Yosi, the Regretful Spy (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Casa de Muñecas

Although this story
is inspired by real events,
the characters and events are fictional.
Any similarities are unintentional.
You don't owe him.
We're leaving Israel
not just for Jonás's safety.
You and I are in danger. Jonás too.
Because of him.
I'm staying for Jonás, not Iosi.
But you're staying to help
the shit who ruined our lives.
How the hell do I explain to my son
that I did nothing
to help his father?
I'm a bit better today.
Thanks for lending me Victor's clothes.
They're too big.
Tell me about Jonás.
What can I tell you?
Anything you want.
I know nothing about him.
In spite of everything, he's a
a very normal boy.
He has his quirks.
He likes to listen to music
with only one earphone.
When he gets nervous,
he talks like this with his eyes closed.
When he was little, when we scolded him,
he'd hide in Victor's car.
He doesn't smile enough for my liking.
He asked me who you were.
What did you say?
He always knew Victor wasn't
his biological father. He figured it out.
He's a smart kid.
I heard you pray last night.
I asked God why I am still alive.
And what did he say?
That I have a purpose
that I have to fulfill.
Provided that it doesn't involve my son,
carry on with your divine purpose.
Two Argentine warships
are joining the Spiro corvette
with a crew of 100 people on board.
The commander in charge is Oscar Gonzalez.
I rented a movie to watch later.
Ghost, the shadow of love.
What's it about?
The boy dies
and becomes a ghost,
but she can't see or touch him.
It's like they're talking about you.
I'd love to watch it with you, my love,
but how about Friday night instead?
I'm exhausted today,
I'll fall asleep in five minutes.
Biderman's son came to see me at the bank.
They're importing cars.
He offered me a Volvo,
an automatic, at a good price.
Financed any way I want.
Could you guys stop talking about money?
It's a family conversation, we're family.
Yes, of course we're family.
Did you tell Dad about our plans?
without authorization
from the legislative branch.
Subdued by
the power
of other nations. And now
we're paying off that debt
the colors of the homeland
These guys don't have a clue.
I hope I'm wrong,
but sending troops to the Gulf
could cause us a huge headache.
A president of Arab descent
sending troops to fight his own blood.
Betrayal has a high price.
What do I need to know?
I'm going to live in the south with Iosi.
To Villa La Angostura.
It's a nice idea that Dafne had,
which we still have to work out.
Working out things is important.
Dafne has always had big ideas.
The mall on Santa Fe Avenue
to sell clothes imported from New York.
A video store
that sold only musicals.
Oh, God.
Predictable failures
due to her immaturity.
Why are you mocking me?
What are you afraid of?
Not being able to control our lives?
Us becoming independent from you?
Dependence is also a way of loving.
We love the way we can.
There are two ways
of getting what you want.
Hard work or love.
In your case, it's clear.
I love you.
I gave you and I will give you everything
without caring about how you receive it.
Pass me another milanesa, please.
Talk to Dafne
and fix this folly of La Angostura for me.
I will.
I embrace you with my heart
and ask God to bless you all.
Wasn't Kadar a friend?
Kadar is now in another category.
He's the government rep in this business.
We used to get by
with two trucks stolen
by Gutiérrez from a regiment.
He took them through Formosa, Paraguay,
without anybody noticing the shortage
and two tolls were paid.
This is much bigger.
The far right contacts aren't enough?
This is a different scale.
It's state policy.
A government
at the service of arms trafficking.
Its own factory and everything.
We can't compete against that.
And to save face,
they're not running us off.
They want us to go down alone.
But we're not going to be so polite.
and Andrés.
That's it.
-Shall we go?
-Let's go.
Hello Kadar.
It arrived perfectly,
I have it in my hand.
I will be in Buenos Aires
for the whole month.
Come and see me at the Casa Rosada.
I'll be there.
Brand new office?
When you've all we need,
We'll sign the paperwork
and that's it. Bye.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Victor Kesselman. Remember me?
Come on, asshole.
What do you need, Victor?
The meeting at OSA is on the 26th.
The person who goes has to be someone
who represents us.
You don't want it.
No. I'm not saying that.
I mean you've changed.
Look at this office.
Look at the way you're dressed.
You're a yuppie.
That's not bad,
but it's not the image
we want to portray at Ofakim.
I'm sorry to say this,
but you really like money, Iosi.
And it shows.
That's easy to say
when your family has money.
Should I pretend to be
a progressive like you?
Look Victor, I respect you a lot.
I don't want us to argue any more.
If you think it best
that I don't go, I won't.
What matters is achieving the objective,
whoever goes.
You're joking, right?
No, I'm serious.
We already argued a lot about this.
That's it.
Maybe you didn't need to come.
You could've called.
No. I like to say things in person.
So do I.
Let's get on with it,
Shabbat is approaching.
Sarah, go on, start serving.
Iosi, my dear.
How nice to see you!
A donation for the temple.
I don't touch money. Nuria, please.
Thanks, Nuria.
-So much guilt?
Shabbat Shalom, darling.
I came to see how you spend Shabbat.
He spends it with a queer rabbi
and a bunch of poor Jews.
A great program your boyfriend set up.
Although after meeting her, I'm honored
to be your first choice.
I really am.
Dafne told me about the project.
-We're so happy.
-I know.
I won't say no to an invitation
to Villa La Angostura.
Let's get started.
Do you know the paradox
of the rabbi who works on Shabbat?
I'll tell you later, I'm off to work.
Why did you come?
To celebrate Shabbat with you.
I like it.
You're full of surprises.
What's the matter?
Am I in your space?
Am I making you uneasy?
I make you uncomfortable here
and at the bank.
Do you feel comfortable
with Dafne Menahem anywhere?
With Dafne
Keep eating,
there's nothing to worry about.
I like to hear my name echo.
Grow up.
That little story about Villa La Angostura
is all in your head.
Send it to me. I'll authorize it today.
No, don't worry.
I'll take care of it.
I need you to sign some papers.
We're opening a company in Panama,
a business in which
we need to do a major turnaround.
Then keep it for whatever you want.
You'll thank me.
It's useful to have a company there.
new company, "MARSUPIAL",
The company may acquire
and dispose of real estate.
They're lax in Panama. Sign,
the notary will check everything later.
If you're wondering
what you're getting,
you're not doing it for free.
We can't specify a figure yet,
but that's covered.
You opened a can of worms
with the arms business.
Get a good Arabic translator
who does it well and quickly.
Saúl now holds his meetings
at the Casa Rosada.
Is he back?
He says the government is involved.
The weapons come from military factories.
I'll tell Castaño.
But you're there for the Andinia Plan.
This seems more real.
The guns going out doesn't mean
the plan doesn't exist.
Besides, traffic is never linear.
You've a fraction of the information.
Something else worries me.
Tell me.
Saúl is making me sign lots of papers.
I'm caught up in the offshore companies.
Sign calmly.
We're protected.
How's your entry into OSA?
Did you convince Kesselman?
Do you need help?
I don't believe it!
Are you okay?
I'm an idiot. I left my keys in the car.
Let's see. Let me try this side.
Did you try the windows?
Yes, but
Oh, shit, man.
Thanks for trying.
You're lovely.
So what will you do?
Go to my parents' to get a copy.
At this time?
Is it far?
Plaza Italia.
It's close by.
I'll take you.
Yes, come on, it's fine.
-You don't mind?
-No, please.
What a gentleman.
Maybe it sounds strange,
but you remind me a lot of an ex.
Because we're both ugly?
No. He was really nice.
-Come on.
-Who's that?
Come on, come on, get out.
Officer, this is a democracy.
There's no reason to keep us here.
-Take your ID.
And you come with us.
What do you mean?
What are you doing?
Don't play the fool.
-You can't grab me.
-She's a minor.
What do you mean?
Stop. Are you a minor?
I didn't know you were.
I didn't.
I didn't know.
Don't play the fool. Come on.
I promise.
I promise I didn't.
Go on, get inside.
Everything okay?
Well done, beautiful.
You got an A on your first exam.
Excuse me.
Why are you here?
To see how you were.
Disappointed, angry.
You've no idea how hard it was
to trust again.
You have no idea.
And then that jerk Victor goes
and fucks a minor. Iosi, a minor!
Well, I'm obviously the idiot.
Because I don't know why
I pick these guys.
I mean, being 18, falling in love
with your college professor
and being dragged out of bed
one day at 2 a.m.,
and they pull you by the hair
and take you and him
and put a gun to your head
and spare your life because
Just because
And you never see him again.
Not to mourn him, not to bury him,
not to have any fucking idea
why the fuck you ended up naked
in a garbage dump in Longchamps at 2 a.m.
I never told anyone that.
Not even that asshole, Victor.
The Israeli consul got me
some recorded statements
from ESMA survivors.
That was where Ignacio was seen
for the last time.
And I spent all this time listening
to those horrible testimonies, Iosi.
They are so awful.
And I listened to them alone,
in secret, in silence,
trying to find him to get closure
and I'm still looking for him.
Sorry. I don't even know
why I'm telling you this.
Because you know I love you.
I need to be able to trust someone.
I need to be able to believe in someone.
You have no idea how it is
to be in the hell inside my head
and feel like no one can hear or see it.
I'm going.
I'm off.
Thank you.
-I'll help you so it's easier.
-No. It's okay Thank you. Okay.
Please. It costs nothing to help.
Do you like tuna?
You seem to know how to pick good tuna.
Too bad you don't know how to pick men.
A missing boyfriend, a pedophile husband,
and an impostor
who even lied about his name.
Am I forgetting anyone?
-Where's Iosi?
-I don't know.
Easy, easy, your arm will break.
Easy. Easy.
I just asked you a question.
Tell me the truth. That's it.
I don't know. He brought Jonás back
and I never saw that son of a bitch again.
Well, if you see him
or if he shows up,
contact me, is that clear?
I don't care where your husband
or your son is hiding.
They'll have a bad time
with me, understand?
Call me here. No matter what time it is.
And don't eat that shit, it's got mercury.
Pure poison.
Come on.
He left 15 minutes ago.
And what did he say?
He was leaving the country.
He wanted money.
He went through all the drawers.
He wanted me to go with him.
When I told him no, he went crazy.
He started to smash everything.
He's hurt, he's out of his mind.
Did you tell him you'd seen me?
I didn't tell him anything.
Still, I understand why
he went crazy like that.
It must be so hard for him
to have been away from you for so long.
And to realize that he's alone
in Buenos Aires now.
If he shows up, you know where to find me.
I know where to find you too. Okay?
What now?
Now I have to disappear.
Doctor, no, not three. Thirty exactly.
-Ma'am, that is outrageous.
-And I
They're powerful stimulants.
The thing is, understand me, doctor
I was a little late.
Yes, I understand, you have
-You gave him 30 and what happened?
-He went crazy.
I'm I don't
Did something happen?
What happened?
I listened to you.
I grew up.
Forty-seven minutes it took you.
-Did you walk here?
-What did you take?
Are you crazy?
If I told you I wanted to talk,
would you have come?
You don't have to lie to me.
I was worried.
Am I a liar?
Or are you the liar?
The one who hides things, uses people?
Don't manipulate me.
Everything has a limit.
In a couple there's always one
who loves the other more.
But I love you.
I love you.
And you don't love me for shit.
-Stop it, Dafne.
-But it doesn't matter that you don't.
You're going to learn to love me.
Because I need you.
And you need me.
I didn't know I had the Mata Hari doll.
Will you explain what this is
or should we call Daddy?
I don't know what you're showing me.
I have no idea.
I don't know what the fuck you get out of
spying on that son of a bitch of my dad.
The only thing I want to know
is if you're with me or not.
Because if you are, this goes away
or I put it back
or whatever the fuck you want.
But if you're not with me,
I'm gone.
I'm out of your life forever.
But you will explain this to Saúl.
And that "little story"
about Villa La Angostura, as you call it,
is not just in my head.
It's in the balls I've got you by,
you son of a bitch.
Kill me.
Kill me.
Kill me.
I have a lot of problems, Dafne.
It's not what you think.
I'm in a lot of trouble.
I don't think anything.
If you have problems,
we'll solve them together.
Because we are a team, together.
It's my dad's fault.
He makes people do bad things.
-He showed up.
Entering Uruguay with his passport.
I have the photo,
you can clearly see it's him.
He must be desperate
to expose himself like that.
No. He wants us to know,
so we'll leave him alone.
That's not going to happen.
He got the message, let him go.
No, no, no. He won't bust my balls.
No loose ends. I take over in two weeks.
José is not suicidal. He proved that.
Don't be so sure. This bastard
thinks he's far better than all of us.
He's better than you, asshole.
Víctor Kesselman.
-Welcome to Argentina.
-Thank you very much.
The local time is 7:20 p.m.
and the temperature is 22°C.
What are you doing here? Following me?
I'm at this meeting, Iosi.
What are you doing here?
Where's Kesselman?
He had a problem. I came in his place.
He had a problem
or you gave him a problem, Iosi?
Since when am I accountable to you?
What do you call it where the pants
end at the bottom?
The cuff.
You have more twists than a cuff,
Don't bust my balls, Aaron.
I had a shitty week.
Good afternoon, everyone. Iosi Peres
from Ofakim. I'm here on behalf of Mapam.
Good afternoon. Please, take a seat.
I thank all those present
at this extraordinary meeting,
from which the representative of the
Argentine Zionist Organization
to the World Jewish Congress will emerge.
To that effect, I particularly welcome
Iosi Peres, representing Mapam.
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