Wonder Pets: In the City (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

We are the Wonder
Pets The biggest little team ♪
We're full of heart, super
smart And stronger than we seem ♪
We're different, but together
We can do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Let's go! Come on! All right!
"The Wonder
Pets in the City! Save Tate?"
Daddy, that's my school!
Yep, but it's Saturday,
so no school today.
Oh, yeah.
Have a good weekend,
Izzy, Zuri and Tate.
I don't hear a beeping ♪
I don't hear a buzz ♪
The walkie-phone Is
not doing what it does ♪
And if it doesn't
make a peep at all ♪
Then we have
some time to play ♪
Or dust off my souvenir wall ♪
Oh, souvenirs I've
gathered through the years ♪
It appears You've
gathered something too ♪
So I'll carefully dust ♪
And gently adjust you
Just you wait and see ♪
You're perfect as can be ♪
My turn Hop, hop, hop ♪
Queen me.
Whoa! Whoa!
Oh, no!
Zuri, could you please
Be careful around these? ♪
They're souvenirs
from our adventures ♪
And they're important to me.
They're reminders of all
the animals we've helped.
Sorry, Tate.
I didn't know you
had Hula-Hoops.
Rock on!
Those aren't
Wait, stop!
Where is my bracelet?
Where did it go? ♪
I Hula-Hooped it
out the window ♪
You shouldn't have
put it on your ears ♪
That's not how you treat
Someone's special souvenirs ♪
We're mega-sorry, Tate.
We were just
playing, that's all.
But souvenirs
aren't for playing ♪
Or wearing, or touching
Or even for sharing ♪
So what exactly
are they for? ♪
Looking at and nothing more ♪
We can help you find it!
Working together, me ♪
Or just me! ♪
Um, that's not what
you usually sing.
I know, but I can do it myself.
I could use some air anyway.
This window is high
But I know what to try ♪
I'll be back soon With
my missing souvenir ♪
If you need us,
we'll be right here ♪
There it is! My bracelet!
Success ♪
Aw, looks like I'm stuck.
This may have been a sudden fall
But I think I know the ones to call ♪
I feel so bad about
Tate's souvenir.
I hope he knows we're sorry.
Me too.
None of this would have happened
if we had a mission today.
But the phone just didn't
I hear a beeping ♪
I hear a buzz ♪
Um, it's Tate's line. What now?
Let's skip to the
answering part.
Check it out! It's
Yep, it's me, your ol' pal, Tate I
kind of fell down a sidewalk grate ♪
What's a sidewalk grate? ♪
It's a big hole with
metal bars on it.
Are you okay, Tate? Are
you able to get out? ♪
Yes, I'm okay But I
can't escape without… ♪
Tate's in trouble He
needs our help for sure ♪
Unbelievable! ♪
What are we waiting for? ♪
- Whoo-hoo!
- Oh, yeah!
- Izzy! ♪
- Zuri! ♪
No Tate, But let's… ♪
Save the day We're
the Wonder Pets ♪
Wonder Pets, here we go! ♪
Since Tate's not far away, let's
build the Jetscooter today!
Ooh, hoppin' idea.
Let's scoot!
Bubble power!
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
We're full of
heart, super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We'll help Tate the snake
And do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
- Hello!
- Oh!
Sorry, I didn't mean to
Startle you like that ♪
You probably Weren't
expecting to see a rat ♪
A rat named Pearl,
that's me How do you do? ♪
Hi, I'm great I'm
a snake named Tate ♪
I've never met a
rat before, Pearl.
And I've never met
a snake before, Earl ♪
- It's Tate ♪
- Oh, right ♪
- Did you fall through my grate? ♪
- I sure did.
And I can't reach high enough
to pull myself out. Can you?
We rats can get a
grip Using our nails ♪
We snakes would only slip
Because of our scales ♪
Like I said, I've never
met a snake before, Earl.
It's Tate.
Anyway, my friends
are coming to save me.
It's what they do. I
mean, we do, usually.
At least I got my souvenir back.
You collect souvenirs too? ♪
That's totally my
favorite thing to do ♪
What? No way ♪
Yuh-huh, way ♪
I'm a bit of a pack rat.
What is all this stuff?
Here's a dingy doodad
That fell out of a cab ♪
A reusable bag,
isn't it fab? ♪
I got this here geegaw
From my dear meemaw ♪
A spork in a cork In
the shape of New York ♪
Here's a can of pecans
From a brand called Cabanas ♪
And a fan from my nan
Who's a fan of bananas ♪
This silvery kite shines in the light ♪
And this… ♪
Let me guess Helps
you sleep at night? ♪
Right, but there's one final treasure
That might bring you pleasure ♪
A little blue bow
That matches your hat ♪
A gift from your new
friend, Pearl the rat ♪
Cha-cha-cha ♪
But souvenirs Aren't
for touching or wearing ♪
And souvenirs
aren't for sharing ♪
Why not?
What good is something special if you
can't share it with someone special?
We're friends now, so
I want you to have it.
You'd really share
a souvenir with me?
That makes me feel
so warm and happy.
I never thought of
souvenirs that way ♪
Thank you for the bow And
your pearl of wisdom today ♪
You're welcome.
Is that…
It is! Izzy and Zuri!
Glad we found you, Tate.
We were starting to worry.
No need. This is my
new friend, Pearl.
She's a pack rat with an
amazing collection of souvenirs.
Hi, Pearl ♪
Hello ♪
Think you can reach
me to pull me out?
You kiddin'?
We got this!
stretch, stretch!
We don't got this.
Aw, now we're all stuck.
Unbelievable ♪
There's gotta be a way we can
reach up there and pull ourselves out.
Wait, I have an idea.
Remember, in the classroom
When I needed some air? ♪
I used a rubber band
To get out of there ♪
Oh, yeah. But I don't see a
rubber band around here anywhere.
Maybe something from my collection Can
help get you in the right direction ♪
Your collection?
You'd let us use a souvenir To
pull ourselves right out of here? ♪
Like I told Tate, what
good is something special
if you can't share it
with someone special?
Let's see what we can find
To get y'all out of this bind ♪
Thanks, Pearl.
Ooh, maybe this kite!
And this bag.
Perfect. Give it a try.
Aw, it doesn't reach.
We need to add something
to make it longer.
There's gotta be
Something else somewhere ♪
Wait, I have
something to share ♪
But, Tate, I thought you said
your souvenirs shouldn't be used.
Or shared.
I did say that, but Pearl taught me
something really important today.
Sharing something special ♪
Makes it even more special ♪
And sharing my bracelet will be even
more special if we use it for a rescue.
Closer, closer, closer!
Awesome sauce!
Yay teamwork!
Thank you, Pearl I'm
so glad I met you ♪
I am too, Tate I'll
never forget you ♪
Here, I want you to have this souvenir
'cause treasures are for friends to share.
Aw, thank you, Tate.
This will look great as
a part of my collection.
Now this calls for
a celery-bration!
One extra piece for
your rockin' collection.
Bye, Izzy and
Zuri. Later, Tater.
- Bye, Pearl!
- Goodbye!
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We helped Tate the snake
And now our work is done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Thanks for coming to help me.
Now how about we all play a
game of checkers with these?
Souvenir checkers ♪
Count us in ♪
We are the Wonder
Pets The biggest little team ♪
We're full of heart, super
smart And stronger than we seem ♪
We're different, but together
We can do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Let's go! Come on! All right!
"The Wonder Pets
in the City! Save the Songbirds!"
Tweety tweet!
See you, Zuri and Tate.
Chirp, chirp! Bye, Izzy!
Bye, my little
songbirds. Tweet, tweet!
I hear a beeping ♪
I hear a buzz ♪
It's the walkie-phone ♪
That's what it does ♪
And if it ever
makes a peep at all ♪
Then an animal that needs us ♪
Is trying to call ♪
Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet ♪
- Listen.
- Tweet, tweet ♪
- Tweet, tweet ♪
- Whoo-hoo!
Rockin' tweetin'.
Wonder Pets! I need
your help with
Chirp, ch-ch-ch-chirp ♪
Wait, w-w-w-wait, wait. Let me tell
you what I need help with first.
- Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet ♪
- Chirp, ch-ch-ch-chirp ♪
Yowza! So loud.
Yeah. Too much tweetin'.
Excuse me! Songbirds?
- Uh.
- Oh!
That's better.
It's mega-cool how you're both rockin'
out, but it's hard to hear your problem
when you're both singing
over each other like that.
But singing over each
other is our problem.
What do you mean?
I'm trying to sing my robin
song Like robins love to do ♪
But I can't sing a single
note Without her singing too ♪
Aw, that must be so frustrating.
Chirp, ch-ch-chirp ♪
Well I'm a fairy wren I
just have to sing my song ♪
But she keeps singing over
me And it's so very wrong ♪
Oh, now we get it. Yeah,
this is a tricky one.
The songbirds are in trouble ♪
They need our help for sure ♪
Unbelievable ♪
What are we waiting for? ♪
- Whoo-hoo!
- Oh, yeah!
- Izzy ♪
- Zuri ♪
And Tate Now, let's… ♪
Save the day We're
the Wonder Pets ♪
Wonder Pets, here we go ♪
Come on, team.
It's Jetcar time.
Excuse me. Heads up! ♪
Propeller coming through ♪
Wait, the wheels should go on
first They're important too ♪
But the wings are most important
They should go on first ♪
Now we have
to start all over.
This is the worst ♪
Maybe instead of competing with each other
to put our parts on at the same time,
we should try collaborating.
It's another way to
say working together.
Ooh! Sounds just like teamwork.
And we know that's gonna work.
- Working together, me ♪
- And you ♪
And you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
We collabo-rocked it.
Let's rock and roll out
of here, Wonder Pets.
Bubble power!
We are coming to save
you, little songbirds!
- Whoo!
- Oh, yeah!
- Let's go!
- Whoo-hoo!
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We'll help the singing songbirds
And do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Welcome to
London, England.
That's a big clock.
That's Big Ben.
Aw, I love how they name
their buildings here.
But wait,
where are all the
buildings going?
There's a lot more to
England than just the city.
There's tons of mega-lush
countryside too.
Ooh! I wonder if
they name their trees too.
You can be Leafy Larry.
And you're Super
Green Gwen.
And you're Wait, we're supposed to
be looking for songbirds, aren't we?
Two of 'em to be exact. Keep
your eyes peeled, Wonder Pets.
- Tweet, tweet ♪
- Chirp, ch-ch-ch-chirp ♪
Tweet, tweet ♪
- I think my ears are peeled too.
- Ch-ch-ch-chirp ♪
- I hear tweeting over there.
- Zuri's ears for the win!
Hold on, Wonder Pets.
We're going in ♪
- Chirp, ch-ch-chirp ♪
- Tweet, tweet ♪
- Heya, songbirdies.
- Chirp, ch-ch-chirp ♪
I've always sung alone
On a branch of my own ♪
No birdy but me The
queen of the tree ♪
- Chirp, ch-chirp ♪
- Tweet, tweet ♪
I thought they were
loud On the walkie-phone ♪
But this is even worse
Than we could've known ♪
- Tweet ♪
- I think the squirrels agree.
- Look!
- Chirp ♪
We gotta do something.
Aw, they're tweeting too
loud for my whistling.
Maybe we can get their
attention together…
If we collaborate.
Rockin' idea!
On one, two, and three!
- What?
- Phew.
That's better.
Wonder Pets!
Have you come to stop that wren
From interrupting me again? ♪
Oh, please.
I imagine you're in town To
tell that robin, "Keep it down" ♪
- Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet ♪
- Chirp, ch-ch-chirp ♪
- Chirp, ch-ch-ch-chirp ♪
- Wait!
You're both mega-talented songbirds, but
we gotta have some order around here.
Maybe you could
try taking turns?
Raise a wing if you're in!
Tweet, tweet, tweet.
But how are we gonna
pick who sings first?
I can help.
Spin me, Izzy.
Okay, Robin. You're first.
Yes! Get ready
'cause here I sing.
I've always sung alone
On a branch of my own ♪
Such a beautiful voice.
Yeah, rock on!
Now it's Wren's turn.
No birdy but me The
queen of the tree ♪
Ooh! Her voice
has a nice bounce.
You want bounce? Listen to this.
No! Listen to this.
- Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet ♪
- Chirp, ch-ch-ch-chirp ♪
Oh, it's even louder than ever.
Now neither of them sound good.
I think all the squirrels
agree with that too.
Look! They're running away.
Unbelievable ♪
I don't think they heard me.
I said…
- Unbelievable ♪
- Tweet, tweet. Oh.
Yeah. The squirrels are leaving.
If you keep singing
over each other,
there won't be anyone left
to hear you sing your songs.
You both have such
beautiful voices.
But no one wants to
listen when you compete
and sing your songs
over each other.
Compete. That's it! It's like when
we were building the Jetcar today.
Oh, yeah!
We needed to stop
competing and start…
Collaborating ♪
Instead of singing different
songs over each other,
why don't you try collaborating
and singing the same song together?
You might even
like how it sounds.
Sing a song together?
That never crossed my mind.
Me neither. But I guess
I'd give it a try.
But, um, how do
we sing together?
We've never done it before.
It's okay.
We'll help you figure it out.
Follow us down to that stump.
It can be your stage.
- Working together, me ♪
- And you ♪
And you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
Now, a one, two, three.
- Tweet ♪
- Chirp ♪
- Wow! That sounded really…
- Amazing!
Now, that's some rockin'
tweetin'. Keep going!
I've always sung alone ♪
No birdy but me ♪
On this branch of my own ♪
The queen of the tree ♪
And I'd never have known ♪
My melody ♪
Was maybe
missing something ♪
But what could the harm
be In singing in harmony ♪
And sharing my
music with you? ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh It sounds
better without a doubt ♪
Since I branched out ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Aah, aah, aah
Aah, aah, aah ♪
We've all got a song ♪
Deep down in our chest ♪
We sing it out strong ♪
We think it's the best ♪
But if we sang along ♪
And joined with the rest ♪
Instead of
just going solo ♪
Think of the joyful sound
That would ring all around ♪
Oh, I'm so glad I
found you Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
We sound better ♪
Without any doubt ♪
Since we branched out ♪
Since we branched out ♪
- Whoo-hoo!
- Rock on!
Yay! You did it!
You really did sound
better than ever.
Yeah! When we stopped competing…
And started…
Collaborating! ♪
Thanks for your
help, Wonder Pets.
I guess teamwork is
for the birds too.
How about we end this big number
with a big slice of cucumber?
Let's harmonize our chomps.
Chomp, chomp, chomp,
chomp Chomp, chomp, chomp ♪
To the Jetcar!
- Bye, Wonder Pets!
- Thanks again!
- Bye!
- Bye-bye!
Tweet, tweet!
- See ya!
- Tweet, tweet, tweet ♪
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We helped the singing songbirds
And now our work is done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
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