablet.
I know, I'm so excited. [inhales]
But remind me again why I'm excited.
Now you can get on Badger Book.
Yes, Badger Book.
Now remind me again what that is.
It's the official school portal.
You can turn in assignments,
read safety announcements,
and best of all, your parents get an email
with your grades
so they can see how well you're doing.
I don't need any of that in my life.
That's just why Roman uses Badger Book.
- Everyone else uses it to get followers.
- Followers?
Having a lot of followers means
they like you on Badger Book.
If they like you on Badger Book,
that means you're popular.
Being popular means…
Oh, I know what popular means.
Back in the wizard world,
they wouldn't even use the word "popular."
They would just say, "You're so Billie."
Billie? Billie!
Don't get caught up in this.
I barely have any followers,
and I was still elected president
of the Young Tap Dancer Society.
So, how do I get these followers?
First, we need to set up
your Badger Book account.
- Okay.
- We just need a cute pic.
Okay, put your hand on your hip,
and stick out your elbow.
Ooh! Turn your head, but not your neck.
Now, look away like I'm not here,
but smile like I am here.
Then say cheese, but with your eyes.
[grunts] Does this look weird?
Yep, perfect.
[camera shutter clicks]
Now post it, and…
- [notification chimes]
- [gasps] My first follower!
It's me, Winter.
I know. I got that by the username,
You know, getting a follower
was strangely satisfying.
- I know, right?
- [notification chimes]
[gasps] Another follower!
That one felt even better.
Uh, that's just the school mascot.
He's contractually obligated
to follow everyone.
Ah, it still felt good.
[theme song playing]
Everything is not what it seems ♪
When you can have what you want ♪
By the simplest of means ♪
Be careful not to mess
with the balance of things ♪
Because everything
is not what it seems ♪
You might run into trouble
if you go to extremes ♪
Because everything
is not what it seems ♪
Yes, please ♪
- What it seems ♪
- [theme song concludes]
[upbeat rock music playing]
[music fades]
Almost done.
Heatus completus.
Hm. Too bad I don't know
the spell for guac.
Oh, well.
Ooh, nachos. Thanks, Billie.
Nuh-uh. They're for Badger Book.
Badger Book's not hungry.
I haven't got any new followers,
and Winter says I can get more
by posting food inspo.
What do these nachos inspire you to do?
Well, I would say eat,
but we both saw how well that went.
Well, I need to do something
to get more followers.
Look at you.
[inhales] You've only been
on Badger Book for a day,
and you're already obsessed.
I am not obsessed.
I just love it, and need it,
and can't think about anything else.
- What do you call that?
- Obsessed?
Oh, then yeah, I am obsessed.
But can you move to the right?
Your shadow is blocking my cheese glisten.
Why are you taking pictures of nachos?
With cheese glisten like that,
how could you not?
I'm trying to get
more Badger Book followers.
But Badger Book is
for official school business.
That's why I created it,
got the school board to approve it,
and paid a college student
in tacos to code it.
I'm with you, Dad.
I only use it for the important things
like getting signatures on my petition
to ban extra credit.
You get one shot, people. Make it count!
I love the passion, son, but no,
that's not what Badger Book's for either.
This is why Mom's coming
to school tomorrow, to interview me,
so everyone can see
how Badger Book is leading
Greenwald Middle into the future.
[chews] Ooh!
- What kind of cheese is that?
- That's not cheese.
Turns out candle wax
looks better on camera.
I don't hate it.
[upbeat rock music playing]
[Billie] Hey! That's my food inspo!
[music concludes]
Hey, Billie.
Are you wearing
the same clothes you wore yesterday?
- That depends. Is it tomorrow?
- No, it's today.
I don't have time for your riddles, Milo.
I didn't sleep. I need more followers,
but nothing's working.
I've tried reviewing things,
unboxing things, smashing things.
Ah, that's why my hockey stick's
covered in applesauce.
Yeah, and still no followers.
What's the big deal about followers?
Winter says the more you have,
the more popular you are.
Well, if I was a wizard
who had a super cool wizard lair,
I'd go in there and find a spell.
I bet there's one in there for followers.
Probably some other
really cool stuff, too.
You're right. Good idea, Milo.
- Nuh-uh. Where are you going?
- To the lair.
Sorry, kid. Lair's for wizards only.
But it was my plan.
And it's a good one.
Wizardpedia will know a spell
to get me more followers.
- [chiming]
- Welcome to Wizardpedia,
your all-knowing wizard encyclopedia.
How may I enlighten you?
I'm looking for a follower spell.
Got one of those?
Ah, the follower spell.
A formidable incantation
with a sordid past.
- It all began with…
- Too slow.
[speaking rapidly]
[in normal voice] …which is why
in the British Isles,
they fly their brooms on the left.
[speaking rapidly]
[in normal voice]
…and that's the spell, the end.
Oops, too far.
[speaking rapidly]
[in normal voice] …speak these words.
"Over land and across the sea,
heed my words, and follow me."
It didn't work.
My spells always work.
Maybe your tablet's on mute?
My tablet is not on…
Oh, no. Wait. It is on mute.
[notifications chiming rapidly]
[gasps in excitement]
Whoa, half the school's following me.
Hm. Beware,
the enchanted follower follows to the end.
Ah, great.
That's exactly the kind of loyalty
I'm looking for.
Wizards only, huh?
I can definitely see
why they don't want me in here.
[upbeat rock music playing, concluding]
Roman, guess how many followers I have.
I don't care.
- Did you say 400?
- I said I don't care.
Well, you're wrong. It's 450!
[sighs] I'm crushing
this Badger Book thing.
All of these people followed you
because of that ridiculous nacho video?
Yeah, let's go with that.
D… Do you think any of your followers
would sign my petition?
Sorry, petitions aren't really my brand.
- What, you have a brand now?
- Yeah, and it's not petitions.
Hey, Winter, how's it going?
[hypnotic voice] How's it going?
- Cute fit.
- [hypnotic voice] Cute fit.
It's just something I conjured together,
but I'm kind of obsessed.
[hypnotic voice] I'm kind of obsessed.
Uh, did you have any luck
getting the Coin Collectors Club
to sign my petition?
Did you use my joke
about how signing it just makes sense?
It's funny 'cause, like,
"sense," and also "cents."
- It's not funny.
- [hypnotic voice] It's not funny.
[scoffs] You probably told it wrong.
- [school bell ringing]
- All right,
I'm gonna get the signatures myself.
See you two after class.
Check it out, Winter.
I have so many followers.
Looks like everyone wants
a piece of Billie.
[hypnotic voice] Wants a piece of Billie.
[students, in hypnotic voice]
Piece of Billie.
[intense spooky music playing,
[dramatic rock musical sting]
If I'm being honest,
using magic to get followers
was kind of a cheat… that I do not regret.
I am loving this.
I am loving this.
Yeah, but the only downside
is you do get the feeling
you're being watched.
[all] You're being watched.
Hey there. What's up?
[all] What's up?
Huh. You're following me.
Oh. You're following me.
Okay. You got moves.
Let's see if you can keep up with this.
[grunts, scats, beatboxes, exhales]
Apparently, the dance team
isn't following me.
You can stop following me.
See ya.
[all] See ya.
Guys, we're not all gonna fit
in my math class. I mean it.
[all] I mean it.
[tense spooky music playing]
Uh-oh. This isn't good!
[all] This isn't good.
This isn't good.
- [Billie whimpers]
- [all whimper]
[music fades]
Hi, I'm here from W-O-W-P News.
Is this Principal Russo's office?
[chuckles] I know it is.
I just love saying that!
Not half as much as I love hearing it.
Uh, but what are you doing here?
My interview isn't until this afternoon.
I just came to help you get prepped
before the crew gets here.
Oh, good idea. And don't hold back, okay?
Hit me with one of those famous
Giada Russo "gotcha" questions.
Hmm. [inhales] Is it part
of your job requirement
to be so darn cute?
- Giada.
- Gotcha.
Let's keep it professional, okay?
I… I want people to see me
as Greenwald Middle's
innovative new principal,
who just happens to be cute.
Okay, so, what I'll really do
is start with a basic intro,
and then I'll ask you
a few simple questions, like,
"How will Badger Book
help make things easier
"for educators and students?"
Well, Badger Book utilizes
a cutting-edge algorithm
that allows students and parents
to connect with faculty
in a collaborative digital space.
Could you say that again?
I was too busy wondering
if you are free for dinner tonight.
Giada! Maybe go interview
some of the students
and get their thoughts on Badger Book.
Also, I am not free for dinner tonight.
I'm going out with my beautiful wife.
[gasps] Russo, you are good.
[upbeat rock music playing, concluding]
Surrender, Cyclopsius!
[glass shattering]
If anyone asks,
it was like that when I got here.
Oh, good. Another young wizard. [sighs]
I'm not a wizard.
I just came to have some fun.
Well, in that case, allow me
to pull up a lengthy discourse
on the history of fun.
Reading about fun isn't fun.
Have you never had fun?
I once chuckled during the Renaissance.
Ever do this in the Renaissance?
[laughs] Oh, magnificent!
Oh, okay, my turn.
[belches loudly]
- That was awesome!
- It t'was, t'wasn't it?
So, what do you wanna do now?
Uh, nobody's ever asked me
what I want to do.
I'm not good at thinking outside the box.
But maybe I can be.
This is perfect!
You're tall enough
to grab that sword off the top shelf!
Eh. Probably for the best.
[upbeat rock music playing, concluding]
Hi, wanna sign my petition?
[both, in hypnotic voice] Billie.
[chuckles] I'm Roman. Thanks anyway.
Hi, wanna sign my petition?
[all, in hypnotic voice] Billie.
Why is everyone so obsessed with Billie?
This cannot be about the nachos.
Billie! What are you doing in my locker?
Ssh! I'm hiding from my followers.
Your followers?
Let me guess. You used magic
and it's gone awry.
I stuffed myself in your locker
to hide from a bunch of cray zombies.
We're way past awry.
I cast a spell on my tablet,
but it was supposed
to increase my followers on Badger Book,
not in real life.
I told you getting obsessed
with followers was a bad idea.
[sighs] I can fix this.
I just need to get back to the lair.
But I can't with the whole school
following me.
- I don't follow you.
- That's right.
You're not a Badger Book zombie.
You being unpopular
is the key to fixing this.
I like being the key to fixing this,
I just don't like the way you said it.
If I transfer my followers to you,
I can sneak back to the lair,
- and figure out how to undo the spell.
- Billie…
Look, I know what you're gonna say.
"Why should I help you?
"You're the one who used magic
when you weren't supposed to."
No, I was just gonna say I'll help,
but all that other stuff's true, too.
Oh, thanks.
Over the land and across the sea,
heed my words, and follow he.
"Follow he"? That's never gonna work.
It's not even grammatically correct.
[all, in hypnotic voice] Roman.
Looks like it worked to she.
I'll be right back.
What am I supposed to do
with a school full of followers?
Unless… Who wants to sign a petition?
[all, in hypnotic voice] Sign a petition.
Well, if you insist.
[upbeat rock music playing, concludes]
Hi there! Giada Russo, W-O-W-P News.
Yes, that Giada Russo.
I'm doing a profile piece
on your principal.
Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
Excuse me, would you like to…
totally blow me off and keep walking?
Oh, Winter, thank goodness.
Why is everyone so obsessed
with these tablets?
- [growls]
- Oh!
Okay, that was weird even for Winter.
It's like Badger Book
is turning everybody into zombies.
[chuckles] Or I'm losing
my charm as a reporter.
No, it's 'cause they're zombies.
I gotta tell Justin.
[dramatic rock musical sting]
Come on, WP, put some heat on it.
All right, you asked for it.
[grunts] Too much heat.
- [sighs]
- What else do you wanna do?
Ooh! I know.
Let's prank call my cousin, Alexa.
She is so annoying,
she thinks she knows everything.
Uh-oh. Someone's coming!
Whoa. Why are you out of your box,
and huge?
Uh, I I I bet you came here
to ask me a question.
So, what's up?
- I'm in trouble.
- I'm shocked.
Yeah, yeah, I get it, I'm a handful.
I need to know how to reverse
the follower spell.
'Twas that it t'were so easy.
Who's that dude?
The wizard who first cast
the follower spell.
And that's his enchanted tablet.
"Enchanted tablet"?
[Wizardpedia] The wizard became
so obsessed with having followers
that he refused to surrender his tablet.
His followers loved him so much
they wanted a part of him for themselves.
So they literally tore him to pieces.
"Tore him to pieces"?
Like pork at a luau.
To break the follower spell,
you must break the enchanted tablet.
Hm. Shouldn't be a problem.
Roman doesn't even care
about having followers.
I love having followers!
[all, in hypnotic voice]
Love having followers.
Oh, boy.
[dramatic instrumental music
playing, concluding]
Roman, I have to talk to you.
Oh, hey, Billie, hang on a sec.
Uh, how's that petition coming?
Five hundred signatures! Yeah!
I am officially renaming this place
the Roman Russo Academy.
Can I get a "whoop, whoop"?
[all, in hypnotic voice] Whoop, whoop.
Roman, what are you doing?
Thanks to my followers,
every petition I've ever dreamed of
is getting signed.
But your followers
are going to destroy you.
[scoffs] Does it look like
they wanna destroy me?
They love me. Look at them.
They can't get enough of Roman.
[all, in hypnotic voice]
Can't get enough of Roman.
[chuckles] I love the enthusiasm,
but please, verbal praise only.
- [exclaims]
- [students growling]
Easy, guys. [groans]
- You're pulling me like…
- Like pork at a luau.
Exactly. Billie, help!
I just have to destroy your tablet,
and the spell will be broken. Where is it?
Uh, he’s got it. Or maybe she's got it.
Oh, well, one of them must have it!
[groans] This might take a while.
Try not to lose your head.
Is that a possibility?
Hey, I'm just saying.
I don't know a spell
to put it back on, okay?
Giada, what should I do with my hands
during the interview?
I was thinking confident leader
or thoughtful visionary.
Justin, there is something fishy
going on in this school.
[stumbles] That's just Mr. Yancy
microwaving his lunch.
He's on a new diet called the "cod bod."
He's looking good.
No, it's Badger Book.
I know this sounds crazy,
but I think it's turning
the students into zombies.
Zombies? Giada,
Badger Book is harmless. Look.
Ooh! Hey, I got a follow request
from Roman.
Gotta admit, that does feel kinda nice.
[tablet chimes]
[tense instrumental music playing]
Uh, what is happening?
- [in hypnotic voice] Roman.
- Roman?
Justin, come back here.
[all, in hypnotic voice] Roman.
Justin, I know this all looks bad,
but I didn't use magic.
- [growls]
- Okay, fine, I did use magic,
and now the whole school's zombies.
Oh, you're a zombie. Thank goodness.
You'll forget everything I just said.
- But I won't.
- Giada, I can explain.
I wanted to get followers,
so I used a spell, but it got out of hand.
Billie, can there be less talking
and more rescuing?
- Roman?
- We have to break the spell.
We have to destroy his tablet,
but the problem is they all look the same.
Then we're smashing them all.
[dramatic rock music playing]
[Billie grunting]
- It's not working!
- We haven't found it yet!
Not trying to add any pressure
to the situation,
but I am off the cart!
It's not Roman's.
Not Roman's. Not Roman's!
- I found it!
- How do you know?
There's a petition
to add a bathroom attendant
- to the boys' locker room.
- I'd like a hot towel, okay?
Throw it here!
It's not nachos, but it's worth a shot.
Heatus completus.
[heroic instrumental music playing]
- [music concludes]
- [school bell ringing]
[in normal voice] Giada? What happened?
[gasps] Roman, you're okay.
It was so scary
watching you get pulled apart.
Oh, really? It was scary
watching me get pulled apart?
Okay, fine. You were right.
I shouldn't have cared so much
about getting followers.
Of course, I was right.
But I also get it. [exhales]
I kind of liked having followers, too.
But I guess at the end of the day,
having friends is more important.
- Thanks for having my back.
- And thanks for saving mine.
And my arms and legs.
Pretty much all of me.
[in normal voice] Hey, guys,
what month is it, and how did I get here?
Asking for a friend. I'm the friend.
Who broke all these tablets?
- Goblins.
- Raccoons.
- Raccoons.
- Goblins.
They were like that when we got here.
[upbeat rock music playing, concluding]
Thanks for hanging out with me, WP.
Oh, no! 'Tis I who should thank you, Milo.
I've never had so much fun
in my entire existence.
As a gift, I'm giving you
your own entry in Wizardpedia.
From now on, in the wizard world,
you shall be known as Milo the Fun!
Whoo! Thanks!
Eh. You get what I was going for.
Justin, I'm sorry we didn't
get to do your interview.
That's okay. Gives me time
to rustle up some tacos,
and get that college kid to remove
the follow feature from Badger Book.
I may need to sweeten the deal
with churros.
Sorry about the zombie thing.
That was kinda my bad.
Have you been in the lair all day?
Did you not go to school?
Ah, thank goodness.
Someone's in more trouble than me.
[upbeat rock music playing, concluding]
[upbeat rock music playing]
Big day, Billie.
Yeah, you finally got your school tablet.
I know, I'm so excited. [inhales]
But remind me again why I'm excited.
Now you can get on Badger Book.
Yes, Badger Book.
Now remind me again what that is.
It's the official school portal.
You can turn in assignments,
read safety announcements,
and best of all, your parents get an email
with your grades
so they can see how well you're doing.
I don't need any of that in my life.
That's just why Roman uses Badger Book.
- Everyone else uses it to get followers.
- Followers?
Having a lot of followers means
they like you on Badger Book.
If they like you on Badger Book,
that means you're popular.
Being popular means…
Oh, I know what popular means.
Back in the wizard world,
they wouldn't even use the word "popular."
They would just say, "You're so Billie."
Billie? Billie!
Don't get caught up in this.
I barely have any followers,
and I was still elected president
of the Young Tap Dancer Society.
So, how do I get these followers?
First, we need to set up
your Badger Book account.
- Okay.
- We just need a cute pic.
Okay, put your hand on your hip,
and stick out your elbow.
Ooh! Turn your head, but not your neck.
Now, look away like I'm not here,
but smile like I am here.
Then say cheese, but with your eyes.
[grunts] Does this look weird?
Yep, perfect.
[camera shutter clicks]
Now post it, and…
- [notification chimes]
- [gasps] My first follower!
It's me, Winter.
I know. I got that by the username,
You know, getting a follower
was strangely satisfying.
- I know, right?
- [notification chimes]
[gasps] Another follower!
That one felt even better.
Uh, that's just the school mascot.
He's contractually obligated
to follow everyone.
Ah, it still felt good.
[theme song playing]
Everything is not what it seems ♪
When you can have what you want ♪
By the simplest of means ♪
Be careful not to mess
with the balance of things ♪
Because everything
is not what it seems ♪
You might run into trouble
if you go to extremes ♪
Because everything
is not what it seems ♪
Yes, please ♪
- What it seems ♪
- [theme song concludes]
[upbeat rock music playing]
[music fades]
Almost done.
Heatus completus.
Hm. Too bad I don't know
the spell for guac.
Oh, well.
Ooh, nachos. Thanks, Billie.
Nuh-uh. They're for Badger Book.
Badger Book's not hungry.
I haven't got any new followers,
and Winter says I can get more
by posting food inspo.
What do these nachos inspire you to do?
Well, I would say eat,
but we both saw how well that went.
Well, I need to do something
to get more followers.
Look at you.
[inhales] You've only been
on Badger Book for a day,
and you're already obsessed.
I am not obsessed.
I just love it, and need it,
and can't think about anything else.
- What do you call that?
- Obsessed?
Oh, then yeah, I am obsessed.
But can you move to the right?
Your shadow is blocking my cheese glisten.
Why are you taking pictures of nachos?
With cheese glisten like that,
how could you not?
I'm trying to get
more Badger Book followers.
But Badger Book is
for official school business.
That's why I created it,
got the school board to approve it,
and paid a college student
in tacos to code it.
I'm with you, Dad.
I only use it for the important things
like getting signatures on my petition
to ban extra credit.
You get one shot, people. Make it count!
I love the passion, son, but no,
that's not what Badger Book's for either.
This is why Mom's coming
to school tomorrow, to interview me,
so everyone can see
how Badger Book is leading
Greenwald Middle into the future.
[chews] Ooh!
- What kind of cheese is that?
- That's not cheese.
Turns out candle wax
looks better on camera.
I don't hate it.
[upbeat rock music playing]
[Billie] Hey! That's my food inspo!
[music concludes]
Hey, Billie.
Are you wearing
the same clothes you wore yesterday?
- That depends. Is it tomorrow?
- No, it's today.
I don't have time for your riddles, Milo.
I didn't sleep. I need more followers,
but nothing's working.
I've tried reviewing things,
unboxing things, smashing things.
Ah, that's why my hockey stick's
covered in applesauce.
Yeah, and still no followers.
What's the big deal about followers?
Winter says the more you have,
the more popular you are.
Well, if I was a wizard
who had a super cool wizard lair,
I'd go in there and find a spell.
I bet there's one in there for followers.
Probably some other
really cool stuff, too.
You're right. Good idea, Milo.
- Nuh-uh. Where are you going?
- To the lair.
Sorry, kid. Lair's for wizards only.
But it was my plan.
And it's a good one.
Wizardpedia will know a spell
to get me more followers.
- [chiming]
- Welcome to Wizardpedia,
your all-knowing wizard encyclopedia.
How may I enlighten you?
I'm looking for a follower spell.
Got one of those?
Ah, the follower spell.
A formidable incantation
with a sordid past.
- It all began with…
- Too slow.
[speaking rapidly]
[in normal voice] …which is why
in the British Isles,
they fly their brooms on the left.
[speaking rapidly]
[in normal voice]
…and that's the spell, the end.
Oops, too far.
[speaking rapidly]
[in normal voice] …speak these words.
"Over land and across the sea,
heed my words, and follow me."
It didn't work.
My spells always work.
Maybe your tablet's on mute?
My tablet is not on…
Oh, no. Wait. It is on mute.
[notifications chiming rapidly]
[gasps in excitement]
Whoa, half the school's following me.
Hm. Beware,
the enchanted follower follows to the end.
Ah, great.
That's exactly the kind of loyalty
I'm looking for.
Wizards only, huh?
I can definitely see
why they don't want me in here.
[upbeat rock music playing, concluding]
Roman, guess how many followers I have.
I don't care.
- Did you say 400?
- I said I don't care.
Well, you're wrong. It's 450!
[sighs] I'm crushing
this Badger Book thing.
All of these people followed you
because of that ridiculous nacho video?
Yeah, let's go with that.
D… Do you think any of your followers
would sign my petition?
Sorry, petitions aren't really my brand.
- What, you have a brand now?
- Yeah, and it's not petitions.
Hey, Winter, how's it going?
[hypnotic voice] How's it going?
- Cute fit.
- [hypnotic voice] Cute fit.
It's just something I conjured together,
but I'm kind of obsessed.
[hypnotic voice] I'm kind of obsessed.
Uh, did you have any luck
getting the Coin Collectors Club
to sign my petition?
Did you use my joke
about how signing it just makes sense?
It's funny 'cause, like,
"sense," and also "cents."
- It's not funny.
- [hypnotic voice] It's not funny.
[scoffs] You probably told it wrong.
- [school bell ringing]
- All right,
I'm gonna get the signatures myself.
See you two after class.
Check it out, Winter.
I have so many followers.
Looks like everyone wants
a piece of Billie.
[hypnotic voice] Wants a piece of Billie.
[students, in hypnotic voice]
Piece of Billie.
[intense spooky music playing,
[dramatic rock musical sting]
If I'm being honest,
using magic to get followers
was kind of a cheat… that I do not regret.
I am loving this.
I am loving this.
Yeah, but the only downside
is you do get the feeling
you're being watched.
[all] You're being watched.
Hey there. What's up?
[all] What's up?
Huh. You're following me.
Oh. You're following me.
Okay. You got moves.
Let's see if you can keep up with this.
[grunts, scats, beatboxes, exhales]
Apparently, the dance team
isn't following me.
You can stop following me.
See ya.
[all] See ya.
Guys, we're not all gonna fit
in my math class. I mean it.
[all] I mean it.
[tense spooky music playing]
Uh-oh. This isn't good!
[all] This isn't good.
This isn't good.
- [Billie whimpers]
- [all whimper]
[music fades]
Hi, I'm here from W-O-W-P News.
Is this Principal Russo's office?
[chuckles] I know it is.
I just love saying that!
Not half as much as I love hearing it.
Uh, but what are you doing here?
My interview isn't until this afternoon.
I just came to help you get prepped
before the crew gets here.
Oh, good idea. And don't hold back, okay?
Hit me with one of those famous
Giada Russo "gotcha" questions.
Hmm. [inhales] Is it part
of your job requirement
to be so darn cute?
- Giada.
- Gotcha.
Let's keep it professional, okay?
I… I want people to see me
as Greenwald Middle's
innovative new principal,
who just happens to be cute.
Okay, so, what I'll really do
is start with a basic intro,
and then I'll ask you
a few simple questions, like,
"How will Badger Book
help make things easier
"for educators and students?"
Well, Badger Book utilizes
a cutting-edge algorithm
that allows students and parents
to connect with faculty
in a collaborative digital space.
Could you say that again?
I was too busy wondering
if you are free for dinner tonight.
Giada! Maybe go interview
some of the students
and get their thoughts on Badger Book.
Also, I am not free for dinner tonight.
I'm going out with my beautiful wife.
[gasps] Russo, you are good.
[upbeat rock music playing, concluding]
Surrender, Cyclopsius!
[glass shattering]
If anyone asks,
it was like that when I got here.
Oh, good. Another young wizard. [sighs]
I'm not a wizard.
I just came to have some fun.
Well, in that case, allow me
to pull up a lengthy discourse
on the history of fun.
Reading about fun isn't fun.
Have you never had fun?
I once chuckled during the Renaissance.
Ever do this in the Renaissance?
[laughs] Oh, magnificent!
Oh, okay, my turn.
[belches loudly]
- That was awesome!
- It t'was, t'wasn't it?
So, what do you wanna do now?
Uh, nobody's ever asked me
what I want to do.
I'm not good at thinking outside the box.
But maybe I can be.
This is perfect!
You're tall enough
to grab that sword off the top shelf!
Eh. Probably for the best.
[upbeat rock music playing, concluding]
Hi, wanna sign my petition?
[both, in hypnotic voice] Billie.
[chuckles] I'm Roman. Thanks anyway.
Hi, wanna sign my petition?
[all, in hypnotic voice] Billie.
Why is everyone so obsessed with Billie?
This cannot be about the nachos.
Billie! What are you doing in my locker?
Ssh! I'm hiding from my followers.
Your followers?
Let me guess. You used magic
and it's gone awry.
I stuffed myself in your locker
to hide from a bunch of cray zombies.
We're way past awry.
I cast a spell on my tablet,
but it was supposed
to increase my followers on Badger Book,
not in real life.
I told you getting obsessed
with followers was a bad idea.
[sighs] I can fix this.
I just need to get back to the lair.
But I can't with the whole school
following me.
- I don't follow you.
- That's right.
You're not a Badger Book zombie.
You being unpopular
is the key to fixing this.
I like being the key to fixing this,
I just don't like the way you said it.
If I transfer my followers to you,
I can sneak back to the lair,
- and figure out how to undo the spell.
- Billie…
Look, I know what you're gonna say.
"Why should I help you?
"You're the one who used magic
when you weren't supposed to."
No, I was just gonna say I'll help,
but all that other stuff's true, too.
Oh, thanks.
Over the land and across the sea,
heed my words, and follow he.
"Follow he"? That's never gonna work.
It's not even grammatically correct.
[all, in hypnotic voice] Roman.
Looks like it worked to she.
I'll be right back.
What am I supposed to do
with a school full of followers?
Unless… Who wants to sign a petition?
[all, in hypnotic voice] Sign a petition.
Well, if you insist.
[upbeat rock music playing, concludes]
Hi there! Giada Russo, W-O-W-P News.
Yes, that Giada Russo.
I'm doing a profile piece
on your principal.
Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
Excuse me, would you like to…
totally blow me off and keep walking?
Oh, Winter, thank goodness.
Why is everyone so obsessed
with these tablets?
- [growls]
- Oh!
Okay, that was weird even for Winter.
It's like Badger Book
is turning everybody into zombies.
[chuckles] Or I'm losing
my charm as a reporter.
No, it's 'cause they're zombies.
I gotta tell Justin.
[dramatic rock musical sting]
Come on, WP, put some heat on it.
All right, you asked for it.
[grunts] Too much heat.
- [sighs]
- What else do you wanna do?
Ooh! I know.
Let's prank call my cousin, Alexa.
She is so annoying,
she thinks she knows everything.
Uh-oh. Someone's coming!
Whoa. Why are you out of your box,
and huge?
Uh, I I I bet you came here
to ask me a question.
So, what's up?
- I'm in trouble.
- I'm shocked.
Yeah, yeah, I get it, I'm a handful.
I need to know how to reverse
the follower spell.
'Twas that it t'were so easy.
Who's that dude?
The wizard who first cast
the follower spell.
And that's his enchanted tablet.
"Enchanted tablet"?
[Wizardpedia] The wizard became
so obsessed with having followers
that he refused to surrender his tablet.
His followers loved him so much
they wanted a part of him for themselves.
So they literally tore him to pieces.
"Tore him to pieces"?
Like pork at a luau.
To break the follower spell,
you must break the enchanted tablet.
Hm. Shouldn't be a problem.
Roman doesn't even care
about having followers.
I love having followers!
[all, in hypnotic voice]
Love having followers.
Oh, boy.
[dramatic instrumental music
playing, concluding]
Roman, I have to talk to you.
Oh, hey, Billie, hang on a sec.
Uh, how's that petition coming?
Five hundred signatures! Yeah!
I am officially renaming this place
the Roman Russo Academy.
Can I get a "whoop, whoop"?
[all, in hypnotic voice] Whoop, whoop.
Roman, what are you doing?
Thanks to my followers,
every petition I've ever dreamed of
is getting signed.
But your followers
are going to destroy you.
[scoffs] Does it look like
they wanna destroy me?
They love me. Look at them.
They can't get enough of Roman.
[all, in hypnotic voice]
Can't get enough of Roman.
[chuckles] I love the enthusiasm,
but please, verbal praise only.
- [exclaims]
- [students growling]
Easy, guys. [groans]
- You're pulling me like…
- Like pork at a luau.
Exactly. Billie, help!
I just have to destroy your tablet,
and the spell will be broken. Where is it?
Uh, he’s got it. Or maybe she's got it.
Oh, well, one of them must have it!
[groans] This might take a while.
Try not to lose your head.
Is that a possibility?
Hey, I'm just saying.
I don't know a spell
to put it back on, okay?
Giada, what should I do with my hands
during the interview?
I was thinking confident leader
or thoughtful visionary.
Justin, there is something fishy
going on in this school.
[stumbles] That's just Mr. Yancy
microwaving his lunch.
He's on a new diet called the "cod bod."
He's looking good.
No, it's Badger Book.
I know this sounds crazy,
but I think it's turning
the students into zombies.
Zombies? Giada,
Badger Book is harmless. Look.
Ooh! Hey, I got a follow request
from Roman.
Gotta admit, that does feel kinda nice.
[tablet chimes]
[tense instrumental music playing]
Uh, what is happening?
- [in hypnotic voice] Roman.
- Roman?
Justin, come back here.
[all, in hypnotic voice] Roman.
Justin, I know this all looks bad,
but I didn't use magic.
- [growls]
- Okay, fine, I did use magic,
and now the whole school's zombies.
Oh, you're a zombie. Thank goodness.
You'll forget everything I just said.
- But I won't.
- Giada, I can explain.
I wanted to get followers,
so I used a spell, but it got out of hand.
Billie, can there be less talking
and more rescuing?
- Roman?
- We have to break the spell.
We have to destroy his tablet,
but the problem is they all look the same.
Then we're smashing them all.
[dramatic rock music playing]
[Billie grunting]
- It's not working!
- We haven't found it yet!
Not trying to add any pressure
to the situation,
but I am off the cart!
It's not Roman's.
Not Roman's. Not Roman's!
- I found it!
- How do you know?
There's a petition
to add a bathroom attendant
- to the boys' locker room.
- I'd like a hot towel, okay?
Throw it here!
It's not nachos, but it's worth a shot.
Heatus completus.
[heroic instrumental music playing]
- [music concludes]
- [school bell ringing]
[in normal voice] Giada? What happened?
[gasps] Roman, you're okay.
It was so scary
watching you get pulled apart.
Oh, really? It was scary
watching me get pulled apart?
Okay, fine. You were right.
I shouldn't have cared so much
about getting followers.
Of course, I was right.
But I also get it. [exhales]
I kind of liked having followers, too.
But I guess at the end of the day,
having friends is more important.
- Thanks for having my back.
- And thanks for saving mine.
And my arms and legs.
Pretty much all of me.
[in normal voice] Hey, guys,
what month is it, and how did I get here?
Asking for a friend. I'm the friend.
Who broke all these tablets?
- Goblins.
- Raccoons.
- Raccoons.
- Goblins.
They were like that when we got here.
[upbeat rock music playing, concluding]
Thanks for hanging out with me, WP.
Oh, no! 'Tis I who should thank you, Milo.
I've never had so much fun
in my entire existence.
As a gift, I'm giving you
your own entry in Wizardpedia.
From now on, in the wizard world,
you shall be known as Milo the Fun!
Whoo! Thanks!
Eh. You get what I was going for.
Justin, I'm sorry we didn't
get to do your interview.
That's okay. Gives me time
to rustle up some tacos,
and get that college kid to remove
the follow feature from Badger Book.
I may need to sweeten the deal
with churros.
Sorry about the zombie thing.
That was kinda my bad.
Have you been in the lair all day?
Did you not go to school?
Ah, thank goodness.
Someone's in more trouble than me.
[upbeat rock music playing, concluding]