Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (2018) s01e06 Episode Script

Bleak Christmas

Mr. Kabakura.
I can't get enough of this!
Whose idea was this?
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
Now, let's get started
Where we left off yesterday
There's no pleasure without pain
Let the story be
Getting out of the deep sea
Leaping to the flying city
Now we can't get down
A plot with no coherence
This story is one and only
Always remember the good times
Brace yourself for letdowns
It'll come in handy
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
I let my emotions flow
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
It seems never-ending
Will it ever come to an end?
I have no clue
Too bad I don't
Whoa, it's so cold. And it's pouring.
I knew it was weird that you
finished on time.
Are you mocking me?
Hirotaka. I forgot my umbrella.
Me too.
-What are we going to do?
"The sound of falling in love"
doesn't exist.
What are you guys doing?
I forgot my umbrella.
Both of you?
You've been adults
for years already!
Why don't you run to the closest store?
-My notes will get wet.
-My games will get wet.
I see.
It can't be helped.
Here. Use this.
But what about you, Kabakura?
I don't have anything
I mind getting wet.
I'm going to buy an
EvangelionIchiban Kuji on the way.
Oh, Kaba
I feel like I'm going to melt.
So the Ichiban Kuji
starts today.
-He saved us.
But I wonder if he's going to be okay.
It's really cold today.
I hope he doesn't catch a cold.
I wonder if that guy ever gets sick.
It's hard to imagine.
He did it so casually!
And he did that so casually too!
My shoes are getting wet.
I hate rainy days.
Koyanagi! Share your umbrella
until we get to that store.
Kabakura! Where's your umbrella?
I forgot it.
You should've called me!
What are you going to do if you get sick?
Here. Hold the umbrella!
Come on. You've been an adult
for years already!
You're such an idiot.
I'm going to eat dinner at your place today.
What do you want to eat?
Why don't you stay overnight?
Then I'm going to stop by my place first.
I love rainy days!
I guess I can buy the Ichiban Kuji tomorrow.
Did something happen to her today?
Did something happen to Naru, Nifuji?
I feel like she's not acting normal today.
That's because she's working.
Well, she's in stealth mode now,
but she was normal this morning.
Look. Look, Hirotaka.
These two are really close, right?
I feel like
she's sad today.
Really? She's cute, as
She looks like she's doing well.
Maybe you're just imagining things.
I'm not imagining things.
-Oh, you're right.
She hasn't tweeted at all since lunch.
If you're concerned, then go ask her.
Well, I did ask her.
"It's nothing.
Nothing's wrong!"
That's what she said.
I can't ask her anything else.
Were you trying to imitate Momose just now?
Well, if she doesn't want to talk about it,
then all you can do is wait.
I thought so
You want to do something for her, right?
That might be it.
We're talking about you!
In any case
When you're down, it's best to
have fun and forget about it.
You know what Naru likes, right?
What Narumi likes?
I got it.
Good decision!
Now that I think about it,
this is not it.
Of course not!
I bet Naru would be into a dominant Hiro and
a submissive Kaba pairing.
No thanks.
I'm not comfortable enough
to be the dominant one.
What do you mean?
Wait. Am I being rejected?
What is it?
Why is the guy who always
finishes work on time still here?
I was waiting.
Let's go for a drink.
Mr. Kabakura and Ms. Koyanagi
are already there.
Hold on
I'll treat you.
Thanks, but
When you're down
it's best to have fun and forget about it!
That's what Ms. Koyanagi said. So
Sorry to make you worry.
But, I'm fine. Really!
It's not a big deal.
It doesn't have anything to do with you.
Sorry to make me worry?
It's not a big deal?
It doesn't have anything to do with me?
No, that's not what I meant
Don't use a fake smile with me.
I didn't want to make you worry about me.
I think it's admirable that you do that.
And amazing.
But I wish you'd tell at least me
I mean, I'm close by, right?
Am I really that undependable?
What? Were you sad, Hirotaka?
You're not mad?
I'm not mad.
Don't laugh no matter what, okay?
Don't get mad at me, okay?
To tell you the truth
Your favorite manga character died?
That's all?
It was love at first sight!
The episode was about him,
so I went to the convenience store
during lunch to read it.
But they killed him off without any warning!
Damn! If only he
hadn't helped the chief back then
What are you laughing about?
You did laugh at me
and get mad at me!
Things went full circle,
and it's starting to be funny.
In any case, I'm glad that
it wasn't anything major.
That's a contract violation!
You're going to pay a penalty!
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku.
Can you check this, please?
This needs more explanation.
Add some extra material.
You made a typo.
A rookie mistake.
I know it's the end of the year and we're busy, but
Stop spacing out and get to work.
If you keep dragging your feet,
you won't finish.
Hana-chan. Thanks for waiting.
Let's go.
Wow, the Christmas limited-edition Gacha is starting!
What's wrong?
There's going to be a Gacha event
in this game I'm into.
But I'm broke this month.
And they're printing 100 more copies
for the winter event than the summer.
You're really serious about it, Naru.
It's almost Christmas.
Everyone's talking about
dates and parties.
Yet, here I am saving my money for the Gacha event.
And there's a lot of doujinshi I want to buy.
There are lots of expenses at the end of the year.
But this is your first Christmas
since you started dating Nifuji, right?
Aren't you going on a date?
Who knows?
Hirotaka doesn't like crowds.
Well, he's not the type
to get excited about Christmas.
What about you, Hana-chan?
How was Christmas for you last year?
It was the worst Christmas ever.
Hey. What do you want to do for Christmas?
At a busy time like this?
"Work, end-of-the-year parties,
and New Year's cards
There are a ton of things that we have to do
as adults!"
That's what he said to me!
We didn't do anything for Christmas.
We didn't even talk to each other
until after New Year's.
That must have been hard.
Maybe Kabakura was busy with work
and didn't have any free time.
Who knows?
As a result, I put a lot of work into
my costume last year.
I made a masterpiece!
Wow, that's some amazing quality!
This year's costume is even better.
Working adults don't get Christmas anyway.
Christmas has come to the city.
Hirotaka, how old were you
when you stopped believing in Santa?
I don't remember.
I was in kindergarten.
What? That's really early.
I believed in Santa
until I was in middle school.
Santa Claus?
Are you being serious, Narumi?
No. What?
You're too naïve.
No. My parents were just good at hiding it.
You're so lucky.
My parents were bad at it.
They hid the presents in the same spot.
Searching was pointless.
Don't search for them.
The weight, the size,
and the sound
I bet it's a Game Boy game.
Or, maybe a Super Nintendo game.
I'm sure it's a game that went on sale in December.
I would make a game
out of trying to guess what was
inside the box from its size and weight.
That game was fun for only me.
That's not how to have fun on Christmas.
Well, that's how I used to have fun.
But then Nao was born.
Don't talk about your brother's birth
like an event!
Nao. What are you doing?
It's cold.
I just thought that Santa
would come early if I opened the window!
He won't come early.
He visits everyone in order.
Just close the window.
I had to play along with the story
for Nao.
It was such a pain.
Don't say that.
It's a cute story.
I had a lot of fun back then
On the 25th,
I would get presents and eat cake.
When I got home, it was like I was in heaven.
But now
Let's stop talking about this.
Speaking of which
Narumi! And Hirotaka!
I know it's still early but
He's so cute!
Your Santa Claus costume is so cute, Nao!
You look good in stuff like that.
Are you giving me a compliment?
Would you like some coffee?
How old were you
when you stopped believing in Santa Claus?
I think I was in 6th grade.
Great! I win!
You didn't win.
Speaking of which,
I remember that the three of us
ate Christmas cake together once.
I remember that!
It was when you were still a little kid.
Nao, you have whipped cream on your cheek.
Turn this way.
Wow, you're acting like an older brother!
Hold on, Hirotaka!
Wait! What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Did I do that? Really?
You did.
I remember. Come on.
I have no idea why you did that.
I don't remember it well,
but I used to like how you could stretch
Mario's face in Mario 64.
Don't try it on your brother!
Nao, you look cold. Are you okay?
It looks warm,
but this is actually pretty cold.
What a hard job you have
Thank you very much.
You have a hard job!
You already said that.
You're forced to look at everyone
walking by you happily,
while you're stuck here working
wearing a thin Santa Claus costume!
It's torture!
It's not that bad.
Well, it is cold and busy.
But I like seeing people smile.
Are you a saint?
But I don't have a girlfriend.
So I do feel a little jealous.
You don't have a girlfriend?
No way. You must be popular!
I'm not popular.
Hirotaka, what do you think?
He's a nice guy,
but he's the type of guy who's more like the main
character's best friend.
His stats are low.
So he disappears in the middle of the game.
If you ever feel down
and feel you can't go on anymore,
just remember what I'm about to say!
I hope all the happy people out there explode!
My friend said the same thing.
What does it mean?
Everything is transient.
Everything is transient.
The happy people that exist in this world
cannot maintain the same state
and will undergo changes.
There is no need to feel jealous of them
or hate them.
It'll be okay!
She has some deep-seated beliefs.
But, Narumi
After working here dressed as Santa,
I finally understand now.
The real Santa Claus
isn't someone wearing red clothes.
That kid and his father and his mother
Hirotaka and you
and me and someone else too
We're all connected with someone somewhere.
When you meet that person,
you become Santa Claus.
Whenever I'm able to make
someone I love smile,
I feel so happy I could explode!
I must be in heaven.
Heaven is in his imagination.
Are you trying to make up for last year?
Well, that's part of it.
I see.
So the reason you were working hard
was for tonight?
Shut up. What's wrong with that?
Well, when did you make the reservation?
Half a year ago.
Good job.
Let's have a toast.
I haven't completely forgiven you for last year, but
What's this?
It's a limited-edition event item
How did you?
Bleak Christmas
We say anything to each other
And we have similar tastes
But we are not a typical couple
Nothing's changed since the time we were friends
Why do we still have distance between us?
-Why so
-Why me?
-I'm so
-I'm too afraid to ask
-I know
-But I love you
Don't give me that look
Comforting to be next to you
We were both so clumsy
We try to walk at the same pace
Feeling nervous next to you
Let's fall in love
We'll figure it out slowly
I'm sure
I can't get it to drop a Kushala Daora gem!
Getting rare items is a game of numbers.
Persistence is the key, Narumi.
Here I go!
I'm going to keep hunting until it drops one!
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