X-Men (2011) s01e06 Episode Script


Look at this.
This is the area
where unexplained happenings, thought
to be mutant phenomenon, have occurred.
I circled the area.
At the center is
a remote mountainous region.
Most likely the causes
of the mutant detection interference
and the secondary mutations
are to be found there.
Yes, please check thoroughly.
Yes, they are coming toward us again.
But not to worry.
We can handle them this time.
I also asked my guys to come,
just in case.
But I hope you guys
can handle the X-Men.
You bet we will.
The real part of the fight is from here,
Professor X.
I can imagine the look of surprise
on your face.
We've been expecting you.
Hisako! What are you wearing?
Cool, isn't it?
Welcome home, Hisako,
it's so good to see you.
Thanks, Daddy.
Well, just look at you. I almost didn't
recognize you. You look all grown up.
You look like another person.
Emma, thanks so much
for looking after her.
For selecting her as a member of the
X-Men, even though she's a trainee.
Oh, don't thank me,
she did it all on her own.
She's the one who managed to survive
the insane training
that Cyclops and Wolverine
put her through.
We threw everything at her
but the kitchen sink.
And believe me, we've only scratched
the surface of your daughter's potential.
She has grown up emotionally and
developed consciousness as an X-Man.
She has a very bright future.
How can we ever thank you?
Good for you, Hisako.
I get that I still have a lot to learn
but I'm determined to give it all I've
got as a member of the X-Men.
To build bridges
between humans and mutants.
I know you all must be tired
after the long journey
but people who want the vaccine
have assembled here.
By all means, let's get started.
Thank you.
Oh, by the way
What is it?
While you were in New York
the fish in the river started dying
and so did many of the trees.
We've had a number
of strange occurrences in the area.
And there's a bridge in the mountains
that's twisted like a pretzel.
People here are getting scared
and think that mutants did these things.
I see. We'll look into it right away.
-Beast, go ahead and start without us.
-No problem.
Storm and Wolverine,
check out the river.
The three of us
will take a look at that bridge.
It should mitigate
the symptoms you've been having.
Thank you, doctor.
Anyway, thank you!
Although there are so many mutants
in this one small area
it's peculiar
that Cerebro didn't detect them.
Here's the next one, Dr. McCoy.
Excuse me.
This is what happened to my hand.
The second mutation
Doctor, is the vaccine effective
even for this?
At the very least, it won't get any worse.
Since when have you had this?
I see. This suddenly appeared
about three months ago.
Well, so far, this river looks fine to me.
I smell something rotten upstream
but there is something more
This smell is
Why is the river this color?
I don't know.
But something's definitely not right.
Really makes me wish
I didn't have these heightened senses!
What is happening?
What on earth is all this gas?
Do you think people are right
in assuming that mutants did this?
You cannot blame people
for thinking that way.
Only Magneto is capable
of something like this.
But it cannot be him, he is locked up.
Anyway, it's much worse
than we heard.
Hey, Cyclops, Beast told me
that you have
a big wound in your heart.
A wound you might never totally heal from?
How did it happen?
Sometimes things happen
that people would rather not talk about.
Depending on their ability, some mutants
may be able to do that to the bridge
but we cannot conclude
that a mutant is responsible.
The same thing goes for the gas fields.
In any case, there's something happening
and we don't exactly know what it is.
What's more, people think mutants
have done this.
Well, that's it for today.
You two ladies were an enormous help.
Thank you both.
Any time! Totally.
I couldn't ask for
a more charming pair of assistants.
We are charming, aren't we?
We better go help with dinner now.
-Come on, Kyoko!
-Don't push me!
I've finished administering
the anti-viral.
I vaccinated the mutants with signs
of secondary mutations first.
But I didn't expect there to be so many.
Some of them were on the verge
of complete genetic degradation.
Surprisingly, all of them
live here, in this circle,
where the mutant phenomena took place.
Also, they experienced secondary
mutations these last several years.
It means that there is something
triggering the mutations
at the center of this area.
I suppose so.
All right, then.
We'll check tomorrow morning.
We're coming up on the target zone.
Emma, what is it?
That noise! My head!
How can you stand it?
What noise?
We don't hear anything, darling.
What the hell, Cyclops!
What's going on?
I don't know. I've lost control!
Can't you do something?
We've got an incoming missile!
I can't avoid it!
Hang on, everyone!
We're gonna take a hit!
How's she doing?
Whatever it is,
it seems to be getting worse.
It seems to have started
when we entered the center of the circle.
Then, it has something to do with
Darn it! What's going on?
Those weird noises?
Is that what you heard earlier, Emma?
Those weird noises?
What on earth was that?
What happened to the X-Men?
Really? Come on, Storm. Can't you do
something about that freaky snow?
I could if it was the weather!
That's not snow I've ever seen
Are you feeling any better, Emma?
A little. The noise has stopped.
There is something terrible happening
in this area.
And it might be what's triggering
the mutations.
Anyway, it's not safe
to return to the Blackbird.
It might explode.
For now, we should leave.
The U-Men. Again.
That's just great!
Are you ready for round two?
Stay back! I've got him!
Right back at you, you one-eyed freak.
Next up, the freak
with Adamantium for bones
What the?
There'll be nothing
left but a puddle of molten metal!
Oh, go fly a kite, weather witch!
Wolverine! I'm coming now.
Damn it.
But he must have
a weak spot somewhere.
I wasn't able to get much data
on you two.
But I don't think I'll need much.
My telepathy isn't working!
You little
The shield generator is
in the top of the spinal column.
That's my target!
I have only one, but it's all yours.
Get back! I'll finish him off!
Damn you all.
-Is everyone okay?
-Sure. Never better.
My shoulders are sore and stiff.
What have we here?
Some sort of mutant detector
-A what?
-Looks like Cerebro.
I thought these devices could only be
found among us.
What do you mean?
We couldn't detect
a mutant in this region.
There is a monster here
more dangerous
than any other mutant.
Gosh, we should get out of here!
Even with all your powers
you cannot handle that monster.
It's surprising the U-Men were developing
the detection system by themselves
and that they were
searching for mutants.
Then it wasn't the U-Men
who interrupted the mutant detection.
Then who is responsible?
Is she all right?
Why don't you let Beast carry you?
But don't fall asleep.
Otherwise, you will never get to see
the Broadway musical.
Yeah, last time we didn't make it.
Smells like humans.
Over there.
We're lost. And we hoped you might
let us come in and warm up?
Of course.
Here you go.
A cup of tea ought to help warm you up.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
-You're Dr. Sasaki.
Yui Sasaki?
That's right, the Sasaki Academy.
Professor X was just asking me
about you.
I couldn't remember very well,
but you are Dr. Sasaki, aren't you?
I'm Hisako Ichiki, remember me?
Little Hisako?
It's incredible! Finding you way out here
in the middle of nowhere!
When I was little,
I attended the Sasaki Academy.
The Sasaki Academy
is a school for mutants.
Dr. Sasaki was headmistress there.
I don't know why I couldn't remember.
That's strange.
In a building
located deep in mountains
the X-Men encounter a woman,
Yui Sasaki.
Emma senses
that Yui is hiding something
in the way she acts and speaks.
Meanwhile, Dr. Sasaki
contacts Professor X
and gives him startling news.
Next time on X-Men: Betrayal.
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